International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS)
The national defense strategy is to prevent, deter and overcome threats and disturbances to the i... more The national defense strategy is to prevent, deter and overcome threats and disturbances to the integrity of the nation and state in various forms by developing capabilities as the main component in the form of ready reinforcements and reserves so that they have high preparedness and immediate response. Indonesia's national defense is not carried out solely by military means, but is carried out based on three main pillars, namely the use of defense force, international cooperation and the development of defense forces even though Indonesia's national defense strategy does not adhere to the development of defense force facts. The purpose of this study is to determine the strength of the country's defense through the Indonesian National Armed Forces with the readiness of military operations other than war in the face of non-military threats. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with a literature study followed by data presentation, reduction and conclu...
Crimes do not only occur at the national level, but have also occurred at the level of internatio... more Crimes do not only occur at the national level, but have also occurred at the level of international crimes, especially crimes that violate human rights. The failure of national law to resolve international crime cases is the reason for the birth of the International Criminal Court to try perpetrators of international crimes who are unable or unwilling to carry out settlements by the state. The international criminal court is only able to have jurisdiction over countries that are members of the Rome Statute, so the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court is very limited to arrest perpetrators of international crimes which are not participants in the Rome Statute. The international criminal court is only a complement to the national court because of the principle of state sovereignty. For this reason, the awareness of both the state and the international community is the basis for smooth law enforcement for perpetrators of international crimes.
Jurnal Ilmiah Muqoddimah : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik, dan Humaniora
The National Security Council (DKN) acts as an adviser to the president in dealing with emergency... more The National Security Council (DKN) acts as an adviser to the president in dealing with emergency situations and has no operational function. On the other hand, the Government translates the term public safety as public safety, not public safety. Due to using the terminology of public security, it is feared that there will be restrictions on all civil rights. The government should first review the definition of national security before establishing the DKN. Until now, there is no clear definition related to national security because there is no law that regulates it. The formation of the DKN should have been established through a bill that was discussed with the DPR, not through a presidential regulation so that the assessment carried out was more open. The purpose of this research is to identify the challenges, problems, and problems being faced in Indonesia and their solutions. This research uses the method of documentation study, literature study, as well as conducting a credibility test on the data obtained. Similarities were found between the Wantannas RI and the DKN in Indonesia, but there are fundamental differences if further studied using the existing laws and regulations. The formation of the DKN must include all elements of national security and refer to national ideals, goals and interests. Looking at the current state of the country, the formation of the DKN must be done immediately but not in a hurry. This is aimed at dealing with the crises facing Indonesia at present and in the future.
Seiring perkembangan waktu, ada banyak solusi yang ditawarkan untuk menyelesaikan analisis aliran... more Seiring perkembangan waktu, ada banyak solusi yang ditawarkan untuk menyelesaikan analisis aliran daya. Salah satunya adalah penyelesaian analisis aliran daya dengan metode ekspansi deret pangkat yang dikenal dengan metode Holomorphic Embedding . Metode Holomorphic Embedding adalah metode yang menggunakan suatu fungsi Holomorphic dengan menggunakan ekspansi deret pangkat. Untuk mengetahui seberapa efektif metode Holomorphic Embedding dengan metode sebelumnya, terkait dengan kompleksitas yang mencakup kecepatan waktu eksekusi, maka perlu dilakukan suatu analisis perbandingan dengan metode sebelumnya. Sebagai metode perbandingan, dipilih metode Newton-Raphson , metode yang paling dikenal dan paling banyak digunakan untuk sistem yang besar karena kemampuan konvergensi yang tidak bergantung pada besarnya sistem. Nilai yang dibandingkan adalah tegangan riil dan imajiner di masing-masing bus, rugi daya tiap saluran, error tiap iterasi, dan waktu iterasi di setiap sistem. Dalam penelitian ...
This paper discusses how pillars in Indonesia’s vision of Global Maritime Fulcrum (GMF) are inter... more This paper discusses how pillars in Indonesia’s vision of Global Maritime Fulcrum (GMF) are interrelated, particularly maritime culture and maritime diplomacy. These two pillars need to be implemented as an entity concept. Previous literatures have mainly discussed how each of the pillars contribute to the realization of GMF vision. Based on the perspectives of International Relations theory, this paper explains how maritime culture can influence the formulation of strategy and implementation of Indonesia’s maritime diplomacy. The authors argue that the pillars of maritime culture and maritime diplomacy are reflection of the national interests supporting the GMF vision. Additionally, the embedded maritime culture in Indonesian society can have positive implications for the inputs, processes, outputs, and outcomes of maritime diplomacy. If maritime culture can be managed, it would serve as an instrument of soft power, it would construct the national identity and it would drive the cr...
