UDK 902/904 (050)
ISSN 0350-0241 ([tampano izd.)
ISSN 2406-0739 (Online)
© STARINAR LXXI/2021, 1–286, BEOGRAD 2021
Nouvelle série volume LXXI/2021
Miomir KORA], directeur de l’Institut archéologique
Miloje VASI], Institut archéologique, Belgrade
Rastko VASI], Institut archéologique, Belgrade
Bojan \URI], Université de Ljubljana, Faculté des Arts, Ljubljana
Mirjana @IVOJINOVI], Académie serbe des sciences et des arts, Belgrade
Vujadin IVANI[EVI], Institut archéologique, Belgrade
Dragana ANTONOVI], Institut archéologique, Belgrade
Sne`ana GOLUBOVI], Institut archéologique, Belgrade
Arthur BANKOFF, Brooklyn Collège, New York
Natalia GONCHAROVA, Lomonosov, L’Université d’Etat de Moscou, Moscou
Haskel GREENFIELD, L’Université de Mantitoba, Winnipeg
Mirjana ROKSANDI], L’Université de Winnipeg, Winnipeg
Dominic MOREAU, L’Université de Lille, Lille
Nova serija kwiga LXXI/2021
Miomir KORA], direktor Arheolo{kog instituta
Miloje VASI], Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd
Rastko VASI], Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd
Bojan \URI], Univerzitet u Qubqani, Filozofski fakultet, Qubqana
Mirjana @IVOJINOVI], Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Beograd
Vujadin IVANI[EVI], Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd
Dragana ANTONOVI], Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd
Sne`ana GOLUBOVI], Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd
Artur BANKHOF, Bruklin kolex, Wujork
Natalija GON^AROVA, Univerzitet Lomonosov, Moskva
Haskel GRINFILD, Univeritet u Manitobi, Vinipeg
Mirjana ROKSANDI], Univeritet u Vinipegu, Vinipeg
Dominik MORO, Univeritet u Lilu, Lil
Nova serija kwiga LXXI/2021
Nouvelle série volume LXXI/2021
Kneza Mihaila 35/IV, 11000 Beograd, Srbija
[email protected]
Tel. 381 11 2637191
Kneza Mihaila 35/IV, 11000 Belgrade, Serbie
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Tél. 381 11 2637191
Jelena AN\ELKOVI] GRA[AR, Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd
Jelena AN\ELKOVI] GRA[AR, Institut archéologique, Belgrade
Aleksandra [ULOVI]
Aleksandra [ULOVI]
Danijela PARACKI i D_SIGN, Beograd
Danijela PARACKI & D_SIGN, Belgrade
BIROGRAF, Belgrade
400 primeraka
400 exemplaires
U~estalost izla`ewa jedna sveska godi{we.
The Journal is issued once a year.
^asopis je objavqen uz finansijsku pomo}
Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnolo{kog razvoja Republike Srbije
Ce périodique est publié avec le soutien du
Ministère de l’éducation, de la science et du développement technologique de la République Serbie
The Economic and Social Importance of Saline Soils and Saltwaters
During the Late Neolithic of the Pannonian Plain and the Central Balkans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Ekonomski i dru{tveni zna~aj zaslawenih zemqi{ta i slanih voda
u kasnom neolitu Panonske nizije i centralnog Balkana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sãlaº, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Haskel J. GRINFILD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Veli~ina nije va`na: Foeni Sala{, multikulturni lokalitet u rumunskom Banatu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Aleksandar BULATOVI], Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVI]
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture
and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age Central Balkans in Light of New Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Aleksandar BULATOVI], Beri MELOJ, Vojislav FILIPOVI]
Promene u materijalnoj kulturi i obrascima naseqavawa u poznom bronzanom dobu
na centralnom Balkanu u svetlosti novih podataka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Marko DIZDAR, Ivan DRNI]
Iron Belts of the Dalj Type – a Study of Regionalisation of the Middle La Tène Female Costume . . . . . . . . . . 107
Marko DIZDAR, Ivan DRNI]
Gvozdeni pojasevi tipa Daq – prilog poznavawu sredwolatenske `enske no{we Skordiska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae.
Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Od „Porte Fosiensis do Fosa. Ispitivawe rimskog putnog sistema
u okviru istra`iva~kog podru~ja projekta Glac isto~no od Sirmijuma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
The Cult of Goddess Fortuna in the Roman Central Balkans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Kult bogiwe Fortune u rimskim provincijama centralnog Balkana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Olivera ILI], Mladen JOVI^I]
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Olivera ILI], Mladen JOVI^I]
Rimsko poqoprivredno oru|e u ageru Viminacijuma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Sonja JOVANOVI], Anastasia CHOLAKOVA, Stefan POP-LAZI],
The Blues of Romuliana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Sowa JOVANOVI], Anastasija ^OLAKOVA, Stefan POP-LAZI],
Plavi tonovi Romulijane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Animal Remains from the Late Medieval Kitchen of the Esztergom Archdiocese,
Hungary – The Benefits of Screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Ostaci `ivotiwa iz kasnosredwovekovne kuhiwe Estergomske nadbiskupije,
Ma|arska – Prednosti prosejavawa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
A New Interpretation of Prince Lazar’s “Tipar” from the Rudnik Mountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Novo tuma~ewe rudni~kog „tipara“ kneza Lazara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Aleksandar Bo{kovi}, William Robertson Smith, Berghahn Books
(Anthropology’s Ancestors Series, vol. 2), New York and Oxford, 2021. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
BECAP 2021: Pots in context: Vessels’ use, function, and consumption,
research strategies and methodology; 1–2. februar 2021. godine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Predrag Mika Medovi} (1930–2021) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Vesna BIKI]
Du{ica Mini} (1933–2020) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Miomir KORA]
Qubica Zotovi} (1931–2021) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Editorial Policy and Submission Instructions for the Starinar Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
UDC: 903.4"634.7"(497)
Original research article
DRAGAN MILANOVIĆ, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
[email protected]
Abstract. – The importance of salt in human and animal diets suggests that the local resources of saline soils, watercourses, and
marshes with saline water had to be well known to past populations. Based on the analysis of the environs of a large number of
Late Neolithic and Early Eneolithic sites, this research assumes the great importance of such resources. This paper examines the
spatial relationships between settlements and these resources, in the example of five Late Neolithic settlements from the territories
of the Pannonian Plain and the Central Balkans. The goals of the research are to provide an initial step in the reconstruction of
potential locations for salt exploitation, and provide a better understanding of each settlement and, subsequently, its role and
function in the local Neolithic settlement system. The research considers previously published results of the pedological analysis
of the settlement environments and archaeological investigations of the settlements. If certain micro-regions and regions did not
provide possibilities for the extraction of salt for both animal and human utilisation, salt, and probably cattle, had to be procured
through exchange networks. However, if livestock could not be grazed in areas abundant in salt, then salt would have to be added
to the animals’ diet. We conclude that Late Neolithic settlements should not be observed in isolation, but rather аs parts of wider
settlement systems including exchange networks with salt as a major commodity. This represents one of the crucial factors for
the understanding of cultural development during the 5th millennium BC.
Key words. – saline soils and saltwaters, Late Neolithic, Pannonian Plain, Central Balkans, subsistence economy,
exchange networks
he recognition that humans, domesticated livestock, and wild animals needed to include salt
in their diets reaches deep into the past.1 The
importance of salt within human2 and animal3 diets
suggests that the local resources of saline soils and waters had to be well-known to the past populations.
The addition of table salt to the livestock diet represents the earliest practice of corrections in diets deficient in sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl). Domestic animals can last for several months deprived of salt
without displaying the symptoms of deficiency, but if
the lack of salt prolongs, the animals lose their appetite. Subsequent weight loss can eventually lead to
death. Animals respond rapidly to the addition of salt
and the symptoms of deficiency cease.4 However, two
other aspects of saline soils and waters are particularly
important. First, wild animals also require the intake of
salt through food or water. Therefore, areas with saline
soils and watercourses, and marshes with saline water represent locations that attract game. Second, these areas
Berger 2006; Sandu et al. 2010; Bánffy 2013; Weller 2015.
The sodium requirement for the maintenance of the metabolic
processes for an adult human individual is 1.5 g, and it is assumed
that prehistoric populations consumed less than 1 g of salt daily, see:
Šarčević, Lilić, Vranić 2014.
3 In modern conditions of breeding high productivity dairy
cows in lactation, the recommended daily intake of salt is 30 to 40 g,
see: Petrujkić et al. 2003, 231.
4 Ševković, Pribićević, Rajić 1980, 343–346.
Manuscript received 20th February 2021, accepted 3rd September 2021
The Economic and Social Importance of Saline Soils and Saltwaters During the Late Neolithic… (7–19)
Fig. 1. The Lalinac salt marsh near Niš, southern Serbia
Сл. 1. Лалиначка Слатина код Ниша, jужна Србија
provided the possibility for the extraction of salt for
human and animal diets, medicine, food preservation,
production of hides, and other socio-economic activities during the Late Neolithic.
Ethnoarchaeological studies have pointed to the
existence of several methods for the procurement of
salt. Salt could have been mined, procured through the
collection of halophytic plants and their drying and
burning, through heating and evaporation of saline
water, from saline mud, or directly collected following
efflorescence.5 The last mentioned method enabled the
collection of substantial amounts of salt after a specific
process that implies the rise in levels of subterranean
waters saturated with sodium and chlorine during the
spring, and their sudden decrease during the arid summer months, which results in the retention of salt on the
soil surface. Such a phenomenon has been registered in
Macedonia (Ovče polje),6 the Morava region (Lalinac
Slatina near Niš)7 (Fig. 1), and within salt marshes (Slatine) in the Vojvodina region.8
Salt marshes represent specific ecosystems characterised by halophytic vegetation (salt-tolerant plants
common for areas with saline soils).9 Salt marsh habitats are considered endangered and fragile ecosystems,
with the emphasised fragmentary nature of their occurrence in the territory of Serbia.10 They are numerous in
the region of Vojvodina and the vicinity of present-day
Niš, Vranje, and Prokuplje. It is considered that such
locations were utilised for game grazing from the Pleistocene and domestic animal grazing in later periods, primarily cattle and sheep, but also horses and pigs.11 The
main problem regarding the role and importance of salt
marshes lies in the fact that the development of modern
society, economy, trade, and technological advances
following the industrial revolution led to the devastation of ecosystems characterised by saline soils and their
transformation into cultivated areas.12
Archaeological studies in Central and South-eastern
Europe have highlighted the importance of areas with
saline soils and waters in the economy and society of
prehistoric communities.13 For example, recent research
of the fortified tell settlement of Provadia-Solnitsata,
near Lake Varna (Eastern Bulgaria), about 45 km from
the Black Sea coast, provided us with insights into the
salt production technology of boiling brine from salt
water springs in thin walled ceramic bowls during the
second half of the 6th and 5th millennium BC.14 Based
on the analysis of the environs of a large number of
Late Neolithic and Early Eneolithic sites, the research
reveals the great importance of salt resources for past
Тасић 2009, 53–69; Tasić 2012; Weller 2015; Harding 2016.
Antić, Jović, Avdalović 1980.
7 Ranđelović, Zlatković, Dimitrijević 2007.
8 Knežević et al. 2008.
9 Miljković 1972; Zlatković, Ranđelović, Amidžić 2005;
Ranđelović, Zlatković, Dimitrijević 2007; Ranđelović, Jušković,
Šarac 2007; Knežević et al. 2008.
10 Miljković 1972; Ranđelović, Zlatković, Dimitrijević 2007.
11 Šefferová Stanová, Janák, Ripka 2008, 1, 8–10, 12–13.
12 Šefferová Stanová, Janák, Ripka 2008, 8–9; Knežević et al.
13 Тасић 2009; Tasić 2012; Perić 2012; Danu, Gauthier, Weller
2010; Sandu et al. 2010; Nikolov 2011; Bánffy 2013; 2015; Weller
2015; Harding 2016.
14 Nikolov 2011.
The Economic and Social Importance of Saline Soils and Saltwaters During the Late Neolithic… (7–19)
Fig. 2. Map of the sites mentioned in the text.
Base map M. Zeremski, Srbija Geomorfološka
(morfostrukturna) karta, R 1:500 000,
GEOKARTA, Beograd 1990
Сл. 2. Карта са локалитетима који се спомињу
у тексту. Основна карта М. Зеремски,
Србија Геоморфолошка (морфоструктурна) карта,
Р 1:500 000, ГЕОКАРТА, Београд 1990
This paper examines the spatial relationships between settlements and these resources, in the example
of five Late Neolithic settlements, from the territories
of the Pannonian Plain and the Central Balkans. The
studied sites are located near Opovo, Selevac, Divostin, Vitkovo, and Pločnik (Fig. 2). Areas with saline
soils and waters are recorded on the topographic maps
of the Military Geographical Institute on a 1:25 000
scale. As far as the author is aware, no contemporary
research has been conducted on these areas in the vicinity of the aforementioned settlements. The goal of
the research is to provide an initial step in the reconstruction of potential locations for salt exploitation and
provide a better understanding of each settlement and
subsequently its role and function in the local settlement
system. The research considers previously published
results of the pedological analysis of the settlement environments and archaeological research. Therefore, it
is proposed that if certain micro-regions and larger regions did not provide possibilities for the extraction of
salt for both animal and human utilisation, salt, and probably cattle, had to be procured through exchange networks. However, since livestock had to be grazed in
areas abundant in salt, if such areas were not nearby,
salt would have had to be added to the animals diet. It
may prove that such salt exchange networks represent
one of the crucial factors for the understanding of cultural development during the 5th millennium BC.16
Ugar Bajbuk, Opovo
The site is located approximately 3 km east of the
village of Opovo, near present-day Pančevo. It lies on an
elevation of a degraded loess terrace (altitude of 78 m)
that runs along the former meander of the Tamiš (Timiș)
River.17 The site used to represent a small island with an
approximate surface area of 5 hectares. The location and
pedology of the area surrounding the site near Opovo
Милановић 2017; Bulatović, Milanović 2020, 15–39; Milanović, forthcoming.
16 Cf. Bánffy 2013
17 Tringham et al. 1985;1992; cf. Borojević 2006, 8 and Fig. 1.8.
The Economic and Social Importance of Saline Soils and Saltwaters During the Late Neolithic… (7–19)
Fig. 3. The Opovo site,
on topographic maps of the
Military Geographical Institute,
R 1:25 000, with marked areas
that indicate saline soils
and waters within a 5 km radius
from the settlement
Сл. 3. Локалитет у Опову,
на топографској карти
Војногеографског института,
Р 1:25 000, са обележеним
површинама које индицирају
заслањена земљишта
и воде унутар територије
око насеља пречника 10 km
indicate the prevalence of grassy steppe with patchy
forests, marshy and alluvial vegetation, saline soils,
watercourses, and marshes with saline water. It was surrounded by flood plain and marshy terrain, and it lies
on chernozem, in the vicinity of several smaller and
larger surfaces covered in saline types of soil, solonetz
and solontchak (Aleksićeva Slatina and Pečena Slatina), and several saltwater marshes and watercourses
(Gergina Slatina, Velika Slatina and Slatina) (Fig. 3).18
A surface of 380 m² was excavated in the central and
northern portion of the site between 1979 and 1987.19
A 1.6–2.5 m thick layer yielded three Late Vinča building horizons.20 The archaeological research by R.
Tringham and colleagues has informed us of a settlement
that, in many ways, differs from the contemporary Vinča
settlements. This primarily refers to the investment of
time and labour into the construction of houses (a total
of six burnt houses have been recorded),21 the distinct
representation of wild animals (65–70%), and animal
remains in general (NISP-number of identified specimens is 13,084), an unusually low representation of cattle
(22.6%),22 scarce remains of cereals,23 a lower representation of storage vessels compared to other settlements (e.g. Selevac), and the fact that chipped and pol-
ished stone tools were not produced at the site, or at
least within the excavated area.24 All of the aforementioned served as a basis for authors to provide a model
that presents the settlement as a location for a more
temporary or even seasonal occupation, specialised in
the exchange, hunting, and procurement of certain raw
materials.25 Therefore, the site near Opovo should
probably be considered a settlement that specialised in
18 Tringham et al. 1992, 354–356; Borojević 2006, Fig. 1.8;
cf. Pavlović et al. 2017, 27–29. During the 2019 visit to Opovo, the
author was informed by locals that the aforementioned watercourses
and swamps were utilised for cattle drinking.
19 Tringham et al. 1985, Fig. 4; 1992; 354.
20 Tringham et al. 1985;1992.
21 The houses are smaller in dimensions compared to other
Vinča settlements, almost square and without any inner (horizontal)
separation of space, see: Tringham et al. 1992, 381–382.
22 Rusell 1993; Orton 2012, T. 1 аnd fusnote 2.
23 Tringham et al. 1992, 383; Трипковић 2013, 146; but see
also: Borojević 2006.
24 Tringham et al. 1992, 383.
25 Tringham et al. 1992, 384.The authors offered an alternative
model in which the settlement was permanent and newly formed by
a population from a large main settlement.
The Economic and Social Importance of Saline Soils and Saltwaters During the Late Neolithic… (7–19)
Fig. 4. The Selevac site, on topographic maps of the Military Geographical Institute, R 1:25 000,
with marked areas that indicate saline soils and waters within a 5 km radius from the settlement
Сл. 4. Локалитет у Селевцу, на топографској карти Војногеографског института, Р 1:25 000, са обележеним
површинама које индицирају заслањена земљишта и воде унутар територије око насеља пречника 10 km
exchange and hunting, and in which animal husbandry,
and possibly salt procurement, played an important role
within the activities of the Late Neolithic population.
Staro Selo, Selevac
The site is located approximately 3 km northeast of
the village of Selevac, near present-day Smederevska
Palanka. It lies on the slopes of Staro Selo Hill (altitude
between 130 and 180 m), within the confluence zone
of several smaller watercourses into the Konjska River.
The site covers an area of approximately 53 ha. It lies on
the contact zone between luvisol, eutric cambisol, and
the alluvial pararendzina (humofluvisol, characterised
by loamy alluvial deposits), which are considered fertile and semi-fertile types of soil, suitable for cultivation.26 Surfaces with saline soils have not been recorded
in the immediate vicinity, but are found 9.5 km (Slatina 1) and 11.5 km (Slatina 2) east of the settlement
(Fig. 4). Between 1968 and 1970, in 1973, and between
1976 and 1978, a total of 409 m² was excavated at the
site.27 Ten building horizons have been recorded in a
0.6–3 m thick layer, distributed in four stratigraphicarchitectural phases within the central and north-western portion of the site.28 The excavations confirmed the
existence of a large and long lasting Neolithic settlement with stratigraphic complexity. It was suggested
that, considering the minor excavated area compared to
the total size of the site, the highlighted role of Selevac
as an exchange centre with wheat as a major commodity remains in the domain of speculation.29 The pedological conditions, relatively poor representation of animal
Милановић 2017; Milanović 2019; cf. Pavlović et al. 2017,
Tringham, Krstić 1990a, T. 3.1.
Tringham, Stevanović 1990, 57–58. Figs. 4.1. and 4.2.
Tringham, Krstić 1990b, 595.
The Economic and Social Importance of Saline Soils and Saltwaters During the Late Neolithic… (7–19)
Fig. 5. The Divosin site,
on topographic maps of the
Military Geographical Institute,
R 1:25 000, with marked areas
that indicate saline soils and
waters within a 5 km radius
from the settlement
Сл. 5. Локалитет у Дивостину,
на топографској карти
Војногеографског института,
Р 1:25 000, са обележеним
површинама које индицирају
заслањена земљишта и воде
унутар територије
око насеља пречника 10 km
remains (NISP 7442), as well as low representation of
cattle (38% of NISP),30 storage capacity31 and the lack
of saline soils in the vicinity of the site likewise indicate a distinctly agricultural, rather than pastoral, character of the settlement,32 which is partially supported
by archaeobotanical analysis.33
A multilayered site in the village of Divostin, northwest of present-day Kragujevac, is located on slopes
(altitude between 300 and 315 m), in the proximity of
permanent springs and the immediate vicinity of the
confluence of the Svetinja into the Divostin Creek. A
multilayered site in the village of Divostin, northwest
of present-day Kragujevac, covered an area of approximately 15 ha. It lies on vertisol in the vicinity of significant areas covered with eutric cambisol.34 Areas of
saline soils have been recorded in the vicinity, at distances of 1.6 km (Slatina 1), 2.9 km (Slanačka Reka), and
3.3 km (Slatina 2) (Fig. 5). In 1968 and 1969, a total of
2400 m² was excavated at the site and yielded data on
two cultural horizons attributed to the Neolithic.35
A total of two Late Vinča (Divostin IIa–b) building
horizons have been recorded within a 0.4–1.8 m thick
layer. A few grindstones, but no handstones, were recorded. Remains of carbonised grains are scarce and
the representation of animal remains is significant
(Divostin II NISP 10785).36 The surroundings of the
site were dominated by steppe vegetation, forests,37and
saline soils, all particularly suitable for cattle breeding
(62.7% of the NISP were cattle)38 and the cultivation
of fertile forest soil.39
Vitkovačko Polje, Vitkovo
The site is located between the villages of Vitkovo,
Venčac, and Bobote, east of present-day Aleksandrovac.
Legge 1990; Orton 2012, T. 1.
Трипковић 2013, 140–141.
Cf. Milanović 2019.
McLaren, Hubbard 1990.
Милановић 2017; Milanović 2019; cf. Pavlović et al. 2017,
McPherron 1988; Bogdanović 1988.
McPherron, Christopher 1988; Bökönyi 1988.
Cf. Grüger, Beug 1988.
Bökönyi 1988, Т. 17.1; Orton 2012, T. 1.
Милановић 2017; Milanović 2019.
The Economic and Social Importance of Saline Soils and Saltwaters During the Late Neolithic… (7–19)
Fig. 6. The Vitkovo site, on topographic maps of the Military Geographical Institute, R 1:25 000,
with marked areas that indicate saline soils and waters within a 5 km radius from the settlement
Сл. 6. Локалитет у Виткову, на топографској карти Војногеографског института, Р 1:25 000, са обележеним
површинама које индицирају заслањена земљишта и воде унутар територије око насеља пречника 10 km
It lies in the lowland plain and on the surrounding slopes
(altitude between 300 and 320 m), in the confluence
area of Kožetin River and Dubovica Creek, which form
the Novačka River. The site covers an area of several
dozens of hectares. It is located within the contact zone
of alluvium and vertisol, with the occurrence of eutric
cambisol in the wider area.40Areas with saline soils
have been recorded in the vicinity, at a distance of 4.7 km
(Slatina 1) and at greater distances of 6.3 km (Slanište)
and 6.9 km (Slatina 2) (Fig. 6). The rescue archaeological excavations conducted in 1969, 1971, and 2001 recorded a 1 m thick layer with building horizons attributed to the Early and Late Vinča culture.41 The site
location near the alluvium indicates the importance of
farming,42 while the important role of animal husbandry43 and hunting is particularly indicated by the settling
of an area dominated by steppe vegetation with patchy
forests and saline soils.
Šanac, Pločnik
The site of Šanac is located in the village of Pločnik,
west of present-day Prokuplje. It lies on the slopes of
Ravan Hill (altitude between 300 and 330 m), in the
confluence zone of Paljevački Creek, the Backa River
and the Toplica River. It covers an area of several dozen hectares. The site is located in a contact zone of alluvium, eutric cambisol, rendzina, regosol, and lithosol
Милановић 2017; Milanović 2019.
Tomić, Vukadinov 1969; Бугар 2005; Чађеновић 2007.
42 Милановић 2017; Milanović 2019.
43 The representation of sheep and goat in an excavated Late
Vinča feature is extremely high (55.4%). However, it has been highlighted that the faunal sample is quite small (NISP 1838), originates
solely from one feature from the rescue excavations in 2001 and is
not necessarily a reliable representation for the entire settlement,
sее: Булатовић 2011, 247 and Таб. 2.
The Economic and Social Importance of Saline Soils and Saltwaters During the Late Neolithic… (7–19)
Fig. 7. The Pločnik site,
on topographic maps of the
Military Geographical Institute,
R 1:25 000, with marked areas
that indicate saline soils
and waters within a 5 km radius
from the settlement
Сл. 7. Локалитет у Плочнику,
на топографској карти
Војногеографског института,
Р 1:25 000, са обележеним
површинама које индицирају
заслањена земљишта и воде
унутар територије
око насеља пречника 10 km
on carbonate substrate and vertisol soil type.44 Several
areas with saline soils have been recorded in the immediate vicinity of the site, at a distance of 4.2 km (Slanište 1) and 4.9 km (Slanište 2), as well as at a greater
distance of 8.2 km (Slatina) and 8.3 km (Slanište 3)
(Fig. 7). In the course of the earlier phase of research,
following the discovery of the first hoard of copper artefacts in 1927, approximately 700 m² was excavated,
and an additional 1,000 m² were excavated between
1960 and 1978.45 The excavations continued in 1996
and the latest campaign was conducted in 2012 and
2013.46 Five building horizons were recorded in a ca.
3.5 m thick layer and the excavations were primarily
focused on the north-western portion of the site, where
traces of archaeometallurgical activities have been recorded, together with four renowned hoards of copper
artefacts.47 The archaeological excavations have determined the existence of a large and long lasting Late
Neolithic settlement with a complex stratigraphy consisting of horizons attributed to the Early and Late
Vinča culture. The prevalence of alluvium and forest
soils suggests the importance of crops,48 while the representation of animal remains (NISP 2340 from an area
of 45 m²), as well as cattle (61.1% of NISP),49 numerous areas with saline soils, and steppe vegetation in the
surroundings of the site indicate that animal husbandry
and hunting, likewise, played an important role in the
economy of the site.
Discussion and conclusions
The physical-chemical properties and the past utilisation of areas with saline soils and waters in the Central Balkans are poorly understood. The importance of
such natural resources has been emphasised in the territories of the Pannonian Plain and the Carpathian Basin.50
The fragility of salt marsh ecosystems, their transformation into arable land, and the shift in micro-regional
ecosystems due to the melioration of large rivers during the 20th century have all considerably contributed
to the disappearance and devastation of salt marshes.
This opens the possibility that certain areas with salt
sources have not been recorded on the examined topographic maps. Importantly, previous research has indi-
Милановић 2017; Milanović 2019; cf. Pavlović et al. 2017,
45 Grbić 1929; Stalio 1960;1962; Šljivar, Kuzmanović-Cvetković 2009, 56.
46 Šljivar 1996; Шљивар 1999; Шљивар и Кузмановић-Цветковић 1997; Šljivar, Kuzmanović-Cvetković, Jacanović 2006; Šljivar,
Kuzmanović-Cvetković 2009; Марић et al. 2017.
47 Марић et al. 2017.
48 Милановић 2017; Milanović 2019.
49 Bulatović 2018, Tab. 5.5.
50 Miljković 1972; Šefferová Stanová, Janák, Ripka 2008; Тасић
2009;Tasić 2012; Perić 2012; Sandu et al. 2010; Bánffy 2013; 2015;
Weller 2015; Harding 2016.
The Economic and Social Importance of Saline Soils and Saltwaters During the Late Neolithic… (7–19)
cated that such areas are connected with heavy soil types
(chernozems and vertisols) and steppe vegetation.51
This research, which presumes the great importance of these resources for past populations, should be
regarded as an attempt to provide a better understanding of each individual Late Neolithic settlement and its
role and function within the local settlement system.52
For certain cases, when settlements were located in the
immediate vicinity of areas with saline soils and sources
of saltwater, it is likely that cattle breeding and hunting
were important. The process of salt procurement could
have represented an important activity of the Neolithic
Significant differences regarding the availability of
saline soils and waters can be observed in the provided
example of five Late Neolithic sites located in different
geographical micro-regions. Therefore, certain settlements, like the one in Opovo, seem to have been oriented towards hunting, while cattle breeding and the procurement of an important resource such as salt could
have had significant importance in the subsistence
economy. Such settlements were particularly important
for the exchange networks of the Vinča domain. The
inhabitants of other settlements seem to have been primarily focused on cultivating crops, judging by the lack
of areas with saline soils in the surroundings and the
availability of soils suitable for agriculture. The settlement in Selevac represents such an example (surrounded by three fertile and easily cultivated types of soil),
whose inhabitants most likely procured salt and cattle
through exchange networks with other settlements.
However, their livestock had to be grazed in areas abundant in salt or the salt was added to the animals’ diet.
A low representation of cattle within faunal samples of
the Selevac site may indicate that their breeding may
not have been the primary activity of the inhabitants of
that settlement. They could have obtained some cattle
from more specialised settlements, such as Opovo,
which were located where there were saline soils and
waters. Based on the availability of local resources, certain settlements held a special place in the settlement
system and their roles and functions were tightly connected within the mixed economies of the Neolithic. One
such settlement is represented by the site in Pločnik,
which stands out due to the representation of two fertile
and easily cultivated soil types and the abundance of
steppe and saline soils. Other settlements, like the examples from Vitkovo and Divostin, were in the vicinity of
solely one soil type suitable for cultivation (alluvium and
eutric cambisol, respectively), and the surroundings
were abundant in steppe vegetation and saline soils,
which indicates that animal husbandry and hunting
were of particular importance for its inhabitants.
All this leads to the conclusion that the Late Neolithic settlements should not be observed in isolation, but
rather as а part of a wider settlement system, in which
the exchange networks with salt as a major commodity
had a crucial role. In addition, that could be a good
explanation for the expansion of Vinča settlements towards the salt-rich regions, such as the Pannonian Plain
in the north, Ovče Polje in the south and the Tuzla Region in the west. Future research should be focused on
extensive areas of Late Neolithic settlements, the examination of larger sets of archaeozoological and archaeobotanical samples, as well as areas with saline soils and
saltwaters in the vicinity of the Late Neolithic settlements, pollen analyses and analyses of stable isotopes
of animal remains, which can be used to study salt exploitation, plant and animal management and Neolithic
subsistence economy.
Translated by Ognjen Mladenović
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Милановић 2017, 235–250.
Cf. Милановић 2017; Milanović 2019.
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(2015), 185–196.
The Economic and Social Importance of Saline Soils and Saltwaters During the Late Neolithic… (7–19)
Резиме: ДРАГАН МИЛАНОВИЋ, Археолошки институт, Београд
Кључне речи. – заслањена земљишта и сланe водe, касни неолит, Панонска низија, централни Балкан, одржива економија,
мреже размене
Значај соли у исхрани човека и животиња сугерише да су
локални ресурси у виду површина заслањених земљишта и
слане воде морали бити добро познати прошлим популацијама. Додавање кухињске соли у исхрани стоке представља
најстарију праксу кориговања исхране дефицитарне у натријуму (Na) и хлору (Cl). Домаће животиње могу да издрже више месеци без соли, а да не покажу симптоме дефицита. Уколико ускраћивање соли траје дуже, животиња губи
апетит и тежину и на крају долази до угинућа. На давање
соли животиње врло брзо реагују и симптоми дефицита нестају. Међутим, веома битна су још два њихова аспекта.
Први се односи на чињеницу да је и дивљим животињама
неопходно уношење соли путем хране или воде. Стога су
површине са заслањеним земљиштима и водом привлачиле
дивљач, те била идеална за лов. Други аспект се односи на
могућности за добијање соли за људску и животињску исхрану, медицинске сврхе, чување хране, производњу коже и
друге економско-друштвене функције коју је со могла имати у касном неолиту.
Физичко-хемијски састав и коришћење површина са заслањеним земљиштима и водом у прошлости на простору
централног Балкана веома су слабо познати. Знатно више се
зна о тим важним природним ресурсима у Панонској низији и Карпатском басену. Фрагилност слатинских екосистема, њихово претварање у ораничне површине и измена микрорегионалних екосистема услед мелиорације великих река
у 20. веку знатно је допринела њиховој несталности и
У овом истраживању се претпоставља велики значај таквих ресурса за прошле популације на основу анализе околине великог броја локалитета из касног неолита и раног
енеолита. У овом раду испитан је просторни однос између
положаја насеља и површина са заслањеним земљиштима,
водотокова и бара са сланом водом на примеру пет насеља
из касног неолита Панонске низије и централног Балкана.
У питању су локалитети код Опова, Селевца, Дивостина,
Виткова и Плочника. Површине са заслањеним земљиштима и водом у овом раду су евидентиране на топографским
картама Војногеографског института у размери 1 : 25 000.
Савремена истраживања тих локалних ресурса у близини
пет насеља, колико је аутору познато, нису вршена. Циљ истраживања је да се учини први корак у реконструкцији могућих места на којима је могла бити експлоатисана со и да
се боље разуме свако појединачно насеље из касног неолита
и његове улоге и функције у локалном систему насељавања.
У обзир су узети и раније публиковани резултати педолошке
анализе околине насеља и археолошких истраживања.
На примеру пет налазишта из касног неолита, лоцираних у различитим географским микрорегијама, могу се уочити велике разлике у заступљености заслањених земљишта и слане воде и других локалних ресурса. Одсуство
таквих локација у околини каснонеолитских насеља сугерише на значај мрежа размене којима се морала добављати со,
а вероватно и говеда. Слабија заступљеност говеда у фаунистичким узорцима са појединих локалитета, која нису имала нарочите погодности за њихов узгој, као што је Селевац,
указује да узгој говеда није био примарна активност становницима тог насеља. Она су свакако могла бити добављана
из других, више специјализованих насеља, чија је околина
обиловала заслањеним земљиштима и сланом водом, као
што је Опово, што би објаснило њихову слабу заступљеност
у том насељу. Поред тога, стока је морала бити терана у
области богате сољу или је со додавана у животињску исхрану. Произилази да каснонеолитска насеља не би требало
посматрати изоловано, јер чине део ширег система насеља,
у којем су мреже размене са сољу као главним артиклом имале кључну улогу за разумевање културног развоја у 5. миленијуму пре н. е.
UDC: 903/904"634/653"(498.5)
Original research article
HASKEL J. GREENFIELD, University of Manitoba and St. Paul’s College,
Department of Anthropology and Judaic Studies Program, Winnipeg
ALEKSANDAR KAPURAN, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
[email protected]
Abstract. – Systematic archaeological excavations at the multicultural site of Foeni-Sălaş in the Romanian Banat conducted during
the first half of the 1990s uncovered evidence that the site was inhabited during the Early Neolithic, Copper, Bronze, Early Iron,
Late Antique and Medieval Ages. This paper summarises the cultural history of the settlement at the site and describes the relevant
deposits and material culture in each period.
Key words. – Early Neolithic, Eneolithic, Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, Romano-Dacian, Medieval
n 1992, as the embargo on the former Yugoslavia
was imposed, the joint excavations at Blagotin by
Dr. Svetozar Stanković and Haskel Greenfield were
interrupted (even though we continued to work as private
individuals with the Blagotin team through 1992–95).
As a consequence, Greenfield was forced to work outside of the country. He was very fortunate to be able to
find an archaeological site across the border in Romania,
due to the good graces of Florin Draşovean and Horea
Ciugudean, that was comparable in size (small), shape
(round), and time period (Early Neolithic) to Blagotin.
By moving to Romania, he was able to test the model
that he and Stanković developed, based on the results
of the Blagotin excavations, that Early Neolithic settlements were spatially organised as a series of pit houses
around a larger, more central one. The results of the two
excavations have largely been supported and changed
the way in which the organisation of settlements in Early
Neolithic society are viewed.1
As discovered during the excavations at Blagotin,
Early Neolithic settlements are best understood when
investigated with large horizontal excavations. One has to
focus on excavating the areas between pit houses (not only
on the pit houses) in order to recover the larger pattern of
settlement at the site, even within a single period. Since
most stratigraphy at such sites is laterally displaced over
time, there tends to be little build-up of superimposed
strata. As a result, the site of Foeni-Sălaş was extensively investigated within a spatial framework. It is a relatively small and shallow site with no evidence of lateral
displacement of stratigraphy within each period.
The site of Foeni-Sălaş in southwest Romania, almost
on the border of Serbia, is best known for its Early Neolithic occupation, which has been reported upon elsewhere.2 It was originally thought that the occupational
sequence at Foeni-Sălaş largely consisted of an Early
Neolithic settlement. However, during surface collections and excavations, evidence for various other settlement phases was uncovered, albeit of a more ephemeral
nature. These are presented here. In this paper, we present for the first time the entire culture historical sequence at the site. First, the location and environment surrounding the site of Foeni-Sălaş are described. Second,
1 Greenfield 2000; Greenfield, Jongsma-Greenfield 2014;
2018; Greenfield, Jongsma 2006.
2 Greenfield, Draşovean 1994; Greenfield, Jongsma 2008;
Greenfield, Lawson 2020.
Manuscript received 9th February 2021, accepted 3rd September 2021
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Fig. 1. Banat region and geographic
location of the Foeni Sălaş site
Сл. 1. Област Баната са позицијом
локалитета Фоени Салаш
the history of research, and methods and techniques of
excavations are presented. Third, each period and the
associated deposits (loci and pits) are described. Fourth,
some of the more important artefacts are presented and
described. Finally, the significance of investigating
small sites such as Foeni-Sălaş in the larger region is
Site location and environment
The archaeological site of Sălaş is located in the
Romanian Banat, approximately 2.4 km north of the
centre of the modern village of Foeni (hence, the name
Foeni-Sălaş) and the Romanian border with Serbia
(20°51´32.05˝ long. east, 45°31´13.76˝ lat. north, and
80 m ASL) (Fig. 1). It is southwest (45 km) of the capital of the county, Timişoara.
The site is located in the Torontal Plain, which is a
broad alluvial plain between the Timiş and Bega Rivers.
It is situated on the right bank of the Timişat stream,
which is a tributary of the Timiş (Fig. 2). Surrounding
the site are low lying wetlands and old stream meanders
and channels. The Timişat has been straightened and
channelled and lies roughly to the east of the site. It used
to bend around the southern edge of the site. Mostly
sandy, loamy, clay soils heavily affected by the fluctuating water table are superimposed over Pleistocene
loess across the plain surrounding the site. The culturally sterile loess underlies all cultural deposits at the
site. With the draining of the wetlands in the 19th century, the area was transformed into a region dominated
by modern agricultural activities, which ultimately impacted preservation at the site.3 There is little to none of
the indigenous vegetation preserved surrounding the site.
Greenfield, Draşovean 1994, 47.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Fig. 2. Google earth ortogonal photo of the location of Foeni Sălaş site (red arrow)
Сл. 2. Google earth ортогонална фотографија са позицијом локалитета Фоени Салаш (црвена стрeлица)
Modern agriculture has also transformed the site in
recent years. Not only was the site continually under
cultivation throughout the 20th century,4 deep ploughing (30–50 cm) by the Romanian State occurred in the
1970s that mixed most of the upper strata at the site,
creating a thick plough zone (30 cm). Based on plough
marks found to a depth of 50 cm, it is clear that the deep
ploughing affected some parts of the site to a great
depth.5 It is also clear that the elevation of the site was
higher before the modern era of ploughing sheared off
the topmost occupational deposits.
The site can be characterised as a roughly circular,
low-lying (tell-like) mound that is visible even in satellite photos (Figs. 2, 3). The accumulation of superimposed strata is a depositional pattern reminiscent of the
many larger tell sites in the region.6 The mound is slightly elevated above the level of the rest of the plain since
it is on a low natural hill that rises above the surrounding plain. The mound gently slopes down to the plain
to the north and west, while more rapidly into the
Timişat stream channel that borders it to the east. At
one point in the past, the stream bent around the southern edge of the site. While the site is relatively flat,
there is a slight dip between the north-eastern and
south-western parts of the site. The occupational area
on the rise covers an area c. 2,000 m².
The modern climate of the region can be characterised as warm continental with hot and wet summers and
cold and drier winters. The winter is relatively warm
(in comparison to points farther north) because the
damp warm winds from the Mediterranean offset the
cold and dry winds from the east and north.7
Greenfield, Draşovean 1994, 46.
Greenfield, Draşovean 1994.
Hofmann et al. 2012; Schier, Draşovean 2004.
Pounds 1969.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Fig. 3. Topographic map of Foeni Sălaş
Fig. 4. Quadratic grid system employed at Foeni Sălaş
Сл. 3. Топографска мапа локалитета Фоени Салаш
Сл. 4. Квадаратна мрежа која се користила приликом истраживања локалитета Фоени Салаш
History and nature of research
Florin Draşovean (Museum of the Banat) was the
first to investigate the site when he noticed two concentrations of surface remains: 1) Metal Ages and 2) Early
Neolithic Starčevo-Criş.8 It was on his recommendation
that we embarked upon our research at the site. Haskel
Greenfield, in collaboration with Florin Draşovean, directed the large-scale spatially-oriented excavation at
the site from 1992–1994 to investigate the StarčevoCriş settlement at the site. A consequence of this excavation was the discovery of many deposits from later
periods. This report describes the entire sequence for
the first time.
Prior to and during excavation, several techniques
were used to discern the extent of settlement in each
period. These included surface collection, coring/auguring, and geomagnetic surveys. Each of these allowed a glimpse into the nature and extent of the settlement history in general, but also individual deposits.
For example, towards the completion of the excavation,
coring identified the location of the final and unexcavated Early Neolithic pit house (Locus 50) at the site
(Fig. 17).
The surveys and excavations ultimately allow us to
demonstrate that Foeni-Sălaş is a multi-period site with
occupations or uses that include Modern (19–20th cent.
AD), Medieval (10–11th and 14–15th cent. AD), Late
(Daco-) Roman (2–5th cent. AD), Early Iron Age (Hallstatt B and D), Middle Bronze Age (Verbicioara), Eneolithic (Cernavodă III – Baden and Kostolac), and Early Neolithic (Starčevo-Criş) deposits. All deposits,
except for the Early Neolithic, were dated with respect
to the local culture historical sequence.9
For provenance purposes, the site was divided into
a nested quadratic block system (Fig. 4). The larger
Block (e.g., 150) measured 20x20 m, within which were
a series of 5x5 m Trenches (A-P), within which were
1x1 m Quads (1–25), starting at the north-western corner
and moving from left to right. Each 1x1 m unit can be
identified to an exact spatial coordinate (e.g., excavation unit 150C2 represents Block 150, Trench C, and
Quad 2).
Greenfield, Draşovean 1994, 48.
Dumitrescu et al. 1983; Luca et al. 2011.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Fig. 5. Stratigraphic section of Loci 0, 1,2,4,5 and 12 in sequence at Foeni Sălaş
Сл. 5. Стратиграфија локуса 0, 1, 2, 4, 5 и 12 на делу локалитета Фоени Салаш
Each quad was excavated down to the sterile Pleistocene loess soil and, at times, deeper. The heavily disturbed plough zone was shovelled as 1x5 m units, as the
cultural debris was mixed and the primary context lost.
All artefacts were recovered and catalogued. Natural,
undisturbed soils were excavated using shovels and
trowels when finer work was required. Excavators followed the natural stratigraphy as much as possible, but
used arbitrary levels when soil changes could not be
discerned or where deposits became too thick. Artefacts
were pedastaled in situ as much as possible and were
collected only after being drawn and photographed
(Fig. 25). Soils were dry sieved using a 0.5 cm² mesh
(1992), but this was later replaced by a larger 1 cm² mesh
(1993–1994) since the soil was very clayey and clogged
the smaller mesh. Numerous soil samples were taken for
water sieving and flotation, particularly when charcoal and
ash deposits were noticed, but also when there were none,
to ensure that there was little bias in deposit selection.
The term locus (pl. loci) is used here as a depositional unit with sedimentary and/or cultural/behavioural
integrity. Each major deposit (e.g., pit, pit house, pansite stratum, etc.) is assigned a unique Locus number
(e.g., Locus 1 is the plough zone). These may be subdivided if there are separate phases or episodes discernible in the deposit (Locus 7.1/upper; Locus 7.2/middle,
Locus 7.3/basal deposits within Locus 7).
Site taphonomy
Two major sources of disturbance exist at the site,
modern ploughing and rodents. All loci had evidence
of extensive rodent activity, especially those with high
organic content. Rodent disturbances were recorded
and potentially intrusive artefacts that had drifted down
into earlier deposits were removed from the analysis as
much as possible.10
The second major disturbance was modern and ancient ploughing. As noted above, this mostly extended
to 30 cm below the surface, but occasionally extended
to 50 cm. It sheared off the top of the mound. The site
continued to be under cultivation during the period of
our research. These activities destroyed and/or disturbed much of the post-Neolithic deposits since they
were higher up. The deeper Early Neolithic cultural layer was fortunately mostly undisturbed by ploughing.11
As a consequence of the ploughing, the post-Neolithic
deposits are largely preserved as in situ hot spot concentrations just beneath the plough zone. Since the storage and/or midden pits and pit houses extend deeper
than the plough zone, they are better preserved and discussed here (Figs. 6, 12).
The third major disturbance source is later occupations. Later pits and other features intruded into and destroyed parts of earlier deposits.12 The EIA is the second most extensive settlement at the site since it
completely overlies the earlier settlements. In turn, the
Medieval ploughing, fortification, and pits also destroyed anything earlier that lay beneath. Only the Late
(Daco-) Roman pit house (Locus 38) at the northern
end of the site did not destroy anything since it was beyond the limits of the earlier settlements (Fig. 11).
Greenfield, Draşovean 1994, 56.
Greenfield, Draşovean 1994, 57, 60–63.
Greenfield, Draşovean 1994, 71–72.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
20 m
Fig. 6. Location of excavated Medieval features (lower) and photo of Medieval fortification ditch
with postholes (Locus 8) and outline of Daco-Roman pit features 4, 5, and 8 in Trench 130A (upper) at Foeni-Sălaş
Сл. 6. Позиције истражених целина из средњег века (доле), фотографија одбрамбеног рова са стубовима
(Locus 8) и границе Дачко-римског укопаног објекта 4,5 и 8 у сонди 130А (горе) на локалитету Фоени Салаш
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Cultural horizons
There are five pan-site horizons in descending order
from the surface: Locus 1 (plough zone), 4 (Medieval
plough zone), 2 (Early Neolithic Starčevo-Criş), 5 (postPleistocene humus), and 12 (sterile Pleistocene loess).13
Each are described separately within their relevant temporal contexts (Fig. 5). There are no pan-site horizons
from the intervening periods (Eneolithic, Bronze Age,
EIA, and Late Roman).
Their deposits and remains are incorporated into or
truncated by the Medieval Locus 4, and the artefacts
are not in primary contexts, except in pit features that
survived below them. The only features to remain intact
from the earlier periods are found below the Medieval
plough zone.
Cultural deposits by period
All deposits were assigned to a period based on
their stratigraphic connections and position, as well as
the typo-chronological analysis of associated artefacts.
In some cases, the majority of artefacts would suggest
that the deposit belonged to an earlier period. We generally used the latest artefact found in the deposit’s assemblage as a key to its dating. However, given the
presence of rodent activity, some of the later artefacts
were removed from the analysis since they clearly did
not belong to the layer in which they were found (e.g.,
EIA material in Early Neolithic deposits). The advantage of a spatially oriented excavation is that strata
could be directly and physically traced from trench to
trench across the excavation area.
A. Modern era
The modern era is represented by two loci (0 and 1).
Locus 0 is the surface of the site and is the phase from
which all surface collections were made. Locus 1 is the
thick (30cm) pan-site modern plough zone horizon and
overlies all earlier deposits The latest material in these
deposits is from the 19th and 20th centuries AD, but a
mixture of cultural debris from all periods is present in
both deposits.14
B. Medieval (Fig. 6)
The Medieval occupation extends across the site
with a pan-site locus, two houses, and several pits. It
was approximately 10–20 cm in thickness. The material culture of some of the deposits suggests a date in the
10–11th century AD for the major Medieval occupation
at the site, but there is a hint also of a later Medieval
occupation (14/15th century).
Locus 4 was likely created through Medieval ploughing. The characteristic greyish colour of the sediment
is likely caused by the mixing of whitish ash and black
soot from the burning of crops in fields, which was then
ploughed under. It contains a mixture of all the postNeolithic deposits on the site. All of the deposits from
this period are linked to Locus 4, as it is the Medieval
pan-site locus. In some places, Locus 4 could be subdivided into an upper (Sub-Locus 4.1) and lower locus
(Sub-Locus 4.2).15 Any features within this locus were
destroyed and the remains scattered by Medieval
ploughing, as occasional plough marks are discernible.
All of the features in it were destroyed and the remains
are not in the primary context.
Locus 8 is a Medieval fortification ditch that extends across the site in an east-west direction and then
turns to the south at a right angle to continue in a northsouth direction to the westernmost edge of the site (Fig.
24).16 There is evidence that the ditch is actually a foundation trench for a wooden stockade, since wooden post
holes of regular size have been found systematically
spaced inside along its length, as well as large pieces
of carbonised timber segments (Fig. 6).17 It is clear that
the ditch was created as part of a large wooden palisade, the posts of which were placed upright in the
ditch, which was then filled. Many of the large wooden
posts burned down, leaving carbonised remains of their
form. The ditch disturbed all earlier deposits beneath it.
The ditch is divided into 2–3 phases of fill. The lower
two sub-loci are found throughout the spatial extent of
the locus. The uppermost sub-locus is largely confined
to the area around Trench 131F. Sub-locus 8.1 is the upper fill (greyish brown); Sub-locus 8.2 is the basal fill
(brown); and Locus 13 is a thin yellowish brown sediment that was found immediately above Sub-locus 8.1
at the eastern end of the site, but without any associated
ceramics. It was not observed anywhere else and may
be more modern in origin.
Locus 21 is a semisubterranean structure (house)
with straight walls, a 90o corner, and a line of postholes
around the perimeter that marked the location of wooden (wattle and daub) walls along the sides. No interior
Greenfield, Draşovean 1994, 62–64.
Greenfield, Jongsma 2008.
15 Greenfield, Draşovean 1994, 62–63.
16 Locus 8 was incorrectly assigned to the Early Iron Age in
the Greenfield, Draşovean 1994 publication, p. 72.
17 Greenfield, Draşovean 1994, 64–65.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Fig. 7. 1) Grave 2; 2) Grave 3
Сл. 7. 1) гроб 2; 2) гроб 3
division was observed. There are some associated remains (ceramics, bone, shell, etc.). The few Medieval
ceramics clearly indicate its period of occupation.
Locus 27 is a late Medieval semisubterranean structure surrounded by post holes and there are two parts:
a bowl-like and elliptically-shaped fired (burnt) daub
floor and a hearth area. There is a series of possible post
holes surrounding the perimeter (but these could be rodent holes). The superstructure is largely destroyed. The
few ceramics point to a Late Medieval occupation.
There are also animal bones and daub.
Locus 29 is a small storage pit that extends down
from Locus 4. There are no associated ceramics. Based
on its stratigraphy and differences in shape to earlier
pits, it is considered to be Medieval in origin.
Locus 42 is a semisubterranean house complex
with associated postholes and a fired clay floor similar
to that in Locus 38. Its complete shape was not determinable since only a section was excavated in a transect
that cut through the deposit.
Locus 43 is a small pit that cuts through the centre
of Locus 42 that may have been initially used for storage, but later filled with rubbish debris.
Locus 55 is a large unfired clay base that may have
served to anchor a post for a small pit. It is tentatively
assigned to the Medieval period based upon its stratigraphy, architecture, and association with Medieval artefacts. It has been given a separate locus designation from
the surrounding Locus 4 based on the digital analysis
of daub remains in the lab.18
Locus 58 is a small pit dug through Loci 24 and 30.
It was also not recognised as a separate locus during
excavation. It contains a cluster of Medieval ceramics
and a very large round grindstone.
Feature 7 is a rectilinear bedding trench with very
few associated remains.
Jongsma 1997.
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Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
mostly facing straight upwards, but learning slightly in
the direction of true east. The area where the feet were
located was disturbed by rodents, who dragged part of
the foot bones for a small distance into a rodent tunnel.
These were, however, recovered as well.
Grave 3 is a burial located very close to Grave 2, on
the eastern edge of the site. The skeleton was laid in a
manner that was very similar to that of Grave 2 (Fig.
7/2). It was heavily disturbed since some of the elements
were not fully articulated. The burial is thought to be
that of an adult woman who was possibly pregnant at
the time of death, since some infant remains were found
within the thorax. The skeleton was oriented with the
feet pointing toward grid west and the head toward grid
east, or true northwest (head) to southeast (feet). The
direction of the face appears to have been oriented toward true east.
Fig. 8. Detail of grave 2 with metal finds
Сл. 8. Детаљ гроба 2 са прилозима од метала
Two Medieval graves were found on the eastern
edge of the site. Grave 2 is very close to the modern
surface (Figs. 7/1, 8). Erosion and ploughing brought
it close to the surface, since it is on a sloping surface.
The grave is dug into the post-Pleistocene sterile soil
horizon (Locus 5) and filled with very dark brown sediment. It contained the osteological remains of a fully
articulated middle-aged male skeleton, possibly someone with martial roles since weapons were buried with
him, lying on his back. The feet were pointed northeast, but some bones were disturbed by rodents. The
grave goods include weapons (metal spear and dagger)
and metal clothing paraphernalia (a metal fibula, belt
buckle, and a strip of metal around the waist that may
have been from a belt) (Fig. 8). All of the grave goods
are in the Museum of the Banat (Muzeul Banalui,
Timişoara) depot and we have yet to observe the results
of their conservation. The grave was oriented southwest (head) to northeast (feet) in terms of the site grid,
or east (head) and west (feet) for true north. The face was
C. The Late Roman period (Fig. 9)
The Late Roman (also known as Daco-Roman)
occupation is small and mostly limited to the southwestern quarter of the site. These deposits appear to be
from a 3–5th century AD occupation. There was no
clear Late Roman horizon as it was incorporated into
and disturbed by the Medieval plough horizon (Locus
4). A number of Late Roman loci were preserved below Locus 4, which were identified and excavated.
Locus 35 is deep bell-shaped storage pit with a
shelf or ledge around the bottom (as if to support some
kind of wooden base) that was 15 cm above the bottom, clay-lined floor. Ceramics, a metal knife and a circular object, mammal and fish bones, snail shells, and
charcoal were found within.
