Synonym Acquisition Using Bilingual Comparable Corpora
Daniel Andrade
Masaaki Tsuchida
Takashi Onishi
Kai Ishikawa
Knowledge Discovery Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation, Nara, Japan
{s-andrade@cj, m-tsuchida@cq,
t-onishi@bq, k-ishikawa@dq}
Various successful methods for synonym
acquisition are based on comparing context vectors acquired from a monolingual
corpus. However, a domain-specific corpus might be limited in size and, as a consequence, a query term’s context vector
can be sparse. Furthermore, even terms
in a domain-specific corpus are sometimes
ambiguous, which makes it desirable to
be able to find the synonyms related to
only one word sense. We introduce a new
method for enriching a query term’s context vector by using the context vectors of
a query term’s translations which are extracted from a comparable corpus. Our experimental evaluation shows, that the proposed method can improve synonym acquisition. Furthermore, by selecting appropriate translations, the user is able to
prime the query term to one sense.
1 Introduction
Acquiring synonyms or near synonyms is important for various applications in NLP, like, for example, paraphrasing and recognizing textual entailment (Bentivogli et al., 2009).
For these tasks, lexical resources like WordNet
are often used to improve performance. Although
these resources provide good coverage in general
domains, they lack vocabulary specific to certain
domains. Other problems are the limited availability and size of lexical resources for languages
other than English. 1
As a consequence,
various previous
works (Grefenstette, 1994) among others, suggest
to acquire synonyms and other semantically
For example, the coverage of words for the English
WordNet is 147,278 words, whereas for Japanese WordNet’s
coverage is only 93,834 words.
related words automatically from a monolingual
corpus. The key assumption is that semantically
similar words occur in similar context.
In general the larger the size of the monolingual corpus, the better and more detailed, we can
extract the context, or context vectors for each relevant word (Curran and Moens, 2002). However,
in a specific domain, the given monolingual corpus might be limited to a small size which leads
to sparse context vectors. Another problem is that
even for a specific domain, words can be ambiguous, which makes it unclear for which sense we
are searching a synonym. For example, in the automobile domain, the ambiguous Japanese word
バルブ (bulb, valve) has the synonyms 電球 (bulb)
or 弁 (valve), depending on the meaning intended
by the user.2
Our work tries to overcome both of these problems by enriching a context vector of a query word
using the context vectors of its translations obtained from a comparable corpus in a different language. This way, some of the zero entries of a
sparse context vector can be filled, and also disambiguation of the query word is possible. For example, if the desired query word is バルブ (bulb,
valve), the user can select the auxiliary translation
”valve” in order to mark the ”valve” sense of the
query word. Then, our system enforces the common parts of the context vector of バルブ (bulb,
valve) and the context vector of ”valve”. Subsequently, when comparing the resulting context
vector to synonym candidates’ context vectors, the
synonym 弁 (valve) will get a higher similarity
score than the synonym 電球 (bulb).
In two experiments, we compare the proposed
method to the baseline method which uses only the
context vector obtained from the monolingual corpus. In the first experiment, the proposed method
To show the English meaning of a Japanese word, we
place the English translations in brackets, directly after the
Japanese word.
International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, pages 1077–1081,
Nagoya, Japan, 14-18 October 2013.
use all translations of a query term. In the second experiment, we use only the translations related to a certain sense of the query term. In both
experiments the proposed method outperforms the
baseline method, which suggests that our method
is able to overcome sparsity and ambiguity problems.
In the following section we briefly embed our
work into other related work. In Section 3, we
explain our method in detail, followed by the two
empirical evaluations in Section 4. We summarize
our contributions in Section 5.
2 Related Work
Most work on synonym acquisition like (Grefenstette, 1994; Curran and Moens, 2002; Weeds and
Weir, 2005; Kazama et al., 2010; Lin, 1998), contains basically of two steps: context vector extraction, and context vector comparison. In the first
step, for the query term and each synonym candidate a context vector is extracted from the monolingual corpus. The context vector contains for example in each dimension how often the word cooccurred with another word in a certain syntactic
dependency position. In the second step the query
term’s context vector is compared with each synonym candidate’s context vector, for example by
using the cosine similarity.
The problem of sparse context vectors, i.e.
many dimensions in the context vector which contain zero entries, can be addressed by truncated
Singular Value Decomposition and other matrix
smoothing techniques (Turney and Pantel, 2010).
We note that these smoothing techniques are complementary to our method since they could be
applied after the context vector combination described in Section 3.2.