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is still experiencing internal political turmoil between the... more The Democratic Republic of the Congo is still experiencing internal political turmoil between the Tutsi and Hutu tribes. Therefore, the United Nations through the Security Council established The United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) to monitor the peace process after the Second Congo War. Several approaches must be applied so that the mission carried out is able to reconcile the conflicting actors. The purpose of this research is to find out the obstacles faced in the MONUSCO mission and their solutions. The method used in this research is to use a literature study to test the credibility of the data found. The peace mission carried out by MONUSCO can be said to be quite successful despite facing several strategic and operational challenges. The use of cultural intelligence and prospect theory in pre-mission training should be done in order to increase the success of the mission.
It can be said that mining projects, dam construction, and other similar endeavors present many o... more It can be said that mining projects, dam construction, and other similar endeavors present many obstacles. Mining, dam building, and similar businesses are complicated by environmental impact assessments and land acquisition issues. This research was conducted using the literature review method. This strategy is intended to search, evaluate, and synthesize the best available evidence in scientific journal publications. The aim is to collect informative and evidence-based responses to the research topic. In Axel Honneth's Theory of Recognition, the descriptive analysis provides a precise, objective, methodical, analytical, and critical description, and explanation of wadas conflict. We must not forget Abraham Maslow's description of the hierarchy of human needs in psychology. Maslow described the Hierarchy of Needs hierarchically, including physiological conditions, the need for security, the need for belonging and love, and the need for self-esteem. In conflict resolution, t...
In this paper, a fast high order difference scheme is first proposed to solve the time fractional... more In this paper, a fast high order difference scheme is first proposed to solve the time fractional telegraph equation based on the 2-1 formula for the Caputo fractional derivative, which reduces the storage and computational cost for calculation. A compact scheme is then presented to improve the convergence order in space. The unconditional stability and convergence in maximum norm are proved for both schemes, with the accuracy order (2 +h 2) and (2 +h 4), respectively. Difficulty arising from the two Caputo fractional derivatives is overcome by some detailed analysis. Finally, we carry out numerical experiments to show the efficiency and accuracy, by comparing with the 2-1 method.
Abstrak - Wilayah perairan Lampung memiliki sumberdaya kelautan dan perikanan yang besar dengan p... more Abstrak - Wilayah perairan Lampung memiliki sumberdaya kelautan dan perikanan yang besar dengan produktifitas ekosistem yang tinggi. Mengingat potensi sumberdaya perikanan dan kelautan merupakan aset yang dapat menunjang perekonomian negara, maka wilayah perairan yang luas menjadi tanggung jawab besar dalam mengelola dan mengamankannya dari segala aktifitas pelanggaran di perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran penegak hukum terhadap penggunaan bom ikan oleh nelayan di Perairan teluk Lampung ditinjau dari perspektif sosiologisnya, Peran Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Lampung serta koordinasi yang dilakukan antara DKP Provinsi Lampung, TNI AL dan Dit Polair Polda Lampung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-analisis melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan yaitu dengan melakukan observasi dan wawancara sebagai sumber data primer dan pengumpulan dokumen, buku serta jurnal serta materi audio dan visual seb...
The purpose of this study to analyze the strategy of the political power of ethnicity, political ... more The purpose of this study to analyze the strategy of the political power of ethnicity, political objectives ethnicity, and the US response to the political power of ethnicity East Asia (Japan, South Korea and China). This type of qualitative research, data collection techniques interviews, and literature, and data using the analytical techniques and models Miles Hubberman. The findings of this study the map of the political power of ethnicity in East Asia they are all on the Natives. Japan's defense system was originally “Self Defense” to “Collective Self Defence”, South Korea's defense system shifts from “Defense Ambrella” into the system “Extended Nuclear Deterrence”; China shifted from “Continental Defense” to “Opensive Defense”. Political objectives etnisistas East Asia (Japan, South Korea and China) to realize “Bonum Publicum”. US response to the political power of ethnicity in East Asia are routed through the strength of the economic, political, military and East Asia ...
