How Martin Luther Unleashed the Beast of Anti-Semitism
A.J. Deus
Holy Enemies of Freedom
How Martin Luther Unleashed the Beast of Anti-Semitism
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To future generations…
My friend, it is not a question of what you know or what you wish to know, but of
what you ought to know, what you are obliged to know.
– Martin Luther –
You wish to know my experiences while disentangling truth lost in the medley of
sects and divergencies of thought, and how I have dared to climb from the low levels
of traditional belief to the topmost summit of assurance […]
Each sect, it is true, believes itself in possession of the truth and of salvation, ‘each
party,’ as the Qur’an saith, ‘rejoices in its own creed;’ but as the chief of the
apostles, whose word is always truthful, has told us, ‘My people will be divided into
more than seventy sects, of whom only one will be saved.’ This prediction, like all
others of the Prophet, must be fulfilled.
– Imam Ghazali, twelfth century1 –
Imam Ghazali, Deliverance from Error and Attachment to the Lord of Might and Majesty, Introduction (1109),
from Charles F. Horne, ed., The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East (Parke, Austin & Lipscomb,
1917) Vol. VI 99 -133.
Table of Contents
Introduction: Juden-Sow
I: Compassion
In the Ghetto
The Vatican’s Banker
Holy Lord of Wars
Another Reformation
Inclination to Evil from Youth
The Monk’s Concubine
A Word from God
Censor Librorum
Denial of Reality
The City of God
Knight George
Pitchfork Rebels
II: Grandeur
A Land Grab
A New World Order
Dynamics of Self-Destruction
The Iron Rod
Perfect Treachery
The Rapture
Monsters at War
A Wakeup Call
III: Messiah
The Butcher Pope
Heap of Ruins
Another Forerunner
Spinning the Web
Free Will
A Deal with the Devil
War is Love
IV: Revolt
The Antichrist
Radicalizing Children
The Messiah in Luther-land
Rise of Hatred
Turning Up the Heat
V: War
Jews and Their Lies
Bind Him Up in Hell
Table Talk
The Mahdi’s Last Words
Dying in Hatred
VI: Destruction
Hadrian’s Choice
The Holocaust
It Is Just History
Charity, Love, and Peace
Internet Research Sites
Copyright Notices for the Holy Bible and the Koran
The author has made reasonable efforts to locate and contact rights holders to
copyrighted material used in this work. In cases where these efforts have not
been successful, the publisher welcomes communication from copyright holders
so that the appropriate acknowledgments can be made in future editions and to
settle other permission matters. Some quotations have been slightly edited for
Introduction: Juden-Sow
Imagine that those speaking against Jews were heroes. Here is what one such
man had to say:
[The Jews] boast of being the noblest, yes, the only noble people on earth. In
comparison with them and in their eyes, we Goyim [non-Jewish] are not human; in
fact we hardly deserve to be considered poor worms by them. For we are not of that
high and noble blood, lineage, birth, and descent. […]
They live among us, enjoy our shield and protection, they use our country and our
highways, our markets and streets. Meanwhile our princes and rulers sit there and
snore with mouths hanging open and permit the Jews to take, steal, and rob from
their open money bags and treasures whatever they want. […]
Why, their Talmud and their rabbis record that it is no sin for a Jew to kill a
Gentile, but it is only a sin for him to kill a brother Israelite. Nor is it a sin for a
Jew to break his oath to a Gentile. […] they cannot treat us too harshly or commit
sin against us, for they are the lords of the world and we are their servants, yes,
their cattle [...].
What shall we Christians do with this rejected and condemned people, the Jews?
First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools [...]
Second, I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed. […]
Third, I advise that all their prayer books […] be taken from them.
Fourth, I advise that their rabbis be forbidden to teach henceforth on pain of loss of
life and limb […].
Fifth, I advise that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the
Jews. [...]
Sixth, I advise that usury be prohibited to them, and that all cash and treasure of
silver and gold be taken from them and put aside for safekeeping […].
If they wish to apply Moses’ law again, they must first return to the land of
Canaan [Israel] [...].
Seventh, I recommend putting a flail, an ax, a hoe, a spade, a distaff, or a spindle
into the hands of young, strong Jews and Jewesses and letting them earn their bread
in the sweat of their brow, as was imposed on the children of Adam.2 […] No, one
This refers to the punishment from God for having eaten from the forbidden tree in Genesis 3:17-3:19
A.J. Deus
should toss out these lazy rogues by the seat of their pants.
[…] compute with them how much their usury has extorted from us, divide this
amicably, but then eject them forever from the country. […]
Therefore, in any case, away with them! […]3
Such hate speech is outlawed in many countries today. An exception exists
where diatribes like this continue to be tolerated: in places of worship, where
sacred texts are being read that are protected by freedom of religion. How do I
know? The author is Martin Luther,4 who was the founding father of the
Protestant Reformation, ‘the Reformer’.
Even those who are otherwise well acquainted with history might be
surprised to find Martin Luther cited in the foundation of Adolf Hitler’s antiJewish thought framework.5 In ‘Mein Kampf,’ the Führer admired Luther as a
great reformer.6 The rebellious theologian became a role model for Nazis. Long
before Hitler was democratically elected, he had published how he would fight
against perceived Jewish manipulation of Germany’s democracy. Parroting the
Reformer, the German leader insisted that Jews were determined to wipe out
humanity for their own gain. Hitler was standing with the will of God to fight
against them.7
The Führer – a monster – thought that he was saving the world from
destruction by Jews. Hitler’s accusations against them echoed their historic
predecessors: Jews engaged in treachery, infiltration, and financial enslavement.
He pointed out that Jews had already bankrupted the Bavarians and the
Prussians through their financial machinations.8
His answer was National Socialism and anti-Semitism.9
This reasoning creates an inconvenient bond between the Holocaust, during
which six million Jews lost their lives, and the Protestant churches. The Lutheran
agenda was for centuries set against Jews and other religious groups.
Hitler mirrored Luther. Luther foreshadowed Hitler.
Martin Luther, On the Jews and their Lies, part XI (1543), translated by Martin Bertram (Fortress Press &
Augsburg Fortress, 1971).
Martin Luther, 10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546.
Johannes Wallmann, The Reception of Luther's Writings on the Jews from the Reformation to the End
of the 19th Century, n.s. 1 (Lutheran Quarterly, Spring 1987) 1:72-97.
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, official Nazi translation by James Murphy (Hurst and Blacket, 1939) Chapter
Ibid., Chapter VII.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
Germans did not elect Hitler despite his well-known hatred of Jews. With
the support of Protestants, they elected him because his policy promised their
destruction, the same fate fervently preached by their founder and from the
pulpits of Protestant churches. It was part of the political package-deal that
German Protestants then embraced. Documentary footage of the rise of Hitler
shows in chilling brutality how the masses saluted the alienation of their hated
Jewish contemporaries. The age-old tactic that the Führer employed was to
dehumanize Jews while lifting his nation above all: Germany first.
The German race was to be set above all others.
Hitler had learned from history. Executions of the public enemy were
conducted in secret. Atrocities took place far away from scrutiny. This was
meant to prevent a backlash to the otherwise effective propaganda machinery.
Compassion would have thwarted Hitler’s plans. It eventually did.
Since some Western nations are in the process of tearing down safeguards
against passions of organized religion, this book embarks in answering a simple
question about the Holocaust:
These accusations echo through the millennia. Meanwhile, nobody appears
to be interested in basic questions whether any of this hatred was based on
factual historical trauma that might have been inflicted by Jewish leaders.
The reasons for the Holocaust or for hatred of Jews cannot be explained in
simple terms, but Martin Luther’s era provides valuable insights into the
mechanisms at play.
Through the Reformer’s soul we can see into the abyss.
In all fairness, Lutheran sects today are typically embarrassed by their
founder’s anti-Semitic teachings. The living memory of the Holocaust compels
them to emphasize a message of charity, peace, and love. This was not always
the case, however, and Luther’s sermons and books were widely used until the
Second World War. Many of them contained anti-Semitic statements, even
though they typically relied on the Bible.
They will be used again.
But Luther is not the only culprit.
The Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century sparked a radical break
from the authority of the Catholic papacy in Rome. The tragic legacy of the
conflicts between the two churches is 500 years of religious wars that cost
millions of lives. In between the fronts, one holocaust after another took place.
A.J. Deus
Distrust between Catholics, Protestants, and Jews endures today.
The inter-Christian conflicts since Luther’s era devastated half the world.
They were about differences in religious dogma and rituals that are so minute
that they cannot easily be extracted from the Bible, which is almost identical for
both Catholics and Protestants. The exceptions are a couple of books that exert
negative influence on the economic motivation of Catholics but do not
otherwise merit discussion here.
It is little wonder that sectarian wartimes also brought forth a series of
civilization-shattering famines and diseases that indiscriminately decimated
populations. History has shown that these are part of the devastating collateral
damage inflicted on weakened populations. Through the effects of warfare,
people succumb to the silent violence of hunger and vermin.
As time progressed, the advancement of humanism and secularism entered
the conflicts in an attempt to liberate societies from the grip of organized
religion. The churches were then not hesitant to inject their disciples’ blood into
the struggle for freedom from religion to hold on to their tyrannical rule.
They were enemies of freedom.
The centuries were filled with external conflicts as well, markedly those
connected to the madness of missionizing and colonizing distant lands around
the world. The human toll is mind-boggling. Savages needed to be enlightened
with the teachings of Christ.
Sectarian fights were extended under the guiding hand of missionaries into
the new territories in America. In fact, religious violence forms the very
foundation of (religious) liberties in the Constitution of the United States.
A geographical demarcation line at the intersection of Muslim and Christian
civilizations has moved little in a thousand years. The consequence were neverending beheadings between disciples of the two great Abrahamic religions. Still
today, devout Christians hate Muslims and devout Muslims hate Christians. Jews
hate both. Both hate Jews. They view one another as infidels. At least, the two
successor-religions have some fundamental differences over problems such as
whether Jesus, the founder of Christianity, was a divinity or whether
Muhammad, the founder of Islam, can be accepted as a prophet. These issues
are earth-shattering. Literally. Only prophets are acceptable as recipients of
divine inspiration. And popes. Or supreme imams. Or high priests.
The internal sectarian flexibility was always enormous. The external
stubbornness remains without bounds.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
The ‘other’ side can be witnessed today. The fire between Sunnis and Shi’ites
in the Middle East has refused to burn out. It may take another few centuries to
do that.
What was the role of the Jewish leadership in all this fighting?
To be sure, there are black sheep within every nation and ethnicity. But it is
unique that Jews are looked at collectively as some sort of menace. Modern
Muslims find it easier to hate them by the existence of the state of Israel alone.
In addition, Jews are singled out by the Koran as one of the groups that deserves
the deadly wrath of followers of Islam. But, to use one of the politically incorrect
stereotypes about Jews, if anything, they are an industrious and intelligent
people. Except for extremist Ultra-Orthodox zealots, most of them work hard
and strive for social and economic advancement. In particular in America, they
are so well integrated that many Jews have to communicate Jewishness to not
blend in perfectly.
There must be more to it. We will have a close look at the zealous
machinations of Ultra-Orthodox Jewry. It is a hotbed of hatred and is a source
of some of the worst anti-Semitic tropes – tropes that turn out to be supported
by undisputable evidence.
Neither Christians nor Muslims had a nation of Israel to hate before the
twentieth century. Or so, we thought. Jews were dispersed and formed their
busy minority communities all over the world. Yet, they were often segregated
from non-Jewish populations. That created easy targets for hatred. We will open
this Pandora’s Box.
Could Christians hate Jews for having killed Jesus? The question itself is
offensive. Because they did not. Romans did. At least according to the Christian
Gospels. Some may have wanted to hang the one Jew responsible for betraying
Jesus Christ. However, convicting entire communities collectively for any
specific crime is outrageous by any measure. In particular, when it was
committed 2,000 years ago.
Further, that one Jew, Judas, was among the first twelve followers of Jesus.
Technically, Judas was already a former Jew. Among the first Christians. In
addition, the betrayal of Jesus is part of prophecy. Without its fulfillment, there
is no salvation – and no Christianity.
The argument is circular. The accusation of having killed Jesus is an
expression of already simmering hatred rather than a biblical ‘fact-based’
rejection of Jews. However, according to the Gospels, Jews acted like a lynch
mob, shouting for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. They proclaimed, ‘let his blood
A.J. Deus
be on us and on our children!’10 This is an expedient escape hatch for extremists. It
justifies hatred for all generations to come. In his last writings, Luther made a
heart-wrenching remark that the responsibility has come to find them.11
History disagrees even with the basics of the alleged murder and the
successive crucifixion or resurrection of Jesus Christ. Muslims say that Jesus is
still alive, like their Mahdi, their own kind of savior who lives on. The two are
just hidden away, waiting for their moment – undead, so to speak. It may be true
that Muslims entered the theater of religious history 600 years after Jesus. Yet,
they relied on traditions that are just as old as those used by the Catholic Church.
Instead, Christianity and Islam pretend to have lived through sharply differing
religious world histories, even though both evolved as enemies in the same
cultural environment. However, only one can be true.
I know. Yours.
Moreover, Jewish biblical texts form the foundation of Christianity. They are
like the cornerstone upon which a house is built. Except for some minor
deviations that are irrelevant for the layman, the base is the same. It has worked
both ways. Large Jewish groups have embraced Jesus Christ as the Messiah as
well as sections of the Christian scripture.12 The Koran does this as well.
One foundation. Different floors. Same house.
On the other hand, the Bible contains self-portrayals of the Israelites as a
hated nation from the moment Hebrews stepped into the biblical story. There
must have been deep-seated cultural trauma already at the beginning of this tale.
The questions are by whom was it inflicted and why? This self-representation as
a reviled group serves as an unfortunate binding mechanism for the Jewish
people. It compels them to stick together against everybody else. However, this
line of thought has not been advocated for hating Jews.
There is one exception: the argument that the god of the Israelites abandoned
the Jews 2,300 years ago. He despised them for their disobedience. This claim is
one of the preferred spins for Christian-Jewish animosities that have frequently
re-emerged. But again, it rationalizes negative attitudes that were already present.
It is not the deeper cause for hating Jews.
Matthew 27:22-27:26 (NIV).
Martin Luther, Vom Schem Hamphoras and the Lineage of Christ (Wittenberg, 1543) 19.
In particular The Gospel of Matthew.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
To answer this question – why? – I will guide you through Luther’s
intellectual evolution. I am not going to present a lineup of the usual religious
terrorists-turned-folk-heroes – martyrs, as they are called in all Judaic sects. In its
place, I will put the spotlight on the religious leadership itself.
Martin Luther’s story provides insight into a mechanism that has been
repeated many times through the ages. It takes place in one of the darkest eras
of our past. Accordingly, I discuss the events along the evidence of the historical
Considering the difficult topic, one important point needs to be clarified
upfront: now as then, every human being is equipped with extraordinary gifts of
intellect and reason. No man can exonerate himself from the responsibility of
injuring or killing another human being, except for self-defense. Religious
madness has nothing to do with defense. The survival of humanity lies in global
cooperation, not in the democratization of nuclear weaponry or in religious
urges for bloody revenge.
Religious leaders understand the world through the Bible, the Gospels, the
Koran, or whichever scripture or role models they follow. Therefore, we need
to get into their heads. In order to drill down to the heart of religious hatred and
violence against Jews, we will need to look at scripture itself.
It provides a looking glass into the future.
In educating ourselves about the sources of anti-Semitism, moderns need to
understand the essence of the underlying beliefs as understood in Luther’s time.
The evidence leaves no room to overlook his calls to violence and to robbing
his followers of all their freedoms.
While this book investigates Luther’s path to anti-Semitism, the
contemporary interactions between leaders of organized religions and their sects
and also with nobility are made visible. Through this contextual mutual
involvement, the causes of anti-Semitism and other religious hatred surface in
unprecedented ways. Without full understanding, humanity is unable to
recognize that yet another holocaust is approaching.
