Papers by Paula Chies Schommer
Em meio ao processo de amadurecimento politico e institucional da democracia brasileira, uma das ... more Em meio ao processo de amadurecimento politico e institucional da democracia brasileira, uma das maneiras pelas quais a sociedade ocupa espacos de participacao na gestao publica ocorre pelo engajamento em observatorios sociais. Neste trabalho, busca-se descrever caracteristicas da atuacao de observatorios sociais voltados a cidadania e a educacao fiscal e discutir seus potenciais e limites de contribuicao para a accountability e a qualidade da gestao publica. Inicialmente, sao detalhadas informacoes sobre estrutura e linhas de atuacao de vinte integrantes da Rede Observatorio Social do Brasil (OSB) de Controle Social, o que inclui atividades de monitoramento, educacao para a cidadania fiscal e melhoria da qualidade da gestao publica. Em seguida, demonstra-se a articulacao entre controle social e outros mecanismos de controle – administrativo, parlamentar, judicial e de resultados – na promocao de accountability e explora-se o sentido das nocoes de politica e de cidadania presentes n...
Routledge eBooks, May 28, 2024
Organizações & Sociedade, 2006
Rae-revista De Administracao De Empresas, Jun 1, 2004
Este livro tem sido reconhecido como um consistente trabalho que busca fazer a relação entre teor... more Este livro tem sido reconhecido como um consistente trabalho que busca fazer a relação entre teoria e prática em gestão pública. Promove uma aproximação entre pesquisa e formulação de políticas, baseando-se em uma perspectiva interdisciplinar. Consolida visões e debates inseridos na corrente do new public management, termo usado para definir um conjunto de temas, estilos e padrões de gestão dos serviços públicos, com exemplos da Austrália, da Nova Zelândia, do Reino Unido, entre outros.
Administração Pública e Gestão Social, Apr 21, 2023
Esta obra está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivar 4.0 Internaci... more Esta obra está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivar 4.0 Internacional. Grazielli Faria Zimmer Santos, et al. Relationships between Levels of Bureaucracy and their Effect... PDF generado a partir de XML-JATS4R por Redalyc Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto Artigos Relationships between Levels of Bureaucracy and their Effects on the Co-production of Public Health Services Relações entre os Níveis da Burocracia e seus Efeitos na
Social Science Research Network, 2018
Many countries have dormant anticorruption systems, which could be activated by accountability pr... more Many countries have dormant anticorruption systems, which could be activated by accountability pressures. The problem identified in the literature is that reforms are implemented and undermined amidst a power struggle. Brazil has been in this kind of a perverse equilibrium. The anticorruption system was no match for actors, institutions and processes that sustain this equilibrium. This may be changing. This paper argues coproducing anticorruption has gradually become an important strategic pillar to muster power, legal authority and technical expertise to destabilize Brazil’s perverse equilibrium. The strategy emerged as actors learned by doing with others across levels of government. A theoretical framework is presented, building on the World Development Report 2017. The field research was conducted in 2017. The entry point is the control system of the state of Parana, epicenter of Operation Car Wash. Its links to the Federal level are traced in three phases: Groundwork & Foundations (2005-2013); Experimentation & Development (2013-2015); Uncertain Scale Up (2015 to the present).
Social Science Research Network, Aug 31, 2015
Open government and contracting across the world often invest resources to win high level politic... more Open government and contracting across the world often invest resources to win high level political officials’ will for their cause. Still, there are a limited stories about why and how politicians buy-into this agendas and implement concrete, innovative open solutions to improve public service delivery. This paper tells the story of the Napoleao Bernardes administration in Blumenau, Southern Brazil. Bernardes was a dark horse in the city’s mayoral election in 2011 and won by a slim margin. Since the administration took office in 2012 it has implemented a number of measures that use transparency, accountability, and participation to improve service delivery. These include setting up innovative reforms using transparency and technology to end clientelistic allocation of services (e.g. placement in kindergarten and pavement), improving transparency and accountability of procurement systems, and establishing instances of collaboration with civil society groups.These concrete actions, as well as they mayor’s reelection campaign rhetoric, suggest that Bernardes has embraced the open government agenda as one that is instrumental to his political future. And yet, Bernardes and his advisors acknowledge that the open agenda does not deliver votes. Furthermore, the open government agenda have created tensions with political supporters, campaign funders, and politicians and parties the mayor needs to govern the city. This paper describes and illustrates the alternative political logic that helps understand why Bernardes tied his political future to this agenda and, in so doing, helped advance innovative solutions to problems that affect cities in Brazil and elsewhere.