Keywords: Indonesia peace index, Dynamic framework of conflict prevention and resolution, Structu... more Keywords: Indonesia peace index, Dynamic framework of conflict prevention and resolution, Structural conflict, Factor of conflict, Actor of conflict. This research aims to analyze on a measuring instrument for peace in Indonesia, not only measure conflict resolution but also the prevention of conflict. Measuring instrument that will be created is intended to make the Indonesia Peace Index as analytical framework of conflict and peace, especially in Indonesia. Research design using qualitative descriptive study approach. The results of this study indicate that the DKI Jakarta and Papua is a region with the highest intensity conflict. Moreover, the conflict is the dominant social conflict with the highest actors as perpetrators of conflict is the public, this is due to structural factors are still frequently occur and not be solved completely by the government.. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis mengenai suatu alat ukur perdamaian di Indonesia dengan tidak hanya mengukur upa...
Abstrak -- Persoalan kenakalan remaja yang kian ramai dewasa ini perlu menjadi suatu tanda untuk ... more Abstrak -- Persoalan kenakalan remaja yang kian ramai dewasa ini perlu menjadi suatu tanda untuk mengevaluasi pendidikan yang diterima siswa di sekolah. Pendidikan yang tidak seimbang karena hanya menitikberatkan kepada aspek kognitif saja membentuk siswa menjadi pribadi yang tidak siap berelasi atau berhubungan baik dengan orang lain. Siswa perlu mendapatkan pendidikan yang mengantarnya untuk dapat berelasi dengan baik dengan orang-orang dan lingkungan di sekitarnya. Siswa perlu mendapatkan pendidikan yang seimbang, tidak hanya menitikberatkan kepada aspek kognitif belaka. Pendidikan harus memperhatikan tiga aspek yang harus diberikan secara seimbang yakni, kognitif, afektif, psikomotorik. Kemdikbud memperhatikan kekurangseimbangan pendidikan ini dengan mengeluarkan keputusan untuk menambah porsi pendidikan karakter sebesar 70% untuk sekolah dasar dan 60% untuk sekolah menengah. Di dalam penelitian ini penulis mencoba untuk menganalisis pelajaran pendidikan nilai yang ada pada seko...
Abstract: Respondin to the development of the strategic environment provides opportunities and mo... more Abstract: Respondin to the development of the strategic environment provides opportunities and motivation for efforts to solidify the values of Pancasila as a philosophy of national life. For this reason, the study is needed to understand the collectivity as a Pancasila value system in the development of the strategic environment in Indonesia. This research used a library research method with a descriptive approach. The findings of this research are the collectivity in the life of the Indonesian people is a form of joint work of the Indonesian people in achieving the common goals of the Indonesian people so that Indonesia continues to stand on the basis of Unity in Diversity (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika) and not on the basis of the minorities of Indonesia's diversity. Pancasila is a philosophy of the personality of the Indonesian nation that was born from the collectivity of the nation's culture so that becoming a Pancasila is certainly able to face the development of a strategic e...
Abstrak -- Tindak pidana korupsi di lingkungan Tentara Nasional Indonesia dikategorikan sebagai e... more Abstrak -- Tindak pidana korupsi di lingkungan Tentara Nasional Indonesia dikategorikan sebagai extraordinary crime (kejahatan luar biasa) tidak hanya merugikan keuangan dan perekonomian negara saja tetapi berdampak negatif pada pembinaan satuan dan Prajurit TNI serta mempengaruhi pencapaian tugas pokok dan integritas TNI secara menyeluruh. Pemberantasan Tipikor di lingkungan TNI sebagai ujung tombaknya terletak pada aparat penegak hukum yang menjalankan Sistem Peradilan Militer terdiri dari : Hakim Militer, Polisi Militer dan Oditur Militer dengan dasar hukum Undang-undang RI nomor 31 tahun 1997 tentang Peradilan Militer. Penelitian ini dirancang guna memperoleh pemahaman tentang koordinasi dalam pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi untuk penguatan Sistem Peradilan Militer. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan koordinasi antar Penegak Hukum dan faktor-faktor penghambat penerapan Undang-undang Tipikor di lingkungan TNI serta upaya pembenahan Sistem Peradilan Militer untuk...
