Papers by maria rosaria napolitano
Indice Introduzione. Le medie imprese italiane e il marketing (Maria Rosaria Napolitano e Alessan... more Indice Introduzione. Le medie imprese italiane e il marketing (Maria Rosaria Napolitano e Alessandro De Nisco) VII 7 Community market e coopetition. Il caso Microgame -"People's Poker" (Antonella Garofano e Alessandro De Nisco) 95 7.1 Una storia di scommesse vincenti 95 7.2 Il mercato italiano del gioco online 98 7.3 Il network People's: un equilibrio tra collaborazione e competizione 102 7.4 La community People's Poker 105 XIV Introduzione giorni nella splendida Bassano del Grappa, Raffaele Carlino, Presidente di Carpisa insieme ai suoi collaboratori Daniela Crocco e Andrea Sermoneta, Fabrizio D'Aloia, Presidente e CEO di Microgame, Giuseppe D'Avino, Amministratore Delegato di Strega Alberti, Enzo Mataluni, Amministratore Delegato del gruppo Mataluni con i suoi collaboratori Gianluca Compare e Antonello De Nicola e infine Paolo Malvaldi, Responsabile Marketing del gruppo Sammontana. Un ringraziamento aggiuntivo e doveroso va alle imprese e agli imprenditori che oltre ad aver messo a disposizione il proprio tempo hanno anche contribuito a sponsorizzare questa ricerca: Microgame, Montegrappa 1912, Carpisa e Oleifici Mataluni.
Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 2017
Mercati e Competitività, 2018
With the growing realization by governments of the beneficial effects of Foreign Direct Investmen... more With the growing realization by governments of the beneficial effects of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), barriers to FDI have been dropping but competition among countries for the limited pool of global capital, often through promotion and country branding, has intensified dramatically. The literature on FDI location choice is voluminous, but empirical findings are often contradictory and the factors studied are limited to tangible country characteristics without accounting for perceptual considerations. This study uses OLS regression to investigate the role of country branding in tandem with traditional country characteristics in the MENA region. The results show that the influence of country branding is significant and relevant implications are discussed. N.B: Copia ad uso personale. È vietata la riproduzione (totale o parziale) dell'opera con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata e la sua messa a disposizione di terzi, sia in forma gratuita sia a pagamento.
Mercati e Competitività, 2015
Questo studio analizza la relazione esistente tra animosità economica, etnocentrismo
del consumat... more Questo studio analizza la relazione esistente tra animosità economica, etnocentrismo
del consumatore ed effetto country-of-origin. Sulla base di un’analisi critica della
letteratura gli autori sviluppano e propongono un modello di analisi che viene testato
su un campione di 203 studenti italiani con riferimento alla percezione dell’immagine
Paese della Germania durante la crisi dell’Euro. I risultati mostrano che l’animosità
economica verso una nazione percepita come “ostile” esercita un effetto negativo sulla
propensione all’acquisto dei prodotti ad essa associati ed un effetto positivo sulla
preferenza per i prodotti nazionali. Come previsto, invece, l’animosità economica non
produce alcun effetto negativo sulla valutazione dell’immagine generale del Paese e
sul giudizio relativo ai prodotti made in. L’etnocentrismo, d’altra parte, influenza negativamente
sia la propensione all’acquisto dei prodotti esteri che (in parte) la valutazione
degli stessi. La ricerca inoltre dimostra l’esistenza di una relazione gerarchica
tra immagine generale di un Paese, immagine dei suoi prodotti e propensione all’acquisto.
A partire dai risultati, gli autori discutono la collocazione e l’originalità dello studio
nella letteratura di riferimento ed i suoi limiti, evidenziando le relative implicazioni
manageriali e di ricerca.
International Marketing and the Country of Origin Effect, 2013
The purpose of the paper is to propose a definition of the concept of 'entertainment orientation'... more The purpose of the paper is to propose a definition of the concept of 'entertainment orientation' for shopping centres and to provide a framework for analysis of the main antecedents and performance outcomes related to a shopping centre's entertainment orientation. The framework used in this study is based on contingency theory and resource-based theory. The concept of entertainment orientation is approached from the perspective of external recreational services. Seven categories of antecedents are established-categorised as environment-specific factors and centre-specific factors. The performance of entertainment orientation is evaluated using sales and market measures. The paper provides empirical evidence about the main factors that influence the adoption of entertainment orientation by shopping centres and finds a positive link between entertainment orientation and performance outcomes. Arising from the findings of the paper management implication and insight for further research are discussed.