We remain incapacitated to prevent the next wave of religious terrorists.
The three Judaic religions present themselves in the public eye as being
peaceful, loving, reconciliatory, and charitable. It may be viewed as unfair to
single out religious violence over political brutalities. Indeed, the world has
plenty of poke marks from fatal political events that were frequently selfinflicted. They were a factor even before the first signs of Judaism. However,
there is a crucial difference between political follies and religious passions.
A.J. Deus
The former are temporary and typically heal within a couple of generations,
even though some of these have risen to near-religious creeds.
As a contrast to organized religions, the atrocities committed by Stalin’s
atheist communist regime in Russia are just one of countless examples of
grandiose leadership gone rogue. However, Communism also resembles a quasireligion with an indoctrinated, faithful following. Nationalism falls into the same
class. We need only consult a map that depicts income levels to realize that there
is a relationship between religiosity and systemic poverty. The correlation to
economic and intellectual mass poverty – one of the most effective forms of
religious and quasi-religious violence – in South America, Africa, Asia, as well as
the Middle East is obvious to the naked eye.
Communist China, I need to emphasize in this context, has grown richer not
through its own success, but rather with the help of a worldwide development
effort through free trade. This concerted effort of humanity has been hugely
successful, brought over a billion people out of extreme poverty, and constitutes
the modern foundation of global welfare. Now, ignorant leaders have forgotten
how we got here and lash back at our planet’s most significant peaceful
achievement in history instead of eliminating loopholes of abuse and sending
aggressors back into the dark age.
The difference with violence through organized religion is its longevity and
its permanent hierarchy that continues to subvert the internal bond and peace
of entire civilizations. Christianity has been in charge since the fall of the Roman
Empire; Islam since the fall of the Persian Empire. Unless humans understand
its causes and effects, religious violence will bring suffering to generations for
thousands of years into the future, as it has for thousands of years in the past.
Not a single century has gone by without atrocities by any of the three Judaic
religions that have been orchestrated from the highest authorities, despite their
claims to the contrary. Once their deadly long-term gameplan is transparently
understood, they might be able to focus on their positive characteristics and
leave aspirations to power at all costs behind.
In Luther’s story, we will see how religious leaders pulled the strings,
notwithstanding attempts to attribute all responsibility to the political class. That
class was installed and controlled by the religious leadership. Non-conformists
were habitually terminated.
In the spotlight, the shadows of spiritual leaders’ crimes are long enough for
us to recognize the gravity of the disease: Without checks and balances, man
relies on faith and force alone.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
Indeed, minute details in creeds about matters beyond the understanding of
ordinary people have created the religious division between East and West
today. Can you tell the difference in how Islam views Jesus compared to
Christianity? If you can explain how the two religions relate the Word of God
to Jesus’ humanity, you might count yourself among experts. The point is that
no person in their right mind goes about killing other people over such issues as
whether the divinity of its leaders rests on a spirit or on the leader itself. Instead,
the divination of emperors, kings, or religious bosses was customary throughout
history. Even though we see bloodshed over changes in royal succession, it is
hardly conceivable that the choice of their oppressor, or the question of
divination could have been taken by common folks of the past as a justification
for ramming pitchforks into their neighbors’ chests.
There were ringleaders who stood behind the scenes without getting blood
on their hands.
These guiding hands are at the center of our interest in answering this most
pressing question of our time – why?
There is a tangible difference between secular and religious violence. Indeed,
quite frequently, secular violence has found its roots in holding back religious
aggression. In its very core, the secular fight for freedom is a fight against the
tyrannies of organized religion and despots. The enjoyment of religious
freedoms is the happy consequence for the faithful.
It is self-evident and confirmed by a large body of data that secular social
organization has outdone theocracies in wisdom, welfare, social advancement,
and wealth – if we manage to continue nurturing the delicate balance needed to
maintain this success.
In contrast, systemic intellectual and economic poverty was the norm for
social organization under the yoke of religion for thousands of years. For
eternity, they have been praying for the destruction of the entire world to bring
about a religious renewal. Those who disagree will need to wait just a few pages
more until the evidence starts pouring in.
Some will criticize the approach here as an oversimplification of complex
issues and will claim that it jeopardizes peace efforts. Quite the contrary. It is a
matter of perspective: addressing the issue head-on through the leadership
renders the complexities rather clear and straightforward. The bosses are in
command. There is no excuse for the originators of the violence.
A.J. Deus
As a researcher, it may help that I have been taught in a Franciscan Catholic
convent.13 Admittedly, I may have been an apocalyptic nightmare for the
Capuchin monks. Why? Why, and why again.
This Franciscan monastic order was established in Luther’s time. Originally,
Capuchins were not allowed to touch money, had to live in extreme austerity
and survive exclusively from begging. They were to go bare-footed and to
preach among the underprivileged.
They missionized poverty upon the poor!
The vast majority of religious people and of those free from religion on this
planet are repulsed by violence. I will demonstrate that the peaceful majority is
irrelevant. The commands for the feet to march come from the head.
A cautious approach is sought out here for the scriptural foundations. The
educated reader must refuse to either selectively look the other way or to see
something where there is nothing.
The bone holds plenty of beef for common men to get a taste of the juice.
The topic is uncomfortable and bears the risk of attracting hatred from every
direction. But not to have an honest conversation about this defining problem
of humanity is disingenuous, even self-destructive.
In organized religion, only one Truth can be true. There cannot be a
competition in Truths or compromises with half the Truth. The one who owns
the Truth must defend against all untruths and not cooperate with these untruths.
After all, only the religious disciples with the correct Truth will find salvation.
Organized religion did not spread because of silent prayer. Inter-sectarian
violence acted as the billboards of the time, forcing otherwise peaceful
populations to take sides. Usually, leaders would make those decisions for entire
Martin Luther had this to say:
For there are other beliefs which the world calls faith. The Jews, the Turks
[Muslims], the Papists [Catholics], claim they also believe in God who created
heaven and earth. That such belief is not the true faith, however, is proved by the
fact of its ineffectiveness. It does not contend and overcome, and it permits the
believer to remain as he is, in his natural birth and under the power of the devil
and sin.
But the faith which believes Jesus is the Son of God is the true, triumphant sort. It
Order of Friars Minor Capuchin.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
is an invincible power wrought in the hearts of Christians by the Holy Spirit. It is
a sure knowledge that does not gaze and vacillate hither and thither according to its
own thoughts. It apprehends God in Christ the Son sent from heaven, through
whom God reveals his will and his love and transfers us from sin to grace, from
death to a new and eternal life; a refuge and trust that relies not upon its own merit
or worthiness, but upon Christ the Son of God, and in his might and power battles
against the world and the devil. Therefore, the Christian faith is not the cold,
ineffective, empty, lifeless conception which Papists and others imagine it to be; no, it
is a living, active power, ever followed by victories and other appropriate fruits.
Where such fruits are lacking, faith and the new birth are not there.14
Luther agrees – except when it concerns his own Truth. Call to mind, when
Luther wrote this, he represented a new ‘religion,’ one that had just broken away
from the Catholic Church. His words are particularly troublesome, because the
experts who could tell how the Word of God relates to Jesus in Islam and in
Christianity are now in trouble: how on earth does the Protestant Church preach
the Truth about the Son of God while the Catholic Church does not? The same
claims about the Truth can be found in the scriptures of both, Jews and Muslims.
These are just different Truths.
Each of them is worth dying for?
A quick note to diligent students is opportune: No artificial intelligence has
been deployed anywhere in the research and creation process of this book. It is
perhaps one of the last such works that rely entirely on the limited intellect of
human beings. Since artificial intelligence relies on quantity, the window of
opportunity to find underlying causes to the historic progression may very well
soon close, and the narrative of tradition may become eternally petrified through
the overwhelming power of this technology.
The narrative is simplified for popular language and reduced to the most
important events. Primary evidence constitutes the guiding principle of this
book’s storyline. There is plenty to talk about where there is no dispute, and
where there is, I will make the reader aware of it. This second edition is much
more advanced with facts that have been found and incorporated since the first
edition was published. While the big picture has become clear, students need to
take particular care when quoting non-consensus material.
Do not turn a rock if you fear snakes hiding underneath.
Martin Luther, Sermons, Sunday After Easter, ca. 1536, translated by John Nicholas Lenker.
A.J. Deus
Deep historical discoveries are dependent on sound methodology. First,
post-apocalyptic prophecy offers insights into our past and future. Second, a
string of messiahs or saviors in their historical context reveals biblical patterns.
Third, only leadership and power structures matter. Individuals and beliefs are
mere tools for power. Fourth, it is better to be proven wrong in assuming
deception than to fall for one. This includes our own historical environment.
Now that we have that sorted out, lastly, sticking as hard as possible to properly
vetted and contemporary primary evidence.
My preference is to always provide in-page primary evidence in the footnotes.
However, the tremendous number of sources and their associated copyright
costs would render this book unattainable.
When it comes to history as well as many other issues of life, final truths have
come too easy. Any finding must remain subject to continued scrutiny, criticism,
and evolution. Evidence, opinions, and judgement in any one issue remain in
flux, including what is laid out in this book.
The Catholic Church, the Protestant Church, and Islam were masterfully
persecuting Jews. It is impossible to investigate the root-causes of anti-Semitism
without these religious organizations coming under the wheels of inconvenient
evidence or without making errors. Focus on the big picture, not on petty details.
By all means, I appreciate issues being addressed with me.
History is not what we wish it to be. It is what it is.
For future students embarking on a journey into the depths of any historical
era, I recommend beginning with the original (!) text of Benjamin of Tudela’s
eye-opening account of Baghdad. By comprehending the power structures at
play, one gains fresh insights into our collective past. For those who harbor
doubts about the narrative presented here, I encourage them to set this book
aside momentarily, delve into Tudela’s passage, and then seamlessly continue
their exploration of this saga.15
I have no qualm with any believer and ask those with religious sensitivities to
keep this in mind.
I ask for tolerance for my intolerance of intolerance.
Now, we embark on finding answers.
The passage and its consequences are summarized in the chapter The Iron Rod on pages 178-180.
In the Ghetto
After Ottoman-Turkish Muslims conquered Constantinople,16 modern day
Istanbul, the traditional transportation route for goods through the Silk Road to
Europe became too dangerous. In the quest to find an alternative trade route
from Europe to India and China, a potential course around the Cape of Good
Hope of South Africa was found by the Portuguese.
Based on a proposal by an astronomer17 from the Italian city-state of
Florence, Christopher Columbus and his brother were determined to attempt a
crossing of the Atlantic Ocean to reach the Indies. But because Portuguese
authorities thought that sailing around Africa might be easier, they rejected the
brothers’ ambitions. Neither England nor the Italian city-states of Genoa and
Venice showed interest. A feasibility study by the Catholic Monarchs of Spain18
concluded that the Columbus brothers significantly underestimated the distance
to the Indies and advised against supporting such an exploration.
The breakthrough for Columbus came in April 1492. Against the opposition
of the top functionary of the Catholic Church in Spain, Christoph Columbus
finally received the blessing of the Spanish monarchs to prepare for his journey
from Spain across the Atlantic Ocean.
One man – stubborn beyond the reason of conformity – would come to beat
all odds that were stacked against him. This one man’s perseverance to achieve
the impossible, as thumbed down by learned men of the time, marks the dawn
of unbelievable discoveries on unknown continents that brought new
opportunities to European white Christian men. His errors in sound judgement,
his underestimation of risks, or his willingness to lose his life did not matter.
The accomplishment of his vision would come to speak for itself, even though
he missed it by the margin of a full continent plus another ocean. An era of
exploration began that led to the migration of streams of white settlers into the
American continents. An escape route for religiously persecuted families
The conquest of Constantinople was conducted by Mehmed II in 1453, commonly known as Mehmed
the Conqueror, ruler of the Ottoman Empire 1444 – 1446 and 1451 – 1481.
Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli, 1397 – 1482, was an astronomer who presented his idea to the Portuguese
King Alfonso V in 1474 that ships could sail westwards to reach the Indies.
Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon. Isabella I was Queen of Castile 1474 – 1504. Ferdinand
II of Aragon was King of Castile and Léon 1475 – 1504 and King of Aragon 1479 – 1516.
A.J. Deus
opened. At the same time, a road to hell for non-white people was paved. The
period symbolizes the seed of the free world and the establishment of the United
States of America, the land of the free.
It did not come easy.
A month before entering into an agreement with Columbus, the Catholic
monarchs of Spain issued the Alhambra Decree, ordering the expulsion of all
practicing Jews from Spain within four months. Jews in Spain had previously
prospered for centuries under Muslim rulers. However, with the re-conquest of
the Iberian Peninsula (the Spanish Reconquista) under the leadership of the
Catholic Church, forced conversions became the norm. Involuntarily converted
Jews were known by the demeaning term Marranos – literally sows – and forceconverted Muslims were called Alpujarras after their core region. The decree
accused Jews of subverting the Catholic Church with covert Jewish practices
and of attempting to convert Marranos back to Judaism.19 Now that the Spanish
Reconquista came to a close, Jews were given three choices: convert to
Christianity with conviction, leave, or face ‘summary execution.’20
Saying it like that sounds almost as though nothing else should be expected
from the Catholic Church other than getting rid of all Jews who refused to
convert. Our judgment needs to patiently wait for the evidence.
As for Martin Luther’s path to radical anti-Semitism, it was a pan-European
practice of the Catholic Church to collectively dehumanize Jews and to brand
them as sows. Anti-Semitism was part of the cultural Zeitgeist, which was under
the control of the Catholic Church.
The man behind the decree was the Catholic Cardinal Cisneros.21 Cardinals
are the second highest ranked officials in the Catholic Church, second only to
the pope. Their assembly, the College of Cardinals, primarily elects the pope
from its own ranks and advises him in all matters of church business.
At this time, Cisneros was not yet a cardinal. But the barbaric Alhambra
Decree followed immediately after he became the Spanish Queen’s Catholic
confessor.22 This was the religious ‘counselor’ in state and private affairs to the
queen – the man who pulled the strings of royal puppets.
At the time, the Vatican retained the sole right to nominate royals.
Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, Alhambra Decree, March 31, 1492.
Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros, 1436 – 1517, became Cardinal and Grand Inquisitor for Castile and
León in 1507.
Daniel Eisenberg, Cisneros y la quema de los manuscritos granadinos (Journal of Hispanic Philology,
16, 1992) 107-124.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
The Catholic Church was in control of the culture, including its antiSemitism.
With this power behind him, Cisneros arranged the royal marriage in Spain
between Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon.
His predecessor had also been confessor to the queen. This was the Grand
Inquisitor Tomás de Torquemada23 – the hammer of heretics – whose family
appears to have been Jewish conversos. Torquemada was a radical zealot who
managed the growth of the Spanish Inquisition from one tribunal to an entire
network of ‘Holy Offices.’ Inquisitors were part of the religious police that had
been deployed by the Catholic Church all over Europe to persecute crimes of
thought and imagination – heresies, which deviated from the ideas that the
Catholic Church approved of. The role of inquisitors can be envisioned today
by looking at the religious police in Saudi Arabia, only much worse. It was state
sponsored terrorism by the Papal States of the Catholic Church. Under
Torquemada’s direction, Spain was to be cleansed of all heresy. This targeted
Muslims, Jews, and non-Catholic Christians.
He was the boss of the Spanish Inquisition when a twelve-year-old daughter
of a shoemaker, Ines of Herrera, was burned for announcing Elijah as the
forerunner of the Jewish Messiah.
According to the court records of the Inquisition, she announced that the
Jews would return to the Promised Land. There, they would find all they
needed.24 The souls of those who had been burned by Torquemada were now
living there in abundance and glory.25 The ‘clarity’ – the Holy Spirit – started to
reveal visions to her in the fall of 1499, and she was arrested by the Inquisition
in the coming spring.