2019 IEEE 6th Asian Conference on Defence Technology (ACDT), 2019
This study analyzes the illegal exploitation of Indonesian waters territories by international dr... more This study analyzes the illegal exploitation of Indonesian waters territories by international drugs network through the identification of patterns and implementation of information sharing in five institutions, namely, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Maritime Security Agency (BAKAMLA), Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC), Indonesian National Police (POLRI) and Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) in the international drugs eradication at the sea. This study uses a descriptive analytic method with a qualitative approach in which the primary data was obtained through interviews, while secondary data was obtained through the study of institutional documents and literature. The analysis tool in this study uses Good Order at Sea-Ocean Governance and Maritime Domain Awareness Theory and securitization for institutions and inter-agency working theory for the interaction patterns in marine security operations. The results showed that the potential for international drugs traffic thro...
Pulau Pasaran adalah salah satu pulau di Kota Bandar Lampung yang potensial untuk kegiatan perika... more Pulau Pasaran adalah salah satu pulau di Kota Bandar Lampung yang potensial untuk kegiatan perikanan. Masalah yang dihadapi oleh nelayan wilayah pesisir saat ini adalah masih menggunakan alat tangkap yang berupa bagan tancap dengan teknologi tradisional menggunakan bahan bakar minyak dan tidak ramah lingkungan, tidak hemat energi, tidak memberikan hasil tangkapan yang maksimal dan masih menimbulkan limbah minyak yang dapat mencemari lingkungan laut dan berpotensi untuk merusak habitat biota laut. Selain itu juga pada saat bulan purnama banyak nelayan wilayah pesisir yang tidak melaut karena alat yang mereka gunakan yaitu lampu masih sangat rendah sinarnya dibandingkan dengan cahaya yang dihasilkan oleh bulan purnama. Demikian pula kurangnya pengetahuan nelayan wilayah pesisir terhadap teknologi yang dapat membantu dalam peningkatan hasil tangkapan mereka. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengarauh teknologi panel surya terhadap kesejahteraan, untuk mengetah...
Abstrak - Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan yang terbesar di dunia dengan luas lautan mencapai 5,... more Abstrak - Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan yang terbesar di dunia dengan luas lautan mencapai 5,8 juta KM 2 . Kondisi seperti ini dapat memberikan peluang juga ancaman dalam bidang keamanan maritim. Keterbatasan armada dari instansi penegak hukum laut juga menjadi permasalahan yang tak kunjung usai. Untuk menanggulangi ancaman-ancaman keamanan maritim di wilayah laut Indonesia, maka dibutuhkan sea power yang kuat dan mumpuni. S ea power bukan hanya dilaksanakan oleh Angkatan Laut dan instansi penegak hukum laut saja tetapi juga melibatkan peran masyarakat pesisir dalam hal ini nelayan. Penggunaan sipil sebagai komponen pendukung militer di laut sudah ada sejak abad pertengahan, mereka dikenal sebagai perompak dan korsario. Saat ini Tiongkok juga melibatkan nelayan beserta kapal penangkapan ikannya untuk ikut menjaga kepentingan Tiongkok di laut yang disebut sebagai Milisi Maritim China. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa implementasi bagi Satuan Armada Nelayan dan peran Sat...
Keberadaan organisasi kemasyarakatan seharusnya merupakan bentuk partisipasi dalam pembangunan de... more Keberadaan organisasi kemasyarakatan seharusnya merupakan bentuk partisipasi dalam pembangunan demi tercapainya tujuan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Dengan tingkat keberagaman sosial yang tinggi, ormas yang berada di Jakarta menjadi beragam mulai dari ormas keagamaan, profesi, kepemudaan dan lainnya. Namun keberagaman ormas tersebut seringkali bergesekan yang diakibatkan oleh perseteruan pribadi serta kebutuhan dasar yang tidak terpenuhi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis peran dan upaya Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta dalam menangani konflik antara organisasi massa Pemuda Pancasila dan Forum Betawi Rempug (FBR) yang sering terjadi di Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif deskriptif dengan pengambilan data meliputi teknik wawancara, penelitian lapangan dan studi pustaka yang melibatkan Bakesbangpol Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Kemendagri, Satpol PP Provinsi DKI Ja...
