How to Cite:
Madan, S., Anita, A., & Ali, A. (2022). DDoS attacks in cloud environment. International
Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S4), 5836–5847.
DDoS attacks in cloud environment
Shefali Madan
Associate Professor, Echelon Institute of Technology, Faridabad
Corresponding author email:
[email protected]
Associate Professor, Echelon Institute of Technology, Faridabad
[email protected]
Ashif Ali
Assistant Professor, Echelon Institute of Technology, Faridabad
[email protected]
Abstract---Network communication is gaining day by day in different
ways. Cloud is one of the most recent and latest environments in
communication. Whereas this environment is a facilitator for the user
to access his/her information from anywhere as and when required.
But this technological enhancement is also opening the door for new
attacks. In this paper, we have conducted an extensive study on the
Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS) as well as the techniques
which are used up till now for detection as well as prevention of those
attacks. We also have thoroughly presented the details of some very
frequent techniques and in the end, we have also discussed some
research gaps. This study will facilitate the new research in this era to
find out the research problems and provide the optimal solutions for
those problems.
Keywords---DDoS, HTTP flood molest, cloud security worries, cloud
computing, ping death, slow loris, SYN flood assaults.
Infrastructure as a service, software as a service, and platform as a service are
three key cloud computing services made possible by the Internet [1]. Increased
cloud storage of data and information has prompted cloud security worries about
the protection of data and information. A side from ICMP flood, Ping of Death,
Slow Loris, and SYN flood assaults [2] and [3], HTTP flood molest, protocol
vulnerability exploitation, and malformed packet attacks, [2], distributed attacks
have also resulted. It is up to the attacker to determine how easy it is to exploit a
system and how well-versed he or she is in that particular attack technique.
A DDoS attack is an attempt to disrupt and deny access to services or network
International Journal of Health Sciences ISSN 2550-6978 E-ISSN 2550-696X © 2022.
Manuscript submitted: 27 March 2022, Manuscript revised: 18 May 2022, Accepted for publication: 9 June 2022
resources. During anattack, the targeted website is flooded with unwanted,
illegitimate traffic from several computers.
Distributed assaults on the cloud may be discovered, stopped, and mitigated by
previous studies. These strategies rely heavily on the two primary detection
mechanisms of signature or abnormalities. If they're clever enough, they'll be able
to learn new attacks based on predetermined guidelines. Intrusion detection
methods that use classical methods are discussed in the next section. In addition,
it provides examples of different cloud computing-based detection approaches.
There is an underlying goal of comparing the different detection systems and
highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. In addition to the review, the article
will demonstrate the success or failure of individual strategies developed by
specific researchers in the detection of cloud-based DDoS assaults. For each
approach, the measures used to evaluate its performance will be presented. These
strategies employ a variety of data sets and technologies that will be highlighted
throughout the study. Thus, it is easy to determine if an approach is effective or
has the possibility for improvement.
Fig. 1 Cloud-Server Architecture
According to Cloud Security Alliance, DDoS is one of the top nine threats to cloud
computing environment 13 . Out of many attacks in clod envi- ronment 14% are
DoS attacks. Many popular websites like yahoo were affected by DDoS in early
2000. Website of was hit by huge DDoS in May, 2001.
Cloud computing provides the platform, resources, and high availability and web
applications on demand. The computing framework has shifted the whole
viewpoint of businesses and industries far from the concept of deploying the daily
work base of their applications/services by providing on-demand and charging
you for your use. In the IT industry, cloud computing has become more popular
due to the availability and quality of services for the customer. On-demand
computing, resource spooling, and quality of service are all embodied by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Based on the diagram in
Fig.1.1, services may be divided into three broad categories: platform services,
software services, and infrastructure services [1] and [4]. Services such as
operating system, software, middleware, virtual server, and storage space are
provided via SaaS. Vendors in the cloud provide this service, which may be
accessible through a web application. Create, remove, and query permissions may
be granted to users at their request. User-level services, rather than
infrastructure and platform services, are the primary emphasis of this product
line [5]. User-level applications are virtualized; therefore cloud service providers
have full control over the user-level application. Also, the program is likely to have
constraints on the modification that may be done. Although the program is
customizable to some level, users are free to alter it to suit their needs. Outlook,
Google Drive, and Salesforce are just a few examples of this kind of software.
Fig 1.1: Cloud Services
Fig 1.1 for “Cloud Services” The implementation of PaaS enables businesses to
build and install cloud applications without having to own the corresponding
infrastructure themselves. Users may manage their application and data using
PaaS capabilities that include advancement services, integration, and testing. The
service provider is in charge of everything else. In a PaaS, the cloud service
provider holds the data. When it comes to the working platform and development
platform, cloud users are often responsible for everything above them. Additional
applications that may be needed in the future will be the responsibility of the
Fig. 1.2 Cloud Services
AWS Services Used
1. AWS WAF:-AWS WAF includes a full-featured API that you can use to
automate the creation, deployment, and maintenance of security rules. With
AWS WAF, you pay only for what you use. The pricing is based on how
many rules you deploy and how many web requests your application
receives. There are no upfront commitments.
