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Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a new class of maps called τ**- generalized semi continuous maps in topological spaces and study some of its properties and relationship with some existing mappings. Key Words: scl*, τ** -topology, τ**-gs-open set, τ**-gs-closed set, τ**- gs-continuous maps
Archiv der Mathematik, 1982
Introduction. The importance of semi-continuity is well known in general topology since its discovery by R. Baire and in analysis since its use by D. Hilbert, L. Tonelli and others in connection with problems in the calculus of variations.
The concept of theta-semi-open sets in topological spaces was introduced in 1984 and 1986 by T. Noiri [9, 10]. In this paper we introduce and study a generalization of a contra pre semi-open maps due to (Caldas and Baker) [3], it is called contra pre thetas-open maps, the maps whose images of a thata-semi-open sets is theta-semi-closed. Also, we introduce and study a new type of closed maps called contra pre thetas-closed maps, which is stronger than contra pre semi-closed due to Caldas [2], the maps whose image of a theta-semi-closed sets is theta-semi-open.
In the year 1986, D. Andrijevic introduced and studied the concepts of semipreopen sets, semipreclosed sets, semipreinterior operator and semipreclosure operator. Since then many authors have been studied these sets and their operators. In the year 1970, N. Levine had generalized the concept of closed sets and open sets to generalized closed (in brief, g-closed) sets and generalized open (in brief, g-open) sets in topology for the first time. Then, in the year 1995 Dontchev has generalized semipreopen sets and semipreclosed to generalized semipreopen (in brief, gsp-open) sets and generalized semipreclosed (in brief, gsp-closed) sets. Also, Dontchev in his paper has studied the concepts of gsp-continuous functions and gsp-irresolute functions. The aim of this paper is to study some more properties of gsp-continuous functions and gsp-irresolute functions and also introduce and study some allied continuous functions in terms of gsp-open sets and gsp-closed sets in topology. 2010 M.S.C....
Proyecciones (Antofagasta), 2009
In this paper, we introduce and study the notions of θ-generalizedsemi-open function, θ-generalized-semi-closed function,pre-θ-generalizedsemi-open function,pre-θ-generalized-semi-closed function, contra preθ-generalized-semi-open,contra pre-θ-generalized-semi-closed function and θ-generlized-sem-homeomorphism in topological spaces and study their properties.
In this paper we introduced RGW⍺LC-Continuous, RGW⍺LC*-Continuous, RGW⍺LC**-Continuous, sub-RGW⍺LC*-Continuous and RGW⍺LC-Irresolute Maps which are weaker than LC-Continuous and stronger than GβLC-Continuous and study some of their properties and their relationship with w-lc continuous, θ-lc-continuous, lδc-continuous and π-lc continuous etc.
ISRN Geometry, 2013
We introduce the different notions of a new class of continuous functions called generalized semi Lambda (gs) continuous function in topological spaces. Its properties and characterization are also discussed.
International journal of applied research, 2018
In this paper, we introduce and investigate topological spaces called Semi generalized-compactness spaces and Semi generalized-connectedness space and we get several characterizations and some of their properties. Also we investigate its relationship with other types of functions.
Banach, Fréchet, Hilbert and Neumann Spaces
In 1943, Fomin [7] introduced the notion of θ-continuity. In 1966, the notions of θ-open subsets, θ-closed subsets and θ-closure were introduced by Veličko [18] for the purpose of studying the important class of H-closed spaces in terms of arbitrary filterbases. He also showed that the collection of θ-open sets in a topological space (X, τ) forms a topology on X denoted by τ θ (see also [12]). Dickman and Porter [4], [5], Joseph [11] continued the work of Veličko. Noiri and Jafari [15], Caldas et al. [1] and [2], Steiner [16] and Cao et al [3] have also obtained several new and interesting results related to these sets. In this paper, we will offer a finer topology on X than τ θ by utilizing the new notions of ω θ-open and ω θ-closed sets. We will also discuss some of the fundamental properties of such sets and some related maps.
In (Dontchev J. Contra-continuous functions and str ongly S-closed spaces. Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. 1996; 19(2) : 303 - 310), Dontchev introduced and investigated a new notion of continuity called cont ra-continuity. Following this, many authors introduced various types of new genera lizations of contra- continuity called contra-α-continuity (22), contra-semi-continuity (7), contr a precontinuity (21), contra-super-continuity (23), contra-β-continuity (3), almost- contra-super-continuity (14), contra-δ-precontinuity (11), almost-contra- precontinuity (12) and contra sg-continuity (7) and so on (13 and 33). In this paper, we investigate a generalization of contra-co ntinuity by utilizing semi- generalized closed sets (1).
In this paper we introduce the concept of On γ - generalized α - Continuous Mappings in Topological Spaces and study its relationship with other mappings. Further we declare the concepts of γ-α continuous mappings and γ -g α continuous mappings which coincide when the space is α-γ T-1/2. In addition, we define the concept of γ -g α-irresolute mappings in topological spaces; also we attain the relationships between γ -g α-continuous and γ -g α-irresolute mappings and obtain some of its basic properties.
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Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura, Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 1987
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