Locus 38 is a small square-shaped semisubterranean house with a clay floor, with postholes around the
perimeter and an oven in the southern end. There was
a low density of remains (including ceramics, bone,
carbonised wood, and metal – Fig. 12).
Locus 46 is a deep bell-shaped storage pit with very
few remains and a concentration of carbonised soil at
the bottom.
Feature 4 is a circular bell-shaped storage pit that
is cut by Feature 5. It was used secondarily as a midden after the initial function was abandoned. A metal
bell and bobbin were recovered from the fill along with
Daco-Roman ceramics (Fig. 6).
Feature 5 is a circular bell-shaped storage pit that
intrudes into Feature 4. It was used secondarily as a
midden after the initial function was abandoned. The top
was destroyed by locus 4 (Fig. 6). It contained mostly
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
20 m
Fig. 9. Daco-Roman loci at Foeni Sălaş
Сл. 9. Локуси са дачко-римским налазима на локалитету Фоени Салаш
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Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Daco-Roman (and a few EIA and Early Neolithic) ceramics, and animal bone.
Feature 8 is a circular bell-shaped storage pit
with an infant burial in the fill (Grave 1) (Fig. 10). It
was used secondarily as a midden after the initial
function was abandoned. It is partially cut by Locus
8 (Fig. 6).
Grave 1 is an infant human burial found in the bottom of a bell-shaped storage pit (Feature 8). The skeletal remains of the infant were found two-thirds of the
way down the pit (Fig. 10). The bones of the skeleton
were in proper anatomical position. The child was laid
on its right side, in an extended position. The face was
turned to face downwards. The right arm was extended. The left leg was also extended, but the right leg was
bent. The skeleton was oriented toward the northeast,
but the skull was face-down. The top of the cranium
pointed towards the north. While no grave goods directly accompanied the burial, the usual range of discarded artefacts (pottery, intact grindstone, etc.) were
found inside the pit. A large shed red deer (Cervus elaphus) antler was carefully placed on the very bottom of
the pit, below the level of the juvenile burial. A large
grindstone was found above the level of the burial inside the pit. No remains were found directly on the level of the burial. However, this careful placement of objects both above and below the burial suggests a ritual
or cultic character for the deposit in general.
D. Early Iron-Age (Hallstatt) (Fig. 12)
The Early Iron Age occupation is represented by
the Hallstatt B culture complex (1000–800 BCE). It extends across the entire southern half of the site. The entire Early Iron Age Horizon was incorporated into, and
the top of the Early Iron Age pits was cut off by, Locus
4, the Medieval plough zone. Some of the Early Iron
Age pits that intruded into and disturbed the Early Neolithic horizon included some Starčevo-Criş ceramics.
The Early Iron Age is the second largest occupation at
the site. The following loci were identified from the
Early Iron Age.
Locus 11 is a small storage pit. A large ceramic vessel was found in the bottom.
Locus 15 is a small (1 m diameter) circular pit that
extends down through the earlier Early Neolithic deposits (Locus 7) and into the Pleistocene loess (Locus
12) (Fig. 2).19 It was sealed by Locus 4. White lines of
ashy clay were found inside the pit. Carbonised animal
and plant remains indicate that it was used for heating
objects to high temperatures (Fig. 23). It was original-
Fig. 10. Daco-Roman pit and Grave 1
Сл. 10. Дачко-римска јама са гробом 1
ly reported as a Vatin culture feature (Greenfield and
Drasovean 1994), but reanalysis of the ceramics (below) suggest that it belongs with the Iron Age part of
the settlement.
Locus 18 is a large pit, probably used as a semisubterranean house with two rooms, since the floor appears
to have been divided into two sections. It is associated
with a storage pit (Feature 3).
Locus 22 is a small pit. Its function is ambiguous.
Locus 28 is a small circular storage pit surrounded
by postholes. The postholes indicate that it may have
been for a small superstructure. There are few ceramics
in this locus.
Locus 30 is a large semisubterranean house dug
into the centre of a Starčevo-Criş pit house (Locus 24).
It is filled with occupational debris (ceramics, bones,
grindstones, etc. – Fig. 22).
Locus 31 is a small circular bell-shaped storage pit
with mostly carbonised remains. It was probably used
for grain storage.
Locus 32 is a small oval storage pit with very few
remains associated with it. It is filled with a series of
micro-strata of blackened soil, probably indicating the
presence of burnt grain.
Locus 33 is a small oval storage pit for a large pithos on the bottom. It is filled with ceramic and other
remains. The top was disturbed by ploughing as only
the base remains.
Greenfield, Jongsma 2008, fig. 10.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
30 m
Fig. 11. Position of Eneolithic, Bronze and Iron Age features and loci at Foeni Sălaş
Сл. 11. Позиције објеката из енеолита, бронзаног и старијег гвозденог доба на локалитету Фоени Салаш
Locus 36 is a very small oval and shallow pit with
few remains, probably used as a midden.
Locus 37 is a small pit with few remains and was
probably used as a midden.
Locus 39 is a small circular pit filled with an assortment of different artefact types including wall daub,
animal bones, Hallstatt ceramics, and a small grindstone, which were thrown in haphazardly. It probably
had a secondary use as a midden.
Locus 40 is a large semisubterranean house with
several associated postholes, an oven, and concentrations of wall and floor daub.20 This locus is cut by Lo-
cus 8, the Medieval fortification ditch. While there are
mostly Hallstatt remains in this locus, there are also a
number of Starčevo-Criş ceramics as it intruded into
the western edge of Locus 23. This locus was divided
into 2 sub-loci. Sub-locus 40.1 is the upper stratum,
possibly wall and roof spills, and light grey in colour.
Sub-Locus 40.2 is the lower stratum and floor level.
The remains of collapsed (wall?) daub separates the
two sub-loci.
Jongsma 1997.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Fig. 12. Daco-Roman pit house (Locus 38)
Сл. 12. Дачко-римска полуземуница (локус 38)
Locus 44 is a large semisubterranean house. As
with Locus 40, there are some intrusive Starčevo-Criş
remains because it disturbed an underlying Starčevo-Criş deposit (Locus 41). There are two sub-loci:
Sub-locus 44.1 is the upper and is probably the remains
of the fallen roof and wall. Sub-locus 44.2 is the basal
fill. The loci are separated by fallen wall daub.
Locus 45 is a small storage pit that cut into Locus 40.
There are few remains and it is likely a slightly later EIA
storage pit.
Locus 47 is a small midden filled pit found beneath
and pre-dating Locus 40.
Locus 48 is a small midden filled pit that extended down from the base of Locus 40.2. It was likely
originally a storage pit associated with the overlying
Locus 54 is a small ellipsoid storage pit that had a
secondary use as a midden. It is filled with a concentration of ceramic and animal bone remains.
Locus 56 is a small, but deep, midden filled pit that
extends down into the underlying Starčevo-Criş depos-
it (Locus 23). It is filled with burnt debris (ceramics, animal bone, and charcoal) and is interpreted as a fire pit.
Feature 3 is a small pit (0.5 m wide) containing the
base of a very large pithos (storage jar). The base was
placed in a shallow hole, likely for stability, at the eastern
edge of Locus 18 (too small to be illustrated on plan).
E. Middle Bronze-Age (Fig. 11)
The Bronze Age is represented by a small number
of finds characteristic of the Early and Middle Bronze
Age. Some of the finds lay mixed in with the pre-Classical Metal Age cultural layers on the site. There was
no clear Bronze Age horizon.
In previous reports, the ceramics from this horizon
were originally identified as from the Vatin culture.21
However, we now think that it is more appropriate to
assign this material to the Verbicioara cultural complex,
since the potsherds have characteristic decoration found
Greenfield, Draşovean 1994, 64.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Fig. 13. 1–4) Verbicioara pottery; 5–14) Kalakača pottery; 15) Hallstatt D pottery
Сл. 13. 1–4) Вербичоара керамика; 5–14) Калакача керамика; 15) керамика финалног Халштата
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
on Bronze Age Verbicioara ceramics. For example, a
fragmented conical bowl decorated both on the inner
and the outer surface (Fig. 15/1) with motifs that are
well known from the Early Bronze Age Makó culture.22
There are also parts of vessels whose shape suggests that
they were lids of urns for incinerated deceased, typical
of the Late Bronze Age.23 These vessels are decorated
with incisions and one of the most dominant motifs are
hatched triangles (Fig. 15/4). The remaining Bronze
Age finds are represented by a typical potsherds decorated with rows of incised lines (Fig. 15/2) and finger
imprints (Fig. 15/3).
F. Eneolithic (Fig. 11)
The Eneolithic is represented by a few ceramics of
the Cernavodă III–Boleráz complex (Figs. 15, 16).
There was no clear Eneolithic horizon. While there
were some scattered remains found in Loci 1 and 4,
only a single small feature was eventually identified
and excavated – Locus 57. It is a small Černavodă III–
Boleráz pit in the north-western peripheral corner of
Locus 30 (Fig. 22), which was identified during postexcavation laboratory analysis of the cluster of distinctive ceramic finds. No sedimentary distinction could be
made from the surrounding soil.
G. Early Neolithic (Fig. 17)
The earliest evidence of occupation at the site derives from the Early Neolithic Starčevo-Criş occupation. The largest number of loci were identified from
this phase of occupation.
Locus 2 is a Starčevo-Criş cultural horizon outside
of structures and pits. It is the first cultural horizon on
the site and ranges from 20 cm in thickness, and usually extends c. 40–60 cm below the surface. The Starčevo-Criş occupants of the site changed the colour and
texture of Post-Pleistocene Locus 5 horizon to become
Locus 2.
Locus 7 was the first pit house complex to be discovered on the site (Fig. 24). The structure appears to
enclose a trapezoidal area about 5x4 m and is dug into
Locus 5. This locus seems to be a combination of three
stratigraphically differentiable sub-loci (7.1/14, 7.2/16
and 7.3/17), each of which is discussed below. Stratigraphically, it is possible to reconstruct the following
sequence within locus 7. Locus 17 represents the initial basal occupation. Then the pit was abandoned and
filled with locus 16 refuse. Locus 14 probably represents the final silting in of the pit, with washed in cultural residue, after site abandonment.
Fig. 14. 1) Stone casting mould; 2) La Téne fibula;
3–4 ) Daco-Roman pottery
Сл. 14. 1) Камени ливачки калуп; 2) Фибула из Ла Тена;
3–4) Дачко-римска керамика
· Sub-Locus 7.1 (originally Sub-locus 14) – This
is the upper fill of the Locus 7 pit house complex.
Stratigraphically it connects to Locus 2 and is
sealed by Locus 4. Sub-locus 14 represents the upper fill of the locus 7 pit complex. The nature and
density of remains in this level seems to represent
the collapse of the superstructure after abandonment
and the disposal of new material into the still open
depression. It eventually filled up and the top is
truncated by Locus 4.
· Sub-Locus 7.2 (originally Sub-Locus 16) – This
is the middle fill of the Locus 7 pit house complex.
It is a rubbish fill level. It is found stratigraphically
below Locus 14 and above Locus 17. It is a kidney
bean-shaped midden deposit, distinguishable by its
unique fill – a large quantity of snail shells (almost
10,000), mixed with a smaller percentage of mussel
shells, Starčevo-Criş ceramics and mammal and
fish bones. This deposit appears to be the phase after
abandonment when the depression was colonised by
snails going through the aestivation phase.24 This
pattern is seen in almost all of the other pit house
Kalicz 1984, 96, taf. XX.
Kapuran 2019, 15.
Evans 1972.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Fig. 15. 1–11) Černavoda III – Boleraz Pottery; 12–14) Kostolac pottery
Сл. 15. 1–11) Чернавода III – Болераз керамика; 12–14) Костолачка керамика
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
deposits (Loci 10, 23, 24, 50), but to a lesser extent
in Locus 41. The shells are almost always unbroken
and they are stuffed into every corner of the dwellings and often extend deep into the dirt sides of the
structure and into rodent holes. They are concentrated in the middle horizons of the pit houses. All of
this suggests that it is unlikely that people ate them
and then discarded them within the pit-houses, and
then continued to walk on the shells without breaking them. As is well known, snails will aestivate in
nutrient rich deposits.25 Pit houses are an ideal microenvironment for snails to aestivate.
· Sub-Locus 7.3 (originally Sub locus 17) – This
is the basal fill of the pit house feature. It represents
the floor and living horizon of the pit house complex.
There is a bench cut into the side of the structure on
one side, a ramp going down into the pit house from
the surface, a hearth, post holes and other features
associated with this horizon (Fig. 24).
Locus 10 is the second trapezoidal shaped pit house
complex that is dug into Locus 5. It is without any perceptible micro-stratigraphy. This is probably because it
was relatively shallow and most of the upper deposits
were cut off by Locus 4.
Locus 23 is the largest Starčevo-Criş pit house complex on the site (Fig. 21). It is in the centre of the semicircle of peripheral Early Neolithic pit houses on the
site. It is much larger than all the rest. It is a large circular structure, 12 m in diameter, with postholes around
its perimeter and within. The internal stratigraphy follows the same tripartite pattern to that already discussed
for Locus 7 (Locus 23.1/upper; Locus 23.2/middle; and
Locus 23.3/basal). The locus was disturbed near the
centre by an EIA pit (called the Locus 23 hearth in the
notes – Locus 56) and the Medieval fortification ditch
(Locus 8). Within the pit house, a large dome-shaped
oven and a large central fire pit were part of the basal
horizon (Locus 23.3). It is filled with an abundance of
ceramics, loom and other weights, stone tools, faunal
remains, and snail shells (Figs. 18, 20, 25). There is a
large shelf area toward the northern side of the pit
house, where large numbers of vessels were likely kept.
Locus 24 is the third peripheral pit house complex
(Fig. 22). It was also trapezoidal in shape, with a hearth
or fire pit at the southern end. It was partially mixed
and heavily disturbed by an EIA pit house (Locus 30)
and an Eneolithic pit (Locus 57). It is also trapezoidal
in shape, 7 x 6 m., aligned N-S x E-W.
Locus 25 is a small (c. 1 m diametre) storage pit
filled with storage ceramic vessels. It was found in a
small depression in the middle of the open area on the
southern half of the site. It is stratigraphically connected to Locus 2, but it extends deeper into Locus 5.
Locus 41 is the fourth peripheral pit house complex
discovered at the site. It was badly disturbed by EIA
pits. It had a very low density of remains within it. A
few postholes and a central fire pit were observed. This
is the only one of the Starčevo-Criş pit houses not to be
filled completely and intensely with debris.
Locus 50 is the remains of the fifth peripheral
Starčevo-Criş pit house. It was not excavated because
it was found on the last day of the final field season during auguring of the area between Loci 10 and 41, where
it was suspected that another structure would be located, based on the distance between each of the peripheral pit houses. Its shape (trapezoidal), depth (2 m), date
(Starčevo-Criş), and contents (snail shells, animal
bones, and Starčevo-Criş ceramics) were determined
through the recovery of artefactual remains and sediments in the auger. It contains snail shells, ani mal
bones, and ceramics. It is, thus, similar in size, shape,
and content to the best preserved of all the peripheral
pit houses (i.e., Loci 7 and 10).
Locus 51 is the remains of a large circular-shaped
feature with postholes around its perimeter located in
the middle of the settlement. It contains a small concentration of daub, ceramics and loom weights, but with
very few animal bones. It was found within Locus 2 and
is, in effect, a surface deposit. Even though a number of
possible post holes were associated with it, it was not
given a separate locus designation at the time since the
data were collected as part of Locus 2. The presence of
loom weights and absence of food debris suggests that
it may have possibly functioned as a weaving hut. If
surface huts are from a later phase of the Early Neolithic,
then this structure may be from a slightly later Starčevo-Criş occupation on the site. However, its presence
within the single Early Neolithic pan-site horizon argues
against this. Also, there is no evidence of reoccupation
of the pit houses or of any overlap in the construction
of later Early Neolithic pit houses with earlier ones.
Locus 52 is the remains of a possible livestock enclosure. It is in the southern half of the open area south
of Locus 23. It includes a perimeter line of post holes
on the eastern and northern edges of the extremely
compacted light coloured soil surface. It is rectilinear
in shape. We interpret it as a possible livestock enclosure
Ellis 1969; Zhadin 1952.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Fig. 16. 1–3, 8) Černavoda III – Boleraz Pottery and figurine; 4–7) Kostolac pottery
Сл. 16. 1–3, 8) Чернавода III – Болераз керамика i figurin; 4–7) Костолачка керамика
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
14 m
Fig. 17. Early Neolithic loci at Foeni Sălaş
Сл. 17. Локуси из раног неолита на локалитету Фоени Салаш
because of the extreme compaction and very uneven
surface (with large up and down pockets, as if cattle
were trampling within it) of the sediment within the
perimeter of post holes. While it was originally excavated as part of Locus 2, it is now recognised as a separate locus.
Locus 53 is an ellipsoid surface concentration of
daub without any associated architectural features or
other artefact concentrations, also in the southern half
of the settlement. It is thought to represent the remains
of a surface or above-ground small wattle and daub
structure, possibly for storage, because there is very little evidence of food remains associated with the locus.
It was originally excavated as part of Locus 2, but it is
now recognised as a distinct locus.
Feature 6 is a small (50 cm wide) circular (possible)
storage pit associated with and at the edge of Locus 10
(too small to be illustrated).
H. Post-Pleistocene
Locus 5 is the early post-Pleistocene humus that
formed during the Mesolithic. It is found across the site
and is always stratigraphically beneath Locus 2. A low
frequency of Starčevo-Criş ceramics filtered down into
this locus through rodent activity and other natural
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
I. Pleistocene
Locus 12 is the culturally sterile Pleistocene loess
that underlies the post-Pleistocene Locus 5. This stratum is found across the site. There is no evidence of occupation at the site in this period.
Ceramics and other material culture
In this section, the important ceramic finds from
the Eneolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages are presented and
A. Medieval (Fig. 6)
The youngest cultural horizon at the site most likely belongs to the Medieval period. Locus 4 (Medieval
pan-site plough zone horizon) and various storage pits
contain material that suggest a 10–11th century date.
However, there is also evidence of a later Medieval occupation (14–15th cent.) at the site, based on two graves
on the eastern periphery of the site (Graves 2 and 3)
(Fig. 7). Grave 2 belongs to a middle-aged male. Weapons (metal spear and dagger) and metal clothing paraphernalia (two iron belt buckles and a strip of metal
around the waist, probably from a belt) are interred
with him (Fig. 8). It is likely that he had a martial role,
considering the weapons buried with him. There are
clear analogies for the pieces of weaponry, especially
the spear, that suggest that the grave dates to the 14–
15th century AD.26
Grave 3 is very similar to Grave 2, except that it belongs to a woman and foetus/new born infant. It was
disturbed, since some osteological elements are not
fully articulated (Fig. 7). Few objects were found in the
grave that can be assigned to more than a general Medieval date. However, given the stratigraphic position,
and similar orientation and location of the two graves,
they probably date to the same occupation at the site.
The fortification ditch (Locus 8) appears to date
from this period (Figs. 6, 21 and 24). The presence of
four bricks (three in Trench 130A and one in 129C at
the top of the locus) and late Medieval ceramics (e.g.,
in Trench 130G, quads 1–5) all point to a Late Medieval
date for this locus.
B. Late Roman (Fig. 9)
The Late (Daco-) Roman cultural horizon belongs
to the Common Era (AD) and contains archaeological
material characteristic of Daco-Roman dominance in
the territory of south-eastern Pannonia. The bulk of the
pottery is characteristic of classic Late Roman wares
that would date to the 3rd–5th centuries (Figs. 14/3, 4).
In this phase of occupation, at the northern end of
the site, there is a rectangular semi-subterranean structure (Locus 38; Fig. 12). It is a pit house with a superstructure made of wattle-and-daub and a gabled roof
since there are vertically positioned post-holes around
the perimeter and supporting the interior as well. A
domed oven was erected on one side at the level of the
sunken portion of the house. The geomorphology and
the types of soil within the Pannonian Plain favours the
construction of such semisubterranean structures. They
are found also at Bregovi–Atovac in Kuzmin,27 in Čelarevo,28 Bečej29 and the site of Ušće Jakomirskog Potoka
in the Iron Gates.30 Such dwellings are distributed in a
wide area across Eastern Europe in regions settled by
Slavic populations during the Late Classical and Early
Medieval periods.31
In the south-western section of the site, a number
of Daco-Roman pit features were uncovered. They were
originally bell-shaped storage pits, since some were
lined with clay (Figs. 6, 9, 10). They contained typical
later Classical remains, including broken ceramic vessels, grindstones, and a metal bell. However, they are
largely filled with rubbish (bones and carbonised remains). In general, they are thought to date to the Late
Classical period.
However, there are hints of an earlier Late Roman
presence at the site. In this horizon, a fragment of a red
bowl with an emphasised rim was found (Fig. 14/4),
that is made according to La Téne period standards.32
Such a dating is in accord with the presence of the infant burial (Grave 1 in Feature 6) (Fig. 10). Skeletal
burials of infant and juvenile humans are especially
common within Early Classical or Daco-Roman settlements from the 2nd and 1st centuries BC. This practice
continued until the 2nd century AD.33 The careful placement of the infant burial in Grave 1 with its face down
in the storage pit at Foeni-Sălaş with goods above and
below it suggests a careful mortuary ritual. It may be
argued that the taphonomy of the skeleton suggests that
26 Lalović 1982, t. I/2; Peković 2006, 123, и.б. 26838; Vetnić
1983, 141, t. II/116.
27 Brukner 1995, 144, Пл. 145.
28 Stanojević 1987, 122–123, t. 127.
29 Milošević 1997, сл. 72, сл. 210/d.
30 Stanojević 1986, 238, fig. 237/236.
31 Šalkovský 2001, karte 6.
32 Brukner et al. 1987, t. 26, 21–29.
33 Popović, Kapuran 2011; Sîrbu 2003, 145; Sîrbu, Dăvîncă
2014, 295.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
the individual was thrown next to one of the pit walls
rather than laid in it as in a grave, which is the case at
the site of Mokranjske Stene.34 Within the Dacian culture region, the sacrifice of children is recorded at numerous sites. Sîrbu and Dăvîncă consider this phenomenon to be a “sacred area of the field-of-pits type”.35
This suggests that both a slightly earlier and later Dacian occupations existed at the site.
C. Iron Age (Fig. 11)
At least two phases of the pre-Classical Iron (Early
and Late) Age are present at the site. The earlier phase,
with the most intense occupation, is represented by
finds of the Early Iron Age Gornea-Kalakača (Hallstatt
B/C, Bosut III) cultural group.36 Coarse ware vessels
and pottery with highly polished surfaces are particularly noticeable. The pottery of the Kalakača group is
primarily characterised by fine ware decorated with
channels or a combination of channels and incised motifs (Fig. 13/13). In terms of types of vessels, conical
bowls with an inverted rim decorated with channels are
dominant (Figs. 13/10, 11), followed by rims of pots
decorated with channels on the inner surface (Fig.
13/9). Some of the beakers and pots are likewise decorated with channels (Figs. 13/13, 14). The coarse ware
pottery is represented by bell-shaped pots decorated
with incisions (Figs. 13/5, 6) or modelled and decorated bands (Fig. 13/6).
A fragment of a large ceramic pot is decorated with
four tongue-shaped handles on the lower cone and
could belong to the final phase of the Early Iron Age
(Hallstatt D?) (Fig. 13/12). A second large ceramic vessel fragment of a rim and vertical neck at the lower level could also belong to the final phase of the Early Iron
Age. It is similar to the previously described vessel
with four tongue-shaped handles (Fig. 13/15).
A portion of a copper or bronze casting mould was
found in the Early Iron Age horizon that was most likely used for the production of a cylindrical spear-butt
(for balance) with hafting perforation (Fig. 14/1). An
almost identical find of a spear-butt was found within
Grave 2 of Mound 1 at the Sinjac Polje necropolis, near
Bela Palanka.37
Forms and the manner of pottery decoration suggest that the genesis of the Kalakača culture is based
on pottery in the Late Bronze Age Gava culture complex.38 Tasić considers that the origin of the Kalakača
cultural complex was from a Thraco-Cimmerian influence from the East.39 Kalakača settlements are found
in the territories of Srem, south-western Bačka, central
and southern Banat, Iron Gates, and part of the Serbian
Danube Region.40 The finds from Foeni-Sălaş indicate
it was most likely part of the Kalakača cultural complex. In Serbia the complex is characterised by the appearance of cross-shaped axes (Ärmchenbeil) made of
iron and the emergence of new technologies in the production of iron objects (iron axes within the mass grave
at the site of Gomolava and Layer IIa at the site of
A piece of jewellery recovered at the site suggests
that the site was briefly occupied during the Early/Middle La Téne period (4th–3rd century BC). It is an iron
fibula with a back-bent foot decorated with a thickening (a pearl) of the Duchcov-Münsingen type (Fig.
14/2). During the 4th century BC, Celtic tribes from
Central Europe settled the Carpathian Basin, eastern
Transylvania, and the Danube Region.42 Such fibulae
are similar to numerous finds at the Pişkolt and Pećine
necropolises that have been dated to the end of the 4th
and beginning of the 3rd centuries BC.43
D. Middle Bronze Age (Fig. 13)
Several decorated potsherds indicate that the site
was also utilised during the Middle Bronze Age or the
Verbicioara culture. The Middle Bronze Age is represented by ceramics decorated significantly differently
than the Eneolithic. The Bronze Age period is represented by a fragmented conical bowl decorated both on
the inner and outer surfaces (Figs. 13/1, 3). This type
of ceramic find is characteristic of the Early Bronze
Age Makó culture, although similar vessels have been
recorded within the Late Bronze Age context as well.44
It has been suggested that such vessels were utilised as
lids for urns containing cremated human remains.45 The
decoration is comprised of incised motifs of straight and
wavy lines, as well as the dominant motif of hatched
Popović, Kapuran 2011.
Sîrbu, Dăvîncă 2014, 295.
36 Greenfield, Draşovean 1994; cf. Gumă 1983; Gumă 1993;
Medović 1988.
37 Kapuran et al. 2015, fig. 7/5.
38 Medović 1994, 46.
39 Tasić 1983, 114–115.
40 Medović 1988, 429.
41 Medović 1990, 27.
42 Jovanović 2010, 165.
43 Jovanović, Kapuran 2018, 17–19; Zirra 1991, 179, fig. 171.
44 Kalicz 1984, 96, taf. XX.
45 Kapuran 2019, 15.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
inverted triangles (Figs. 13/1, 3) and finger impressions
(impresso) (Fig. 13/3).
While Gumă considers that the Verbicioara culture
from the Middle Bronze Age is undefined in the Banat
and that it most likely represents a variant of the Crvenka-Corneşti or Vatin culture,46 our opinion is different.
We think that there is a cultural connection between
Phase II of the Verbicioara culture47 and the Iron Gates
Region and its hinterland, especially with the regions
of the Negotin and Timok river valleys.48 For example,
an almost identical bowl decorated with incised motifs
both on the inner and the outer surface was recorded at
the site of Kot I in Metovnica, near Bor,49 while the finger impressed decoration and decoration with rows of
incised lines is quite common for the Timok Valley during the Middle Bronze Age.50
E. Eneolithic (Fig. 12)
The Eneolithic horizon at the site of Foeni-Sălaş is
mostly represented by ceramics typical of the Cernavodă III–Boleráz complex. However, one has to recognise the difficulty of identifying small numbers of loose
ceramic fragments to specific archaeological cultures.
Furthermore, when trying to identify the cultural groups
of the Middle Eneolithic within the southern parts of
the Carpathian Basin, there is the issue of permeation
between ceramic forms and ornamental techniques represented in finds of the Cernavodă III-Boleráz, Baden,
and Kostolac cultural groups.51 The problem is made
even more difficult to resolve considering that only one
sealed context was recognised from the Eneolithic at
the site of Foeni-Sălaş and that most of the Eneolithic
finds were found mixed in with material from the later
stages of prehistory at the site. Some scattered remains
of Eneolithic pottery were found in Loci 1 and 4. Only
one small Cernavodă III–Boleráz feature was eventually identified and excavated – Locus 57. It is a small pit
in the north-western peripheral corner of Locus 30, which
was identified during post-excavation laboratory analysis of a cluster of distinctive ceramic finds (Figs. 11, 22).
No sedimentary distinction could be made from the surrounding soils.
Based on the stylistic and typological characteristics
of the Eneolithic pottery found at Foeni-Sălaş, two different regional cultures characteristic of the second phase
of the Eneolithic period in this region are present – the
Cernavodă III–Boleráz and Kostolac cultures. We assign
the material to these cultures based on the significant
similarities in forms and decorations to the aforementioned cultural manifestations. Considering that none of
the most characteristic elements of the Baden culture
vessels were found in the assemblage (e.g., amphorashaped pithoi, one-handled cups with an emphasised
lower portion of the recipient (onion-shaped) or vessels
such as sosieras or askoi), we consider that the material
is from the second phase of the Eneolithic at the site
(i.e., the Kostolac culture).
Ceramics of the Cernavodă III–Boleráz culture at the
site are represented by globular cups with one handle
that can be decorated with vertical or oblique channels
and incised lines (Figs. 15/1, 2, 6, 7). Cup handles are
commonly rectangular in cross-section and undecorated. One almost completely preserved cup represents a
typical example of vessels common for the culture (Fig.
15/4).52 Save for the cups, finds of storage pots represented by amphora-type pots and S-profiled pithoi are
also characteristic for the Cernavodă III–Boleráz cultural group (Figs. 16/1, 2). The pithoi are usually decorated with cork-like applications and modelled bands
decorated with incisions or impresso ornaments (Figs.
16/1, 2, 8). Among other finds common for the Cernavodă III–Boleráz culture are tunnelled handles that can
be either undecorated or decorated with grooves (Figs.
16/3, 7). Biconical bowls with thickened (Fig. 15/11)
and wide everted rims are uncommon and, unlike the
examples typical for the Cernavodă III–Boleráz horizon,
do not possess inner surfaces decorated with vertical
channels (Fig. 15/11).53 Biconical bowls with wide
everted rims usually possess an emphasised junction of
cones on the belly (Fig. 15/8–10). Bearing in mind that
the decorated vessels are more suitable for cultural attribution, the number of bowls decorated with imprints on
the rim or on the junction of the cones is higher.54 Such
bowls are characterised by the decoration of the lower
cone with vertical strips of incised lines (Fig. 15/9).55
Only one fragmented anthropomorphic figurine
(Fig. 16/2) was recorded within the Eneolithic horizon
at the site of Foeni-Sălaş. Judging by the flat cross-section and the representation of extremities and sexual
Gumă 1997, 120–121.
Crăcuinescu 2004, 216–218.
Kapuran 2009.
Kapuran, Jovanović 2013, 4, cл. 3/2.
Kapuran et al. 2016, t. 3/5,7; 5/9.
Tasić 1994, 30.
Ecsedy 1978, taf VII/1, taf. XI/2; Tasić 1995, 48, XV/43.
Krstić 1986, 150, fig. 110.
Bulatović, Milanović 2020, fig. 189.
Tasić 1983, сл. 3/6.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Fig. 18. 1–2) Early Neolithic finger tip impressions; 3) bas-relief of wheat motif; 4, 5, 9, 10, 11) finger tip and nail
impressions; 11) shell incision prints; 6) rough decorated surface; 7–8) incised parallel lines; 12–13) herring bone;
14) rosetta style base; 15–16) horizontal lug handles; 17–18) vertical perforated lug handles
Сл. 18. 1–2) Рано неолитска керамика украшена штипањем; 3) мотивом класа; 4, 5, 9, 10, 11) штипањем
и утискивањем ноктом; 11) украшавање шкољком; 6) прстима огрубљена површина посуде; 7–8) урезане
паралелне линије; 12–13) мотив рибље кости; 14) розета декорација дна посуде; 15–16) хоризонтално
моделоване дршке; 17–18) вертикално моделоване и бушене дршке
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Fig. 19. 1–2) Early Neolithic white painted ware; 3, 4, 10) finger indentations on rims;
9) horizontal lug handle; 5, 6, 7, 8) undecorated pottery
Сл. 19. 1–2) Рано неолитска бело сликана керамика; 3, 4, 10) штипање прстом по ободу;
9) хоризонтално постављене дршке; 5, 6, 7, 8) недекорисана керамика
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
characteristics, the figurine can be attributed to the Cernavodă III–Boleráz culture.56
A younger phase of the Eneolithic at Foeni-Sălaş
is represented by a few ceramics attributable to the Kostolac or Coţofeni culture group. These include vessels
decorated with pricks or incisions filled with white incrustation (Figs. 15/12, 13). Some of the ceramic wares
are decorated with zig-zag grooving, an incised netshaped motif, or the so-called pine-twig motif (Figs.
16/5,6), which possess analogies found within the
preceding Cernavodă III–Boleráz-Baden culture.57 Two
items of ceramic found at the site are characteristic of
the Kostolac culture – a pot sherd fragment decorated
with rectangular metopes filled with horizontal rows of
incised lines (Fig. 16/7) and a small and sharp S-profiled cup (Fig. 15/3).
F. Starčevo-Criş (Fig. 17)
The Early Neolithic occupation at Foeni-Sălaş is
represented by the Starčevo-Criş culture. Stylistically, the
site has connections with other Starčevo-Criş sites from
the area: such as Timişoara-Fratelia, Cuina Turcului I,
Gura Baciului, Ocna-Sibiului, and Lepenski Vir IA.58
Ceramics from the Early Neolithic horizon have
been typologically dated to the Starčevo-Criş IIA phase
based on the presence of white painted wares typical of
this phase present in the assemblage (Fig. 19/1–2). Painted ware is typologically associated with the IIA phase.59
Further, most of the ceramics contain Starčevo-Criş IIA
stylistic motifs, although possibly some IIB stylistic
motifs are present. The lack of barbotine decoration implies a relatively early date for the ceramic assemblage
in the traditional Starčevo-Criş chronological system.60
Recently, it has been suggested that Foeni-Sălaş should
be attributed to the preceding Starčevo-Criş IC (and possibly earlier), since such motifs are also present in earlier phases of the culture.61
In recent years, the Starčevo-Criş culture from this
region has been dated much earlier. Based on calibrated
radiocarbon sequences, it appears to now date from 6100
to 5400 cal. BC,62 which is much earlier than previous
analyses.63 While later dates were originally published
for the site,64 it is thought now that the Early Neolithic
occupation at Foeni-Sălaş dates to the very end of the
8th and beginning of the 7th millennium BP.65 and different than earlier analyses.
The pottery contained chaff or sand temper, but not
mixed together. The archaeometric analyses showed
only ceramics tempered with plant matter, and very occasionally not tempered at all.66 In general, the ceram-
ics are monochrome, red-slipped, globular in shape,
with pseudo-barbotine decoration on vessel bodies and
fingernail impressions and pinches on the rims (Figs.
19/4, 5, 9–11). There is a limited range of decorations
and shapes, which is typical of such Starčevo-Criş
Wide-mouth globular vessels dominate the assemblage (Fig. 19/3). The most diagnostic shapes are open
bowls, wide-mouthed jars, and narrow-necked globular pots. Bowls appear to dominate (Figs. 19/5, 6) followed by open-mouth jars (Figs. 19/3, 4). There are
very few plates, which are, in reality, nothing more than
shallow bowls. Most of the assemblage is highly fragmented. Only a single complete vessel was recovered.
Some of the pottery is very well burnished and very
well fired with chaff and sand tempers, but most are
simple and undecorated (Fig. 19/6).68 Bases can be simple globular, flattened, or more fancy, such as the rosetta-shaped (Fig. 19/14).
Most of the Early Neolithic ceramic wares are simple undecorated red-painted monochrome wares (Figs.
18/4–7, 9). Many also have a simple roughened surface
as decoration (Fig. 19/6). There is a limited repertoire
of decorative motifs, including finger-nail impressions
on the body or rim (Fig. 18/3), finger pinching in the
shape of wheat (Fig. 22/3), finger pinching on a roughened surface (Fig. 18/10), finger pinching in parallel
lines (Fig. 18/1, 2), finger pinching in the shape of
wheat and with crossed vertical and horizontal lines
(Fig. 18/3), finger-nail impressions (Fig. 18/1, 2), incised parallel lines (Fig. 18/7, 8), punctates (Fig. 18/9),
Roman 2001, taf. ½.
Uzelac 2002, T. 48/44; T. 25/41,43,44.
58 Ciută 2005; Lazarovici 1984, 62; Lazarovici, Maxim 1995;
Paul 1995; Păunescu 1979; Spataro 2004; 2011a; b; Srejović 1972;
Vlassa 1980.
59 Lazarovici 1977; 1979; 1984; Milojčić 1949; 1950.
60 Arandjelović-Garašanin 1954; Dimitrijević 1974; Garašanin 1973; 1983; Lazarovici 1984; Spataro 2019c, 45.
61 Meadows 2019, fig. 1.7; Spataro 2019b, 91, table 93.15, fig.
62 Meadows 2019, 38–40; Spataro 2019b, 91, table 93.15, fig.
63 Biagi, Spataro 2005; Ehrich, Bankoff 1992; Manson 2008;
Whittle et al. 2002.
64 Greenfield, Jongsma 2008, 117–118.
65 Spataro 2004, 42.
66 Spataro 2019a, 93–98.
67 Greenfield, Draşovean 1994; Spataro 2019b; c.
68 Greenfield, Draşovean 1994; Spataro 2004.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Fig. 20. 1–2) Early Neolithic zoomorphic figurines; 3–4) altars; 5–6) amulets; 7) weight; 8–9) bollas
Сл. 20. 1–2) Ранонеолитске зооморфне фигурине; 3–4) жртвеници; 5–6) амулети; 7) тег; 8–9) калеми
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
herring bone (Figs. 18/12, 13), shell incisions (Fig.
18/11), and plastic ribs with finger impressions and a
roughened surface with a spout at the rim (Fig. 19/8).69
Most handles on the ceramic wares are in the form
of lug handles. They are very functional since they enhance carrying or suspending pots. They are designed
to stabilise hanging a pot from a post or for carrying. A
piece of rope can be easily strung through a vertical
hole (Figs. 18/17. 18) or between two horizontal lugs
(Fig. 18/15), or as part of a net between three vertically oriented bumps (Figs. 19/8, 22/16). The chronological differences (if any) between each of these decorative motifs is still to be worked out.
A study of the ceramic fabric from the Early Neolithic ceramics at the site suggests that they were produced from local clay sources70. There were various
other kinds of Early Neolithic artefacts found in this
horizon. Some examples include zoomorphic figurines
(20/1, 2), altars (Figs. 20/3, 4), amulets (Figs. 20/5, 6),
weights of varying kinds and sizes (Fig. 20/7), and bolla-shaped objects (Fig. 20/8, 9). The function of such
objects is still under investigation.
In this section, each of the settlement phases at
Foeni-Sălaş will be discussed in their larger regional
A. Medieval
The entire site was occupied during the Medieval
period. Several features were found during this period
on the northern half of the site, outside of the stockade,
including several houses, both above and below ground
(Loci 21, 27, and 42), some kind of bedding trench
(Feature 7), a few storage pits (Loci 29, 43, and 58),
and a large unfired clay base (Locus 55).
The presence of a stockade and a warrior burial in
the southern half of the site suggests that the Medieval
period in this region was a time of stress and instability. A large stockade was built across the southern half
of the site, as evidenced by the foundation ditch and
large postholes within it. While only the northern and
western sides of the ditch were excavated, it clearly
continued beyond the excavation area. The presence of
two burials at the eastern edge of the site, just outside
of the stockade, one of which is clearly that of a warrior (Grave 2), considering the elaborate grave goods
(metal spear, sword, knife, buckle, belt, and fibula), and
the presence of the stockade, suggest that the site was
a small fortification during this period.
The evidence from the pit houses, storage pits, burials and the like all suggest that families were present
on the site during the Medieval occupation. Whether the
stockade was a place to retreat to or live within is not
clear, or even if it was for keeping livestock safe from
marauders. The presence of families is likely given that
the second burial (Grave 3) is thought to be that of an
adult woman, who was possibly pregnant at the time of
death, since it also includes the remains of an infant. In
this period, the site was probably an important bastion
against the instability sweeping through the region.
The occupants supported themselves by herding
domestic livestock, fishing, and grain cultivation, as
evidenced by faunal remains, grindstones and the like.
B. Late (Daco-) Roman
By the time of the Late Roman occupation of the
region, the local population had been assimilated, laying the groundwork for the continued use of a Latinbased language (Romanian) into modern times. The site
was occupied during the 3–5th centuries AD, and overlapped with the period when the Roman Empire withdrew to the south.
The Dacian occupation at Foeni-Sălaş is small and
concentrated into two sections of the site: The southwestern quarter seems to be an area that was used initially for grain storage and subsequently for rubbish
disposal, and even a burial. A number of bell-shaped
storage pits were found (Loci 35 and 46, Features 4, 5,
and 6). After their function as storage pits ended, they
were filled with rubbish of various kinds, including ceramics, metal and other objects, mammal and fish bones,
snail shells, and charcoal, and even an infant burial
(Grave 1). In contrast, the only house found was at the
northern end of the site (Locus 38), which was a semisubterranean wattle-and-daub rectilinear structure with
a clay floor and an oven in the southern end.
Give the presence of only a few storage pits, a single structure, and the low density of remains, the site
appears to have been occupied at this time by what
might have been a single family or household. It
would appear that they supported themselves by herding domestic livestock, and cultivated grains in the
69 While the ceramic analysis of the Early Neolithic assemblage was supposed to be conducted by the Romanian team, unfortunately, it was never conducted. This is a summary description of
the wares, based on our observations and previous publications (e.g.,
Greenfield, Draşovean 1994).
70 Spataro 2019:46
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
surrounding fields, given the faunal remains and artefacts (grindstones).
C. Early Iron Age
The Early Iron Age occupation at Foeni-Sălaş is
represented by the mature Hallstatt C culture complex
(800–600 BCE). The Hallstatt settlement covers most of
the southern half of the mound. It covers the same area
that is covered by the Early Neolithic settlement. It was
heavily disturbed by modern and Medieval ploughing,
except for some of the deeper pits and pit houses filled
with ceramics, animal bones, and grindstones.
It extends across most of the site, except for the far
northern part where there is only Medieval. It is clearly a settlement since there are several semisubterranean houses (Loci 18, 30, 40, and 44) with subdivisions
and wattle-and-daub walls and built features (e.g., internal walls, internal posts, and hearths) spread across
the site. In addition, there are a number of small circular storage/ rubbish pits (Loci 11, 15, 22, 28, 32, 33, 36,
37, 39, 45, 47, and 48; Feature 3) ellipsoid (Loci 54 and
56), and bell-shaped pits (Locus 31). They were filled
with all kinds of artefactual and ecofactual remains afterwards. Agriculture was an important part of the economy, as reflected in the fauna and the presence of
Given their widespread distribution across the site
with no evidence of one Iron Age pit cutting into another, it is unlikely that they were sequentially occupied. Furthermore, there is no evidence of laterally displaced stratigraphy in this stratum, thereby suggesting
that this was a relatively brief occupation by only a few
families. We might suggest that this was a small settlement with buildings for four families during this period, who were herding livestock, cultivating grain, and
occasionally fishing or shellfish collecting to feed their
D. Early and Middle Bronze Age
There is no evidence of permanent settlement at
Foeni-Sălaş during this period. The overall dearth of
remains from this period suggest that the site had been
Fig. 21. Early Neolithic pit house (Locus 23) and Medieval fortification ditch (Locus 8)
Сл. 21 Ранонеолитска земуница (локус 23) и средњевековни фортификациони ров (локус 8)
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Fig. 22. Photograph of Early Iron Age Locus 30 being excavated within the Early Neolithic Locus 24
(outlined in sediment)
Fig. 23. Basal sediment and remains in Middle Bronze Age Locus 15
Сл. 22. Фотографија локуса 30 из старијег гвозденог доба истраживаног унутар рано неолитског локуса 24
(границе се виде у седименту)
Сл. 23. Дно јаме из средњег бронзаног доба са налазима у локусу 15
visited, albeit only briefly, and probably by a very small
group or just an individual.
There is no other evidence of other Bronze Age occupation at the site, although there is a large contemporary settlement only 500 m to the north.71
E. Eneolithic
The situation at Foeni-Sălaş during the Eneolithic
period is similar to that of the Bronze Age. There are
very few ceramic remains and these are mostly scattered in Loci 1 and 4. Only a single small pit (Locus 57)
from the Cernavodă III–Boleráz culture was found in
the north-western corner of Locus 30 (Fig. 22), and it
was only identified during post-excavation laboratory
analysis of the cluster of distinctive ceramic finds. No
other features were found.
The small number of finds and single intact deposit from the Eneolithic found at Foeni-Sălaş that can be
attributed to the Cernavodă III–Boleráz (i.e. Kostolac
or Coţofeni) cultural horizon suggests that there was no
significant occupation at the site. It was probably visited a few times as pastoralists moved across the region
during their seasonal rounds. Although it was considered that the Baden and Kostolac cultures represent mutually related manifestations,72 Nikolić suggests that
they are quite different in terms of material culture.73
Within the Balkan Peninsula, the Kostolac culture encompasses the regions to the west (the courses of the
Drava, Sava, Danube, and the Great, and South Morava Rivers), while the Coţofeni culture encompasses the
areas farther east (Transylvania, Banat, Oltenia, and
parts of Muntenia).74 At one point during the second
half of the 4 th millennium BC, the bearers of the
Coţofeni culture began settling into the region that extended from Transylvania to the south-eastern parts of
the Carpathian Basin and north-eastern Serbia.75 N. Tasić
proposes that the Cernavodă III culture extended across
Muntenia and Oltenia to the southern Banat region,
probably along the Danube drainage.76 Furthermore,
he considers the territory of north-eastern Serbia as the
point of symbiosis between the Kostolac and the
Coţofeni cultures.77 However, as previously noted, the
small number of potsherds that could be attributed to
Florin Draşovean, pers. comm. year 1992.
Garašanin 1973, 234.
Nikolić 2000, 80.
Roman 1976, 70.
Boyadziev 1988, 360.
Tasić 1983, 57.
Tasić 1982, 27.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Fig. 24. Basal horizon of Early Neoltihic Locus 7 pithouse (bottom-middle), Middle Bronze Locus 15 pit (middle),
and Medieval Locus 8 fortification ditch (top)
Fig. 25. Artefact density in locus 23
Сл. 24. Дно локуса 7 са полуземуницом из раног неолита (на средини слике), локус 15 из средњег бронзаног
доба (средина слике) и средњевековни одбрамбени ров локус 8 (на горњем делу слике)
Сл. 25. Распоред артефаката у локусу 23
both cultures recorded at the site of Foeni-Sălaş does
not provide sufficient evidence for a precise attribution
to either the Kostolac or Coţofeni culture.
The Cernavodă III–Boleráz culture, which Nikola
Tasić considers to be the substrate for the later development of the Baden culture,78 is found across a broad
swath of Central and South-eastern Europe. Its disposition in the Vojvodina region extends across the eastern parts of the Serbian Banat region to the Romanian
border, which is in direct proximity to the site of Foeni-Sălaş. To a certain degree, the culture exists in the
central Bačka and Srem regions.79 Medović is one of
the pioneering researchers of this culture in Serbia, as
a result of his research at the settlement site of Brza
Vrba near Kovin (1969–1971). This initiated the discovery of several finds attributed to this culture in the
depot of the Vršac museum.80
Save for the Vojvodina region, finds attributed to
the Cernavodă III culture have been recorded in the
Iron Gates, in Korbovo,81 the site of Bubanj-Staro Selo
near Niš,82 and Kosovo (the site of Gladnice near Priština). The new phase of research at Bubanj (2008–2014)
resulted in the in situ discovery of a completely preserved Cernavodă storage pot in Cultural Horizon IV
possessing characteristics of the Cernavodă III–Boleráz-Baden culture,83 which is almost identical in size
and decoration to the example from Foeni-Sălaş (Fig.
16/1). The absolute date for this phase of the eponymous site is c. 3400 BP.84 Aside from the territory of
Tasić 1983, 30.
Tasić 1983, 31.
Medović 1976, 105 abb. 101; Uzelac 2002, 55.
Krstić 1986.
Bulatović, Milanović 2020, 168; Milanović 2013.
Bulatović, Milanović 2020, fig. 158/151.
Vander Linden, Bulatović 2020, 240, fig. 220, tab. 216.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Serbia, this cultural group extended across the Romanian Banat, Lower Danube region in northern Bulgaria,
and the Struma Valley.85
F. Early Neolithic
The Starčevo-Criş occupation is the most extensive
and intense, other than the Early Iron Age at the site.
The Starčevo-Criş settlement covers most of the site,
with the exception of the northern plateau, where only
a Dacian house was found. For the most part, the settlement faces south toward the old stream channel that ran
along the southern perimeter of the site. Most features
are large pits, which are interpreted as semisubterranean
houses, though some appear to be remains of surface
structures. Five of these large pit features (Loci 7, 10,
24, 41, and 50) are mid-sized and arranged in a semicircle around the perimeter of the settlement. Each of
the pit house features had peripheral and internal post
holes and a hearth. One also had a domed oven toward
the north-western corner (Locus 23). In the centre of
the semi-circle of pit house features, there is a large open
space filled with another, even larger, semisubterranean
house (Locus 23), a small pit (Locus 25), a large surface
feature surrounded by post holes with a low artefact
density and packed dirt (Locus 52), and a large surface
concentration of bone and ceramics (Locus 51).
There is only a single Early Neolithic pan-site stratum, and it stratigraphically connects to all the Early
Neolithic features on the site. The presence of only a
single Early Neolithic pan-site horizon and the absence
of any evidence of reoccupation of any of the pit houses (such as hearths in the middle or upper horizons) or
overlap in the construction of later Early Neolithic pit
houses with earlier ones argues against multiple occupations during this period at the site. There is also evidence that the site was not occupied year-round or for
any great length of time. The fauna and the absence of
significant quantities of charcoaled grains suggest that
it may have been a winter occupation at the site. Consequently, it is suggested that the site was a single limited occupation.86
Each of the pit houses has a similar stratigraphic
sequence: a basal (living) horizon with a lower density of debris, a middle fill with dense debris, and an
overlying deposit with lower densities of remains. All
of the features are associated with the basal horizon
(e.g., postholes, hearths, ovens, etc.). Interestingly, the
density of remains in the living horizon tends to be the
lowest. After the abandonment of the living horizon,
the pits were filled with a middle horizon consisting of
refuse and superstructure collapse. The pit then became
the focus for rodents and other scavengers. The end of
the middle horizon probably represents the collapse of
the roof. This was followed by a final silting in of the
pit (with washed in cultural residue) which occurred after site abandonment. Similar sequences are seen at
Blagotin87 and much further afield.88 Thus, the multiple
horizons within the pits represent living, abandonment
fill, and subsequent architectural collapse rather than reoccupations from a slightly later settlement during the
Early Neolithic.
The shapes of the mid-sized pit-houses are relatively constant, enclosing 5 x 4–6 m (20–30 m²) trapezoidal
areas. The location of perpendicular postholes in the
walls of the pits implies the presence of low walls that
would have met low, sloping roofs. The size of each of
the smaller pit-houses implies that they were occupied
by a nuclear or small extended family.89 Each structure
would have housed no more than a single nuclear family, except for the large central pit house which might
have housed two such families. Thus, the settlement is
likely to have been occupied by 50 or fewer people.
The Early Neolithic occupation at Foeni-Sălaş has
a single, thin pan-site occupation stratum (Locus 2).
There is no evidence of later Starčevo-Criş structures
cutting into earlier ones. Daub architecture and the construction of durable structures are almost completely
absent. Simple semisubterranean huts were constructed
and occupied for a short period of time. Floors were not
specially constructed or plastered. Floors were simply
the bottoms of the pits dug into the post-Pleistocene
and Pleistocene sediments. The people of Foeni-Sălaş
invested little time or effort in modifying or improving
their living areas. The settlement seems to have been
abandoned relatively soon (likely a few months only)
after the pit houses were constructed. After the pit-dwellings were abandoned, the area between the pit houses
was mostly cleaned up and the pit houses were filled
up with this debris and that from the collapse of the superstructure. Given there is no evidence of stratigraphic accumulations of multiple occupation levels above
the basal level, it is likely that they were not reoccupied
nor used as middens by neighbouring structures, since
Alexandrov 1995, 253–254.
Greenfield, Jongsma 2008, 122.
Greenfield, Jongsma-Greenfield 2014.
Hayden 1997.
Naroll 1962; Wiessner 1974.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
they all seem to have been abandoned around the same
time. There is no evidence of subsequent occupation of
the site during this period, since none of the pit houses
overlap. This suggests that it was a relatively short-term
occupation, probably only of a season or two.
Our research at Foeni-Sălaş demonstrates that it
was occupied intermittently and probably only briefly
at various times over the past 8,000 years. Occupation
began during the Early Neolithic (Starčevo-Criş, c.
6100 BC), it was then abandoned until the Eneolithic
(Cernavodă III–Baden and Kostolac, c. 3000 BC),
abandoned again until the Middle Bronze Age (Verbicioara, c. 1600 BC), abandoned yet again until the Early
Iron Age (Hallstatt C, c. 600 BC), and again abandoned
until the Late Roman period (3–5th cent. AD), and again
until the Medieval (10–11th and 14–15th cent. AD). It
was finally abandoned as a settlement afterwards, and
only used for agricultural purposes in the modern era
(19–20th cent. AD). It was occupied initially (Early Neolithic) and probably only for a few seasons as an early
farming settlement by several families living in pit
houses, herding domestic livestock (cattle and sheep,
primarily), hunting and fishing, but only a little, and
gathering wild plants. In the Eneolithic and Middle
Bronze Age, it was likely only briefly visited, given the
paucity of material and deposits (one pit in each and
some sporadic finds). During the Early Iron Age, it once
again became a settlement where several families likely
lived in semisubterranean dwellings. Similarly, during
the Late Roman period, it was a small settlement where
only a few families likely lived, given the number of
bell-shaped storage pits and semisubterranean dwellings. During the Medieval period, it appears to have become some kind of fort since a stockade was built on the
southern half of the site and much of the site was levelled by ploughing (both of which destroyed much of
the earlier settlements). Two burials, of which one was
certainly a warrior, are associated with this phase of occupation. In the modern era, it was used for agriculture
by the inhabitants of the village of Foeni, but was severely impacted by the modern ploughing regime that
extended to a depth of almost 50 cm in places.