Similar stories occurred in Chillon, about 100 miles north of Herrera, and
Valencia, further to the north-east. In Chillon, a peasant girl by the name of
Maria made trips to heaven, announcing that the conversos should return to
Judaism to be carried off to the Promised Land. In Valencia, one Miguel Vives
was himself reincarnated as Moses.26
Tomás de Torquemada, 1420 – 1498
Mary E. Giles, ed. Women in the Inquisition: Spain and the New World (JHU Press, Copyright © 1998,
reprinted with permission of Johns Hopkins University Press) 143, 46-50.
John E. Longhurst, Luther's Ghost in Spain (1517 – 1546) (Coronado Press, 1964) 86.
Ibid., 87-88.
A.J. Deus
Jews had gone undercover, keeping the knowledge of the Talmud alive in the
remotest regions of Spain. This was evidenced in the thorough biblical
knowledge that was apparent in Ines’ prophecies.27 Even today, the Talmud
continues to be the primary source of Jewish learning.
Previously force-converted Jews believed that their redemption would begin
on March 9, 1500. That day, ‘the conversos will leave behind all their businesses [and their
jewelry], and the old Christians will quarrel and kill each other in the fight to possess them.’28
The superstitious looked for heavenly signs – a comet, for example – that are
typically associated with messianic hopes.
Many children of conversos joined the movement,29 playing, singing, and
dancing.30 Indeed, passive aggression can include playing, singing, and dancing.
Some of them had been led to believe that a deceased parent or someone close
to them would rise from the dead if they fasted. And fast they did.
Girls as young as nine or ten were tried by the Inquisition for having followed
Ines’ lead. Many were handed over to a faithful Christian family for reeducation.
That was the best case. The idea was to brainwash the brainwashed. In the worst
case, children, girls and boys, were sentenced to life in prison or to be burned at
the stake. At Herrera, Chillon, and Valencia, the Inquisition put an efficient end
to it all.
This Torquemada had no moral compass.
This is the reward for parents when they raise fundamentalist children: they
never make it out of imaginary role plays. The father of Ines of Herrera had
managed the silly scheme. He should have been tried for child abuse and
conspiracy in his daughter’s assassination.
These children were dangerous, all right, brought up to become the terrorists
of their time – or perhaps freedom fighters, freedom dancers, perhaps.
Ines’ father had no moral compass.
As Grand Inquisitor, Torquemada was the national leader of an army of
exterminators. Soon thereafter, Cisneros became Grand Inquisitor himself. He
was now the boss of Catholic thought control.
Just wait for what was in store from this barbarian.
Giles, 1999, 46 and 48.
Ibid., 48.
Ibid., 49.
Ibid., 50.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
Also involved in the engineering of the royal wedding was the Sephardi Jew,
Rabbi Abraham Senior,31 a banker and member of the most important tax
farming dynasty for the Crown of Castile. Tax farming was widely used in feudal
Europe and in the Ottoman Empire of Martin Luther’s time. The idea of the
Catholic Church was to stabilize revenue streams in the absence of a bureaucracy
– illiterate as Christians were. They leased out entire provinces to individuals
who then raked in tremendous profits by extorting taxes from the population
by the principle of whim. That was not Senior’s only source for cash flow. He
also supplied provisions to the royal army. He was a weapons dealer. And he
was treasurer of the Holy Brotherhood, a militia that policed the towns under
its influence. It ensured that the income streams continued flowing.
This man had his bed made.
Senior was also the chief rabbi of Castile – the crown rabbi.
We will learn more about this function of the crown rabbi. For now, we can
compare him with the role of a prime minister in a royal governmental
organization. One with dictatorial powers.
In his function as crown rabbi, he was involved in the permission for
Christoph Columbus’ voyage. One of Senior’s sons32 appears to have been
aboard Columbus’ second voyage.
This son would become Constable of the Indies.
Rabbi Senior chose to convert to Catholicism upon the execution of the
Alhambra Decree. He retained his privileges with a new, Catholic identity,
chosen after his godfather (!), King Ferdinand, himself of marrano heritage.33
Senior morphed from the loftiest Jewish ranks to Spanish Catholic nobility.
Jewish royalty in Spain?
That is easy to answer with a question: in a sea of illiteracy, Jews were the
only group that was not only highly educated but globally organized in a tightknit and loyal network, the Diaspora. How could there not be Jewish royalty
anywhere this feudal system of oppression was in place?
Senior was transfused from officially being of the blood of sows to blue
blood. His Catholic name was now Coronel.
Rabbi Abraham Seneor, aka Senior, 1412 – 1493. He converted to Catholicism in 1492 and was renamed
to Ferran, Fernan, or Fernando Perez Coronel, aka Fernando Coronel Nunez or Perez Nunez Coronel.
Coronel had been an extinct noble lineage.
Pedro Fernandez Coronel.
Eliyahu ben Elqana Capsali (c1490-c1555), Seder Eliyahu Zuta (Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1975)
Chapter 58 in volume I, p. 182-184.
A.J. Deus
His ‘house’ in Segovia tells a jaw-dropping story of income inequality and of
the immense riches that could be amassed through tax farming and profiteering
from every business activity under the sun. While Christians were commanded
to live in intellectual and economical poverty and serfdom, emperors would have
felt right at home in the neo-noble’s not-so-humble dwelling.
The forced conversions of Jews amounted to a massive brain gain for the
otherwise uneducated Christians. Without being able to read, write, or compute,
the latter were largely unable to manage the financial affairs of a tax farming
operation. At the same time, Christianity invited itself to be subverted through
this process.
Jews were – and still are – a religiously and economically ambitious people.
It may have been their intention to continue their ritual adherence in secret.
Who could blame them? Since there was no freedom of conscience under the
yoke of the Catholic Church, they were repeatedly charged for doing so and
were dragged in front of the Inquisition’s courts for religious show trials.
And convicted to burn at the stake.
Many conversos ended up in top positions in the Catholic Church. Even in
the ranks of the Inquisition. For example, Senior’s brother was secretary to none
other than Cardinal Cisneros, the Grand Inquisitor. This makes no sense for
someone who was just force-converted. Perhaps we are dealing here with
ulterior motives. I lack the understanding how the persecuted could have turned
into the persecutor. The simple answer may be that there was just too much
money at stake for a tax farmer to stick with the ‘wrong’ religion. But why
become killers? For show? Or were they indifferent to those against whom the
habitual killings were carried out? Was it perhaps shameless vanity? Were they
already killers before their conversion in the name of extorting taxes?
Staying close to the winners at the time – the Inquisition – was probably an
economically shrewd choice. I would not be surprised to find Jewish converts
on the throne of the papacy in Rome or on more thrones of European royalty
than just in Spain. Advances in genetics will bring about a sea-change in our
understanding of how Jewish and Muslim brain-gain penetrated Europe’s elite.
Rabbi Abraham Senior had a close friend: Isaac Abrabanel,34 an even more
important Jew.
Isaac ben Judah Abrabanel, aka Abravanel, Abarbanel, Avravanel, Barbernell, or Barbanel, 1437–1508.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
His name alone bears a heavy burden. It literally means high priest of God:
‘Ab’ (father); ‘Rabban’ (priest); ‘El’ (of God). This renders him among the
highest Babylonian Rabbinic authorities. His family identified itself as direct
successors of King David. This is the royal originator of the tribe that is believed
to be entitled to bring forth a messiah, the savior who is to come to snatch Israel
from its owners.
In the late thirteenth century, one of Abrabanel’s ancestors35 had become a
treasurer and tax farmer for the Spanish crown of Castille. In his role as top
rabbi, he also financed wars.36 He eventually fled to Portugal and ‘reverted back’
to Judaism. In his absence, Abrabanel’s family retained high positions in Spain.
One was royal treasurer in Andalusia and later comptroller in Castille.37
Like Senior who had turned into Coronel, Abrabanel was among those who
were in charge of raising tax revenues for Portugal and the Catholic Church.
Similar to his ancestor, he had risen into this position through the rewards of
financing wars. This Jewish career in high finance was not the exception. It was
repeated throughout European history and territories.38
Indeed, for hundreds of years, every Christian and Muslim community in the
Iberian Peninsula was managed by an ‘arrabi’. That was a Jewish functionary of
the crown. An outpost of royal authority.39 These ‘arrabis’ oversaw the royal
administration. And the courthouses. And tax collection. And trade. Banking.
Distinct from spiritual rabbis, the crown rabbi presided over the ‘arrabis’ and sat
at the table of kings, almost like a parallel throne. He reported to the king and
oversaw the kingdom’s audits of their own corruption!40 Such positions over
subservient populations are attested for centuries in Castile, Aragon, and
Navarre. We are told that this was rare during the Golden Age of Jewish Culture
in Spain. It was the norm. We find one Samuel ibn Naghrillah, the Prince, tax
Don Judah Abravanel was treasurer and tax collector for King Sancho IV of Castile (1284–95) and King
Ferdinand IV of Castile (1295–1312).
The siege of Algeciras.
Samuel of Seville aka Juan Sánchez (de Sevilla).
For example Yahia Ben Yahi III – the Nasi – aka Jahia Negro Ibn Ya’isch, Yahya Ha-Nasi, Yahya Ibn
Yaish or Dom Yahia ‘o Negro’, died 1185. King Afonso I of Portugal made Yahia Ben Yahi III tax
collector and confirmed him as the first Chief-Rabbi of Portugal. His grandson, Joseph Ben Yahia, aka
Jose Ibn-Yahya, still profited from this position.
Another example is the Benveniste family tree, also with the title Nasi. They first appeared in the French
city of Narbonne in the eleventh century. They would be found as tax farmers in the Provence, France,
Barcelona, Aragon, and Castile.
Jonathan Ray, Jewish Communal Organization and Authority, The Sephardic Frontier: The Reconquista
and the Jewish Community in Medieval Iberia (Cornell University Press, 2006) 124–128.
Cardozo de Bethencourt, J Leite de Vasconcellos (ed.), Inscriptions Hébraïques du Portugal [Hebrew
Inscriptions of Portugal] (Museu Ethnográphico Português, 1903) 8 (2): 37.
A.J. Deus
collector and vizier of Granada’s ruler. And elsewhere. Portugal followed their
model of punitive administration by Jewish overlords.
Where else was this in play?
We can find it at various times in France and Germany as well. Even in the
provinces of the early Roman Empire and beyond into deep history. Above all,
the latest research demonstrates that handing Jewish leaders and their
functionaries an all-encompassing monopoly over the Islamic administration
was the standard form of state organization for hundreds of years since the
beginnings of Islam.41 I will share more details about it as the story progresses.
Saying that the riches of these high-flyers provoked considerable resentment
by those at the bottom of the food chain would be putting it prudently. The
injustice was obvious in particular for the illiterate and penniless, meaning the
entire population with the exception of the top one percent of the noble strata.
Can you understand that the Jewish administrative system would sooner or
later be overthrown?
Abrabanel was not only the successor to David – the king of the world in
waiting – but also the treasurer of the King of Portugal.
This was an important man; so important, indeed, that he had to flee from
Portugal to Toledo in Spain when the Portuguese King died. His co-conspirator
was executed. In his new home of his ancestors in Spain, he rose to again
become a tax farmer for Queen Isabella of Castile. Together with Rabbi
Abraham Senior, he also was supplier of provisions for the royal army. Another
arms dealer. He helped to send Columbus abroad.
Abrabanel, had three sons: Samuel, Joseph, and Judah Abrabanel Leone
Ebreo – the Hebrew Lion. The latter happened to become the personal doctor
of the royal family.
How did his clan and Senior’s become so intermingled with Portuguese and
Spanish royalty?
Christian or Muslim subjects glorify poverty, obey the priesthood, and do not
lend money against interest. Less than one percent could read or write.
This is not so with Judaism.
With universal literacy, the learned Jewish minority was sought after for the
upper echelons on the courts of kings, emperors, and popes.
Isaac Abrabanel chose not to convert.
A.J. Deus, Iran’s Poisoned Qibla Arrows (2024) available at academia.edu.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
In the wake of the Alhambra Decree, he and his family had to flee for Naples,
Italy, where Jews still found protection for a short period. There, again, he
became a ‘financial advisor’ to the King of Naples. When this royal family had
to flee to Messina in Sicily, Abrabanel was among them.
Given the loss of Abrabanel’s and the Jewish people’s homes and easy
fortunes, it is little wonder that he advocated the Coming of the Jewish Messiah.
His messianic works incorporated Christian interpretations and were
consequently widely used in Jewish and Christian scholarship alike. The books
focused mainly on salvation, meaning the redemption of Israel, and the return
of the Jewish people to Jerusalem. When this time came, the dead would be
resurrected, the Temple would be rebuilt, and God would again sanctify the
people of Israel, Abrabanel predicted, meaning putting them back above all
others. Finally, the entire world would come to accept Judaism under the rule of
a king of the Jews. He prophesied the arrival of the Messiah in the year 5263 AM
(Anno Mundi, calculated from God’s Creation of the universe). The Messianic
Age was to commence with the fall of Rome, which he predicted to occur in
1531,42 a year chosen not by chance but by the anticipated passing of Halley’s
It appears as though Abrabanel predicted himself as the Messiah, the King
of the Jews.
It would not be difficult for Christians to understand this his prophecies as
an intention by Jews to subvert Rome and to bring about its collapse. That
Christians would take a violent stand against such provocation could be
expected. On the other hand, Jews could not have understood the prediction in
any other way than being obliged to subvert Rome politically and economically.
Without Rome’s fall, the Messianic Age could not begin.
After short stays in Greece and southern Italy,43 Abrabanel finally settled in
Venice in 1503, which happened to fall together with the prophecy of the arrival
of the Messiah in the year 5263 AM. There, he made a name of himself as a
negotiator for a commercial treaty between Venice and Portugal. He would die
in Venice five years later.
Before we engage in compassion about this man’s endless flight from place
to place, we should review the evidence as it rolls in. If this is a messiah, then
the function of this rabbi is one of deception. This man is literally the Deceiver.
To deceive us is his and his successor buddies’ job.
Julius H. Greenstone, The Messiah Idea in Jewish History (Jewish Publication Society, 1906) 189.
Corfu and Monopoli.
A.J. Deus
He was not fleeing. He was forming a global alliance against Christianity.
The only thing between him and success was death.
Abrabanel’s burial place in Padua was next to Mahari Minz.44 The latter died
in the same year. His full name was Judah ben Eliezer ha-Levi Minz, a German
immigrant and then the most prominent Italian rabbi. His name identifies him
as the leader of the Palestinian Rabbinic creed. These two were members of a
Sanhedrin substitute, which was a council with the authority to approve
messianic missions. These men were among a few select who were holding
command over the worldwide Jewry. One of his granddaughters would come to
be known as a descendant of King David.45
We will hear more about Abrabanel shortly.
I need to come back to the Grand Inquisitor Cardinal Cisneros for just a
moment longer.
Legend has it that this guy was such a radical ascetic that he doubled his fasts
and slept on the bare floor of his cell in the convent. Nevertheless, he would
become regent of Spain – twice – a position that was second in command after
the king.
He was the man of Catholic royalty standing behind the veil.
This is the same position that was before held by the crown rabbi whose
brother was now Cisneros’ secretary.
This cocktail may be difficult to grasp: the messianic spirit must rise from
Abrabanel’s tomb to descend onto his firstborn. His brother was likely already
secretary of the second in command (crown rabbi Abrabanel), and he simply
continued his job under Cisnero. Better yet, one from the Jewish messianic
linage sat at Cardinal Cisnero’s dinner table.
A few years after the Alhambra Decree, the grand Cisneros commanded the
Franciscan Order’s members to become celibate. As a consequence of his
enforcement, 400 monks and friars fled with their concubines to Africa and
converted to Islam.
I will discuss the issue of celibacy a little later. For now, let us understand it
as a concept that rests on the misogynist idea that any contact with women
defiles men and deprives them of salvation. This is why monks did not marry.
