Coherent Multidimensional Poverty Measurement
Gaël Giraud
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Gaël Giraud. Coherent Multidimensional Poverty Measurement. 2012. halshs-00785629
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Documents de Travail du
Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne
Coherent Multidimensional Poverty Measurement
Maison des Sciences Économiques, 106-112 boulevard de L'Hôpital, 75647 Paris Cedex 13
ISSN : 1955-611X
Documents de Travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne - 2012.95
Coherent Multidimensional Poverty Measurement∗
Gaël Giraud†
CNRS, CES, Paris School of Economics
January 10, 2013
This paper presents a family of multidimensional poverty indices that measure poverty as a function of the extent and the intensity of poverty. I provide
a unique axiomatics from which both extent and intensity of poverty can be derived, as well as the poor be endogenously identified. This axiomatics gives rise
to a family of multidimensional indices whose extremal points are the geometric
mean and the Maximin solution. I show that, in addition to all the standard
features studied in the literature, these indices are continuous (a must for cardinal poverty measures) and ordinal, in the sense that they do not depend upon
the units in which dimensions of achievements are computed. Moreover, they
verify the decreasing rate marginal substitution property: the higher one’s deprivation (or the extent of poverty) in one dimension, the smaller the increase
of achievement in that dimension that suffices to compensate for a decrease of
achievement in another dimension.
Keywords: multidimensional poverty, geometric mean, Maximin solution, utilitarian solution, endogenous identification, coherence, continuity, decreasing marginal
rate of substitution, cardinal date, ordinality, relative weights
JEL Classification Numbers : I3, I32, D31, D63, O1
As acknowledged by Villar (2010), “defining a poverty measure in a truly multidimensional context involves a number of subtle and difficult issues: choosing the
appropriate poverty dimensions beyond income or wealth, deciding on whether they
all are equally important, fixing sensible thresholds in those dimensions and setting
criteria to identify as poor those individuals whose achievements lie partially below them, defining an overall measure of poverty intensity, etc. Those difficulties
I thank Cécile Renouard, as well as Camille Sutter, Raphaële de la Martinière, Suman Seth
and participants of the HDCA 2012 congress (Jakarta) for fruitful discussions.
[email protected]
Documents de Travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne - 2012.95
anticipate that many compromises are required and, indirectly, that the axiomatic
approach may be the best way to deal with this type of problem as it makes explicit
all those compromises.” 1
Here, we provide an axiomatization for a family of Multidimensional Poverty Indices. This is part of a larger research programme devoted to a Relational Capabilty
Index applied as a new poverty measure in Nigeria, Indonesia and India.
Each index can be characterized as lying somewhere between the two extremal
points of our family of indices: the geometric mean (Villar (2010)) and the Rawlsian
Maximin. Although both social choice correspondences have been thoroughly studied
from the social choice theoretical viewpoint,2 we are not aware of any attempt to
link these two major concepts of justice with the concerns involved in the literature
devoted to poverty measurement. This paper is a first attempt to fill this gap.
We suggest that the geometric mean can be interpreted as being a (hyperbolic)
version of the “utilitarian” viewpoint. With this interpretation in mind, our family
of indices builds a bridge between celebrated theories of justice and poverty measurements. An alternative standpoint enables us to characterize each one of our
indices as being the supremum of the weighted geometric averages, the sup being
taken over some collection of weights over dimensions and people. When the collection of weights reduces to the uniform vector, we are back to the standard geometric
mean (this is the “utilitarian” solution). When the underlying collection of weights
includes the whole unit simplex over dimensions and people, then we get the Maximin solution. One possible interpretation is as follows: suppose that the economist
who is in charge of measuring poverty in a given population reflects as if she were in
Rawls’ original position. Beyond the veil of ignorance, the point that is ignored is
not which role one will endorse (as in the standard, political interpretation of Rawl’s
theory of justice) but in which dimension one will get some talent (or some endowment, or some “social capital”). So uncertainty bears on dimensions rather than on
persons. In addition, from the viewpoint of the economist standing beyond the veil,
there might be some ambiguity concerning the probability according to which talents
and deprivations will be distributed. As a result, if the economist has no prejudice
about the distribution of talents and deprivations will be distributed, she might opt
for the Maximin solution as a way to measure multidimensional poverty. if, on the
contrary, she has good reasons to believe that the distribution will be uniform, she
may choose the “utilitarian"’ solution (i.e., in our context, the geometric average).