Journal of Vacation Marketing, 2015
The study analyzes the relationship between tourism satisfaction, cognitive and affective country... more The study analyzes the relationship between tourism satisfaction, cognitive and affective country image, destination image, and post-visit intentions. The proposed research model is tested with a survey on a sample of 542 international tourists intercepted in two Italian airports at the end of their journey. Results suggest that general country and destination images are able to mediate the effect of tourism satisfaction on post-visit behavioral intentions. Moreover, empirical findings show that a high-quality tourism experience is able to not only affect intention to return and willingness to recommend the country as a tourism destination but also induce more positive intentions toward the products made in the sojourn country. On the basis of results, the study concludes with discussion of managerial and research implications.
Industria & Distribuzione, Jan 1, 2001
Europe aspires to increase its share of the international students market, in which the number of... more Europe aspires to increase its share of the international students market, in which the number of internationally mobile students is predicted to rise to 7.2 million by 2025. Entrepreneurship, as a relative “recent” and potentially high attractive field of study, could represent a strategic subject to enhance the attractiveness of European higher education, especially towards those students coming from countries where entrepreneurship education is less developed. Starting from the above considerations, this book aims: a) to present an ...
Europe aspires to increase its share of the international students market, in which the number of... more Europe aspires to increase its share of the international students market, in which the number of internationally mobile students is predicted to rise to 7.2 million by 2025. Entrepreneurship, as a relative “recent” and potentially high attractive field of study, could represent a strategic subject to enhance the attractiveness of European higher education, especially towards those students coming from countries where entrepreneurship education is less developed. Starting from the above considerations, this book aims: a) to present an ...
International Journal of …, Jan 1, 2009
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to provide some insights for the evaluation of town centre ... more Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to provide some insights for the evaluation of town centre management (TCM) effectiveness, by proposing the importance-performance analysis (IPA) as a valuable tool to ensure a multi-perspective evaluation. The need for more empirical methods of measuring town centre effectiveness is related to the risk of commonly used evaluation methodologies reflecting only the success criteria of dominant stakeholders. Design/methodology/approach -By reviewing the service management literature, a definition of the "town centre product" is proposed, and how IPA can be used to analyse the city users' quality perceptions is emphasized. The theoretical framework is enriched by an empirical case study: the city centre of Benevento. Findings -The results provide a clear guidance for the implementation of a TCM scheme in the historical centre of Benevento, by identifying the main area of intervention.
Managing Service Quality, Jan 1, 2006
... level (Holbrook and Hirshman, 1982) and provide an opportunity to add new dimensions to ... ... more ... level (Holbrook and Hirshman, 1982) and provide an opportunity to add new dimensions to ... the item that produces the highest R 2 (Bollen, 1996), theory still offers ... For example, because manufacturers are increasingly using entertainment in themed brand stores to promote a ...
Journal of Place Management and Development, Jan 1, 2008
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to provide insights into the identification of stakeholders... more Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to provide insights into the identification of stakeholders involved in town centre management (TCM) projects and the main areas of intervention according to their interests and needs. Design/methodology/approach -The proposed framework is tested in the town of Benevento, Italy. On the basis of stakeholder theory, key stakeholders were interviewed according to the different kinds of linkages they had with the TCM organisation. Findings -Results from the paper support a stakeholder-based approach to the development of TCM projects. In addition, a set of categories is proposed to define and evaluate the overall town centre offer. Practical implications -The proposed framework can be used by cities or towns for the evaluation of the role of different public and private stakeholders in TCM projects, and for the assessment of their "stake" in the town centre. Originality/value -Despite the need to promote a partnership approach between the public and private sectors having been recognised as a vital ingredient for the implementation of TCM, literature is still lacking which provides clear guidance for stakeholder analysis. This is one of the first papers to propose a theoretical framework addressing this issue.
Mercati e Competitività, 2012
The paper proposes an integrative model aiming to analyze the relationship among different measur... more The paper proposes an integrative model aiming to analyze the relationship among different measures of country image – including “general country image”, “tourism destination image” and “product-country image” – tourist satisfaction and post-visit intentions in terms of destination loyalty and willing to buy the national products. The theoretical framework was tested on a sample of international tourists intercepted in two Italian airports at the end of their journey. On the basis of results, the paper concludes with discussion of research implications and it provides managerial insights both to policy makers in order to improve the attractiveness of Italy for international tourism and to managers of private firms that use national image in their marketing strategies.