Judah ben Eliezer ha-Levi Minz, ca. 1405 – 1508.
Albert Montefiore Hyamson, A History of the Jews in England (1908) 182.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
Regardless of the imagined consequences, they had plenty of sex with their
concubines, partners out of wedlock. However, for most of these monks, we do
not need to imagine a whorehouse with revolving doors. Because marriage was
not allowed for monks, they formed their relationships outside of the bond of
Catholic Canon Law. They were similar to modern common law couples. But
there were others, those who would turn into sexual predators. And they would
not fail to make it into the news of the historical record.
Cisneros also guided the brutal suppression of the First Rebellion of the
Alpujarras. It arose after he ordered forced mass conversions of Granada’s
Muslims and the burning of all their Arabic manuscripts.46 He had overruled a
less violent approach to conversion by the archbishop in charge.47 The latter was
dragged before the court of Cisneros’ Inquisition for having been the bastard
son of a Jewess.
After Cisneros was through with applying his style of conversion, in his own
words, there were no longer non-Christians left in the city of Granada and all
mosques were converted to churches.48 This cardinal in the top rank of the
Catholic Church was out of control. We can feel the pride that the cardinal
expressed for having conducted a successful ethnic cleansing operation. Such
over-confidence can typically be found in extremists of faith who believe that
they are doing the ‘right thing’ in the name of God. The people of Granada
could choose to convert, to leave, or to die. What Cisneros unleashed was just
another holocaust among many.
Sent by the Vatican in Rome,49 this man was a terminator. Could the pope in
Rome have stopped Cisneros? Of course.
He did not.
It was not an accident that Cisneros arrived in this position. He was a born
inquisitor. In his early twenties, he became an advocate for the Catholic Church
in the Vatican. There, his inquisitorial successes already attracted the attention
of the pope so much that he was sent back to Spain with a papal benefice. This is
an endowment of a territory to those who ensure submission to the Catholic
Church and transfer the church revenues to the Vatican.
Eisenberg, 1992, 107-124.
Archbishop of Granada Hernando de Talavera, 1428 – 1507, was a monk of the Order of Saint Jerome.
Cardinal Cisneros in William Hughes, Western Civilization: The Earliest Civilization Through the
Reformation (McGraw-Hill, 1993) 152.
Pope Innocent VIII, 1484 – 1492, Pope Alexander VI, 1492 – 1503, Pope Pius III, 1503, and Pope
Julius II, 1503 – 1513.
A.J. Deus
So, like Abrabanel, Cisneros was a tax farmer? Both in Toledo? We do not
have the evidence, but Abrabanel’s flight and demise appear legendary. So are
Cisneros’ ‘humble’ beginnings. How did he get through law school at a time
when 99% of Christians were illiterate? Did Abrabanel convert to become
Cisneros just like Senior became Coronel?
For now, I have nothing to go by, but we better be on high alert. A deceiver
is roaming the landscape.
Nevertheless, Cisneros provides us with insight how crown rabbis and their
arrabi hordes would have treated the populations under their feet.
Holders of benefices were typically also the military rulers of their areas.
These people were called nobles. In the realm of the Catholic Church, the feudal
system was in total control over Europe’s land holdings. So was the creation and
confirmation of nobles. Or dragging them to the scaffold.
Cisneros’ mission was to cure souls for money. Souls who needed the cure
were not in line with the official doctrines and beliefs of the Catholic Church.
Jews and Muslims were first in his line of fire. But also Christians of competing
sects. A cut from the cash flow was for himself. He was set for life. Everybody
else was stuck in dung – and dependent on Cisneros’ charity, as they called the
breadcrumbs that were thrown back at the cheated population – those who
survived the ordeal.
This guy was a radical thoroughbred, trained and deployed by the pope of
the Catholic Church – who must have failed to order a background check on
this psychopath.
History is full of irony, and this is one of these incredible coincidences.
Cisneros’ deadline for Jews to leave or die fell within one week of Columbus’
first voyage. The start of the journey that would lead to one of humanity’s
greatest accomplishments fell together with one of man’s darkest hours.
Jews were forced to depart penniless, prohibited from bringing ‘gold or silver
or minted money’50 on their journey to nowhere. It would take Spain 500 years to
acknowledge the ‘shameful events in the country’s past.’51 The Catholic Church never
Alhambra Decree, 1492.
Sephardic Jews eager to apply for Spanish citizenship, Washington Post, February 17, 2014.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
It also left us in the dark about the abusive system that Jewish leaders had
maintained for so long. A few years later, Jews would also be expelled from
Portugal. For better understanding, we will have a closer look at the ethnic
cleansing in that place.
Through the intervention of the chief rabbi of Turkey, Moses Capsali,52 the
Ottoman Navy sent a relief mission to Jewish refugees. Muslims were ordered
to welcome the new arrivals as citizens of the Ottoman domain. Anyone who
abused a Jew would be punished with death. The Ottoman ruler knew that it
was prudent to appreciate the economic value of Jews.53 However, this created
friction with Muslims who had learned from the Koran and the Hadiths, their
religious traditions, how to hate and mistreat Jews.
During the next two decades, Spanish Jews in Turkey became an important
factor in an enormous expansion of Sunni Ottoman rule. Essentially, OttomanTurks came to swallow the competing Muslim nations in the Middle East, except
for Persia (Iran). With the surrender of the Mamluk Sultanate, Egypt, the eastern
part of modern-day Libya, the eastern coastal area of the Red Sea down to
Mecca, and the Levant up to modern-day Turkey were soon joined to the
empire. Because the expanding Portuguese Empire aimed at controlling the
trade routes to India, it was necessary for Muslims to prepare for the defense of
Mecca, Islam’s holiest place.
Out of the concerns about a rising Christian world power, Mecca fell to the
Ottomans without a shot being fired.54
In the face of Portuguese Christian aggression and with the help of Jews, the
next Ottoman-Turkish leader became the first caliph over the entire Sunni
Muslim world. This happened against the will of Shia Islam, the remaining
Muslim main competitor, which was centered in Persia (Iran).
The Catholic Church and its subservient rulers across Europe were horrified
by the news of Ottoman-Turkish expansion.
Rabbi Capsali was in extraordinarily good standing with Ottoman rulers. He
held a seat next to the grand mufti of Islam, its highest leader in religious ‘law.’
Capsali’s couch next to the leader needs to be called ‘Throne of David,’ a parallel
throne next to the sultan as commanded by the Koran.55 Not unlike the crown
Moses b. Elijah Capsali, 1420–1495.
Isidore Singer, Cyrus Adler, The Jewish Encyclopedia: a descriptive record of the history, religion,
literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Vol.2, (Funk and
Wagnalls, 1912) 460.
Philip Mansel, Constantinople: City of the World's Desire, 1453–1924 (St. Martin's Griffin, 1998).
Koran 38:26 (Rodwell).
A.J. Deus
rabbi in Spain, Capsali was responsible for the Jewish system of administration
in the Ottoman realm.
Unfortunately, Capsali’s leading Rabbinic successors at the Ottoman court
fall into obscurity despite the fact that their positions would be important to
Luther’s story. Not to worry, though, there is plenty of smoke for us to see
Capsali seems to have played a role in the capture of Constantinople
(Istanbul) by Ottoman-Turks, where he had been chief Rabbi of the thenChristian city.
The fall of Constantinople marked the end of the Byzantine Empire. The city
was then the capital of the last fragment of the ancient Roman Empire.
Symbolically, Ottoman-Turks had conquered Rome. This had tremendous
biblical and koranic consequences. For all three – Christians, Muslims, and Jews
– it was understood as a warning that the End of the World was near.
When Constantinople was under siege, the Byzantine Emperor had managed
too late to submit to the conditions for assistance by the Catholic Church. The
age-old enmity between the two Christian churches in Greece and Rome was
suicidal. A Greek priest would ‘not approach an altar upon which a Latin priest has
celebrated the sacred mystery unless he has first provided for repeated ablutions of the altar.’56
It was a disgusting public demonstration of sectarian hatred.
The pope preferred to have a Christian empire go up in flames rather than
sending his forces to the city’s defense, unless the Orthodox churches submitted
to the Vatican.
This tells us quite a bit about how the Catholic Church may have been able
to rise to become the dominant force in Europe. Through granting or refusing
assistance in warfare, the pope could have managed to slowly encroach over
entire continents. He would win either way. In entering an alliance, he could play
Catholic Monopoly. In rejecting it, he could parade the love of Christianity.
Sword or word, the Catholic Church had figured out how to bring about
totalitarian control over its regional leaders and their subjects.
Another destination that welcomed Sephardi Jews was Amsterdam. The city
became a New Jerusalem from where they would lead reform movements.
Libellus, 664-665 in Kenneth M. Setton, The Papacy and the Levant, Volume III (The American
Philosophical Society, 1984) 147.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
Many Jews also found a home in the Berber Kingdom of Tlemcen, which
was situated south of Spain on the North African coastal areas, stretching from
modern day Algiers to Morocco under the little known Zayyanid dynasty. This
clan ruled the Berber Kingdom between the middle of the thirteenth and the
middle of the sixteenth centuries. Under the advice of a Jewish viceroy,57
Tlemcen welcomed Jews and Muslims fleeing from Spain.
The capital city Tlemcen lies about 50 km inland, approximately halfway
between modern day Algiers and Tangier, which is situated near the Strait of
Gibraltar. It was regarded by Jews as the Jerusalem of the West58 and was also
the main trading place in the central Maghreb (North Africa, west of Egypt), as
well as its intellectual center. There, Jews found respect as a protected minority.
For a while.
Around the turn of the sixteenth century, the Kingdom of Tlemcen’s Muslim
religious authority, the fanatic Al-Maghili,59 targeted Jews with an outpour of
hatred. Apparently, Jews were associated with the Muslim ruling class, and they
were too successful in their gold trade.
Indeed, the caravan routes carrying African gold and merchant goods
through the Sahara to Europe passed through Tlemcen. Of course, they were
associated with the ruling class. The Koran instructs its rulers so. And they were
too successful with gold because of their close association with the ruling class.
Those who managed the administration and taxed people, land, and trade
enjoyed a de facto monopoly.
It was a not so noble cartel.
The arrangement between the Rabbinic leadership and royalty was not
unusual. We have already seen a similarly high level of Jewish involvement in
Spain, Portugal, and Turkey.
With the appearance of Al-Maghili, the Jewish administrative system was
overthrown. The Muslim leader had previously converted the ruling class to
Islam and was now engaged in eliminating his Jewish competition.
He thought that Jews subverted the royals.
Was it not he who just subverted the royals with fundamentalist Islam?
The viceroy’s name was Abraham.
John Hunwick, Jews of a Saharan Oasis: The Elimination of the Tamantit Community (Wiener,
Copyright © 2007, reprinted by permission of Wiener).
Muhammad ibn Abd al-Karim al-Maghili, ca.1440 – ca. 1505.
A.J. Deus
Thinking of it, the ruling dynasty should have been Muslims long before.
What did they convert from?
Al-Maghili made it legal to kill Jews and to plunder their property.60 Their
synagogue in the capital city Tlemcen was destroyed. Henceforth, Jews were
humiliated, beaten, deported, thrown out of their homes, and wanted nowhere
that Al-Maghili’s preachers showed their enlightened faces.
Within just a few years, the kingdom was transformed from being a
welcoming home for the feudal Jewish administrative system of oppression to
triggering a holocaust.
Tlemcen was in chaos.
The Catholic Church under the personal command of Cardinal Cisneros, the
radical Spanish Grand Inquisitor, took advantage of the situation and captured
the kingdom’s north-western trading city of Oran shortly thereafter.61
At around the same time as the Tlemcen expulsion and for a few years prior
to that, Jews in Germany were ousted from the area of Nuremberg where they
had enjoyed a similarly lofty status. While many Sephardi Jews were rescued by
Ottoman-Turks, a significant number of German Ashkenazy Jews seem to have
found a home in northern Italy, in particular Milan, which was then under the
protectorate of the Kingdom of France.62
The elegant city in the Adriatic lagoon, is famous for its canals and romantic
gondolas, for good Italian food on summer evenings, and for strolls among its
treasures of architecture and art. Tightly aligned with the now-defunct Byzantine
Empire in Constantinople (Istanbul), the Republic of Venice had been a
tremendously successful naval and trading power. During the previous few
centuries, it had become the richest place in Europe. It boasted over 3,000 ships
under the banner of the winged lion and over 30,000 sailors. However, for the
last fifty years since the Muslim Ottoman-Turks had conquered Constantinople,
Venice was in trouble. From that time on, the city state started to lose its eastern
Mediterranean territories to the Ottomans. The opening of the sea route to India
around the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa in 149963 put a final spell on
Venice’s commercial fortunes. Through its successful gamble, Portugal had a
Ibn Askar (ca. 1575), in Bat Ye’or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam (Associated University
Presses, Copyright © 1996, reprinted by permission of Associated University Presses) 360-361, the
brackets () are part of the text in Bat Ye’or.
The sack of Oran took place in 1509.
Among the expelled was Elia Levita who will come to play a role in this story.
The explorer was the Portugese Vasco da Gama, c. 1460s – 1524
Holy Enemies of Freedom
huge first-mover advantage that led to its rise as a world superpower. Venice
failed to keep up with the race to colonize the New World after Christoph
Columbus discovered America for the Spanish crown.
At this junction, the Republic of Venice was attempting to reform its
churches and submit the clergy of the Catholic Church to secular tribunals,
disregarding the ‘jurisdiction’ of the papacy.
In 1509, Venice suffered a total defeat against the armies of the Papal States
under the personal command of the pope. The city recanted its aspirations to
freedom from the Catholic Church by the force of blood dripping from the holy
The word ghetto was coined here, in the romantic lagoon. The Venetian
Ghetto is claimed to have been the first of its kind. This is not so. One had
already existed in Cracow, Poland a few years earlier, and another 300 years
earlier in Constantinople,64 but they did not know that it was supposed to be
called a ‘ghetto.’ The idea of keeping Jews away from Christians was already
established at the Third Lateran Council of the Catholic Church in 1179. If
historians were to dig deeper, they would probably find them even a thousand
years before that.
Having said that, we could not even imagine what the origin of the ‘ghetto’
was. We will learn that it was entirely different than we thought. For now, we
must not envision Jews living among Christians and being driven into the Jewish
quarter by force. Their homes were there all along.
On March 29, 1516, Doge Leonardo Loredan decreed the total segregation
of Jews in the Venice Ghetto. They now had to wear a sign of identification,
and the rates at the city’s pawnshops were regulated.
The Doge was like an elected president of the city’s governing Council of
Ten, which was responsible to the Great Council of the Republic of Venice. The
council was constituted by the nobles of the town. They were all Christians, of
course. Under the deadly patronage of the Catholic Church.
Christian soldiers guarded the Jewish quarter, which was now called ‘ghetto’.
The gates were closed between six in the evening and noon on the next day.
Yet, in this microcosm, where one should expect universal solidarity,
competing sectarian synagogues dominate religiously zealous Jewish bands.
There were Germans with the Ashkenazi rite, Portuguese and Spaniards with
the Spanish rite, Palestinian Jews with the Sephardic rite (which is an older
The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela (1171) 23-24.
A.J. Deus
Spanish rite), and Italians with the Italian rite. Each group had its own
This little world shows how organized religion binds ethnic groups together
and keeps them inside their tragic segregation – even behind walls with armed
Worse, Jews would see their debasement as the fulfillment of prophecy that
had warned them of unbearable consequences should they fail to obey their
god’s commands.65 This would only strengthen their resolve in suffering.
So, history tells us that the Doge Jews in the first ghetto that bore the name,
but it does not help us understand why he ordered the segregation at that precise
juncture. Could it have been that the Catholic Church insisted on an ethnic
cleansing operation similar to the one executed earlier in Spain? Could they have
been in control of the administration in Venice, too? The engagement of the
Catholic Church against Jews in a similar context was not limited to Germany,
Spain, and Sicily. After all, the Venice Ghetto had something systemic and
permanent about it, rather than isolated and random.