Else, she might choose an index in our family which lies somewhere in between the
first two. If one wishes so, it is also possible to include ambiguity about the persons
(and not only dimensions) in the non-symmetric version of our family of indices.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the fist attempt to formally fill the gap
between theories of justice and poverty measurements. As we take inspiration from
Artzner et al. (1999) (where an additive version of a similar axiomatization was
introduced in order to measure the risk position of a portfolio), we call coherent
a multidimensional poverty index belonging to our family. We finally show that
such indices satisfy the following properties that are considered as desirable in the
See Dardadoni (1995), Ravallion (1996), Tsui (2002), Bourguignon and Chakravarty (2003),
Lugo and Maasoumi (2008), Alkire and Foster (2008), Wagle (2008), and ?.
See ? and ? to name but a few pathbreaking papers in this area.
See, e.g., Bourguignon and Chakravarty (2003) and Alkire and Foster (2008).
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Coherent Multidimensional Poverty Measurement
(i) Each index is continuous: slight changes in the achievements of certain persons
only induces slight changes in the poverty measurement ;
(ii) Each index is ordinal, in the sense that it does not depend upon the choice of
the specific units in which dimensions of achievements are measured. This property
deserves some comment. In Alkire and Foster (2008) it is argued that data describing
capabilities and functionings in the spirit of Sen’s Multidimensional Human Index,
are ordinal in nature. They therefore may lack a basis for comparisons across dimensions. This, of course, is a challenge for Mutldimensional Poverty measurement. In
the above quoted paper, indeed, only one kind of measures is shows to be ordinal in
that sense (the M 0 measure in their parlance) while they others don’t. At the same
time, this ordinal measure fails to satisfy a number of other properties. In particular,
it cannot capture the intensity of poverty —a failure that can be viewed as arising
from its being a piecewise constant (hence discontinuous) measure. Here, we prove
that coherent Poverty measures are ordinal in the following sense: If one multiplies
any dimension by λ > 0 (both for achievements and for the poverty cut-off), then
the set of poor is unaffected while the Index, P , is simply multiplied by λ. As a
consequence, a normalized version of the index, Q, is independent of such changes
in the dimensions’ unit.
(iii) it yields a criterion for “relative poverty” that depends upon the whole population under scrutiny ;
(iv) the marginal rate of substitution among subjects or among dimensions is
decreasing. The reduction in the deprivation4 of dimension k for poor individual i
required to compensate an increase in the deprivation of dimension k for individual
h is larger the higher the initial level of deprivation in i.
(v) As in Villar (2010), it is multiplicatively decomposable by population subgroups (but it does not satisfy Subgroup Decomposability in the additive form given
in Bourguignon and Chakravarty (2003)). This property says the following: If the
population is partitioned into subgroups, the overall poverty index corresponds to
the weighted average of subgroup poverty values, where the weights correspond to
population shares.
(vi) In certain circumstances, we may have additional informations that allow us
to regard certain dimensions and/or certain subgroups of the population as meriting
a greater relative weight than others. Each index can be adjusted so as to capture this
kind of requirements. Of course, if one wishes so, it can as well be made symmetric
among persons.
(vii) It verifies the transfer principle (Villar (2010)) : a reduction of size δ > 0
in the deprivation with respect to dimension k of a poor person i who is worse off
in this dimension than another poor person, j, more than compensates an increase
of the same size, δ, in the deprivation of j, provided their relative positions remain
(viii) Principle of population: a replica of the population does not change the
poverty measure.
To the best of our knowledge, coherent poverty measures are the first examples
of continuous and ordinal Multidimensional Poverty measure that are sensitive to
inequality. To take but alternative examples, the measure M 0 introduced in ? is ordinal but discontinuous and inequality-insensitive. On the other hand, the measures
Recall that a person is said to be deprived in one dimension whenever her achievement falls
below the cut-off or dimension-specific poverty line.
Documents de Travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne - 2012.95
M 1 and M 2 are inequality-sensitive and continuous but no more ordinal.
The paper is organized as follows. The next section provides the model and
makes the link between the “utilitarian” standpoint and the geometric mean explicit.
Section 3 deals with the axiomatization of coherent multidimensional poverty indices.
The last section provides the main properties of this family of indices.
The model
Let N = {1, ..., N } denote a society consisting of n individuals and let K = {1, ..., K}
be a set of dimensions.