The importance of the various occupations at Foeni-Sălaş is that:
1. It teaches us about the spatial and economic organisation of early farming communities (Early Neolithic) – that we should not use a Mediterranean or Near
Eastern model. They lived in semisubterranean (pit)
houses that were spatially distributed around a larger
central one, a pattern unique to the Central Balkans.
There is no longer a debate about the existence of pit
houses in the literature.90 Their presence in not only the
Early Neolithic91 but also in later periods extending almost up to modern times is now an accepted fact. This
stands in contrast to the debate that continued throughout the 1990s about the nature of the earliest architecture in the region.92
2. It teaches us about the economic organisation of
early farming communities. In the Central Balkans, an
essentially Near Eastern/Mediterranean complex of domestic plants and animals were readapted to a temperate Central European environment.93 As part of that,
the animal and plant spectra changed from a Near Eastern to Central European pattern. This set the stage for
the next phase of European colonisation by early farmers, since food producing economies rapidly spread
throughout much of the rest of temperate Central, Western and Northern Europe following the conclusion of
this process.94
3. It teaches us that to reconstruct the internal social and economic organisation of a single settlement,
large horizontal excavations are required. Only by documenting the in situ distributions of features and artefacts can their spatial relationships begin to be interpreted. Before the work at Foeni-Sălaş, such a programme
had never been undertaken at a Starčevo-Criş-Körös
culture early agricultural site, where 75% of the site was
investigated. It requires the excavation of not only the
features filled with artefacts, but also the empty spaces
in between, in order to see the exact boundaries within
and around the settlement area. The excavations at Blagotin had this important goal originally in mind, but the
depth of the stratigraphy (and the cultural embargo)
made this impossible.
4. It teaches us that a good place to live in the Early
Neolithic continued to be a good place to live in later
periods. The slight rise on which the Early Neolithic
settlement was constructed provided not only better
drainage and viewpoints than in the surrounding plain,
but also a close proximity to a running water course
(Timişat). The small area at the top of the natural mound
Ehrich 1977.
Bogdanović 1988.
Bailey 1999.
Greenfield 1993; Whittle 1996.
Bogucki 1988; 1996.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
restricted the spread of the settlement in all periods,
which led to the creation of stratigraphically superimposed deposits (or a small tell-like feature). This is very
different to the pattern described for many settlement
areas in the plains, where there is a laterally displaced
stratigraphy on terraces overlooking water courses.
5. It teaches us that even small insignificant sites
can yield important information about the history and
nature of settlements in a region, which have far reaching implications. Through the investigation of the single phase of Early Neolithic occupation at Foeni-Sălaş,
it has been possible to delineate and finally understand
the spatial organisation of an Early Neolithic settlement. The Early Neolithic settlement was spatially organised as a peripheral semi-circle of semisubterranean dwellings around a larger semisubterranean dwelling
and other open-air features (e.g., livestock enclosure).
This circular pattern around a larger pit house is a pattern that we have long argued was the case with other
sites, such as Blagotin and Vinča,95 but the deep stratigraphic sequence covering half of Blagotin and all of
Vinča defeated even the most valiant attempt to excavate it thoroughly enough to confirm this hypothesis.
This is a completely different settlement pattern than one
sees in the more Mediterranean littoral of South-eastern Europe or in Central Europe, where buildings were
rectilinear and above ground, for the most part. Similarly, the presence of a Medieval fortification at Foeni-Salas shows that it was likely an important way-station and redoubt that does not show up in any historical
texts. The ephemeral presence of the Eneolithic and
Bronze Ages at the site are just as revealing with regard
to the absence of permanent occupation at the site.
6. It teaches us that flat sites, as opposed to those
with a thick and deep stratigraphy, are just as, if not
more, important to investigate, since they allow for
large-scale horizontal exposures, where the entire settlement system can be delineated. Most research on intra-settlement organisation in this region has focused
on reconstructing culture historical sequences that rely
upon the stratigraphic sequences found in tell-like sites.
However, flat, open sites, when exposed in large horizontal excavations, allow for the systematic investigation of spatial relationships. The entire settlement can
be sampled or exposed in each phase of occupation.
Consequently, the spatial distribution of activity areas
within sites becomes apparent. Excavation in small or
large isolated trenches never allows for stratigraphic
relationships or behavioural interpretations to be adequately established. Unfortunately, flat sites are dis-
turbed by later processes, such as ploughing and rodent
activity, not to speak of later occupations. Archaeologists must learn to recognise and account for such process if they wish to reconstruct the spatial processes of
behaviour within a settlement. Only afterwards, can
they begin to generalise and compare the results with
the wider region.
In conclusion, Foeni-Sălaș is a small multi-period
site located in the Romanian Banat, near the border
with Serbia. Despite its small size, it has allowed us to
understand the evolution of human settlement in this
region, from the first farmers until nearly modern times.
Small settlements can provide complementary information regarding the larger, better known settlements
that archaeologists often prefer to investigate. However, one should not judge the importance of settlements
based on their size. It is not the “size that matters”, but
the quality of information that can be gleaned to increase our understanding of human adaptations to a
We graciously thank the following institutions and
individuals who contributed to the research leading to
this publication of the data from Foeni-Sălaş. Funding
for the excavations at Foeni-Sălaş between 1992 and
1994 was provided through a grant to Haskel J. Greenfield from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council of Canada (Ottawa), International Research
and Exchanges Board (Washington, DC), the National
Academy of Sciences (Washington, DC), and the Museum of the Banat, Timişoara, Romania. Permits for the
excavation were obtained through the efforts of Florin
Draşovean and the Museum of the Banat-Timişoara,
whom we thank for permission to excavate and report
on the site. The excavations were directed by Haskel
Greenfield (with occasional visits by the Romanian
co-director, Florin Draşovean); the lab director was Tina
Jongsma-Greenfield; and photography was by Zev
Greenfield. The Post-Neolithic ceramic culture historical analysis was carried out by Dimitrije Madas, while
Alexander Kapuran conducted the post-Neolithic ceramic typological analysis.
The excavation team included Viktor Aćimović,
Dušan Borić, Bonnie Brenner, Vali Cediea, Dan Leopold Ciobotaru, Lisa Challinor, Stuart Cox, Vladan Čurić,
Greenfield 2000; Greenfield, Jongsma-Greenfield 2014;
Greenfield, Jongsma 2006.
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Elizabeth Dinan, Sandra Jezik, Aleksandar Kapuran,
Ian Kuijt, Hani Khalidi, Megan Mare, Iosif Moravetz,
Mark Paxton-Macrae, Silviu Saftu, Alexandru Szentmiklosi, Boban Tripković, and a host of other Romanian,
Serbian, and Canadian students, professionals, and labourers. Michaela Spataro made very cogent comments
on the manuscript, which allowed it to be significantly
improved. Finally, we graciously thank once again our
host and hostess in the village (the late Deian and Marietta Amici and their family), Liviu Chira (who owned
the land), and the people of the village of modern Foeni,
who opened their world to us.
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Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
Резиме: ХАСКЕЛ Ј. ГРИНФИЛД, Универзитет у Манитоби и Колеџ Св. Павла,
Департман за антропологију и јудаистичке студије, Винипег
АЛЕКСАНДАР КАПУРАН, Археолошки институт, Београд
Кључне речи. – рани неолит, енеолит, бронзано доба, старије гвоздено доба, Римско-дачки период, средњи век
Након што су бившој Југославији уведене економске санкције и санкције у научној сарадњи (1992. година), заједнички
пројекат Благотин, којим су руководили Проф. Хаскел Гринфилд и Др. Светозар Станковић, морао је званично бити прекинут, мада је незванично сарадња трајала све до 1995. године.
Због таквих околности Х. Гринфилд је средства за истраживања усмерио на територију румунског Баната, где је захваљујући Флорину Драшовану (Музеј Баната) и Хореи Ћигудеану пројекат настављен на локалитету који је такође имао
ранонеолитски хоризонт, а који је у литератури одраније познат као Фоени Салаш. Овај тел налази се неких 45 км југозападно од Темишвара, непосредно уз границу са Србијом.
Иако веома обећавајући, локалитет је у прошлости највише девастиран земљорадњом и нивелацијом земљишта у
периоду након II светског рата. Док су остали културни хоризонти већином претрпели знатна уништења, слој старијег
неолита је остао готово неоштећен. Културна стратиграфија
осим раног неолита (Старчево–Криш) обухвата и енеолит
(Чернавода III – Болераз и костолачка култура), бронзано
доба (Вербичоара), старије (Калакача) и млађе гвоздено доба
(Латен), римско-дачки хоризонт и средњи век. Ради лакшег
сналажења локалитет је подељен системом квадрата на блоковe 20 х 20 м, који су пак подељени на мање квадрате, сонде димензија 5 х 5 м (и даље на 1 х 1 м). Истраживане целине документоване су системом локуса и јунита, а земља је
приликом ископавања просејевана, док су одређене целине
и флотиране.
Треба нагласити да се према очуваности културних хоризоната локалитет слободно може поделити на ранонеолитски хоризонт, који је добро очуван, и постранонеолитске
хоризонте, који су откривени у веома лошем стању. Период
средњег века представљају два гроба и један угао одбрамбеног рова са стубовима, док је из периода касне антике документовано неколико затворених целина (јаме, од којих је
у једној откривен скелет детета) и једна правоугаона полуукопана земуница. Старијем гвозденом добу припада убедљиво највећи број затворених целина у постранонеолитским
хоризонтима локалитета. Материјал из млађег гвозденог
доба, енеолита и бронзаног доба, осим у ретким затвореним
целинама, местимично је налажен и у оквиру осталих културних хоризоната.
– Хоризонту средњег века припадали су локуси 4, 8 (одбрамбени ров), 21, 27, 29, 35, 38, 42, 43, 46, 55, 58, и гробови 2 и 3.
– Римско-дачком хоризонту припадали су локуси 35, 38,
46 и објекти 4, 5, 8 и гроб 1.
– Старијем гвозденом добу припадали су локуси 11, 18,
22, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 39, 40, 44, 45, 47, 48, 54, 56 и
објекат 3.
– Средњем бронзаном добу припадао је локус 15.
– Енеолитском периоду припадао је локус 57.
– Раном неолиту припадали би локуси 2, 7, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3,
10, 23, 24, 25, 41, 50, 51, 52, 53 и објекат 6.
– Постплеистоценски хоризонт је формиран током мезолита и припадао би му локус 5.
– Плеистоцену припада локус 12.
Судећи према налазима материјалне културе, средњем
веку припада мањи број керамичких уломака, за које су румунске колеге на основу прелиминарног увида у материјал
сматрале да се могу сврстати у 10–11 век. Гроб у коме је сахрањен мушкарац, према аналогијама наоружања и опреме
може да припада периоду 14–15. века, што се вероватно може
рећи и за суседни гроб 3, у коме је сахрањена трудна жена. Нажалост, предмети од гвожђа из гробова однети су у Музеј у
Темишвару, тако да никада нисмо ни били у могућности да
видимо резултате конзервације.
Римско-дачки хоризонт је нешто боље сачуван, односно
поред налаза керамике откривена је и једна правоугаона полуукопана земуница са калотастом пећи на једној њеној
страни. Током касне антике на територији Панонске низије
постоје бројни налази оваквих станишта, током различитих
периода. Поменутом хоризонту припадала и једна култна
јама на чијем се дну налазио цео јеленски рог а поред керамике и костију била је запуњена и фрагментима жрвњева,
док је на средишњем нивоу откривен скелет детета, највероватније жртвованог, судећи по његовој тафономији и контексту налаза. В. Сирбу сматра да је жртвовање деце код Дачана трајало од 2. века пре н. е. до 2 века н. е.
Хоризонт млађег гвозденог доба на локалитету Фоени
Салаш представљао је само један налаз, и то гвоздене фибуле типа Душов, која се датује у рани Латен, односно половину 4 века пре н. е. Хоризонт старијег гвозденог доба знатно
је више заступљен, и то вероватно у две фазе: старијој, која
припада Калакача култури, и млађој фази (Халштат Д). Осим
што је налажена у слојевима са измешаним налазима, керамика овог периода претежно је откривена у оквиру мањих
укопа, јама. Керамика је претежно добре фактуре, много
више украшена канеловањем, а у појединим случајевима и
урезаним мотивима, од којих издвајамо низове шрафираних
троуглова. Груба керамика је припадала оставинском посуђу.
За хоризонт Халштата Д везујемо и налаз калупа за ливење
Haskel J. GREENFIELD, Aleksandar KAPURAN
Size Doesn’t Matter: Foeni-Sălaş, a Small Multi-Period Settlement in the Romanian Banat (21–60)
перфорираног баланса за копље, који је, судећи према блиским аналогијама, највероватније био ливен у бронзи.
Због веома малог броја налаза, није било лако дефинисати хоризонт средњег бронзаног доба на локалитету Фоени
Салаш. Њему припада само један укоп као затворена целина, а према начину украшавања керамике овај хоризонт највероватније можемо везати за Вербичоара културу.
Хоризонт енеолита поред дислоцираних налаза керамике
у разним деловима локалитета био је највише заступљен у једној од јама (Локус 57). Као и у случају старијег гвозденог доба,
налази керамике указују нам на постојање две фазе насељавања током бакарног доба. Старија је припадала култури Чернавода III – Болераз, док млађа фаза показује карактеристике костолачке културе. Најатрактивнији налаз из овог периода
представља једна фрагментована антропоморфна фигурина.
Старији неолит на локалитету Фоени Салаш представља
керамика са елементима карактеристичним за Старчево–
Криш IIА и IIБ фазе, док барботин као декоративни елемент
не постоји на керамици. Х. Гринфилд и Т. Јонгсма сматрају
да се хоризонт старчевачке културе на овом локалитету односи на сам крај 8. и почетак 7. миленијума пре н. е. Керамика је претежно монохромна, грубе површине, лоптасте форме са ретким елементима псеудобарботина, утискивања или
штипања прстима. Ретко су у декорацији посуда заступљене
и танке урезане линије. Штипањем је формиран и рељефни
мотив класа житарица, а неке од посуда су украшене и утискивањем шкољком као инструментом. Дршке су пластично
моделоване као паралелно постављене траке, или су изву-
чене из масе и перфориране. Осим обода или трбуха чак су
и дна посуда била декорисана у неким случајевима. Од објеката из ранонеолитског хоризонта на локалитету, најважније откриће представља овална полуукопана земуница. Према
резултатима геофизичке проспекције и археолошких ископавања на Фоени Салашу, организација насеља из овог периода на централном Балкану подразумева једну централну
структуру око које се подижу и други стамбени објекти. Према траговима зооархеолошких и палеоботаничких налаза,
јасно је да у економији заједница постоји доместификација
животиња и биљака, која варира у зависности од географске
позиције локалитета, од блискоисточног/медитеранског комплекса до централноевропског комплекса. Између ова два
комплекса такође је приметна и разлика у доместификованим
врстама животиња, током брзог ширења ранонеолитских
фармера кроз Европу. Наша искуства са истраживања локалитета Благотин и Фоени Салаш уче нас да су за најбоље
разумевање Старчево–Криш–Кереш локалитета неопходна
истраживања у широким ископима да би се ухватила хоризонтална стратиграфија, а таква методологија није упражњавана пре истраживања на Фоени Салашу. Због тога се као
исправан начин истраживања намеће методологија по којој
се не истражују само стамбени објекти већ и простор око њих
како би се утврдиле разлучите зоне унутар и око неолитског
насеља. Требало је да и претходно предузета истраживања
на Благотину имају овакав карактер, али су дубина културног слоја и културни ембарго међународне заједнице осујетили ова истраживања.
UDC: 903'13"637.7"(497)
Original research article
ALEKSANDAR BULATOVIĆ, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
BARRY MOLLOY, University College Dublin, Dublin
VOJISLAV FILIPOVIĆ, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
[email protected]
Abstract. – Alleged “Aegean migrations” have long been seen as underlying major transformations in lifeways and identity
in the Balkans in the 12th–11th centuries BC. Revisiting the material culture and settlement changes in the north-south “routeway”
of the Velika Morava–Južna Morava–Vardar/Axios river valleys, this paper evaluates developments within local communities.
It is argued that mobility played an important role in social change, including an element of inward migration from the north.
We argue that rather than an Aegean end point, these river valleys themselves were the destination of migrants. The prosperity
this stimulated within those communities led to increased networks of personal mobility that incorporated elements from
communities from the wider Carpathians and the north of Greece over the course of two centuries.
Key words. – Late Bronze Age, Velika Morava–Vardar/Axios corridor, Aegean, absolute chronology, channel-decorated pottery
of Belegiš II–Gava type, small scale movements, migration
ultural connections between groups occupying the Balkan Peninsula and Greece intensified at the end of the Bronze Age, particularly
around 1200 to 1000 BC. This was a time of substantial, crisis-driven social change in societies in the Mycenaean polities to the south and the Carpathian Basin
to the north. In this paper we explore changes that
took place in the societies in the river corridor of the
Morava–Vardar/Axios, which links these two regions.
We argue that the communities living there were
transformed by new patterns of mobility and migration and that, in turn, these communities became dominant mediators of cultural change. Rather than being
a passive conduit linking major centres of influence to
the north and south, in the wake of the collapse of political systems at those centres, communities in these
valleys became influential on an increased scale. This
is characterised by a greater connectivity and cultural
coalescence during the transitional period between the
Bronze and Iron Age.
These new connections are visible primarily
through ceramics and mortuary practices, and they
have sometimes been explained as the product of
large-scale population migrations associated with the
Mycenaean collapse.2 As a field, archaeology is increasingly comfortable with revisiting questions of the
social impacts of human mobility, though this requires
adequate theorisation.3 As our understanding of migration and mobility has developed in recent years,
the challenge is increasingly to explain the material
We wish to dedicate this article to our late colleague and
friend Alexandru Szentmiklosi, whose expertise on prehistoric ceramics continues to underpin advances in our knowledge of Bronze
Age societies.
2 Milojčić 1948/49; Desborough 1964; Garašanin 1973; Stefanovich 1973; Catling & Catling 1981; Mitrevski 2003 and
3 Heyd 2017; Kiriatzi and Knappett 2017; Kristiansen et al.
Manuscript received 14th January 2021, accepted 25th July 2021
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
patterns arising through shifts in the nature of the
movement of people and less to question the movement itself.4
Looking to the river corridors connecting Europe
and The Aegean, material culture clearly demonstrates
that there was intensified interaction after 1200 BC
and that mobility of ideas included the movement of
people at some level.5 Scholarly opinions on the extent of mobility vary from denial that it happened to
Aegean migration models, which claimed mass migrations from Central Europe via the Balkans caused
the fall of the Mycenaean Palatial system, and there
are many shades in between these extremes.6 One of
the inspirations behind the Aegean migration model
was the obvious changes in material culture and settlement patterns in the Central Balkans, particularly in
the Južna Morava Valley at the same time as the collapse
of Mycenaean polities in the 12th century BC. This
also took account of the Morava and Vardar/Axios
valleys as the primary overland conduit linking the
Aegean world and continental Europe, first identified
by Gordon Childe.7
The Morava flows south to north, where it joins
the Danube and a short overland journey to the south
brings one to the north-south flowing Vardar/Axios
river. While the importance of this corridor remains
relevant for understanding cultural change, the mass
migration model lacks material support and explanatory power. However, as will be argued below, material
evidence for mobility and connectivity still requires
an explanation, particularly because of similarities between pottery shapes and decoration from the Central
Balkans and the lower Vardar/Axios valley.8 The character of changes have been interpreted differently, but
all authors agree on one thing – the connections between these regions increase in scale and visibility in
the period of 1200–1000 BC. For this reason, this paper focuses on the chronology and the character of interconnections within these river valleys.
We will address potential consequences of changes in mobility patterns, including migration, for lifeways of populations during the phase termed the
“Transitional period” in relative chronology, which
bridges the Bronze to Iron Ages.9 Building on the current state of the art, this paper introduces new data, including absolute dates, which provide insights into the
developmental sequences of settlements and pottery. It
is demonstrated that beginning in the 12th century BC,
the steady increase in influence of ceramic styles, but
also metalwork forms, from the Pannonian Plain re-
veals a fundamental shift in the expression of cultural
identity in the Morava Valley. We also tentatively propose that a contextual analysis of the relative abundance of the intrusive Belegiš II–Gava style10 identifies a differential reception to this material culture in
upland and lowland sites.
Ultimately, given the close relationship between
pottery shapes and domestic practices, particularly
concerning mundane rather than prestige forms, this
is indicative of inward migration. The processes underlying these developments contribute to an increase
in networking and prosperity across the wider region.
Overall, we argue for migration into the Morava
preceding an expansion of interaction networks
through which both people and ideas spread south
over a multi-decadal scale into the Vardar/Axios valley
and down to the northern shores of the Aegean.
Material culture and settlement patterns
of the Late Bronze Age
The basin of the Južna Morava, as well as the area
west of it, was inhabited in the late Bronze Age by
people who made and used a characteristic pottery style
termed the Brnjica group.11 The pottery considered
characteristic for this group is well-defined, and so we
can be confident in the attribution of the finds to this
group. Accepting that use of a pottery style was a
choice and does not equate to intrinsic identity, that
very choice demands that we recognise this use as
Anthony 1997; Burmeister 2000; Hackenbeck 2008;
Dzięgielewski, Gawlik, Przybyła 2010; B. P. C. Molloy 2016a;
Francesco Iacono 2019 .
5 Bulatović 2011; B. P. C. Molloy 2016b; Ruppenstein 2020.
6 See in: Milojčić 1948/49; Chаdwick 1958, 11; Desborough
1964; Vermuele 1974; Catling & Catling 1981; Drews 1988, 207;
Bulatović 2011; B. P. C. Molloy 2018 and cited literature.
7 Childe 1939: 85.
8 Milojčić 1948/49; Garašanin 1973; Stefanovich 1973; Bouzek 1985; Stojić 1997; Mitrevski 2003; Bulatović 2011; Bulatović
2019; Ruppenstein 2020..
9 According to R. Vasić the Transitional period covers the time
span of Reinecke’s Ha A and Ha B phases (1997, 149–151).
10 This paper does not analyse the Southern Pannonia region,
so any discussion about fluted pottery attribution (being part of the
Gava complex or Belegiš II group) goes beyond the remit of this
paper. We use the term channel-decorated pottery and/or Belegiš II–
Gava style. This term has an extended usage in the archaeological
literature and would equate with Belegiš IIb or III in rarely used
schema (Medović 2001; Tasić, Tasić 2003; Bulatović 2009; Bulatović, Filipović 2017 etc.).
11 Srejović 1960; Lazić 1996; Stojić 2001; Bulatović, Stankovski 2012, 351–382 and cited bibliography.
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
participation in a cultural norm.12 In areas to the south,
pottery is sometimes attributed to this group in sites in
the lower course of the Južna Morava, where elements
of the Brnjica tradition are seen incorporated into the
stylistic conventions of another distinct ceramic stylistic tradition, the Paraćin group. This group also has
a distinct developmental history stylistically speaking, and the incorporation of Brnjica elements is not
universal. Recognising that styles represent cultural
choices, this suggests both familiarity with these pottery
traditions from the north and a degree of permeability
of the communities using Paraćin pottery.
Pottery and absolute chronology
At this point, we would like to introduce some of
the typical pottery and metalwork styles which will
help us to define both chronological and social interrelations within the Central Balkans and between the
people there and their neighbours. This is necessarily
descriptive and detailed and is supported by illustrations throughout. The typical pottery inventory for the
Brnjica group includes S profiled bowls (Pl. I/5, Pl.
III/1, 2, Pl. IV/4, Pl. V/2–4, Pl. VI/11–13), semi-globular or conical cups with one handle that extends
above the rim (Pl. II/3, Pl. III/3, 4, Pl. IV/7), globular
or pear-shaped beakers with two handles that extend
above the rim (Pl. II/5, Pl. IV/6), pear-shaped or ovoid
amphorae with everted and thickened rims with a ringshaped inner edge (the so-called Brnjica rim) (Pl. I/2,
6, 11, Pl. II/8, 9, Pl. III/5, 6, Pl. IV/9, 10, Pl. V/6, Pl.
VI/14–16), handles with a knee-shape profile and a
fan-shaped top (the so-called slatina type) (Pl. I/8, Pl.
VI/20, Pl. VII/19, Pl. IX/9, 10) and a few other shapes
occasionally encountered. These are discussed in
more detailed literature.13
The site of Svinjarička Čuka is so far the oldest
known site of the Brnjica group with an absolute date
from the Late Bronze Age.14 We will also consider the
site of Hisar, which is an enclosed site on a low hill
overlooking the river plain. This site has been systematically excavated and provides the latest absolute
dates for this group (Tab. 1/7).15 At Hisar, changes
can be recognised in the typical pottery styles recovered, with some forms being quite atypical for the
Brnjica group. It is apparent that the duration of the
Brnjica group extends from the beginning of the 15th
century BC at the earliest to the beginning of the 13th
century (probability 95.4%), or potentially the middle
of the 15th century and the middle of the 13th century
(probability 68.2%) (Tab. 1)16.
Alongside pottery considered characteristic of the
Brnjica group, there is also pottery of different styles
recorded alongside Brnjica sherds at sites in all regions of this group. These present features of other,
older, pottery traditions from this same region. Such
finds are also found in neighbouring areas, such as
sites where Paraćin group pottery dominates. These
older forms are primarily characterised by their ornaments in the form of incised spirals or rectilinear motifs, rows of triangular or oblique punctate dots, often
filled with white incrustation. They may also have incised lines that form geometric motifs, inscribed or
hatched triangles or deltoids, and incised strips filled
with double rows of punctate dots. These ornaments,
both in technique and motifs, are very close to pottery
from the Oltenia lowlands and the region between the
Balkan Mountains and the Danube in the Middle and
Late Bronze Ages. They have been recorded in several
of the pottery groups in the area, and there may be an
element of these being defined differently by different
authors, variously called Balta Sarata, Verbicioara,
Govora, Cherkovna, Zimnichea–Plovdiv, Tei IV.17
The shapes of these vessels that appear sporadically in contexts alongside pottery of the Brnjica
group are most commonly a globular beaker with two
high-set handles, often decorated with motifs of an incised spiral (Fig. 3).18 This type of beaker also appears
in the area of the neighbouring Paraćin group.19 In
that area, it was even more commonly found than in
the area of the Brnjica group, so it could be said that it
was a favourite “non-local” element in the LBA ceramic groups of the Central Balkans. In a previous
study that deals with these beakers, it was stated that
they were a popular pottery form across a vast area
Roberts, Van der Linden 2011.
Stojić 2001; Bulatović, Stankovski 2012.
14 The excavations have lasted from 2018 until today, and are
conducted by the Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology,
AAS, Vienna and the Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade, within
the project “NEOTECH project P32096 (FWF)” (Horejs et al.
2019 and cited literature).
15 Filipović et al. 2020, Suppl. Dataset.
16 If we take the oldest date of the appearance of Belegiš II
pottery at Hisar as the date of the end of the Brnjica group’s existence, although the characteristic Brnjica material still exists but
together with BII-G pottery, at least on Hisar.
17 Guma 1997; Crăciunescu 2004; Hansel 1976; Schuster 2003.
18 Bulatović, Stankovski 2012, T. V/7, VI/15; Jevtić 1990, T.
IV/1, V/2.
19 Stojić 1997.
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
from Wallachia in the north, to the Aegean in the south
and from the Velika Morava and Južna Morava valleys in the west to today’s eastern Bulgaria – an area
of almost 150,000 km².20
However, they are most numerous on the northwestern coast of the Aegean Sea and in the Wallachian
lowlands. One of the identified variants is numerous in
the Velika Morava Valley, and so it is clear that this region was participating in networks linking Aegean and
south Pannonian Plain communities – that is, they
were active agents in this process and not passive elements in a communication corridor.
Another connection between these distant areas
can be identified in the tradition of using encrustation
as a means of decorating vessels. Encrustation had been
a dominant mode of pottery decoration in Oltenia and
south-eastern Pannonia since the LBA,21 and from
there it may have spread into the Central Balkans (including Svinjaricka Čuka, Pl. I/3, 10, 11),22 as well as
on the northern Aegean coast.23
Another type of decoration that occasionally appears on Brnjica pottery but cannot be considered
characteristic of this group is channel decoration.
These are usually executed in oblique orientations.
Lab. Code
cal BC
LBA cultural layer
MAMS 34886
1444–1331 (68.2%)
1494–1309 (95.4)
Horejs et al. 2018
feature 2-dwelling
MAMS 27601
1380–1271 (68.2%)
1400–1220 (95.4%)
Bulatović et al.
“in front of the LBA
BC 6
1280±90 (1370–1190)
Coles, Harding
dwelling structure,
wooden hilt
BETA 433117
1370–1225 (68.2%)
1390–1210 (95.4%)
Bulatović et al.
dwelling structure,
wooden hilt
MAMS 27600
1369–1215 (68.2%)
1384–1113 (95.4%)
Bulatović et al.
Trench 1, horizon 2
1304–1190 82.6%
1378–1131 95.4%
This study
feature 7, sector 1/2006
1255–1137 (68%)
1280–1053 (95.4%)
Filipović et al.
ritual place, zone IV,
quadrate Ц22
MAMS 31470
1207–1115 (68.2%)
1214–1057 (95.4%)
Bulatović et al.
feature 7, sector 1/2006
1192–1062 (68%)
1218–1011 (95.4%)
Filipović et al.
feature 15/2002
1135–1026 (66.5%)
1208–1026 (95.4%)
This study
feature 45
1131–1011 (85.6%)
1193–1011 (95,4%)
This study
feature 25/2002
1127–995 (94.8%)
1187–981 (95.4%)
This study
feature 3c
1059–924 (88.7%)
OxCal 4.4.2
1086–925 (95.4%)
This study
feature 26
1021–911 (90.3%)
1047–911 (95.4%)
OxCal 4.4.2
This study
feature 3b
818–783 (95.4%)
809–795 (68%)
This study
Tab. 1. Absolute dates for LBA and Transitional period in the Južna Morava Basin
Табела 1. Апсолутни датуми позног бронзаног доба и прелазног периода у долини Јужне Мораве
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
They are commonly wide and deep motifs or they
may be executed in vertical short and shallow channels, mainly on the bellies of both bowls and beakers
(Pl. IV/2, 3, 8 , Pl. V/4). From a chronological perspective, it is important that this channel decoration has
not yet been found on sites dated to the early phase of
the Brnjica group (Br C–C/D), such as Svinjarička
Čuka, Medijana and Svinjište.24 The earliest appearance of channel decoration in the area of the Brnjica
group is recorded in Končulj (Pl. IV/2, 3), in a context
dated to the 13th century calBC (Tab. 1). At Končulj,
the channelled ornaments are reminiscent of those on
the pottery of Middle Bronze Age groups in southern
Pannonia and Late Bronze Age groups in western Serbia. That said, the vessel shapes on which this occurs
in the Južna Morava basin have few if any similarities
with the vessels of the LBA in western Serbia.25 The
semi-globular channel-decorated deep bowl from
Končulj (Pl. IV/2) has its closest analogies in the Balta
Sarata IV group in southern Transylvania, which also
dates to the 13th century BC.26 A bowl very similar to
the S-profiled bowl with two handles and short channel decoration elements on the belly from Končulj
(Pl. IV/3) was discovered in a LBA grave in Dobrača,
Šumadija.27 These vessels, mostly bowls with bellies
decorated with wide, oblique channel decoration, closely reminiscent of the bowls with twisted bellies characteristic of the Brnjica group, are very common in the
Wietenberg group in Transylvania.28 Channel decoration as a decorative device was present in this group
from the end of the Early Bronze Age (phase A).29
Channel decoration executed in a similar manner
to that found on Brnjica vessels was recorded on vessels from the late phase C of the Wietenberg group,
which corresponds to the end of the period Br C in
Central European chronology.30 Other analogies with
the pottery of the Wietenberg group can be observed
in this group, including handles with plastic extensions at the apex, spiral ornaments, incised or hatched
triangles, and double rows of opposite triangular
punctates.31 Other features known from the Wietenberg group include series of punctates (prick-marks),
as seen on sherds from the sites of Svinjarička Čuka
(Pl. I/1–4, 9–12) and Mediana (Pl. II/4, 5, 10, 11, 14),
and other sites where Brnjica group pottery is dominant in assemblages.32
Oblique channel decoration is also a common motif on pottery at LBA sites in the south-eastern part of
the Carpathian Basin, and dates from the end of 16th
to the early 13th century calBC.33
Regarding the absolute chronology of this atypical pottery of the Brnjica group with oblique channel
decoration, it is documented on vessels dated to the
15th Century BC. This appears to correspond to the
very beginning of the group, based on stratified finds
from Svinjarička Čuka (Pl. I/1–4, 9–12) and Mediana.
At this latter site, along with ceramics characteristic
of the Brnjica group and some with similarities to the
Paraćin group, globular beakers decorated with spirals
were also found (Pl. II/5, 11).34 A house excavated at
Mediana is dated between the beginning of the 15th and
the last quarter of the 13th century BC (probability
95.4%), and potentially between the first quarter of the
14th and the second quarter of the 13th century BC
(probability 68.2%). These dates largely coincide with
an older 14C date from Mediana from several decades
ago (Tab. 1/2, 3). Similar finds occur in a later context
at Končulj, which is dated to the 13th–12th century BC
(Tab. 1/6), as well as many sites with Paraćin and
Brnjica group ceramics in Pomoravlje. These contexts
are not dated, but finds from contexts from dated sites
Bulatović 2011, Map. 1.
Bulatović 2011, 122, notes 11–16.
22 Jevtić 1990, 98; Stojić 1997; Bulatović, Stankovski 2012,
T. IV/33, 40, 41.
23 Hochstetter 1984, Taf. 13/5, 18/1, 27/8, 35/1; Wardle,
Wardle 2007, Pl. 14; Andreou, Psaraki 2007, Fig. 6. Pl. 4.
24 We are expecting soon a new absolute date from one semi
pithouse from the Hisar settlement. The bottom of the object was on
virgin soil and definitely represented the earliest settlement horizon on the site, i.e. LBA. In this object, S profiled bowls with wide
oblique flutes on the belly were found.
25 Medović, Hansel 1989; Hansel, Medović 1991, Taf. 25/3;
Guma 1997, Pl. XLVII/2, XLIX/4, L/1, 2, LIIa etc; Stojić 1998, sl.
1, 6, 9, 13, 15, 20, 26, etc; Filipović 2008, sl. 47, 52; Ljuština 2012,
Pr. 61/4, Pr. 66/4, Pr. 104/5, 7, Pr. 105/3, 6, 8 ; Radojčić 2013, inv.
nos. 28, 30, 48.
26 Guma 1997, 68, Pl. LXXII/2–4.
27 Stojić 1998, sl. 20.
28 Boroffka 1994, Taf. 6/3, Taf. 8/7, Taf. 28/1, 2, 4, 5, Taf. 77,
Taf. 138/6, Taf. 126/7, Taf. 124/4, etc.
29 Fantaneanu et al. 2013, 177, Fig. 5/1, 6, 10, 11, Fig. 6/2, 3,
5, 6, 8, 9 etc.
30 Boroffka 1994, 288, Tab. 14.
31 Boroffka 1994, Taf. 1/7, 12/2, 26/4, 35/1, 7, 38/16, 22, 23,
60/8, 62/3, 85/9, 92/4–8 etc. Some of these ornaments are older and
belong to the earlier phases of the Wietenberg group (249–250).
32 Bulatović, Stankovski 2012, T. IV/33, 40, 41, T. XV, T.
33 Sava 2020, fig. 27.
34 Bulatović 2008.
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
indicate they should be dated to approximately the
same period – Br C / D–Ha A1.35
We will shift our focus now to metalwork finds
which complement the picture evident from the analysis of pottery. Styles of metalwork link societies in a
large area encompassing the Velika Morava and Južna
Morava valleys and the Vardar/Axios valley, southern
Transylvania, southeast Pannonia and the area between the Carpathians and the Balkan Mountains. In
the core study area of this paper, there are notably few
hoards of bronze objects and bronze finds in general
are relatively rare. We will focus only on those objects
which have good contextual records.
For a socketed axe from Svinjište (Pl. III/9), close
comparanda come from the Mali Izvor near Zaječar
and the Sečanj III hoard in Vojvodina,36 the Ovcha
Mogila hoard in northern Bulgaria,37 along with items
from other hoards from northern and NW Bulgaria.
These axes are characterised by their lack of a side
loop.38 The main problem with contextualising the
socketed axe from Svinjište is the conflict between
14C dates and the relative typological chronology. It
was recovered in a stratified context which is absolutely dated to the 14th to 13th centuries calBC. However, similar pieces from the region would normally
be dated to the 12th to 11th centuries BC. For example,
the axes of the Ovcha Mogila hoard are good representatives of the type Vrbitsa A, var. E after Dergachev.39 The chronology of these in Central-Northern
Bulgaria (the main region where this type of axe is
found) should not be placed earlier than Ha A2, i.e.
1100 BC at the earliest. Also, the vast majority of Vrbitsa socketed axes do not have side loops, which is,
grosso modo, the norm form of Western and Central
Europe socketed axes. Several pieces similar to the
Svinjište axe have been found in Bosnia40 and Italy,41
where they are also attributed to the Hallstatt A period. Recently, Gavranović and Kapuran have refined
the typology of Central Balkan socketed axes. 42 They
attribute the Svinjište axe to their Variant A, which
they date to the Ha A2–Ha B1 period. It seems that
this variant emerged in the Central Balkan region with
elements from the east and west as a “hybrid” form,
which, logically speaking, must be younger than the
styles it incorporates
A bronze chisel was also recovered from this site
(Pl. III/10).43 Channelled chisels similar to the Svinjiste specimen are distributed in the lower Danube area
and Black Sea region, where they would be dated ca.
1400–1300 BC,44 as would similar forms from the
North Caucasus.45 However, remains of the casting
channels represented as “horns” at the rim are characteristics of later (Ha A–Ha B3) socketed axes, also
from the lower Danube area and Black Sea region.46
A sickle from Končulj has parallels in the Klenje
hoard near Golubac, at the entrance to the Đerdap gorge,
which R. Vasić dates to Br D, i.e. the 13th century
BC.47 However, all other finds from the Klenje hoard
should be dated slightly later to Ha A at the earliest.48
Specimens similar to the sickle from Končulj were
found in Ha A1 hoards from Dipsa and Suseni in Romania. Comparanda also come from Central Europe, but
those pieces are dated to Br C1, such as the piece
from the Waldshut hoard.49 While a specimen from
the Gemer hoard (Slovakia) is dated to Br D / Ha A1,
a similar sickle was dated as late as Ha C from the Ostrovice Primasowskie hoard from Poland.50 This type
of sickle was rare in southern Pannonia, and may be
connected with Central Europe. The relatively wide
chronological span, as well as rarity of this sickle type,
further complicate clear dating. Alongside this stylistic
dating, the stratigraphic location of the find from Končulj suggests a Br D–Ha A1 date.51 Given the simplicity of the form and this wide possible date range, the
piece from Končulj may probably be dated to the 13th to
12th centuries BC. Finds of this type of sickle this far
south would at least accord with, though not prove, an
argument for inward migration from the north. A needle with an eyelet was recovered from a Late Bronze
Age structure at Velika Humska Čuka. In the same ar-
Stojić 1997, 61.
Gavranović, Kapuran 2014.
Krauß 2005.
Černych 1978, 185 and further.
Дергачев 2011, 154.
Žeravica 1993, Taf. 37/495.
Carancini 1984, Tav. 124/3782–83.
Gavranović, Kapuran 2014, 35.
Булатовић 2007, 259, T. LXXX/18.
Дергачев 2011, 216–222.
Dergachev, Bockarev 2006, 537, Pl. 111/7.
Дергачев 2011, 246.
Vasić 1994, 12–14, Abb. 1, Taf. 1/16.
Jaцановић 1986.
Primas 1986, taf. 5/78.
Gedl 1995, taf. 10/154; Furmánek, Novotná 2006, taf. 3/45.
Bulatović, Filipović 2017.
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
chaeological feature, pottery with Verbicioara elements was discovered together with Brnjica pottery.52
In addition to these elements originating from the
north, metalwork influences from the south and east
can be found in the area where Brnjica pottery was
used. Particularly in the southern parts of the Južna
Morava Valley, influences from the material culture of
the communities of the Vardar/Axios valley are attested.
Most notably, these include matt painted pottery and
local variants of Mycenaean Type Ci swords, which,
along with other various finds, have been discussed in
detail recently.53 In the area of the Brnjica pottery
group, there are four of these variants of Mycenaean
swords – two from Iglarevo,54 one from Tetovo55 and
one from Guvnište near Aleksinac.56 To these we
should add a marble pommel common to this type of
sword, which was found at Gorešnica near Skopje.57.
If we draw an imaginary diagonal line from the southern Adriatic shores to the Lower Danube region we
can find several similar pieces, which are probably
dated between the 15th and 13th centuries BC on the
basis of similarities with Mycenaean forms.58
Finds of bronze daggers and knives also share
similarities with Mycenaean types dated to the LH
IIIA to B ceramic horizon in southern Greece.59 Finds
from Grave 7 at Klučka near Skopje are also relevant
here, particularly due to the prevalence of Brnjica ceramics in the cemetery.60 These are sections of cut
and perforated boar tusks which are said by Mitrevski
to be similar in size and design to those used for boar
tusk helmets in Greece.61 Bronze double-axes are also
found in the same area as Brnjica pottery, particularly
those of the Kravari and Kilindir type.62 Axes of this
form from the wider area of the Južna Morava Valley
pieces are known from the vicinity of Niš as well as63
Staničenje64 and Babušnica.65 A casting mould from
the area of Babušnica is the only known example of
Kilindir-type axes in the Central Balkan area.66 These
axe types are distributed widely, if in low numbers,
with pieces coming from near the Adriatic and Black
Sea coasts (respectively “Dalmatia’’ and Royak) and
the southern Pannonian Plain (“Hungary”).
Other tools/weapons of relevance which have
comparanda in Greece are sheet bronze arrows. These
are usually found in Brnjica urns in cremation cemeteries. A casting mould for these arrowheads was
found in the area of the Brnjica group.67 There are also
dress ornaments from the same chronological horizon
as these metal tools and weapons. These are pins with
a conical head and ball on the neck, pins with a coni-
cal head and elongated perforated neck, and the socalled spectacle-shaped and Iglarevo-type pins.68 In a
broad sense, these pins are not found north of the distribution of Brnjica group pottery, and some similar
examples are known in the Vardar/Axios valley.69
Alongside these typological considerations, recent
work on tin isotopes is relevant because this provides
insights into exchange networks of communities in
the Morava Valley.70 Mason and Powell have studied
three objects from our immediate study area.71 Focusing on 124Sn and 120Sn, there is a common signature
for objects analysed which suggests that a common
source of tin was used for each. These do not overlap
with currently known sources of tin mined in prehistoric Europe.72 The research of Powell and colleagues
shows that the origin of tin with this same isotopic
pattern was used to make bronze objects of Late Bronze
Age date in Banat, Wallachia, the area between the
Balkan Mountains and the Danube, and southeast Serbia. While its ultimate source remains unclear, it is
probable that the same source was accessed and exchanged throughout the wider region to the east, west
and north of the Morava Valley.73 Their study does
52 Crăciunescu 2004; Булатовић, Станковски 2012, 131–134;
Булатовић, Милановић 2014, 170.
53 Bulatović 2011, 132 with cited references.
54 Harding 1995, 21, Taf. 4/24–25.
55 Harding 1995, 21, Taf. 4/23.
56 Филиповић et al. 2015.
57 Колиштркова et al. 1995: 39–40, Т. I/2.
58 Jung 2018, 240 and further, Molloy 2016, 2018, Harding
1995, Kilian-Dirlmeier 1993
59 Паровић-Пешикан 1995: 14, сл. 5/5.
60 Mitrevski 1994: 120–121, fig. 11.
61 Mödlinger 2013.
62 Филиповић 2015, 350 and further; Kleitsas, Jung and
Mehoefer 2018
63 Гарашанин М. 1959: 30, сл. 2.
64 Antonović 2014: cat. 323.
65 Antonović 2014: cat. 325.
66 Паровић-Пешикан 1995: 6, сл. 2/8.
67 Филиповић 2016, 263–264.
68 Vasić 2003, 26–27, 65–69.
69 Vasić 2003, 26–27, 65–69.
70 Mason et al. 2020
71 We wish to thank A. H. Mason and W. Powell for the insight
into the unpublished results of analyses for the area of south-eastern Serbia.
72 Mason et al. 2016; Mason et al. 2020.
73 Powell et al. 2018, 147.
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
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not rule out the Erzgebirge deposit in Central Europe,
which was mined in prehistory74, as a possible source,
and they found no data to support the existence of a
speculated tin source on the tributaries of the Mures
River or the Bujanovac area of south-eastern Serbia.75
While tin supply links the communities of the Morava
to their neighbours, the full extent of the exchange network this reveals remains to be seen.
A final comment can be made with respect to areas
to the west of the Juzna Morava Valley. Pottery of the
Brnjica group has very little in common with ceramic
styles used at this same time in western Serbia.76 This
indicates a dearth of cultural transmission between
these two areas. These differences are also seen in
mortuary traditions. In western Serbia, tumuli with inhumations, cremations or a combination of both can
be found at this time. Interestingly, the Sn isotopic
signatures of metal finds from western Serbia indicate
that a different source of tin was used there, potentially from the southern slopes of Cer Mountain.77 This
difference may further emphasise the reported low
levels of interaction or cultural exchange between
groups on the western margin of the valley and those
within it. Taking account of the pottery and metalwork together, the evidence indicates that there were
clear links already in place connecting societies in the
Central Balkans with those in the northern Aegean
and the southern Carpathian Basin during the 15th to
13th centuries BC.78
Settlement patterns
In the Late Bronze Age (16/15th–13th century BC)
in the area of the Brnjica group, especially along the
edges of the Južna Morava Valley and its tributaries,
there is an increase in the number of hilltop settlements
that have been documented (Fig. 1). This constitutes a
significantly higher proportion of hilltop settlements
relative to plain settlements than in the Middle Bronze
Age (approximately 19th–16/15th century BC). 79 In
the Middle Bronze Age, the percentage of hilltop settlements in relation to plain settlements was below 10%.
By the Late Bronze Age, the percentage of hilltop
sites had increased to close to 50%.80 It is interesting
that hilltop settlements were built mostly on the edge
of the Južna Morava Valley, beginning at the mouth of
the Končulj gorge (Fig. 1/38) not far from the spring
of the Binačka Morava and their distribution extended
as far north as the site of Gologlava (Fig. 1/1). From
this latter site, it was possible to control the area of the
confluence of the Južna Morava and West Morava
Rivers. Hilltop settlements were also located in positions where the valley narrows, in gorges and at entrances to gorges (Fig. 1/34, 28, 17, 18, etc.). Hilltop
settlements were also well-placed to control communications along larger tributaries of the Južna Morava,
such as the Krševička River (Fig. 1/42), the entrance
to the Banjštica gorge and the gorge itself (Fig. 1/35,
36). A small number of hilltop settlements were built
outside the main communication corridor of the Južna
Morava and its tributaries (Fig. 1/40, 46–48).
The largest of the hilltop settlements in this region is the site of Hisar in Leskovac. This has an extremely favourable strategic position and was built on
a hill at the end of an elongated tongue above the river
Veternica, which flows deep into the Leskovac plain
(Fig. 1/23). The Late Bronze Age settlement on this
site was located at the very top of this dominant elevation and was surrounded by a rampart. The younger
phase, dated to Ha A / transitional period, was mostly
located on the eastern slope of the site, outside the
area that was surrounded by ramparts in the previous
period. A section excavated on the southern edge of
the plateau revealed important stratified remains. This
includes a semi-sunken pithouse with ceramic material
characteristic of the Brnjica group. This had been excavated into the natural subsoil. Sealing this feature, and
after its abandonment, a substantial layer of debris from
a burnt and collapsed fortification palisade was documented. Cut into this burnt layer was a pit with Belegiš
II–Gava ceramics.81 The absolute date of the pithouse
is not yet known, but results are expected soon.82
Fortified enclosures are also documented at other
sites along the fringes of the river valley. The remains
of stone ramparts have been documented at Gradište in
Nessel et al. 2019.
Durman 1997, Fig. 2; Powell et al. 2018, 10.
76 Lately, the term Brezjak group has been used for it, which
seems to be the most adequate of all the proposed terms (Filipović
2013; Bulatović et al. 2017; Bulatović et al. 2018).
77 Mason et al. 2020
78 Bulatović 2011.
79 Bulatović 2020.
80 Булатовић, Станковски 2012, 205–211; Bulatović, Filipović 2017,149–154, also including the sites that were registered
in the meantime.
81 Bulatović, Filipović 2017, Fig. 3.
82 The date will be published as part of a broader project Death
and Burial between the Aegean and the Balkans, led by Stefanos
Gimatzidis from the Austrian Archaeological Institute, Vienna.
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
Hilltop settlements
of LBA
Plain settlements
of LBA
Plain settlements
of EIA with LBA elements
Hilltop settlements
of EIA with LBA elements
Absolute dated sites
Ritual place
Fig. 1. Sites of the Brnjica group in the Južna Morava Basin
1. Stalać, Gologlava Site; 2. Maskare, Bedem; 3. Čitluk, Konopljara; 4. Globoder, Ivlje; 5. Rutevac, Bara; 6. Rutevac, Školska gradina; 7. Mali Šiljegovac,
Crkvena porta; 8. Kruševac, Lazarev grad; 9. Zdravinje, Grabujevac; 10. Boljevac, Čukar; 11. Vrtište, Velika česma (Urvina – Breg); 12. Novo Selo Bubanj;
13. Hum, Velika humska čuka; 14. Donja Vrežina Čardak; 15. Niš, Medijana; 16. Lipovica, Jeričište; 17. Živkovo, Šljivče; 18. Zlokućane, Gradac; 19. Podrimci,
Široka ornica; 20. Bobište, Izvorište – Sastanci; 21. Bobište, Putište; 22. Donja Slatina, Dački Rid–Gumnište; 23. Leskovac, Hisar; 24. Guberevac, Kumanluk;
25. Guberevac, Vranja noga; 26. Vlasotince, Vodovod–Luka; 27. Mala Grabovnica, Progon – Čuka; 28. Grdelica, Kale; 29. Zbežište, Skobaljić grad; 30. Štulac,
Svinjarička čuka; 31. Rujkovac, Okućnica Baneta Krstića; 32. Tulare, Imanje Stević Radisava; 33. Kržince, Piljakovac; 34. Priboj, Gradište;
35. Vranjska Banja, Crkvište; 36. Prvonek, Gradište; 37. Dubnica, Gradište; 38. Končulj, Gradište; 39. Lučane, Resulja; 40. Surdul, Selište; 41. Ljiljance,
Selište; 42. Krševica, Kale; 43. Klinovac, Tri kruške; 44. Prosečnik, Vražji kamen; 45. Biljača, Krivosoje – Đipin Dol; 46. Svinjište, Stublina; 47. Svinjište, Reka;
48. Svinjište, Gradina; 49. Ranutovac, Meanište.
PE – Pelince, sites of Dve Mogili and Gradište; KK – Mlado Nagoričano, Kostoperska Karpa; KO – Kokino, Tatikev Kamen; MA – Makreš, Gradište;
RU – Rugince, Velja Strana; ST – Stracin, Gradište; VR – Vražogrnci, Blidiž.
Сл. 1. Локалитети брњичке групе у долини Јужне Мораве
1. Сталаћ, Гологлава; 2. Маскаре, Бедем; 3. Читлук, Конопљара; 4. Глободер, Ивље; 5. Рутевац, Бара; 6. Рутевац, Школска градина; 7. Мали Шиљеговац, Црквена порта; 8. Крушевац, Лазарев град; 9. Здравиње, Грабујевац; 10. Бољевац, Чукар; 11. Вртиште, Велика чесма (Урвина – Брег);
12. Ново Село, Бубањ; 13. Хум, Велика хумска чука; 14. Доња Врежина Чардак; 15. Ниш, Медијана; 16. Липовица, Јеричиште; 17. Живково, Шљивче;
18. Злокућане, Градац; 19. Подримци, Широка орница; 20. Бобиште, Извориште–Састанци; 21. Бобиште, Путиште; 22. Доња Слатина, Дачки Рид–
Гумниште; 23. Лесковац, Хисар; 24. Губеревац, Куманлук; 25. Губеревац, Врања нога; 26. Власотинце, Водовод–Лука; 27. Мала Грабовница, Прогон
– Чука; 28. Грделица, Кале; 29. Збежиште, Скобаљић град; 30. Штулац, Свињаричка чука; 31. Рујковац, Окућница Банета Крстића; 32. Туларе,
Имање Стевић Радисава; 33. Кржинце, Пиљаковац; 34. Прибој, Градиште; 35. Врањска Бања, Црквиште; 36. Првонек, Градиште; 37. Дубница,
Градиште; 38. Кончуљ, Градиште; 39. Лучане, Ресуља; 40. Сурдул, Селиште; 41. Љиљанце, Селиште; 42. Кршевица, Кале; 43. Клиновац, Три крушке;
44. Просечник, Вражји камен; 45. Биљача, Кривосоје – Ђипин Дол; 46. Свињиште, Стублина; 47. Свињиште, Река; 48. Свињиште, Градина;
49. Ранутовац, Меаниште.
