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2023, Research Square (Research Square)
12 pages
1 file
The DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack is a type of Cyberattack in which multiple attackers aim to attack different network resources like a server or a website. Although many statistical methods have already been designed for DDoS attack detection, designing a real-time detector with low computational overhead is still one of the main concerns. The already existing datasets are highly important and can be used for constructing and checking new solutions. It is the most dangerous attack against IPv6 networks today. The attack uses Internet Control Message Protocol version 6 (ICMPv6) messages. DDoS attack can be detected in various ways like a sudden fluctuation in the traffic of a website or unreal raise in the requests to resources. DDoS attacks are among the four most malicious attacks, like social engineering, ransomware, and supply chain attacks. It's relatively easy to confuse DDoS attacks with other cyber threats. As for now most of our application and infrastructure resides on the cloud. As for cloud providers, the services provider must facilitate some tools to prevent the attack on their services and their user. Some of the major cloud providers give us this type of facility (AWS, Azure, and GCPThis cloud service provider offers cloud DDoS mitigation and prevention that operates entirely outside of your current network, inside the Internet cloud, and can identify and stop DDoS attacks before they even get to you. For bigger installations, routing is utilised to ensure that all network traffic, regardless of type, is filtered before delivery via a clean pipe. Domain name system (DNS) is used to direct inbound traffic through a scrubbing centre before delivery to the server. DDoS mitigation and prevention in the cloud is not only speedy, but also incredibly effective at stopping DDoS attacks.
Safet y and reliabilit y are important in the cloud computing environment. This is especiall y true toda y as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks constitute one of the largest threats faced b y Internet users and cloud computing services. DDoS attacks target the resources of these services, lowering their abilit y to provide optimum usage of the network infrastructure. Due to the nature of cloud computing, the methodologies for preventing or stopping DDoS attacks are quite different compared to those used in traditional networks. In this paper, we investigate the effect of DDoS attacks on cloud resources and recommend practical defense mechanisms against different t y pes of DDoS attacks in the cloud environment.
— This paper explored the possible issues predominantly concerning the cloud computing security environment in context of recent DDOS attack trends. This paper also includes how attack vectors may be measured and observed continuously so that the new tactics of DDOS attackers and malicious act service providers are countered. It discusses the way thresholds may be calculated wrong to inherent nature of the DDOS attack floods in various quarters of cloud based network, and finally the way in which these thresholds can be more accurately computed in terms of detecting overload congestion approaching due to malicious flood of packets leading to denial of services and request calls to target resource in a cloud. 1. INTRODUCTION There is an established underground cyber criminal economy which works to achieve their private individual goals best known for their keen interest in spying or for competitive monetary gains, motives that are possible by the use of disruptive technologies like DDOS attack. Thus making the science of DDOS attacks ever evolving and growing in current context in such a manner that a continuous monitoring with sophisticated watchdog capabilities is required as these attacks continues to create online outrages, customer inconvenience and reputational damages across all industries and geographies. The best known victims of recent moves of these DDOS attacks[4],5] and those who have been successfully being able to mitigate such attacks can never get a sound sleep as it is apparent from current incidences of this attack globally. A recent attack on a cloud based online education site [1] was made target and DDOS attack leads to disruption of its services for more than business hours inspite of the fact that it had firewall protection with intrusion detection defense lines. The reason being that it was difficult to address as it was directed to the dedicated IP address rather than on the data centers as it was sourcing the malicious traffic that from diverse geographic sources. The attack became further intense with high sophistication tactics even after mitigation to secondary data center and were left with only one choice to either build a scrubbing center or hire a scrubbing center. As the primary work of the site is educational in nature, they were forced to get the services of the professional security experts and hire a scrubbing center [2].
Distributed denial of service (DDoS) is considered as one of the most serious threats to emerging cloud computing infrastructures. It aims at denying access to the cloud infrastructure by making it unavailable to its users. This can cause important economic and organizational damage depending on the type of applications running on the cloud that have become unavailable. This paper proposes an extension to a federated cloud architecture to use scalability and migration of virtual machines to build scalable cloud defenses against cloud DDoS attacks. The architecture is validated by showing how three DDoS attack scenarios are handled by the DDoS countermeasures.