In any case, Martin Luther could not have had anything to do with the Venice
Ghetto. His reform movement had not yet become active.
A little over a decade earlier, Jewish communities in Europe had been in
uproar over ‘the year of penance’. A German Jew by the name of Asher
Lemmlein had appeared in Istria, which is a peninsula not far to the east of
Venice by the Adriatic Sea. He claimed to be the forerunner of the Jewish
Messiah who was to appear in Palestine during Passover in the next year.
Then as well as now, Passover is the most important Jewish holiday. It
glorifies how their god sent plague after plague over Egypt’s population,
culminating in a godly killing spree. The god of the Israelites would ‘pass over’ the
houses, which secretly bore a Hebrew mark66 – the one that is symbolically
attached to virtually every doorpost in modern Jewish households. All the
firstborn in Egypt, both human and animal, were stricken dead.67
Passover plainly celebrates the murdering of all Egyptian firstborn children
by the god of the Israelites.
The excuse for the divine monstrosity is that Jews were held in slavery by the
Leviticus 26:16, Leviticus 26:20, Leviticus 26:22, Leviticus 26:25-26:26, Leviticus 26:29-26:30, Leviticus
26:32-26:33, Leviticus 26:36-26:37.
Exodus 12:7.
Exodus 12:12.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
The tragedy of the Passover disaster is that it was not necessary. The god of
the Israelites had personally made the Egyptian monarch, the pharaoh, forbid
the Israelites’ departure from Egypt.68 This god would have had the power to
soften the opposing leader and to simply plant its spirit into the ruler’s mind in
order to let them leave. Instead, the divinity intended to impress with its power
to terrorize an entire nation.
Terror for show.
The point of the story is that the readers are supposed to be scared into
submission to the omnipotent powers of this god.
The killing of firstborn Egyptians never actually happened. It is mere myth.69
Archaeology has not been able to bring forth a single piece of evidence of over
600,000 fighting Israelite men70 in ancient Egypt. Not even of one man. For this
reason, most histories of Israel do not include this part of Israel’s foundation
myth, called the Exodus.
Regardless, Jews continue to celebrate the rampage of their god as if it was
the greatest real event in the history of Judaism.
It is an overt display of hatred against mankind.
Besides, the word ‘slavery’ serves to trigger compassion. It means that they
were ‘slaving’ in Egypt to maintain an oppressive administrative system.71
Lemmlein’s prophecy came with the condition that all Jews had to spend six
months in repentance and be charitable. Jews believe that they can bring about
their redemption through ‘hard,’ outwardly ‘work’ of faithful behavior.
Hence, the forerunner found a sizable Jewish and Christian following in Italy,
Germany, and Austria, but especially around Venice.72 Like lunatics, they prayed
and fasted in preparation of the coming of the Messiah.
However, Lemmlein appears to have vanished after having pronounced
himself King of the Jews.73 Since there are no further sources, it is unclear
whether the loss of the forerunner mattered for the event of the Messiah to
show up in Jerusalem. Yet, it appears that the messianic aspirations could be
Exodus 11:9–10.
For foundation myths see Kenton L. Sparks, Genre Criticism, in, Thomas B. Dozeman, Methods for
Exodus (Cambridge University Press, 2010) 73.
Exodus 12:37–12:38 and Numbers 1:46.
Talmud - Mas. Kiddushin 70b.
Greenstone, 1906, 190.
Harris Lenowitz, the Jewish Messiahs (Oxford, Copyright © 1998, reproduced with permission of
Oxford University Press through PLSClear) 100.
A.J. Deus
understandable in context of their earlier expulsion from Spain, Germany, and
Tlemcen, among others.
The homeless were in search of a home.
An anti-Semitic polemicist, Johannes Pfefferkorn,74 a convert from Judaism
to Dominican Catholicism, was offended by the faith in Lemmlein. He mocked
Jews for not having had a king since Jesus Christ and for having lost the Temple
in Jerusalem a long time ago. Pfefferkorn ridiculed them for having hoped for
the destruction of all churches in Christendom and for being brought up in a
fiery pillar together with a cloud when they would return to the Promised Land.75
Nothing of that sort has happened – yet.
Briefly, the arrival of the Messiah is the most important event in all Judaic
religions, signifying the redemption of Israel and a return of the Jewish people
to Jerusalem.
After each historical holocaust, we can find apologetic Rabbinic voices that
claim that the messianic mission is irrelevant to Judaism. But this does not hold
water. The messianic chain of events can be summed up with the End of the
World, culminating in the conquest of the Promised Land. Judaism, Christianity,
and Islam merely distinguish themselves as armed adversaries to the same end.
They work toward their final war for world supremacy on the battlefield at
ISIS dared its Western and Jewish adversaries to show up at that very place.
Modern Ultra-Orthodox Jews work hard toward this goal. Ask any Christian,
and you will find them in the comfortable territory of an alternate reality.
In other words, Lemmlein’s skull could have been clubbed in a dark alley,
and it would not have led to the slightest deviation from the historic trajectory.
I say this not only because you will find clarity by meeting a number of these
messiahs, but also for the reason that Lemmlein was encouraged by the
prominent Portuguese Jewish leader – who had before been expelled from Spain
– Abrabanel.
Since Jewish leaders habitually use different names for individual languages,
we cannot figure out how Lemmlein fits it. By design, this custom disjoints
historical events from the leadership.
After the fact, rabbis claimed that they had feared that a figure like him could
rise. Instead, it was part of their calculation.
Johannes (Josef) Pfefferkorn, 1469–1523.
Johann Pfefferkorn, (the Jew-Glass) der Judenspiegel (1507) transl. A.J. Deus.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
Lemmlein had retold Abrabanel’s story of the arrival of the Messiah in 1503
and the beginning of the Messianic Age in 1531. This was a forerunner, one who
made the announcements for the coming messiah and the successive
redemption of Israel.
When the Doge came to shut the gates to the ghetto a few years later, the
successor of Abrabanel was the ‘Rabbi of Venice,’ again, the highest Jewish
authority in Europe. Lemmlein appears to have merely been a cleverly placed
messenger, rather than a Jewish individual that has gone rogue.
If Abrabanel was a deceiver, then the Rabbi of Venice was a deceiver.
When put into the context with the broad Jewish involvement with royalty
and with the messianic aspirations, the anti-Semitic actions in Tlemcen and
Venice as well as all across Europe appear reactionary, almost as though
executed in self-defense. There is no excuse for collective punishment of an
ethnic group. But as inconvenient as it may be, we must embark on this journey
to better understand the causes and effects of religious hatred and violence, in
particular when it comes to anti-Semitism.
Pfefferkorn’s booklet had nothing flattering to say. Jews ridiculed Jesus
Christ in a blasphemous manner, calling him a seducer of the people, hung, or
born from an unclean union.76 The churches, they called shithouses.77 They had
special prayers against Christians. One of them went as follows:
There is no hope for the baptized, and all infidels will soon be gone and all the
enemies of your people Israel will be suppressed and destroyed. This will happen
As the pamphlet goes, these words were prayed ‘every day three times with great
devotion’ and while being obliged to stand. Likewise, they prayed for the ‘Roman
Empire, that it may be broken up and destroyed.’ Another prayer sounds even less
May God destroy the thoughts and counsel of our enemies with death, sword,
starvation, plague, and other scourges, and may it happen for our sake.
Who are the enemies?
We all are.
For not being Jewish.
Erika Rummel, The Case Against Johann Reuchlin (University of Toronto, Copyright © 2002, reprinted
by permission of University of Toronto Press) 54.
Ibid., 55.
A.J. Deus
Then Pfefferkorn set out to describe how Jews were plotting ‘how to uproot the
power and might of Christians and destroy them.’ Since they are not able to accomplish
this, the author continues, ‘they use usury and other kinds of deception.’ The way they
went about their lending business was hinted at earlier in the regulation of
pawnshops in Venice: lend little against something worth exponentially much
more. Jewish shops always won, even more when the client could not pay back
a loan or when it involved stolen goods.
In order to protect their businesses and get ahead, Jews were ‘allowed to swear
a Jewish oath,’ even if it was false, Pfefferkorn said. The Jewish Oath of Treachery.
Like that, they could disown almost anyone they pleased even if they robbed
them personally. This is how Jews ‘usually prevail in court and quite rarely lose their
case.’78 Luther would come to agree that with Jews, bearing false witness ‘was quite
a common and ordinary matter.’79
Is this even possible? The answers lie in monopolized judiciaries,
administrations that are responsible for permits, and tax systems that would
favor their own. We see this mechanism at play in modern day Palestinian
territories that are controlled by Israel. The legal system simply disowns the
natives. We must wonder just how widespread such practices of hatred against
mankind might persist among Jews whom we consider our friends today? If you
are being greeted with ‘Seind wilkum’, you might not perceive that anything is
wrong. The supposedly benign corruption of ‘Seid wilkum’ (be welcome) to ‘Seind
wilkum’ is not as welcoming as it might seem. It means ‘Devil, be welcome.’80
Some of the rules in the book of Deuteronomy, for example, encourage
deceitfulness, indeed. We will later see how a treachery would lead to the
inheritance of a nation.
But the Bible is peppered with stories where Jew betrayed Jew. For example,
a Jewish mother and one of her sons lied to the patriarchal father in order to get
their way.81 Late in the son’s life, the deceiver himself was betrayed by his sons.82
Even the god of the Israelites, who has the power to simply impose his will, at
times engaged in ridiculous treacheries, testing subjects for a dare, sending
disasters just to impress, and on and on.
Ibid., 60.
Martin Luther, The Large Catechism, Second Edition (1529) WA 30 I,125-238.
Rummel, 2002, 56.
Genesis 27:20.
Genesis 37:31-37:33.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
Such fables teach believers in the Bible that anything goes if it serves the
purpose of getting ahead of others. Treachery, deceit, fraud, betrayal, lying,
stealing, killing, even the termination of entire nations of other races is tolerable
─ even commanded by God ─ as long as it serves the organized religion of
Not surprisingly, the accusations are not accidental oddities but a disturbing
motif that constantly re-emerged throughout Jewish history. It rose to historical
prominence with financial empires that were based on usury.
This readiness to betray the trust of others to get ahead is taught to children
in modern-day Jewish schools through the Bible as a cultural and ethical
foundation. It works against the basic human instinct of relying on mutual trust.
But if treachery is to be assumed, then a potential cycle of violence is created
once it turns out that trust is not merited – not even among family members.
Currently, we do not seem to be aware in what kind of danger our oblivious
civilization is. We need to find ways to regulate these packs of wolves dressed
in sheepskin and to stop these leaders – first and foremost – from teaching such
nonsense to children.
It is child abuse to infiltrate cradles with hatred.
Thus closes Pfefferkorn his pamphlet, ‘the Enemy of Jews:’
[…] as long as the Jews live freely, it is not possible to avoid such evil. For it would
not be enough for them to abandon usury and go on living in great wealth. Rather,
one should oblige them to do all kinds of lowly work, such as keeping the streets
clean or sweeping chimneys or, similarly, sweeping latrines and collecting dog
droppings, etc. And, in the meantime, one must not, as I have sometimes said, leave
them the false book of the Talmud, but take it from them, and leave them nothing
except the text of the Bible.83
We will see that Martin Luther fitted right in.
Rummel, 2002, 62.
A.J. Deus
The Vatican’s Banker
October 31, 1517 marks the start of the Protestant Reformation. The date when
Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg,
Germany falls, within a fortnight or so, a full year and a half after the gates at
Venice were first closed on Jews. This opening act is free of anti-Semitism.
Atrocities against Jews were instead committed in Cracow, Poland, and in Berlin,
Germany, during the preceding decade. But there is no mention of Jews and no
hint at animosities between the Reformer and them.
In the absence of anti-Semitism, why did Luther want to break ranks with
the Catholic Church?
Luther’s intent was to return the Catholic Church to a purer and poorer form
of faith. He criticized the customs of selling forgiveness of sins to the destitute
and the selling of indulgences, a practice that had recently been applied to the
dead as a new way to generate revenue for the church.84 However, Luther was
more concerned about the use of the money from indulgences rather than the
indulgences themselves. He approved of these.85
In its search for revenues, the Catholic Church created fictional forms of
money. It partly paid for its soldiers with indulgences, the forgiveness of all their
sins. They needed only to serve long enough under arms or die on the battlefield
as martyrs. Payments for indulgences would free the dead’s soul from purgatory.
This is an imaginary place of infernal suffering. There, the sins of the deceased
are cleansed in order for their souls to achieve the holiness necessary to ascend
to heaven. This is the place where paradise is located.
For example, an encyclical by one of the popes of our story encouraged holy
war in Africa by promising everlasting felicity in the Kingdom of Heaven for
those who participated.86 To be clear, remission of sin was to come through the
shedding of infidels’ blood. Better yet, the dead on the front were frequently
Catholics on both sides.
Such was the level of superstition in the Christian civilization.
Those who think that religion is limited to questions about a god may be
surprised that their view might be simplistic. Organized religion comes in a
variation of sectarian package deals.
It is complicated and expensive.
The practice of applying the sale of indulgences to the dead was established by Pope Sixtus IV (1471–
1484), see James Patrick, Renaissance and Reformation (Cavendish, 2007) 1231.
Martin Luther, Letter to Christoph Scheurl, March 5, 1518.
Raynaldus, ad ann. 1505, no. 5, vol. XX. P. 21, in Setton, 1984, 38.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
Luther intended to enforce the Gospels’ concept of poverty and modesty and
bring the church back to its good old days. In his focus was the lack of openness
of the church and its reluctance to put its treasures to good use for the needy.87
Luther condemned the Catholic Church for its secrecy and whim. It was a
corrupt religious organization, he thought.
He criticized the opulence of the pope’s entourage and the bishoprics, which
were swimming in riches.
In addition, the pope had initiated a lavish building project for the new
church of Saint Peter in Rome. Luther said that the papacy should pay for the
construction out of its pocket, rather than extorting its cost from the
Indeed, a Jewish chronicle noted that the pope went as far as having earrings
stripped off women and girls to pay for the extravaganza.89
Perhaps the strongest point was Luther’s assault on papal authority, which
was enforced through the terror of the Inquisition.90 Luther’s 95 Theses had a
lot to do with clerical malpractice in the Catholic Church. According to Luther,
faith and the Christian principles of poverty and social rejection should be
The eighteenth-century historian David Hume claimed that the priesthood
had enriched itself through cashing in on the poor.91 He also alleged that Luther’s
core motivation was economic. Under the first Medici Pope Leo X,92 the
Catholic Church diverted the task of collecting revenue from the Austin Friars,
also called the Order of St. Augustine, to the Dominican Order.93
They lost the revenue streams that had fed their Augustinian bellies.
In short, Luther was already an active Austin leader when the river of money
dried up.
To understand the circumstances better, the ‘Medici’ suffix of the then-pope
warrants a short detour.
Martin Luther, 95 Theses (1517).
Joseph Ha-Cohen aka Rabbi Joseph Ben Joshua Ben Meir, the Sphardi, The Chronicles, Vol. I, translated
by C.H.F. Bialloblotzky (Valpy, 1836) 430.
Luther, 95 Theses, 1517, 90.
David Hume, The History Of England (M’Creery, 1807) Volume IV, 31.
Pope Leo X, born Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici, was pope 1513 – 1521.
Hume, 1807, Volume IV, 33-34.
A.J. Deus
About 200 years earlier, a man by the name of Salvestro de’ Medici ‘il
Chiarissimo’ (‘The Very Clear’) arrived in Florence from an unknown home.94
This city-state was one of the richest in the Italian Peninsula. Its citizens and
business bosses were early political Renaissance activists. Florentine enterprises,
merchants, and financiers of the era had their powerful economic networks laid
out across Europe. Salvestro’s son was Averardo de’ Medici. The name of this
second known generation is an indication that the family intended to link itself
to the legendary Knight Averardo under the French King and emperor of the
Holy Roman Empire, Charlemagne.95
The Medicis’ pro-French attitude showed in their earliest appearance and
persisted during Luther’s era.