PE – Пелинце, локалитети Две Могили и Градиште; KK – Младо Нагоричано, Костоперска Карпа; KO – Кокино, Татићев Камен;
MA – Макреш, Градиште; RU – Ругинце, Веља Страна; ST – Страцин, Градиште; VR – Вражогрнци, Блидиж.
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
Priboj at the entrance to the Priboj Gorge.83 At the site
of Gradište in Končulj, the remains of a fortification
were recorded that consisted of a ditch with post-holes
defining an interior palisade as well as quantities of
stone that must have served as part of the defensive
structure.84 A ditch around the multi-layered hilltop
settlement in Zlokućani near Leskovac was also detected and this was dated to the Late Bronze Age on
the basis of finds of Brnjica pottery.85 There are clear
horizons of burning inside the settlement area at all of
these sites with fortifications as well as burning of the
fortifications themselves.86
Analysis of the distribution and interrelationship
between these fortified settlements gives the impression that they formed a well-planned defence system
along the Južna Morava corridor. They appear to have
been permanently settled and were not only places for
temporary refuge to be used in the event of an attack
on a community living in the lower flatlands. The mutually supporting structure of settlement distribution
is most clearly seen in the intervisibility between sites
– from any given site at least one other site can be seen.
For example, Hisar, Zlokućane and Živkovo are all
intervisible. In turn, this also meant that this string of
settlements had visibility over most of the river valleys
themselves. According to the material culture, especially pottery, communities at all sites consumed pottery
of the Brnjica group almost exclusively.87 The construction of these sites is approximately contemporary,
so the idea of a possible “defensive system of fortifications” in the Južna Morava Valley appears appropriate.
To clarify this probable pattern further, more absolute
dates from settlements are required.
With the increase in the number of hilltop settlements in the Late Bronze Age, the number of lowland
(plain) settlements did not fall. On the contrary, they
continued to be built in positions suitable for cultivating land on the terraces of the Južna Morava and these
were often built with no hilltop settlements nearby (for
example the sites of Rutevac, Vrtište, Bubanj, Lipovica,
Podrimci and Bobište). It is interesting that the lowland settlements of Svinjarička Čuka and Medijana
have yielded the oldest dates so far for the LBA in the
Južna Morava basin, (15th–14th/13th century /Br C–C/D).
Settlements without recorded protection (fortified settlements nearby or fortified themselves), such as Mediana and Svinjarička Čuka, appear to be older than the
first fortified settlements. This suggests that fortified
settlements were built in the final phase of the Late
Bronze Age, in the period Br D–Ha A1. It is not possible
on the basis of relative ceramic chronology alone to
determine this divide, due to the long duration of use
and stability of forms in Brnjica type pottery. Nonetheless, the chronological data for the LBA settlement
pattern in the Južna Morava Valley so far renders this
scenario plausible and testable through further absolute
dating of contexts from different types of settlement.
The end of Late Bronze Age
and Transitional period (Br D/Ha A1–Ha B)
At the end of the Bronze Age, probably at the end
of the 13th century, and certainly by the second half of
the 12th century (Tab. 1/7), changes took place in
many aspects of life in the Central Balkans, which are
most clearly visible in the Južna Morava Valley.
Pottery and absolute chronology
From the 12th century (possibly as early as the
late 13th century), a new style of pottery appeared at
settlements alongside pottery of the Brnjica group.
This new style of pottery derived from the tradition of
channel-decorated pottery of the Pannonian Plain,
commonly called Belegiš II (or part of the Gava complex in Hungarian literature). The development of this
style after ca. 1200 BC is called Belegiš II–Gava, to
account for minor, but chronologically relevant, developments in identifying features. Belegiš II–Gava is
typified by channel decoration, and it is used on biconical urns, bowls with inverted rims, small juglets,
carinated cups and other shapes. While an intimate and
direct relationship is clear, the pottery is not a direct
facsimile of the shape-ware-decoration schema of
vessels in the Pannonian Plain. The deposition of this
Belegiš II–Gava alongside Brnjica pottery has been
observed at Hisar from at least the second half of the
12th century BC, but its use probably began somewhat
earlier (feature 7, Tab. 1/7, 9).
It is probable that the vast majority of Belegiš II–
Gava was locally made, on account of minor idiosyncrasies. This might suggest they are not the product of
migrant potters, but rather local products designed to
Vukmanović, Popović 1982.
Bulatović, Stankovski 2012, 223; Bulatović, Filipović 2017,
153, fig. 4.
85 Stalio 1972
86 Vukmanović, Popović 1982; Bulatović 1999/2000; Bulatović, Filipović 2017.
87 Srejović 1960; Bulatović 2000; Stojić 2001.
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
meet a stylistic expectation of consumers.88 There are
very few cases of hybridisation/entanglement with
earlier traditions and so while they are local expressions of a style, they present a schism with previous
conventions.89 Arguably, that was due to new aesthetic trends but as pottery shape, more than decoration,
defines function, vessels are intrinsically involved in
the construction of identity through routine engagement and performance.90 The new style therefore
marks a cultural change manifested through routine
actions as part of lifeways as well as signalling difference through appearance. Importing pottery styles
from another region when new settlements are being
established in new locations could be explained at a
purely local level as rejection of old social systems in
favour of new ones. However, it appears more likely
that migration played a key role. Ruppenstein’s “general and rough” principles for archaeological recognition of migration in this same context are salient as
they require 1) introduction of a set of cultural novelties, 2) their rapid and widespread appearance, and 3)
a clear area of origin where there was older use of the
object types (Ruppenstein 2020: 107). In this case, it
is clear that cultural conventions from the Pannonian
Plain that had been used since ca. 1400 BC were
adopted in the Južna Morava area at a time of substantial change in both areas around 1200 BC. As archaeology becomes more comfortable with exploring
tangible markers for migration91, the argument that
people moved at increased rates within existing networks at times of social stress is a compelling model
in this case for the introduction of Belegiš II–Gava
styles. The earliest date for Belegiš II–Gava pottery in
the Južna Morava area comes from a sealed context at
Hisar. Two grains of millet were selected for absolute
dating from a larger quantity of 320 grains from the
same pit (feature 7, Tab. 1). These were deposited between the end of the 13th and middle of the 11th century
BC with a probability of 95.4%, or the period of the
first two thirds of the 12th century BC, with a probability of 68.2% (Tab. 1).
The new, most dominant form of the vessel in the
Južna Morava area during this period is a hemispherical or conical bowl, with an inverted faceted or fluted
rim (Pl. VI/5, 8, Pl. VII/1–10, Pl. VIII/1, Pl. IX/1–3,
Pl. X/1–5). Deeper vessels with a cylindrical neck and
rounded belly with horizontal or oblique channel decorations and vertical plastic thickenings (Pl. VI/3, Pl.
VII/12, 15, Pl. X/11) are also common. Characteristic
amphorae with a long conical neck with an everted
rim with fluted decoration often on the neck, belly
and rim and with two protrusions or four sets of two
parallel tongue-shaped protrusions on the belly are
also documented, with one protrusion pointing downwards and the other upwards (Pl. VIII/5, 7).92 This
type of amphora is characteristic of the Belegiš II–
Gava and Gava groups and is widespread in southern
Pannonia93 and throughout the Pomoravlje (Južna
Morava and Velika Morava basins) region.94 The earliest examples of the mature form of these amphorae are
absolutely dated to the late 15th to 14th centuries BC.95
In this period, channels are the most common
decorative device. The execution of these channels is
narrower than those from the previous period. Also,
while oblique examples occur, horizontal channels are
also very common, and more rarely, vertical channels
are used. As well as the bellies of bowls and amphoras,
the rim of bowls (Pl. VII/1, 6, 7, Pl. X/1–5), as well as
rims and necks of amphorae (Pl. VIII/7) may also
bear channel decoration. In this period, the handles
are also often decorated with narrow channels (Pl.
VI/2, Pl. X/7, 9), and examples are also found of the
so-called slatina type handle, which was present in
this area in the previous period.96
Somewhat later, from the period of Ha B1, perhaps even slightly earlier (according to the absolute
dates we currently have) (Tab. 1/14), other ornaments
such as embossed concentric circles appear alongside
the channels (Pl. IX/8).97 In the last phase of the socalled transitional period (Ha B), certainly from the
end of the 9th century BC (Tab. 1/15), and probably a
little earlier, rows of imprinted rectangular prints
made with hand rollers, or oval stitched ornaments also
appear (Pl. X/1, 11).98 This would become the basic
feature of pottery in the Early Iron Age in this area.
Knappett and Kiriatzi 2017; Knappett 2010; Aslaksen 2012.
Fahlander 2007; Hodder 2012; Stockhammer 2012.
90 Pitts and Versluys 2021; DeMarrais et al. 2004; C. Knappett 2010; Malafouris 2008.
91 Kristiansen et al. 2017.
92 Bulatović, Filipović 2017, Fig. 5.
93 Forenbaher 1994; Vranić 2002.
94 Bulatović, Filipović 2017.
95 Sava 2020, Molloy et al. 2020
96 Bulatović, Jović 2009, T. XXVIII/105, T. XXXIII/16; T.
97 Compare: Bulatović 2009, 66, Pl. III/23, 24
98 Compare: Bulatović 2009, 66, Pl. I/4, Pl. II/11, 18, Pl.
III/19, 28 i dr.
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
By the end of the 13th and the beginning of the
12th century BC, a large number of bronze finds were
periodically being deposited in the Morava–Vardar
corridor. Some of the metalwork types originated from
western regions of the Balkans and the Pannonian Plain
as well as from Central Europe. A few Reutlingentype swords that had been developed by communities
in the Po Valley and Pannonian Plain are known along
the Morava–Vardar/Axios communication corridor.99
The sword was developed by Br D at the latest, and it
appeared in the Central Balkans before the end of the
13th century BC, which is clear from bronze hoards in
the Pannonian Plain.100 When we look at the wider
area of the interior of the Central Balkans, specimens
were found at Tekija near Paraćin,101 Golemo Selo102
and Pudarnica103 near Vranje, an inhumation grave
from Donja Brnjica,104 Lakavica,105 Delčevo106 and
Mirovo (variant Konjuša).107 This latter example is
dated to Ha A2 and is exclusively connected with the
area of the north part of western Serbia and Mačva.108
Analysis of tin isotopes δ124 showed that the swords
from Golemo S e lo near Vranje and another from
Maovo in the southwest Pannonian Plain have similar
values (0.21 and 0.28) to each other and the sickle,
pin and axe discussed above.109
Parallel to the appearance of Reutlingen swords,
the so-called flame shaped spearhead was also introduced in Ha A1. This had no predecessors in the MBA
Central Balkans, and its distribution is similar to the
swords.110 Examples come from an urn from the cemetery in Gornja Stražava,111 from the settlement of
Velika Humska Čuka112 and Malič at Lake Ohrid.113
A piece with a faceted socket comes from Kokino in
North Macedonia.114 This faceted decoration on the
socket is commonly found on Avila’s Type G / Snodgrass’ Type B spearheads distributed in Albania and
Epirus ( w ith a n outlier in Achaea).115 Notably, a
spearhead from Polymistrias in Greek Macedonia has
this faceted socket but a blade typical of the Pannonian tradition, while one from Agrilia in Thessaly is of
typically Pannonian form, indicating mobility through
the Morava–Vardar routeway.116 So far there have
been no finds of spears with flame-shaped blades with
this socket type found south of the specimen from
In the area where bronze swords of the Central
European type and spears with flame-shaped blades
appear, bronze axes of the so-called Montenegrin-Albanian type do not appear. Their distribution is more
clearly related to the area of Montenegro and southwestern Serbia.117 Also, arrows made of bronze sheet,
common in the previous period on the Morava–Vardar
axis, are unknown from the period Ha A1/A2. Some
rare examples of this date were found in the Central
Balkans far from these major river valleys.118
Some types of bronze jewellery, such as pins with
a blunt head or with a biconical head with horizontal
grooves, appear in the Velika Morava area, but their
distribution does not extend as far as the Central European weapons towards the south of the Central Balkans.119 We may include the pin from the Mali Dol
cemetery in Macedonia120 in the group of pins with a
biconical head and horizontal grooves, in which case
that specimen is the southernmost find of this type
dated between Br D to Ha A2. On the other hand, the
largest number of pins of this form is documented in
Posavina and in the Danube region. The only significant concentration outside this zone is found in the
Velika Morava Valley. A biconical head pin with the
neck ornamented with dense zigzag lines from Hisar
(Brnjica II a–b)121 can be closely dated to the Ha A1
period and demonstrates further connections with the
Middle Danube region, where the nearest analogies
are found (Salaš Noćajski and Kozluk).122 The pin
was found in a layer together with bowls with inverted
Harding 1995.
Филиповић 2015, 335–338.
101 Васић 1992, 288, сл. 3.
102 Јовановић 1966, 247–248, сл. 1; Булатовић 2007, 87,
кат. 1, T. VIII/1.
103 Булатовић 2007, 163–164, кат. 1, T. XLI/1.
104 Srejović 1960, 94–95, sl. 8.
105 Harding 1995, 40, 99
106 Митревски 1997, 56, сл. 15/1.
107 Филиповић, Милојевић 2015, 49, кат. 4.
108 Harding 1995, 41.
109 Mason et al. 2020.
110 Филиповић 2015, 327–328.
111 Крстић 1992, 234, Т. IX/4.
112 Ђурић и Гарашанин 1983, 39, кат. 189.
113 Prendi 2008, 387, Abb. 12/15.
114 Станкоски 2009, 3, Т. I.
115 Snodgrass 1964; Avila 1983; B. P. C. Molloy 2016b.
116 Molloy 2016.
117 Филиповић 2015, 354–356.
118 Филиповић 2016.
119 Vasić 2003, 61, 70 and further.
120 Папазовска 2019: 148, Т. XXIII/1в.
121 Stojić 2009, cat. 18.
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
fluted rims (characteristic of Belegiš II–Gava group)
and potsherds ornamented with horizontal channel
decoration together with a series of punctate-decorated
A pin with an unornamented mace-head was
found at Hisar,123 and after R. Vasić this type of pin
can be dated to Ha A1/A2.124 The distribution of
mace-head pins includes the Middle Danube region
and several pieces were recovered from the Velika
Morava Valley.125 The Hisar pins are the most southern examples of the type. The violin bow fibula from
Niška Banja is the only known example from the Central Balkans.126 This type of fibula is said by Vasić to
have originated in northern Italy during the 13th century BC, from where it later spread to the Western
Balkans and Pannonia. The relationship of personal
ornaments from this area and examples found in
Northern Greece and Albania has recently been discussed by Ruppenstein.127
Settlement patterns
The analysis of the distribution of Belegiš II–
Gava pottery in the Južna Morava area reveals that it
is present mainly in settlements in the lowland part of
the valley and on the river terraces (Fig. 2). On some
sites, Belegiš II–Gava ceramics occur alongside
sherds from Brnjica group vessels (including so-called
“Brnjica rims), and occasionally so-called “slatina”
handles (Lipovica, Ranutovac, etc.).128 These “slatina” handles are commonly decorated with narrow
channels (see examples from Bobište, Bratmilovac
and Lipovica).129 This feature reflects an element of
hybridization or entanglement of stylistic features
drawn from the local Brnjica and the introduced Belegiš II styles. This mixing of conventions is restricted
to handles, however.
Hilltop settlements with Belegiš II–Gava related
sherds are extremely rare, and even if such pottery is
present (mainly bowls with an inverted rim), it forms
only a small proportion of the overall pottery assemblage. This could be an indicator of the character of
relations between the population that inhabited hilltop
settlements and those that lived at lower elevations.
Alternatively, it may point to special functions of
these elevated sites in which visually more ornate
vessels of Belegiš II–Gava style were not utilised.
Nonetheless, occasional finds of Belegiš II–Gava
related pottery in hilltop sites indicate that this style
was consistently present throughout this area. We can
still identify a very small number of Belegiš II–Gava
related sherds at hillforts otherwise dominated by
Brnjica pottery, which indicates that those dwelling in
the forts had a reserved receptivity toward the new
style. It is quite plausible that the Belegiš II–Gava
pottery was introduced by migrants into the Južna
Morava Valley who mixed well with some elements of
society who had been there before them, while others
were less receptive. We have argued above that networks were well established between the societies in
the Pannonian Plain and Morava Valley area in the
Late Bronze Age, and so inward migration may be seen
as an expansion of pre-existing networks or a change in
their character. Therefore, if we accept the argument of
inward migration, we must ask to what extent or for
what duration such migrants and their material culture
were considered “foreign” or different? There is no
doubt their arrival would have been transformative,
but we must seek to better understand the extent to
which it was disruptive or caused social disjuncture. It is
possible that the bias in find context of pottery styles
reveals a process of negotiating their inclusion over
time into the communities already established there.
It is therefore important to define the rate and spatial extent of the adoption or integration of Belegiš II–
Gava pottery. The presence of this pottery in hilltop
sites, even as a small proportion of assemblages, allows
us to determine that certain hilltop settlements were
first settled in the 12th century BC at the earliest, when
we correlate this pottery with absolute dates (Tab.
1/1–9). The hilltop settlements at Skobaljić grad in
the Vučjanka canyon (Fig. 1/29), Končulj in the lower
course of the Južna (Binačka) Morava, and Prvonek,
in the canyon of the Banjska river130 (Fig. 1/38, 35, 36),
allow us to consider this chronology. At each of these
sites a small number of sherds which have a form of
Belegiš II–Gava decoration were found.131
122 Vasić 2003, 80–81, cat. 530–531. That type of pins was the
most numerous in Central Europe (Bohemia, southern Germany,
Slovakia and Hungary).
123 Stojić 2009, cat. 3.
124 Vasić 2003, 87–88.
125 Vasić 2003, 87–88.
126 Vasić 1999, 13, cat. 6.
127 Ruppenstein 2020: 112–113.
128 Bulatović, Jović 2009, T. XCI/42. This study: Pl. 7/19, Pl.
9/9, 10.
129 See note no. 83.
130 Bulatović, Jović 2009, 319; Bulatović 2007, T.LII/49, 51.
131 Bulatović 2007, Т. LII/49, 51.
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
Sites with Brnjica type pottery in
Vardar/Axios basin and Pelagonia
Indicative sites
with Belegiš II–Gava type pottery
Fig. 2. Sites with Brnjica group type pottery in the Vardar/Axios Basin and Pelagonia and significant sites
with Belegiš II–Gava type pottery
1. Novo Selo, site of Bubanj; 2. Lipovica, Jeričište; 3. Bobište, Sastanci and Izvorište; 4. Leskovac, Hisar; 5. Bratmilovce, Donje Polje; 6. Kržince, Piljakovac;
7. Ranutovac, Meanište; 8. Turija, Česma; 9. Skopje, Klučka (Hipodrom–Madžari); 10. Čaška, Manastir; 11. Veles, Stobi; 12. Tremnik, Mali Dol; 13. Prilep,
Varoš; 14. Veprčani, Slamite; 15. Vardina; 16. Vardarophtsa; 17. Kastanas; 18. Asiros.
Сл. 2. Локалитети са керамиком брњичке групе у долини Вардара и Пелагонији, и значајни локалитети
са керамиком типа Белегиш II–Гава
1. Ново Село, Бубањ; 2. Липовица, Јеричиште; 3. Бобиште, Састанци и Извориште; 4. Лесковац, Хисар; 5. Братмиловце, Доње Поље; 6. Кржинце,
Пиљаковац; 7. Ранутовац, Меаниште; 8. Турија, Чесма; 9. Скопље, Клучка (Хиподром–Маџари); 10. Чашка, Манастир; 11. Велес, Стоби; 12. Тремник,
Мали Дол; 13. Прилеп, Варош; 14. Вепрчани, Сламите; 15. Вардина; 16. Вардарофца; 17. Кастанас; 18. Асирос.
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
The hilltop settlements that have securely dated
strata are located away from the main communication
routes of the Južna Morava, Moravica and Vardar rivers. They lie on the other side of the Preševo saddle
(Fig. 1/48). We must ask if these hillforts were also
inhabited in the Late Bronze Age, or if they were created as a form of refuge for people resistant to the
changing social and political situation stimulated by
inward migration into the Južna Morava Valley and
environs. With this in mind, Konculj hillfort, which is
absolutely dated to the LBA, was clearly set back
from the main communication routes, but nonetheless
lies at a strategically important position on the route
linking the Južna Morava Valley to Kosovo and
Metohija. In order to evaluate if there is a cultural and
chronological pattern in the changed distribution of
settlements in various topographic locations moving
into the 12th century BC, further dates from well-stratified excavations are required.
The site of Dve Mogili in Pelince, Pčinja Valley,
dated to the 12th century BC, is also relevant to this
discussion (Fig. 1/PE). At that site, pottery corresponding to the Brnjica group was found exclusively
(Pl. V).132 The site is approximately contemporary to
Hisar (specifically feature 7), where we know that Belegiš II–Gava type pottery was being consumed at a
time when it was not being used at Dve Mogili (Pl.
VI). It remains possible of course that Belegiš II–
Gava type pottery was used in this region at this stage
but has not been identified as of yet at this site, which
served a ritual as well as settlement function from the
early to late Bronze Age. Indeed, the site may have
had a special function more generally, and votives
were commonly deposited in the form of pottery and
other objects. We speculate that “foreign” material
could have been seen to disrupt the sanctity of this
long-lived place. We can also observe that the site is
located outside of the Morava–Vardar route, so perhaps this pottery was simply not present at that time
due to its location (Fig. 2).
The assemblage from the settlement on Hisar, unlike other hilltop settlements located outside of the
Južna Morava Valley, indicates the simultaneous use
of these two different pottery styles. While some
crossovers are noted, as observed above for handles, the
two traditions continued to be produced alongside each
other for an uncertain period of time. Looking to the
lowland settlement in Ranutovac (11th–10th century
BC) about 40 km south of Hisar, we can observe a
significant change, but we remain cognisant of its dif-
ferent topographic position. At Ranutovac, the ceramic
assemblage is completely dominated by Belegiš II–
Gava type pottery. Sherds corresponding to the previous Brnjica group are only rarely found at this stage,
though this does reveal the survival of the tradition in
this vicinity (Pl. VII/19, Pl. IX/9, 10). According to
absolute dates, this continuity of use of Brnjica pottery consumption at this site continued until the end
of the Ha A2 period, or the beginning of Ha B1, i.e.
between the second half of the 11th century and the
end of the 10th century BC (Tab. 1/14).
According to our current data, we can identify
two possible scenarios, accepting there are grey areas
in between. The first is that there was emulation and
local production of Belegiš II pottery (in the form of
Belegiš II–Gava) on the basis of fashion alone; that is,
the idea was spread through minimal personal mobility and was primarily a diffusion of an idea. The local
production and interpretation of Belegiš II conventions may support that. However, given the duration
and continued local manufacture, as well as disruptions in the Pannonian Plain at this same time (discussed below), we prefer a model that involves directional mobility or migration. People who had long
used Belegiš II pottery moved into the Morava Valley
and inhabited unfortified lowland sites. This settlement was on the fertile and broad valley lowlands,
which facilitated ease of communication and extensive arable, as well as pastoral, farming. These flat expanses of the valley broadly reflect the landscape of
the Pannonian Plain. In light of this, the rarity of the
characteristic Belegiš II–Gava pottery in the hills outside this route may be relevant. One exception is the
hilltop settlement on Hisar, which has an extremely
favourable position on a broad-surfaced, dominantly
located hill in the middle of the Leskovac plain. The
transitional period settlement on Hisar was mostly located on the gentle eastern slopes. This had no fortifications, unlike the LBA settlement defined by a ditch
and rampart on the plateau of the hill. Unfortunately,
we lack absolute dates from the LBA settlement on
the highest plateau and so the chronological relationship between these two areas of settlement is unknown, and it remains possible some occupation within the rampart continued after the LBA.
Compare: Bulatović, Stankovski 2012, T. LVIII and cited
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
There is little data about plant and animal management strategies in the Central Balkans during the
Late Bronze and Early Iron Age. Paleobotanical analyses have been completed on samples from two sites
thus far – Hisar and Ranutovac, so these results only
allow preliminary insights into subsistence strategies
and landscape management in the region. Together
with the changes in material culture and settlement
patterns, one important development can be detected
in the archaeobotanical record. This was the marked
increase in the cultivation of millet alongside other
plant species. It was found at Hisar in feature 7 (12th
century calBC), as well as in Ranutovac in feature 3c
(late 9th–early 8th century BC).133 Millet can be cultivated as a springtime crop, which increases temporal
diversification in agricultural risk management in a
community by providing fresh crops in different seasons, perhaps a reason for its popularity at this time.134
According to recently published paleobotanical
analysis partnered with absolute dates, it has been confirmed that a major increase in the use of millet occurred in Europe in the middle of the 2nd millennium.135
This large-scale cultivation pattern began in Ukraine
in the 16th century BC (Vinogradnaya Sad), spreading
into the south Carpathian Basin by the 15th century BC
and Central Europe by the 13th–12th century BC.136 A
large quantity of millet was recorded together with
Belegiš II–Gava pottery at Hisar in feature 7, suggesting it may have been introduced to this region alongside this pottery.
Valamoti identifies an increased use of millet in
Greece from the second half of the 2nd millennium
BC.137 Significant quantities of millet were recovered
from the bottom of a pithos in Assiros in northern
Greece. The feature is dated to the 14th to early 13th
century calBC. 138 At this same time, or perhaps
slightly earlier, millet has been recorded at other sites
in northern Greece (Archondiko, Kastanas, Toumba
Thessaloniki).139 The dates for millet use in the Pannonian Plain and in Greece thus both predate the earliest known examples in the Morava Valley at Hisar
(13th century BC). The dearth of archaeobotanical
studies in the Morava Valley limits our understanding
of developments there in millet farming. This presents
the possibility that it was introduced from either the
north or the south, though as Filipović et al. chart it
spreading from Ukraine westwards, it is plausible that
its use spread from the Carpathian Basin to Greece
via the Morava Valley. This model of LBA use in the
latter area may be supported by the material culture
evidence for intensive interconnections with the Carpathian Basin and Oltenia. Interconnections with the
south, in turn, are seen for this same period at Assiros,
Kastanas and other sites in northern Greece, where
spherical cups decorated with spirals were recorded.
This was a popular form of vessel across a vast territory from southern Transylvania to the Aegean coast.140
Discussion of the 13th to 11th century
Južna Morava Valley
The analysis of portable finds, settlement patterns
and absolute chronology of the Late Bronze Age and
the pottery groups from the Bronze to Iron Age transitional period in the Južna Morava Valley reveals that
this was a well-connected area and a communication
route during the Late Bronze Age. This is recognised
through the exchange of ideas, experiences and knowledge of people from south-eastern Pannonia and
southern Transylvania through to groups in the northern Aegean world.141
People using pottery of the Brnjica group inhabited
the Južna Morava Valley, occupying lowland settlements primarily during the first phase of the LBA. By
the end of this period, numerous hilltop settlements
with fortifications in defensible positions were established. These latter are distributed along the very edge
of the north-south running river valley, set in strategic
positions from where it was possible to control the
routeway. At that time the material culture reveals that
this valley was at once an important natural communication route and a node in the social networks connecting the northern Aegean and Carpathian ambits.
Given the fortified nature of hilltop settlements at the
end of LBA, based on absolute dates so far from
Unpublished. We wish to thank D. Filipović for this data.
Filipović et al. 2020.; Marston 2011
135 Filipović et al. 2020.
136 Filipović et al. 2020: 5, Figure 4.
137 Valamoti 2013.
138 Filipović et al. 2020.
139 Valamoti 2013.
140 Bulatović 2011, Map. 1.
141 Булатовић 2011. Similar conclusions had come before
from J. Bouzek (1985), and recently N. Palincas (2018). Some
authors (Kristiansen, Larsson 2005, 18–19, ref. 8, 62, 158 and further), however, criticised J. Bouzek’s approach to this problem,
without denying interconnections between the Mediterranean and
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
Končulj and Hisar, it is plausible they formed an interlinked defensive feature linking the various communities of this area. Several of these fortified settlements were burned down, but the precise chronology
of this remains unknown. In the upper Južna Morava
valley, we can tell that hilltop settlements in Končulj
had been settled by the 13th century BC. This might
suggest that violent destruction of the fortifications in
these settlements occurred after that period – that is,
post 1200 BC. This may suggest that inward migration was not set within an entirely peaceful context, so
that it may have been implicated in local conflicts as
settlement and material culture forms were shifting.
Aside from hilltop settlements, the few absolute dates
available indicate that in the first half of the 12th century BC (Tab. 1/7, 9), the completely different Belegiš
II–Gava pottery was introduced into an area previously
dominated by Brnjica group traditions.
This new pottery undoubtedly derives from, or
even belongs to, the Belegiš II–Gava cultural group,
which was characteristic of the Pannonian Plain since at
least 1400 BC.142 During the 12th century BC, this became the dominant ceramic style used throughout the
whole of the Morava Valley,143 and a short time later,
throughout the Vardar valley. Pottery with this characteristic channel-decoration, particularly the bowls
with inverted rims, has been found in quantities in
cemeteries and on settlements dated to the 12th to 11th
centuries BC all the way to the level of the northern
coast of the Aegean. That said, deeper vessels from
the Vardar area with a cylindrical neck with an ornament on the belly in the form of oblique or horizontal
grooves “divided” by a vertical plastic device, (Pl.
VI/3, Pl. VII/12, Pl. X/11) may find their best parallels in the transitional period from the Velika Morava
Valley,144 rather than the Pannonian Plain. That is, a
distinctive local variation of the Belegiš II–Gava tradition can be recognised in the Vardar Valley and it is predominantly this variation that is documented in areas
to the south. It seems that this is an original “Morava”
element that evolved from Belegiš II–Gava pottery.
On the basis of the above detailed discussions, the
question is raised as to whether the appearance of Belegiš II–Gava pottery and the introduction of new types
of bronze objects can be related to changes that took
place within the Morava Valley itself. Specifically, we
refer here to the building of hilltop settlements with
fortifications on the one hand and the instances, and
possible horizon, of burning we observe at these.
Judging by the situation recorded at Hisar, where
sealed contexts with pottery of the Belegiš II–Gava
type were recorded in association with occasional
finds of Brnjica group sherds, we can say that the two
different styles coexisted at this site for a period. It
will be important to identify if this pattern can be recognised at other hilltop settlements from this period in
future fieldwork. In particular, a more systematic
comparison of sites within and just beyond the Južna
Morava Valley will be revealing. This is because there
are strong suggestions in the current datasets that Belegiš II–Gava pottery was less common outside of the
main communication corridor and that local Brnjica
pottery continued in use into the 12th century BC. The
distribution of both Brnjica group and Belegiš II–
Gava group pottery from this period (12th–11th century BC) suggests a bias in settlement choices, with the
latter being dominant in settlements on the plains and
terraces of Južna Morava river, while the former dominates assemblages outside the Južna Morava Valley.
This raises the question as to whether we find a bifurcation of society in this area resulting, in part, from
inward migration and the manner in which the people,
as well as craft traditions, of such groups articulated
with established communities.
We emphasise here that we consider bearers of
pottery styles as a technical device to enable a comparative study of communities. In this sense, while it
may be used to differentiate the people using certain
pottery and living in certain settlements, we do not
imply ethnic groups or even deeply held cultural or
social distinctions. We speak here of choices in how
identity was expressed using pottery styles and
shapes. For that reason, it is necessary to consider different possibilities for the introduction of Belegiš II–
Gava type into the Morava region. Was this a result of
population interaction alone, i.e. cultural transmission
(short-term movements of low intensity such as trade,
marriage, exchange of information and knowledge,
etc.)? Or can we imply from this data more intensive
population movements involving larger numbers of
people and with a greater permanency; i.e., resettlement? Pottery of the Belegiš II–Gava type is associated
with the Carpathian Basin and is present south of the
Carpathian arc in Oltenia as early as the end of the 13th
Медовић 2001, 220.
Стојић 2005.
144 Стојић 2005, T. XXXV/9–14, Т. XXXVI/14, Т. LI/2, Т.
LX/18, Т. LXI/1, сл. 17.
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century BC, and certainly by the first half of the 12th
century BC.145 Recent research in Banat shows that
the general style began notably earlier on the Pannonian Plain within the Carpathian arc.146 The earliest
examples which may be called Belegiš II style date as
early as 1400 BC, though it is during the 14th century
that the style matured and came into wider circulation. This style is largely (but not exclusively) defined
by characteristic urns, bowls with inverted rims, carinated/s-profile cups and small-footed juglets.147 The
type beakers
Paraćin type beakers
Fig. 3. Sites with globular beakers of the Zimnicea–Cherkovna–Plovdiv and Paraćin types
1. Tei; 2. Govora sat; 3. Zimnicea; 4. Zbradila; 5. Verbicoiara; 6. Barca; 7. Archar; 8. Pleven; 9. Tserkovna; 10. Varbovka; 11. Nova Zagora; 12. Plovdiv;
13. Razkopanica; 14. Kamenska čuka; 15. Marikostinovo; 16. Donja Toponica; 17. Velika Lukanja; 18. Končulj; 19. Kokino; 20. Manastir; 21. Ulanci;
22. Potamoi; 23. Tsautsica; 24. Kastanas; 25. Asiros; 26. Statmos Agista; 27. Kentria; 28. Tumba, Thesalonike; 29. Vardarophtsa; 30. Saratse; 31. Akbunar.
a) Sarina međa; b) Kragujevac; c) Ćuprija; d) Paraćin; e) Obrež; f) Rutevac; g) Vrtište; h) Medijana; i) Velika Lukanja; j) Klučka; k) Vardarski Rid.
Сл. 3. Локалитети са налазима лоптастих пехара типова Параћин и Зимничеа–Черковна–Пловдив
1. Теи; 2. Говора сат; 3. Зимничеа; 4. Збрадила; 5. Вербичоара; 6. Барка; 7. Арчар; 8. Плевен; 9. Черковна; 10. Варбовка; 11. Нова Загора;
12. Пловдив; 13. Разкопаница; 14. Каменска чука; 15. Марикостиново; 16. Доња Топоница; 17. Велика Лукања; 18. Кончуљ; 19. Кокино; 20. Манастир;
21. Уланци; 22. Потамои; 23. Чаушица; 24. Кастанас; 25. Асирос; 26. Статмос Агиста; 27. Кентриа; 28. Тумба, Солун; 29. Вардарофца;
30. Сараце; 31. Акбунар.
a) Сарина међа; b) Крагујевац; c) Ћуприја; d) Параћин; e) Обреж; f) Рутевац; g) Вртиште; h) Медијана; i) Велика Лукања; j) Клучка; k) Вардарски Рид
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material typologically related to the Belegiš II–Gava
group has been recorded throughout the Morava and
Vardar/Axios valleys and as far as the Aegean coast,
demonstrating a long chain of interacting societies.
Importantly, this distribution of Belegiš II–Gava style
pottery began after the abandonment of most or all
mega-fort sites and related cemeteries in the Pannonian Basin.148
We will turn now to a brief overview of material
from the Vardar/Axios valley, because this provides
us with a context to evaluate the full regional extent
of the impact of the introduction of Belegiš II–Gava
pottery to this wider area. In the Late Bronze Age,
people living in the Vardar/Axios valley used material
culture characterised as the Ulanci group. The material
culture characteristic of this group has been clearly
defined by others.149 According to D. Mitrevski, the
group existed from the end of the 14th to the end of
the 12th century BC, after which he argues the people
making and using this were replaced by a “North and
Central Balkan population”. For Mitrevski, the appearance of new pottery and a new type of burial rite, cremation burials placed in urns, is used to support that
mass-migration model. The earliest known cremation
burials have been recorded at Skopje (Klučka), Veles,
Bitolj and Štip and are dated to this period of change
in the 12th century BC (Fig. 2).150
A clear example illustrating the relationship between the older rite of inhumation and the newly introduced rite of cremation, is the recently investigated
cemetery of Mali Dol near Negotin.151 In this cemetery, inhumation burials of the Ulanci group represent
the earliest phases of the late 12th century BC. Then, in
the 11th to 10th century, a horizon of cremation burials
in urns was deposited (Fig. 4). The urns in question
are clearly closely related to the Brnjica group from
the Južna Morava region. On the basis of the typology
of needles from graves from both phases of the cemetery, the chronology might need to be shifted to slightly
earlier dates.152 We await absolute dates from this cemetery as part of ongoing work, and these phases are
based on relative ceramic chronology currently.153
It is relevant that a vessel with channel decoration
on the belly was deposited in the older phase of the
cemetery alongside pottery characteristic of the Ulanci
group. The decoration is similar to bowls with a channel-decorated belly from the Brnjica group.154 This
could indicate mutual contacts between the Ulanci
and Brnjica groups even before the later phase of the
Mali Dol cemetery was established. 155 No pottery of
Belegiš II–Gava influence or type has been recorded
in this cemetery. Slightly farther to the north, that latter pottery style has been documented in a cremation
cemetery with urn burials at Klučka.
The cemetery of Klučka lies on the eastern outskirts of the city of Skopje.156 At this site, the mortuary rite and most of the material culture correspond to
features common to both the Brnjica and Paraćin
groups. However, the relationship between the pottery
from the graves and the cultural layers at the nearby
settlement is not clear with respect to chronology and
stratigraphy. The pottery from the settlement was dominated by vessels with characteristics of Belegiš II–
Gava style. Channel-decorated pottery was discovered
in the cultural layer among the stone constructions of
the graves and could therefore stratigraphically belong to the period during which the cemetery was in
use. However, it is notable that no graves contain vessels of this type of pottery. Ultimately, it is quite possible that this pottery was deposited very soon after
the cemetery ceased being used and was associated
with a short-lived settlement using Belegiš II–Gava
pottery in this same location. If so, it is interesting that
a settlement with occupants utilising a new material
culture tradition was built above a very recently used,
and presumably still visible, cemetery. Whether from
a settlement or mortuary context, this introduction
could represent a very visible symbol of a change in
the nature or makeup of the community.
Alexandrov et al. 2016, Figs. 5–9.
Sava 2020; Molloy et al. 2020.
147 Bulatović 2019. Compare: Sava 2020, Fig. 16/1H, Fig. 17.
148 Sava, Gogâltan, and Krause 2019; Lehmpuhl et al. 2019;
Gumnior and Stobbe 2019; B. Molloy et al. 2020.
149 Mitrevski 2003, 46–51.
150 Митревски 1997.
151 Papazovska 2019.
152 Vasić 2003.
153 This is currently being conducted by A. Papazovska and B.
Molloy under the remit of the ERC “The Fall of 1200 BC” project.
154 Папазовска 2019, Т. I.
155 In Pelagonija, urns of the Brnjica type with a typical Brnjica rim, as well as a deeper bowl with a grooved belly were recorded in a hoard of vessels at the Varoš site in Prilep (Kitanoski
1980; Bulatović 2011, T. II / 10), This could be evidence of direct
or indirect contacts of the Pelagonija population and the Central
156 Mitrevski 1994.
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We must also briefly consider the cemetery in
Stobi. At this site, an urn with features resembling the
Brnjica style was found along with a bowl with an inverted fluted rim. Unfortunately, the contribution this
site may make to any discussion of the stratigraphicchronological relationship between “Brnjica” pottery
and Belegiš II–Gava in the Vardar Valley has been
lost because the site was completely destroyed in
modern times.157
A similar situation to that seen in the Morava Valley with respect to changes in settlement occurs in the
lower Vardar Valley. At Vardarski Rid, a large hillfort
settlement was built on a dominant hill next to the
Vardar river, not far from the present state border of
Northern Macedonia and Greece. The hillfort was inhabited by the LBA (settlement Vardarski Rid II –
13th to 11th century BC) by people using pottery of the
Ulanci group.158 Alongside this, some pottery characteristic of the Brnjica group, urns in particular, was
used. As for the local architecture, houses were characterised by walls constructed with daub.159 It is not
clear whether there was a hiatus between this and the
“Brnjica type” amphora
Fig. 4. Sites with Brnjica group type “amphorae”
1. Kokino; 2. Klučka; 3. Štip; 4. Manastir; 5. Stobi; 6. Prilep; 7. Vardarski Rid; 8. Kamenska čuka; 9. Plovdiv; 10. Razkopanica; 11. Sandanski;
12. Faia Petra; 13. Potamoi and Eksohi; 14. Statmos Agista; 15. Asiros; 16. Kastanas; 17. Vardarophtsa.
Сл. 4. Локалитети са „амфорама“ брњичке групе
1. Кокино; 2. Клучка; 3. Штип; 4. Манастир; 5. Стоби; 6. Прилеп; 7. Вардарски Рид; 8. Каменска чука; 9. Пловдив; 10. Разкопаница; 11. Сандански;
12. Фаиа Петра; 13. Потамои и Ексохи; 14. Статмос Агиста; 15. Асирос; 16. Кастанас; 17. Вардарофца.
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next phase of settlement at this same location (Vardarski Rid III), which has material culture characteristic
of the Early Iron Age. This change is visible, in any
case, in the completely different pottery that characterises each phase. According to Mitrevski, a possible
scenario is that the inhabitants of the LBA settlement,
or a component of them, withdrew from Vardarski
Rid to the nearby higher and more difficult to access
hillfort on Kofilak hill. This was seen as possibly relating to major turbulent events. Pottery used at the
site after this horizon is mostly of northern origin,160
but on the Kofilak hillfort, pottery of LBA forms was
found and associated with different architecture that is
characteristic of Central Balkan traditions (wattle and
daub technique). The settlement from the Early Iron
Age, which is dated to the 10th–9th century BC, is
characterised by Belegiš II–Gava pottery, though only
in small quantities.161
Farther south, in the lower course of the Vardar/
Axios river, clear changes are also documented in the
pottery inventory of settlements. In the oldest phase
of the LBA tell settlement of Assiros Toumba (phase
9), among other things, spherical cups decorated with
spirals filled with white inlay were recorded. During a
later phase at this settlement (phase 6) urn-like vessels of the Brnjica group appeared,162 as seen at this
time in the upper and the middle course of the Vardar/
Axios river. Phase 9 of Assiros is dated to the middle
of the 14th century calBC, while phase 6 is absolutely
dated to the 13th century (95.4% of probability) and
possibly to the second quarter of this century.163 This
indicates the existence of clear contacts between
groups in the Central Balkans and those in the lower
Vardar/Axios valley. Pottery with characteristics of
the Belegiš II–Gava group has not been recorded at
this site but an amphora with twisted handles was
found in Phase 3.164
At the settlement of Kastanas, globular beakers
decorated with spiral and other geometric motifs, often
filled with inlays, were recovered from the 17th layer.
In this same layer, the first vessel reminiscent of urns
of the Brnjica group was recorded.165 Ornaments in
the form of spirals, ribbons filled with impressions,
hatched triangles and similar decoration techniques
common to the LBA groups of southern Pannonia,
Oltenia and Transylvania, appear in Kastanas as early
as the 19th layer, together with local matt-painted pottery, and continue to appear in subsequently deposited
layers. This pottery seems to be most numerous in layers 14b–13,166 which has been dated to the first quarter
of the 12th century BC.167 This is an important horizon, because changes can be recognised in the pottery
assemblage. In the 13th layer, wide oblique channels set
on the belly of vessels sporadically occur. These are
on forms of bowls seen in Brnjica group assemblages.
Plastic extensions on handles, which are known in the
Brnjica group, and twisted handles characteristic of
pottery in the Velika Morava Valley with Belegiš II–
Gava influences are both documented at Kastanas and
the nearby cemetery of Palio Gynakokastro.168 These
elements become more frequent in layers 12 and 11 at
Kastanas. In the 12th layer (last quarter of the 12th
century BC) 169 new pottery with elements of the Belegiš II–Gava style appears in the form of bowls with
an inverted and faceted rim, bowls with inverted and
fluted rims, handles of slatina-type and handles with
plastic extensions on their top. In addition to the channel decoration of the Belegiš II–Gava type, the wider
oblique channels on the bellies of bowls, characteristic
of the Brnjica group, occur alongside matt-painted
vessels and more numerically dominant local forms.170
In the 11th layer (the beginning of the 10th century BC),
channel decoration is even more frequently attested.
From the 10th layer (middle of the 10th century), only
channel decoration of Belegiš II–Gava type is present,
and vessels with channel-decorated bellies and vertical
plastic ribs appear.171 These same forms and ornaments were recovered from Hisar feature 7 (Tab. 1/7, 9
Митревски 1997, 313.
Mitrevski 2001; Videvski 2005.
159 Mitrevski 2001, 20–21, Pl. I.
160 Mitrevski 2001, 22–23.
161 Mitrevski 2001, Pl. I; Papazovska 2005, T. I/5, T. III/24.
162 Wardle, Wardle 2007.
163 Wardle et al. 2014, fig. 2, Tab. 1. The start of phase 6
would be between 1300–1253, and the end between 1265–1203.
164 Wardle, Wardle 2007, 473. pl. 18.
165 Hochsteter 1984, Taf. 10/1, Taf. 13/5
166 Hochsteter 1984, Taf. 40, 47, 48/1, 7, Taf. 50, 56/7–9,
60/1, 5–9
167 Weninger, Jung 2009.
168 Hochsteter 1984, Taf. 71/2, 3, Taf. 73/10. Savvopoulou,
Th, 2001, “Παλιό Γυναικόκαστρο. Το νεκροταφείο των
“περιβόλων”“ in Stampolidis, N. (ed). Καυσεισ Στην Εποχη Του
Χαλκου Και Την Πρωιμη Εποχη Τουσιδηρου. Athens: Archaeological Etaireia, pp: 169–184, 174.
169 Weninger, Jung 2009.
170 Hochsteter 1984, Taf. 76/1, Taf. 78/2,3, 6, Taf. 80/8, Taf.
171 Hochsteter 1984, Taf. 117/4, 8, 10.
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– approximately the 12th century BC) and Ranutovac
feature 45 (Tab. 1/11 – last third of the 12th to last
quarter of the 11th century BC). This pottery feature,
which is common in the Morava Valley, appears relatively late in relation to other channel-decorated features
on ceramics of the Belegiš II–Gava type at Kastanas.
According to the analysis of pottery and on the
basis of stratigraphic horizons, it seems that the occu-
pants of Kastanas were in contact with groups from
the north as early as layers 19/18 (Br C/1450–1325/00
BC). This was contemporary with the early Brnjica
group and related groups from Oltenia and southern
Transylvania, directly or indirectly. By the 12th century
BC, consumption of pottery of the Belegiš II–Gava type
began and this was intensified considerably in the 11th
and 10th centuries BC.172 This adoption is also seen at
Kastanas cal
R/3b after Weininger, Jung BC
Br C
Br D
possible time span of Belegiš II-Gava
pottery occurrence in Južna Morava Valley
possible time span of Belegiš II-Gava
pottery occurrence in the lower Vardar Valley
and Troy VIIb2
Ha A1
Ha A2
possible time span of occurrence of Pšeničevo-Babadag pottery in Južna Morava Valley
Ha B1
Ha B2
false corded pottery
Ha B3
Fig. 5. Chronology of the LBA and Transitional period in the Južna Morava and Vardar/Axios Basins
SČ – Svinjarička Čuka; Med – Medijana; Sv – Svinjište; H/7 – Hisar, feature 7; Pel – Pelince; H/15 – Hisar, feature 15; R/45 – Ranutovac, feature 45;
H/25 – Hisar, feature 25; R/3c – Ranutovac, feature 3c; R/26 – Ranutovac, feature 26; R/3b – Ranutovac, feature 3b.
Light grey in the date bars represents a time span of 95.4% probability; dark grey in the date bars represents a time span of 68.2% probability
or the other value inscribed in the bar.
Сл. 5. Хронологија позног бронзаног доба и прелазног периода у долинама Јужне Мораве и Вардара
SČ – Свињаричка чука; Med – Медијана; Sv – Свињиште; H/7 – Хисар, објекат 7; Pel – Пелинце; H/15 – Хисар, објекат 15; R/45 – Ранутовац,
објекат 45; H/25 – Хисар, објекат 25; R/3c – Ранутовац, објекат 3c; R/26 – Ранутовац, објекат 26; R/3b – Ранутовац, објекат 3b.
Светло сиви стубићи представљају временски оквир са вероватноћом од 95.4%, тамно сиви стубићи представљају временски оквир
са вероватноћом од 68.2%, или других вредности напоменутих у стубићу.
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the nearby cemetery of Palio Gynaikokastro, where
bowls with inverted, channel-decorated rims are
At Vardarophtsa in the lower Vardar/Axios basin,
a vessel of the Brnjica urn type was recorded in the
LBA layer, together with globular beakers and other
characteristic pottery of the time.174 Above this stratum, burnt layers derived from at least two phases of
settlement were excavated and together were 1.5 m
deep. Within these, sherds of what was once called
“Lausitz” pottery, now termed Belegiš II–Gava, were
W.A. Heartley read this as a clear example of an
invasion (though not necessarily violent) of Belegiš
II–Gava pottery bearers at the end of the Mycenaean
era. A similar situation was recorded in Vardina (today
Limnotopos, Greece). There, the youngest of three
layers of settlement had Belegiš II–Gava pottery found
side-by-side with locally made ceramics, including
some Mycenaean forms.176 At the lowermost burnt
layer in Vardina, an Orlea-type fibula with a leafshaped arch was found. This piece was dated by pottery from the same context to the Submycenaean period,
but also to the Mycenaean IIIC Late phase.177 This
corresponds to the first half of the 11th century BC,178
but potentially as early as the second half of the 12th
century BC, according to Wardle et al.179 A fibula of
this type was found in tomb XI at the cemetery at
Brod (Saraj) in Pelagonija, North Macedonia, with
many finds that, according to Hammond, originate
from the north, and can be dated to the 12th century
BC.180 Orlea type fibulae are common in Pannonia,
and are dated there to the Ha A1 period, though the justification of this dating remains unclear.181 It has been
argued that they originated in today’s southern Germany and Austria during the period Br D–Ha A.182 It
is also salient that a hoard of vessels from Pelagonija
(Prilep, Varoš) with several types characteristic of the
Brnjica group has been documented, providing further context to the fibula from nearby Saraj.
A final note with respect to the distribution of
Pannonian channel-decorated pottery is that the Belegiš II–Gava type also reached the Troy VIIb2 settlement in Anatolia. In this layer there are twisted handles, vessels whose belly is decorated with vertical
plastic thickening and channels (the so-called Morava
variant of the vessel) and instances of vessels with
vertical or oblique narrow channels on their bellies.183
According to P. Hnila, who follows Wardle et al.’s
suggestion, this layer can be dated to 1140–1120 cal-
BC, based on painted Mycenaean and Protogeometric
pottery.184 One must not, however, neglect the conventional date for layer VIIb2, which corresponds to
the middle of the 11th century BC, so it is most reasonable to date this layer to the period from the second
half of the 12th to the middle of the 11th century.185
Such vessels have also been documented in Thrace,
for example in phases II and III at Gluhite Kamani,
which correspond to the second half of the 12th to the
10th–9th century (possibly the first half of the 9th century) (Fig. 5).186
Discussion: Of Aegean Migrations, Dorians
and new mobility paradigms in archaeology
It is perhaps easy to understand why a model for
“Aegean migrations” was developed as an explanation for culture change, and pottery in particular, in
the area between the Morava Valley and north Aegean
coast around 1200 BC based on the appearance of
(broadly) Carpathian pottery styles in northern Greece.
It is clear that the areas between were central to any
form of personal or cultural mobility. Indeed, the very
idea of culturally bounded social or political groups
defined almost entirely by the pottery they used moving from point A to B over such distances is rarely, if
ever, found in current literature. At the same time, it is
aiming for an easy target to contest that detailed studies of the development of “named” pottery groups as
Булатовић 2011.
Savvopoulou 2001
174 Heurtley 1939, 408.
175 Lausitz pottery or Danube pottery were previous terms
for the pottery from the Vardar Valley that appeared in the last
quarter of the 2nd millenium. Today, this pottery could be identified as Belegiš II–Gava pottery; handles decorated with narrow
grooves, twisted handles, vessels with obliquely, horizontally or
vertically grooved belly, etc. (Heurtley 1939, Fig. 87).
176 Hammond 1972, 305–306. It is not clear whether was
Mycenaean import or local imitations.
177 Stefanovich 1973, 151.
178 Weninger, Jung 2009.
179 Wardle et al. 2014, 7, Tab. 1.
180 Hammond 1975, 707–708.
181 Vasić 1999, 21.
182 Vasić 1999, 21.
183 Hnila 2012, cat.nos. 446, 671, 676, 685, 710, 712, 715,
811, 812, 813, 929.
184 Hnila 2012, 20; Wardle et al. 2007.
185 Desborough 1964.
186 Nekhrizov, Tzvetkova 2018, Figs. 4/7, 6/6, 12
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
coherent and often spatially constrained bodies of material are old fashioned or equate to “pots = people”.
This is particularly the case in our study area because
we spatially move through four to five distinct cultural
ambits; The Carpathian Basin, Oltenia and the areas
immediately south of the Danube, the Morava Valley,
the Vardar/Axios valley and northern Greece.
Differences in material culture in each area abound
at particular times and at other times they are reduced
and imports, adaptations and entanglement of styles
are recognised. Why do we consider the migration
model to have been an understandable paradigm? Because during a brief window of time, common elements in the pottery styles of these four to five areas
emerge. This is not prestige, high-value pottery that
may be considered a trade item, but rather mundane
and basic domestic pottery, material which was consumed at a household/family unit level. At the same
time, we witness changes in settlement patterns with
evidence for increased defensibility in some cases and
site destructions in others around this same horizon.
Contemporaneous to this, we can also document the
spread of burial practices in a north-south direction
with flat cremation cemeteries using urns reaching the
north Aegean.187 While we do not argue for a mass-migration model, we also cannot consider these particular
and deeply embedded changes to be the result of passive diffusion. It is also clear that we cannot identify
any form of core-periphery or high to low culture
kind of emulation framework that might justify the
adoption of the Belegiš II–Gava and Brnjica styles
beyond the areas in which they were originally developed. Change occurred at variable paces and intensities at different settlements and cemeteries, indicating
the presence of regular networks of interaction that
expanded over time towards the south. Migration may
well have driven this expansion, but the cultural impact emerged through the continuance of networks established in this way. As a consequence, new ideas/
styles became embedded alongside existing ones for a
period, either increasing (Morava) or decreasing
(Northern Greece) in prevalence and fidelity (with respect to ‘original’ forms) between 1200 and 1000 BC.