A social state is a matrix, y = yij ij ∈ MN ×K (R++ ), with N rows, one for each
individual, and K columns, one for each dimension. The entry yij ∈ R++ describes
the value of variable j for individual i. Since we are going to deal with ordinal
Poverty measures, there is little loss of generality in imposing from the outset that
all variables be strictly positive.5 A vector z ∈ RK
++ of reference values describes the
poverty thresholds for all dimensions. How these thresholds are fixed is definitely
an important issue, but we leave it aside here. We denote by N (y; z) ⊂ N the set
of poor that results from a social state matrix y and a vector z of reference values.
The number of poor people is n(y; z) := |N (y; z)|. As we shall see, N (y; z) (hence
n(y; z)) will be determined endogenously by our multidimensional poverty index).
The utilitarian index
A poverty index is a mapping P : RKN
++ → R+ . We begin with three axioms that
unambiguously characterize the “utilitarian” Poverty index.
The first one, anonymity, says that all agents and all dimensions are equally
Anonymity. Let x ∈ RKN
++ and let π ∈ SKN denote a permutation over its
components {1, ..., kn}. Then, P (s) = P (π(s)).
The second Axiom implies that P reduces to the identity mapping on the diagonal
of RKN
+ :
Normalization. Let s ∈ RKN
++ be such that sij = a ∀i, j. Then P (s) = a.
The last property requires that the difference between the new and the initial
values of P when subject i’s achievement relative to dimension j changes from sij to
tij , be a monotone function of the difference between sij and tij .
We cannot claim that this entails no loss of generality at all. Indeed, if some achievement is
“naturally” given as being (strictly) positive, then, whether it is scored ε > 0 or λε > 0 does not
matter. However, if the original achievement was 0, then, replacing it by ε > 0 might have an effect
on the poverty measure. The same problem arises, e.g., in Seth (2009).
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Coherent Multidimensional Poverty Measurement
Difference Monotonicity Let s, t ∈ RKN
be such that shq = thq ∀(h, q) 6=
(i, j). Then
P (s) − P (t) = gij (sij − tij ),
for some increasing function gij : R+ → R. Since gij (0) = 0, it follows
that gij (x) ≥ 0 if, and only if, x ≥ 0.
Proposition 2.1 An index P (·) satisfies Anonymity, Normalization and Difference
Monotonicity if, and only if, it takes the form
P (s) =
1 X
sij .
kn i∈N,j∈K
Proof. Let s ∈ RKN
+ . By difference monotonicity and normalization,
P (s11 , 0, ..., 0) − P (0, ..., 0) = g11 (s11 )
P (s11 , s12 , ..., 0) − P (s11 , 0, ..., 0) = g12 (s12 )
so that
P (s) = P (0) +
gij (sij ).
By anonymity, gij (·) = g(·) ∀i, j. The Normalization axiom yields: P (0, ..., 0) =
0. Moreover,
P (a, ..., a) = kng(a) = a.
Therefore, g(a) =
The conclusion follows.
The geometric average
The link between the (admittedly fairly classical) index, PU , and the geometric average is given by the following transformation :
Consider the following Poverty index, G(·), defined on RKN
++ :
G(x) :=
++ ,
i kn
Given a vector, x ∈
let us denote by ln x the vector whose coordinates are
ln xk,h , every h, k. Obviously,
G(x) = exp U (ln x).
From this very simple remark, one deduces the axiomatization provided by Villar
(2010) that fully characterizes the geometric average as a Poverty index: Indeed,
it follows from (1) that G must verify the anonymity and normalization Axioms
together with the following ratio monotonicity:
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Ratio Monotonicity Let s, t ∈ RKN
++ be such that shq = thq ∀(h, q) 6= (i, j).
= gij
for some increasing function gij : R++ → R. Since gij (1) = 1, it follows
that gij (x) ≥ 1 if, and only if, x ≥ 1.
In other words, the geometric (or Cobb-Douglas) average may be viewed as the
outcome of the Utilitarian rule after the transformation given by (1). In the following
section, we show that G(·) is but one extremal point of a whole family of Poverty
indices that can be constructed in quite a similar way. The other extremal index of
this family turns out to be the Maximin rule.
Coherent Poverty Indices
In order to define a coherent Poverty index, we impose some axioms on the mapping
P (·). For this purpose, we define a poverty exit set, E ⊂ RKN
++ . A population belongs
to E, whenever it is not poor.
Axioms for E.