This CEDIL Research project paper, ‘How do we shape and navigate pathways to social accountabilit... more This CEDIL Research project paper, ‘How do we shape and navigate pathways to social accountability scale? Introducing a middle-level Theory of Change’, argues that practitioners can pursue at least three pathways to scale: the replication of best practice, through leveraging the countervailing power of resistance, and seeking resonance with existing public sector efforts.
O estudo tem como objetivo identificar os desafios que a coproducao de servicos pubicos traz a bu... more O estudo tem como objetivo identificar os desafios que a coproducao de servicos pubicos traz a burocracia publica e apontar implicacoes praticas e teoricas desses desafios. A partir de uma revisao bibliografica narrativa e de uma revisao sistematica da literatura nacional e internacional, cinco desafios centrais sao identificados e explorados: o desafio de democratizacao da burocracia publica; o desafio da mudanca do papel exercido pelo Estado; o desafio do perfil do burocrata; o desafio do desenvolvimento de novas habilidades; e o desafio da mudanca cultural. Conclui-se com duas proposicoes para debate e investigacao futura, uma de natureza teorico-empirica, sobre a relacao entre a aprendizagem do corpo burocratico e da organizacao burocratica na coproducao, outra de natureza pratica, relativa a promocao de aprendizagem para responder aos desafios identificados.
Many argue that social capital and trust (among components of a society and between them and the ... more Many argue that social capital and trust (among components of a society and between them and the state and its institutions) are key to well-performing social, political, and economic outcomes. Much of this argument is perched on global analysis that find correlations between these variables and distinguish the trajectories of Nordic and Middle interest countries. Studies of long-term development trajectories often confirms these insights.This argument encouraged many international organizations, including The World Bank and the OECD, to invest in projects to foster social capital and build trust across the global South. Many of these projects have not yet(?) delivered on their promise. This may suggest that social capital and trust cannot be built.This paper challenges this negative conclusion. It proposes a new framing for this debate by arguing that the failure of these projects is not necessarily setting the wrong goal for development cooperation. If trust and social capital are...
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2018
Many countries have dormant anticorruption systems, which could be activated by accountability pr... more Many countries have dormant anticorruption systems, which could be activated by accountability pressures. The problem identified in the literature is that reforms are implemented and undermined amidst a power struggle. Brazil has been in this kind of a perverse equilibrium. The anticorruption system was no match for actors, institutions and processes that sustain this equilibrium. This may be changing. This paper argues coproducing anticorruption has gradually become an important strategic pillar to muster power, legal authority and technical expertise to destabilize Brazil’s perverse equilibrium. The strategy emerged as actors learned by doing with others across levels of government. A theoretical framework is presented, building on the World Development Report 2017. The field research was conducted in 2017. The entry point is the control system of the state of Parana, epicenter of Operation Car Wash. Its links to the Federal level are traced in three phases: Groundwork & Foundations (2005-2013); Experimentation & Development (2013-2015); Uncertain Scale Up (2015 to the present).
Este livro resulta de pesquisa coordenada pelo CEAPG/FGV, realizada em colaboracao com a Articula... more Este livro resulta de pesquisa coordenada pelo CEAPG/FGV, realizada em colaboracao com a Articulacao D3 – Dialogo, Direito e Democracia. Conta ainda com as refexoes de um seminario em que foram discutidos os resultados da pesquisa, contribuindo substancialmente para o debate sobre a sustentabilidade politica e !nanceira das OSCs (Organizacoes da Sociedade Civil) de defesa de direitos no Brasil. A relevância politica da escolha desse foco esta respaldada, nesta publicacao, pela solidez da sua contribuicao ao conhecimento do panorama de apoio a sociedade civil desse campo, no Brasil do inicio da decada de 2010.
Este artigo apresenta projeto de pesquisa o projeto de pesquisa do OBSERVATORIO DA FORMACAO EM GE... more Este artigo apresenta projeto de pesquisa o projeto de pesquisa do OBSERVATORIO DA FORMACAO EM GESTAO SOCIAL, que vem sendo desenvolvido sobre tres eixos de analise: inovacao, ensino-aprendizagem e avaliacao. A estrutura em tres eixos foi construida para acolher, acompanhar, ajudar a organizar e explorar as principais questoes e tematicas que vem estimulando pesquisadores e professores a atuar e contribuir criticamente para com a formacao em gestao social. Cada eixo possui uma pergunta orientadora. O eixo inovacao articular-se em torno a pergunta: Quais fronteiras e a natureza do que ensinamos como gestao social?“; o eixo ensino-aprendizagem, “Quais os tracos definidores da relacao ensino-aprendizagem em Gestao Social?"; e o eixo avaliacao, “Em que medida a formacao em Gestao Social consegue alterar as praticas profissionais de seus estudantes e egressos?.