With this in mind, we turn briefly to one of the
root causes of the old migration models, that of the
Dorian invasion. 188 This myth largely arose from the
specific academic climate of the late 19th and early
20th centuries and constituted what O’Brien termed
“parables of decline”.189 This invasion model is so
completely defunct, we merely state here that it was
based on a highly selective and colonialist reading of
Classical Greek texts to argue for hordes of invading
Barbarians raiding Greece and bringing about the collapse of Bronze Age palatial society there. Here we
wish to briefly revisit the original texts, not this invasion model, because apart from this 19th century fantasy Dorian Invasion, some elements of the texts themselves are revealing. We recognise these were written
600–700 years later than the events they purport to
discuss and that they were written within the intellectual and political milieu of the Classical period, rife
with agendas of the time of the writers. Counting
them as vague echoes of the past or folk memories at
best, some points of relevance to our paper can be
Herodotus says the following:
“The Pelasgian race has never yet left its home;
the Hellenic has wandered often and far. For in the
days of king Deucalion it inhabited the land of Phthia,
then the country called Histiaean, under Ossa and
Olympus, in the time of Dorus son of Hellen; driven
from this Histiaean country by the Cadmeans, it settled about Pindus in the territory called Macedonian;
from there again it migrated to Dryopia, and at last
came from Dryopia into the Peloponnese, where it
took the name of Dorian.”190
In advance of commenting on this, we should clarify two things discussed in more detail elsewhere.191
Pottery of Pannonian and Balkan influence extends
only into the very north of Greece and even though
metalwork, being more mobile as personal or trade
objects, reaches as far south as Crete, it is most common north of the Gulf of Corinth. Moving south, maritime influences are more in evidence, as seen through
the combined presence of objects of Italian inspiration from across the Adriatic as well as objects of Carpathian influence in southern Greece.192 The point
made here is that the maritime connections which archaeology tells us were operating in the heartlands of
187 There is a certain probability that the urns with cremations
were covered with low mounds.
188 Milojčić 1948/49; Desborough 1964; Garašanin 1973;
Stefanovich 1973; Catling & Catling 1981; Mitrevski 2003 and
189 Maspero 1896; Sandars 1985; O’Brien 2013.
190 Herodotus 1.56:2–3.
191 Molloy 2016, 2018
192 Jung 2009; Jung and Mehofer 2013; F. Iacono 2013; B. P.
C. Molloy 2016b.
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
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the Mycenaean world do not receive a mention in
Herodotus, nor indeed do those lands themselves.
Rather, the focus is on incursions from the north.
However, Herodotus does not speak of mass invasions. Rather, what we read of is increased mobility of
groups and a process of ongoing reconfiguration of
identities over time as groups fuse and disintegrate
and move through the landscape. Given the time-scale
and short distances involved, this may better be read
as a period of increased mobility triggered by both instability and processes of the emergence, and importantly here the abortive emergence, of socio-cultural
identities. There is not a linear path between pre-Classical and Classical cultural/political identities, but a
world of “might have beens” alongside the eventual
successful identities.
Taking this as a vague echo of the past or even abstractly as a heuristic, this does not conflict with the
archaeological narrative as set out in this paper and we
feel this viewpoint is a more reasonable and testable
model than the Dorian Invasions or Aegean Migrations of old. In such a model, individuals and small
groups with myriad identities were involved in new
networks and there was experimentation on the one
hand, but also perhaps a darker and more violent side
as hegemonies were sought to be enforced and small
groups pushed themselves into new lands and actively
sought to assimilate or transform over time to suit
emergent social agendas. Another hypothetical reading might be that the area in which all of this chaotic
reordering was taking place was in the northern parts
of Greece and the southern Balkans before people in
Greece “had constant rest and [were] shifting their
seats no longer”.193
Accepting this combination of Classical history
and prehistoric archaeology as tenuous at best, our
key point is that if such a reading of the texts is at
least closer to the archaeology, then in turn it removes
any support whatsoever for large-scale migration narratives. It also leaves the door very much open to the
emergence of networks through which people moved
with diverse motivations, under changing historical
circumstances and at varied scales. None of this was
linear or predictable but appears quite chaotic. We
cannot begin to estimate how that may translate into
archaeological traces. The cultural impact of mobility
read in this way can be detected with the settlements
and cemeteries throughout the study area, where
change is evident but lacks a consistent pattern. Furthermore, taking away the core-periphery undertones of
the migration model in which the Morava and Vardar/
Axios valleys were passive conduits through which
people moved to more “interesting” areas, it is apparent
that communities there were actually the drivers of interaction linking areas north and south. This does not
preclude the movement of some groups farther to the
south, but that would be for different reasons, perhaps
periodic, and presumably outside of the network defined through domestic assemblages in this paper.
This was a period of change in which migration
played an important role but, in our view, rather than
revealing movement towards the previous palatial
heartlands, this migration contributed directly to the
growing prosperity within the overland corridor linking
the Aegean and continental Europe. These were dynamic communities in which ideas from the north and
south were adopted and modified and spread further.
We believe that part of this dynamic arose from migration into the Morava Valley, which triggered a new
cultural vibrancy there. That, in turn, articulated with
regions to the south over short and long distances. It
seems plausible to us that the data from the north Aegean is consistent with regularised, protracted and intense
mobility that had an impact on the domestic sphere.
This is visible in ceramic and metalwork forms being
consumed over centuries and, importantly, ceramic
forms suggest this took place in domestic contexts
rather than in venues of prestige-good consumption.
That suggests people, more than objects, were mobile.
We can take the case of the adoption of characteristic turban-dishes, bowls with oblique channel-decorated surfaces, from the Pannonian Plain repertoire.
Aslaksen considers these to be a key marker for this
new cultural dynamism.194 For bowls of modest aesthetic value, the capacity for their cultural value to
have been established through interaction and encounters involving the physical use of objects is important. Aslaksen sees the bowls as transcultural objects
serving as modulators between locals and travellers
during encounters in northern Greece. This allowed
them to engage in commensal activities in a common
manner, stimulated initially by migration of small
groups, possibly of elite status, from north to south.195
Thucydides 1.12.
Aslaksen 2012.
195 Aslaksen 2012: 269; see also Eder and Jung 2005 for a
similar model for the consumption of Mycenaean pottery in southern Italy.
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
Looking farther north, new packages of ceramics displacing preceding traditions, as seen with Belegiš II–
Gava assemblages of the Juzna-Morava Valley, requires more systematic interactions or, we would argue, a
permanent presence of some migrants. This signals
that the river valleys connecting the Aegean and Carpathian ambits became important hubs of cross-cultural interaction in their own right following collapse
in those two influential but distant regions.
It has commonly been argued that the Mycenaean
world represented a pull factor for groups from the
north, whether this was incoming mercenaries in service of the palaces or groups on the periphery trading
metal or finished objects to an Aegean core.196 The
gravity in such a model is presumed and while often
framed in terms of World Systems Analysis, it retains
strong, if implicit, tones of the Ex Oriente Lux mindset, the lower social orders of the “barbarian” periphery looking to the “civilised” core. The logic, however,
is undermined primarily on the basis of chronology.
The vast majority of Italian and Carpathian type objects
found in the Aegean are dated after the mid 12th century, that is, decades after the palaces had collapsed.197
The draw of the Aegean world was thus, to one
extent or other, perhaps not so strong at that point.
Looking to the north, two further things are relevant.
It is clear that crises in the Po Valley led to depopulation there in the first half of the 12th century BC.198
This created a push factor for outward movement of
people, documented for example in finds from this
time in southern Italy.199 Though our knowledge of
the precise chronology of developments in the Pannonian Plain is in development, it is clear that most of
the massive enclosed sites which had dominated this
region, and where Belegiš II pottery had first developed, were destroyed and/or abandoned between 1300
and 1200 BC.200 The same can be said for cemeteries
in the plain, the available data suggests many were
abandoned within that same century. It is not currently possible to define at what point in that century this
change took place. However, it can be mooted that,
like the situation in the Po Valley, a collapse in settlement systems in the Pannonian Plain provided a possible push factor encouraging outward movement of
people who had commonly used Belegiš II pottery. This
may be seen, for example, in the appearance of Belegiš II pottery in southern Poland and an increase in
settlement in the Transylvanian Plateau in the 12th
century, as well as the situation described here for the
Morava and Vardar valleys.201
Thus, the changes we have discussed occurred after
collapse in the Aegean, Po Valley and Pannonian
realms. These changes in mobility patterns, short and
long distance, were taking place as a consequence of
the collapse of the powerful nodes that had dominated
networks. In our study area, due to inward migration
and necessary new economic and social networks in the
wake of reorganisation across the wider region, societies
saw a brief boom in prosperity between 1200–1000 BC.
During this time, increased mobility drove a form of
transculturalism from the Morava to North Aegean,
witnessed in objects consumed in domestic and mortuary venues.
In this paper we have revisited a long-standing
discussion in Balkan archaeology related to the existence and potential impact of a so-called Aegean migration around 1200 BC. More specifically, we focussed on the internal transformations of communities
lying in the Morava and Vardar/Axios valleys and their
hinterlands during a period of known social change
(1200–1000 BC). Through a detailed overview of both
ceramic and metalwork finds, supported by new absolute chronological data, we were able to demonstrate
that basic phasing can be defined in the pace and character of change in these two stretches of valley. Though
seen as a passive conduit in migration models, we have
argued that the evidence rather points to the Morava
Valley being a dynamic zone of cultural interaction and
change, whose influence spread southward during the
centuries identified as the “Transitional Period”. Local
settlement and mortuary trajectories were disrupted in
the late 13th to 12th centuries BC, visible in shifts in
site locations, ecological/topographic niches occupied
and domestic pottery. Metalwork forms and tin isotope
analysis suggest a north-south bias in communication
networks, with fewer links to communities to the east
and west (even those geographically much closer).
We have proposed a model in which influence
from the Pannonian Basin may be read as a gradual
Sherratt 2003; Catling 1961; Jung and Mehofer 2013.
Bouzek 1985, Harding 1984.
198 Cardarelli 2009.
199 Iacono 2019.
200 Molloy et al. 2020, Lehmphul et al. 2019, Sava et al. 2019.
201 Przybyła 2010; Bóka 2012; Ciugudean 2012; MetznerNebelsick 2012; Bălen 2013; Dietrich 2015.
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
inward migration spanning decades, in part as a consequence of depopulation of settlement networks there.
This is seen in the gradual uptake of Belegiš II–Gava
pottery and an initial split in settlement conventions
between those focussed on the plains of the Morava
Valley (embracing Belegiš II–Gava pottery) and others
which were focused on defensible hilltop sites (lower
levels of initial uptake of Belegiš II–Gava pottery).
We stress this is a model that requires further systematic excavation and absolute dating to be tested.
After a period of consolidation, interaction increased with areas to the south that had been part of
exchange networks since the time that Brnjica pottery
was predominant in the Morava Valley. The increasing visibility of Balkan ceramic forms at sites such as
Kastanas (in particular), Palio Gynakokastro, Assiros
and Toumba is testament to new types of interaction
visible in domestic and mortuary venues. We interpret
this as migration within newly expanded and enhanced community interaction networks. That is, this is
not an invasion and displacement, but the development of a new social environment accommodating
mobility. Importantly, this includes the introduction of
cultural ideologies and practices in both domestic and
mortuary spheres, indicating that this was people as
well as objects moving across boundaries. The suddenness of change in some areas coupled with increased
defensibility and/or destruction at sites suggests this
was not all an equitable process. We believe social reconfiguration was a key part of these new dynamics
and that this could have and did lead to conflict and
violence, followed by conciliation and consolidation
It is plausible to us that pressures arising from the
outward movement of people from the Pannonian
Plain led to a domino effect of small-scale movements
and associated tensions and conflicts. This may have
extended as far as Troy, where some channel-decorated pottery users settled in the 12th century BC. These
same micro-scale pressures and knock-on effects were
argued to be part of the process that pushed groups
from the Velika Morava and Južna Morava or the Vardar/Axios basin farther south to the North Aegean
(seen in pottery) or even beyond, in smaller numbers
(seen in the metalwork). There is no material support
for mass-dislocations and migrations of entire communities. The evidence points to many short-term and at
times short-distance transformations triggering reconfiguration of social-political networks. These microhistories were central factors shaping shared cultural
changes from the Morava to the north Aegean between
1200 and 1000 BC.
Components of this research were supported
through the European Research Council Consolidator
Grant “The Fall of 1200 BC” (#772753).
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Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
Резиме: АЛЕКСАНДАР БУЛАТОВИЋ, Археолошки институт, Београд
БЕРИ МЕЛОЈ, Универзитетски колеџ Даблин, Даблин
ВОЈИСЛАВ ФИЛИПОВИЋ, Археолошки институт, Београд
Кључне речи. – Позно бронзано доба, Моравско–Вардарска комуникација, Егеја, апсолутна хронологија,
канелована керамика Белегиш II–Гава, локална померања популација, миграције
Одавно је примећена сличност у материјалној култури позног бронзаног доба и тзв. прелазног периода из бронзаног
у гвoздено доба на централном Балкану и у доњој долини
Вардара, која се у археолошкој литератури различито тумачила. Када је реч о питањима карактера и порекла ових
сличности, нарочито у извесним керамичким формама и
орнаментима, аутори су имали различита мишљења, али су
се у једном слагали – постојање веза између заједница ова
два региона сасвим је извесно.
У раду се анализирају материјална култура (Т. I–VI) и
образац насељавања у басену Јужне Мораве у позно бронзано доба (15–13. век пре н. е.) и у прелазном периоду (12–10.
век пре н. е.) уз нове податке, као што су апсолутни датуми
(Табела 1), анализе изотопа калаја бронзаних предмета, резултати нових ископавања, палеоботаничке анализе и др.
У позно бронзано доба басен Јужне Мораве насељавала је популација која је била носилац тзв. брњичке групе,
са препознатљивом керамиком, познатој у литератури, и
махом низијским насељима (Сл. 1). Поред керамике карактеристичне за ову групу, у њеном керамичком инвентару
регистроване су форме и орнаменти карактеристични за
групе које су насељавале јужну Панонију, Олтенију и јужну
Трансилванију. Ове стилско-типолошке карактеристике
(лоптасти пехари, инрустација, спирално украшавање и др.)
евидентиране су у и доњој долини Вардара, а реч је о периоду 15–13. века пре н. е. (Сл. 3). Метални налази са централног Балкана из овог периода указују на везе са југом,
западом и истоком, док се тек поједини примерци могу повезати са севернијим областима.
У једном тренутку, током позног бронзаног доба, вероватно од 13. века пре н. е. у долини Јужне Мораве, на самом
ободу долине, подижу се бројна градинска насеља, од којих су многа била и утврђена, а неке од ових фортификација
су гореле (Кончуљ, Хисар, Прибој) (Сл. 1). Осим обрасца
насељавања, промене су уследиле и у материјалној култури, па се у великој мери на локалитетима у долини Јужне
Мораве јавља канелована керамика типа Белегиш II–Гава
(T. VI–X; Сл. 2). Појава ове керамика према датуму из једне јаме са канелованом керамиком типа Белегиш II–Гава са
Хисара у Лесковцу (Т. VI/1–4), може се определити у крај
XIII и прву половину XII века пре н. е. (Табела 1). За овај
период може се везати и интензивније коришћење проса,
као и појава „централноевропских“ типова бронзаних
предмета на централном Балкану, који се у овом случају јављају у ужој зони око комуникације Морава–Вардар. Ту се,
на првом месту, мисли на бронзане мачеве са језичастом
дршком, пламенаста копља и поједине типове игала и фибула, који своје порекло имају далеко у централној Европи
и областима око Алпа. Они се пак у овом периоду не јављају у периферним деловима Балкана, већ је њихово присуство регистровано искључиво на трасама најзначајнијих
природних балканских комуникација.
Ове промене на централном Балкану утицале су у извесној мери на материјалну и духовну културу у долини
Вардара, где се након XII века пре н. е. појављују керамика
у виду тзв. брњичких амфора/урни и других централнобалканских керамичких форми, као и за ову територију
потпуно нов обичај сахрањивања – кремација (Сл. 2 и 4).
Приближно у истом периоду (нажалост услед недостатка
апсолутних датума није детерминисан хронолошки однос
ових догађаја) у долини Вардара јавља се и канелована керамика Белегиш II–Гава типа, а судећи по стратиграфији и
датумима са Кастанаса, ова керамика се спорадично користи већ од XII века, али је њено присуство најинтензивније
у XI и X веку пре н. е. (Сл. 5).
На основу анализе свих промена које су од краја XIII
века пре н. е. настале у материјалној и духовној култури,
економији, обрасцу насељавања дуж коридора Велика Морава – Јужна Морава – Вардар, као и на основу анализе динамике и карактера тих промена (дистрибуција и типови керамике и металних предмета) и хронологије ових промена,
закључено је да је током ових промена долазило и до извесних померања заједница од јужне Паноније, преко централног Балкана до Егеје.
Ово нису биле интензивне миграције, које су према
неким ауторима у старијој литератури могле бити један од
узрока тзв. Дорске миграције, већ су пре била померања
становништва мањих размера са домино ефектом, односно
ланчаним реакцијама које су условљавале даља померања
у правцу југа.
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
Plate I – Svinjarička Čuka. Pottery from LBA (Brnjica group) layer
Табла I – Свињаричка чука. Керамика из слоја позног бронзаног доба (брњичка група)
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
Plate II – Medijana, Pottery from LBA house
Табла II – Медијана. Керамика из куће позног бронзаног доба
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
Plate III – Svinjište, Gradina. Pottery and metal objects from house and LBA layer
Табла III – Свињиште, Градина. Керамика и метални предмети из куће и слоја позног бронзаног доба
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
Plate IV – Končulj, Gradište. Pottery from the oldest layer at the site
Табла IV – Кончуљ, Градиште. Керамика из најстаријег слоја локалитета
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
Plate V – Pelince, Dve Mogili. Pottery from LBA ritual pits
Табла V – Пелинце, Две Могили. Керамика из ритуалних јама позног бронзаног доба
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
Plate VI – Leskovac, Hisar. 1–4. feature 7/2006; 5–7. feature 15/2002; 8–20. feature 25/2002
Табла VI – Лесковац, Хисар. 1–4. објекат 7/2006; 5–7. објекат 15/2002; 8–20. објекат 25/2002.
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
Plate VII – Ranutovac, Meanište, feature 45
Табла VII – Ранутовац, Меаниште. Објекат 45
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
Plate VIII – Ranutovac, Meanište, feature 3c
Табла VIII – Ранутовац, Меаниште. Објекат 3c
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
Plate IX – Ranutovac, Meanište, feature 26
Табла IX – Ранутовац, Меаниште. Објекат 26
Aleksandar BULATOVIĆ, Barry MOLLOY, Vojislav FILIPOVIĆ
The Balkan-Aegean Migrations Revisited: Changes in Material Culture and Settlement Patterns in the Late Bronze Age… (61–105)
Plate X – Ranutovac, Meanište, feature 3b
Табла X – Ранутовац, Меаниште. Објекат 3b
UDC: 903.25"638.7"(497)
Original research article
MARKO DIZDAR, Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb
IVAN DRNIĆ, Archaeological museum in Zagreb, Zagreb
[email protected]
Abstract. – A characteristic element of the Middle La Tène Scordiscan female costume are the various types of iron and bronze
belts, which can often be connected with contemporaneous types from the Carpathian Basin. One such form are iron belts of
the Dalj type, composed of pairs of twisted rod-shaped segments with loops, connected with rings, which differ in the shape
of mostly iron, only rarely bronze buckles. Dalj type belts are numerous in south-eastern Pannonia in cemeteries of the Scordisci,
although they have also been documented in female graves in the northern part of the Carpathian Basin, in Transylvania and in
cemeteries in Central Europe. Dalj type belts are mostly dated to LT C1, although it seems that their appearance can be dated as
early as the end of LT B2. Noticeable differences in the shapes of belt buckles bear witness to the individualisation of the early
Middle La Tène female costume used by various communities, that is, its regionalisation.
Key words. – Female costume, iron belts, buckles, Scordisci, graves, Carpathian Basin, Middle La Tène
characteristic element of the Middle La Tène
Scordiscan female costume are various types
of iron and bronze belts, which can often be
connected with contemporaneous types from the Carpathian Basin, and sometimes also with those documented in Central Europe and the south-eastern Alps.1
One such type are the iron belts of the Dalj type, which
consist of two by two twisted rod-shaped segments with
loops at the ends, connected with rings of a round
cross-section. Iron or bronze buckles that form part of
the belts appear in several shapes, although those with
two leaf- or spear-shaped parts and a central thickening
are known only from the sites of the Scordisci. At one
end, the buckle is bent into a hook ending with a knob,
used to fasten the belt, while at the other end the buckle
is coiled into an S-shaped loop, sometimes also ending
with a knob. With this loop, through which a ring was
passed, the buckle was attached to the rest of the belt,
composed of a number of segments. The end of the belt
was sometimes adorned with pendants of various shapes.
However, outside the Scordiscan area the occurrence
of differently shaped buckles has been recorded, which
will be discussed in more detail below.
The belts of the Dalj type were documented in the
cemeteries of the Scordisci in south-eastern Pannonia,
but also in female graves in the northern part of the Carpathian Basin, in Transylvania and in some cemeteries
in Central Europe. Since belts of the Dalj type have
been analysed in detail on several occasions recently,2
attention this time is focused on the shapes of buckles,
which indicate regionalisation of the female costume,
and the composition of grave assemblages in which the
belts were found. Also, attention is directed to belts
which, except the pairs of segments characteristic of
1 Dizdar 2020. Recently, various forms of Middle La Tène iron
and bronze belts from the sites of the Scordisci were presented.
2 Drnić 2015, 89–94, Fig. 24, Map 6, Pl. 38/1–2; Dizdar 2016,
82–85. Pl. 4–5; Dizdar 2020, 75–93, Map 3, Fig. 32–46.
Manuscript received 15th February 2021, accepted 3rd September 2021
Iron Belts of the Dalj Type – a Study of Regionalisation of the Middle La Tène Female Costume (107–125)
the Dalj type belts, are also composed of figure-of-eight
The eponymous belt was published in the analysis
of the finds from Dalj that had arrived in the Museum
für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, in Berlin, in 1906, which
probably originate from destroyed Middle La Tène
Scordiscan cremation graves.3 This belt is also described by J. Reitinger, who singles it out for the first time
as a belt of the Dalj type. According to J. Reitinger belts
of this type are represented by a small number of finds
and on that occasion he also mentions some other finds
of these belts with characteristically shaped segments.
Based on the position in the inhumation grave 24 at the
Manching – Steinbichel cemetery, he suggested that
this belt was worn on the chest.4 Dalj type belts were
then described in detail by N. Majnarić-Pandžić, who
considers them as one of the most common types of female belts with buckles. For the Scordisci, two variants
with two leaf- or spear-shaped parts are characteristic,
with bent ends and a thickening in the middle.5 The
belts were also mentioned by J. Todorović, who distinguishes them as belts of type 3, variant A, which are
characterised by buckles and pairs of segments, and
dates them to the later phase of the Middle La Tène, or
the 2nd century BC.6 Belts of the Dalj type were considered characteristic for the Middle La Tène period,7
that is, as a type of belt appearing in Middle La Tène
graves in the Danubian Basin, but also beyond.8 These
belts have also been documented in graves in the upper Tisza Basin. Interestingly, certain belts from the
Bodroghalom cemetery are described as consisting of
a combination of twisted rod-shaped and figure-of-eight
J. Bujna offered a detailed history of research on
the iron, bronze and bimetal belts, dividing them into
numerous groups and types with a number of variants.10
Regarding the structural and compositional elements,
three basic groups were distinguished, in which Dalj
type belts were attributed to the group of belts composed of segments connected with rings.11 Furthermore,
he separated belts of the Dalj type into his Gk-G group
with two variants, in which one consists of belts with
iron segments, while in the other the segments are made
of bronze. He dated these belts to LT C1.12 However,
the belt from cremation grave 29 of the Radovesice
cemetery, distinguished as a separate variant (Gk-G-b),
is in fact the remnant of a belt composed of larger bronze
rings connected with bronze chains (group Gk-E2B).
The described belt was distinguished in the Radovesice
cemetery as type GF10 and dated to LT C1b.13 Interes-
tingly, J. Bujna, on that occasion, didn’t mention the finds
of the Dalj type belts from the sites of the Scordisci, just
as he didn’t analyse the differences in the shapes of the
buckles. Dalj type belts were further briefly mentioned
in the analysis of belts from the Curtuiuşeni cemetery.14
Belts of a similar shape were found also west of the Alps,
e.g. in a warrior grave in the Nanterre cemetery, which
was dated to the beginning of the 3rd century BC. The
belt consists of seven pairs of twisted rod-shaped segments connected by rings, with a short buckle, which
ends with an eyelet, being connected directly to the first
pair of segments.15
As we have already mentioned, since 2015 the Dalj
type belts have been analysed in detail by I. Drnić and
M. Dizdar. In the analysis of the finds from the Kupinovo cemetery, I. Drnić describes belts composed of
twisted rod-shaped segments connected by rings. The
belts date back to LT C1 and numerous analogies are
given from Bavaria to the northern parts of the Carpathian Basin, all the way to the Scordiscan sites, which
means that it is a supraregional type found in the female costumes of different communities. There are noticeable differences in the shapes of the buckles, whereby the belts from the Scordiscans sites are characterised
by buckles that have two wide leaf-shaped plates and
a thickening in the middle.16 Belts of the Dalj type were
then analysed twice by M. Dizdar, who pointed out that
it is one of the most numerous forms of the Middle La
Tène Scordiscan female costume. In addition to their
wide distribution, belts of this type are most often dated
Jenny 1932, 240.
Reitinger 1966, 203, 231, Fig. 8/3.
5 Majnarić-Pandžić 1970, 28, 47.
6 Todorović 1968, 60, Pl. XLIII/1; Todorović 1974, 78.
7 Guštin 1984, 340, App. 1/56. D. Božič does not mention the
belts of the Dalj type in his classification of the Scordiscan material
culture (Božič 1981). In the same vein, belts of this type were not
found at the largest so far excavated Scordiscan cemetery at Karaburma – Rospi Ćuprija, where only female grave 34 from Karaburma
can be securely dated to LT C1 (Todorović 1972, 20, Pl. XIV).
8 Kull 1992, 158.
9 Hellebrandt 1999, 193; Rustoiu 2002, 93–94.
10 Bujna 2011, 2–8.
11 Bujna 2011, 65–66.
12 Bujna 2011, 97, 139, Fig. 40.
13 Waldhauser 1987, 128, Pl. 25/6–7.
14 Teleagă 2008, 110, note 22.
15 Rapin 1991, 325; Rapin 1995, 278, Fig. 3A/6; Mathieu 2013,
84, Fig. 2.
16 Drnić 2015, 89–94, Map 6, Fig. 24, Pl. 38/1–2.
Iron Belts of the Dalj Type – a Study of Regionalisation of the Middle La Tène Female Costume (107–125)
Map 1. Distribution of the Dalj type belts with variants of buckles:
The Feudvar variant (red dot); the Subotište variant (red dot, white in the middle); the Fântânele variant (green triangle); the Manching variant (blue square);
the belts with an unpreserved (black dot) or uniquely shaped buckle (black dot, white in the middle):
1 Dalj; 2 Kupinovo; 3 Surčin; 4 Subotište; 5 Feudvar; 6 Ritopek – Dalekovod; 7 Aranđelovac; 8 Boljevci; 9 Bodroghalom; 10 Ludas – Varjú-dűlő;
11 Jászberény – Hajtai-halom; 12 Nádudvar – Töröklaponyag; 13 Vác – Gravel pit; 14 Ordacsehi – Csereföld; 15 Pişcolt; 16 Fântânele – Dâmbu Popii;
17 Orosfaia – Dealul Gropilor; 18 Remetea Mare; 19 Galliš – Lovačka; 20 Drňa; 21 Slatina nad Bebravou; 22 Marfely; 23 Novo Mesto – Kapiteljska njiva;
24 Dürrnberg; 25 Manching; 26 Ladenburg
Мапа 1. Дистрибуција појасева типа Даљ са варијантама појасних копчи:
Варијанта Феудвар (црвени кружић); варијанта Суботиште (црвени кружић, бео у средини); варијанта Fântânele (зелени троугао); варијанта
Manching (плави квадрат); појасеви код којих се није сачувала копча (црни кружић) или је копча специфичног облика (црни кружић, бео у средини):
1 Даљ; 2 Купиново; 3 Сурчин; 4 Суботиште; 5 Феудвар; 6 Ритопек - Далековод; 7 Аранђеловац; 8 Бољевци; 9 Bodroghalom; 10 Ludas – Varjú-dűlő;
11 Jászberény – Hajtai-halom; 12 Nádudvar – Töröklaponyag; 13 Vác – шљункара; 14 Ordacsehi – Csereföld; 15 Pişcolt; 16 Fântânele – Dâmbu Popii;
17 Orosfaia – Dealul Gropilor; 18 Remetea Mare; 19 Galliš – Lovačka; 20 Drňa; 21 Slatina nad Bebravou; 22 Marfely; 23 Novo mesto – Kapiteljska njiva;
24 Dürrnberg; 25 Manching; 26 Ladenburg
to LT C1, but their appearance is noticeable as early as
the end of LT B2.
It has also been pointed out that the segments characteristic of the Dalj type belts can sometimes be found
in the composition together with figure-of-eight segments. Four variants of buckles have been singled out
that show the local distributions, two of which are characteristic of the Scordisci (the Feudvar and Subotište
variants), i.e. they indicate the regionalisation of the
items of the early Middle La Tène female costume
(Map 1). Interestingly, when the grave assemblages in
which they appear are preserved, Dalj type belts are
sometimes found in modestly equipped graves, but they
are also recorded in richly equipped graves of women
who probably had a prominent status in the community
(Tab. 1).17
Dizdar 2016, 82–85, Pl. 4–5; Dizdar 2020, 75–93, Map 3,
Fig. 32–46.
Grave No.
No. Pairs Of
Pot, Bowl, Jug
2 Pots, 2 Bowls
Remetea Mare
Slatina Nad
Novo mesto
(inhu-mation 1)
With Figure-OfEight Segments
With Figure-OfEight Segments
2 Pots, Jug
2 Pots, Bowl
Scissors, Bronze
Chain, Bones
Other Finds
Bronze Segments
Bronze Chain,
Pig Bones
Iron Chain Belt,
Pig Bones
Chicken Bones
Double Female
Bronze Belt?
4 Pots, Bowl
Buckle, Knife,
Pig Bones
Pot, 2 Bowls
Bronze Chain,
With Figure-OfEight Segments
Iron Belts of the Dalj Type – a Study of Regionalisation of the Middle La Tène Female Costume (107–125)
Table 1. List of sites with finds of Dalj type belts
Tабела 1. Списак налазишта на којима су откривени појасеви типа Даљ
Iron Belts of the Dalj Type – a Study of Regionalisation of the Middle La Tène Female Costume (107–125)
Belts of the Dalj type with variants
from south-eastern Pannonia
A considerable number of so far known finds of the
Dalj type belts come from Late Iron Age south-eastern
Pannonian cemeteries. However, their context is unknown, except in the case of cremation grave 1 from
Feudvar, which shows that the other belts from this area
probably also belonged to female cremation graves dated
to LT C1. Belts of the Dalj type always consist of pairs
of twisted iron rod-shaped segments with loops at the
ends connected by rings, which is why more attention this
time is focused on different forms of buckles. In previous
analyses, two variants of buckles have been singled out
that are characteristic of the Scordisci – the Feudvar and
Subotište variants (Map 1).18 Buckles of the Feudvar
variant, which are the most numerous, are characterised
by the fact that they mostly consist of two leaf-shaped
parts with a thickening in the middle, but parts can also
be rhombic or narrowly trapezoidal (Fig. 1). One end is
bent into a hook ending mostly with a knob and the other
into an S-shaped loop also ending with a knob. In fact,
none of the buckles of this variant are exactly the same,
i.e. the differences can be recognised in the shapes of
the parts, the central thickenings as well as the fact that
buckles can be undecorated or decorated. The buckles are
almost exclusively made of iron, only the belt buckle
from grave 1 from Feudvar is made of bronze (Fig. 1/4).
The Dalj cemetery yielded an eponymous belt that
consisted of 13 pairs of segments connected with rings,
and an iron buckle with two leaf-shaped parts and a discoidal ribbed thickening in the middle, around which
there are transverse grooves. The upper side of the buckle is decorated with inbossed star-shaped motifs. The
buckle is 20.6 cm long. One end of the buckle, slightly bent, probably was a hook with a knob, while at the
other end the buckle is coiled into a simple loop, used
to hold the ring attaching the buckle to the belt (Fig.
1/1).19 Incidentally, the buckle was erroneously attributed to a group of spear-shaped socketed buckles, which
appeared during LT B2-C1 around the Danube Bend
and in the upper Tisza Basin, with individual finds in
the territory of the Scordisci.20 Other Middle La Tène
finds discovered in association with the belt in Dalj,
most likely belonging to another warrior cremation
grave,21 are dated to LT C1 and point to the existence
of a Late Iron Age cemetery in the area. The Archaeological Museum in Zagreb keeps another two twisted
rod-shaped belt segments connected with rings from Dalj,
which also probably come from a destroyed Middle La
Tène female grave (inv. no. P-4711).
The belt buckle from grave 1 at Feudvar is the only
one made of bronze and the preserved length of the
buckle is 14.4 cm (Fig. 1/4). The belt consists of 17 pairs
of segments connected with rings and two rod-shaped
pendants at the end. The buckle is slightly thickened in
the middle and bent at one end into a hook ending with
a knob, while the other end is damaged. The grave, which
also yielded a small pot and fragments of a melted cobalt-blue glass bracelet, probably can be dated to LT
C1.22 Such a dating would be indicated by discoveries
of the Dalj type belts in other known grave contexts,
which are most often dated to LT C1. The shape of the
pot from grave 1 is not indicative for the dating of the
grave, while fragments of the melted cobalt blue glass
bracelet do not preclude such dating.23
The cemetery in Kupinovo yielded two iron belts
of the Dalj type with twisted rod-shaped segments connected with rings (13 and 14 pairs of segments respectively) and two iron buckles, which, unfortunately, cannot be connected to a precisely defined belt, although
they were certainly parts of belts. One buckle, which is
16.2 cm long, can be attributed to the Feudvar variant
since it consists of two leaf-shaped parts, connected in the
middle with a knob. One end is bent into an S-shaped
loop with a semiglobular knob at the end, which is decorated with a cross. A small ring was passed through the
loop, while the other end was bent into a strap-shaped
hook. Punched dots decorate the edges and the middle
of the leaf-shaped buckle parts (Fig. 1/2).24
An iron belt buckle from the Surčin cemetery can
also be attributed to the Feudvar variant, although it differs in its shape. The buckle is composed of two elongated rhombic parts connected with a knob in the middle (Fig. 1/3). The buckle is bent into a hook with a
knob at one end, while the other end is coiled into an
Dizdar 2016, 85; Dizdar 2020, 91–92.
Jenny 1932, 240, Fig. 1/3, Fig. 2/1; Filip 1956, Fig. 42/4;
Reitinger 1966, 196, 203, Fig. 8/3; Drnić 2015, 93; Dizdar 2016, 83,
Pl. 4/2; Dizdar 2020, 78, Fig. 32.
20 Teleagă 2008, 106–108, Fig. 10/22.
21 Jenny 1932.
22 Kull 1992, 154, 158, Pl. 58/11–12; Rustoiu 1996, 112, Fig.
68/1–2; Rustoiu 1997, 153, Fig. 3/1–2; Rustoiu 2002, 94, Fig. 54/1–
2; Drnić 2015, 91; Dizdar 2016, 83, Pl. 4/1; Dizdar 2020, 78, Fig.
23 Dizdar 2006, 103. The appearance of cobalt blue glass bracelets dates back to the younger part of LT C1.
24 Majnarić-Pandžić 1970, 28, 82, Pl. X/7; Drnić 2015, 89–90,
Pl. 38/2; Dizdar 2016, 83, Pl. 4/3; Dizdar 2020, 78, 80, Fig. 33.
Iron Belts of the Dalj Type – a Study of Regionalisation of the Middle La Tène Female Costume (107–125)
Fig. 1. Belt buckles of the Feudvar variant from:
1) Dalj; 2) Kupinovo; 3) Surčin; 4) Feudvar grave 1; 5) Ritopek; 6–7) Aranđelovac
Сл. 1. Појасне копче варијанте Феудвар, из:
1) Даља; 2) Купинова; 3) Сурчина; 4) гроба 1 из Феудвара; 5) Ритопекa; 6–7) Аранђеловцa
S-shaped loop that also ends with a knob. The ring passing through the loop connects the buckle with six preserved pairs of segments. The buckle is 16 cm long.25
An anthropomorphic figure, composed of a series of
punched dots, is depicted on one wider half, and there
is another decoration made in the same technique along
the edge, which is a truly unique occurrence on the
buckles of the Dalj type belts. Even though the surface
is partly damaged, the depictions of the legs, dress, stylised body, head, and the arms are clearly visible. The
motif that bears the closest resemblance to the one from
Surčin is found on a fragment of a Late La Tène pot
from the multilayer settlement at Gomolava, which probably depicts a female figure. The body and dress are
depicted with two triangles, with the legs extending below, and the neck and the extremely stylised circular
head are depicted above the triangles. The depiction of
one of the arms was also preserved, and the figure holds
an indeterminate object in the hand. The stylised human
figure is bounded within a metope decoration on the neck
of the pot. It was created by polishing, a characteristic
decoration technique of the LT D phase.26
Two further belts of the Dalj type with buckles of
the Feudvar variant come from Aranđelovac or the surrounding area, probably from destroyed cremation
graves. The belts differ in the shape of their buckles and
the various length of the segments. One belt, with five
pairs of preserved shorter segments, had an iron buckle where one half is leaf-shaped, while the other is more
trapezoidal and decorated with punched dots. There is
an oval thickening between them. At the end of the leaf-
Majnarić-Pandžić 1970, 47, 97, Pl. XLV/3; Todorović 1974,
Fig. 120; Drnić 2015, 90–91, Fig. 24/1; Dizdar 2016, 83; Dizdar
2020, 80, Fig. 34.
26 Jovanović, Jovanović 1988, 145, Pl. XXII/5a-5b; Drnić 2015,
91, Fig. 24/2. Similar depictions were documented on various artefacts. For instance, on ceramic pots and belt buckles, in the eastern
part of the Carpathian Basin, but also in the areas east of the Carpathians: Plantos 2003.
Iron Belts of the Dalj Type – a Study of Regionalisation of the Middle La Tène Female Costume (107–125)
shaped part the knob on the hook is missing, while the
other half of the buckle ends in an S-shaped loop that
ends with a knob decorated with a triangle. The buckle
is 15.6 cm long (Fig. 1/7).27 The other buckle consists
of two leaf-shaped parts with a bronze knob in the middle, with a setting for enamel or another material. The
buckle was bent into a hook with a knob at one end,
while at the other it was coiled into an S-shaped loop,
which also ends with a knob and through which passes a ring. The buckle is 14.1 cm long and seven pairs
of longer segments have been preserved from this belt
(Fig. 1/6).28 Two pendants with a ring and a semiglobular knob on the lower end also probably belonged to
the belt with the longer buckle decorated with punched
dots.29 The presented finds from Aranđelovac were dated to LT C2,30 although the punctated belt, as they otherwise appear in warrior graves, indicate the dating into
LT C1.
An iron belt from the Ritopek – Dalekovod cemetery (Fig. 1/5) differs from the described belts in the
shape of the buckle, but this buckle can also be attributed to the Feudvar variant, especially according to the
manner in which both ends of the buckle are made. On
one side the buckle ends with a hook terminating with
a knob decorated with the motif of a triangle, while at
the other end the buckle is coiled into an S-shaped loop
that likewise ends with a knob. The belt consists of 15
pairs of segments, while the buckle is composed of two
narrow trapezoidal parts with a spherical knob between
them in the middle. The body of the buckle is decorated with a series of ring-and-dot motifs on both halves.
The buckle is 15 cm long.31
The buckles of the Subotište variant are also characteristic of the Scordisci, but they appear so far with
a smaller number of finds. It is characteristic for these
buckles that one or both leaf-shaped parts are perforated, while between them is a central thickening. Interestingly, the way both ends are shaped is the same as
on the buckles of the Feudvar variant, which actually
represents for the Scordisci a unique way of connecting the buckle to the rest of the belt. The buckle from
Subotište consists of two leaf-shaped perforated parts
with a thickening in the middle (Fig. 2/1). One end terminates with a hook and a knob, while the other is
coiled into an S-shaped loop which also ends with a
knob. This part is decorated with transverse incisions
in front of the central thickening. A ring attached to the
loop connects the buckle with the segments, a total of
17 pairs.32 The Kupinovo cemetery also yielded a damaged buckle of this variant with one preserved leaf-
Fig. 2. Belt buckles of the Subotište variant from:
1) Subotište; 2) Kupinovo
Сл. 2. Појасне копче варијанте Суботиште, из:
1) Суботишта; 2) Купинова
shaped half, coiled into an S-shaped loop ending with
a conical knob. The rectangular thickening in the middle is decorated with an X-motif, while the other leafshaped half was probably perforated (Fig. 2/1).33
Ten kilometres east of Kupinovo lies the village of
Boljevci. In the late 19th century, a group of finds from
cremation graves dated to the La Tène period was found
at the site called Bajer. A local teacher, Lichner, collected the objects and sent them to the National Museum
in Zagreb.34 Among the finds there is one belt of the
Dalj type with a buckle of a unique form (Fig. 3). The
belt is comprised of five more-or-less damaged pairs
of twisted iron rod-shaped segments with loops. The
27 Vukmanović 1994, 57, Fig. 1a; Drnić 2015, 93; Dizdar 2016,
83; Dizdar 2020, 80, 82, Fig. 36.
28 Vukmanović 1994, 57, Fig. 1; Drnić 2015, 93; Dizdar 2016,
83; Dizdar 2020, 80, 82, Fig. 36.
29 Vukmanović 1994, 57, Fig. 1b.
30 Vukmanović 1994, 60.
31 Todorović 1967, 156, Pl. V/14; Todorović 1968, 148, Pl.
XXXIV/2; Todorović 1971, 159, Pl. LXXIII/1, Pl. XCII/58; Todorović 1974, Pl. VIII, Fig. 57; Skordisci 1992, 123, cat. no. 44, Pl. XII;
Drnić 2015, 91; Dizdar 2016, 83, ; Dizdar 2020, 82, Fig. 37.
32 Todorović 1968, 60, 150, Pl. XLIII/1; Todorović 1974, Fig.
19; Todorović 1975, 217, Fig. 20; Drnić 2015, 91; Dizdar 2016, 83;
Dizdar 2020, 80, Fig. 35.
33 Drnić 2015, 90, Pl. 38/4; Dizdar 2016, 83; Dizdar 2020, 80,
Fig. 33.
34 In local dialect, the term Bajer is used for an artificial pond
created in the course of clay extraction, usually used for brick production. The largest part of the La Tène finds from Boljevci was
published by N. Majnarić-Pandžić (1970), but not the belt and the
Iron Belts of the Dalj Type – a Study of Regionalisation of the Middle La Tène Female Costume (107–125)
Fig. 3. Belt of the Dalj type from Boljevci (drawing: M. Galić)
Сл. 3. Појас типа Даљ из Бољеваца (цртеж: М. Галић)
small buckle, 4.9 cm long, is composed of a ring decorated with ribs and a pear-shaped plate with a hook
ending with a knob at the end. Its shape resembles typical LT C2 ring belt buckles, often found in graves with
swords,35 but also in sanctuaries.36 This fact, together
with the circumstances of the find, raises reasonable
doubt that the buckle may not belong to a belt of the
Dalj type. Furthermore, among the finds from Boljevci
there are a few objects dated to LT C2, including two
swords.37 It is possible that the described buckle belonged to a belt made of organic material and was used
for hanging sword scabbards.
Let us also mention an interesting find from inhumation grave 7 from the Pećine cemetery, dated to LT
B2, where an adult woman was buried. In the area of the
waist of the deceased, an iron segment 6 cm long was
found, made of double twisted wire, which at one end
does not end in a loop like segments of the Dalj type
belts, but both twisted rods pass directly into the eyelet.
The segment is considered to belong to the belt, possibly
as a symbolic representation of the whole belt, although
its shape with two rods differs from the usual segments
of the Dalj type. An iron spear-shaped belt buckle was
also found in the grave.38
Belts of the Dalj type from other regions
of the Carpathian Basin and Transylvania
Besides in south-eastern Pannonia, Dalj type iron
belts were also found in cemeteries in the northern part
of the Carpathian Basin and Transylvania. Although
these are mostly finds from closed grave assemblages,
the belts often do not have preserved buckles (e.g. belts
from cemeteries in the Upper Tisza valley), except for
the belts from sites in Transylvania with buckles that
were attributed to the Fântânele variant. Buckles of this
variant are characterised by the fact that a long and narrow part is bent at one end into a hook ending with a
knob, while the other end features a ring by which the
buckle is attached to the belt (Fig. 4).39 Except for the
noticeable differences in the way these buckles are
shaped in comparison to buckles from the Scordiscan
cemeteries, the importance of these finds is that they
date the Dalj type belts to LT C1.
Female cremation grave 62 at the Fântânele – Dâmbu Popii cemetery yielded an iron belt composed of 15
pairs of segments, connected with rings. The narrow
triangular buckle is bent at one end into a hook ending
with a knob, while at the other end it ends with a ring
by which the buckle is attached to the belt. The buckle
has a narrow thickening close to the ring. The buckle is
10.3 cm long (Fig. 4/1). The belt ends with two pendants
suspended from the last pair of segments.40 The belt,
together with several other finds, exhibits no traces of
burning, while the rest of the finds from the grave were
damaged by the cremation of the deceased woman, so
two sets of female costume and jewellery were distinguished within the grave. The numerous finds from the
grave point to a burial of a prominent member of the
A Dalj type belt with six pairs of segments and a
buckle of the Fântânele variant was also found in the
contemporaneous female cremation grave 8 from the
Orosfaia – Dealul Gropilor cemetery (Fig. 4/2). The
Dizdar 2013, 177–187.
Bataille 2002.
Majnarić-Pandžić 1970, 78, 14–16, Pl. 1–2; Drnić 2015, Fig.
38 Jovanović 2018, 32–33, Pl. 6/6. The massive bronze bracelet with open ends, placed on the left forearm, can be attributed to
Bujna’s type BR-E4, and dated the grave to LT B2b: Bujna 2005,
46, Fig. 28, 32.
39 Dizdar 2020, 92.
40 Rustoiu 1996, 112, Fig. 113/1; Vaida 2006, 301, Fig. 7/1;
Rustoiu, Megaw 2011, 220, 226, Fig. 3/3; Rustoiu 2013, 90, Fig.
4B/7; Drnić 2015, 93; Dizdar 2016, 84; Rustoiu 2016, 245, Pl. 11;
Dizdar 2020, 85–87, Fig. 28, Fig. 42.
41 Rustoiu, Megaw 2011, 226; Rustoiu 2013, 90, Fig. 4B; Rustoiu 2016, 245, Pl. 11.
Iron Belts of the Dalj Type – a Study of Regionalisation of the Middle La Tène Female Costume (107–125)
Fig. 4. Belt buckles of the Fântânele variant from: 1) Fântânele – Dâmbu Popii, grave 62;
2) Orosfaia – Dealul Gropilor, grave 8; 3) Ludas – Varjú-dűlő, grave 654; 4) Pişcolt, grave 67
Сл. 4. Појасне копче варијанте Fântânele, из: 1) Fântânele – Dâmbu Popii, гроб 62;
2) Orosfaia – Dealul Gropilor, гроб 8; 3) Ludas – Varjú-dűlő, гроб 654; 4) Pişcolt, гроб 67
buckle is bent at one end into a hook with a conical
knob, while the other end terminates with a ring. The
two pendants at the end of the belt are suspended from
the ring, rather than from the segments, as in the case
of the belt from Fântânele.42 Also, two bracelets were
found in the grave, an anklet with four calottes, a bowl
and the bones of, probably, a chicken. A Dalj type belt,
distinguished as type E6, which was composed of 14
pairs of segments connected with rings, was also found
in the richly equipped female cremation grave 67 at the
Pişcolt cemetery (Fig. 5). The buckle, which is also attributed to the Fântânele variant, is bent into a hook with
a knob at one end, while the other part is segmented with
transverse grooves and ends with a ring by which it is
attached to the rest of the belt (Fig. 4/4; 5/5). At the end
of the belt, a pendant is suspended from a ring inserted
into the loop of a segment. The grave also contained
bronze fibulae and an anklet with four callotes, dating
it to LT C1, that is, the latest phase of the cemetery.43
From other sites in Romania, a bronze belt (?) of this
type is mentioned from the Remetea Mare cemetery in
Banat,44 the segments of which as well as the buckle
are probably made of bronze. The Galliš – Lovačka site
located in south-western Ukraine, more precisely its
complex L-56, yielded narrow twisted iron segments
with loops at the ends, which may have belonged to a
Dalj type belt. A part of an iron buckle bent into a small
hook at one end was also preserved.45
Belts of the Dalj type were also found in cemeteries in the Tisza valley. What distinguishes these belts
from those from Scordiscan sites is that the segments
characteristic of Dalj type belts sometimes appear together with figure-of-eight segments. This is well evidenced by the finds from the Bodroghalom cemetery.
Unfortunately, the buckles of these belts were not preserved. For instance, from the Bodroghalom cemetery,
probably from a destroyed grave, comes a belt composed of 14 pairs of segments of varied length, connected with rings. The belt may also have included two
42 Vaida 2000, 138, 143–144, Fig. 9/4; Dizdar 2016, 84, Pl.
5/1; Dizdar 2020, 87, Fig. 43.
43 Némethi 1992, 70, 107, Fig. 9/5; Némethi 1993, 128; Rustoiu
1996, 112, Fig. 68/3; Rustoiu 1997, 153, Fig. 3/3; Rustoiu 2002, 93,
Fig. 54/3; Dizdar 2016, 84; Dizdar 2020, 87.
44 Rustoiu 1996, 112; Rustoiu 1997, 153; Rustoiu 2002, 94;
Dizdar 2020, 87–88.
45 Kobal 1995–1996, 144–146, Fig. 2/6–8, 8a-b.
Iron Belts of the Dalj Type – a Study of Regionalisation of the Middle La Tène Female Costume (107–125)
Fig. 5. Pişcolt, grave 67 (after: Németi 1992)
Сл. 5. Pişcolt, гроб 67 (према: Németi 1992)
pendants with rings at the top, with rectangular middle
parts and profiled ends.46 It is quite possible that a bent
iron buckle with thickened middle part may also have
belonged to the belt.47 Female cremation grave 12, dated to LT C1, with a pair of bronze fibulae with three
figure-of-eight loops on the bow and a spring with six
coils and internal chord, also yielded an iron belt partly
composed of figure-of-eight segments clasped with a
ring in the middle and connected with rings of a relatively small diameter. The rest of the belt was composed
of pairs of segments typical of Dalj type belts. At least
seven pairs of segments seem to have been preserved,
which were connected with rings. The exact arrangement
of the segments in the belt cannot be reconstructed with
any certainty. In addition, the buckle of this belt is missing.48 Yet another grave, the partly destroyed cremation grave 17, yielded a belt that was mostly composed
of figure-of-eight segments clasped with a ring in the
middle, and probably a single preserved pair of twisted rod-shaped segments.49 A very important find of a
Dalj type belt, for its dating, was found in the female
cremation grave 654 from the Ludas – Varjú-dűlő ceme-
tery, which is also dated to LT C1 by a bronze fibula
with figure-of-eight loops on the foot (Fig. 6). An adult
woman was buried in this grave. The belt of the Dalj
type was preserved as a series of small parts and it
seems that at least 14 pairs of segments were preserved.
The buckle was bent at one end into a hook ending with
a knob, while at the other end was probably a ring, similar to buckles of the Fântânele variant (Fig. 4/3; 6/5).
The belt was attributed to type Rapin A6/A7.50 A part
of a belt, composed of 3 pairs of segments connected
with rings, was found in grave 7 of the Jászberény –
46 Hellebrandt 1999, 185–186, 193–194, Pl. LXV/1a-c, 4; Bujna
2011, 97, Fig. 40/4; Drnić 2015, 93; Dizdar 2016, 84; Dizdar 2020,
82, Fig. 38.
47 Hellebrandt 1999, 193, Pl. LXV/3.
48 Hellebrandt 1999, 189, 193, Pl. LXIX/1; Bujna 2011, 97;
Drnić 2015, 93; Dizdar 2016, 84; Dizdar 2020, 82, Fig. 39.
49 Hellebrandt 1999, 191, 193, Pl. LXX/10–11; Bujna 2011,
97; Drnić 2015, 93; Dizdar 2016, 84; Dizdar 2020, 82.
50 Szabó, Tankó 2012, 15, 111 Fig. 163, Pl. I/5; Dizdar 2020,
83, 85.
Iron Belts of the Dalj Type – a Study of Regionalisation of the Middle La Tène Female Costume (107–125)
Fig. 6. Ludas – Varjú-dűlő, grave 654 (after: Szabó, Tankó 2012)
Сл. 6. Ludas – Varjú-dűlő, гроб 654 (према: Szabó, Tankó 2012)
Hajtai-halom cemetery, and dated to the 3rd century BC.