International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS)
The national defense strategy is to prevent, deter and overcome threats and disturbances to the i... more The national defense strategy is to prevent, deter and overcome threats and disturbances to the integrity of the nation and state in various forms by developing capabilities as the main component in the form of ready reinforcements and reserves so that they have high preparedness and immediate response. Indonesia's national defense is not carried out solely by military means, but is carried out based on three main pillars, namely the use of defense force, international cooperation and the development of defense forces even though Indonesia's national defense strategy does not adhere to the development of defense force facts. The purpose of this study is to determine the strength of the country's defense through the Indonesian National Armed Forces with the readiness of military operations other than war in the face of non-military threats. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with a literature study followed by data presentation, reduction and conclu...
Crimes do not only occur at the national level, but have also occurred at the level of internatio... more Crimes do not only occur at the national level, but have also occurred at the level of international crimes, especially crimes that violate human rights. The failure of national law to resolve international crime cases is the reason for the birth of the International Criminal Court to try perpetrators of international crimes who are unable or unwilling to carry out settlements by the state. The international criminal court is only able to have jurisdiction over countries that are members of the Rome Statute, so the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court is very limited to arrest perpetrators of international crimes which are not participants in the Rome Statute. The international criminal court is only a complement to the national court because of the principle of state sovereignty. For this reason, the awareness of both the state and the international community is the basis for smooth law enforcement for perpetrators of international crimes.
Jurnal Ilmiah Muqoddimah : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik, dan Humaniora
The National Security Council (DKN) acts as an adviser to the president in dealing with emergency... more The National Security Council (DKN) acts as an adviser to the president in dealing with emergency situations and has no operational function. On the other hand, the Government translates the term public safety as public safety, not public safety. Due to using the terminology of public security, it is feared that there will be restrictions on all civil rights. The government should first review the definition of national security before establishing the DKN. Until now, there is no clear definition related to national security because there is no law that regulates it. The formation of the DKN should have been established through a bill that was discussed with the DPR, not through a presidential regulation so that the assessment carried out was more open. The purpose of this research is to identify the challenges, problems, and problems being faced in Indonesia and their solutions. This research uses the method of documentation study, literature study, as well as conducting a credibility test on the data obtained. Similarities were found between the Wantannas RI and the DKN in Indonesia, but there are fundamental differences if further studied using the existing laws and regulations. The formation of the DKN must include all elements of national security and refer to national ideals, goals and interests. Looking at the current state of the country, the formation of the DKN must be done immediately but not in a hurry. This is aimed at dealing with the crises facing Indonesia at present and in the future.
Seiring perkembangan waktu, ada banyak solusi yang ditawarkan untuk menyelesaikan analisis aliran... more Seiring perkembangan waktu, ada banyak solusi yang ditawarkan untuk menyelesaikan analisis aliran daya. Salah satunya adalah penyelesaian analisis aliran daya dengan metode ekspansi deret pangkat yang dikenal dengan metode Holomorphic Embedding . Metode Holomorphic Embedding adalah metode yang menggunakan suatu fungsi Holomorphic dengan menggunakan ekspansi deret pangkat. Untuk mengetahui seberapa efektif metode Holomorphic Embedding dengan metode sebelumnya, terkait dengan kompleksitas yang mencakup kecepatan waktu eksekusi, maka perlu dilakukan suatu analisis perbandingan dengan metode sebelumnya. Sebagai metode perbandingan, dipilih metode Newton-Raphson , metode yang paling dikenal dan paling banyak digunakan untuk sistem yang besar karena kemampuan konvergensi yang tidak bergantung pada besarnya sistem. Nilai yang dibandingkan adalah tegangan riil dan imajiner di masing-masing bus, rugi daya tiap saluran, error tiap iterasi, dan waktu iterasi di setiap sistem. Dalam penelitian ...
This paper discusses how pillars in Indonesia’s vision of Global Maritime Fulcrum (GMF) are inter... more This paper discusses how pillars in Indonesia’s vision of Global Maritime Fulcrum (GMF) are interrelated, particularly maritime culture and maritime diplomacy. These two pillars need to be implemented as an entity concept. Previous literatures have mainly discussed how each of the pillars contribute to the realization of GMF vision. Based on the perspectives of International Relations theory, this paper explains how maritime culture can influence the formulation of strategy and implementation of Indonesia’s maritime diplomacy. The authors argue that the pillars of maritime culture and maritime diplomacy are reflection of the national interests supporting the GMF vision. Additionally, the embedded maritime culture in Indonesian society can have positive implications for the inputs, processes, outputs, and outcomes of maritime diplomacy. If maritime culture can be managed, it would serve as an instrument of soft power, it would construct the national identity and it would drive the cr...