This paper aims to present ideas on procedures to evaluate individual and collective learning fro... more This paper aims to present ideas on procedures to evaluate individual and collective learning from the experience of teaching postgraduate Program Development and Management Committee (PDGS) developed by the Federal University of Bahia. First, it is characterized the PDGS and its trajectory over seven years of existence, is emphasizing issues regarding education. It addresses the processes avaliatórios and its impact on the evolution of the program, considering the design of individual and social learning perspective and assessment of multifocal. In this context, the study, mostly qualitative in nature, is based on focus groups, participant observation, documentary analysis and literature search. Subsequently, it presents a proposal for evaluating the activities of the postgraduate education. It is said that the program continues and responding to needs identified in society, adopting a pragmatic view of construction and reconstruction, despite the risks and challenges faced in this process. The continuity of the program addresses the emergence of training needs that are being incorporated in its redesign, such as learning of individuals, communities, organizations and society.
Social accountability and open government approaches to improve the provision of public goods and... more Social accountability and open government approaches to improve the provision of public goods and services increasingly prioritize collaboration, constructive engagement, and co-production between state, civil society and, at times, market actors. This explosion does not come in a one-size fits all model of collaborative engagement. Yet, we know little about the conditions under which different forms of collaboration evolve and bring about change. This paper seeks to contribute to the literature and practice of collaborative engagement by presenting a typology of state-society bridges through social accountability and open government interventions. It identifies four types of collaborative engagement - inclusive, targeted, restrictive and detached - as a result of a theoretical-empirical exercise that focuses on the interaction between context, strategy and organization as three interrelated variables that jointly have greater potential to account for results than each one of them s...
his presentation discusses how social accountability and open government approaches can improve t... more his presentation discusses how social accountability and open government approaches can improve the provision of public goods and services through prioritizing constructive engagement. Interventions aim to bridge state and civil society actors and, potentially, to encourage co-production. Nevertheless, these efforts do not come in a one-size fits all model of collaborative engagement. We present a typology of collaborative engagement associating different forms of engagement to four types of bridges: cablestayed bridge, movable bridge, step stone bridge and pier. This typology results from a theoretical-empirical exercise on the interaction between context, strategy and organization 1. Different types of bridges explain the potential and limits of state-society engagement to tackle public policy and governance problems. We illustrate these types with a series of local social accountability and open governance interventions in Brazilian cities, researched in 2015 and 2016. What the Brazilian experience suggests is that, in the implementation of collaborative open government and social accountability strategies, the actions (as opposed to static plans or structures) serve as bridges between components of the state and elements of the societies to which they belong. The different local political contexts where action happens, shapes and can be shaped by organizational structures and strategies that show different forms of engagement. § 1-ON NEW STATE-SOCIETY BRIDGES AND CONCEPTS Co-production, social accountability, and open government are distinct but overlapping concepts and correspondent practices (Box 1). Their shared goals (improved policy, services, governance and development outcomes), multi-stakeholder nature, and pillars such as transparency, state-society engagement and accountability mechanisms link them. Many times one helps to operationalize the other. 1 In short, the interaction of strategy, context, and organization is a frontier in the literature about effective social accountability and open government intervention, generally, and collaborative interventions, in particular.
Social accountability and open government work often starts by borrowing ideas, plans and methodo... more Social accountability and open government work often starts by borrowing ideas, plans and methodologies from others. The literature on social accountability, anticorruption and, related fields, shows that there is no pre-made plan that has impacts across contexts. Increasingly, this realization has led to multiple calls to encourage adaptive learning. That is to experiment, capture and reflect on knowledge about which of these borrowed plans work in different contexts. Then, use these insights to improve on customized plans of action and operations in which endogenous and exogenous knowledge coexist. This concept note presents a methodological approach to help practitioners document, reflect on, and use their learning processes to advance open government work. This methodological approach looks into strategic social accountability and its tactical implications, linking macro plans of action to meso-decisions that stakeholders in the front-line of social accountability make on a more...
Public Choice: Analysis of Collective Decision-Making eJournal, 2016
Social accountability and open government work often starts by borrowing ideas, plans and methodo... more Social accountability and open government work often starts by borrowing ideas, plans and methodologies from others. The literature on social accountability, anticorruption and, related fields, shows that there is no pre-made plan that has impacts across contexts. Increasingly, this realization has led to multiple calls to encourage adaptive learning. That is to experiment, capture and reflect on knowledge about which of these borrowed plans work in different contexts. Then, use these insights to improve on customized plans of action and operations in which endogenous and exogenous knowledge coexist. This concept note presents a methodological approach to help practitioners document, reflect on, and use their learning processes to advance open government work. This methodological approach looks into strategic social accountability and its tactical implications, linking macro plans of action to meso-decisions that stakeholders in the front-line of social accountability make on a more...
Papers by Paula Chies Schommer