It is noted that the segments are made of bronze.51 The
damaged female inhumation grave 8 at the Vác – Gravel pit cemetery, located near the Danube, also dated to
LT C1, yielded a pair of bronze anklets with three
calottes and a bronze finger-ring, in association with at
least four pairs of segments characteristic of Dalj type
belts.52 The analysis of the fragmented belt from the
Vác cemetery includes a reference to the iron belts from
graves 9 and 17 of the Nádudvar – Töröklaponyag cemetery53. However, whether these belts belong to the Dalj
type is doubtful. In the same vein, a narrow twisted segment with a ring was found at Ordacsehi – Csereföld,
a site located south of Lake Balaton, in western Hungary. Even though the segment was attributed to the
Cernon-sur-Coole type of iron chain belt,54 often appearing in warrior graves dated to the LT B2, in view
of the length of the segment and the preserved small
ring, it is possible that this is, in fact, a part of a Dalj
type belt.
Aside from sites in Hungary, segments that are
characteristic of Dalj type belts have been documented
at two Slovakian sites. Richly equipped female cremation grave 2/74 from the Drňa cemetery yielded at least
four pairs of segments, about 7 cm long with rings.
These segments probably belong to a Dalj type belt, even
though the grave also contained an iron spear-shaped
buckle of a type unknown on the Dalj type belts from
Scordiscan sites. The grave was dated to late LT B2 or
transitional phase LT B2/C1,55 with a pair of bronze
anklets with 4+4 calottes belonging to the BR-F3A
Kovács 2017, 60, cat. no. 131; Dizdar 2020, 85.
Hellebrandt 1999, 59, 87–88, Pl. XXVI/3; Bujna 2011, 97, Fig.
40/3; Drnić 2015, 93; Dizdar 2016, 84; Dizdar 2020, 82–83, Fig. 40.
53 Mesterházy 1966, 45–46; Hellebrandt 1999, 87.
54 Szöllősi 2013, 30, Fig. 2/5.
55 Furmánek, Sankot 1985, 281, 284–285, Fig. 10/7–12; Dizdar
2016, 84; Dizdar 2020, 85, Fig. 41.
Iron Belts of the Dalj Type – a Study of Regionalisation of the Middle La Tène Female Costume (107–125)
Fig. 7. Belt buckles of the Manching variant and unique forms: 1) Manching – Steinbichel, grave 24;
2) Dürrnberg, grave 216; 3) Novo mesto – Kapiteljska njiva, grave 103; 4) Ladenburg
Сл. 7. Појасне копче варијанте Manching и примерци специфичног облика: 1) Manching – Steinbichel, гроб 24;
2) Dürrnberg, гроб 216; 3) Ново место – Капитељска њива, гроб 103; 4) Ladenburg
variant.56 Two twisted segments with loops at the ends
from the Slatina nad Bebravou site have been attributed
to a belt of this type.57
Belts of the Dalj type from sites
outside the Carpathian Basin
Iron belts of the Dalj type were also documented at
sites outside the Carpathian Basin. Spatially, the closest
to the finds from sites of the Scordisci is the Dalj type
belt that was found in grave 103 at Kapiteljska Njiva,
in Novo Mesto. The cremated remains of the deceased
were placed in a ceramic pot, on which an iron belt was
placed. The belt was composed of at least seven pairs of
segments connected with rings. The buckle (Fig. 7/3),
7.1 cm long, is oval in the upper part, with one end bent
into a hook, while at the other end it has a small ring that
connected it to the rest of the belt. Although the grave
did not yield any other find that would help to date it
with greater precision,58 it probably belongs to LT C1.
It is also necessary to mention an iron belt composed of at least 12 pairs of segments connected with rings
that was found in female inhumation grave 11 at the
Marfely (Bučovice) cemetery, in Moravia. Interesting-
ly, the belt was placed in the fingers of the deceased’s
left hand. The grave also contained a penannular bronze
Iron belts of the Dalj type, with segments shaped
in the same way, only with differently shaped buckles,
were also found at cemeteries north of the Alps. Namely, the buckles are bronze and have a ribbed ring in the
central part, while in the lower part there is a small ring
through which they were connected to the rest of the
belt. Due to these characteristics, the bronze buckles
have been singled out as the Manching variant. A belt
with a buckle of this variant was discovered in the richly equipped female inhumation grave 24 from the
Manching – Steinbichel cemetery. The belt was laid on
the chest of the deceased woman and has at least nine
Bujna 2005, 53–54, Fig. 39.
Pieta 2010, 25, Fig. 4/14–15; Bujna 2011, 97, Fig. 40/1; Dizdar 2020, 85.
58 Križ 2005, 43, Fig. A on p. 34, Pl. 2/2; Drnić 2015, 93; Dizdar 2016, 84, Fig. 5/2; Dizdar 2020, 88–89, Fig. 44.
59 Bujna 2011, 97, Pl. 40/2; Čižmářová 2013, 148, Pl. 33/4;
Dizdar 2020, 89, Fig. 45.
Iron Belts of the Dalj Type – a Study of Regionalisation of the Middle La Tène Female Costume (107–125)
Fig. 8. Dürrnberg, grave 216 (after: Moser, Tiefengraber, Wiltschke-Schrotta 2012)
Сл. 8. Dürrnberg, гроб 216 (према: Moser, Tiefengraber, Wiltschke-Schrotta 2012)
pairs of segments. A bronze zoomorphic buckle, which
is 5.8 cm long, has a ribbed ring in the middle, above
which there is an annular thickening, while at the top
of the buckle there are a bent hook and two protrusions,
which may represent stylised ears or horns. The small
ring at the end of the buckle connected it to the segments
(Fig. 7/1). The belt also has two conical pendants at the
end. The grave was dated from the end of LT B2 to the
beginning of LT C1.60 From one of the destroyed graves
at the Manching – Hundsrucken cemetery comes a part
of an iron belt composed of three pairs of segments connected with rings.61 The mentioned belts from Manching
were dated to horizon 5 of Southern Bavaria, that is, the
late LT B2 phase.62
Besides Manching, an iron belt with a bronze buckle of the Manching variant was found in grave 216 at
Dürrnberg, which contained a female burial and several
other deceased with older finds of weaponry (Fig. 8).
Krämer 1985, 81, Pl. 13/1; Bujna 2011, 97, Fig. 40/5; Drnić
2015, 93; Dizdar 2016, 84; Dizdar 2020, 89, Fig. 46.
61 Krämer 1985, 97, Pl. 36/9; Dizdar 2016, 84; Dizdar 2020, 89.
62 Gebhard 1989, 108, Fig. 40/20.
Iron Belts of the Dalj Type – a Study of Regionalisation of the Middle La Tène Female Costume (107–125)
The belt was worn by the deceased, who was aged 25
to 40. The belt consists of four pairs of twisted segments
connected with rings and figure-of-eight segments
clasped in the middle. The segments were probably
combined in an irregular arrangement. The buckle,
which is 6 cm long, has a ribbed ring in the middle part.
More precisely, the upper side of the buckle is ribbed,
while the lower is smooth. At one end of the buckle there
is a loop through which passes a ring that connects it
with the segments, while at the other end there is a small
hook (Fig. 7/2). The burial was dated to the beginning
of LT C.63 The mentioned belt from Dürrnberg, as well
as those from Manching, were comparable to belts from
cemeteries in Slovakia and Hungary, as well as with
Scordiscan belts. However, there are noticeable differences in the shapes of the buckles.64
It is necessary to mention the belt from the Middle
La Tène grave from Ladenburg, in the north-western
part of Baden-Württemberg. From this belt six pairs of
segments were preserved, along with a zoomorphic
buckle. In the central part of the buckle there is a rectangular thickening, while at the end is a ring through which
the buckle was connected to the rest of the belt. At the
end of the belt hang two pendants with a ring at the top,
a ring-shaped thickening in the middle and a conical
end.65 The buckle of this belt is completely different
from the buckles of the Manching variant and also from
all other variants. Its shape is similar to some bronze
buckles of the Bohemian type belts, specifically to the
Tvršice variant (Fig. 7/4).66
Iron belts of the Dalj type, with mostly iron and
only rarely bronze buckles, are a recognisable element
of early Middle La Tène female costume in the northern and eastern part of the Carpathian Basin, including
the territory of the Scordisci.67 Belts of the Dalj type
are composed of pairs of twisted iron rod-shaped segments connected by rings, while bronze segments are
only mentioned from the Jászberény cemetery and perhaps from the Remetea Mare cemetery. A significant
number of the belts were not fully preserved, however
those that were better preserved have mostly 12 to 15
pairs of segments, while belts from Ritopek and Feudvar have 15 and 17 pairs of segments (Tab. 1). An integral part of belts are the buckles, which are also mostly
made of iron, i.e. they are rarely bronze (e.g. Feudvar,
grave 1; Manching – Steinbichel grave 24; Dürrnberg,
grave 216). At the ends of the belt there are sometimes
variously shaped pendants. In fact, there are no two
identical buckles, but certain common characteristics
have been recognised, on the basis of which four variants can be distinguished with regard to the shape of
the buckles (Map 1), two of which are characteristic for
the Scordisci – the Feudvar and Subotište variants.68
Buckles of these two variants are also the longest buckles found on Dalj type belts.
Most of the belts found at Scordiscan sites feature
an iron buckle composed of two leaf-shaped parts with
a thickening in the middle. Only the damaged buckle
from Feudvar is made of bronze. One end is bent into
a hook and the other is coiled into an S-shaped loop, both
ending with knobs – the Feudvar variant (Fig. 1). This
is the most common variant at south-eastern Pannonian sites, although certain differences are also recognised
among the buckles of this variant – in the shape of the
parts, the shape and size of the thickening. Also, they
can be undecorated or variously decorated. Perforations
on one or both leaf-shaped parts are characteristic of
the buckles of the Subotište variant (Fig. 2), which were
found on the eponymous belt from Subotište and on
one buckle from the Kupinovo cemetery. Interestingly,
buckles of the Subotište variant on both sides end like
the buckles of the Feudvar variant, so it can be concluded that this method of fastening the belt as well as connecting the buckle with the rest of the belt is unique to
the Scordisci. Unfortunately, all belts from the Scordiscan sites, except from grave 1 at Feudvar, probably
originate from destroyed graves, where it is not known
with which other items of female costumes and jewellery the belts were found.
The third variant – the Fântânele variant (Fig. 4) –
represents belt buckles that were discovered in female
cremation graves at cemeteries in western Romania
(Fântânele – Dâmbu Popii, Orosfaia – Dealul Gropilor
and Pişcolt – Fig. 5)), and dated to LT C1. These buckles have a narrow shape with a ring at the end by which
they connect with the rest of the belt. A buckle from the
grave 654 from the Ludas – Varjú-dűlő cemetery (Fig.
6), also dated to LT C1, can be attributed to this variant.
63 Moser, Tiefengraber, Wiltschke-Schrotta 2012, 112, 117–
118; Drnić 2015, 93; Dizdar 2016, 84; Dizdar 2020, 91.
64 Moser, Tiefengraber, Wiltschke-Schrotta 2012, 198.
65 Déchelette 1914, 1072, Fig. 443; Reitinger 1966, 203.
66 Dizdar 2020, 299–302, Fig. 173–174.
67 Drnić 2015, 89–94; Dizdar 2016, 82–89; Dizdar 2020,
68 Dizdar 2016, 85; Dizdar 2020, 91–92.
Iron Belts of the Dalj Type – a Study of Regionalisation of the Middle La Tène Female Costume (107–125)
Dalj type belts were also found in some other female
graves at cemeteries in the northern part of the Carpathian Basin but, unfortunately, the buckles were not preserved. Interestingly, the Bodroghalom cemetery yielded belts that, besides pairs of twisted segments, also
contain figure-of-eight segments. Such a combination
also appears on a belt from grave 216 at Dürrnberg (Fig.
8). Belts with bronze buckles that have a ribbed ring in
the central part belong to a fourth variant – the Manching
variant (Fig. 7/1–2). The buckles of this variant are the
shortest. These belts were dated, by virtue of finds in
closed grave contexts, to the late LT B2-early LT C1.
The belt from Kapiteljska njiva in Novo mesto, thus far
the only find of the Mokronog group in the territory,
bears similarities to finds from Manching and Dürrnberg
in its buckle end with a small ring. However, the iron
buckle has a somewhat different shape (Fig. 7/3). Similarly, the zoomorphic belt buckle from the grave in Ladenburg has a unique shape (Fig. 7/4).
Even though the context is lacking for most finds
from the area of the Scordisci, based on the discovery
in grave 1 at Feudvar, but also those at Hungarian and
Romanian sites, Dalj type belts can be dated to LT C1.
Their first appearance, however, was first documented
towards the end of LT B2 (Manching – Steinbichel,
grave 24 and Drňa, grave 2/74), although they are far
more numerous in LT C1.69 Interestingly, segments of
the Dalj type are considered to have been a prototype
of some belts dated to LT D, made of silver and bronze
and widespread in pre-Roman Dacia and in the area of
the Padea-Panaghiurski kolonii group.70
Considering that contextual data and all information about associated finds in the graves is missing for
almost all the belts from the territory of the Scordisci
(Tab. 1), with the exception of the relatively poor grave
1 at Feudvar, nothing more can be concluded about the
social position of the Scordiscan women who wore
them. At the Vác and Bodroghalom cemeteries, Dalj
type belts were found in graves with only a few other
objects, but these are also partially destroyed graves for
which the entire ensemble of finds is not known. On the
other hand, grave 654 at the Ludas – Varjú-dűlő cemetery (Fig. 6) and grave 2/74 at the Drňa cemetery stand
out by the number of finds (Tab. 1), pointing to the burials of prominent women in the community. A similar
conclusion can be drawn about grave 62 from the
Fântânele cemetery, as well as finds from the Manching
and Dürrnberg cemeteries (Fig. 8). Anthropological
analyses of preserved graves have shown that Dalj type
belts were worn by adult women. However, some finds
of Dalj type belts, such as in grave 103 from Kapiteljska njiva in Novo mesto or in grave 11 at the Marfely
cemetery, show that these belts were not only worn by
prominent women with a higher status in the local
Considering the distribution of the Dalj type belts
(Map 1), it can be concluded that it is a well-accepted
and widely spread form of early Middle La Tène female costume. On the other hand, recognisable differences in the shapes of the buckles bear witness to the
regionalisation of the Middle La Tène female costume,
as well as its individualisation, which is clearly evidenced by finds of Dalj type belts from the sites of the Scordisci. In this way, the Scordisci, although they shared
many common characteristics of material heritage with
the Eastern Celts, as evidenced by the recognisable segments of Dalj type belts as well as some other forms of
bronze and iron belts, highlighted the peculiarities of
their Middle La Tène female costume through which
they displayed their recognisable identity.
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69 Rustoiu, Megaw 2011, 226; Drnić 2015, 93; Dizdar 2016,
84–85; Dizdar 2020, 92–93.
70 Rustoiu 1996, 112–113; Rustoiu 1997, 153–155; Rustoiu 2002,
94; Rustoiu, Megaw 2011, 226.
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Iron Belts of the Dalj Type – a Study of Regionalisation of the Middle La Tène Female Costume (107–125)
Резиме: МАРКО ДИЗДАР, Институт за археологију, Загреб
ИВАН ДРНИЋ, Археолошки музеј, Загреб
Кључне речи. – Женски костим, гвоздени појасеви, копче, Скордисци, гробови, Карпатска котлина, средњолатенски период
Карактеристичан елемент средњолатенске женске ношње
Скордиска били су различити типови гвоздени и бронзаних
појасева који се обично могу упоредити с истовременим типовима с простора Карпатске котлине. Један од таквих типова су појасеви типа Даљ, састављени од тордираних штапићастих сегмената повезаних обручима, који се међусобно
разликују према облицима гвоздених или бронзаних копчи.
Два типа копчи карактеристична су за ношњу Скордиска.
Већина појасева на наведеном простору има појасну копчу
састављену од два листолика дела са задебљањем у средишњем делу. Један крај ових копчи савијен је у кукицу, а други је савијен у петљу (варијанта Феудвар). Забележени су и
примерци перфорираних листоликих делова (варијанта Суботиште). Појасеви типа Даљ чести су на простору југоисточне Паноније, иако су у већем броју забележени и у средњолатенским женским гробовима из североисточног дела
Карпатске котлине, у Трансилванији те на појединим средњоевропским гробљима. Ови појасеви појављују се у женској
ношњи различитих латенских заједница крајем степена ЛТ
Б2, а највећи део познатих примерака потиче из степена ЛТ
Ц1. Појасеви типа Даљ забележени су подједнако у „сиромашнијим” гробовима, као и у гробовима с бројним елементима ношње и прилозима те је стога тешко изнети коначан
суд о статусу покојница у чијој ношњи су се налазили.
UDC: 904:625.7"652"(398)
Original research article
MILIJAN DIMITRIJEVIĆ, The University of Sydney, Sydney
JOHN WHITEHOUSE, The University of Sydney, Sydney
[email protected]
Abstract. – As part of a comprehensive archaeological survey of the area around the site of Glac, near ancient Sirmium, a detailed
examination has been undertaken of the location of the via militaris from Sirmium to Bassianae in light of previous studies and
new field surveys. In locating the road, the questions of the findspot of two Roman milestones, the location of the eastern gate
of the city of Sirmium, the nature of road way stations including mutationes, and the likely location of the way station at Fossae
mentioned in the Bordeaux Itinerary and Ravenna Cosmology have been considered. The implications of the road construction
on the patterns of rural settlement and economy in the Glac Study Area are highlighted.
Key words. – Fossae, gate, mutatio, Pannonia Secunda, Roman road, Sirmium, via militaris
joint Australian – Serbian archaeological survey project commenced in 2017 in the northwest of Serbia, in the vicinity of Sremska
Mitrovica. The survey is part of the Glac Project, a
co-operative programme between The University of
Sydney and the Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade,
under the co-directorship of Professor Richard Miles
and Dr Stefan Pop-Lazić.
Associated with the archaeological excavations of
the Glac site situated 4 km south-east of Sremska Mitrovica, the Glac Survey is being undertaken as a comprehensive archaeological survey of the area around
Glac to position the site and the region within a broader
chronological framework, and in the historical and
political contexts afforded by documentary evidence.
The survey component of the overall Glac Project is
undertaken under the leadership of the authors of this
The Survey Project has four components:
1) a regional settlement pattern survey to identify
the spatial and temporal settlement patterns during the
Roman period;
2) the establishment of the environmental context
of the settlement pattern during the Roman period;
3) the establishment of the consequential rural
economic base of the region during the Roman period;
4) an examination of the immediate environs of
the Glac site to identify outbuildings, cemeteries, water supply, transport routes, and the relationship with
the Sava River.
The area that is the subject of the survey has been
defined as the Glac Study Area, and encompasses the
territory around the Glac site, including a part of the
Srem region north and northeast of the Sava River,
and a part of the Mačva region south and southwest of
the river, covering approximately 700 km². It stretches
between the Fruška Gora mountains in the north, and
the Jerez River in the south, between the Čalma meridian in the west (excluding the town of Sremska Mitrovica), and the Jarak-Ruma meridian in the east (Fig.
1). In Antiquity, the Study Area was within the Late
Roman province of Pannonia Secunda, around the
Roman city of Sirmium, and touching the territory of
Bassianae, east of Sirmium.1
Manuscript received 2nd January 2021, accepted 25th July 2021
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
Fig. 1. The Glac Study Area
Сл. 1. Подручје истраживања пројекта Глац
As part of the Glac Survey 2017–2020, an examination has been undertaken of spatial communication
routes in the Study Area. This includes mapping of
the position and direction of the main Roman road
from Sirmium to Bassianae that led further to Singidunum in the south-east. This section of the road was
part of an important via militaris,2 which connected
Northern Italy to the Balkan provinces and the Middle
Danube limes.3 Traces of the road stretch across the
central zone of the Glac Study Area, between the eastern periphery of Sremska Mitrovica and the motorway
east of Šašinci, that is, between the still unexcavated
eastern gate of Sirmium, the so-called “Porta Fossiensis” in the west of the area, and the road station of
Fossae in the east, known from literary sources. The
locations of the eastern gate of Sirmium and the road
station of Fossae, as well as the route of the road in
between, have been generally described in historiography and archaeology, with contrasting views
throughout the research history.
Therefore, our aim was to map the direction of
the road by means of field survey and remote sensing
methods (LiDAR, satellite imagery, and aerial photography), taking into account the literary evidence,
registered archaeological sites, and the environmental
features of the area. Accordingly, the existing evidence
on the position of Fossae was reviewed.
Mirković 2017; Mócsy 1974.
Tilburg 2007, 8.
Fodorean 2017b; Gračanin 2010.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
The Roman Road System
The Greek historian from the Augustan era, Dionysius of Halicarnassus recognised the significance of
roads in the Roman empire when he wrote: “Indeed, in
my opinion the three most magnificent works of Rome,
in which the greatness of her empire is best seen, are
the aqueducts, the paved roads and the construction of
the sewers.”4
The road system was the glue that held the empire
together, serving as a vital element of communication,
government and military affairs. The Roman road system outside of urban areas was comprised of a hierarchy
of three types of road recognised by the Severan era
lawyer, Ulpian (Domitius Ulpianus) in parts of his work
excerpted in The Digest of Justinian, as follows:5
– Type 1. The viae publicae, consulares, praetoriae
or militares, being the main roads built and maintained at public expense.
– Type 2. The viae privatae, rusticae, glareae or
agrariae, the private or country roads.
– Type 3. The viae vicinales, roads leading to a
village or farm.
The Roman road from Sirmium east to Bassianae
formed part of the important via militaris from Aquileia to Emona, Siscia, Sirmium and Viminacium.6 This
road had great strategic and economic significance as
the principal route from Italy to the Danubian limes
and the Balkans.7
As with all viae publicae, this road was built by the
Roman state and because its primary use was for the
public post and the military, such roads were provided
with signage in the form of milestones and publicly
maintained and managed way stations. The milestones
were erected every Roman mile (or 1,000 paces) after
124 BC, when, according to Plutarch, Gaius Gracchus
“…measured off every road by miles and planted stone
pillars in the ground to mark the distances”.8
In the Roman province of Pannonia, the principal
road was the via militaris from Aquileia to Emona,
Siscia, Sirmium and Singidunum and then on to Naissus and from there either to Constantinople or Thessalonica. This road was supplement by a road from Emona to Carnuntum and a road following the limes from
Carnuntum to Singidunum.
Literary Evidence on Fossae
The name of Fossae was noted in two literary
sources, with an approximately four-hundred-year
long gap between dates of these records. They both
placed the station on the road from Sirmium through
Bassianae to Singidunum, between Sirmium and
In the Bordeaux or Jerusalem Itinerary [Itinerarum
Burdigalense sive Hierosolimitanum], written in AD
333, “Mutatio Fossis” was noted as being 9 miles from
Sirmium: … “civitas Sirmium mil VIII fit ab Aquileia
Sirmium usque milia [C]CCCXII, mansiones XIIII,
mutationes XXXVIIII. Mutatio Fossis mil VIIII civitas
Bassianis mil X”…9
In the 8th century source, the Ravenna Cosmography [Ravenatis anonymi Cosmographia], the name
“Fossis” was noted between the names “Bassianis” and
“Sirmium”: … “sed ego secundum praefatum Marcummirum inferius dictas civitates Pannoniae nominavi.
In qua patria plurimas fuisse civitates legimus, ex quibus aliquantas designare volumus, id est Confluentes,
Taurinum, Idominio, Bassianis, Fossis, Sirmium, Drinum, Saldis” …10
It has been widely known that the name “Fossis”
originates from the Latin noun fossa, meaning a dyke,
a ditch, a trench, a canal, a moat, and was noted in the
sources in the dative case in the plural (fossis).
While the word “Mutatio” was noted in singular,
meaning a change, an alteration, an interchange, an
exchange, that is a road station; basically, a stopping
place for travellers, with a stable to merely change
horses and/or other animals and to take refreshment.11
Hence, both the name of the road change station,
and its place indicated in the sources, have led modern
researchers to draw general conclusions regarding its
The Location of Fossae
in historiography and archaeology
The area where Fossae was located has been the
subject of debate in historiography and archaeology
since the 19th century. The proposed locations have
Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Roman Antiquities, 3.67.5.
Justinian, The Digests, 43.7.3, 43.8.21 – 24; Watson 1985,
Volume 2, 43.7.3, 43.8.21 – 24.
6 Archest Aquileia – Emona – Sirmium – Viminacium On the
ancient Roman trail.
7 Fodorean 2017a, 342.
8 Plutarch, Parallel Lives. The Life of Gaius Gracchus, 7.2.
9 Itinerarium Antonini Avgvsti et Hierosolymitanvm: ex
libris manvscriptis 1848, 267 [563.7, 563.8, 563.9, 563.10, 563.11].
10 Ravennatis Anonymi Cosmographia et Gvidonis Geographica 1860, 214 [IV.19].
11 Tilburg 2007, 46.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
Position of Fossis explicitly suggested
Jarak hypothesis
Брукнер, Даутова-Рушевљан
Šašinci hypothesis
Talbert (ed.)
Zanni et al.
Position of Fossis implied by the suggested road direction
Jarak hypothesis
Брукнер, Даутова-Рушевљан
Graf 1941
Kiepert 1998
Šašinci hypothesis
Popović, Vasiljević
Talbert (ed.)
Zanni, De Rosa
Zanni et al.
Table 1. Hypotheses of the Fossae position throughout the research history
Табела 1. Хипотезе о положају Фоса кроз историјат истраживања
been indicated by suggestions on the route of the
Sirmium-Bassianae-Singidunum road that led toward
east or south-east of Sremska Mitrovica, by relating to
archaeological sites found in the area, by taking into
account the distance of potential sites of Fossae from
Sirmium, and having regard to the etymology of the
station’s name, which suggests the existence of a ditch
or ditches (canals) in the proximity of the road station.
In the main, there are two hypotheses on the location of Fossae, placing the road station either at Jarak,
next to the Jarčina channel believed to had been dug
in the 3rd century AD, or at Šašinci, east or northeast
of the village. A survey of the literature written in the
last 150 years in which the position of Fossae has
been suggested, show almost equal representation of
both the Jarak and Šašinci hypotheses throughout the
research history, with the Šašinci proposition slightly
favoured (Table 1).
In addition, an argument has been recently proposed that Fossae should be interpreted as an outpost positioned next to the Jarčina channel in the neighbourhood of Jarak.12
Archaeological evidence
of the Roman road east of Sirmium
Archaeological evidence of the Roman road leading from Sirmium eastward has been found at the following locations, starting from the west and going
1) At Ciglana (the former brick production facility). Archaeological traces of a road, the hard surfaces
Mirković 2017, 47–48.
Jeremić 2016, 102, sl. 67.
Popović 1978.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
of crushed stone and brick, were found in 1985 in the
south-eastern periphery of Sremska Mitrovica in the
area of Ciglana, the former brick production facility,
south of the main eastern approach road to the modern town (south of Palanka and Timočke Divizije
streets and south-west of the town’s eastern rounda-
bout). This was the area of the eastern necropolis of
Sirmium with the road leading through it and further
eastward.13 The area also included an early Roman
necropolis dated to the 1st century AD, and an Early
Iron Age necropolis identified as a Bosut Culture
Fig. 2. Drawing of the position and direction
of the Roman road at the Ciglana site (Locality 67)
according to M. Jeremić (Jeremić 2016, 104, Fig. 67)
Fig. 3. Remains of the Roman road
in a trench dug at the Ciglana site (Locality 67)
according to M. Jeremić (Jeremić 2016, 104, Fig. 68)
Сл. 2. Цртеж позиције и правца римског пута
на Циглани (Локалитет 67)
према М. Јеремићу (Jeremić 2016, 104, Sl. 67)
Сл. 3. Остаци римског пута у сонди
ископаној на Циглани (Локалитет 67)
према М. Јеремићу (Jeremić 2016, 104, Sl. 68)
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
The road stretched between Timočke Divizije
Street in the north and the Čikas canal in the south,
with its direction almost parallel to both the street and
the canal.15 The traces were found at several places, at
the former brick facility (Ciglana), 130 m west of the
brick facility, and then found at four sites further
westward in the direction of the Kalvarija hill.16 The
general direction of the road is northwest-southeast,
with a slight turn at the Ciglana site.17 Jeremić concluded the road was a continuation of the decumanus
maximus of Sirmium and it can be traced with certainty
from the Kalvarija hill to Ciglana, and further leading
to the east, toward the industrial zone of Sremska Mitrovica.18 At this point the road was positioned along the
lip of the Sava’s left bank river terrace, north of the
Jalia pond, stretching approximately 800 m from the
Kalvarija hill toward the industrial zone.19 Today, the
area is mostly covered with modern development and
apartment blocks.
It is worth noting that this area was also described
in the 18th century by one of the earliest antiquarians,
Count Luigi Ferdinando Marsili (1658–1730), an Italian
scholar, naturalist and soldier who served in the army
of the Hapsburg Monarchy. Marsili spent two decades
in the middle Danube area, as a leader of the Hapsburg
Border Commission, collecting information on the
natural history and antiquities of the area along the
Marsili’s work “Danubius Pannonico-Mysicus”
was published twenty years later in Amsterdam and
The Hague (1726) in six volumes, of which the first includes an account on the geography and hydrography
of the region and the second includes notes and sketches on the history and antiquities of the area. In terms
of the archaeological topography of Sirmium, Marsili
described and sketched the eastern and north-eastern
parts with the remains of Roman ruins. Marsili gave a
description of the eastern part of Sirmium, in what appears to be the area around the Čikas channel and the
Kalvarija hill: “(cc) Sunt vestigia murorum, e terra
parum adhunc prominentium, sicuti et (d), (e), (f) autem,
reductus aliquis super colle positus suisse videtur.
Notandum denique, quod elevata via, lapidibus strata
hic loci transeat”.20 Hence, Marsili gave an account
of the remains of a stone road which were elevated
above the land surface, and stretched north of the
walls in a general direction of west-east.
2) At Sremska Mlekara (the dairy plant). Archaeological traces of the Roman road were found in the
courtyard of the dairy plant next to a gate, which is sit-
uated in the eastern periphery of Sremska Mitrovica,
in the town’s industrial zone.21 In a trench dug for an
electric cable installation, the sub base of the road was
found, including quantities of stone that were dug out
from the trench, some of which were up to 10 kg in
3) At Crepovac field. Two milestones were found
in November 1886 in the field of Crepovac, east of
Sremska Mitrovica.23 A school teacher from Sremska
Mitrovica, Ignjat Jung, reported to the Museum in Zagreb and to Šime Ljubić, who published the discovery.
The pieces were first encountered in 1883 when a new
channel in the field was dug, but later in 1886 when
the channel was further cleaned and the milestones
were fully recognised.24 The milestones are kept in
the Museum of Srem. Both have inscriptions preserved, with 3 Roman miles (the distance from Sirmium)
inscribed in the bottom line of both.25 The older one,
of the emperors Marcus Aurelius (161–180 AD) and
Lucius Verus (161–169 AD), M. Mirković dated to
161 AD, while another date that was initially suggested was 167 AD.26 The younger one, of the emperors
Septimius Severus (193–211 AD) and Caracalla (198–
217 AD) was dated to 198 AD.27
The archaeological evidence of the Roman road
in the Prosek and Crepovac fields east of Sremska
Mitrovica also included surface finds of its remains.
Between 1969 and 1971, a wider archaeological survey
of the Srem region was organised as part of a Yugoslavian-American cooperative program.28 D. Popović
of the Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments
in Sremska Mitrovica and M. Vasiljević of the Museum
in Šabac traced the Roman road in the summer of 1969
Jeremić 2016, 102, sl. 67, 68.
Jeremić 2016, 102, sl. 67, 68.
17 Jeremić 2016, sl. 21, 67.
18 Jeremić 2016, 102, sl. 21, 66.
19 Savezni Geološki Zavod 1982–1983; Vojnogeografski institut 1979a.
20 Marsili 1726, 46, Tab 19 [Antiquitates Romanae, Fig. VI].
21 Popović 1980, 102.
22 Popović 1980, 102.
23 Ljubić 1887; Милошевић 1988, 117; Mirković 2008,
24 Ljubić 1887, 16.
25 Ljubić 1887; Mirković 2008, 132–133.
26 Mirković 2008, 132–133.
27 Mirković 2008, 134.
28 Popović 1980; Popović, Vasiljević 1969.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
Fig. 4. Drawing of the Roman road substructure
found next to the intersection of the motorway
with the Ruma-Šabac regional road
according to O. Brukner; North Point not indicated
in original (Брукнер 1995c, 188, Plan 3)
Сл. 4. Цртеж субструктуре римског пута
нађеног поред укрштања аутопута са
регионалним путем Рума-Шабац,
према О. Брукнер; правац севера
није приказан на оригиналном цртежу
(Брукнер 1995c, 188, Пл. 3)
from the area of Sirmium towards the east, through
Šašinci village and further towards the northeast; the
structure of the Roman road was recognised as a strip
10 to 15 m wide, consisting of pebbles, amorphous stone
and occasional brick; at several places along the road
route through Srem, embankments elevated up to 0.5 m
or even a metre height were recognised.29
4) At Bare. The area is located 2.4 km west of
Šašinci, next to the Mančelov Gat channel on its left
(eastern) side.30 Surface traces of the Roman road were
found during a survey in 1967; the traces stretched in a
straight west-east line from the Mančelov Gat channel
A few years before the 1967 survey, the landowner Dušan Vladisavljević ploughed out a fragment of a
milestone in the field at the Bare site.32 The fragment
was placed in Šašinci, in the garden of its finder for
several years, but it is lost today; a part of the inscription was recorded and includes several letters in 4
lines: VIVL / LIVL / ONT / NOBI, with the bottom
lines read by D. Popović: “[- - p]ont[ifex maximus] /
[- - -]nobi[lissimus Caesar - -]”.33
5) At Šašinci village. Archaeological evidence of
the Roman road was found at several locations in the
village as follows:
a) In the western periphery of Šašinci, in the place
called Ledine, limited traces of the road were found in
an archaeological trench; most of the road stone was
previously quarried and taken away from the place.34
b) Surface finds of the road, stone of different sizes, was found scattered in gardens in the village, in
Savska Street, at house numbers 33 and 48; larger
amounts of building stone were found in Savska
Street house number 33, in the garden of Dragomir
c) In addition to the traces of the road, a fragment
of a milestone was also found in Šašinci by O. Brukner,
which was placed in the house of P. Radojičić.36 The
inscription was read as: “D[omino] n[ostro] / nob[ilisimo]”,37 or as “D[omini] n[ostri duo]”.38
6) In the Kudoš Area. Roman road remains were
surveyed and excavated east of Šašinci village, in the
Kudoš area. These activities were conducted as part
of rescue archaeological research between 1979 and
1989, during the construction of the Belgrade-Zagreb
motorway.39 Remains of the Sirmium-Singidunum
road were surveyed south of the motorway, near the
Kudoš channel and next to the intersection of the
motorway and the Ruma-Šabac regional road.40 The
surface traces included scattered stone and brick, a
strip 1.5 km long and 15 m wide.41 In addition to the
surveyed surface finds, a sondage was dug at the
Ruma motorway intersection; it was concluded that
the Roman road was originally 7 m wide, it had a
structure made of crushed stone with smaller pieces
of stone and brick on the top layer (“strata”); the edges
Popović 1980; Popović, Vasiljević 1969.
Popović 1967b, 4; 1967c; 1967–1984.
Popović 1967b, 4; 1967c, 179; 1967–1984; 1980, 102.
Popović 1967b, 4, Sketch 4; 1980, 102.
Popović 1967b, 4, Sketch 4.
Popović 1980, 103; Popović, Vasiljević 1969, 261–262.
Popović 1980, 103.
Dušanić 1990, 646.
Dušanić 1990, 646.
Mirković 2008, 138.
Брукнер 1995c.
Брукнер 1995c, 187.
Брукнер 1995c, 188, сл. 1.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
and canals on both sides of the original Roman road
structure had been destroyed.42
Further, a milestone was also found at the Kudoš
site, near a complex which was described as a “villa
rustica”.43 Several letters of the inscription were preserved; M. Dušanić read: “Aug[ustus] Caes[ar]”.44
As part of the rescue research campaign in the
1980s, the Roman road remains were archaeologically
traced further north of the motorway at the Žirovac
site, east of the Ruma motorway intersection; the Roman road cuts across the motorway near a motel
southeast of the intersection, and leads further to the
north-east towards Dobrinci and Donji Petrovci, that
is to the site of ancient Bassianae.45
Environmental features
of the Roman road area46
The identified archaeological traces of the Roman
road stretch between the eastern periphery of Sremska
Mitrovica in the west and the motorway east of Šašinci
village, bisecting the central zone of the Glac Study
Area for a distance of 14 km.
From the west to the east the road traversed the
following larger fields:47
1) Prosek, east of Sremska Mitrovica, between the
Ruma road and the Jarak road, north of the industrial
zone, and west of the Glac or Crepovački channel that
cuts from north-west to south;
2) Crepovac, the area east and northeast of Sremska
Mitrovica, stretching on both sides of the Ruma road,
with the toponym noted at varying positions in different
maps; the area north of Prosek is called Crepovac (on
the opposite side of the Ruma road); but until recently
the entire north-eastern area of Prosek was equally
called Crepovac;
3) Šljivice, south of the Ruma road and north-east
of Prosek;
4) Šašinačke Međe, north of the Jarak road and
southeast of Prosek;
Fig. 5. Topographic map of the surveyed area (Vojnogeografski institut 1979a; Vojnogeografski institut 1979b)
Сл. 5. Топографска карта рекогносцираног подручја (Vojnogeografski institut 1979a; Vojnogeografski institut 1979b)
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
5) Livade, east of the Glac or Crepovački channel
and west and north-west of the Mančelov Gat channel;
6) Bare, between the Mančelov Gat channel in the
west and Šašinci village in the east;
7) Čelepovac, south-west of Šašinci village and
north of the Jarak road;
8) Kudoš, the area between Šašinci in the west and
the Kudoš channel in the east;
9) Kudoš-Livade, the eastern periphery of the Kudoš area, around the Kudoš channel and south of the
10) Žirovac, east of the Kudoš on both sides of the
The surveyed area is located within a lowland,
where the terrain is flat and open, without barriers except for several streams and manmade channels that
cut through the area, mostly from north to south. With
the exception of the industrial zone in the eastern periphery of Sremska Mitrovica, and the village of
Šašinci, the modern landscape is one of cultivated agricultural fields intersected with channels and farm
tracks. In terms of the soils, chernozem predominates
the area.
The elevation of the terrain varies between 82.6 m
and 95 m ASL, gradually rising to the north and northeast.48 The highest elevation of the terrain is visible in
the Kudoš area north-east of Šašinci, with the elevation rising from south to north by 3 m on average
within the Kudoš area, increasing in height over a
short distance by nearly 1 km to reach 95 m ASL in
the northern periphery at Dreispitz Pusta.49 This particular area is a boundary between two different land
system units.50
In terms of geomorphology, the surveyed area
stretches within the Sava’s left bank river terrace, and
touches the Fan Srem land system unit in the north and
The river terrace has a thin layer of loess and, due
to its partly calcareous composition, mild solutional
processes may occur, forming shallow suffosional depressions similar to pseudo-karstic dolines or sinkholes on loess.52
The groundwater in the river terrace is shallow and
the zone is naturally swampy.53 Hence, to overcome the
difficulties of the terrain, drainage channels of between
2 m and 10 m deep have been dug, mostly in the last
two centuries.54 However, this activity began with the
Roman emperor Probus (276–282 AD) who initiated
reclamation of land from the numerous swamps east
of Sirmium, as noted in the written sources and visible
in the landscape modifications, most notably by the
monumental Jarčina channel that cuts through the
eastern periphery of the Study Area from northeast to
southwest, and enters the Sava in the eastern periphery
of the village of Jarak:55
“When he [Probus] had come to Sirmium, desiring to enrich and enlarge his native place, he set many
thousand[s of] soldiers together to draining a certain
marsh, planning a great canal with outlets flowing into
the Save, and thus draining a region for the use of the
people of Sirmium”.
The toponymy of the area, especially hydronyms
illustrate the need of people in the past to drain the
river terrace. These are: “Jezero”, “Manđeloška Bara”,
“Bare”, etc. recorded on 19th century maps between
Sremska Mitrovica and Šašinci.56
The largest manmade channels that cut through
the area from north to south are:
1) Čikas channel which flows through the eastern
periphery of Sremska Mitrovica and enters the Sava
River between the Jalia pond in the west and the industrial zone in the east, it collects surface waters and
streams further in the north;
Брукнер 1995c, 188, пл. 3.
Брукнер 1995c, 187.
44 Брукнер 1995c, 187.
45 Брукнер 1982b; Брукнер 1995a, 100; Брукнер 1995c, 187.
46 A land system study for the Glac Project was specially
commissioned from the Geographical Institute „Jovan Cvijić” of
the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in 2018, with a team
co-ordinated by Dr Jelena Ćalić (Ćalić et al. 2018–2020).
47 Географско одељење Главног Генералштаба 1894; Републичка геодетска управа Социјалистичке републике Србије
1971–1975; Savezni Geološki Zavod 1982–1983; Kantonai
felmérés III. 1872–1884; Vojnogeografski institut 1979a; Vojnogeografski institut 1979b.
48 Vojnogeografski institut 1979a; Vojnogeografski institut
49 Vojnogeografski institut 1979b.
50 Savezni Geološki Zavod 1982–1983.
51 Ćalić et al. 2018–2020; Savezni Geološki Zavod 1982–1983.
52 Ćalić et al. 2018–2020.
53 Ćalić et al. 2018–2020.
54 Ćalić et al. 2018–2020; Географско одељење Главног
Генералштаба 1894; Kantonai felmérés III. 1872–1884; Vojnogeografski institut 1979a; Vojnogeografski institut 1979b.
55 Historia Augusta 1932, 379–381 [The Life of Probus
56 Ćalić et al. 2018–2020; Географско одељење Главног
Генералштаба 1894; Third Cantonal Survey 1872–1884.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
Fig. 6. Aerial imagery of the Prosek–Crepovac and Bare areas
Сл. 6. Ваздушни снимак подручја Просек–Цреповац и Баре
2) a channel that flows from the Čikas canal
through the Prosek field and enters the Sava at the industrial zone east of the town;
3) Crepovački or Glac channel which flows
through Crepovac, Šljivice, Prosek, Šašinačke Međe,
and enters the Sava at the Glac site;
4) Mančelov Gat which cuts through Livade, between Šašinačke Međe and Čelepovac, and enters the
Sava through the Leget area, near the regional waste
The largest natural watercourse in the surveyed
area is the Kudoš stream that flows east of Šašinci,
from the Fruška Gora mountains in the north, and enters into the Sava River in the western periphery of
the village of Jarak; its full length is 19 km; it flows
naturally in the upper part while it has been regulated
in the lower part.58
A significant tributary of the Kudoš is the Jelence
River which also flows from the mountain in the north
and enters the Kudoš south-west of Ruma.59 However, in the past the Jelence River flowed parallel and
next to the Kudoš on its left (eastern) side from a latitude south of Ruma further southwards, and entered
the larger stream southeast of Šašinci; this described
hydrography of the Kudoš area was recorded in 19th
century maps.60 At a few places the two streams were
only 50 m apart and several watermills existed on
their banks in the 19th century.61 It is noted that the
Vojnogeografski institut 1979a.
Vojnogeografski institut 1979b.
Vojnogeografski institut 1979b.
Географско одељење Главног Генералштаба 1894; Kantonai felmérés III. 1872 – 1884.
Географско одељење Главног Генералштаба 1894; Ljubić
1887; Kantonai felmérés III. 1872 – 1884.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
Fig. 7. Aerial imagery of the Kudoš area
Сл. 7. Ваздушни снимак подручја Кудош
Jelence River collects the waters of Staro Hopovo, a
thermo-mineral-spring in the valley of the Lipov Potok in the north; the spring’s hypothermal temperature
(18.5°C) hydro-carbonated-sulphated waters have
been used by local people who believe its usage has
curative effects.62 Today the area east of Šašinci,
called Kudoš and Kudoš Livade, is intersected with
several manmade channels dug and/or modified as
part of the regulation of the Kudoš and Jelence
Remote Sensing in the Glac Study Area
As part of the Glac Survey, remote sensing methods were specially commissioned in 2018 and again
in 2020. These included the application of LiDAR
and digital aerial photography and photogrammetry in
several parts of the Glac Study Area, notably in its
central zone between the Prosek field in the west and
the Kudoš area in the east.
Parallel to these methods, the survey team also
used existing publicly available satellite imagery plus
the Google Earth computer programme.
The application of these methods resulted in the
identification of numerous features in the Study Area
that are of archaeological interest, including a distinct
linear feature that almost continuously stretches in the
west-east direction between Prosek and Kudoš. Different parts of the linear feature were identified in
Hillshade, Digital Terrain Models (DTM) rendered
from the LiDAR scans of the area, in airborne imagery, and in the historic satellite imagery drawn from the
“time lapse” function in the Google Earth computer
Ćalić et al. 2018–2020.
Vojnogeografski institut 1979b.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
By comparing the positions of the above outlined
archaeological traces of the Roman road east of Sremska Mitrovica with the position of the identified linear
feature, and the topographical maps of the area, it was
concluded that the linear feature displays the precise
position and direction of the Roman road that has been
georeferenced in the QGIS geographic information
system software (GIS), applied and further developed
for the Glac Project and the survey.
The Figures 6–10 illustrate the linear feature displayed by means of the above outlined remote sensing
Field Walking Surveys
across the Glac Study Area
The areas of Prosek and Crepovac were surveyed
by the authors of this paper on 13th and 14th March
2019, with a preliminary field reconnaissance.
The survey method involved walking 1 m apart
for the entire length of the feature, indicated by lighter
soil and mortar, stone and other finds present. The
team also surveyed areas north and south of the linear
feature; these were named “Prosek Field Centre”,
“Prosek Field Southeast Area” and “Prosek North”. In
addition, the method included interviews with local
Fig. 8. Orthophoto of the Roman road remains and Glac channel intersection at Prosek–Crepovac
Fig. 9. Prosek–Crepovac, detail; a) Orthophoto of the Roman road from 2018;
b) LiDAR-derived digital elevation model from 2018, local relief model visualisation
Fig. 10. Aerial imagery of the Kudoš channel and former Jelence river channel
Сл. 8. Ортофото снимак укрштања остатака римског пута и Глацовог канала на потесу Просек–Цреповац
Сл. 9. Просек–Цреповац, детаљ; а) ортофото снимак римског пута из 2018;
b) лидар дигитални елевациони модел терена из 2018, визуелизација – local relief model
Сл. 10. Ваздушни снимак канала Кудош и некадашњег канала реке Јеленце
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
people, in the milk factory, in the Prosek field, and in
the village of Šašinci.
The team traversed approximately 1.2 km along the
linear feature in its western parts. Excellent surface
visibility of remains of the Roman road were noted;
these included a consistent band of rocks, and occasional bricks, between 10 m and 15 m wide, and in line
with the feature previously identified by the remote
sensing methods.
This band is presumably the remains of the rudus,
being a rubble of broken stones and lime, and the
statumen, or foundation, being stones of a size to fit in
a hand, forming the road base of the Roman road from
Sirmium to Bassianae. This was the only physical evidence of the road encountered in this area.
The Crepovački or Glac drainage channel was examined but its side profiles were overgrown with vegetation and gave no indication of the road crossing.
A local farmer and landowner Mr. Radoslav Radović was interviewed in a field next to the channel. He
advised that his field east of the Glac drainage channel
had numerous stones and bricks.
The field walking survey across this field confirmed the highest concentration of the road remains
was from the Glac or Crepovački channel eastwards.
Geographical position coordinates were taken at the
intersection of the road remains and the channel.
(Map references of the intersection are: 959 815;64
GPS manual device: 7395955.8N and 4981292.3E;
WGS 84: 445806.47N and 194032.20E; in parcels
nos.: 8686, 9093/3 (channel), and 8666/1 and 8663/3.)
The finds included moderate amounts of stone,
brick and mortar, and occasional pottery fragments.
The cultural material was collected. The chronological and cultural attribution of pottery and other finds
indicate that these locations show cultural material of
Classical Antiquity and the Early Modern period.
Thereafter, the village of Šašinci was visited. The
resident of no. 46 Save Zdelara Street, Mr. Stevan Opačić, was interviewed. He advised that Save Zdelara
Fig. 11. Roman road surface remains east of the Glac channel at Prosek–Crepovac
Сл. 11. Површински остаци римског пута источно oд Глацовог каналa на потесу Просек–Цреповац
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
Street was previously named Savska Street, but the
numbering was not changed. Mr. Opačić advised he
was aware the Roman road ran through the village but
he was not aware of its location.
In December 2020 the area of Kudoš, east of
Šašinci was field walked. Limited surface traces of
the Roman road were followed along the eastern end
of the linear feature identified by the remote sensing
methods. These included occasional stone and brick,
and larger fragments of reddish hydraulic mortar in
several places. The traces were followed at a distance
of 1.6 km, between the central zone of the Kudoš area
(WGS 84: 44°57´37.33˝N 19°45´40.30˝E), to a point
where the road remains crossed the Kudoš channel
(WGS 84: 44°57´34.12˝N 19°46´54.19˝E). At this intersection several larger stone pieces were noted in
the side profiles of the Kudoš channel.
The Milestones from Crepovac
One of the clues for defining the Sirmium-Fossae
road direction in favour of the Šašinci hypothesis was
the discovery of the two milestones in the Crepovac
field east of Sremska Mitrovica in 1883–1886. One
milestone was dedicated to Marcus Aurelius and is
dated to 161 AD65 and the second to Septimius Severus and is dated to 198 AD.66 Since these would have
been set up next to the main Roman road in the past,
and the finding of two milestones in the same location
indicates they were found in situ, the position of these
finds is of crucial importance. The location influenced
not only early researchers in the 19th century67, but
equally resonates in more recent works.68 Hence, defining the exact location where the milestones were
found in 1883–1886 proved to be necessary.
The discovery was described by Ignjat Jung, a
school teacher in Sremska Mitrovica and an enthusiastic amateur archaeologist who extensively recorded
Roman and antique sites in ancient Sirmium and the
surrounding areas.69 His letter to the Archaeological
Museum in Zagreb (no. 33, of 25th November 1886),
included comments on the finding, a transcription of the
inscriptions as they were interpreted back in that time,
and a map.70 Ignjat Jung previously, on 8th November
1886, relayed the discovery of the milestones to the
historian and archaeologist Šime Ljubić who, in 1887,
published the inscriptions with a description of the
circumstances of the discovery.71 The inscriptions
were published again by Josip Brunšmid in 1889.72
Ignjat Jung wrote on the 8th November 1886 that
the milestones were first encountered in 1883 but not
removed when a new channel in the Crepovac field
was dug, east of Sremska Mitrovica, but he noted that
on 5th November 1886, when this channel was being
further cleaned, the milestones were again recognised
and this time removed.73 The milestones have the inscriptions, with 3 Roman miles (the distance from
Sirmium) inscribed in the bottom lines74; with the
older dated to 161 AD (or 167 AD) and the younger to
198 AD.75 Jung noted that this new canal was a “side
canal” that was dug from an existing channel which
flows into the Sava River from the north and divides
the field of Meteriza in the west from the field of Crepovac in the east; what Jung found very strange is that
the milestones were discovered on the left (northern)
side of the Sremska Mitrovica-Ruma road.76 According
to a map drawn by Jung in November 1886, the milestones were found north of the Ruma road, between
the Ruma road and the railway.77
Considering this position of the milestones, Jung
concluded that the station “Fossis” was in Šašinci.78
This was then accepted by Šime Ljubić, and “Fossis”
was identified with the Kudoš area east of Šašinci,
near the Kudoš channel, close to where the Kovačić (or
Kovačević) watermill was situated.79
However, it should be noted that Ignjat Jung was
not personally present at the location when the milestones were found and removed on 5th November
1886. As implied in the reports, Jung was informed
about the discovery when the milestones were already
Vojnogeografski institut 1979a.
Mirković 2017, 232, [Inscription No. 266].
66 Mirković 2017, 233–234, [Inscription No. 268].
67 Brunšmid 1889; Jung 1890; Ljubić 1887.
68 Црнобрња 2015; Милошевић 1988; Mirković 2008; Popović 1980.
69 Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović 2015.
70 Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović 2015, 38–41, 96, 170.
71 Ljubić 1887; Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović 2015,
72 Brunšmid 1889, 35–37; Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović 2015, 276–278.
73 Ljubić 1887, 16.
74 Ljubić 1887.
75 Mirković 2008, 132–133.
76 Ljubić 1887, 16–17; Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović
2015, 41.
77 Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović 2015, 96
78 Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović 2015, 96, 170
79 Ljubić 1887, 18; Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović 2015,
269; Kantonai felmérés III. 1872–1884.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
displayed in the town, by a senator in Sremska Mitrovica, Mr. J. Pavlović, and by a land surveyor from the
town, Mr. Popović, whose workers actually found and
dug out the milestones.80
This was likely one of the reasons why, in 1889–
1890, Jung reconsidered his view on the road direction from Sirmium to Fossae in a letter sent to the museum in Zagreb.81 In 1889 he surveyed the road
remains in the direction of Šašinci, and noted that the
road was going in a straight direction from the Roman
necropolis east of Sirmium, through the fields of “Meterice” [Meteriza] and “Šljivice”, it crossed “Zabrana” (probably a channel) and led through “Šašinačko
Polje” to the “Klisina” fort.82 Jung described Klisina
as a Roman fort of circular outline 50 m in diameter,
with a 20 m wide trench around it, and wrote that remains of the road were next to the fort; according to
Jung, the entire site was 100 m in diameter and looked
like a small hill, which Jung also named “Vijenac”.83
However, in the same report published in 1890,
Jung noted that the milestones found in 1886 were not
found next to the Roman road he had described (that
is, the road to Klisina fort, which he considered to be
the main road to Fossae that led further to Bassianae);
as Jung wrote, the milestones must had been placed
next to another Roman road that led from Sirmium
eastward and which turned to the north-east towards
Klisina (“Vijenac”) where it was connected to yet another road that led towards Fruška Gora and further
north to ancient Aquincum.84 Hence, Jung suggested
two roads going from Sirmium towards the east and/
or north-east (the main one that led to “Klisina” and
“Fossis”, and another one with the milestones next to
it that led to the east and then turned to “Klisina” to the
north-east); and these were connected to another one
coming from the north.