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is still experiencing internal political turmoil between the... more The Democratic Republic of the Congo is still experiencing internal political turmoil between the Tutsi and Hutu tribes. Therefore, the United Nations through the Security Council established The United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) to monitor the peace process after the Second Congo War. Several approaches must be applied so that the mission carried out is able to reconcile the conflicting actors. The purpose of this research is to find out the obstacles faced in the MONUSCO mission and their solutions. The method used in this research is to use a literature study to test the credibility of the data found. The peace mission carried out by MONUSCO can be said to be quite successful despite facing several strategic and operational challenges. The use of cultural intelligence and prospect theory in pre-mission training should be done in order to increase the success of the mission.
It can be said that mining projects, dam construction, and other similar endeavors present many o... more It can be said that mining projects, dam construction, and other similar endeavors present many obstacles. Mining, dam building, and similar businesses are complicated by environmental impact assessments and land acquisition issues. This research was conducted using the literature review method. This strategy is intended to search, evaluate, and synthesize the best available evidence in scientific journal publications. The aim is to collect informative and evidence-based responses to the research topic. In Axel Honneth's Theory of Recognition, the descriptive analysis provides a precise, objective, methodical, analytical, and critical description, and explanation of wadas conflict. We must not forget Abraham Maslow's description of the hierarchy of human needs in psychology. Maslow described the Hierarchy of Needs hierarchically, including physiological conditions, the need for security, the need for belonging and love, and the need for self-esteem. In conflict resolution, t...
In this paper, a fast high order difference scheme is first proposed to solve the time fractional... more In this paper, a fast high order difference scheme is first proposed to solve the time fractional telegraph equation based on the 2-1 formula for the Caputo fractional derivative, which reduces the storage and computational cost for calculation. A compact scheme is then presented to improve the convergence order in space. The unconditional stability and convergence in maximum norm are proved for both schemes, with the accuracy order (2 +h 2) and (2 +h 4), respectively. Difficulty arising from the two Caputo fractional derivatives is overcome by some detailed analysis. Finally, we carry out numerical experiments to show the efficiency and accuracy, by comparing with the 2-1 method.
Abstrak - Wilayah perairan Lampung memiliki sumberdaya kelautan dan perikanan yang besar dengan p... more Abstrak - Wilayah perairan Lampung memiliki sumberdaya kelautan dan perikanan yang besar dengan produktifitas ekosistem yang tinggi. Mengingat potensi sumberdaya perikanan dan kelautan merupakan aset yang dapat menunjang perekonomian negara, maka wilayah perairan yang luas menjadi tanggung jawab besar dalam mengelola dan mengamankannya dari segala aktifitas pelanggaran di perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran penegak hukum terhadap penggunaan bom ikan oleh nelayan di Perairan teluk Lampung ditinjau dari perspektif sosiologisnya, Peran Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Lampung serta koordinasi yang dilakukan antara DKP Provinsi Lampung, TNI AL dan Dit Polair Polda Lampung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-analisis melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan yaitu dengan melakukan observasi dan wawancara sebagai sumber data primer dan pengumpulan dokumen, buku serta jurnal serta materi audio dan visual seb...
The purpose of this study to analyze the strategy of the political power of ethnicity, political ... more The purpose of this study to analyze the strategy of the political power of ethnicity, political objectives ethnicity, and the US response to the political power of ethnicity East Asia (Japan, South Korea and China). This type of qualitative research, data collection techniques interviews, and literature, and data using the analytical techniques and models Miles Hubberman. The findings of this study the map of the political power of ethnicity in East Asia they are all on the Natives. Japan's defense system was originally “Self Defense” to “Collective Self Defence”, South Korea's defense system shifts from “Defense Ambrella” into the system “Extended Nuclear Deterrence”; China shifted from “Continental Defense” to “Opensive Defense”. Political objectives etnisistas East Asia (Japan, South Korea and China) to realize “Bonum Publicum”. US response to the political power of ethnicity in East Asia are routed through the strength of the economic, political, military and East Asia ...
