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2016, International Journal of Modern Physics D
8 pages
1 file
We consider the possibility of creating a graviton laser. The lasing medium would be a system of contained, ultra cold neutrons. Ultra cold neutrons are a quantum mechanical system that interacts with gravitational fields and with the phonons of the container walls. It is possible to create a population inversion by pumping the system using the phonons. We compute the rate of spontaneous emission of gravitons and the rate of the subsequent stimulated emission of gravitons. The gain obtainable is directly proportional to the density of the lasing medium and the fraction of the population inversion. The applications of a graviton laser would be interesting.
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2007
Spontaneous emission of graviton rates for the quantum bouncer states is evaluated.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2017
Physical Review D, 2017
Ultracold neutrons confined in the Earth's gravitational field display quantized energy levels that have been observed for over a decade. In recent resonance spectroscopy experiments [T. Jenke et al., Nature Phys. 7, 468 (2011)], the transition between two such gravitational quantum states was driven by the mechanical oscillation of the plates that confine the neutrons. Here we show that, by applying a sinusoidal modulation with slowly varying frequency (chirp), the neutrons can be brought to higher excited states by climbing the energy levels one by one. The proposed experiment should make it possible to observe the quantum-classical transition that occurs at high neutron energies. Furthermore, it provides a technique to realize superpositions of gravitational quantum states, to be used for precision tests of gravity at short distances.
The existence of a minimum observable length and/or a maximum observable momentum is in agreement with various candidates of quantum gravity such as string theory, loop quantum gravity, doubly special relativity and black hole physics. In this scenario, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is changed to the so-called Generalized (Gravitational) Uncertainty Principle (GUP) which results in modification of all Hamiltonians in quantum mechanics. In this paper, following a recently proposed GUP which is consistent with quantum gravity theories, we study the quantum mechanical systems in the presence of both a minimum length and a maximum momentum. The generalized Hamiltonian contains two additional terms which are proportional to αp 3 and α 2 p 4 where α ∼ 1/M P l c is the GUP parameter. For the case of a quantum bouncer, we solve the generalized Schrödinger equation in the momentum space and find the modified energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions up to the secondorder in GUP parameter. The effects of the GUP on the transition rate of ultra cold neutrons in gravitational spectrometers are discussed finally.
Advances in High Energy Physics, 2015
arXiv (Cornell University), 2008
L'exprience excute avec les neutrons ultra-froids l'Institut de Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, est analyse en vue de la revendication que "les tats quantiques neutrons dans le champ gravitationnel de Terre" sont observs. Notre conclusion est que la susdite revendication n'est ni thoriquement ni exprimentalement justifie. Nous critiquons aussi la dclaration que "l'observation des tats quantiques gravitationnellement relis de neutrons et des techniques exprimentales lies fournit un instrument unique une large gamme d'enqutes dans la physique fondamentale de particules et de champs". The experiment performed with ultra-cold neutrons at the Laue-Langevin Institute, Grenoble, is analyzed in view of the claim that "neutron quantum states in Earth gravitational field" are observed. Our conclusion is that the above claim is neither theoretically nor experimentally substantiated. We also criticize the statement that "observation of the gravitationally bound quantum states of neutrons and the related experimental techniques provide a unique tool for a broad range of investigations in fundamental physics of particles and fields".
International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2005
Gravitationally bound quantum states of matter were observed for the first time thanks to the unique properties of ultra-cold neutrons (UCN). The neutrons were allowed to fall towards a horizontal mirror which, together with the Earth's gravitational field, provided the necessary confining potential well. In this paper we discuss the current status of the experiment, as well as possible improvements: the integral and differential measuring modes; the flow-through and storage measuring modes; resonance transitions between the quantum states in the gravitational field or between magnetically split sub-levels of a gravitational quantum state.
Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology
Review of arguments in refutation of Dyson's alleged prohibition against use of device physics as to determining if Gravitons can be determined to exist is followed up by use of a hot Plasma within a Tokamak in a redo of the amplitude of alleged Gravitational waves. This overlaps with gravitons, and we follow up with an analysis of the pertinent form of Gravitons, i.e. do we have massless or massive gravitons. In addition we also obtain GW of amplitude as low as Temp 100 KeV 26 27 2 term 5 meters above Tokamak
In gravitational redshift, photons absorbing energy from gravitational field is just like atoms absorbing energy from a light ray to excite from ground state to excited state. It indicates that the graviton is directly observed in gravitational redshift. From photons absorb and emit energy in gravitational field, the way to weak, reinforce and eliminate gravitational field in an area with light is discovered. It may begin to use gravitational field as we used electromagnetic field.
The strong interaction or strong force is today understood to represent the interactions between quarks and gluons as detailed by the theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The strong force is the fundamental force mediated by gluons, acting upon quarks, antiquarks, and the gluons themselves. This article shows how positive charge particles absorb each other in very small distance. Generally, two positive charged particles produce binding energy, in small distance. This looking where based on CPH theory and it is continuing of Graviton and virtual photons.
Reflective Practice, 2008
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