In the current internet world , most of the services , businesses and other things are mostly relying on the cloud services let it be mail service , social medias , payment gateways , and nowadays traditional computing and data storage of businesses are done in the cloud environment , but are they safe enough that we are putting all our sensitive data on cloud , are they reliable , are they secure , so in this paper we are going to analyze the various DDOS(Distributed Denial of Service) attacks in cloud environments and their mitigation strategies and will conclude with which method is better and which methods need a little improvement or which method may harm your clients , because in DDOS the main aim is to provide access to legitimate user 24*7 but not to unauthorized user, along with that we have also proposed a methodology/ algorithm which is completely cloud based and this will remove some limitations from earlier technologies, We will discuss all types of DDOS attack and their mitigation strategies in this paper.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a complex security challenge for growth of Cloud Computing. DDoS attack is very easy to apply, difficult to prevent and hard to identify because attacker can spoof the IP address of itself for hiding the identity of himself. In this paper, we present a Third Party Auditor (TPA) based efficient DDoS detection and prevention technique which has the strong identification factor based on these weaknesses. It has less overhead at the user end. Thus, we target various aspects of prevention of DDoS attack in the Cloud environment. Keywords: Cloud computing • DoS attack • DDoS attack • Third party auditor (TPA) • Dempster shafer theory (DST)
International journal of health sciences
Network communication is gaining day by day in different ways. Cloud is one of the most recent and latest environments in communication. Whereas this environment is a facilitator for the user to access his/her information from anywhere as and when required. But this technological enhancement is also opening the door for new attacks. In this paper, we have conducted an extensive study on the Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS) as well as the techniques which are used up till now for detection as well as prevention of those attacks. We also have thoroughly presented the details of some very frequent techniques and in the end, we have also discussed some research gaps. This study will facilitate the new research in this era to find out the research problems and provide the optimal solutions for those problems.
The popularity of cloud computing has been growing where the cloud became an attractive alternative rather than classic information processing system. The distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is one of the famous attacks to cloud computing. This paper proposes a Multiple Layer Defense (MLD) scheme to detect and mitigate DDoS attacks which due to resource depletion. The MLD consists of two layers. The first layer has an alarm system send alarms to cloud management when DDoS attacks start. The second layer includes an anomaly detection system detects VM is infected by DDoS attacks. Also,MLD tested with a different DDoS attack ratio to show scheme stability. MLD evaluated by The energy consumption and the overall SLA violations. The results show the great effect of the MLD to reduce the energy consumption and the overall SLA violation for all datasets. Also, the MLD shows acceptable stability and reactivity with different DDoS attack ratio.
Algumas das melhores definições e reflexões de todos os tempos sobre o Amor, a Esperança e a Fé Amor (ou caridade), Esperança e Fé: As três principais virtudes cristãs, conforme arroladas pelo apóstolo Paulo no décimo terceiro capítulo da Primeira Carta aos Coríntios, um dos ou talvez mesmo o mais belo capítulo de todo o Novo Testamento. Os católicos chamam-nas de virtudes teologais, que seriam infundidas por Deus no homem, e cuja ação é complementada pelas virtudes cardinais (prudência, justiça, fortaleza e temperança). Nesta breve seleta, reunimos nada menos que mil (e cem) citações. São textos notadamente de autores cristãos (reformados, católicos e de outras vertentes), mas não somente; autores de outras confissões religiosas aqui comparecem, e mesmo agnósticos e livres pensadores os mais diversos, contribuindo para o entendimento e a reflexão plurais sobre tais temas de infindável profundidade. Assim, mesmo focado na seara cristã, esta pequena antologia é de valia para todo tipo de leitor, todo aquele que tem sua atenção capturada pelo mundo das ideias. Este livro é uma edição revista e ampliada do e-book “Amor, Esperança e Fé – Uma antologia de citações”, publicado em 2017, e que reunia em torno de 750 citações sobre as três virtudes. Além do acréscimo em citações, aqui inserimos uma nova seção, “As Três Virtudes”, reunindo citações que falem ao mesmo tempo sobre as três, ou ao menos duas delas. Que esta pequena seleta seja de proveitosa e edificante leitura a você, amigo leitor. Mais do que um livro a ser lido, nosso esforço foi para tornar este volume um livro a ser revisitado enquanto durar nossa peregrinação terrena. Ah, e caso você queira o LIVRO IMPRESSO, ele também está disponível, sendo comercializado pelo site da UICLAP, aqui:
Structures des études épidémiologiques, 2021
Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 2022
JKMP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Manajemen Publik), 2016
International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 1997
Research Gate, 2024
Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 2015
World Journal of Cardiology, 2024
Colloquium Mathematicum, 1993
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan, 2019
Biophysical Journal, 2015
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology, 2017