Jung justified such an interpretation with a find of
a milestone at Laćarak that was also set up in a field 3
Roman miles from Sirmium but on the western side
of the town.85 According to Jung, these roads must
had been connected in the past. In this way, Jung indirectly suggested there was a detour around Sirmium
on its northern side.
The idea of the detour has also been considered in
more recent works. Prior to the detailed surveys, D.
Popović and P. Milošević also considered that the main
Roman road could have led next to the Klisina fort.86
M. Mirković suggested that the milestones were positioned on a crossroad 3 Roman miles from Sirmium
where the Sirmium–Fossae–Bassianae road intersects
with a northern detour, with this conclusion based on
the initially indicated position of the find spot of the
milestones, as well as the position of the Laćarak milestone.87 Additionally, this interesting hypothesis was
recently repeated by A. Crnobrnja.88
Nevertheless, in the same 1890 report, Jung concluded that the second road from Sirmium leading towards the east with the milestones set next to it, was
probably a side road, not the main one, and therefore
not mentioned in the ancient sources; the road that led
next to the Klisina fort was the main one that went to
Fossae and further led to Bassianae.89
In spite of such a concession, nearly 15 years after
his survey, Jung again changed his opinion. This was
shown in a letter to the museum in Zagreb (no. 267)
about the Roman road between Sirmium and Bonnonia in the south-north direction, written in the winter
of 1904 and with a map sketched next to the text.90
On the bottom right of the map Jung sketched
three Roman roads east of Sirmium, all of which begin
in the same area of the eastern necropolis of Sirmium,
east of the Čikas channel; the main road leads from the
channel in the west to a point of intersection of the
three roads east of the channel.91 One road proceeded
towards the north-east and was marked as leading to
“Vijenac”, that is to the Klisina fort; another road was
marked by Jung proceeding towards the south-east
leading to “Gensis” as Jung wrote (known from Tabula Peutingeriana);92 along the Sava River and through
Jarak village; between these two roads, there was a
third road proceeding towards the east leading to
Šašinci and, as Jung marked on the map, it led to
80 Ljubić 1887, 16–17; Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović
2015, 41.
81 Ljubić 1890.
82 Ljubić 1890, 26.
83 Ljubić 1890, 26–27.
84 Ljubić 1890, 27.
85 Ljubić 1890, 27; Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović
2015, 99, 175.
86 Popović 1967a; Popović 1967b.
87 Mirković 2008, 128.
88 Црнобрња 2015, 168–170.
89 Ljubić 1890, 27.
90 Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović 2015, 58; Милошевић 1988, 122, сл. 6.
91 Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović 2015, 58; Милошевић 1988, 122, сл. 6.
92 Omnes Viae 2011.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
“Fossis”.93 The northern detour around Sirmium, implied by Jung in 1890, was not sketched on his map in
1904, although both the map and the letter referred to
a road coming from the north (from Bononia), which
was also sketched.
Jung’s map from 1904 shows that the main road
that led from Sirmium to Fossae proceeded in a westeast direction from the eastern periphery of Sremska
Mitrovica (from the eastern necropolis of Sirmium)
towards Šašinci, across the Prosek and Crepovac
fields. Furthermore, this is the road which was marked
15 years before as the “side road” where the milestones were found.94 In this way Jung indirectly, over
an extended period, acknowledged his misinterpretation of the two milestones’ discovery location, which
could had been expected, since he was not present at
the discovery location on 5th November 1886.
The varying conclusions of Ignjat Jung have been
mostly overlooked in recent literature on the topic, and
his initial standpoint had been predominantly reflected
in the interpretations until major surveys and excavations of the Roman road in the 1970s and 1980s.
However, Jung’s initial misinterpretation of the
milestones’ discovery location in 1886, when he described the milestones as being found on the left or
northern side of the Sremska Mitrovica-Ruma road,
was partially corrected by Petar Milošević, who placed
the milestones’ findspot on the right or the southern
side of the Ruma road.95
The changed position of the milestones in the
map was not explained by Milošević, but it is likely
that the author understood Jung’s misinterpretation
since Jung was not present at the location when the
milestones were found but was informed by others,
and even Jung found it very strange that the milestones were found on the left side of the road and not
on the right side. Milošević is likely to have had in
mind more recent surveys and excavations that positioned the road further south.96 Still, Milošević placed
the milestones next to the Ruma road,97 and such interpretation must had been influenced by the existence of the so-called “side canal” in that place, described by Jung and visible in 19th century maps.98
This channel was connected to the one that flows into
the Sava and divides the fields of Meteriza in the west
and Crepovac in the east, as initially described by
Jung. However, the milestones were not marked by
Milošević in a position where the main Roman road
goes, which is the direction that P. Milošević, D. Popović and M. Vasiljević had identified by a method of
field survey; the milestones were shown as having
been found further north, close to the Ruma road
where the “side canal” existed in the past. Such a positioning of the milestones by Milošević has been accepted by some other authors99, but the direction of
the main Roman road has been shown by those same
authors as stretching in a west-east direction further
south100, just as D. Popović, P. Milošević, and M.
Vasiljević defined after their extensive research.101
The widely acknowledged conclusion that the
milestones were set up on the main Roman road,
Sirmium-Fossae-Bassianae, along with the fact that
the road stretches from west towards east through the
Prosek and Crepovac fields in a straight line from the
dairy plant eastwards (which was based on the results
of surveys and excavations), and bearing in mind the
misinterpretation of the discovery location of the
milestones by Jung, all lead to a conclusion that the
milestones were actually found on the Roman road
route east of the dairy plant, not north-east of the factory, no matter on which side of the Ruma road these
were supposedly discovered.
An Austro-Hungarian map of the area, produced
from 1872 to 1884102 discloses the position of the socalled “side canal” mentioned by Jung, which was
parallel to the Ruma road on its southern (right) side,
and was connected to the main channel that flows into
the Sava from north to south and divides the fields of
Meteriza in the west and Crepovac in the east. This
“side canal” already existed when the milestones were
found, as the map shows.103
The channel in which the milestones were found
was dug between 1883 and 1886; it was finished in
November 1886, when it was finally cleaned and the
93 Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović 2015, 58; Милошевић 1988, 122, сл. 6.
94 Ljubić 1890, 27.
95 Милошевић 1988, сл. 2.
96 Милошевић 1988, 117–120, сл. 2, сл. 3.
97 Милошевић 1988, сл. 2.
98 Географско одељење Главног Генералштаба 1894; Kantonai felmérés III. 1872 – 1884.
99 Црнобрња 2015, 167; Mirković 2008, 128, 132–134.
100 Црнобрња 2015, 246, карта 1, карта 2; Mirković 2008,
101 Милошевић 1988; Popović 1980; Popović, Vasiljević
102 Kantonai felmérés III. 1872–1884.
103 Kantonai felmérés III. 1872–1884.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
Fig. 12. Map of the area east of Sremska Mitrovica – Third Cantonal Survey 1872–1884
(Kantonai felmérés III. 1872–1884)
Сл. 12. Карта подручја источно од Сремске Митровице – Трећи кантонални премер 1872–1884
(Kantonai felmérés III. 1872–1884)
milestones taken out.104 This occurred after the map
showing the “side canal” was published, and the actual
channel with the milestones is not shown on the map105
as it did not exist at the date of the map’s preparation.
The fact that the channel dug between 1883–1886
is also not shown in the Serbian military map from 1894
is not considered to be significant as this map lacks
several details in this particular area, such as several
canals and field boundaries, when compared to the
older Austro-Hungarian map.106
The channel dug in 1883–1886 exists today. It
was the one stretching from the north-western periphery of the Crepovac field towards the south-east and
south; it cuts underneath the Ruma road and cuts across
a line of the so-called “side canal” which does not exist anymore; then the channel continues through the
eastern periphery of Prosek and the western periphery
of the Šašinačke Međe field and continues to the Glac
archaeological site on its western side; south of Glac it
flows into the Sava alluvial plain.107 This channel has
been known as the Glac canal or Crepovački channel.
Prior to its construction through Crepovac in 1883–
1886, the Glac canal stretched only 800 m from the
Sava alluvial plain northwards.
One should bear in mind that the area of Prosek and
Crepovac was rather swampy due to the geomorpho-
104 Ljubić 1887, 16–17; Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović
2015, 41.
105 Kantonai felmérés III. 1872–1884.
106 Географско одељење Главног Генералштаба 1894; Kantonai felmérés III. 1872–1884.
107 Vojnogeografski institut 1979b.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
logical conditions108, and most likely it was within a
body of water for a long time well before the 19th century. In the old maps the area was described as “Jezero” which means “a lake”109. The area was completely
drained in the 19th century when the Glac Creek channel was dug through. The terrain has been additionally
flattening as result of constantly ploughing with machinery for the last six or seven decades.
The Glac or Crepovački channel cuts through the
established Roman road route. The milestones must
had been found at the intersection of the Roman road
route and that channel.
The finding of the two milestones recording the
same distance from Sirmium (3 Roman miles) suggests
the milestones were found in situ and that they had
not been moved there.
As mentioned above, the Glac Survey team surveyed the location of this intersection in March 2019.
Clear remains of the road were found and the location
was positioned on the map and GPS coordinates noted.
“Porta Fossiensis” –
the missing gate of Sirmium
Following the field walk survey in 2019, the position of the intersection of the Roman road and the
Glac channel was measured from Sremska Mitrovica
along the direction line of the Roman road established
by D. Popović, P. Milošević, and M. Vasiljević, identified by the remote sensing methods, and confirmed
in the field during the Glac Survey campaign.
The Roman units of linear measurement are as
follows:110 1 Roman mile (mille) = 1,000 paces; 1 pace
(passus) = 5 Roman feet (pedes). The Roman foot was
based on a measure called the pes monetalis, named
thus as it was housed in the Temple of Juno Moneta on
the Capitoline Hill in Rome. Replications of the pes
monetalis for use by surveyors in the field resulted in
discrepancies creeping in for its practical application.
The length of the pes monetalis was 0.295 metres,111
and hence a Roman mile is 1,475 m, but its actual
measurement can vary for the reasons noted by Aylward.
As a result, different measurement for a Roman mile are
given by authors, such as 1,481.5 m112 or 1,480 m,113;
strictly the 3 miles inscribed on the milestones equals
4,425 m, but this could vary.
If measured from the Glac channel and the Roman road intersection, the distance of 3 Roman miles
ends up in the eastern side of Sremska Mitrovica, at
the intersection of Kuzminska (Krajiška) and Arsenija
Čarnojevića (Palanka) Streets, at the former “Kamenita
Ćuprija” (the so-called Jordan) on the Čikas channel,
northwest of the Kalvarija hill, at the location of the
present day service station.
Ignjat Jung considered this exact location is where
the so-called “Porta Fossiensis” or “Porta Orient”, the
Eastern Gate of Sirmium was situated.114
Jung made sketches of the Roman structures at
the site, suggesting the existence of the city’s Eastern
Gate.115 In his letter of 19th July 1896 to the museum
in Zagreb, published by Josip Brunšmid in 1897, Jung
noted that Mr. Mijo Zec from no. 82 Kuzminska (Krajiška) Street (old no. 703) had remains of a massive
Roman tower in his garden, which a few years before
had been quarried and destroyed.116
In spite of the information provided by the eyewitness Jung, the existence of the tower has been
questioned. The site next to the “Kamenita Ćuprija” has
been known as “Locality No. 9” throughout a period of
extensive archaeological research of Sirmium, which
started after the Second World War.117
“Locality No. 9” was researched in 1959 with an
area of 900 m² excavated; several rectangular and
square rooms that were mutually connected were excavated and generally dated to the Roman period, but
were not precisely interpreted; after it had been excavated the site was buried.118 Petar Milošević concluded that the remains could have had a fortification
character; on the other hand, this could had been a
beneficiary station next to the Eastern Gate; the material was predominantly dated between the 2nd and the
4th century AD.119
Ćalić et al. 2018–2020.
Географско одељење Главног Генералштаба 1894; Kantonai felmérés III. 1872–1884.
110 Hornblower, Spawforth 1999, 943.
111 Macdonald 1982, 83, n. 21 and 140, n. 70; and for a discussion on the variability of the distance of the Roman foot see: Aylward 1999, 186–190.
112 Tilburg 2007, 181.
113 Richardson 2004.
114 Brunšmid 1897, 157–158; Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović 2015, 89–93, 106–107, 129, 169, 172–173.
115 Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović 2015, 89, 129, 169,
116 Brunšmid 1897, 157; Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović 2015, 106, 172.
117 Brukner 1959; Jeremić 2016; Милошевић 1994; Поповић
118 Brukner 1959.
119 Милошевић 1994, 16.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
About 200 m to the south-east of the site, on the
opposite (left) side of the Čikas channel rises “Locality
no. 12”, the Kalvarija hill, which is an artificial tell researched in 1950, 1961, and 1963, where a 120 m² area
was excavated.120 Remains of prehistoric settlements
and a necropolis were found (Neolithic and Bronze
Age settlements, a Hallstatt phase Iron Age necropolis,
and a La Tène settlement-oppidum), but also remains
of a massive Roman fortification wall.121
The city’s plans made by Vladislav Popović suggest
that the Eastern Rampart of Sirmium between the 3rd
and 6th century reached the southern part of the present
day Kuzminska Street, south-west of “Locality no. 9”.122
V. Popović interpreted “Locality no. 9” as a “large
building of a probable military character, which was by
the latest field data situated outside the city itself; its position suggests that it had to be placed in front of the
Eastern Gate or next to the Eastern Gate of the city”.123
In addition, Nataša Miladinović-Radmilović located numerous burials within the city walls from the
4th and 5th centuries AD; this tends to discount the objection to the location of the Eastern Gate at the intersection of the present day Arsenija Čarnojevića or
Palanka Street and Kuzminska Street based upon the
presence of burials on the inner side of the city walls.124
Objection is taken to this as the location of the Eastern Gate as excavations identified late Roman burials
that would be inside the walls, contradicting general
Roman practice that burials were located outside of
the city walls. However, necropoleis from different
periods are known both inside and outside the city
walls.125 Miroslav Jeremić concluded that the 1959
excavations did not prove the existence of the Eastern
Gate at the site that Jung suggested in 1896.126
Both Miroslava Mirković127 and Miroslav Jeremić128 provided a plan of Roman Sirmium with the
Eastern Gate at the intersection of the present day Stari
Šor and Svetog Dimitrija Streets. Vladislav Popović,
however, suggested the Eastern Gate should be close
to the intersection of Arsenija Čarnojevića (Palanka)
and Kuzminska Streets.129 The same may be concluded from the work of Petar Milošević, who interpreted
the remains at “Locality no. 9” to have had a fortification character.130
In addition, the authors locate the groma at the intersection of Stari Šor and Kralja Petra Streets, while
the forum was situated south of the groma.131
This brings us to the question of measurement
points; that is, from what point the road distances were
measured in the past?
There are 3 possibilities:
a) The Eastern Gate of the city through which the
road left the city;
b) The Groma or intersection of the Cardo Maximus
and the Decumanus Maximus;
c) The Forum of the city.
Regarding where the point from which milestones
record the distance, Raymond Chevallier writes:132
“The stones display the distance between the spot
at which they were set up (which is never mentioned)
and the point of departure or arrival as it may be, the
latter being possibly the centre of the town (in Rome,
the ‘golden milestone’), the forum or, most often a
In relation to distances on milestones from Rome
itself, William Smith noted:133
“It is also uncertain whether the miles began to be
reckoned from the pillar itself (i.e. the Milliarum Aureum) or from the city gates.”
More recently, van Tilburg concluded that distances outside of Rome were measured from the pomerium (a zone that stretches along the ramparts) of
the Servian Wall.134
Thus, there was no set rule as to where milestones
measured distances from, but generally this was from
the city gate or point of entry.
Going back to the Crepovac milestones, by measuring 3 Roman miles from the place of the finding in
1883–1886, the position of the Eastern Gate turns out
to be at “Locality no. 9”, where even today one can see
there is a noticeable rise in the topography at the site.
Popović 1963, 63–64; Василић 1952, 168.
Милошевић 1994, 17–18; Popović 1978b, 2; Popović 1963,
63–64; Василић 1952, 168.
122 Popović 1977, 115–119, 122; Поповић 2003, 44–45, 76,
137, 141, 145, 151, 153, 155, пл. 4, 5, 6.
123 Поповић 2003, 78.
124 Miladinović-Radmilović 2011, Map 4.
125 Popović 1977; Поповић 2003.
126 Jeremić 2016, 67, sl. 42.
127 Mirković 2008, 87.
128 Jeremić 2016, 36, sl. 20.
129 Поповић 2003, 78.
130 Милошевић 1994, 17–18.
131 Jeremić 2016; Milošević 1994; Mirković 2008; Popović
1977; Поповић 2003.
132 Chevallier 1976, 41.
133 Smith 1843, 637.
134 Tilburg 2007, 20.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
Additional evidence in favour of the existence of
the Eastern Gate at the site is the milestone found at
the Bare site west of Šašinci.135 If measured along the
established line of the Roman road, the site is distanced
from “Locality no. 9” at exactly 5 Roman miles.
Taking all this into account, the most likely conclusion is that the Eastern Gate should be located at
the intersection of Arsenija Čarnojevića (Palanka) and
Kuzminska Streets, where Ignjat Jung initially positioned the “Porta Fossiensis”.
Outline of the Roman road
from “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae
Archaeological excavations of the traces of the
road structure, field surveys, and remote sensing, enable mapping of the position and direction of the Roman road east of Sirmium.
However, data is been missing for particular areas
such as the industrial zone in the eastern periphery of
Sremska Mitrovica and Šašinci, covered with modern
development. The route can be divided into sections
as follows.
(a) The Eastern Periphery of Sremska Mitrovica
and the Industrial Zone Section.
The road leads from the point of exit from Sirmium, the “Porta Fossiensis” at the corner of Arsenija
Čarnojevića (Palanka) and Kuzminska Streets, proceeds southeast through the Palanka area, that is from
Kalvarija – Ciglana between the streets of Timočke
Divizije and the Čikas canal, with a slight turn eastward at Ciglana, and then in a southeast-east direction
to the industrial zone. In this first part, the road follows a lip of the Sava’s left bank river terrace. Its direction is north-west to south-east with a slight turn to
southeast-east at Ciglana.
In the Industrial Zone the road direction is less
clear. The road remains were found northeast of
Ciglana, in the dairy factory courtyard, close to the
gate of the factory complex. Traces of Roman buildings and burials in the Industrial Zone are stretched
along the lip of the Sava river terrace further southeast, between the Čikas canal and the Jarak road, as
was noted and sketched by Ignjat Jung in 1904.136
The Eastern Industrial Zone could be an area where
two roads split, one proceeds south-east along the lip
of the river terrace and another northeast and further
through the Prosek field. The first one could be the
road that led through Jarak, which Jung sketched in
1904, and the second is the main one that leads to
Fossae137. Judging by the positions of the excavated
road remains at Ciglana and at the gate of the dairy
factory, its direction in the industrial zone should be
from south-west to north-east.
In this section, segments of the road were archaeologically identified at the sites (from north-west to
south-east): nos. 12 (Kalvarija), 57, 76, 77, 79, 81, 67
(Ciglana), and further to the southeast.138 Remains of
the main road to Fossae were archaeologically identified in the courtyard of the dairy plant, close to its
(WGS 84 reference: “Porta Fossiensis”
44°58´16.52˝N 19°37´9.39˝E, Kalvarija
44°58´14.55˝N 19°37´16.09˝E, “Locality no. 81”
44°58´8.14˝N 19°37´41.61˝E, Ciglana 44°58´6.78˝N
19°37´47.87˝E, the dairy plant courtyard at the gate
44°58´10.95˝N 19°38´36.22˝E.)
(b) The Prosek-Crepovac Section.
Remains of the road stretch toward the east, from
the courtyard of the dairy plant at the gate, situated at
the intersection of the modern Ruma and Jarak roads.
The road traces traverse through the Prosek field, and
they are cut by a larger channel that flows from north
to south and enters the Sava at the industrial zone, and
are also cut by the Glac or Crepovački channel where the
two milestones were found; 700 m further east there is
a turn at a low angle, from a west-east direction the
road turns towards the southeast/east. Hence, in this
section the direction of the road is from west to east.
(WGS 84 reference: next to the dairy plant gate
44°58´11.67˝N 19°38´38.41˝E; intersection of the
road remains and Crepovački or Glac channel where
2 milestones were found 445806.47N 194032.20E;
Prosek-Crepovac turn at the eastern periphery of the
section 44°58´5.09˝N 19°41´3.99˝E.)
(c) The Bare-Šašinci Section.
From the turn at the eastern periphery of the Prosek-Crepovac section, the road remains continue in a
southeast/east direction. The traces are cut by the
Mančelov Gat channel at Bare, where the road surface
finds were noted by D. Popović and a milestone was
ploughed out by the landowner. The road traces lead to
Popović 1967b, 4, skica 4; Popović 1980, 102.
Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović 2015, 82–83,
137 Miladinović-Radmilović, Radmilović 2015, 58; Милошевић 1988, 122, сл. 6.
138 Jeremić 2016, 102, 104, sl. 67.
139 Popović 1980, 102.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
Fig. 13. Position and directions of the Roman road from Prosek to Kudoš
Сл. 13. Позиција и правци пружања римског пута од Просека до Кудоша
Šašinci, where at Ledine they were identified archaeologically, and then proceed across the southern part of
the village through the gardens in the former Savska
Street nos. 33 and 48, where the road was surveyed by
D. Popović. The line of the road exits at the eastern side
of the village where it again changes direction and turns
straight to the east. Hence, the direction of the BareŠašinci section is northwest/west to southeast/east.
(WGS 84 reference: Bare road and milestone area
44°57´56.68˝N 19°42´25.76˝E, Savska Street nos. 33
and 48 are at 44°57´43.23˝N 19°44´22.13˝E; the turn
at east edge of the village of Šašinci 44°57´39.54˝N
(d) The Kudoš Section.
After the turn at the eastern edge of Šašinci where
the road changes direction at a low angle towards the
east, the traces are cut by a channel going from north
to south and the road remains are stretched across the
Kudoš area, east of the village. The road was surveyed
by D. Popović, and again in 1980s during the motorway rescue research. Limited surface remains of the
road were also identified in December 2020. The traces are cut by the Kudoš channel at a point 900 m south
of the motorway. The road line traverses the area
called Kudoš Livade 200 m further to the east where
it is cut by a channel that remained and which was
modified after the regulation of the Jelence River that
used to flow parallel to the Kudoš River. The road remains stretch across Kudoš Livade further east to the
motorway, where they were also surveyed by D. Popović and were archaeologically excavated at a sondage
close to the motorway during the rescue archaeological
work. To sum up, the direction of the road in the Kudoš
area is from west to east.
(WGS 84 reference: intersection of the road with
the Kudoš channel 44°57´34.46˝N 19°46´54.71˝E; at
the intersection with the former Jelence River channel
44°57´34.30˝N 19°47´3.75˝E.)
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
Fig. 14. Kudoš Livade area, at the intersection of the line of the Roman road with the Kudoš channel, looking north-east
Сл. 14. Потес Кудош–Ливаде, место укрштања линије римског пута са каналом Кудош, поглед ка североистоку
In summary, the Roman road remains generally
stretch from the eastern periphery of Sremska Mitrovica and the Industrial Zone to the Kudoš area east of
Šašinci, that is the Kudoš Livade field with some small
changes in direction at low angles, at no less than 5
points along its route.
The length of the road, from the position of the
“Porta Fossiensis” to the former Jelence River channel,
measures approximately 13,250 m.
Way Stations
Way stations were located along the route of main
roads between towns and cities. Textual sources such
as the Theodosian Code identify a number of types of
way stations, but by the time of the Theodosian Code
the distinction between the various types is not clear
cut, undoubtedly reflecting the need for way stations
to adapt the range of services provided to local circumstances and needs.140 The types of way stations were
as follows:141
a) Mansio, being a stopping place for an overnight
stay with more extensive roadside services and often
surrounded by lesser buildings.
b) Mutatio, being a relay station.
c) Statio, being a sentry point or guard post.
Additionally, for non-official travellers, a system
of private inns (cauponae) developed near the mansiones, with often dubious reputations, leading more
particular travellers to use tabernae or hostels.
Chevallier noted: “Archaeology is unfortunately
not very informative about arrangements at relays, for
the basic problem in excavation has been to identify the
purpose of each building exposed and its date (praetorium or travellers’ hostel, baths – water supply was
a vital factor – stables, sheds, barns for fodder, grooms’
quarters, forges)”.142
Some details of the role of mutationes can be discerned from the extensive provision in Book 8 Title 5
of the Theodosian Code dealing with the law relating
to the public post (cursus publicus),143 suggesting that
Chevallier 1976, 185.
Chevallier 1976, 185–186.
Chevallier 1976, 187.
Pharr 1952, 194–205.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
this was an area of significant misconduct and impropriety and hence in need of regulation. These provisions
indicate the following functions were undertaken at
a) Mule driving, wagoner, wheelwright, carpenter
(carpentarius) and veterinary services.144
b) Checking of post warrants for authorisation to
use the public post.145
c) Mule driving and stables.146
d) Provision and changing of horses.147
e) Provision of a suitable supervisor.148
It appears that the role of the mutationes was one of
a service, maintenance and repair function for animals,
carts and carriages and equipment, plus an administrative function of control and authorisation for the use
of the road and the facilities of the public post. Their
role does not appear to have extended to the provision
of accommodation and perhaps food for travellers.
Thus, some or all of the following functions are likely
to have occurred at a mutatio:
a) Administrative.
b) Veterinarian and grooming services.
c) Repair workshop including carpentry, wheelwright and forge services.
d) Stables for horses, mules etc.
e) Provision of fodder for animals.
f) Water supply.
g) Sleeping and domestic quarters for staff.
h) Parking areas for carts and animals.
The Theodosian Code contains extensive regulation of the weights of vehicles and the loads of animals
using the public roads, presumably to prevent damage
to the roads, to protect the livestock, and to not overload the repair works at mutationes and mansiones.149
Book 8 Title 6 of the Theodosian Code, dealing with
the law relating to the Post Warrants for travel with
Subsistence and Lodging Places (De tractoriis et stativis)150, relates to mansiones providing for entitlements for subsistence and lodging. The Theodosian
Code also regulated the distribution of animals to stations151 and the provision of measures at stations for
tax collection.152
Chevallier notes that the names of relay stations
were taken from distance marks, a prominent landmark
or a town name.153 The name of “Mutatio Fossis” recorded in the Bordeaux itinerary was taken from the
most prominent landmark in the otherwise flat plain
between Sirmium and Bassianae, namely the presence
of more than one ditch or channel near the mutatio.
This indicates the presence of drainage channels such
as the Kudoš stream and the former course of the Jelence River near modern Šašinci, in addition to the
Jarčina channel in the neighbourhood of Jarak presumed to have been constructed by Probus, indicating
extensive land reclamation in the area that existed to
drain wetlands. Also, for the presence of some ditches
or channels at “Mutatio Fossis” to be noticeable, it
implies the absence of such drainage ditches to the
west towards Sirmium, giving a clue to the rural landscape through which the road passed from Sirmium to
“Mutatio Fossis”.
The Archaeology of Mutationes
In 1967 von Hagen noted:
“Mutationes were stations in which horses, oxen
or mules were changed. Here there were grooms and
veterinarians (equarii medici) to care for the animals.
There were cartwrights and postilions, and wheelwrights were posted nearby, for the wear and tear on
springless vehicles must have been considerable. The
halting-places appeared every twelve to eighteen
miles along the entire length of the Roman road system, which means that there were over 4,000 such
buildings that had to be serviced throughout the Roman world. Yet, despite this, not one has been identified on the European continent; one has been found in
Egypt and the author’s expedition found a mansio in
the in the interior of Tunisia stationed between two
The way station in Egypt referred to by von Hagen
is named Děr el-‘Atrash, on the road from Quena (ancient Kaine) on the River Nile in Upper Egypt leading
to the porphyry mines at Mons Porphyrites and then
to Myos Hormous, a port on the Red Sea.155 In Hellenistic and Roman Arabia and Egypt, these way stations were called hydreuma (plural hydreumata) and
were enclosed and often fortified “watering stations”
Theodosian Code 8.5.31.
Theodosian Code 8.5.8.
Theodosian Code 8.5.34 and 8.5.58.
Theodosian Code 8.3.34.
Theodosian Code 8.5.65.
Theodosian Code 8.5.8, 17, 28, 30, 47, 48.
Pharr 1952, 205.
Theodosian Code 11.1.9.
Theodosian Code 12.6.21.
Chevallier 1976, 186.
von Hagen 1967, 58.
Murray 1925.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
along a caravan route.156 There is no specific attribution
of this site as a mutatio. It appears that von Hagen was
referring to way stations in general and not specifically
to mutationes.
Murray wrote: “The stations along the roads, although varying considerably in details, conform to a
general type – a rectangular caravanserai with substantial rubble walls and flanking towers at the angles
and at either side of the gateway, which was often of
dressed stone…. Small rooms for the garrison and the
travellers crowded the interior, but in the centre there
was usually a well and an open space for animals.
Stations on the roads to the porphyry and granite
quarries were provided, however with separate enclosures for the animals.”157
Another hydreuma was described by Couyat at
Abou-Fennan on the route from Edfu (ancient Apollinopolis) to the Red Sea at Berenice.158 This hydreuma
comprised a fortified 50 m² enclosure containing a
large open space in which was a well or cistern. Small
rooms adjoined the interior of three of the walls.159
Both of the way stations at Děr el-‘Atrash and AbouFennan, while differing in details, conformed with the
same general design. Interestingly, Couyat referred to
the Abou-Fennan way station as a mansio or caravanserai and not a mutatio. The more recent survey of the
Berenice road by Sidebotham and Zitterkopf identified a series of fortified and unfortified hyreumata at
Samut, Abou Midrik and Seyhrig adopting plans with
similar layouts to those seen at Děr el-‘Atrash and
However, the Egyptian evidence raises a note of
caution as the routes in the Eastern Desert date from
Ptolemaic times and a number of the sites show evidence of earlier Ptolemaic use, suggesting that Roman
era way stations may have re-used already existing
structures from the Ptolemaic period.161 Hence, further corroboration is required before the architectural
elements of hydreumata from Egypt are presumed to
apply to mutationes in Pannonia.
More recent excavations at a number of sites in
the Balkans have identified sites which are likely to
be potential way stations. One of the difficulties is
identifying the type of way station, unless there is epigraphic evidence on the site, but none so far have
been discovered. The best identification of the type of
way station is in the Bordeaux Itinerary, which specifies which locations are civitas, mansio, or mutatio,
although this is not included in either the Peutinger
Table, the Antonine Itinerary, or the Ravenna Cosmol-
ogy.162 Where a site is not identified as a mutatio in
the Bordeaux itinerary, even though it may appear to
be a mutatio, the absence of confirmation leaves a
level of doubt.
Bíró, in 2007, undertook a rescue excavation near
Gönyü in the north-western part of Roman Pannonia,
now modern Hungary, on the right bank of the Danube,
20 metres north of the limes road between two Roman
auxiliary camps. The excavations revealed a drainage
ditch surrounding an area of 40 m² within which was
a square building. The building underwent three phases
of construction, with initially a timber structure succeeded in the early 2nd century AD by a new building
of stone foundations and brick, 17 x 21 m. The building was symmetrical with four main rooms at the
front and a large courtyard at the rear, likely only partially covered. At the front, two rooms projected out
from the building and in one of these an oven was discovered. In a later building phase, small rooms were
inserted on two sides of the courtyard. At the front of
the building facing the limes road there was a gravel
surface and a small road connecting to the limes road.
Three wells had been dug outside of the drainage ditch.
The building was unfortified, but brick stamps bore
legionary stamps made some time after 117/118 AD,
indicating military control.163 The author noted the
similarity of the plan of the structure with other likely
road stations near Sárvár, St Margarethen and Katafa.164 Moreover, these structures are similar to the hydreumata from the Egyptian desert, albeit without
Bíró concluded: “Although most of these structures are interpreted as road stations or horse stations,
all of them show signs of [a] military presence…
These stations formed part of the official postal system, the cursus publicus, so primarily they were used
by the official administration…., but some of them
could also [have] played the role of beneficiary stations. … The Latin term for such a building is also
Pliny the Elder, Natural History, XVII.45.
Murray 1925, 140.
Couyat 1910.
Couyat 1910, 529, 532
Sidebotham and Zitterkopf 1995.
Sidebotham and Zitterkopf, 1995; Paprocki 2019; Redon
Fodorean 2017b, 101.
Bíró 2017, 180–183.
Bíró 2017, 184.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
problematic, as it is rarely possible to identify a station with a name from an itinerary or from an inscription…, and also the translations of these categories
may vary over time and space. From the known terms
statio, mutatio or praetorium could perhaps be applied
to this site…”165
In examining way stations in the provinces of
Moesia and Thrace in modern day Bulgaria, Madzharov noted that three mutationes have been explored at
Mutatio Scretisk, Troyanski Pass, and at the village of
Chavdar.166 Plans are included for the first two and,
despite their incomplete nature, they are not inconsistent with the Gönyü way station examined by Bíró.167
Lazar has investigated the road station of Romula at
Ribnica near Jesenice, a site noted in both the Peutinger
Table and the Antonine Itinerary on the road between
Emona and Siscia in modern Slovenia. The site appears to be a complex establishment with a defensive
building and a settlement and has been interpreted by
Lazar as a customs station.168 Groh and Sedlmayer, in
examining the Amber road to Carnuntum, noted a
number of way stations (Ad Arrabonem, Kleinmutschen, Nemescó, Valkenburg, Hüttlingen, Huheld
and Rüsselsheim) with plans showing structures even
smaller and more basic than the way station at
Lemcke concluded:
“The layout of roadside stations seems to have been
rather uniform: the main building of a mutatio was
characterized by its rectangular shape and wide gate
(generally 3–4 m), providing ample space for carts to
enter. On the inside, arranged around the edges of a
large courtyard with room for carts and further animals,
there were stables as well as rooms for various purposes. Separate buildings in the close vicinity were used
to house travellers during their short stays.”.170
This review of the archaeological layout of way
stations and potential mutationes provides a benchmark against which future investigations of the location
of “Mutatio Fossis” can be considered in confirming
its location.
As mentioned above, this area has generally been
mentioned as a potential location of Fossae in recent
works, with varying understandings of the exact route
of the road (see above). The original idea came from
Ignjat Jung and, under the influence of Jung’s arguments, from Šime Ljubić, who suggested the area
around the Kovačić (or Kovačević) watermill that was
situated on the Jelence River in the late 19th century.174
To refine more specifically the potential location
of Fossae, one needs to consider the archaeological
topography of Roman sites in the Kudoš area that are
situated relatively close to the road route.
The sites are distributed north-east of Šašinci
across the north-eastern side of the Kudoš area; mostly
north of the Roman road and at the far eastern end of
this section of the road.
Looking at the area from west to east, the following sites have been considered as potential locations
for Fossae: Kudoš-Autoput, Kudoš-Imanje Spasojevića [Kudoš-Spasojević Farm] also known as KudošŠašinci, Kudoš – “U Blizini Kuće” [Kudoš – “In
Proximity of a House”], Dreispitz Pusta, and
(1) Kudoš-Autoput. The site is situated 700 m
east of the northern part of Šašinci (the eastern end of
Grobljanska Street), and 100 m south of the motorway
(WGS 84 reference: 44°58´14.86˝N 19°45´30.44˝E).
The Kudoš-Autoput site is 1.1 km north of the Roman
road route.
The site is 50 by 100 m in dimensions and finds
include brick and tiles (tegulae and imbrices), pottery
in large quantities, and human bones. It has been described as a Roman necropolis.175
(2) Kudoš-Imanje Spasojevića [Kudoš-Spasojević
Farm], also known as Kudoš-Šašinci. The site is situated 700 m north-east of the northern part of Šašinci (the
eastern end of Grobljanska Street), and 100 m south of
Location of Fossae
Given that the distance of Fossae from Sirmium
was 9 Roman miles, which equals 13,333 m, or
13,320 m, or 13,275 m, depending if a Roman mile is
measured as a distance of 1,481.5 m171 or 1,480 m172
or 1,475 m,173 the Fossae road station should be situated at the eastern periphery of the Kudoš area, next to
the motorway.
Bíró 2017, 184.
Madzharov 2017, 49–51.
Madzharov 2017, 50.
Lazar 2020, 400.
Groh and Sedlmayer 2019, 198–209.
Lemcke 2013, 41.
Tilburg 2007, 18.
Richardson 2004.
Aylward 1999, 186 – 190; Macdonald 1982, 83, 140.
Kantonai felmérés III. 1872–1884; Ljubić 1887.
Popović 1967b, 3.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
the motorway176 (WGS 84 reference: 44°58´14.51˝N
19°45´36.34˝E.). Spasojević Farm or Kudoš-Šašinci
is 1.2 km north of the Roman road route.
The site was investigated between 1979 and 1986.177
It is 150 m by 150 m in dimensions, and includes remains of a prehistoric settlement, and a Roman settlement with a small fortification or watchtower (specula), a basilica, several industrial buildings (pottery
and metal working shops), a living area with a large
central building, and a hoard of coins found in the
1920s, etc. The complex was described as an early
Roman vicus and a villa rustica in its later phase.178
In terms of stratigraphy, limited traces of a vicus were
found, dated to the Flavian period.179 The villa complex was dated to the 3rd and the 4th century AD.180
Following the 1983 and 1984 survey, in trench
no. 17, the remains of a Roman watchtower (specula),
and a waste pit with pottery in the foundation of the
tower were excavated.181 The watch tower had a square
base, 4.5 m by 4.5 m; approximately 70 m northeast
of the watchtower, a basilica was excavated consisting of three naves with an apse in its northern side and
two porticos on both sides.182 The basilica of 24 m by
19 m in dimensions was rebuilt with a second phase in
the 4th century, and turned into a granary.183 Brukner
concluded that in the first phase (3rd century AD) the
basilica was a meeting place with commercial and social
significance; while it could have had a sacral purpose
with the spread of Christianity in the later phase.184
(3) Kudoš – “U Blizini Kuće” [Kudoš – “In Proximity of a House”]. The site is situated 1.5 km east of
Šašinci (the southeast of the eastern end of Partizanska Street), and 1.5 km south of the motorway next to a
dirt road heading southeast from Šašinci185 (WGS 84
reference: 44°57´24.56˝N 19°45´55.71˝E.) The location is 400 m south of the Roman road route. The site
includes remains of a prehistoric and a Bronze Age
(4) Dreispitz Pusta. The site is situated 2 km northeast of Šašinci (the eastern end of Grobljanska Street),
200 m north of the motorway and 1.1 km west of the
Kudoš channel187 (WGS 84 reference: 44°58´19.73˝N
19°46´34.72˝E.) Dreispitz Pusta is 1.3 km north of the
Roman road route.
At end of the 19th century, at Dreispitz Pusta a
bronze Roman fibula and a bronze door key were
found, reported by J. Brunšmid.188
The site was surveyed initially in the 1960s, and
by B. Lučić in 2017, when a quantity of pottery was
collected, including pieces dated in the Late Iron Age,
the Roman era, and the Early Modern Era.189 A recent
study of the site suggested that it was close to the
main Roman road that led through Srem, in the area
where Fossae should be situated.190 Built structures
were identified on the basis of a multispectral analysis
of satellite images of the site. These were dated to a
later phase of occupation of the site and, in all probability, are not Roman.191
(5) Kudoš-Livade. The site is situated 4 km east
of Šašinci (the eastern end of Partizanska Street), and
500 to 600 m south of the motorway, that is south of
the intersection of the Ruma-Šabac regional road and
the motorway, and stretches on both the west and east
sides of the Ruma-Šabac regional road192 (WGS 84
reference: 44°57´32.07˝N 19°48´12.53˝E.) KudošLivade is intersected by the Roman road route that
goes through the site.193
The site includes a find of the Roman road which
was excavated south of the Ruma motorway intersection, and two complexes that were surveyed west and
east of the Ruma-Šabac road, described as villae rusticae.194 The traces of the Roman road were discovered
between the two complexes recognised by quantities
of building debris on the surface, such as fragments of
brick and tiles, lime mortar pieces, etc.195 The finds
176 Брукнер 1995b; Брукнер, Даутова-Рушевљан 2015, 57;
Popović 1967–1984.
177 Брукнер 1995b, 138.
178 Брукнер 1982a; Брукнер 1995b, 138–140, сл. 1, сл. 2,
пл. 2; Брукнер, Даутова-Рушевљан 2015, 57–61, 148, 150, Popović 1984, 1; Popović 1995, 220.
179 Брукнер 1982a, 95; Брукнер1995b, 139, Т. VIII-XIV.
180 Брукнер 1995b, 140; Брукнер, Даутова-Рушевљан 2015,
181 Popović 1984, 1.
182 Брукнер 1995b, 139, пл. 2.
183 Брукнер 1995b, 139, пл. 2.
184 Брукнер 1995b.
185 Popović 1967–1984.
186 Popović 1967a; Popović 1967b, 3; Popović 1967c,
187 Kantonai felmérés III. 1872–1884; Zanni et al. 2019.
188 Brunšmid 1900, 198.
189 Zanni et al. 2019, Fig. 12.
190 Zanni et al. 2019, Fig. 1, 3.
191 Zanni et al. 2019.
192 Брукнер 1995b, 138, карта 1.
193 Брукнер 1995b, 138, карта 1.
194 Брукнер 1995b, 138,
195 Брукнер 1995b, 138, пл. 1, карта 1; Брукнер 1995c,
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
also included quantities of quality pottery, fibulae, a
decorative pin, a hand ring, keys, knives, and other
tools, and coinage dated to the 3rd century AD.196
Finds of coinage include one piece from the 1st or 2nd
century AD, one piece of Septimius Severus (193–211
AD), and a piece of Aurelian (270–275 AD).197
East of this site, further along the Roman road, remains of another site at Žirovac were found, with prehistoric settlements (Eneolithic phase and La Tène
phase dated to the 1st century AD), and an Early Roman settlement.198 Along the road at Žirovac, two
bronze coins were found, dated to the end of the 4th or
beginning of the 5th century AD.199
Considering the archaeological topography of the
Kudoš area, it is possible to identify a complex of a
small settlement with additional structures on its outskirts. Archaeological excavations confirmed the existence of an Early Roman vicus at the Kudoš-Šašinci
site, which in its later phase included a complex described as a villa rustica with workshops, a basilica
that was later modified into a granary, and a watchtower nearby, with a necropolis in its immediate proximity at the Kudoš–Autoput site. East of the settlement
there is a complex described as two villae rusticae, on
the basis of the field survey, with a Roman road stretching between these two parts of the Kudoš-Livade site.
According to the established chronology and
finds at the sites, both Kudoš-Šašinci and KudošLivade coexisted. However, it is Kudoš-Livade that it
is situated on the Roman road exactly 9 miles from
Sirmium, and includes two parts separated by the
road. It occupies a slightly elevated terrain; here, the
road crosses from the Lowlands Land System to the
Loess Cover Land System, that is from the left bank
of the Sava river terrace landform to the Fan Srem
landform, above the reach of floodwaters, which presented a constant threat to the vicus/villa complex
found westward at Kudoš-Šašinci. In addition, Kudoš
Livade was intersected with two channels in the past
cutting the terrain from north to south just west of the
site, the Kudoš and Jelence rivers (ditches – fossae).
Additionally, other than Kudoš Livade, all of the other potential locations for Fossae are located at distances greater than 1 km from the Roman road, making it unlikely they could have served the purposes of
a way station on the road.
The position of the sites and their spatial relationship to each other and the Roman road, the distance of
Kudoš-Livade from Sirmium and the topography in
the past (with the existence of channels) imply the po-
sition of Fossae is likely to be at the Kudoš Livade
site, on the Roman road 9 miles from Sirmium, on the
“ditches” and in the proximity of a vicus; the site includes two complexes with the road in between – a
mutatio and perhaps a lodging place.
Concluding Thoughts
The examination of the Roman road system east
of Sirmium in the Glac Study Area is of importance in
understanding the nature of settlement and the rural
economy during the Roman period. The Sirmium to
Bassianae road is the most significant item of built infrastructure in the area and, together with the Sava
River, comprised one of the two major transportation
corridors through the Glac Study Area. Both of these
transport corridors were strategically vital for the
movement of people, goods and the military from not
only a local, but a regional and empire wide perspective. The efficient transport of goods, people and
troops was fundamental to the functioning of the regional and local economy.
Roman milestones usually record the name of the
person who either built the road in question or undertook major repairs200, with the majority of main roads
being pioneered by military operations,201 although
some may have simply had an honorific character,
particularly after the 4th century AD.202 The discovery of
two milestones bearing inscriptions for Marcus Aurelius and Septimius Severus indicates that during the
reigns of those emperors, significant work was undertaken on the road between Sirmium and Fossae. It is
likely that such works were associated with the Marcomannic wars, when Marcus Aurelius was stationed in
the region, and with the subsequent peace instituted by
Commodus. Significant infrastructure improvements
are consistent with Kulikowksi’s view of an economic
boom and cultural blossoming in the Danubian provinces in the wake of the Marcomannic Wars and the subsequent peace, with increased urbanisation and wealthy
farms and villas the consequence of two decades of
wartime investment in the region’s infrastructure.203
Брукнер 1995b, 138, Т. VII.
Поповић 1995, 219.
Брукнер 1982b; Брукнер 1995a, 100.
Поповић 1995, 219.
Chevallier 1976, 41.
Chevallier 1976, 85.
Petrović 2019, 260–261; Kolb 2019, 12.
From “Porta Fossiensis” to Fossae. Exploring the Roman Road System in the Glac Study Area East of Sirmium (127–161)
Major road works on the Sirmium to Bassianae
road would be consistent with this increased public
investment and wealth in Pannonia at this time and
would be reflected in the two milestones found dedicated to Marcus Aurelius and Septimius Severus.
This expansion of road construction works in the
reigns of Marcus Aurelius and Septimius Severus is
mirrored in Moesia Inferior, where Panaite noted:
“The moments of maximum intensity in terms of
constructive work are represented by emperors Marcus Aurelius and Septimius Severus. A large number
of milestones dated to their reigns (26) indicated real
repair programmes designed to ensure the proper
functioning of roads.”204
The name given to the way station of Fossae suggests the presence of some noticeable drainage ditches
or channels at “Mutatio Fossis” and implies the absence
of such drainage ditches to the west towards Sirmium,
hinting that the rural landscape through which the road
passed from Sirmium to Mutatio Fossis was largely
The examination of the Roman road system east
of Sirmium in the Glac Study Area has also clarified
the likely location of the eastern gate of the city of
Sirmium, the “Porta Fossiensis”, and hence the urban
topography of that Roman city.
A major road such as that from Sirmium to Bassianae can also have proven to be a major vector and
stimulus in driving both the magnitude and direction
of settlement patterns and economic activity, rather
than a more passive role of being inserted into a
pre-existing rural settlement pattern and local economy with the consequence of only marginal changes
based upon improved accessibility. In an examination
of the Roman road and city network in the northern
part of Pannonia outside of the Glac Study Area and
the territory of Sirmium, Burghardt emphasised the
role of the road system in providing the impulse for
the settlement pattern.
He wrote:
“The cities were strung out along the major roads.
Thus, an accurate description of the urban pattern in
Pannonia would be not of a cellular pattern, but rather
one of urban corridors, which were on the peripheries
of the province. … All of the major cities were aligned
along the transport arteries and participated in a
through-flow rather than a system of interconnections
and ranked centres. …. The areas behind, away from
the routes, were unable to share in this flow and hence
to sustain urban development.”205
While Burghardt was examining the pattern of urban settlements, a similar phenomenon may also have
been present in the pattern of rural settlements as well,
providing a hypothesis that could be tested in the
on-going work of the Glac survey for the areas around
Sirmium. The clarification of the route of the main
Roman road from Sirmium to Bassianae and the potential site of Fossae are not simply questions of identification of their location, but they are of importance in
understanding the nature of settlement, the environment, and the rural economy in the Glac Study Area
during the Roman period.
We would like to thank our colleagues Milica
Tomić and Aleksandar Stamenković for their help in
this research, and also our associates from the GeoGIS
Consultants, Spasoje Pavlović and Petar Simić.
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Часопис Старинар је доступан у режиму отвореног приступа. Чланци објављени у часопису могу се бесплатно преузети
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Kulikowski 2016, 53–54 ; 60–61.
Panaite 2015, 599.
Burghardt 1979, 20.
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Bretschneider, David and Noelle Soren (eds), Rome 1999,
Bíró 2017 – S. Bíró, A Roman Road Station on the Pannonian lime, in: Roman Frontier Studies 2009, N. Hodgson, P.
Bidwell, J. Schachtmann (eds), (Proceedings of the XXI
International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies (Limes
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У оквиру „Пројекта Глац”, који се од 2017. године одвија
кроз сарадњу Археолошког института из Београда и Универзитета у Сиднеју, спроводе се археолошко ископавање
локалитета на Глацовом салашу 4 км југоисточно од Сремске Митровице и археолошка рекогносцирања ширег подручја око локалитета.
Пројекат рекогносцирања има за циљ: 1) препознавање
просторних и временских образаца насељавања током античке прошлости на ширем подручју око локалитета Глацов
салаш; 2) интерпретацију услова животне средине овог подручја у далекој прошлости; 3) утврђивање основе на којој
је почивала локална рурална економија током времена римске доминације; 4) идентификацију античких структура у непосредној околини Глацовог салаша као што су насеобине,
некрополе, путне комуникације.
С тим у вези дефинисано је истраживачко подручје око
локалитета Глацов салаш на деловима територија Срема и
Мачве укупне површине 700 км².
Као један од истраживачких циљева дефинисано је и
прецизно мапирање главне античке комуникације између
Сирмијума и Басијане, односно оног дела римског пута који
пролази кроз средину истраживаног подручја „Пројекта
Глац”, између источне периферије Сремске Митровице и
канала Кудош код Шашинаца.
Поред археолошких рекогносцирања, спроведено је
фотографско и фотограметријско снимање из ваздуха као и
снимање лидар уређајем у централном делу подручја истраживања, између Сремске Митровице на западу, Шашинаца
и Јарка на истоку и југоистоку.
Ако се имају у виду сва ранија археолошка и историографска истраживања ове путне комуникације од краја 19.
века на овамо, у раду су приказани нови резултати теренских рекогносцирања и примене метода даљинске
Резултати истраживања упућују на тачну локацију проналаска два миљоказа 1886. године чије позиција до сада
није била са сигурношћу дефинисана. Утврђено је да су се
миљокази налазили на потесу Просек–Цреповац, на укрштању трасе античке комуникације и Глацовог или Цреповачког канала, око 800 м јужније него што се раније сматрало.
С обзиром на то да су миљокази били смештени 3
римске миље од Сирмијума, утврђивање њихове позиције
омогућава сигурнију убикацију источне капије Сирмијума
на углу улица Арсенија Чарнојевића и Кузминске (тзв. Локалитет бр. 9), односно на место „Порте Фосиенсис”, што је
иницијално предложио Игњат Јунг крајем 19. века, а током
дугачког историјата истраживања античког града је каткад
занемаривано и оспоравано.
Приликом истраживања је прецизно мапирана траса
главне античке комуникације између Сирмијума и путне
станице Фосе, која је позната из извора као удаљена 9 римских миља од Сирмијума према истоку (Јерусалимски итинерер из 4. века и Космографија анонимног аутoра из Равене из
8. века). Пут је водио од источне капије, тзв. Порте Фосиенсис, преко индустријске зоне у источном делу Сремске
Митровице, потеса Просек–Цреповац, Баре, јужне периферије Шашинаца, те потеса Кудош до канала Кудош и некадашњег канала реке Јеленце југозападно од укрштања аутопута Београд–Загреб и регионалног пута Рума–Шабац.
На основу анализе позиције и праваца пружања античке комуникације, мерења дистанци од места источне капије Сирмијума, и анализе археолошке топографије подручја
Кудош, као и повлачења одређених аналогија у смислу археологије античких путних станица познатих на ширем
простору од Панонске низије до северне Африке, закључено
је да се путна станица Фосе по свој прилици налази на локалитету Кудош–Ливаде, између канала Кудош и Јеленце
те регионалног пута Рума–Шабац.
UDC: 904:255.6/.8"652"(398)
Original research article
NADEŽDA GAVRILOVIĆ VITAS, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
[email protected]
Abstract. – The cult of the goddess Fortuna has been attested on the territory of Roman provinces in the Central Balkans with
numerous votive monuments, sculptures, votive reliefs, statuettes and on glyptics. The goddess was particularly popular among
the army, but also venerated by administrative personnel, merchants, freedmen, slaves and women. The epithets of the goddess
imply that she was honoured by her devotees as in other Roman provinces – mainly as the goddess of good luck and chance,
but also as the protectress of transport, business, routes and perhaps in bathing facilities. Fortuna was usually worshipped alone,
but her pairing with the Egyptian goddess Isis as the syncretistic deity Isis-Fortuna and her relationship with Genii, are confirmed
in different Central Balkans localities. The goddess Fortuna’s sanctuaries can be presumed in the vicinity of Ulpiana, Niš,
near Kumanovo and probably in Viminacium, while her cult lasted from the 2nd to the last decades of the 3rd century.