We take z ∈ RKN
++ as given. The vector z describes the poverty thresholds for all
dimensions and every individual. Those reference values may be fixed externally
(absolute poverty lines) or may depend on the data of the social state matrix itself
(relative poverty lines, such as a fraction of the median or the mean value). The units
in which achievements are measured are chosen so that z >> 1 := (1, ..., 1) ∈ RKN
++ .
When all individuals are attribtued the same cut-offs, z = (z, ..., z), for some reference
vector z ∈ Rk++ . In this case, if xi ≥ z, then individual i can be said to be poor (the
converse being false in general).
In order to build an ordinal index (i.e., an index that does not depend upon the
choice of unities in which dimensions are measured), we consider only normalized
achievements. That is, if x ∈ RKN
++ is a given achievement, we shall deal with
x := (xhk /zhk )h,k .
Axiom 1. 1 + RKN
⊂ E.
Consider, now, a population such that all its individuals have achievements (before normalization) that are all strictly below the thresholds given by z. Obviously,
such a population should be considered as poor. This is the content of the next
Given two vectors x, y, x << y if the strict inequality holds coordinatewise.
Actually, Axiom 2 says a little bit more since it implies that, in the case of a single person
population, this person will be poor if none of her achievements end up strictly above the cut-off,
and at least one of her achievements
stay strictly below this cut-off. We could replace Axiom 2 by
the weaker E ∩ z + R−− = ∅. But our other axioms would nevertheless strengthen it into Axiom
2 in most cases of interest for practical purposes.
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Coherent Multidimensional Poverty Measurement
= {1}.
Axiom 2. E ∩ 1 + RKN
For every x, y ∈ RKN
++ , let xz denote the vector in R++ whose coordinates are
xk,h zk,h , all k, h. Consequently, 1/y denotes the (unique) vector such that y1/y =
1, while xλ is the vector with coordinates xλk,h . The “box” product, ··, is to be
interpreted as formalizing a change in the achievements of the population under
scrutiny. For instance, x1 = x stands for “no change". By contrast, x0 = 0
represents a radical depletion of the population, etc. For an arbitrary vector, y ∈
++ , xy will represent a change that may be dimension- and individual-dependent.
A set F ⊂ RKN
++ is multiplicatively convex whenever, as soon as x, y ∈ F, then
x y
∈ F ∀α ∈ [0, 1].
Axiom 3. The Poverty exit set, E, is multiplicatively convex
Axiom 1 says that, if all the individuals of a population exhibit all their achievements above the threshold (i.e., if x ≥ 1), this population is not poor. Conversely, if
x << 1, Axiom 2 implies that the population is poor. Ambiguity remains only whenever some individuals exhibit some achievements above the threshold, and others,
not. Our last axiom deals with such ambiguous cases. Suppose that a population, x,
is not poor. Take λ > 0 and consider the auxiliary population given by xλ . Axiom
4 says that this new population should not be considered as poor neither. Clearly,
if x1/z ≥ 1 (resp. x1/z < 1), then (xλ 1/z) ≥ 1 (resp. < 1), so that the
auxiliary population turns out, indeed, not to be poor (resp. to be poor). What the
next Axiom says is that this property should not hold only for the extreme cases
envisaged by Axioms 1 and 2 but also for the “ambiguous” cases.
A set F ⊂ RKN
++ is a multiplicative cone whenever, as soon as x ∈ F, then x ∈ F
for any λ ≥ 0.
Axiom 4. The Poverty exit set, E, is a multiplicative cone.
Examples The two following sets verify all four axioms.
a) The “utilitarian case”. Consider
E := {x ∈ RKN
++ | G(x) ≥ G(z)}.
E is the upper-set of the hyperbola {x : G(x) = λ}, and is closed and (additively)
b) The “Rawlsian case”. Consider
E := {x ≥ 1},
E is an affine closed, convex (additive) cone.
Although it is not necessary for the core of our theory, the next Axiom will prove
Axiom 5. E verifies the following Anonymity property : Let x = (x1 , .., xn ) ∈
and σ(x) = (xσ(1) , ..., xσ(N ) ) ∈ RKN
++ the vector obtained after having swapped
its individuals with the permutation σ ∈ SN . Then,
x ∈ E ⇐⇒ σ(x) ∈ E ∀σ ∈ SN .
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Axioms for P
Given a set E, the Poverty index, PE , is defined as a measure of the minimal additional
“achievements” that have to be added to a given distribution so that the population
can be considered as non-poor, i.e., so that the resulting distribution belongs to E.
Obviously, PE will heavily depend upon the choice of E. This is why the axiomatic
studied here only defines a family of poverty indices, each index being identified
through its corresponding poverty exit set.
