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Los conflictos son parte de nuestra vida y una gran fuente de aprendizaje. Tener conflictos significa estar vivo, y lo saludable es aprender a manejarlos, principalmente porque algunos son inevitables. Lo que si es evitable son las consecuencias negativas de los mismos, todos tenemos recursos internos e innatos que nos dotan de capacidad para abordarlos, (el ser humano sobrevive gracias a ellos) si bien es cierto que las estrategias útiles " se aprenden ". Si miras en tu entorno quizás veas que los adultos con los que has crecido tampoco tienen estas habilidades siendo por eso probable que no hayas tenido un modelo adecuado que te sirva. Las consecuencias de esto pueden ser: que no sepas abordar las dificultades que surgen en las relaciones personales, y que debido a esto te de miedo dar tus opiniones, evites discutir…, o por otro lado no sepas dar tu opinión sin imponerla…, tengas dificultad para ceder y ponerte en el lugar del otro.. etc. A nivel global las herramientas necesarias para afrontar las diferencias con los otros serian : confianza en uno mismo y en los demás, lo que se traduce en creer que se puede hacer algo y asertividad o lo que es lo mismo, conocimiento de las habilidades sociales eficaces y adecuadas para cubrir tus necesidades desde el respeto hacia ti mismo y hacia el otro.
Define PLC and its function Explain the difference between hard wired control and PLC control Explain the different section of PLC List the advantages of PLC over electromagnetic relays. Explain the functions of major components of PLC Explain various programming approaches used in PLC Describe the functions of memory functions, timers and counters Convert the logic functions into ladder diagram Design PLC circuits for single and multi actuators
The cartographic representation of country borders is the most crucial aspect of mapping, decision making processes and spatial understanding. With the Republic of Kosova's rather complex geopolitical history, it provides a compelling plane of study for examining the transformation of the border across different map projections. This study tends to analyze the different variations of Kosovo's border when portrayed on diverse map projections and evaluating the implications for special perception. While utilizing Quantum Geographic Information Systems (QGIS) software, this research compares Kosova's borders, their Municipalities and their Cadastral Zones within, undergone different map projections. The study elucidates linear distortions, angular deformations and area distortions that arise from each projection's background mathematical framework. The findings of this research contribute to cartographic theory and practical use for applications, filling the need for critical engagement with map projections in spatial analysis and decision-making processes.
Magyar Könyvszemle, 2024
Born in Szeklerland and educated in Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mureş) and Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca), Mátyás Váradi spent three years from 1665 at universities in the Low Countries, in Leiden, Utrecht and Franeker. During his studies, he prepared and arranged his work Burning Torch for the press, in which he argued, in a form reminiscent of school disputations, for the antiquity and truth of the Reformed theology, deriving Catholic teaching from the heresies of the early Christian era. A total of 306 references can be read on the pages of the work. By analyzing these, we can gain an insight into Váradi’s specific way of thinking and working method, on the one hand, and the other hand, we can get an idea of what basic works he relied on, and which of these can be assumed to have been acquired during his studies in the Low Countries. Based on the references that can be resolved with absolute certainty, a 108-item bibliography can be reconstructed. This, of course, only indirectly refers to Váradi’s reading literacy, since it was determined not so much by the actual readership of the author, but by the specific character and reasoning of the work. This explains why authors of the Antiquity were omitted and the classics of Humanism and Protestantism were neglected. The referencesto the Burning Torch follow the trends of Transylvanian culture. Váradi most often cited works that were available in Transylvania, even if they were not in common use. However, among the references, there are also three dozen works which, according to the surviving book lists, were not found in Transylvania and Hungary, or were extremely rare. During the peregrination in the Low Countries, therefore, Váradi greatly increased his readership in systematic and controversial theology, and to some extent in canon law and church history. Of course, this overall impression can be further refined and nuanced by involving other types of sources, by analyzing references from contemporary authors.
Fiera, città e mercanti (1350-1600), 2024
Mostra documentaria : 19 settembre - 5 novembre 2024 Progetto di ricerca internazionale CoMOR Archivio storcio del Comune di Asti Archivio di Stato di Asti.
Ariadna Ediciones eBooks, 2024
Nisard exponía, en sus lecciones, su teoría de "las dos morales". Existía una moral ordinaria, que regía las acciones de los simples particulares; y una más vasta, aplicable solamente a los príncipes, que podían violar sus juramentos, no rendir sus gastos a ninguna instancia, etc. Véase Mariane Bury (2011), « Désiré Nisard ou le mal aimé de l'histoire littéraire », Actes du 134e Congrès National des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, Bordeaux, 2009. 13 El inspector Danton, declaró: "La gran sala estaba llena. Un cuarto de hora antes de la llegada del profesor, gritos de toda especie, golpes de pie y aplausos irónicos anunciaban una manifestación de oposición. Así que la entrada del profesor fue la señal de un aumento del ruido. Apenas había pronunciado unas palabras cuando fue interrumpido por voces discordantes. Al señor Nisard, tras declarar su dedicación de veinticinco años de enseñanza, le gritaron: '¡Dinero!', al cual una voz añadió 'venal'".
Athenian Year Primer Vol. II, 2024
Chapter from the forthcoming Athenian Year Primer Vol. II. The excerpt presupposes familiarity with the methodologies and arguments presented in AYP. Following the progress from last Chapter (also posted to, I continue analyses of ancient Athenian festivals and large public sacrifices. I focus here on those whose dates have become almost certainly established but do not remain fool proof. I also argue that ancient Attic days could not have reckoned sunset to sunset as widely believed, because it creates too many accounting problems.
Studies in Business and Economics, 2019
This paper aims to provide insight into talent management and employee recognition variables, in an effort to understand if these management practices are, in a way, implemented in the Research Institutions in Qatar. It also aims to examine the link of these two constructs to employee performance and to suggest a pathway to improve the current practices, if any, in order to enhance the work performance. The sample of the study consisted of 180 full time employees who were randomly selected and surveyed using an online personalized questionnaire. The results of the empirical research uncover that talent management and employee recognition can significantly affect the level of employee performance, as well contributing to the organizational success and positioning. This study also found that talent management and employee recognition are interrelated variables that affect employee performance. Talent Management and employee performance are seen as strategic tools to implement strategi...
This collection of essays explores the relations between sound and image in a rapidly shifting landscape of audiovisual media in the digital age. Featuring contributions from scholars who bring with them an impressive array of disciplinary expertise, from film studies and philosophy to musicology, pornography, digital gaming, and media studies, the book charts new territory by analyzing what it calls the “media swirl” and the “audiovisual turn.” It draws on a range of media texts including blockbuster cinema, video art, music videos, video games, amateur video compilations, visualization technologies, documentaries, and immersive theater to address myriad subjects such as the transition of cinematic discourses to digital production and distribution, the relations between screens and public space, and the shifting nature of noise within digital ecosystems. It also examines noise, droning, and silence as recurring themes in New Extremist films of Europe, along with temporal and generi...
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Journal of Archaeological research, 2024
Revista Figura. Studi sull` Immagine nella Tradizione Classica. São Paulo, 2014
European Journal of International Security, 2016
Immunology Letters, 1997
Iranian Journal of Information Processing & Management, 2014
EDEN Conference Proceedings
Deep Blue (University of Michigan), 2023
Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2017
Editora Científica Digital eBooks, 2020
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2020