Since it constitutes an important part of the foundation of the sixteenth
century Lutheran religious environment, I need to highlight the big picture of
this relationship.
Charlemagne’s son96 exempted Jews from laws against usury.
Since their banking monopoly is part of the divine Law of the Bible,97 there
was nothing a Christian or a Muslim could do about it. While similar privileges
existed before elsewhere, the Carolingian monopoly opened the doors to
financial engineering for cash-strapped governments and warfare. How the tax
farming dynasties of the Seniors, Abrabanels, and others we will meet rose to
their lofty positions is no mystery.
Rabbinic leaders seem to have had it all figured out for themselves. At the
cost of everybody else, they were laughing all the way to the bank. You could
hate them and drive them into ghettos, but nothing stopped Jewish leaders from
making money.
Tons of it.
While the origin of the Medicis is in the dark, another family serves as a template to Florentine’s special
status of a French-oriented bastion. We hear first in the early eleventh century from a family with vast
riches and properties: the feudal Ricasoli Dynasty. […].
Charlemagne, Charles the Great (742 – 814), was Holy Roman Emperor 800 – 814, King of the
Lombards from 774, and King of the Franks (the French) from 768.
Louis the Pious, 778 – 840), the Fair, was King of the Franks and co-Emperor with Charlemagne from
813 – 840. He was also King of Aquitaine from 781.
Deuteronomy 23:19-23:20.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
For centuries before Luther, Franco-Carolingians had already clashed at
Rome with a Spanish flavor of Christianity, which was influenced by Jewish and
Muslim rituals. The French version was at the heart of a simpler, Germanic form
of Christian rituals.98
Averardo de’ Medici was not living in poverty. A grand estate outside of
Florence – a fortress – was known as ‘Gafaggiolo de’ Medici’ during his
lifetime.99 The fortress had previously belonged to the Republic of Florence.
In plain English: he was already among the super-rich before the Medici Bank
even started.
The third member of this dynasty was Giovanni di Bicci de’ Medici, founder
of the Medici Bank, which would become the largest bank in Europe and its
dynasty the wealthiest in Europe. Ultimately, their later royal power found its
roots through a marriage arrangement that came to be forged in Luther’s time
by a Medici pope.
Giovanni di Bicci de’ Medici was trained by and worked with a distant cousin,
Vieri di Cambio who was a banker in Florence. His name, Change or Exchange in
English, suggests that the Medici cousin di Cambio may have been a Jewish
money changer, and that the Medici bankers could have originally been Jews100
who migrated from France. The mechanism appears similar to Abrabanel’s and
At the time, the Catholic Church enforced strict usury laws, essentially
endorsing the Jewish monopoly for interest-bearing businesses. In the laws’
consequence, Christians were not allowed to take interest.
However, in di Cambio’s time, the seat of the Catholic Church was not in
Rome but in Avignon, in modern southern France.
This era is called ‘the Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy,’ because the Vatican was
occupied by so-called anti-popes. This latter term is generally understood to
refer to illegitimate claimants to the papal throne, but it probably stands for
popes of competing sectarian denominations.
The popes in Avignon were supported by the French kings and the Medici.
Opposed to Catholics, Arians do not believe that Jesus Christ was both, man and God. God and Jesus
were distinct. The Germanic beliefs go back to the fourth century Paulinic Ulfilas Bible. However, the
original Arian position is not clearly documented in the historical record.
John Shearman, The Collections of the Younger Branch of the Medici (The Burlington Magazine 117
No. 862, January 1975) 17.
A.J. Deus
According to mainstream history, the anti-popes were upheld by Italians.101
Before continuing with the Medicis, let me zero in on Cambio’s name. When
the Catholic Church was talking about usury, it was not only referring to interest
on loans. As our modern banks vividly visualize, a banking business dependent
on interest revenues alone is like a cake half-baked. Of course, when you pay
little or no interest on deposits and take a lot on loans, then you should make a
bundle. Should. But there is a little pitfall built in that is often overlooked: risk.
If a loan defaults, large amounts are being lost that need to be made up by the
small trickle of interest from other loans. A way around it is to ask for collateral
to secure loans. We have already heard from Pfefferkorn’s accusation against
the Jewish pawnshop principle and the respective regulation in Venice. The
riches came not from the interest but from the liquidation of assets worth much
more than the loan.
The lender had a hidden interest in the failure of the borrower.
However, in government loans, the collateral could be as big as tax farming.
But there is another way to reduce the risk and make more money: lend out
money that you do not have. In simple terms, taking and giving out loans
depends on the scale of the operation. The bigger the lending business gets in
any particular market, the more the bank can lend out money without having it.
The loan of one client becomes the deposit of another.
This works best wherever a lender enjoys a monopoly in any given market.
It works even better where deposits are prohibited from receiving interest.
Since there were no regulations in Luther’s time, except for the usury laws,
the lending business could be driven up infinitely – until the ‘bank’ collapsed
through a bank run. The small depositors lost everything. The bankers always
Respectable as they were, they lived in palaces.
But then, there are other banking businesses. The big ones back then engaged
in what today would be called investment banking and arbitration, the exchange
of currency. In ‘investment banking,’ the mainly Jewish banks financed wars on
both sides and trade voyages, entire ships, complete with crew and all of their
merchandise. A single successful venture could enrich them beyond belief. A
sunken ship translated into a total loss.
This is not always so clear, because sometimes – as the Catholic Church chose – the roles between
Avignon and Rome were reversed. These anti-popes were more likely connected to a Spanish sect that
has not yet been properly identified.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
The trouble with this was that they already needed to be big to play big.
Unless they pooled the money of many to the same goal. And that is exactly
what they did. In the process, the organizer of the venture eliminated all his risk.
Win or lose, money poured in either way.
Which brings us finally back to di Cambio’s name that relates to money
changing operations. Other than for arbitration in modern banks, I used to think
of exchanging money as a sort of small-minded business idea. Change a hundred
bucks here and there from one currency to another and make a couple from it.
My late father-in-law – a Muslim man who was full of wonders – used to own a
money exchange business. Because I never thought of scale, I was in sheer
disbelief over how much money the business made with its small operation. In
Afghanistan, he told me, moneychangers advertised their services with Euros
and Dollars bundled up on transport pallets. Since the local currency was
worthless, exchange of hard currency was an essential factor of business. These
exchanges made so much money that their owners could literally swim in it. And
they never paid a single dollar in taxes. Since many transactions ran off the
books, business partners were able to enrich themselves by funneling away a
little here and a little more there. Nobody would ever know. Back then, there
were no unified currencies as we know them today. The more fractured
currencies were, the more money could be made with exchange services.
Money, money, money.
Before founding his own bank, Giovanni di Bicci de’ Medici had been
promoted to general manager of di Cambio’s branch in Rome. In this capacity,
the Medici supported the return of the Avignon papacy to the Vatican,
developing a deep business relationship with the papal court. At some point, di
Cambio’s money business broke into three banks. Giovanni took partnership of
the one in Rome and eventually moved its headquarters to Florence.
He cashed in when it was finally time for the Avignon popes to move to the
Eternal City. Being grateful for his continuing support, his Rome branch was
awarded control of the Apostolic Chamber.
As unbelievable as it may seem, Medici took command over the beating heart
of the finances of the Catholic Church, its treasury.
Similar to the King of the Jews, Abrabanel, in Portugal and Spain, Giovanni
was now treasurer of Europe’s largest business, the Catholic Church. It does not
appear to have been unusual. At the end of the twelfth century, the treasurer of
Pope Alexander III was a descendant of the great Talmudist Rabbi Nathan.
A.J. Deus
From there on, the Medici Bank expanded and branched out into virtually
everything: trade, factories, jewelry, transportation, politics, philanthropy,
charity, warfare, and tax farming – the world’s most lucrative business, a contract
to extort taxes from the poor sheep of the Catholic Church with whatever means
it took and to keep a good portion of the proceeds.
This was one ruthless tribe.
The Catholic priesthood insisted on a biblical right to taxation to line its own
pockets,102 and the Medicis lent their hand, axe, knife, and sword as the enforcers
of the cash flow. The Medici Bank’s success was unstoppable under Frenchfriendly popes, and its stamp would eventually be on – everything.
Giovanni died one of the richest men in one of the richest cities in Europe.
Thanks to the usury laws, the Medici Bank did not even have to pay interest
on the tax money that they owed the Vatican.
100 years later, the Vatican in the Medici banking empire still provided for
over half of its profits. For a business, that generally constitutes an
uncomfortable lump risk. Nevertheless, with their good relations to the Vatican,
the political influence of the family grew with their wealth.
Cosimo and Piero di Cosimo de’ Medici were de facto rulers of Florence.
The political situation in the Italian Peninsula and the Medici business grew
unstable during the time of the next generation with Lorenzo the Magnificent.
The latter remains famous today with connoisseurs for his support of two of the
great Renaissance artists of the time, Botticelli and Michelangelo.
Lorenzo was ‘il primo cittadino d’Italia,’ first among Italy’s citizens. He was
the most prominent and important of all men in the Italian Peninsula. One of
his daughters gave birth to two sons who later became cardinals, and one of his
grand daughters became mother of Pope Leo XI. Another daughter was married
to the son of Pope Innocent. One of their sons also became a cardinal.
But Lorenzo could not always enjoy smooth sailing.
Sirach 7:30–31.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
A Dominican friar by the name of Savonarola103 turned Florence into a war
zone. Under siege by a French army, and instead of submitting to orders from
the Catholic Church, the Florentine extremist combined his puritan teachings
with armed youth gangs and managed to have the French-friendly Medicis
thrown out of their hometown – together with all Jews.104
Thenceforth, the Medici family spent the years between 1494 and 1512 in
exile. Their business went belly up.
Savonarola promised to become the center of a new imperial power with
riches to bless the city like never before.105 Given Florence’s wealth, one might
think that was a preposterous thing to say. However, in organized religion, wealth
is measured by the number of paying believers.
The fanatic was intent on creating a New Jerusalem in Florence. For this to
happen – we will learn about the mechanism later – he needed a messiah and he
had to hasten the End of the World. If one were to look for a really radical
reformer, he was the one. Luther looked like a frightened lamb compared to this
guy. Both bedeviled the corrupt clergy of the Catholic Church.
A pattern emerged: New Jerusalem was multiplying.
Savonarola was excommunicated by the pope for his hostile refusal to join
the Vatican’s fight against the French King. The Catholic Pope at the time was
Alexander VI, the Spanish-born Borgia (Borja).106 Political opponents described
the Borgia clan as ‘Marranos’ – with the unmistaken meaning of sows – converts
from Judaism.
Alexander VI was now the one under fire by Savonarola.
Things turned sour.
The Florentine populace lost its faith in the holy man.107 Savonarola ended up
hanged and burned in Florence’s main square, the awe-inspiringly beautiful
Piazza della Signoria.
Girolamo Savonarola, 1452 – 1498.
[On December 26, 1595, Savonarola] expelled the Medici and the Jews from Florence. The Jews, who
had previously served as the Medici's bankers, were replaced by the Monte di Pieta, a public loan bank.
(Jewishhistory.org.il, retrieved September 22, 2017).
Girolamo Savonarola in Donald Weinstein, Savonarola and Florence Prophecy and Patriotism in the
Renaissance (Princeton, 1970) 143.
Pope Alexander VI aka Rodrigo de Borja (Borgia), Roderic Llançol i de Borja, Rodrigo Lanzol y de
Borja, 1431 – 1503, was pope 1492 – 1503.
Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince, Concerning New Principalities Which Are Acquired By One's Own
Arms And Ability (1532).
A.J. Deus
Whoever travels to Florence should visit the Convent of San Marco, just a
couple of busy blocks north of the cathedral and the city’s traffic-free main
sights. The preacher had his quarters there from 1482. Looking past the
incredible art, Savonarola’s and his friar brothers’ cells speak an unmistaken
language of a place of religious radicalization. Perhaps any convent that can be
visited by the public would provide for a similar aha-moment for just how low
human life is willing to degrade itself to halt or reverse progress in the name of
Another Giovanni de’ Medici with the suffix ‘delle Bande Nere,’ was a son of
the most significant woman of the Renaissance, Caterina Sforza, raised humanist
at the Sforza court in Milan. Money attracts money. By this time, Caterina’s
reputation could be summed up in her nickname, ‘The Tiger of Forlì.’
In the chaos of Savonarola’s aftermath, the Milanese humanist ‘Tiger of Forlì’
ended up in Castel Sant’Angelo, a prison in the Vatican with the name of an
angel, in which the Medici wife was incarcerated. Allegedly, she had tried to
poison the Borgia Pope Alexander VI.
Martin Luther studied some of Savonarola’s writings. He praised him as a
martyr. The extremist Savonarola was one of the forerunners of the Protestant
Reformation108 after whom Luther would come to shape his approach to
separating from the Catholic Church.
The two Medicis who we are really interested in are Lorenzo’s sons Giovanni
di Lorenzo and Giulio di Giuliano de’ Medici.109 The former was now himself
Pope Leo X, the one in Martin Luther’s eye. Through his family connections to
previous popes, he had been named a cardinal at the age of sixteen. Sent to
Florence by his predecessor, Pope Julius II (della Rovere), with a papal army, he
himself came to reinstate Medici rule in the city just before ascending to the
papal throne in Rome. Giulio later became Pope Clement VII.
The Medicis were not sucking their thumbs in exile.
They were working hard behind the scenes with a very long-term outlook.
The game plan could well have gone wrong. But putting a Medici on the papal
throne was a genius strategy. When Giovanni di Lorenzo was made Pope Leo X,
he was only thirty-seven years old and was not even yet ordained a priest.
Business can only be merry, one might think.
Donald Weinstein, Savonarola: The Rise and Fall of a Renaissance Prophet (Yale, 2011) 360, note 26,
drawing on works in German (Nolte) and Italian (Simoncelli and Dall' Aglio).
Because the son of Lorenzo’s brother had been murdered, Giulio ended up being adopted by the family
Holy Enemies of Freedom
After returning to their home base, the Medicis established themselves as the
hereditary rulers of Florence.
When Luther talked about corruption in the Catholic Church, it would have
been imprudent of him to engage in name-calling. However, there is little doubt
that his contemporaries, including the pope, knew exactly what he was talking
Holy Lord of Wars
While the Medicis were important for the flow of hard currency for the Vatican,
we need also to understand the internal workings of the Catholic Church. We
remember that income had been redirected from Luther’s Augustinian Order to
the Dominicans.
Under the leadership of the Augustinian Vicar General Egidio Viterbo,110 the
order of the Austin Friars was ‘unified’ into regular Catholic congregations. This
consolidation appears to have been the result of a short-lived pan-European
alliance111 that was forged to get the rebellious Venetians in line.
As a member of the Erfurt Augustinian convent at the time, Luther was
opposed to this merger.
Six other Augustinian convents rebelled against the command to submit to
the Catholic creed. As a representative of the disobedient friars, Luther had
already been in Rome in the fall of 1510. He thought of the Catholic Church as
stubborn, butting their way through in an all-or-nothing approach.112
The deal fell flat, and many Augustinian convents celebrated their
independence. Consequently, there was an inter-Augustinian schism; those for
integration and those for ‘freedom’ from the yoke of the Catholic Church.
That Luther ended up as an Augustinian leader is sort of a surprise.
He did not seem to have found his footing in life. Having started to study
law and then switching to philosophy and theology, he lacked orientation. In
philosophy, he learned how to reason. It did not satisfy his faith.
Egidio Viterbo (Ægidius Viterbensis), aka Giles Antonini, aka Giles of Viterbo, 1472 – 1532, was an
Austin Friar, bishop of Viterbo and cardinal of the Catholic Church.
The League of Cambrai.