Given E, the mapping PE (·) is defined as:
PE (x) := inf τ ∈ R | xzτ ∈ E .
EP := x ∈ RKN
++ | P (x) ≤ 0 .
Axiom 1 implies PE (1) = 0, and limx→0 P (x) = +∞. Conversely, given a Poverty
exit index, P (·), one defines the Poverty exit set, EP , as
We now state several properties for P . As we shall see, they can be deduced from
Axioms 1-4 on E via (2). Conversely, Axioms 1-4 can be deduced from the following
properties of P , via (3).
Axiom HI (Homothetic invariance) ∀x ∈ RKN
++ , α ∈ R, P (xz ) = P (x) −
An easy consequence of Axiom HI is that P (xzP (x) ) = 0 —which is consistent with
the interpretation of P (·) given by (2). It follows that
∀x, xzP (x) ∈ E.
Axiom S (Sub-multiplicativity) ∀x, y, P (xy) ≤ P (x) + P (y).
Axiom S can be interpreted as saying: averaging (in the multiplicative sense) two
populations does not magnify the extent of poverty (i.e., the share of the poor within
the global population), nor its intensity (i.e., the individual deprivation suffered from
each individual) above the sum of the indices of the subpopulations. Since x and
y are vectors of the same dimension, they correspond to populations of the same
size. Hence, this axiom is a weak version of the subgroup additive decomposability
applied to populations of equal size.
Axiom PH (Positive Homogeneity) : ∀x ∈ RKN
++ , ∀λ ≥ 0, P (x ) ≤ λP (x).
Axiom S implies that P (xn ) ≤ nP (x) for every x and every integer n. Axiom PH
extends this property to any nonnegative number.
Axiom M (Monotonicity): P (x) ≤ P (y) ∀y ≤ x.
The aim of the last axiom is to avoid trivial indices that would be constant.
By analogy with Artzner et al. (1998), a Poverty index that satisfies Axioms HI,
S, PH, M and NT is said coherent.
Quite similarly to the anonymity axiom for E, the next one is not needed for the
characterization of coherent poverty measures, but will prove useful.
Axiom A (Anonymity): Let x = (x1 , .., xn ) ∈ RKN
++ and σ(x) = (xσ1 , ..., xσn ) ∈
R++ the vector obtained after having permuted its individual through the permutation σ ∈ Sn . Then, P (x) = P (σ(x)).
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Coherent Multidimensional Poverty Measurement
Proposition 3.1 (i) If a Poverty index, P (·), is coherent, then its Poverty exit set,
EP , defined by 3, verifies Axioms 1-4 and is closed. Moreover, P (·) = PEP (·).
(ii) Conversely, if a set F satisfies Axioms 1-4, then PF is coherent, and EPF =
(iii) E verifies the Anonymity axiom if, and only if, P does.
(i) 1) PE (1) = 0 and Monotonicity imply that E verifies Axiom 1.
2) If x << 1, Monotonicity implies PE (x) ≥ 0. However, we can find α > 0 such
that xzα << 0, so that PE (xzα ) ≥ 0. HI then implies that α ≤ 0. Contradiction.
Thus, EP verifies Axiom 2.
3) Axioms S and PH imply that EP is multiplicatively convex.
4) If x ∈ EP , one has: P (xλ ) ≤ λP (x) ≤ 0 for all λ ≥ 1. Consequently, EP is a
multiplicative cone.
5) Axioms PH and S imply that the function x ∋ RKN
++ 7→ P (exp(x)) is convex,
hence continuous. Consequently, x 7→ P (x) itself must be continuous, so that EP is
(ii) 0) Axioms 2 and 3 ensure that PF is well-defined.
1) inf{τ ∈ R | xzt+α ∈ E} = inf{τ ∈ R | xzt ∈ E} − α, which proves HI.
2) Suppose that xzλ and yzβ both belong to E. Axiom 3 implies that xzλ α
to E for every α ∈ [0, 1). Axiom 2 then implies that
and yzβ 1−α also belong
xy zα+β = xzλ yzβ ∈ E. This proves the multiplicative convexity.
3) Suppose x ≤ y and xzλ ∈ E. Then, yzλ ≥ xzλ , so that, by Axiom 1,
yzλ ∈ E. The monotonicity of P follows.
4) If m ≥ PE (x), then, xz m ∈ E, hence, ∀λ > 0, xλ z λm = xz m ∈ E.
