A graphical system for computer-assisted plant identification

2009, HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)

Species identification is a major constraint for biodiversity conservation. Conventional identification tools are usually difficult to use for non specialists, mainly because they require important botanical knowledge during the identification process. For this reason, we developed a graphical identification approach that resulted in the IDAO (IDentification Assistée par Ordinateur) software. Through simple clicks on vector drawings, the user selects morphological (shape, size, position, color and texture of organs) or ecological characters corresponding to the plant he/she wants to identify, thus building a sort of "identikit" for the species. The software compares this set to all those available in its database with a simple matching coefficient, and provides a probable identification. At any time during the process, the user may consult species description files. Missing information is tolerated, and users can thus access to an identification result without needing to use all characters in the set. Numerous illustrations are present in each species description file in order to facilitate identification. This graphic multi-entry identification system has been adapted to various floras (weeds, trees, orchids) around the world (West Africa, India, Cambodia, etc.), for weed control or biodiversity conservation. It is accessible on-line on Internet (, or available on CD-ROM. Current developments for the new version of this identification tool will include (i) a free open version, which will allow adaptation of the graphic interface by users according to their own flora, (ii) generalisation of the use of open drawing format (SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics), (iii) the extension of this approach to new characters (such as anatomical characters of the wood), and floras (such as paddy fields weeds).

Grard Page 1 sur 1 Proceedings of TDWG, 2009 HOME ABOUT LOG I N REGI STER SEARCH CURRENT ARCHI VES Hom e > 2009 > Grard A graphical system for computer-assisted plant identification Pierre Grard, Pierre Bonnet , Juliana Prosperi, Le Bourgeois Le bourgeois, Claude Edelin, Frédéric Theveny, Alain Carrar a Abst ract Species ident ificat ion is a m aj or const raint for biodiversit y conservat ion. Convent ional ident ificat ion t ools are usually difficult t o use for non specialist s, m ainly because t hey require im port ant bot anical knowledge during t he ident ificat ion process. For t his reason, we developed a graphical ident ificat ion approach t hat result ed in t he I DAO ( I Dent ificat ion Assist ée par Ordinat eur) soft ware. Through sim ple clicks on vect or drawings, t he user select s m orphological ( shape, size, posit ion, color and t ext ure of organs) or ecological charact ers corresponding t o t he plant he/ she want s t o ident ify, t hus building a sort of “ ident ikit ” for t he species. The soft ware com pares t his set t o all t hose available in it s dat abase wit h a sim ple m at ching coefficient , and provides a probable ident ificat ion. At any t im e during t he process, t he user m ay consult species descript ion files. Missing inform at ion is t olerat ed, and users can t hus access t o an ident ificat ion result wit hout needing t o use all charact ers in t he set . Num erous illust rat ions are present in each species descript ion file in order t o facilit at e ident ificat ion. This graphic m ult i- ent ry ident ificat ion syst em has been adapt ed t o various floras ( weeds, t rees, orchids) around t he world ( West Africa, I ndia, Cam bodia, et c.) , for weed cont rol or biodiversit y conservat ion. I t is accessible on- line on I nt ernet ( ht t p: / / um ram am ap2/ logiciels_am ap/ index.php?page= idao) , or available on CDROM. Current developm ent s for t he new version of t his ident ificat ion t ool will include ( i) a free open version, which will allow adapt at ion of t he graphic int erface by users according t o t heir own flora, ( ii) generalisat ion of t he use of open drawing form at ( SVG: Scalable Vect or Graphics) , ( iii) t he ext ension of t his approach t o new charact ers ( such as anat om ical charact ers of t he wood) , and floras ( such as paddy fields weeds) . 29/01/2010