The additional use of bilingual (or multilingual)
resources for synonym acquisition is also considered in (Van der Plas and Tiedemann, 2006)
and (Wu and Zhou, 2003). Their work defines
the context of word w in a certain sentence, as the
translation of word w, in the corresponding translated sentence. However, their methods require
bilingual (or multilingual) parallel corpora. For a
word w, they create w’s context vector by using all
word translations of w, wherein the word translations are determined by the word alignment in the
parallel corpus. The weighting of each dimension
of the context vector is determined by the number
of times word w and its translation are aligned.
The methods described in (Hiroyuki and Morimoto, 2005; Li and Li, 2004) also use comparable corpora and word translations for disambiguating a certain query word. Their methods distinguish word senses by differences in word translations. For example, the senses of plant (factory, vegetation) are distinguished by the translations 工場 (factory) and 植物 (vegetation). Given
a text snippet in which the ambiguous word occurs, their methods select the appropriate sense
by finding an appropriate translation. In contrast,
our method does not use a text snippet to disambiguate the meaning of the query word. Instead,
our method uses one or more translations of the
query word to find appropriate synonyms. For example, given the query word ”plant” and the translation 工場 (factory) we expect to acquire synonyms like ”manufacture”, ”factory” and so forth.
3 Proposed Method
We assume the user tries to find a synonym for
the query term q in language A and provides additional translations of term q in language B. We
name these translations as v1 , ..., vk . Furthermore
we assume to have a pair of comparable corpora,
one in language A and one in language B, and a
bilingual dictionary.
We denote q as the context vector of the term q
in language A. A context vector q contains in each
dimension the degree of association between the
term q and another word in language A which occur in the corpus written in language A. Therefore
the length of context vector q equals the number
of distinct words in the corpus. We will use the
notation q(x) to mean the degree of association
between the term q and the word x which is calculated based on the co-occurrence of term q and
word x in the corpus.
We denote v 1 , ..., v k as the context vectors of
the terms v1 , ..., vk in language B. A context vector
v i , 1 ≤ i ≤ k, contains in each dimension the
degree of association between the term vi and a
word in language B.
3.1 Context Vector Translation
In the first step we estimate the translation probabilities for the words in language B to the words
in language A for the words listed in the bilingual dictionary. For that purpose, we build a language model for each language using the comparable corpora, and then estimate the translation prob-
abilities using expectation maximization (EM) algorithm described in (Koehn and Knight, 2000).
This way we get the probability that word y in language B has the translation x in language A, which
we denote as p(x|y).
We write these translation probabilities into a
matrix T which contains in each column the translation probabilities for a word in language B into
any word in language A. We use the translation
matrix T , in order to translate each vector v i into
a vector which contains the degree of association
to words in language A. We denote this new vector
as v i , and calculate it as follows:
v ′i = T · v i
This way we get the translated context vectors
v ′1 , ..., v ′k .
3.2 Context Vector Combination
In the second step, we combine the context vectors
v ′1 , ..., v ′k and the context vector q. Note that the
dimension of a vector v ′i and the vector q is in
general different, since v ′i contains only the degree
of association to the words listed in the bilingual
We could now combine all context vectors additively, similar to monolingual disambiguation like
in (Schütze, 1998). However, this would ignore
that actually some dimensions are difficult to compare across the two languages. For example, it
is difficult to translate the Japanese word かける
(hang, put, bring,...) because of its many different
meanings depending on the context. Therefore we
combine the context vectors to a new context vector q ∗ as follows: If a word x in language A is in
the dictionary, we set
q ∗ (x) := q(x) +
{(1 − cx )q(x) + cx · v ′i (x)} ,
otherwise we set
q ∗ (x) := (k + 1) · q(x) .
cx ∈ [0, 1] is the degree of correspondence between word x and its translations in language B.
The intuition of cx is that, if there is a one-to-one
correspondence between x and its translations,
then we will set cx to 1, and therefore consider the
context vectors v ′1 and q as equally important to
describe the degree of association to word x. On
the other hand, if there is a many-to-many correspondence, then cx will be smaller than 1, and we
therefore rely more on the context vector of q to
describe the degree of association to word x. In
case there is no translation available, we can rely
only on the context vector of q, and therefore set
cx to zero, see Formula (3).
Formally we set cx as the probability that word
x is translated into language B and then back into
word x:
cx = p(•|x)T · p(x|•)
where p(•|x) and p(x|•) are column vectors
which contain in each dimension the translation
probability from word x into the words of language B, and the translation probabilities from
words in language B to word x, respectively.
These translation probabilities are estimated like
Section 3.1.
Finally, note that the vector q ∗ is not rescaled.
Depending on the vector comparison method, it
might be necessary to normalize the vector q ∗ .
However, we will use in our experiments the cosine similarity to compare two context vectors,
so the result does not change if we normalize or
rescale q ∗ by any non-zero factor.