Therefore, PE (xλ ) ≤ λm.
5) ∀x ∈ F, P (x) ≤ 0. Thus, F ⊂ EPF .
Properties of coherent multidimensional poverty
A representation theorem and ordinality
We now provide a full characterization of the whole family of coherent Poverty exit
indices. For this purpose, let us define a weighted P
geometric average. Given any
vector in the unit simplex, π ∈ ∆+ := {p ∈ R+ |
k,j pk,j = 1}, the π-geometric
average, G (·), is defined by:
Gπ (x) :=
F is the topological closure of F.
xkhk,h .
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Proposition 4.1 The index P is coherent if, and only if, there exists a family,
P ⊂ ∆KN
+ , of weight vectors, such that
n ln Gπ (x)
|π∈P .
P (x) = − inf
ln Gπ (z)
The “if” part is immediate. The “only if” part can be deduced from Proposition
2.1 in Huber (1981), and can be stated as a consequence of the bipolar theorem in
linear duality theory. Consider the set
C := {x ∈ RKN | xhk = ln(yhk ) for some y ∈ E}.
It follows from Axiom 3 and 4 together withe the closedness of E that C is a convex
and closed cone in RKN . Thus, its polar cone
C ◦ := {α ∈ RKN
αhk xhk ≥ 0 ∀x ∈ C}
is also a convex and closed cone in RKN
+ . The bipolar theorem implies that
C = {x ∈ RKN |
αhk xhk ≥ 0 ∀π ∈ P},
where P := ∆KN
∩ C ◦ . We
P deduce from (4) that ln x + P (x) ln z ∈ C, for every
x ∈ R++ . Thus, ∀π ∈ P,
h,k πhk (ln xhk + P (x) ln zhk ) ≥ 0. Therefore,
P (x)
πh,k ln zhk ≥ −
αhk ln xhk
∀π ∈ P.
n ln Gπ (x)
hk hk
|π∈P .
= − inf
P (x) ≥ sup − Q
ln Gπ (z)
hk zhk
Conversely, we deduce from Axiom 2 that ln x +P
P (x) ln z + ln ε ∈
/ C for every
x ∈ R++ and every 0 << ε << 1. Therefore, ∀π ∈ P,
h,k πhk (ln xhk + P (x) ln zhk +
ln ε) < 0. It follows that
n ln Gπ (x)
P (xε) < − inf
|π∈P .
ln Gπ (z)
The equality follows by continuity of P (·).
a) The “utilitarian case” corresponds to P = {((1/KN, ..., 1/KN )}.
b) The “Rawlsian” case corresponds to P = ∆KN
+ .
The next figure provides an illustration of the typical geometry of E.
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Coherent Multidimensional Poverty Measurement
Fig 1. A piecewise smooth poverty exit set
Observe that, in general, the frontier of the set E need not be smooth, as there is
typically a kink at 1. The “utilitarian” case corresponds toQthe situation where the
two branches of hyperbola coincide with the hypercurve : h,k xh,k = cst. It is the
unique case where the boundary of E is a smooth submanifold. The larger the set P,
the smaller the subset E. Finally, the Rawlsian case corresponds with the situation
where E coincides with the affine nonnegative orthant
E = 1 + RKN
+ .
Notice that weights in P can differ across both individuals and dimensions. When
P (or, equivalently, E) verifies Anonymity, the set of weights, P, reduces to weights
over dimensions. The weighted geometric average now becomes:
Gπ̂ (x) :=
∀π̂ ∈ P̂ ⊂ ∆K
Corollary 4.1 The index P is coherent and anonymous if, and only if, there exists
a family, P̂ ⊂ ∆K
+ , of weights over dimensions such that
n ln Gπ (x)
| π ∈ P̂ .
P (x) = − inf
ln Gπ (z)
Thanks to Theorem 4.1, whether it is anonymous or not, a coherent index P can
also easily be shown to be ordinal in the following sense.
Ordinality. A measure, Q, is said to be ordinal if the following holds. Given some
diagonal matrix Λ = (λjj )j=1,...,KN with positive entries (λjj > 0), given also a social
status matrix y ∈ MN ×K (R++ ), and a cut-off vector, z ∈ RKN
++ , one has:
Q(y; z) = Q(yΛ; zΛ).
An example will easily illustrate how this abstract property solves most of the
problems related to ordinal data. Consider the question: “Which kind of toilet facility
does your household have ?”, together with three possible answers:
a. “Open defacation field”.
b. “Shared flush”.