Keywords: Indonesia peace index, Dynamic framework of conflict prevention and resolution, Structu... more Keywords: Indonesia peace index, Dynamic framework of conflict prevention and resolution, Structural conflict, Factor of conflict, Actor of conflict. This research aims to analyze on a measuring instrument for peace in Indonesia, not only measure conflict resolution but also the prevention of conflict. Measuring instrument that will be created is intended to make the Indonesia Peace Index as analytical framework of conflict and peace, especially in Indonesia. Research design using qualitative descriptive study approach. The results of this study indicate that the DKI Jakarta and Papua is a region with the highest intensity conflict. Moreover, the conflict is the dominant social conflict with the highest actors as perpetrators of conflict is the public, this is due to structural factors are still frequently occur and not be solved completely by the government.. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis mengenai suatu alat ukur perdamaian di Indonesia dengan tidak hanya mengukur upa...
Abstrak -- Persoalan kenakalan remaja yang kian ramai dewasa ini perlu menjadi suatu tanda untuk ... more Abstrak -- Persoalan kenakalan remaja yang kian ramai dewasa ini perlu menjadi suatu tanda untuk mengevaluasi pendidikan yang diterima siswa di sekolah. Pendidikan yang tidak seimbang karena hanya menitikberatkan kepada aspek kognitif saja membentuk siswa menjadi pribadi yang tidak siap berelasi atau berhubungan baik dengan orang lain. Siswa perlu mendapatkan pendidikan yang mengantarnya untuk dapat berelasi dengan baik dengan orang-orang dan lingkungan di sekitarnya. Siswa perlu mendapatkan pendidikan yang seimbang, tidak hanya menitikberatkan kepada aspek kognitif belaka. Pendidikan harus memperhatikan tiga aspek yang harus diberikan secara seimbang yakni, kognitif, afektif, psikomotorik. Kemdikbud memperhatikan kekurangseimbangan pendidikan ini dengan mengeluarkan keputusan untuk menambah porsi pendidikan karakter sebesar 70% untuk sekolah dasar dan 60% untuk sekolah menengah. Di dalam penelitian ini penulis mencoba untuk menganalisis pelajaran pendidikan nilai yang ada pada seko...
Abstract: Respondin to the development of the strategic environment provides opportunities and mo... more Abstract: Respondin to the development of the strategic environment provides opportunities and motivation for efforts to solidify the values of Pancasila as a philosophy of national life. For this reason, the study is needed to understand the collectivity as a Pancasila value system in the development of the strategic environment in Indonesia. This research used a library research method with a descriptive approach. The findings of this research are the collectivity in the life of the Indonesian people is a form of joint work of the Indonesian people in achieving the common goals of the Indonesian people so that Indonesia continues to stand on the basis of Unity in Diversity (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika) and not on the basis of the minorities of Indonesia's diversity. Pancasila is a philosophy of the personality of the Indonesian nation that was born from the collectivity of the nation's culture so that becoming a Pancasila is certainly able to face the development of a strategic e...
Abstrak -- Tindak pidana korupsi di lingkungan Tentara Nasional Indonesia dikategorikan sebagai e... more Abstrak -- Tindak pidana korupsi di lingkungan Tentara Nasional Indonesia dikategorikan sebagai extraordinary crime (kejahatan luar biasa) tidak hanya merugikan keuangan dan perekonomian negara saja tetapi berdampak negatif pada pembinaan satuan dan Prajurit TNI serta mempengaruhi pencapaian tugas pokok dan integritas TNI secara menyeluruh. Pemberantasan Tipikor di lingkungan TNI sebagai ujung tombaknya terletak pada aparat penegak hukum yang menjalankan Sistem Peradilan Militer terdiri dari : Hakim Militer, Polisi Militer dan Oditur Militer dengan dasar hukum Undang-undang RI nomor 31 tahun 1997 tentang Peradilan Militer. Penelitian ini dirancang guna memperoleh pemahaman tentang koordinasi dalam pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi untuk penguatan Sistem Peradilan Militer. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan koordinasi antar Penegak Hukum dan faktor-faktor penghambat penerapan Undang-undang Tipikor di lingkungan TNI serta upaya pembenahan Sistem Peradilan Militer untuk...