4 Experiments
We extract synonyms from a corpus formed by a
collection of complaints concerning automobiles
compiled by the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT).3 Our
proposed method additionally consults a comparable corpus which is a collection of complaints
concerning automobiles compiled by the USA
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA).4 The Japanese corpus contains 24090
sentences that were POS tagged using MeCab
(Kudo et al., 2004). The English corpus contains 47613 sentences, that were POS tagged using Stepp Tagger (Tsuruoka et al., 2005), and use
the Lemmatizer (Okazaki et al., 2008) to extract
and stem content words (nouns, verbs, adjectives,
For creating the context vectors, we use the cooccurrence counts of a word’s predecessor and
successor from the dependency-parse tree. These
co-occurrence counts are then weighted using the
log-odds-ratio (Evert, 2004).5 For comparing
two context vectors we use the cosine similarity.
The baseline method is the same as the proposed
method except that it does not use Formula (2)
and (3) to include information from the translations. As a bilingual dictionary, we use a largesized Japanese-English dictionary with 1.6 million
In the first experiment we assume that the user
wants to acquire all synonyms irrespectively of the
difference in senses. Therefore, our gold-standard
includes all words which occur in the corpus and
which belong to any Japanese WordNet (Bond et
al., 2009) synset to which the query term belongs.
The gold-standard contains in total 234 Japanese
words as query terms.7 Our proposed method
uses as auxiliary translations all English translations that correspond the query term and that are
listed in our bilingual dictionary. For example, for
the query term バルブ (bulb, valve), the proposed
method uses the translations ”bulb” and ”valve”.
The results in Table 1 (top) show that in average
our method improves finding all synonyms for a
query. The improvement can be accounted to the
effect that our method enriches the sparse context
vector of a Japanese query term.
In our second experiment, we assume that the
user is interested only in the synonyms which correspond to a certain sense of the query term. For
each query term we include into the gold-standard
only the words belonging to one synset, which was
randomly chosen. For example, for the ambiguous
query term バルブ (bulb, valve) the gold-standard
includes only the synset { 弁 (valve)}. That corresponds to a user looking for the synonyms of バル
ブ (bulb, valve) restricted to the sense of ”valve”.
For selecting an appropriate translation, we use the
cross-lingually alignment between the synsets of
the Japanese and English WordNet (Bond et al.,
2009; Fellbaum, 1998). Our proposed method will
use as auxiliary translations only the query term’s
translations that are listed in the corresponding
English synset. For example, for the query term バ
ルブ (bulb, valve), the proposed method uses only
the translation ”valve”.
The results in Table 1 (bottom) show a clear im5
In preliminary experiments the log-odds-ratio best
among other measures like point-wise mutual information,
tf-idf and log-likelihood-ratio.
This bilingual dictionary is not (yet) publicly available.
Each query term as in average 2.3 synonyms which
might correspond to different synsets in WordNet. In average, a query term’s synonyms belong to 1.2 different synsets.
provement in recall by our proposed method. A
pair-wise comparison of our proposed method and
the baseline shows a statistically significant improvement over the baseline (p < 0.03).8 For example. we found that for the query term バルブ
(bulb, valve), the baseline ranks 球 (bulb) at rank
3 and 弁 (valve) at rank 4, whereas the proposed
method ranked 弁 (valve) at rank 3, and 球 (bulb)
at rank 5. This suggests that our method can also
help to disambiguate the context vector of an ambiguous query term.
Top 1
Top 1
All Senses
Top 5 Top 10
One Sense
Top 5 Top 10
Top 20
Inv. Rank
Top 20
Inv. Rank
Table 1: Recall at different ranks and inverse rank
for gold-standard which considers all senses (top)
and only one sense (bottom) for each query term.
Recall at rank n is the number of correct synonyms
which occur in the list from 1 to n, divided by all
correct synonyms for a query. Inverse rank is the
sum of the inverse ranks of each correct synonym
for a query. All figures are the average over all
query terms in the gold-standard.
5 Conclusions
We introduced a new method that combines a
query term’s context vector with the context vectors of the query term’s translations acquired from
a comparable corpus. This way our method is
able to mitigate problems related to a query term’s
sparse context vector, and also helps to resolve its
The experiments showed that our method can
improve synonym acquisition, when compared to
a baseline method which does not use any comparable corpus.
We also demonstrated that our method can help
to find the synonyms that are related to only one
sense of the query term, by appropriately restricting the query term’s translations. This way, our
method can also be used to automatically populate
resources like WordNet in languages different than
We use the sign-test (Wilcox, 2009) to test the hypothesis
that the proposed method ranks higher than the baseline.
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