2. AWS GuardDuty:-Amazon GuardDuty is priced based on the quantity of
AWS CloudTrail Events analyzed and the volume of Amazon VPC Flow Log
and DNS Log data analyzed. There is no additional charge to enable these
log sources for GuardDuty analysis.
3. AWS Shield:- AWS Shield is a service that provides protection against DDoS
attacks for web applications on AWS. There are two types of AWS Shield,
Standard and Advanced, with Standard being free and Advanced being paid
This includes software component updates and online application monitoring,
among other responsibilities. Despite immediate access, the database may be
shared with the customer if necessary. Google apps and Salesforce apps are two
examples of useful programs. Core infrastructure, such as computing power,
storage, a network, and an operating platform, are all provided by IaaS. The
allotted resources may then be used to build one's surroundings. Cloud clients
may use the hardware provided by IaaS, such as a server. The server will be
hosted on the provider's side, and the users will have full access. Servers may be
configured to run any software that cloud users need. Because the cloud service
provider is unable to deliver multitenancy, the services are more costly. [2].
Because of this, customers will be able to pay the costs of the system. It's
becoming more commonplace to use IaaS, and there are a variety of platforms
DDoS assaults are a subset of denial of service (DoS) attacks that are distributed.
A botnet is a collection of linked internet devices that are used to overload a target
A DDoS attack is an attempt to disrupt and deny access to services or network
resources. During an attack, the targeted website is flooded with unwanted,
illegitimate traffic from several computers. DDoS attacks, unlike other types of
cyberattacks, do not aim to penetrate your network's defenses. Instead, a DDoS
assault seeks to prevent genuine people from accessing your website or servers.
There are many different ways in which DDoS may be utilized, such as a
smokescreen for other malicious actions and for taking down the target's
protection equipment. DDoS attacks that target the whole internet user
population are quite apparent. Hacktivists, cyber vandals, extortionists, and
anybody else who wants to make a point or advocate a cause utilize it often.
DDoS attacks may take days, weeks, or even months for a website or company to
recover from, regardless of how many times they occur. As a result, DDoS attacks
on online organizations may be devastating. DoS assaults may destroy a
company's income, faith in customers, cost millions in compensation, and harm
its brand, just to name a few consequences.
Cloud-based DDoS attack
Twitter, Amazon, Github, and others have been affected by DDoS assaults on Dyn
[9] DNS infrastructure, which is operated by the company. To resolve DNS and
other third-party CSPs, AWS uses various service providers. There was an issue
with hostname resolution as a result of the assaults, resulting in sporadic
connection. When Mirai, a malicious virus that infiltrated an unprotected IoT
system, got a command from a central server, it launched a flood assault on the
device. As a result, internet service providers (ISP) reported poor service as
millions of botnets were using network capacity. Assailants are now focusing their
efforts on the gaming industry, which is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
and has high bandwidth and a large number of online transactions. DDoS
assaults on Xbox and Reddit disrupted service for real users [11]. With DNS
reflection patterns and overload, Feedly [12] also survived an assault by a DDoS
swarm. DDoS assaults resulting in service interruptions are the result of this
ransomware attack. Some are shown in Table 2.1.
Attacks requesting large quantities of money from SaaS-based firms were also
common. DDoS flood attacks using a UDP protocol vulnerability have been
reported on the biggest cloud provider, Amazon [13], as well [14].
Table 2.1: Cause of Attacks
Dyn [9]
News Site and
Xbox Live Reddit
Feedly News [12]
Amazon Cloud
Services [13]
Microsoft Cloud
Services [14]
US Banking
Websites [15]
Cause of Attack
DNS Flood
Oct 2016
Dec 2015
Overload and
DNS Reflection
UDP Flood
Nov 2014
UDP Flood
Feb 2014
HTTPS attacks
Apr 2013
Jul 2014
DDoS flood packets were sent by taking advantage of a vulnerability in the virtual
machine. DDoS assaults and cryptocurrency mining were shown in a botnet built
by Bishop Fox at the black hat conference [14] and [20]. UDP/ICMP and HTTPS
DDoS assaults were used to infiltrate banking websites [15]. More than 70Gbps of
bandwidth and 30 million packets are used in DDoS assaults.
The attacks are explained in detail
(ICMP) flood DDoS attack, also known as a Ping flood attack, is a common
Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack in which an attacker attempts to overwhelm a
targeted device with ICMP echo-requests (pings).
2. DNS Amplification: Using various amplification techniques, perpetrators can
“inflate” the size of these UDP packets, making the attack so potent as to
bring down even the most robust Internet infrastructure. DNS amplification,
like other amplification attacks, is a type of reflection attack.
3. Volume Based Attacks: Attacks utilize a huge quantity of traffic which
saturating the total bandwidth of the Target.
4. Application Layer Attacks: Protection and Preventive Measures An
Application Layer attack (DDoS attack) exploits system vulnerabilities and
loopholes to attack the application resulting in complete malfunction.