Journal of Vacation Marketing, 2015
The study analyzes the relationship between tourism satisfaction, cognitive and affective country... more The study analyzes the relationship between tourism satisfaction, cognitive and affective country image, destination image, and post-visit intentions. The proposed research model is tested with a survey on a sample of 542 international tourists intercepted in two Italian airports at the end of their journey. Results suggest that general country and destination images are able to mediate the effect of tourism satisfaction on post-visit behavioral intentions. Moreover, empirical findings show that a high-quality tourism experience is able to not only affect intention to return and willingness to recommend the country as a tourism destination but also induce more positive intentions toward the products made in the sojourn country. On the basis of results, the study concludes with discussion of managerial and research implications.
International Marketing and the Country-of-Origin Effect, 2013
Questo studio propone un modello di ricerca finalizzato ad indagare la relazione esistente tra le... more Questo studio propone un modello di ricerca finalizzato ad indagare la relazione esistente tra le diverse componenti dell'immagine Paese -valutate a livello generale (general country image) e con riferimento agli attributi turistici (tourism destination image) e alle produzioni nazionali (product-country image) -la soddisfazione turistica e le intenzioni post-visita in termini di fedeltà attesa e propensione all'acquisto delle produzioni nazionali. Il framework analitico è stato testato su un campione di turisti internazionali intercettati al termine della propria visita in Italia. Sulla base dei risultati, vengono discusse le principali implicazioni di ricerca e fornite indicazioni utili per la gestione dell'immagine Paese da parte degli enti pubblici che si occupano di promozione turistica e delle imprese del made in.
FAYOLLE A., KYRÖ P., METS T., VENESAAR U. (Editors). Conceptual Richness and Methodological Diversity in Entrepreneurship Research, 2013
Papers by maria rosaria napolitano
del consumatore ed effetto country-of-origin. Sulla base di un’analisi critica della
letteratura gli autori sviluppano e propongono un modello di analisi che viene testato
su un campione di 203 studenti italiani con riferimento alla percezione dell’immagine
Paese della Germania durante la crisi dell’Euro. I risultati mostrano che l’animosità
economica verso una nazione percepita come “ostile” esercita un effetto negativo sulla
propensione all’acquisto dei prodotti ad essa associati ed un effetto positivo sulla
preferenza per i prodotti nazionali. Come previsto, invece, l’animosità economica non
produce alcun effetto negativo sulla valutazione dell’immagine generale del Paese e
sul giudizio relativo ai prodotti made in. L’etnocentrismo, d’altra parte, influenza negativamente
sia la propensione all’acquisto dei prodotti esteri che (in parte) la valutazione
degli stessi. La ricerca inoltre dimostra l’esistenza di una relazione gerarchica
tra immagine generale di un Paese, immagine dei suoi prodotti e propensione all’acquisto.
A partire dai risultati, gli autori discutono la collocazione e l’originalità dello studio
nella letteratura di riferimento ed i suoi limiti, evidenziando le relative implicazioni
manageriali e di ricerca.
del consumatore ed effetto country-of-origin. Sulla base di un’analisi critica della
letteratura gli autori sviluppano e propongono un modello di analisi che viene testato
su un campione di 203 studenti italiani con riferimento alla percezione dell’immagine
Paese della Germania durante la crisi dell’Euro. I risultati mostrano che l’animosità
economica verso una nazione percepita come “ostile” esercita un effetto negativo sulla
propensione all’acquisto dei prodotti ad essa associati ed un effetto positivo sulla
preferenza per i prodotti nazionali. Come previsto, invece, l’animosità economica non
produce alcun effetto negativo sulla valutazione dell’immagine generale del Paese e
sul giudizio relativo ai prodotti made in. L’etnocentrismo, d’altra parte, influenza negativamente
sia la propensione all’acquisto dei prodotti esteri che (in parte) la valutazione
degli stessi. La ricerca inoltre dimostra l’esistenza di una relazione gerarchica
tra immagine generale di un Paese, immagine dei suoi prodotti e propensione all’acquisto.
A partire dai risultati, gli autori discutono la collocazione e l’originalità dello studio
nella letteratura di riferimento ed i suoi limiti, evidenziando le relative implicazioni
manageriali e di ricerca.