Martin Luther, On war against Islamic reign of terror (On war against the Turk, 1528) WA 30 II, 107148.
A.J. Deus
A terrifying moment when lightning struck near him113 led him to subscribe
to life as a hermit in the Augustinian cloister at Erfurt in 1505. It is almost as
though he attempted to reconnect with a lost faith and punish himself for his
Lack of purpose is a feature that is frequently found among extremists.
The St. Augustine Monastery in Erfurt reaches back to the late thirteenth
century. Its prison-like structures had been built through public donations and
the sale of indulgences.115 Almost 150 hermits resided there with Luther.
In addition to living off donations, they traded in a blue indigo dye that was
processed from the woad plant. Erfurt was a medieval center for this color.116
For a decade after Luther’s arrival, a large library was under construction in
the monastery.
Erfurt was the point of no return on Luther’s march to radicalization.
Surrounded by like-minded monks, the Reformer henceforth focused on the
imaginary. He was isolated from reality behind the monastery’s walls. His human
interactions were limited to admirers of divinities with a singular Augustinian
Luther was ordained in 1507. The next year, he became a teacher at
Wittenberg University.
He rose like a star.
Two years later, he represented the rebellious Austin Friars in Rome, even
before he was awarded the title of Doctor of Theology.
By the time of his 95 Theses, he was in charge of eleven monasteries.
He would later come to declare monastic houses as ‘nothing more than an estate
founded by worldly wisdom for the sake of getting money and revenues.’ Still in his words,
‘everything about it is merely external, temporal, perishable pomp.’117 He would come to
call them ‘death traps, the very ramparts of hell.’118
Martin Brecht, Martin Luther, translated by James L. Schaaf (Fortress Press, Copyright © 1985–93,
reprinted by permission of Fortress Press) 1:48.
James Kittelson, Luther The Reformer (Fortress Publishing, 1986) 79.
Theresia Simon, Die Augustiner-Eremiten im Spätmittelalter: Am Beispiel des Augustinerklosters in
Erfurt (AV Akademikerverlag, 2014).
Joan Thirsk, Alternative Agriculture: A History: From the Black Death to the Present Day (Oxford,
1997) 81-82.
Martin Luther, A Sermon on Keeping Children in School (1530), from Luther’s Works, Vol. 46
(Fortress, Copyright © 1967, reprinted by permission of Fortress) 213-57.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
Indeed, these are places of radicalization. A monk might enter with good
intentions. But the inhumane environment could turn him into a monster with
a mind full of demons sooner rather than later.
Egidio Viterbo and Martin Luther were arch enemies.
This Viterbo opened the Fifth Lateran Council of the Catholic Church at
Rome in 1512. At the start of the Reformation, he already had become cardinal.
An Austin friar, or rather the boss thereof, he was by now a fully integrated
member of the top leadership of the Catholic Church.
Soon thereafter, Viterbo came to be considered a favored successor to the
papal throne.
With this career outlook, it is little wonder that he was willing to sell out his
Augustinian friends.
Two issues should help us understand the complex religious context. First, it
appears essential to know what was going on in the Fifth Lateran Council. We
need to spend some time with it, because it will provide some answers for
Luther’s later behavior. Secondly, we need to learn what the Austin Friars
believed in. There is no better way than to ask St. Augustine himself.
The Fifth Lateran Council was held in sessions over a period of six years and
ended a few months before Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the church door at
Wittenberg in 1517. However, most of the bishopric outside of the Italian
Peninsula or Spain did not, or refused to, attend. This lack of attendance
highlights the dire circumstances that the Catholic Church was in.
Luther was only one of the problems to come.
The pope at the time, Julius II,119 had higher ambitions.
He intended to rid the Catholic domain of feudal kings and, with this move,
to ensure the ‘independence’ of the church from earthly influence. Julius wanted
the Catholic Church to rule the world through its clerical network alone. It
should be a full-fledged theocracy, rather than the ill-conceived one that it was.
To implement this would neither come easy nor be without resistance and
For hundreds of years, Catholic kings and princes were hanging in a delicate
balance with the papacy. Church and nobility fed each other by mutual
reinforcement. The Catholic Church created noble overlords preferably from its
own ranks. In return, the nobility promised to uphold the power of the church.
Pope Julius II was pope of the Catholic Church 1503 – 1513.
A.J. Deus
This allowed feudal states to emerge and to be maintained under the tyranny
of church-allied royals. These were sort of dual governments that lived
according to biblical prescriptions.
The papacy played shepherd, and its noble dogs kept the sheep in check and
milked taxes for the Vatican.
Following the Bible,120 noble families typically delegated one of their sons to
a clerical career. This acted like an insurance policy for their own privileges
within the ecclesiastical inner circle. However, biblical rules are deceptions. The
Bible mandates the highest despots to be from the leading Jewish class, the
Levites.121 This safeguards the priestly succession and nobility to remain a closedknit network.
Ordinary Jewish or Christian families could send their firstborn sons to the
monasteries as they wished. The biblical hierarchy was rigged against their ascent
into the noble class. They were tricked not only to send their firstborns with no
prospects for their livelihoods but also to sustain the system of their own
oppression with taxes. The way to break into the caste would have been to
become pope. He was the one with the power to give or take away the benefices
necessary to ascend to the one percent – nobility. To make oppression perfect,
they did not tolerate dissent or violence against the ruling class, even if it
concerned one of their staunchest enemies. The offender ended up before the
The success and riches of the upper class were pre-programmed. They rose
to become bishops and cardinals or popes in Rome. The Vatican created and
maintained the royals’ power and enforced it through the word of their god.
It was an utterly corrupt system of governance.
Martin Luther opposed the pope’s ideas to limit the power of nobility. He
thought that they were responsible for ‘protecting’ the people and that the
church should take care of spiritual questions. Luther wanted to strengthen the
status of nobility. Because of their difference, Luther called Pope Julius a ‘wicked
iron-eater’ in reference to his function as a leader in wars and thought of him as
‘half devil.’123
The approach of the Reformer rested on right-wing tradition, preservation,
and opposition, rather than on innovation.
Exodus 22:29–30.
Numbers 3:11.
An example of the mechanism is in Ha-Cohen, Vol. II, transl. Bialloblotzky, 1836, 52.
Luther, On War, 1528, WA 30 II, 107-148.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
The geo-political currents can be understood through the election speech of
Julius. It may just be gossip, but he is said to having flat-out refused to be in the
same room that his Spanish-born predecessor, the Borgia Pope Alexander VI,
had lived in.
Julius claimed that Borgia had ‘usurped the papal power by the devil’s aid.’
Considering an otherwise inexplicable transfer of Borgia’s palace in Rome to
the cardinal who was responsible for the election of Pope Alexander VI and also
recipient of the vice-chancellorship of the Vatican,124 Julius might have had a
point. His intent was to wipe out Alexander’s memory. He wanted his body sent
back to Spain,125 so it is said. Given the support of all corrupt cardinals in the
room, including Alexander’s nephew, Cardinal Cesare Borgia, and ten other
Spanish cardinals, Pope Julius might have thought to say something like it. But
he likely did not risk having his life cut short. In contrary and on other occasion,
the pope held Alexander VI in ‘happy memory.’126
How treacherous the path of a pope was is apparent with Julius’ direct
predecessor.127 He lasted for less than a month. For his election, he was too sick
to walk and too lame to kneel, according to mainstream history.128 To play for
time, they had elected a member of the walking dead to replace the Borgia Pope
Alexander VI – a compromise candidate, so they say.
However, because this papacy was not long enough to cash in, the Spanocchi
Bank of Siena was ruined. They had invested in a dead man?
The pope’s election was corrupt.
The Italian cities of Florence and Pisa had long been disobedient to the
Catholic Church, particularly when the pope was not friendly with the Kingdom
of France. Julius deployed the troops of the Papal States in order to rectify their
religious spirits through armed intervention.
He was not nicknamed ‘The Warrior Pope’ by mere chance.
The pope was a holy lord of wars.
Setton, 1978, 434.
Pope Julius II in Nigel Cawthorne, Sex Lives of the Popes (Prion, 1996) 219 [unable to verify the original
Archive di Stato di Roma, Introitus et Exitus, Reg. 535, fol. 182, cited by Pastor, Hist. Popes, VI. 224,
note, and Geschichte der Päpste, III-2 (repr. 1956) 693, and note 8, in Setton, 1984, 36.
Pope Pius III aka Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini, was pope from September 22, 1503 to October
18, 1503.
Setton, 1984, 4.
A.J. Deus
Since Pope Julius wanted to rid himself of royalty, the bishoprics of the
Kingdom of France had deemed it within their right to withdraw from the
Catholic Church. The papal forces had lost decisive battles at Milan, Bologna,
and later Ravenna. The French victors organized a general council at Pisa, which
amounted to another anti-papal schism. The pope was invited. He refused to
French Christians had their own kind of reformation.
Modern Pisa boasts a medieval city core second to none. Just outside, its
massive cathedral and Leaning Tower attract millions of visitors every year. Back
then, the city was an utterly unsuitable place for a council, the pope contended.
Indeed, ‘Pisa had suffered so grievously in a full fourteen years of siege and desolation that
there were hardly any houses still left with their walls intact.’129 In light of the dangers to
the bishops and cardinals while travelling to the council, the meetings at Pisa did
not take place with the planned crowds. Because of the possibility of assault, the
rebellious undertaking was moved from Pisa to Milan and finally to Lyon in
France. Thanks to the mutual bickering of the few cardinals in attendance, it
amounted to nothing.
Among other non-issues, they decided to suspend the authority of Pope
Julius II.130
The damage to the papacy was inflicted anyway.
With Pandora’s Box already open, the authority of the Vatican was again
criticized by Martin Luther. Nevertheless, all sides insisted on profound church
reformation and some kind of enforcement of peace among the feudal
The ulterior goal of pope and clergy was to plan holy war against the
Ottoman-Turks to restore the Holy Land and Jerusalem to Christian rule.131 To
this end, they needed to bring the royals to a pan-European peace and war treaty.
In other words, the thinly attended Fifth Lateran Council at Rome was not
entirely voluntary, even though the corrupt package-deal for the election of
Pope Julius II contained the obligation to call for a council within two years.
Ibid., 95.
Ibid., 120.
Pastor, History of the Popes, VI, append., no. 76, pp. 647-48, in Setton, 1984, 51.
Also page 75.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
The council focused on suppressing the schism with Pisa-Milan, which was
under the protectorate of the French king,132 one of those monarchs on the
pope’s list to be militarily eliminated. The holy lord of wars did not seem to have
taken into account that when God’s intermediary shot, the arrows might come
back for him. Like the pope, the French king’s ambition – he bore the honorary
title ‘Most Christian King’ – was to attain a ‘world monarchy.’133
Revolt was written all over.
Under guard by armed Knights Hospitaller, Egidio Viterbo, Luther’s Austin
Friar anti-friend, opened the council by addressing the evils of the church and
pleading for its reform. He insisted that men must act in accordance with
immutable religion, not religion with men.134 Calling for peace among the onepercenters, he wanted to shift the focus such that the ‘arms of our kings be turned
upon Mohammed, the common enemy of Christ.’135
In almost every religious council in history, the meaning of peace is the same:
war against heretics, those who dare to disagree.
We know next to nothing about the discussions during the few sessions that
took place. At least, we are in possession of the council’s proclamations. Viterbo
seems to have been an advocate of concordance (one united doctrine) and
church reform. He attempted also to uphold some of the Augustinian principles.
This must not have been an easy feat, in particular because his adversaries of the
Dominican order were to argue reform from their radically different point of
The man on the other side was the Dominican Master-General, Cajetan,136
master of terror by the Papal States, that is – the Inquisition. Cajetan was the
boss of the national grand inquisitors. He would become a saint in which
capacity he remains patron of Argentine – and of gamblers and document
forgers – Saint Cajetan.
But wait!
I am confusing Saint Cajetan with another by the name of Thomas Cajetan.
He had two faces and one mind. It is an artful maneuver. Both lived around the
same time, pursued the same professional obsession, and roamed the Vatican at
the same time; one disappeared into life in the service of religious ‘charity’ – an
Louis XII was King of France 1498 – 1515, Duke of Milan 1499 – 1512, and King of Naples 1501 –
Setton, 1984, 29, 61.
Ibid., 121.
Thomas Cajetan, aka Gaetanus, aka Tommaso de Vio or Thomas de Vio, 1469 – 1534.
A.J. Deus
euphemism for advertisement, paid for with the money extorted from the poor
– while the other appeared at that moment as a papal diplomat; of one we know
where he studied and of the other where he worked; one spoke a lot, but nothing
is written down, and the other left a pile of works behind, but he spoke of
nothing. Some of the works by the one who knew how to write were later
‘expunged’ by the University of Sorbonne in Paris. They came to be viewed as
The term expunged is a red flag. It indicates engineering of history to align with
wishful thinking. The works have been censored in order to merit the approval
of the Catholic Church.
The intention of the council was to restore peace in the Catholic domain and
to overthrow heresies and schisms.
The words peace and overthrow form a poetic pair.
They wanted to organize a campaign to weed out the enemies of their Truth
‘so that the mouths of all schismatics and enemies of peace, those howling dogs, may be silenced
and Christians may be able to keep themselves unstained from such pernicious and poisonous
Silencing the howling dogs.
This is not some unfortunate misstep. It is part of the written resolution as
agreed on at the council.
Poisonous contagion?
In the definition of Cardinal Cajetan, Christians live their lives in the efficacy
of the sacraments under the tutelage of a priesthood obedient to the pope, the
Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church138 – the equivalent to the Pontifex
Maximus of the long-gone Roman Empire – a dictator. The pope’s authority is
second only to his god’s. All citizens owe total submission to him. It was a
wholly totalitarian system that was designed around a despot by leveraging the
superstitions of the subjected populations. Infidels upset the harmony of the
divinely ordained society.
There is no place for them – except for six feet under.
According to this Truth, everyone who does not follow it is among those
needing correction.
Fifth Lateran Council, Session 2, May 17, 1512.
Setton, 1984, 126-127.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
A diabolic plan was being drawn up by the council to restore the only Truth
that was ‘sure knowledge.’
Luther soon became the bull’s-eye.
Although the pope’s intention was to rid the world of feudal overlords, he
made a disastrous mistake. He sent none other than Giovanni di Lorenzo de’
Medici to wrest the city of Florence back from the enemies of the Catholic
This ended the Medici family’s exile and – we know nothing about it – might
have spelled the pope’s own end. Supposedly, the Medici cardinal was captured
by French troops and ended up in the contested city of Milan. There, he is said
to have absolved Milanese and Frenchmen and promoted that nobody should
work against the church.139 A cousin of the cardinal, Giulio de’ Medici, appears
to have been the messenger for the renewed submission of Kingdom of France
and the Medicis to the power of the Catholic Pope.
Trust – but whom?
The two, Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici and Giulio di Giuliano de’ Medici,
just so happened later to become popes of the Catholic Church. ‘In the last
minute,’ the Medici cardinal had escaped from French captivity.
The Medicis were no turncoats.
They had been playing on the French team all along.
Ibid., 129.
A.J. Deus
Another Reformation
The council prohibited the sale and purchase of church offices. Including the
throne of the pope. The practice has been attempted to be rooted out countless
times through the centuries. Its varnished technical term is simony.
Corruption does not follow laws.
In addition to its enforcement of the Truth, the Catholic Church had a nose
for money.
In its regulation against simony, one can find ‘intermediaries, brokers, and
bankers’ barred from ‘making or benefiting from a will.’ The church gave itself the
authority to confiscate their property.140 The council also included secular
banking businesses. In these cases, they consented to such property being seized
by the ‘secular’ authorities. Those nobles in bed with the Catholic Church. The
disdain of the papacy could bankrupt them in the blink of an eye. The greed of
royalty could bust them in an instant.
The power of the Truth was enforced by creating noble dependencies. There
was no business without supporting the Catholic Church.