2019 IEEE 6th Asian Conference on Defence Technology (ACDT), 2019
This study analyzes the illegal exploitation of Indonesian waters territories by international dr... more This study analyzes the illegal exploitation of Indonesian waters territories by international drugs network through the identification of patterns and implementation of information sharing in five institutions, namely, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Maritime Security Agency (BAKAMLA), Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC), Indonesian National Police (POLRI) and Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) in the international drugs eradication at the sea. This study uses a descriptive analytic method with a qualitative approach in which the primary data was obtained through interviews, while secondary data was obtained through the study of institutional documents and literature. The analysis tool in this study uses Good Order at Sea-Ocean Governance and Maritime Domain Awareness Theory and securitization for institutions and inter-agency working theory for the interaction patterns in marine security operations. The results showed that the potential for international drugs traffic thro...
Pulau Pasaran adalah salah satu pulau di Kota Bandar Lampung yang potensial untuk kegiatan perika... more Pulau Pasaran adalah salah satu pulau di Kota Bandar Lampung yang potensial untuk kegiatan perikanan. Masalah yang dihadapi oleh nelayan wilayah pesisir saat ini adalah masih menggunakan alat tangkap yang berupa bagan tancap dengan teknologi tradisional menggunakan bahan bakar minyak dan tidak ramah lingkungan, tidak hemat energi, tidak memberikan hasil tangkapan yang maksimal dan masih menimbulkan limbah minyak yang dapat mencemari lingkungan laut dan berpotensi untuk merusak habitat biota laut. Selain itu juga pada saat bulan purnama banyak nelayan wilayah pesisir yang tidak melaut karena alat yang mereka gunakan yaitu lampu masih sangat rendah sinarnya dibandingkan dengan cahaya yang dihasilkan oleh bulan purnama. Demikian pula kurangnya pengetahuan nelayan wilayah pesisir terhadap teknologi yang dapat membantu dalam peningkatan hasil tangkapan mereka. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengarauh teknologi panel surya terhadap kesejahteraan, untuk mengetah...
Abstrak - Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan yang terbesar di dunia dengan luas lautan mencapai 5,... more Abstrak - Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan yang terbesar di dunia dengan luas lautan mencapai 5,8 juta KM 2 . Kondisi seperti ini dapat memberikan peluang juga ancaman dalam bidang keamanan maritim. Keterbatasan armada dari instansi penegak hukum laut juga menjadi permasalahan yang tak kunjung usai. Untuk menanggulangi ancaman-ancaman keamanan maritim di wilayah laut Indonesia, maka dibutuhkan sea power yang kuat dan mumpuni. S ea power bukan hanya dilaksanakan oleh Angkatan Laut dan instansi penegak hukum laut saja tetapi juga melibatkan peran masyarakat pesisir dalam hal ini nelayan. Penggunaan sipil sebagai komponen pendukung militer di laut sudah ada sejak abad pertengahan, mereka dikenal sebagai perompak dan korsario. Saat ini Tiongkok juga melibatkan nelayan beserta kapal penangkapan ikannya untuk ikut menjaga kepentingan Tiongkok di laut yang disebut sebagai Milisi Maritim China. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa implementasi bagi Satuan Armada Nelayan dan peran Sat...
Keberadaan organisasi kemasyarakatan seharusnya merupakan bentuk partisipasi dalam pembangunan de... more Keberadaan organisasi kemasyarakatan seharusnya merupakan bentuk partisipasi dalam pembangunan demi tercapainya tujuan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Dengan tingkat keberagaman sosial yang tinggi, ormas yang berada di Jakarta menjadi beragam mulai dari ormas keagamaan, profesi, kepemudaan dan lainnya. Namun keberagaman ormas tersebut seringkali bergesekan yang diakibatkan oleh perseteruan pribadi serta kebutuhan dasar yang tidak terpenuhi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis peran dan upaya Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta dalam menangani konflik antara organisasi massa Pemuda Pancasila dan Forum Betawi Rempug (FBR) yang sering terjadi di Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif deskriptif dengan pengambilan data meliputi teknik wawancara, penelitian lapangan dan studi pustaka yang melibatkan Bakesbangpol Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Kemendagri, Satpol PP Provinsi DKI Ja...
Papers by Adnan Madjid