Loss of profitability is another effect. Numerous organizations and associations
utilize their system, online assets and openly accessible services to help their
essential business. Any interruption to the accessibility of these important assets
brings about lost profitability.
Fig. 2 Direct and Indirect DDoS Attack diagram
Fig. 3 Process of DDOS Attack
Cloud-Based DDoS Solutions
DDoS attacks have risen to prominence as the most damaging kind of cyberattack
on cloud computing infrastructure. To guarantee that genuine customers get a
high-quality service, cloud security must be maintained Among the most
important characteristics of the cloud is its capacity to provide high levels of
security while still allowing for ease of use. DDoS assaults must be analyzed to
ensure a safe cloud environment. Table 3.1 discusses in depth the different
“DDoS solutions in the cloud computing context.” “Cloud DDoS Detection Rulebased engines” in a cloud computing environment detect the application layer
attack. For speeding up the processing and eliminating errors, the MapReduce
framework is employed. In comparison to SNORT, this pattern detection method
performs better and takes less time to process [16].
Table 3.1:Different “DDoS solutions in the cloud computing context
Choi 2014 [16]
Cha and Kim
2011 [17]
Navaz 2013
Chouhan 2012
Hop count
Error is low
Fast, processing
Error is low,
Fast processing
Error is low,
Fast processing
Error is low,
Fast processing
High response time
High response time
Efficiency reduces if
the attack distribution
Difficult maintenance
of a legitimate
Chouhan 2012
Difficult maintenance
of a legitimate
DDoS assaults in the cloud may be detected using a method called multistage
anomaly detection [17]. In the monitoring phase, the attack patterns are
compared to the rule base to determine whether misuse has occurred. Based on
the volume, anomaly detection is used for in- depth analysis and Bayesian
classification to identify assaults. For the identification of large anomalies that
lead to DDoS assaults, unsupervised learning is used in targeted anomaly
Genuine users can pass via the router with the help of an entropy-based
approach [18]. When the threshold value is below a certain level, the confirmation
algorithm sends an alert to the cloud service provider (CSP). Gathering
information on ports and IP addresses is used to determine the entropy threshold.
Customers are alerted to and blocked from transmitting packets at a high rate by
the cloud service provider (CSP). In the cloud, faked sources can be detected via
hop count detection [19]. The IP packet's originating IP and TTL are used to
identify it. The packet is considered valid if the source IP and the related TTL are
located in the database. At the gateway router, the attack packets are discarded
with minimal computational overhead. An attack analyzer is part of the networkbased detection [20], which includes the network controller and a profile server.
Fig. 4 Flowchart of DDoS Solution Mechanism
The analyzer determines the most effective defenses, and the network controller
implements them. The profile server contains all of the virtual machine's security
flaws in a cloud-based system. DDoS attack origins may be located via attack
graph modeling. Users' typical profile is maintained by collecting information from
their packet header using confidence-based filtering [21]. The incoming packet's
correlation parameter is assessed. The packet is accepted if the value is within the
acceptable range; else, it is rejected. Statistics filtering [22] keeps the regular
profile with information such as hop count and TTL value gathered from the
header. If the inbound source IP address can be found in a valid database, the IP
address is regarded as genuine; otherwise, the IP address is considered spoofing.
Divergence metrics are applied to the non-spoof IP address, and the likelihood of
observation is calculated. The IP address of the source is banned if there is any
Attack Mitigation :DDoS mitigation is a set of network management techniques
and/or tools, for resisting or mitigating the impact of distributed denial-of-service
(DDoS) attacks on networks attached to the Internet, by protecting the target, and
relay networks. DDoS attacks are a constant threat to businesses and
organizations, by delaying service performance, or by shutting down a website
Fig. 5 DDos Mitigation Stages
Conclusion and Further Scope
Cloud data must be protected from any sort of cyberattack. The challenge of
securing the cloud is daunting, but it is necessary. Assaults in the cloud are
known as “Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.” The techniques used to
counter DDoS attacks are heavily influenced by tried-and-true methods, as this
paper has demonstrated. DDoS assaults may be detected and prevented using
several techniques, although none have been shown to be completely foolproof.
For a DDoS assault to be detected or prevented, the attacker's motive must be
established. There are seven reasons given by reference [40] for DDoS assaults,
namely: intellectual challenge, vengeance, ideological belief, sluggish network
performance, financial and commercial gain, service unavailability, and cyber
warfare. An assault might be motivated by a single factor or a combination of
factors. Researchers in the future will have to devise ways for not only detecting
an attack but also intelligently identifying the attacker's tactics and traffic rates.
In addition, the techniques should be able to determine the validity of the
attacker's origins, as well. It is possible to further improve the performance of the
IDS using several of the previously suggested and implemented ways. Instead of
focusing on one location, the method might strive toward having several sites of
attack detection and repair. Distributed attack analysis points can be added to
the approaches to increase detection and inference speed by relaying attack
descriptions to a central location. As a result, all aspects of an assault might be
identified without compromising system performance.
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