Apologists claim that the resulting disasters were caused by the political
situation. With this council, we have the primary evidence that royalty had no
choice but to advertise Catholicism. The ringleaders were the heads of the
Catholic Church, the pope, his cardinals, and his enforcers from the terror
network of the Inquisition. If the nobles did not sufficiently uphold and expand
Catholicism or failed to send growing tax revenues to Rome, they lost their
feudal privileges through the intervention of the Inquisition.
Could they have rebelled?
Of course – in rags.
Under Luther’s leadership, some would soon come to refuse compliance.
However, the Catholic Church did not need Martin Luther to enlighten its
leaders about the corruption in its religious organization.
They were fully self-aware.
As it is with warfare, things do not always work out as planned, and a stroke
of luck turned the tide on the French front in favor of the papacy. French troops
had to withdraw into their trenches at home. Their king had to declare his
allegiance to the Vatican.
Fifth Lateran Council, Session 5, February 16, 1513.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
Now we can see just how corrupt the feudal system was: in advance of the
victory, the pope had made a most secret arrangement with the King of England.
In it, the latter would not only be granted the title and rights to the Kingdom of
France, but in gratitude, the title ‘Most Christian King’ would be transferred from
the King of France to him.141 The pope was the Vicar of Christ. The Triple
Crown of the Vatican symbolized emperors and kings as his vice-regents.
The pope was in charge, and royal obedience paid off.
At least, it should have.
The French-averse Pope Julius II died around the time of the total defeat of
the Francophones – surprise! – and the French-friendly Medici pope, Leo X,
started out powerless, so it is said, only to immediately pick up the trail of the
ongoing council. The schism with Pisa-Milan was ended. The formerly
disobedient clerics had their honors and dignities restored.
They appeared as though they had won the challenge to papal authority.142
We know nothing about how Julius found his martyrdom. He died of a fever,
so history records, or perhaps of grief. He should have been more careful whose
wine he sipped in celebration of his victories.
Having a Medici buoy to the top is an indication that the printed laws did not
prevent the progression of worldly realities of corruption. That is how important
a pope was for the Medici clan and the other banker families.
The here-portrayed preference of the pope conflicts with mainstream history.
Wait for actions to speak for themselves.
What had happened was that the papal alliance basically disintegrated over
the spoils of its success against the Kingdom of France. Venice, traditionally not
on good terms with the Vatican, quickly rebuilt its relations with the defeated to
hold the hated Pope Julius in check.
That the Venetians would jump ship at first opportunity was a given after
they had earlier been stabbed into religious submission by the papal troops. Put
into this equation the French-friendly Florence as well as Genoa. Things could
have turned against the papacy in a heartbeat.
Setton, 1984, 124.
Ibid., 150.
A.J. Deus
Pope Julius was under the protectorate of the Holy Roman Empire and the
half-hearted English. But the death knell was the invitation of Spain to battle
against the Kingdom of France. It resulted in the re-encroachment of Spanish
interests over the Italian Peninsula.
The blood-dripping swords of France had merely been replaced with the
blood-soaked daggers of Spain.
Christian blood, that is. On all sides.
Leo’s goal now was to enforce peace among the Christian rulers – and then
go after the ‘enemies’ of the Catholic faith.143 The idea was not universal peace
but a unification of Catholic forces against everybody else – still. Simply put, the
dream – or rather the nightmare – was ultimately to obliterate all competing
Christian sects, Judaism, and finally Islam.
The collective idea in this council was that they could solve the pan-European
sectarian differences by deciding – for all others – what was right or wrong.
The council’s decisions were written down and distributed as evidence. The
paper put the opposition on fire.
Those men had no soul.
The human soul is a marvelous idea, if one considers it to be the spirit of
humanity. When we refer to a person’s good soul, we do not mean something
tangible, much less so something worth fighting over how ‘it’ should be
understood. Back then, beliefs were different, much more deep-seated than they
are today, even among the best of Christians. The council insisted on an immortal
soul. This terminology sought to eliminate all doubts about what ‘it’ was
supposed be.144 For that, they were willing to condemn anyone who either
rejected or doubted its immortality.
The issue was not belief. Their determination to impose the Catholic version
of faith with terminal love was a crime against humanity. On the other hand, the
problem for the church was straightforward: without immortality of the soul –
since they must have recognized that the body is given to worms after death –
the Gospels’ promise for eternal life seemed impossible to fulfill; there would
be no resurrection; no salvation. In consequence, there would be no End of the
World and, with this, no New Jerusalem.
Without the immortal soul, Christianity was to collapse by the weight of its
religious rationale.
Fifth Lateran Council, Session 6, April 27, 1513.
Fifth Lateran Council, Session 8, December 19, 1513.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
What is the soul?
Is there any evidence to show for this mysterious creature? Any at all? Believe
it or not, an eyewitness account reports that the soul of a pope was ‘carried to
heaven in a fiery globe,’ at midnight.145 The same witness lists a host of other miracles
and armies of souls that went to heaven. Spectacular! The witness was Pope
Gregory146 from the turn of the seventh century.
Given the conflict of interest, he was probably not the most credible of all
possible witnesses.
In the absence of tangible evidence, we need to look a little deeper.
In the biblical story of the first humans, the god of the Israelites warned
Adam under threat of life not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and
evil. In ‘disobedience,’ Eve gave Adam fruit to eat from the tree, consequently
giving humanity the gift of intellect147 – soul. Had this act not taken place,
humans would be no smarter than chimpanzees. Devoid of understanding,
primate apes (the hominid state of Adam and Eve before eating the fruit) could
not have been responsible for the disregard of the godly warning.
Eve’s deed was the cause of human enlightenment.
Judaic believers are eternally thankful by declaring her noncompliance as the
original sin. It is for this ‘sin’ that all of humanity needs to suffer until a savior
comes to our rescue.
Luther said that a woman adopts her husband’s name as ‘confirmation of the
punishment or subjection which the woman incurred through her sin.’148 This crime was not
committed by Eve alone. Adam went along. And her action was nothing but
curiosity. Nevertheless, by the reasoning of all Judaic religions, Eve’s guilt was
collectively transferred to the next generation of the entire female gender. And
the next. Up until today.
The original sin is the eternal justification for treating women as second class.
The merciful, almighty god was tricked by Eve.
The god banished the arch-couple from the Garden of Eden to make sure
that humans did not eat from the tree of life also. Eating from it would have
enabled humanity to live forever.
Gregory the Great, Dialogues (ca. 600 AD) IV:VII.
Pope Gregory I was pope of the Catholic Church 590 – 604 AD.
Genesis 3:7-3:12 (NIV).
Luther’s Works, Volume I, Lectures on Genesis, Chapters 1-5, Edited by Jaroslav Pelikan, translated by
Georg V. Schick (Concordia, Copyright © 1958, reprinted by permission of Concordia) 235.
A.J. Deus
The god even placed angry angels and a flaming sword in front of the garden
in order to block access to the tree.149 He could simply have commanded them
to stay off his property.
After all, he is God.
But in the myth, Adam and Eve were given knowledge, intellect – soul.
Sooner or later, boundless human curiosity posed a threat to the Truth of
organized religions of Judaic origin. Targeting the teaching of philosophy at its
church-censored universities, the council’s argument was that study that lacked
‘the flavoring of divine wisdom and the light of revealed truth – sometimes leads to error rather
than to the discovery of the Truth.’150 The study of philosophy was limited to five years.
After this, only those devoted to theology were permitted to continue. The idea
was that those would cleanse and heal ‘the infected sources of philosophy and poetry.’151
They had a religious police academy in mind.
Moderns still rely on church-‘cleansed’ literature, because all too often, that
is all that is left of what was not destroyed in this process.
Some apologists and even respected scholars might like to say that this is just
history. We are living in the twenty-first century, after all. But since we have
been blessed with Eve’s gift of a soul, this position is intellectually lazy.
It is also patently false.
Scripture discourages believers to think on their own.152 After all, thinking
derives from the original sin.
The rejection of curiosity provides for the rule of turning a blind eye to
religious abuse and puts sound judgment into the hands of the clergy alone.
Faith requires the unconditional submission to the church’s institutions and
their leaders, to the synagogues, and to the mosques.
So says the Bible.
Therefore, it must be true.
The real goals are in the symbolism of the Vatican City’s coat of arms. On its
flags, it depicts the Tiara with the Triple Crown, the symbol of king of kings –
world leadership.
Genesis 3:22-24 NIV.
Fifth Lateran Council, Session 8, December 19, 1513.
Sirach 3:21–24.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
The King of the Jews is the king of the world; the pope of the Catholic
Church is the leader of the planet; the Muslim caliph is the supreme boss of the
universe. This is not a trivial problem. It defines our time.
It had, has, and will have grave consequences for all of humanity.
We need to carefully consider the evidence at hand.
The violent and hateful content of the Bible as a ‘moral compass’ of humanity
is perhaps not the best way forward considering those who wish to freely choose
not to have anything to do with it.
The next topic in the council was Bohemia, which today is essentially the
Czech territory between Germany and Hungary.
Bohemia had long fallen off the Catholic faith through the reformer Jan
Hus.153 He was another forerunner of the Protestant Reformation, providing
Martin Luther with a roadmap on how to organize his church 100 years after
The Hussite Revolution was an era during which the Bohemians withstood
five crusades that were organized by the pope to get Hus’ followers back under
his fatherly control.
In its essence, their shortlist of demands, known as the Four Articles of
Prague, sounded similar to Martin Luther’s 95 Theses.
The subjects to be considered were ‘intended mainly to expose the corruptions of the
church, the avarice, extortion, lewdness, and hypocrisy of the clergy.
[…] These are the prohibition of gross public sins whether in laity or clergy;
the inconsistency of large revenues and pomp with the simplicity of ministers of Jesus
the freedom of the word of God to be read and preached in all places, ‘without any
inhibition of either spiritual or earthly power;’
and the communion of the body [bread] and blood [wine] of Christ as he ordained
[also to disciples].’154
Jan Hus, 1369–1415.
Ezra Hall Gillett, The life and times of John Huss: Or, The Bohemian reformation of the fifteenth
century (Gould and Lincoln, 1864) Band 2, 369. The full articles are on page 442-443.
A.J. Deus
The revolution ushered in religious resistance along the line of thought of the
Four Articles of Prague – until it was finally crushed again by the Catholic
Church 100 years after Martin Luther. The conflict left behind tens of thousands
of widows, orphans, and mothers who lost their sons.
How do I know that Martin Luther was a product of the Hussite Revolution?
His home base Wittenberg is merely 60 miles155 north of the locations of the
border raids by the followers of Jan Hus. The four articles appear as a prototype
for Luther’s ideas, almost as though he had used the text for his draft for the 95
Luther successfully continued what others had long begun.
But we must be aware of the kind of freedom that the Hussites had in mind.
They have nothing in common with what modern Westerners take for granted.
Instead, their plan was to go back to a more pious time, without economic
ambitions, and under the full control of the Hussite Church and the watchful
eyes of the Christian community. They wished to remain in the larger body of
the Catholic Church, without unnecessary innovations other than going back to
the roots of paucity.
Indeed, after the land was ravaged by the Catholic Church, Bohemia suffered
for generations under extreme systemic poverty.
They got what they asked for.
And they were among the first to join the Protestant Reformation.
Even though there were some ‘democratic’ underpinnings in the causes for
the Hussite Wars, life in piety and abject poverty was their choice.
The four articles clarify that they were a direct consequence of the teachings
of the Gospels, which glorify poverty. Written under the rule of the Roman
Empire, the New Testament stokes its followers into passive aggression by
refusing to partake in economic or social life – even family life is rejected – other
than what is necessary for barebones subsistence. This differentiates itself only
little from today’s doctrinal impoverishment of the Muslim world, which, given
democratic opportunities, votes itself right back into theocracies.
Where the pious rule, freedom means piety in the image of their only Truth.
Freedom may bear sharply diverse ideas when uttered from fundamentalist
100 kilometers.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
In short: organized religion is an enemy of freedom for the individual and of
freedom for all.
That does not mean that religious freedom is not sacrosanct. It is. Everyone
is free to believe in ghosts or in rocks turning into meat. But the business of
organized religion is not to be free any more than other businesses are ‘free’.
According to the council under Pope Leo, the power of the infidels – a word
that we are accustomed to from Muslim hate sermons – had grown
remarkably.156 The council’s mission was to bring Bohemia back home to the
caring lap of the Holy Father in the Vatican. There were grand words and
gestures of peace, but they were conditional either to voluntary submit to Rome
or to be converted by the force of arms. To this end, inquisitors were sent to
‘negotiate’ a deal – with thumbscrews in their luggage.
Their behavior was anti-Renaissance, anti-social, anti-humanitarian, antiprogress, and against the freedom of individuals. This was then a criminal
organization, thoroughly dedicated to oppressing or eliminating anyone who
stood in the way of its power.
Point in case: the Catholic Church was attempting thought control at a time
of great intellectual awakening.
At the same time, Europe was exhausted by war. ‘Italy has been almost wiped out
by internecine slaughter, cities and territories have been disfigured, partly overturned and partly
levelled.’157 Instead of Muslims killing Muslims, in Italy, Catholics slaughtered
Catholic Christians. Yet, their recipe to fix the disaster was to call for higher
Catholic unity in order to fight the enemies of the faith as one force.158
With this goal in mind, Pope Leo X issued an ill-fated Papal Bull to the
Hungarians to organize a crusade against the Muslim Ottoman-Turks. This
external enemy was on the march north up the Balkan toward Hungary, Austria,
and Bohemia. While the papal call led to the quick gathering of 40,000 peasant
solders, the leading cardinal failed in leadership and supplies.
This Catholic Cardinal had joined the ranks of the super-rich and had tried
to bribe himself onto the throne at the Vatican. The Crusade turned into a
yearlong civil war of peasant crusaders against Hungarian nobility. They had
enough of being brutally exploited by their feudal overlords in the service of the
Fifth Lateran Council, Session 8, December 19, 1513.
Fifth Lateran Council, Session 9, May 5, 1514.
A.J. Deus
Many Hungarians were indifferent over whether they would be under the
yoke of the Catholic Church or Ottoman Muslims. Moreover, Western
Europeans did not think much of Hungarians. The latter’s leadership was deeply
divided by bitter factional strife. Their German-influenced court party was hated
by the people.159
National superiority-complexes and aspirations to imperial leadership stood
in the way of focused joint operations.
The conflict weakened the kingdom to the point of offering an open door
for Ottoman-Turks to march into Europe. Their fights with the Safavids in
Persia and the Mamluks in Syria and Egypt prevented them from simply walking
through Hungary to Austria.
Despite all this, the pope was opposed to a truce because he viewed a
proposed peace as a mere Ottoman prelude to the next opportunity to overrun
the weakened kingdom.
He was fantasizing of his own offensive to wipe out the Muslim infidels.160
Moreover, when the King of Hungary and Bohemia died,161 his ten-year-old
son came to the throne.162 In his stead, Pope Leo put a cardinal163 in charge of
ruling Hungary for the next five, critical years of the nation’s disintegration.164
Hungary was soon thereafter annexed by Ottoman-Turks. This same cardinal
had failed in the earlier crusade against the Ottomans. At least, he succeeded in
amassing a fortune – he was a clerical billionaire of the time.
The Catholic Church was in control of the royal dynasties.
Holy Enemies of Freedom
can be ordered through bookstores and online.
Make sure to select the SECOND edition.
Setton, 1984, 235.
Ibid., 163.
Vladislaus II was king of Hungary and Bohemia 1471 – 1516.
Louis II of Hungary was king of Hungary and Bohemia 1516 – 1526. At the age of two, he had been
crowned King of Hungary in 1508 and of Bohemia in 1509. As a nine year old, he was adopted by
Emperor Maximilian I and married to his granddaughter, Mary of Austria, in 1515.
Cardinal Tamás Bakócz, 1442 – 1521.
Setton, 1984, 158.