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c. “Private flush”.
Of course, the metric between each one of these answers does not have any sensible
meaning. To circumvent this issue, it suffices to capture this question through two
dimensions, each of them accepting two answers, {a, b} and {a, c}, each captured by
two variables {0, α} ⊂ R and {0, β} ⊂ R respectively. Ordinality then ensures that
the choice of α and β does not matter.
Going back to coherent poverty measures, it is straightforward that, for any
x ∈ RKN
++ and any Λ as above, xΛ/zΛ = x/z. Thus, as we only deal with normalized
achievements, any Multidimensional Poverty Index is ordinal.
Who is poor ?
In this subsection, we confine ourselves to the subfamily of anonymous coherent
Poverty indices. Consequently, P is associated with a set, P ⊂ ∆k+ , of K-dimensional
vector of weights, π = (πk )k –one for each dimension–, belonging to the unit simplex.
We now provide an answer to the question: “who is poor” ? Regarding this
issue, two kinds of approach have been explored in the literature.9 The “union”
approach regards a person who is deprived in one dimension as being poor at the
multidimensional level. This is usually acknowledged to be overly inclusive and lead
to exaggerate estimates of poverty. By contrast, the “intersection” approach requires
a person to be deprived in all dimensions before getting considered as poor. This
is often considered too constricting, and may lead to untenably low estimates of
poverty. We now show that the natural definition of a poor person that follows
from our approach leads to an endogenous determination that is always strictly less
inclusive than the “union” approach and weakly more inclusive than the “intersection”
approach. Therefore it lies somewhere between these two extremes, and in fact, it
turns out that only the Rawlsian case coincides with the “intersection” viewpoint.
Two examples will help identify how the determination of poor persons occurs in
our setting. Consider the case where N = 1, i.e., the population consists of a single
person. Then, clearly, this single person, i, will be poor whenever the population is
so, i.e., when P (xi ) < 0. Next, suppose that the population is made of n identical
poor if the population is so, i.e., if, and only if,
Q πkeach person will be
Q πk Again,
k zi for every π ∈ P.
k xi <
It is this latter condition that we adopt as a definition. Indeed, a simple continuity
argument explains why now other choice can be made: Take 0 << ε << 1; one has xε
poor and Gπ (x) < 1 for any π. However, limε→1 Gπ (x) = 1− . Thus, no population
such that Gπ (x) < 1 can be considered as non-poor.
Definition 4.1 Given a coherent Poverty index, P , associated with a set P ⊂ ∆KN
of weights, a person, i, is poor whenever
xπi,kk <
zπk k ∀π ∈ P
or, equivalently, when
See, e.g., Alkire and Foster (2008) and Villar (2010).
Notice that, here, x is not normalized.
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Coherent Multidimensional Poverty Measurement
sup Gπ (xi ) < 1.
In the “utilitarian” case (where P reduces to the uniform singleton), this definition
coincides with the one introduced by Villar (2010).
As an illustration, let us consider a society with two dimensions. The poor are
all the individual strictly below the two branches of hyperbola:
Dimension j
Dimension k
Fig 2. Who is poor ?
The set E is always larger than the one defined by the intersection approach, and
is always contained in the one provided by the union approach. The Rawlsian case,
here, coincides with the intersection approach.
Other properties
Here are the properties verified by coherent Poverty indices. When they are evident,
proofs are left to the reader.
1. Multiplicative decomposability : Suppose that x1 (resp. x2 ) is a population of size n1 (resp. n2 ). Let us denote by hx1 , x2 i the population of size n = n1 +n2 ,
obtained by merging the first two. One has:
so that
Gπ (hx1 , x2 i) = Gπ (x1 ) n Gπ (x2 ) n ∀π ∈ P,
P hx1 , x2 i = P (x1n x2n ).
2. The next property is a special case of multiplicative decomposability:
Replication invariance : For any population, x,
P hx, xi = P (x).
3. Path independence: One can aggregate individual unidimensional values
first across dimensions and then across agents, or viceversa, obtaining the same
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4. The next property asks that a reduction of size δ > 0 in the deprivation with
respect to dimension k of a poor person i who is worse off in this dimension than
another poor person, j, more than compensates an increase of the same size, δ, in
the deprivation of j, provided their relative positions remain unaltered. Formally, if
xjk −xik ≥ 2δ, yik = xik +δ and yjk = xjk −δ, while yhℓ = xhℓ ∀(h, ℓ) ∈
/ {(i, k), (j, k)}.
Transfer principle. P (y) ≤ P (x).
xik xjk < (xik + δ)(xjk − δ) = yik yjk .
It follows that xik xjk k ≤ yik yjk k , for every αk ≥ 0. The conclusion follows.
Also observe that the geometric mean is a distribution sensitive measure that
penalizes the dispersion of the individual values, relative to the arithmetic mean. In
particular, for two distributions with identical mean values it assigns higher value of
the intensity of the poverty to that in which the distribution of the yij values is more
5. The reduction in the deprivation of dimension k required to compensate an
increase in the deprivation of dimension ℓ is smaller the smaller the initial level of
achievement in ℓ. This feature simply follows from the decreasing marginal
rate of substitution of the individual poverty index across achievement dimensions). Obviously, this property cannot be satisfied by any (weighted) arithmetic
6. The Poverty focus requirement says that only changes within the population, N (y; z), of poor affect P . This property is not fulfilled, in general, by coherent
indices as these capture some kind of substitutability among poor and non-poor.
However, as long as the cut-off, z, is exogenous, one easy way to recover Poverty
focus consists in censoring achievements as follows, before normalizing them:11
xik if xik < zik
x̃ik :=
zik if xik ≥ zik .
7. The same censoring provides us with the Deprivation focus property,
namely: only changes in dimensions where poor people are deprived affect P .
8. Following Kolm (1977) and Alkire and Foster (2008), we can check how much
a coherent poverty index, P , is sensitive to inequality in the distribution of achievements and deprivations. There are several ways to do this. One way consists in
considering mean-preserving spreads, i.e., transformations of a given population that
increase the spreads of the achievements with respect to their arithmetic mean without affecting the mean itself. (Such transformations are the reversal of the change
considered above for the Transfer principle.) An inequality-sensitive Index should
be decreasing with respect to such transformations. Formally, an increase of size
δ > 0 in the deprivation with respect to dimension k of i should not compensate
an decrease of the same size, δ, in the deprivation of j. Formally, if xjk − xik ≥ 0,
yik = xik − δ and yjk = xjk + δ, while yhℓ = xhℓ ∀(h, ℓ) ∈
/ {(i, k), (j, k)}, then, by the
same argument as for the Transfer principle, we get:
This is standard practice, see Alkire and Foster (2008).
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Coherent Multidimensional Poverty Measurement
Mean-preserving spread sensitivity P (x) < P (y).
9. Following Atkinson and Bourguignon (1982) and Alkire and Foster (2008),
we say that x is obtained from y by a simple rearrangement among the poor if the
achievements of two poor persons, i and j, have been reallocated so that, for each
dimension k:
(xik , xjk ) = (yjk , yik )
or (xik , xjk ) = (yik , yjk ),
while the achievements of anyone else remain untouched. If, in addition, yi and yj
are comparable but xi and xj are not, then x is said to be obtained from y by an
association decreasing rearrangement among the poor. Reducing inequality this way
does trivially decrease any coherent multidimensional Poverty Index:
P (y) ≤ P (x).
This property is called Weak arrangement.
10. Another way to test the sensitivity towards inequality of an Index consists
in averaging the achievement vectors, yi and yj of two poor persons, i and j in
such a way that i now exhibits xi := (1 − λ)yi + λyj (with λ ∈ (0, 1)) and xj :=
λyi + (1 − λ)yj . The new population (xi , xj ) is viewed as being unambiguously less
unequal than the original one, (yi , yj ), which should result in a lower or equal value of
the multidimensional poverty index. Here, we translate linear convex combinations
in geometric combinations, so as to arrive at the following definition. We say that
x ∈ Mn×k (R++ ) is obtained from y ∈ Mn×k (R++ ) by a geometric averaging of
achievements among the poor if, for every poor i, there exist weights (αj )j∈N (y;z) ∈
such that
xi =
yj j ,
j∈N (y;z)
while non poor persons are not affected (i.e., xi = yi for i ∈
/ N (y; z)).
Multiplicative weak transfer. If x is obtained from y by a geometric
averaging of achievements among the poor, then one should have P (x) ≤ P (y).
However, this property is not satisfied by a coherent measure, in general. Consider, for example, a population , (a, b), consisting in 2 persons and a single dimension
(with a < b < 1). The population (a1/3 b2/3 , b) is obtained from (a, b) by a geometric
averaging of achievements among the poor, but:
G(a1/3 b2/3 , b) > G(ab).
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