Key words. – Fortuna, Central Balkans, Roman army, temples
he cults of different Roman, Greek and Oriental deities in the territory of Roman provinces
of the Central Balkans have attracted the attention of scholars in the past, yet the cult of one of the
most prominent goddesses in Roman religion, literature and art, the goddess Fortuna, without any reason
remained marginalised. The paradox is even greater
considering that the goddess’s cult has been widely
attested epigraphically and archaeologically in almost
all parts of the territory, except those in the west, thus
confirming her importance and popularity among different social groups in the mentioned territory until
the end of Antiquity.
The cult of the goddess Fortuna was one of the
most popular cults in the Roman Empire, particularly in
the period of the height of its power, primarily because
of the goddess’s symbolism and wide inferences – in
the earliest period she was venerated as the goddess
of agriculture and fertility,1 but also associated with
military victory, as is implied with her earliest presentations from a mirror and a cista from Praenesta.2
Тhe goddess was also connected with the oracles
(Fortuna Primigenia)3 and was regarded as a protectress of individuals, magistrates, foreigners, freedmen,
1 Champeaux 1982, 80–140. In Hellenistic period, goddess
Fortuna was equalled with Greek goddess Tyche and borrowing
different attributes characteristic for different deities, she soon became a very popular goddess, primarily among the Roman plebs.
The oldest evidence about the goddess Fortuna are known from
Latium and Campania and are all in Latin language, which suggests
that she was associated with the diffusion of the Latin language in
the opinion of D. Miano, Miano 2018, 73, 157.
2 The earliest testimony of Fortuna’s cult in Italy is presented
by an engraved mirror found at Colombella, the main necropolis of
Praeneste – on the mirror, Iacchus’ triumph is presented and the
goddess is shown embracing Minerva. The mirror probably dates
from the first half of the 4th century BC. Another object on which
Fortuna is presented is a cista discovered in Praenesta, dated around
300 BC, with Fortuna holding a thyrsus, Ibid, 18–21.
3 D. A. Arya suggests that the cult of goddess Fortuna Primigenia probably originates from the 4th–3rd century BC in Praeneste,
when the cult of Tyche became known to the Greek West, Arya 2002,
62; Miano 2018, 38–40.
Manuscript received 14th January 2021, accepted 3rd September 2021
The Cult of Goddess Fortuna in the Roman Central Balkans (163–180)
slaves and different professional associations (collegia) of butchers, blacksmiths, workers, singers, flute
players, etc.4 The earliest appearance of the goddess’s
cult at Praeneste marked the city as her most important cult centre, attested with more epigraphic evidence about the deity from Praeneste than from any
other city in Roman Empire, including Rome.5 In
Rome, the goddess’s cult was strongly connected to
King Servius Tullius, with him honouring the goddess
and founding several temples dedicated to her in the
middle of the 6th century BC.6 Fortuna shared her festival day, 11th June, with Mater Matuta and, during
the ceremonial procession in the honour of Fortuna,
her devotees carried her statue along the river to the
ceremonial bath and back to her temple. The close
connection between Fortuna and the plebs in Rome
(who founded all temples of Fortuna Publica in the
Republican period) was formed during the Republican period and continued in the Imperial times.7 Due
to different aspects and dimensions under which the
goddess was venerated, she became an important deity
for communities in various contexts (urban, military,
domestic, etc.). Many different epithets of the goddess8
refer to the multiple dimensions she had for different
social groups, implying her benevolent but also capricious nature (Fortuna Bona, Fortuna Mala, Fortuna
Dubia, Fortuna Stabilis, Fortuna Obsequens, etc.)9 –
Fortuna Muliebris was clearly a protectress of women,
fertility, children, etc.,10 Fortuna Virgilis (Virgo) was
associated with young girls, the rites of passage to
their adulthood (their sexual maturity), Fortuna Virilis
was related to women’s sexuality, Fortuna Barbata
super vised young male adults and men, Fortuna
Equestris protected the equites and the cavalry as a
military unit, etc.11 In later periods, the goddess was
venerated as the protectress of transportation, trade,
commerce, sea-routes and as the deity of good luck
and chance. The canonized image of the goddess Fortuna presented a mature woman standing or seated,
with a veil, diadem, mural crown, polos or stefane
(like a tiara) on her head and holding a cornucopia,
rudder, globe, patera, etc. in her hands.12 The attribute
of a cornucopia became a regular attribute in Fortuna’s
iconography from the 2nd century BC,13 although it
was already a standard symbol of different Greek (for
example, Tyche) and Italian deities, but also of Isis, the
Egyptian goddess.14 The first representations of Fortuna with a rudder, a symbol of commerce and shipping, date from the 1st century BC, 15 while the first
images of the goddess with a ball, sphere or globe
(symbolising the goddess’s fickle mood and power
over the world and its fate) are known from the period
of Vespasian’s reign.16 The association of the Egyptian goddess Isis with Fortuna happened began in the
2nd century BC, through Alexandrian traders who
travelled to Puteoli, Praeneste, Pompeii and thus introduced the cult of Isis in Rome, but also through the
Roman presence in the Greek East.17 Although the
dedications to Isis-Tyche exist (but are rare and of a
later date),18 the Romans did not acknowledge the
term “Isis-Fortuna”, which is a modern creation and
there is no known dedication to “Isis-Fortuna”.19 The
syncretism between the two goddesses did not take
place before the late 1st century BC and, judging by the
finds, it is characteristic only for the Imperial period.20
Particularly popular in Pompeii, the syncretistic deity
Isis-Fortuna, was respected not only because of the
protection over a person or a family, but also because
both goddesses were associated with the sea, trade and
commerce, which made Isis-Fortuna the protectress
of business and successful business ventures. The
close connection with the goddess Nemesis, probably
established in the Hellenistic era, but certainly proven
during the Imperial period, is evident not only in mu-
Miano 2018, 36.
Ibid, 14; The main cult centres of Fortuna in Italy were
Praeneste, Rome and Antium, Arya 2002, 40.
6 Miano 2018, 77–86.
7 Ibid, 199–200.
8 For the epithets of the goddess Fortuna see Kajanto 1981,
1983, 1988.
9 Arya 2002, 59.
10 However, the goddess Fortuna Muliebris was not only connected to women, because the dedications from men to the goddess
also exist, Miano 2018, 126.
11 Ibid, 128–131, 198.
12 Arya 2002, 68 etc.
13 Rausa 1997, 126, num. 3; Champeaux 1982, 43; Lichocka
1997, 32–34.
14 The cornucopia, a symbol of plenty, fertility, abundance,
food, etc., was quite an appropriate attribute for both Tyche and
Fortuna because of their similar symbolism, Arya 2002, 73.
15 On the reverse of late Republican coins of Publius Sepullius
Macer (from 44 BC), where Fortuna is presented holding a rudder
and cornucopia (later also on the coins of Marcus Antoninus from
41 BC and of Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus from 40 BC), Lichocka
1997, 147–149.
16 Ibid, Fig. 177; Rausa 1997, 131, num. 3b.
17 Arya 2002, 242.
18 Kajanto 1981, 502
19 Arya 2002, 54, ft. 148.
20 Ibid, 247.
The Cult of Goddess Fortuna in the Roman Central Balkans (163–180)
tual attributes like the wheel, but also in the same
roles, like the role of city goddess.21
In the Roman provinces of the Central Balkans,
the cult of the goddess Fortuna has been attested with
seven epigraphic monuments and an impressive number of sculptures, statues, relief presentations, bronze
statuettes and gems with the image of the goddess. All
epigraphic monuments are dedicated to the goddess
Fortuna alone, without or with an epithet of which
some usually accompany the deity’s name in other
parts of the Roman Empire, while other epithets are
confirmed only in the epigraphic monuments dedicated
to Fortuna from Roman Central Balkan localities,
which will be discussed later.
The first votive monument dedicated to the goddess
Fortuna and the only one discovered in the northern
parts of the territory was found in Colonia Ratiaria
(Archar).22 The monument is dedicated to Fortuna
without an epithet and the dedicator is Gaius Luccius
Capito, who was a soldier of the legion VII Claudia.
His gentile name, Luccius, is very frequent in Italy
and other provinces like Spain, Gallia Narbonensis,
Dalmatia, etc., while his cognomen Capito is more
seldom attested, mostly again in Italy.23 In the territory
of the Central Balkans, the cognomen Capito is confirmed only once more, on a rectangular plate found in
the locality of Drmno, Viminacium.24 Unfortunately,
the reason for Gaius Luccius Capito to make a dedication to the goddess Fortuna is not stated in his dedication, but it can be presumed that it was general thanks
for the luck in the life of a soldier, to the goddess who
protected him in the battlefield and from all other
dangers that Gaius Luccius Capito was exposed to
during his army service.
The second votive monument dedicated to Dea
Fortuna was discovered in 1899, in the Niš fortress.25
Since the text of the now lost monument was quite
damaged by atmospheric conditions, its restoration
can point to either one dedicant Elius (Aelius) Flavius
Restutus or three dedicators by the names of Elius,
Flavius and Restutus. However, what can be said with
certainty is that the monument was erected for the
health of the emperors Elagabalus and Alexander
Severus in 221, judging by the names of the consuls
Gratus and Seleucus.26 As Fortuna’s epithet, Dea began
to be very frequently used in Germania and Britannia
in the late 2nd century,27 while the closest geographic
analogy can be found in a votive monument from Sirmium, also dedicated to Dea Fortuna.28 The name
Restutus (deriving from Restitutus) is known primarily
in the western Empire and in provinces of Noricum,
Pannonia and Dalmatia.29 The monument is possibly
erected by the order30 of the priest Aurelius Dexter,
whose name Dexter is also attested on monuments from
Singidunum, Čair (Kostolac) and Aračinovo (east of
Scupi). Aurelius Dexter was probably the priest of
Fortuna in her sanctuary located in Naissus (Niš).31
Due to the names of the consuls, the votive altar from
Niš can be precisely dated to 221.
The third votive monument dedicated to Fortuna
Domina was found in the village of Čiflak, near Orahovac (Ulpiana).32 It was erected by Aurelius Cassinus,
21 In Carnuntum, and perhaps Ephesos, Fortuna of the city
was worshiped at the amphitheatre together with Nemesis, Hornum
1993, 20, 25–26, 41.
22 The votive monument dedicated to the goddess Fortuna was
discovered in Archar (Ratiaria). The text of the inscription reads: C
(aius) Luccius / Capito / mil (es) leg (ionis) / VII Cl (audiae) opt (io)
/ Fortun / ae v (otum) s (olvit) l (ibens) m (erito), AE 2010, 1392.
23 The gentile name Luccius; Luccius is most frequently attested in Italy, Spain, Gallia Narbonensis, Dalmatia, Gallia Belgica,
Pannonia, Moesia Inferior, Gallia Lugdunensis and Roman Britain,
Bošković-Robert 2016, 49, ft. 317. As for the cognomen Capito, it
is attested in Italy, Spain, Britain etc., Dean 1916, 77, 150.
24 On a rectangular limestone plaque found in Drmno, Viminacium, a libertus Publius Aelius Capito is mentioned, IMS II,
140–141, num. 127.
25 The votive monument dedicated to Dea Fortuna (dim.
0,84x0,45x0,42m) was discovered in 1899, beside the entrance of
the Niš fortress. The text of the inscription reads: Deae Fortunae /
pro s(alute) dd(ominorum) nn(ostrorum) / [Aug(usti) e]t
[Caes(aris)] / A(e)lius Flavius / Restutus / s(ua) p(ecunia) / [Gr]
ato et Sel<e=A>uco co(n)s(ulibus) / [A]urel(ius) Dexter / sacerdos
p(oni?) i(ussit?) m(erito?), IMS IV, 69, num. 4.
26 The votive monument dedicated to Dea Fortuna can be precisely dated due to the names of the consuls Gaius Vettius Gratus
Sabinianus and Marcus Flavius Vitellius Seleucus, Samuel 1972, 272.
27 Kajanto 1988, 558.
28 The dedication to Dea Fortuna on the votive monument
from Sirmium was made by a certain Marcus Aurelius, Mirković
1971, 61, num. 3.
29 IMS IV, 69, num. 4; Migotti 2017, 104.
30 If the part of the inscription is reconstructed as p(oni?)
i(ussit) m(erito?), then the monument would have been erected on
the order of the priest Aurelius Dexter.
31 The name Dexter is also confirmed on the monuments
found: in the fortress of Kalemegdan in Singidunum, AE 2001,
1727, Viminacium IMS II, 92, num. 53 and Skoplje IMS VI, 97,
num. 72. The cognomen Dexter is attested in Italy, Spain, Belgium,
Dalmatia, Pannonia, Dacia, Noricum, Roman Britain and Moesia
Inferior, Bošković-Robert 2006, num. 7, ft. 62.
32 The votive monument dedicated to Fortuna Domina was
discovered in Gračanica (Ulpiana). His dedicant is Aurelius Cassinus,
a decurion. The text of the inscription reads: Fortunae Do/minae /
Aur(elius) Cas(sinus) / dec(urio) p(osuit), IlJug II, num. 532.
The Cult of Goddess Fortuna in the Roman Central Balkans (163–180)
Fig. 1. Votive altar from Orahovac, near Ulpiana
Сл. 1. Вотивни жртвеник из Ораховца, близу Улпијане
a decurion who was probably stationed in the area of
Ulpiana, perhaps guarding some of the mines of the
territory (Fig. 1). The name Cassinus is very rare and,
as far as we know, it appears only on a monument (or
monuments) from Rome.33 The rarity of this particular
monument can also be seen in Fortuna’s epithet Domina, which is confirmed only on one more monument,
discovered in the locality El Mesaurat in Egypt.34 The
probable period when the monument to Fortuna
Domina was erected is from the second half of the 2nd
century to the 4th century.
The next votive monument with a dedication to the
goddess Fortuna was also found in the area of Ulpiana,
at the entrance of the Gračanica monastery (Fig. 2).35
The monument, unfortunately lost, was a limestone
slab, an architrave with the inscription field in the form
of a tabula ansata. The goddess Fortuna Aeterna, who
is here the personal protectress of the family Furii, received the dedication from two procurators, Pontius
Uranius and Furius Alcimus, of vir clarissimus Gaius
Furius Octavianus Amphilochius, who belonged to
the senatorial order (ordo senatorius), but also to one
of the most important and richest families in Ulpiana,
gens Furii.36 Furius Octavianus, who was a consul in
220 and, two years later, a legatus of Moesia Superior,
CIL VI, 3412, ICUR – IX, 23861. The name Cassinus perhaps appears on one other monument from Aquileia, but the inscription is fragmented and does not allow the certain reconstruction of the name Cassi[---], CIL V, 8314.
34 The text of the votive monument from the locality of El
Mesaurat (dated from the 3rd to the 5th century) reads: Bona Fortuna
Dominae / Reginae in multos an/nos feliciter venit / (a)b urbe
mense Apr(ili) / die XV [et v]idit Acu/tus, CIL III, 83.
35 The monument was discovered in the area of Ulpiana, Lipljan. The text of the inscription is reconstructed: Amphi / lochii //
Fortunae aeter [n] ae domus Furianae / proc (uratores) C (ai)
Furi Octaviani c (larissimi) v (iri) Furius A [l] cimus [et] Pon /
tius Uranius pecunia Octavianin [a] faciendum curaverunt, CIL
III, 8169.
36 Душанић 2006, 91–92.
The Cult of Goddess Fortuna in the Roman Central Balkans (163–180)
Fig. 2. Drawing of the dedication to Fortuna Aeterna, from Gračanica (after: Premerstein, Vulić 1903, 28, num. 35)
Сл. 2. Цртеж дедикације Фортуни Етерни, из Грачанице (према: Premerstein, Vulić 1903, 28, num. 35)
had his domains with slaves in the southern parts of
the Central Balkan territory – in Vlahčani, Usje, Blace,
Prizren and, of course, Ulpiana.37 While the epithet
Aeterna is so-far known only from the altar from Ulpiana, the fact that she is the protectress of the gens Furrii has analogies in the dedications from other Roman
provinces where Fortuna is the protectress of gens
Flavia38 or Plotiana,39 the protectress of persons like
in the monuments where Fortuna Crassiana, Fortuna
Torquatiana and Fortuna Zmaragdiana is mentioned,40
the tutelary divinity of cities like Fortuna Ephesia, but
possibly also the personal protectress of a Roman
king, which is implied by the dedication to Fortuna
Tulliana.41 This individualisation is found not only
with the name of the goddess Fortuna, but also in the
case of the gods Jupiter, Hercules and Silvanus, who
were called domesticus and had family eponyms.42
Two procurators from the Ulpiana monument, Pontius
Uranius and Furius Alcimus were liberti of the family
Furii and were obviously not only making a dedication to the goddess Fortuna Aeterna, but were also
dedicating a temple to her, since the inscription was
placed on an architrave. As has already been mentioned, the family of Furii had large domains with
slaves and liberti in different areas, among them also
Ulpiana, and owed their wealth to the fertile land and
rich mines in the vicinity of this urban centre.43 Тhe
monument is dated to the first decades of the 3rd century, between 200 and 220.
Another monument dedicated to the goddess Fortuna was found in the southern part of the Central
Balkans, in the locality of Lopate, west of Kumanovo
(statio Lamud---?). 44 Unfortunately also lost, the
monument was dedicated to Fortuna Salutaris by an
unknown dedicant. The epithet Salutaris is not seldom
attributed to the goddess – dedications to Fortuna Salutaris are known from different Roman provinces.45 N.
Vulić thought that Fanum Magnum, which is menti-
oned in the inscription, did not mean “a great shrine”,
but was actually a toponym, while B. Dragojević-Josifovska considered the monument to perhaps have
been originally situated in the presumed sanctuary of
the god Mithras, mithraeum, located in Lopate.46
Besides presenting the only monument in the territory of the Roman Central Balkans where the goddess Fortuna bears the epithet Salutaris, nothing more
precise can be said about the reason for the dedication
or the profession and social status of the dedicator, so
the monument can be broadly dated from the 2nd to
the 4th century.
CIL VI, num. 10, 28; CIL III 8238, 8240, 8169.
CIL VI, 187.
39 CIL VI, 39860.
40 For Fortuna Crassiana, CIL VI, 186; For Fortuna Torquatiana CIL VI, 204; For Fortuna Zmaragdiana CIL VI, 39862. I. Cajanto presumes that while Crassus and Torquatus are common cognomina rarely born by slaves, while Zmaragdus is a Greek name
which was frequent among slaves, Cajanto 1983, 14.
41 Fortuna is also known to be the protectress of towns, like on
the monuments dedicated to Fortuna Antias/Antiatina, Arelatensis,
Ephesia, Folianensis, Karn(untiensis), Nemausensis, Viruniensis,
Taurianensis, etc., Ibid.
42 Carter 1900, 65.
43 Parović Pešikan 1990, 612; Душанић 2006, 91–92.
44 The votive monument dedicated to Fortuna Salutaris
(height 18 cm, width 25 cm) was found in the locality of Lopate,
Kumanovo. The text of the inscription reads: [Fortunae? Salu?]
tari / [---] F(ano?) Ma(gno?) v(otum) s(olvit), IMS VI, 168, num.
45 Dedications to Fortuna Salutaris are known from: Dacia
(Ampulum), AE 1902, 143; Germania Inferior (Bad Godesberg),
CIL XIII, 7994; Germania Superior (Mainz), CIL XIII, 6678; Pannonia Inferior (Paks/Lussonium), CIL III, 3315; Pannonia Superior
(Komarom/Brigetio), RIU-02, 392; Rome, CIL VI, 184, 201, 202.
46 Вулић 1934, 44, num. 28; A stone plate (dim. 125 x 61 x
35 cm) was found in the locality of Lopate, bearing the inscription
…E O S A N I …, which was reconstructed by M. J. Vermaseren as
[D]eo san(cto) Mithrae or [D]eo san(cto) [invicto Mithrae], CIMRM
II, 341, num. 2206; Zotović 1973, 33, num. 43; IMS VI, 168.
The Cult of Goddess Fortuna in the Roman Central Balkans (163–180)
Figs. 3. Votive relief of Fortuna, from Kostolac (after: Вулић 1931, 240, num. 639)
Fig. 4. Votive relief of Fortuna with the inscription Genius, from Viminacium
Сл. 3. Вотивни рељеф Фортуне из Костолца (према: Вулић 1931, 240, num. 639)
Сл. 4. Вотивни рељеф Фортуне са натписом Genius, из Виминацијума
The last votive altar dedicated to Fortuna Sacrum
was discovered in the locality of Barovo, south-west
of Skoplje (Scupi).47 The monument is lost and known
only from a drawing made by A. Evans, from which
we find out that the dedication to Fortuna Sacrum was
made by a woman whose name was perhaps Betuv(i)a
Resp(e)c[ta].48 The epithet Sacrum is known beside
the goddess’s name on monuments from other Roman
provinces, like Aemilia/Regio VIII, Afria proconsularis, Britannia, Dacia, Dalmatia, Etruria/Regio VII,
Germania Inferior, Germania Superior, Hispania Citerior, Latium and Campania/Regio I, Noricum, etc. 49
The name Betuvia is completely unknown in the Roman provinces of the Central Balkans, but the name
Respecta is known from another monument from the
vicinity of Skoplje, discovered in the locality of Zlokućani, and a monument found in Ravna (Timacum
Minus)50 and also from other provinces like Africa
proconsularis, Mauretania Caesariensis, Dacia, Noricum, Moesia Inferior, Numidia, Pannonia Inferior,
Pannonia Superior and Rome.51 The votive altar from
The text of the monument found in Barovo reads: Fortunae
/ sacrum / BETVVA / Resp<e=F>c[ta], IMS VI, 51, num. 4
48 Ibid.
49 Aemilia/Regio VIII: AE 1964, 214; Africa Proconsularis:
CIL VIII, 1310, 14909, 15494, 16522, 23857, 25412, AE 2003,
2006; Britannia: CIL VII, 199, 433, 982; Dacia: CIL III, 1006,
1007, 1008, 1009, 1014, AE 1944, 47, AE 2003, 1492, AE 1933,
245, AE 1903, 67; Dalmatia: CIL III, 1939, 13186, 13258, 14630,
14666, IlJug 3, 1871, AE 1998, 1023; Etruria/Regio VII: AE 1974,
329, CIL XI, 3731, AE 2013, 502; Germania Inferior: CIL XIII,
8181, 8609, AE 1998, 968, 970; Germania Superior: CIL XIII,
6472, 6502, 6522, 6597, 6598, 7365, 6676, 11753, AE 1956, 86;
Hispania citerior: CIL II, 5664, 2763, AE 1976, 329; Latium and
Campania/Regio I: CIL X, 5384; Noricum: CIL III, 11729, 4778,
50 The funerary monument discovered in Zlokućani, Skoplje
was erected for Aurelius Mestrianus, a veteran of the legion IV
Flavia, by his wife Aelia Respecta, IMS VI, 38. The funerary monument found in Ravna (Timacum Minus) was erected for the husband Flavius Valens, soldier of the cohort II Aurelia Dardanorum,
by his wife Rustia Respecta, IMS III/2, 98, num. 51.
51 CIL VIII, 27899, CIL VIII, 9065–9066, CIL III, 1468, 5497,
6156, AE 1977, 749, CIL VIII, 2903, 3371, 4070, CIL III, 3432,
3314, 4224, 4083, 10924, CIL VI, 36253.
The Cult of Goddess Fortuna in the Roman Central Balkans (163–180)
Barovo is dated to the period between the 1st and the
4th century.
Two votive reliefs with presentations of the goddess Fortuna are known from Kostolac, Viminacium,
but unfortunately both reliefs were discovered in a
fragmented state. The first monument represents a relief presentation on a white marble plate, whose left
part is missing (Fig. 3).52 A female standing figure is
shown en face, standing within a temple, with long
wavy hair and wearing a kalathos on her head. In her
left hand she holds a cornucopia carved in detail,
while in her right outstretched hand the goddess holds
a patera over a lit altar. Her long chiton is richly folded and falls loosely over her body. The attribute of
phiale/patera is a survival from the iconography of the
goddess Tyche, whose images with a cornucopia and
patera are known from as early as the 4th century BC,
as on the Attic amphora from Cyrenaica, dated to
392–391 BC or coins from Argos, dated to 350–328
BC.53 However, the representations of Fortuna with a
patera are not so frequent, although from the 1st century they are known on imperial coins (like those of
Domitian, Commodus, Pescennius Niger, etc.),54reliefs like the “adventus” relief of Marcus Aurelius belonging to one of the emperor’s arches55 and marble
statues, like the statue of the goddess from Cos, dated
to the second half of the 1st century BC.56
An identical representation of the goddess Tyche/
Fortuna inside a hexastyle temple, holding a patera
over a lit altar, is known from a Corinth coin of Antoninus Pius where, on the obverse a laureate head of
the emperor is presented, while on the reverse the
goddess is shown.57 Regarding the iconographic and
stylistic analogies, this type of votive relief with the
goddess Fortuna are known mostly from Germania
Superior and Britannia, 58 but the closest analogy
would be a relief fragment from Zadar, Dalmatia,59
after which would follow a relief fragment from the
temple of Isis in Savaria, Pannonia Superior60 and a
votive relief from Carnuntum, Pannonia Superior, on
which Fortuna is presented with a polos.61 Since on
some of the votive reliefs of this iconographical type,
the remains of paint were attested, perhaps the votive
relief from Kostolac was also painted.62 Judging by
the details of Fortuna’s face (eyes, lips, hair), dress
and attributes, it is obvious that the votive relief from
Kostolac, Viminacium was made by a skilful artisan,
probably in the 2nd or the early 3rd century.
The second votive relief was also found in Kostolac, Viminacium (Fig. 4).63 It represents a fragment-
ed marble relief whose upper left part is preserved.
On the edge of the relief there is an inscription Genio
[- - -], while under it a standing female figure with
wavy hair gathered under a katalathos is presented.
Her chiton is richly folded and tied under her chest.
Her face is modelled in detail – her eyes are oval, she
has a small nose and her lips are full. The goddess’s
hair is carefully arranged, as her kalathos and dress
are presented skilfully. On the goddess’s right side
52 The white marble plate (dim. 0.39 x 0.24 x 0.07 m) was
found in the area of Kostolac, probably placed, upon its discovery,
in the National museum in Belgrade, but it is now lost, Вулић
1931, 240, num. 639.
53 Also, on a tetradrachm from Athens, minted around 140–
139 BC, Villard 1997, 119, num.19, 23, 24.
54 Ibid: num. 25; Lichocka 1997, 267, V C 1.
55 The “adventus” relief from Marcus Aurelius’ arch (eleven
reliefs from the emperor’s arch are preserved – eight on the arch of
Constantine the Great and three now placed in the Museo dei Conservatori) shows, in the centre, the goddess Fortuna with a staff in her
left hand and a patera in her right hand, Arya 2002, 329–330.
56 Villard 1997, num. 26.
57 Pausanias mentions a temple of Tyche in Corinth, with a
cult statue of the goddess, and several temples on the west end of
the Forum have been suggested to be the sanctuary of Tyche, but
they are small tetrastyle temples and not the large hexastyle building like the one presented on the reverse of Antoninus Pius’ coin,
Walbank 2010, 170–171, Fig. 6.9.
58 Votive reliefs from Germania Superior’s localities Mömlingen,; Frankfurt-Heddernheim (Nida),; Saalburg/Bad Homburg,; Bad
Wimpfen (Vicus alisinensium),
1403268428; Walheim,;
Votive reliefs from Newcastle upon Tyne and Chester, Lichocka
Fig. 413, 412.
59 The relief fragment is of unknown provenience, but from
the area of Zadar, and damaged on the top. The standing figure of
Fortuna is presented, with a cornucopia in her left hand and a patera
in her right hand, placed above the altar,
60 A fragment of a relief presenting a standing Fortuna
dressed in a long chiton with a himation, holding a cornucopia in
her left hand and a patera in her right hand,
61 The votive relief with a representation of the goddess Fortuna, was found in 1901 in the area of the legion camp in Carnuntum. The goddess is presented inside a temple, standing, dressed in
a long chiton with a himation over it, wearing a polos on her head,
with a cornucopia in her left hand,
63 The votive relief (dim. 0.22 x 0.18 x 5.5) was found in
Kostolac, Viminacium and now is in the National Museum of
Požarevac (inv. num. 2487), IMS II, 64, num. 8.
The Cult of Goddess Fortuna in the Roman Central Balkans (163–180)
probably the image of a genius was presented and she
possibly held her usual attribute of a cornucopia in
her hand. Dedications to Fortuna and Genius were not
seldom and in the imperial period were often found in
harbours, but also in many other Roman localities,
like Sankt Veit an der Glan (Virunum) in Noricum,
Corinth, Utrera (Baetica), Maryport (Alauna) in Britannia, Alba Iulia (Apulum), Zlatna (Ampelum), Trilj
(Tilurium) in Dalmatia, Lessenich, Remagen and Voorburg in Germania Inferior, Mainz (Mogontiacum) in
Germania Superior, Rome, sites in Pannoniae, Numidia, etc.64 Presentations of Fortuna with a genius are
also frequent and are known mostly from reliefs, like
the one from the altar discovered in Bad Deutsch and
the relief from Autun.65 The genius was considered to
be a spiritual companion and protector of an individual
or a family, thus frequently depicted in the lararium in
private homes, usually with Fortuna’s rudder.66 Stylistically, the votive relief with the inscription Genio [- - -]
bears strong similarities to the previous votive relief
and the fact that both objects were found in Viminacium
implies the possibility that they were produced in the
same workshop. The votive relief from Kostolac can
be dated as the previous monument, to the 2nd or the
early 3rd century.
As for the stone sculptures and statues of the goddess Fortuna, the situation is somewhat difficult because except for the marble head from Ravna (Timacum Minus) and Kostol and a marble sculpture from
Viminacium, which obviously present the goddess,
other statues are difficult to identify due to their fragmented state. Still, we will mention all the existing
finds that could be identified as possible presentations
of the goddess Fortuna.
The female head of a marble statue was discovered in 1935, in the area of so-called “Roman temple”
in Ravna (Fig. 5).67 At first sight, the head leaves quite
a striking impression, depicting a mature woman with
an austere look on her face. Her wavy hair is gathered
under a kalathos, unfortunately damaged. On the back
of her neck is a low bun tied with a ribbon. The traits of
her face are also carefully modelled – almond-shaped
eyes with emphasised pupils, lips without a smile and
an almost double chin. However, the visible coldness
and austerity in the facial expression make the goddess
look static. Iconographic analogies, in the context of
the hair and the polos on the goddess’s head, can be
found in a marble statue from London (British Museum) and in a bronze statuette from Volubilis.68 The
certain rigidity in the expression of the goddess’s face
implies the last decades of the 3rd century as the period
of its modelling.
The second marble head of what is presumably
the goddess Fortuna was discovered in the locality of
Kostol (Pontes).69 It represents a mature woman with
wavy hair gathered under a kalathos. Unfortunately, the
head is damaged in the central part of the face, therefore we can only observe a somewhat schematic low
forehead, oval eyes and small lips. Iconographically,
the head of the goddess from Kostol much resembles
the Fortune’s head from Ravna and thus implies the
second half of the 3rd century as the possible period of
its modelling in some of the local workshops.
A skilfully modelled female marble statue was
found during archaeological excavations from 2014 in
Viminacium, in the area between the amphitheatre
and city quarters (Fig. 6).70 The statue’s head was
broken in the area of its neck and there is damage on
the top of the head and on the statue’s right arm. The
female statue is placed on a semi-circular base, in a
contrapposto position, with her weight on her left leg.
The goddess is dressed in a long chiton belted above
her waist, with a himation over her left shoulder. On
her head, with wavy hair, parted in the middle and
falling on her shoulders, she probably had a kalathos,
which is missing now. The deity’s face is elongated
and the facial traits are carefully and skilfully modelled – deep eyes, long nose (unfortunately also damaged) and full, small lips. In her left hand, the goddess
was holding a cornucopia, while the attribute from her
right hand is missing, possibly a rudder, because on
64 AEA 2004, 1; AE 2000, 1344; CIL II, 1280; CIL VII, 370;
CIL III, 1008, 1018; AE 1971, 383; IlJug II, 734; CIL XIII, 8001,
7792, 1337; CIL XIII, 6728, 6747.
65 Rausa 1997, 133, 126a, b.
66 Arya 2002, 281, 284.
67 The marble head of a goddess (height 8.5 cm) was found
in the locality of Ravna and is now in the National museum in Niš,
inv. num. 37/P, Вулић 1941–1948, 92, num. 199; Срејовић, Цермановић-Кузмановић 1987, 102, num. 42; Tomović 1993, 89, num.
82, Fig. 46, 3; Петровић, Јовановић 1997, 61, бр. 5; Дрча 2004,
147, num. 62; Ilijić 2020, 19–20, Fig. 9.
68 Rausa 1997, 128, num. 33 and 136–137, num. 180f.
69 The marble female head (height 11 cm) was found in the
locality of Kostol (Pontes), now in the National Museum in Belgrade, Tomović 1993, 90, num. 85, Fig. 31.2.
70 The marble female statue (height 80.3 cm, width 35.7 cm)
was found in 2014, during archaeological excavations in Viminacium, in the vicinity of the amphitheatre, Богдановић, Рогић, Вуковић-Богдановић 2018, 237, num. 7.
The Cult of Goddess Fortuna in the Roman Central Balkans (163–180)
Fig. 5. Marble head of Fortuna, from Ravna (Timacum Minus) (photo documentation of National Museum in Niš)
Fig. 7. Marble head of Fortuna, from Prahovo (Aquae) (photo: Gordan Janjić)
Сл. 5. Мермерна глава Фортуне, из Равне (Тимакум Минус) (фото-документација Народни музеј у Нишу)
Сл. 7. Мермерна глава Фортуне, из Прахова (Акве) (фото: Гордан Јањић)
the statue’s right side, the remains of a larger object
are visible. The back of the statue is summarily treated,
therefore it can be presumed that the statue was placed
with its back to the wall. The statue of Fortuna from
Viminacium copies Late Hellenistic statues (of the
type Braccio Nuovo and the similar type of Claudia
Iusta statues of the goddess Fortuna),71 particularly in
the context of the arrangement of the goddess’s hair
and dress – the drapery is harmoniously arranged and
the himation is richly folded, wrapped over her left arm
or her left shoulder. In that context, the Viminacium
statue bears close similarities with the marble statue
of Fortuna from the Chiaramonti Museum in Vatican,
but also with a female torso from Side.72 Iconographically, the statue from Viminacium bears close similarities in the treatment of hair and dress with the marble
statue of Fortuna with Pontos from Constanta and a
marble statue now in the Museum of Fine Arts, in
Boston.73 Stylistically, although the details of the
Viminacium statue are well (facial traits, hair, the
folded chiton and himation) and very realistically modelled (the modelling of the thin chiton which follows
the body curves that can be observed on the statue’s
right thigh and leg), a certain linearity is present in the
mentioned details. Therefore, the end of the 2nd or the
first half of the 3rd century would be the proposed period of the statue’s modelling.
Rausa 1997, 127–128.
The marble Fortuna statue from Galleria dei Candelabri in
the Chiaramonti Museum in Vatican is a close analogy to the Viminacium statue and represents the deity with an elongated face,
without any headdress on her hair and with no attributes in her
hands (the attributes are missing, but presumably she was shown
with a cornucopia and a rudder or a globe). The goddess is shown
in a long chiton belted under her chest, with a richly folded himation over her left arm, Ibid, 128, num. 30. The female torso from
Side Museum (inv. num. 126) presents the goddess dressed in a
folded chiton, with the remains of a globe and a rudder, Lichocka
1997, 163, num. 333.
73 The marble statue of the goddess Fortuna (height 1.55 m)
found in Constanta (Tomis), now in the Museum in Constanta (inv.
num. 2001), bears an inscription on the base of the statue, dedicated
to ΑΓΑΘΗ ΤΥΧΗ, by two dedicants, Agripas and Asklys. The statue
is dated to the Severan period, 150–200,
=826346860, Lichocka 1997, 39, Fig. 366a–d. The marble statue of
Fortuna now in the Museum of Fine Arts, in Boston (height 0.95 m)
is dated to around the beginning of the 3rd century, Ibid, 166, Fig.
The Cult of Goddess Fortuna in the Roman Central Balkans (163–180)
The following finds could represent the goddess
Fortuna, but due to the lack of any attribute or detail
that would confirm their identification as such, it is
somewhat dubious if they really represent the deity in
question or some other goddess.
A marble female head found in the locality of Prahovo (Aquae) is slightly damaged in the area of the
nose and chin (Fig. 7).74 The elongated head of a mature woman is slightly bent on the right side, with wavy
hair parted in the middle and gathered at the top of her
head in a bun, with a few locks falling down her neck.
The facial traits are not particularly skilfully modelled
– a wide nose and tight lips correspond to the summarily arranged wavy hair, which imply a local artisan,
probably from the 3rd century.
Another marble female statue which could represent the goddess Fortuna was discovered in the locality
of Kostolac, Viminacium, as a chance find (Fig. 8).75
The fragmented statue, preserved only from the neck
to approximately the knees (without head, hands and
legs), shows a standing female figure dressed in a
long chiton, tied under the breasts and topped with a
mantle over her left shoulder. The back of the statue is
only summarily treated, as it probably stood with her
back against the wall. The dress is richly folded, yet
quite rigidly, implying a local origin of the statue’s
artisan. Iconographically, the statue from Viminacium
corresponds to known statuettes of the goddess Fortuna/Tyche, presented with a cornucopia in the left hand
and a patera in the right hand. Stylistically, although
Fig. 6. Marble statue of Fortuna, from Viminacium
(after: Богдановић, Рогић, Вуковић-Богдановић 2018, 237, num. 7)
Fig. 8. Marble torso of Fortuna, from Kostolac, Viminacium
(photo documentation of National Museum Požarevac)
Сл. 6. Мермерна статуа Фортуне, из Виминацијума
(према: Богдановић, Рогић, Вуковић-Богдановић 2018, 237, num. 7)
Сл. 8. Мермерни торзо Фортуне, из Костолца, Виминацијум
(фото-документација из Народног музеја Пожаревац)
The Cult of Goddess Fortuna in the Roman Central Balkans (163–180)
the chiton and himation of the statue are richly folded,
they are simplified and are not following the curves of
the goddess’s body in a natural way. There is a noticeable similarity between the fragmented statue from
Viminacium and the Fortuna/Tyche marble statue from
Cluj-Napoca, dated to the first half of the 3rd century.76
However, if we compare the fragmented statue from
Viminacium with a marble sculpture of Fortuna also
found in Viminacium, a certain schematisation and rigidity in the fragmented statue’s modelling suggests a
later period of its carving, probably the second half of
the 3rd century.77
Bronze statuettes of the goddess Fortuna or the
iconographic type of Isis-Fortuna are known from different localities of the Roman provinces of the Central Balkans, with some of the finds being produced
with a firm knowledge of the goddess’s iconography.
The first bronze statuette of the goddess Fortuna was
discovered in the village of Bogdanica in the area of
Asenovgrad.78 The deity is standing in a contrapposto
position, with her weight on her left leg, dressed in a
long richly folded chiton, belted under the breasts.
Her wavy hair is divided in the middle and gathered in
a bun on the back of her neck. There is a half-crescent
diadem in her hair. She is dressed in a long chiton, with
a himation over her back. Unfortunately, both attributes are missing from her hands – she probably held a
cornucopia in her left hand and a rudder, on which she
placed her right hand. The treatment of the statuette
implies a solid, yet not highly skilful provincial work,
from the 2nd or the 3rd century.
The second bronze statuette of the goddess Fortuna was found in Stobi, in 1937, during archaeological
excavations (Fig. 9).79 The goddess is represented
standing, in contrapposto position with her weight on
her left leg. Her head is slightly tilted to the right,
dressed in a long chiton with short sleeves and a himation over it. She wears a round diadem on her head,
while her hair is parted in the middle and partly gathered under the diadem. The goddess is holding a large
cornucopia in her left hand, while her right hand is
placed on a wheel (rota Fortunae). The attribute of a
wheel, a symbol of the cycle of life but also of the
goddess’s capricious nature, appears in Fortuna’s
iconography in the period of Trajan’s reign, perhaps
even in the Augustan period, due to the cult of Fortuna Redux.80 Iconographically and stylistically, the
bronze statuette from Stobi is similar to the bronze
statuette from Bonn, particularly considering the
analogous way of dress and cornucopia modelling.81
Although the details of the figure – the facial traits,
dress and the attributes are modelled with precision
and carefully, it is a provincial work produced in the
2nd or the 3rd century.
The bronze statuette of the goddess of, unfortunately, unknown provenience presents a very skilfully
modelled statuette where Fortuna is presented standing, in a contrapposto pose, with weight on her left leg
(Fig. 10).82 She wears a long chiton with short sleeves
and a himation over it. Her wavy hair is parted in the
middle and tied in a bun on the back of her head, on
which the goddess wears a diadem. The attributes
from both hands, presumably a rudder and cornucopia, are missing. Iconographically and by the stylistic
characteristics, the bronze statuette of Fortuna of unknown provenience is analogous to the bronze statues
of the goddess from London (British Museum) and
74 The marble female head (height 9 cm) was found in the
locality of Prahovo (Aquae), and is now situated in the Museum of
Krajina, Negotin, inv. num. 127, Ibid, 89, num. 83, Fig. 19.4;
Јањић 2016, 65, cat. 4, Fig. 4. I would like to express my sincere
thanks to my dear colleague Gordan Janjić for the photograph of
the marble head from Prahovo.
75 The marble statuette (height 23.9 cm) was found in the locality of Kostolac, and is now in the National Museum Požarevac,
inv. num. 02_2504, Tomović 1993, 90, num. 86. I would like to
sincerely thank my dear colleague Teodora Branković, for the photograph of the marble statue from Kostolac, Viminacium.
76 The marble statue of Fortuna/Tyche (height 0.45 m, width
0.35 m, depth 0.1 m) discovered in Cluj-Napoca, now in the Museum in Cluj (inv. num. 1354) represents a female figure standing on
a base, dressed in a long chiton and himation. The attributes are
missing, Diaconescu 2012, 70–71, num. 38, Fig. 38.
77 Срејовић, Цермановић-Кузмановић 1987, 88, num. 35.
78 The bronze figurine of the goddess Fortuna (height 5.8 cm)
was discovered in the locality of Bogdanica in the area of Asenovgrad, now in the National Museum of Sofia, inv. num. IB 3456,
Ognenova-Marinova 1975, 160, num. 183; Ružić 2006, 182, cat.
231, Fig. 231.
79 The bronze statuette of Fortuna (height 8.5cm), was found
in the locality of Stobi, now it is placed in the National Museum
in Belgrade, inv. num. 2777/III, Величковић 1972, 58, num. 86,
Fig. 86.
80 Arya 2002, 88; The cult of Fortuna Redux was acknowledged with the consecration of an altar in Fortuna Redux’s honour, as
a gesture of gratitude towards the deity who brought Augustus
safely from Syria, Miano 2018, 159.
81 Rausa 1997, 129, num. 44d.
82 The bronze statuette of unknown provenience (height
15.4 cm), now situated in the City Museum of Belgrade, inv. num.
AA/1658, Античка бронза Сингидунума 1997, 38, num. 23, Fig.
23. My deep gratitude goes to our dear colleague Milorad Ignjatović for the photograph of the bronze statuette of unknown
The Cult of Goddess Fortuna in the Roman Central Balkans (163–180)
Figs. 9. Bronze statuette of Fortuna, from Stobi (after: Величковић 1972, 58, num. 86, fig. 86)
Fig. 10. Bronze statuette of Fortuna of unknown provenience
(photo documentation of City Museum Belgrade, courtesy of Milorad Ignjatović)
Fig. 11. Bronze statuette of Isis–Fortuna, from Guberevac (photo documentation of National Museum in Belgrade)
Сл. 9. Бронзана статуета Фортуне из Стобија (према: Величковић 1972, 58, num. 86, fig. 86)
Сл. 10. Бронзана статуета Фортуне непознате провенијенције
(фото документација Музеја града Београда, захваљујући Милораду Игњатовићу)
Сл. 11. Бронзана статуета Изиде–Фортуне, из Губеревца (фото-документација Народни музеј Београд)
Vienna.83 Nevertheless, the skill with which her facial
traits, hair and richly folded dress are modelled implies a possible import, produced in the 2nd century.
The bronze statuette discovered in Guberevac
represents a type of Isis–Fortuna, because of Isis’ headdress (cow horns are presented on the rim of a modius
and there are a solar disc and feathers above the
horns) on the goddess’s head (Fig. 11).84 The deity is
presented standing, in contrapposto, with her weight
on the left leg. The goddess’s head is slightly turned
to the right and her hair is divided in the middle and
collected in a bun on the back of her head. She is dressed in a long chiton with short sleeves, with a himation over her left shoulder. Isis–Fortuna holds a cornucopia in her left hand, while with her right hand she
holds a rudder. Iconographically, the statuette belongs
to the well known Isis–Fortuna type, which appeared
quite late in Roman art, due to the late syncretism of
the two goddesses (as was already mentioned, not before the late 1st century BC). The bronze statuette of
Isis–Fortuna represents a unique find in the Central
Balkan territory and shares close iconographic and
stylistic similarities with a bronze statuette from Savur-
The bronze statuette of Fortuna from Kunsthistorisches
Museum in Vienna represents the goddess dressed in a long chiton
with a himation, wearing a diadem on her wavy hair. In her left
hand, the deity holds a cornucopia, while the attribute from her
right hand (probably a rudder) is missing, Lichocka 1997, 128,
Fig. 432. The bronze statuette of Fortuna from the British Museum
in London is very similar to the previous statuette, except that besides the diadem, the goddess is also wearing a modius on her
head, Ibid 121, Fig. 455.
84 The bronze figurine of Isis-Fortuna was discovered in
Guberevac, now it is in the National Museum in Belgrade, inv.
num. 2778/III, Величковић 1972, 62–63, cat. 92, Fig. 92; Античка
бронза Сингидунума 1997, 40, cat. 31, Fig. 31.
The Cult of Goddess Fortuna in the Roman Central Balkans (163–180)
dija,85 a bronze figurine from Trieste86 and with a
bronze statuette found in the area of Lika, now kept in
the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb.87 Stylistic
characteristics of the statuette from Guberevac (not
skilfully modelled face traits, hair and summarily
done attributes) imply a coarse provincial work from
the 3rd century.
The last bronze statuette which could perhaps
present the goddess Fortuna was found in the southern
parts of the Central Balkans, in the vicinity of Prilep.88
The deity is presented standing in a long chiton with a
himation. It seems that besides a veil on her head, the
statuette also has a modius (?). A cornucopia is presented in her left hand, while the attribute from her
right hand is missing. This type of bronze statuettes of
Fortuna represent the so-called Great Mother type of
the goddess’s statuettes, which are mostly known in
terracotta.89 The fragmented statuette of the deity presents a coarse, unskilful product of the 3rd century,
which, in the opinion of M. Veličković, could have
served as an ornament for a hairpin.90
Besides votive reliefs, sculptures and statuettes,
the image of the goddess Fortuna is known from nine
gems. The image of the goddess on glyptic art has
been transferred from her presentations on coinage,
particularly being popular during the 2nd and the 3rd
century across the whole Roman Empire, some provinces like Dalmatia in particular.91 On so-far known
gems from the Roman Central Balkans, the goddess is
presented alone or with the goddess Victoria (on four
gems, Fig. 12a) and on two gems Isis–Fortuna is in
the company of Hermes–Thoth (Fig. 12b). On the gems
where Fortuna is shown with Victoria and Hermes–
Thoth, both deities, Victoria and Hermes, are presented crowning the goddess with a wreath.92
On almost all nine gems the canonized image of
the goddess is shown – she is presented standing,
dressed in a long chiton with a himation, holding a
cornucopia in her left hand and placing her right hand
on a rudder.93 The majority of gems are of local production, which can be observed in the summary presentations of the goddess and her attributes. The differences are only visible in the details and elaborateness
of the image – on the gem of unknown provenience,
Fortuna is presented placing her left hand on a rudder
in the form of a shut umbrella, as in Nerva’s coins with
the legend Fortuna Augusti,94 While on three gems
(two of unknown provenience and one found in Kostolac, Viminacium), the goddess’s figure is summarily
presented.95 This iconographic type of Fortuna pres-
entation on gems has numerous analogies all over the
Roman empire, but in the context of the stylistic characteristic the Central Balkans’ Fortuna gems are similar
to gems from the province of Germania, Spain etc.96
The four gems (one gem from Ritopek, one gem from
Veliko Gradište and two gems of unknown provenience)97 with the presentation of Victoria crowning Fortuna with a wreath, have their analogies in finds from
Gottingen, Braunschweg, Monaco and Bruxelles,98
but also Brunswick, Berlin, Hanover, etc.99
As for the two gems (both gems are of unknown
provenience)100 with the composition of Hermes–
Thot crowning Isis–Fortuna with a wreath, the closest
iconographical and stylistic analogies can be found in
gems from Copenhagen, Bucarest, Braunschweg,
Monaco, Narbona, Vienna,101 Hannover, etc.102
Two gems with the representation of the goddess
Fortuna distinguish from the other examples – the gem
inlaid in a silver ring found in Novi Beograd (New
Belgrade) made of multilayer agate and the gem of
85 The bronze statuette from Savudrija was found at a Roman
villa on the coast in the locality of Savudrija, Girardi Jurkić 2012,
146, Fig. 19.
86 Лисичар 1961, 131, Fig. 8.
87 Rausa 1997, 137, num. 180n.
88 The bronze statuette of the goddess (height 3.8 cm) was
found in some locality in the vicinity of Prilep. Its lower part is
missing, and is now situated in the National Museum in Belgrade,
inv. num. 2779/III, Величковић 1972, 58–59, num. 87, Fig. 87;
Константин Велики и милански едикт 313. године 2013, 306,
cat. 62.
89 The “Great Mother” type of Fortuna terracotta statuettes is
known mostly by the finds from Rome, Rausa 1997, 126, num. 1b, d.
90 Величковић 1972, 59.
91 Нововић-Кузмановић 2005, 94; Nardelli 2008, 237.
92 The group composition of the goddess Victoria who is giving a wreath to Fortuna is shown on the gems Ibid, 404–405, cat.
271–274, T. XXIII, Ibid, 96; on two gems, Hermes–Thoth is presenting a wreath to Isis–Fortuna, 417–418, cat. 315–316, T. XXVII,
93 Ibid, 406–408, cat. 275–283, T. XXIV.
94 The oval gem of unknown provenience is made of orange
carnelian (13.2 x 10.2 x 3.2 mm), now held in the National Museum
in Belgrade, inv. num. 1865/II, Ibid, 406, cat. 275, T. XXIV.
95 Ibid, cat. 276–278, T. XXIV.
96 Like gems from Hannover and Seville, Rausa 1997, 136,
num. 177a, 168d; gems from Berlin, Lichocka 1997, Fig. 542–543.
97 Нововић-Кузмановић 2005, cat. 271–274, T. XXIII.
98 Rausa 1997, 134, num. 143–147.
99 Lichocka 1997, num. 532, 533, 537.
100 Нововић-Кузмановић 2005, 417–418, cat. 315–316, T.
101 Rausa 1997, 134, num. 132–134.
102 Lichocka 1997, num. 536.
The Cult of Goddess Fortuna in the Roman Central Balkans (163–180)
Fig. 12. Gems with a presentation of:
a) Victoria crowning Fortuna; b) of Hermes–Thoth crowning Fortuna; c) Fortuna and a child
(photo documentation: Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade)
Сл. 12. Гемe са представaмa:
a) Викторије која крунише Фортуну; b) Хермес–Тота који крунише Фортуну; c) Фортуне и детета
(фото-документација Археолошки институт Београд)
unknown provenience, made of obsidian. The gem
from the Novi Beograd locality presents a stylised but
very skilfully modelled image of the goddess Fortuna,
where significant attention has been paid to the details
of the deity’s figure, shown with a cornucopia in her
right hand and placing her left hand on a rudder.103
There is a strong resemblance to the stylistic characteristics of the gem from Oxford.104 The gem from Novi
Beograd is dated to the 3rd century. The gem of unknown provenience shows the goddess holding a cornucopia in her right hand, while with her left stretched
hand she is touching the hand of a child who kneels
beside her (Fig. 12c)105 This iconographic type of
goddess Fortuna presents her as the protectress of
children and their fate, which is related to the same
function the deity had in Praeneste. An almost identical presentation is found in a gemstone from Munich,
dated to the period of the 2nd–3rd century.106 The gem
of unknown provenience is most probably an import
from Italy, not only because of the symbolic role of
the goddess, but also because of the skilful modelling
of the composition, in the same period as its analogy
from Munich, in the 2nd or the 3rd century.
Considering the popularity of gems with the image
of Fortuna in the Central Balkan Roman provinces, it
can be presumed that her popularity was due to her
protection and guidance of individuals during their
lives, but also after their deaths, securing them salvation and happiness.
The epigraphic and archaeological material from
the Roman Central Balkans attest to the significant
popularity of Fortuna’s cult in the mentioned territory
– she was honoured under different epithets (salutaris,
aeterna or sacra) mostly by frequent ones, but also by
The gem in a silver ring (width 2.9cm) was found in Novi
Beograd, and is now situated in the National Museum in Belgrade,
inv. num. 882/II, Поповић 1992, cat. 90; Нововић-Кузмановић
2005, cat. 282, T. XXIV.
104 Rausa 1997, 129, num. 51i.
105 The gem of unknown provenience, bought from H. Lederer
from Belgrade, now in the National Museum in Belgrade, inv. num.
340/III, Нововић-Кузмановић 2005, cat. 283, T. XXIV.
106 Rausa 1997, 118, num. 8.
107 Kajanto 1988, 566.
108 The votive monument dedicated to Dea Fortuna was
found at the entrance of Niš fortress, where, near by, public thermae were discovered in later archaeological excavations. A votive
monument, possibly from Aesculapius’ shrine, was also found in
the area of Niš fortress, dedicated by the first known physician in
Niš, Claudius Magnus, Gavrilović Vitas 2020, 69–70. The cult of
Fortuna Balnearis was popular in the baths in the frontier provinces
and the goddess was probably considered the guardian of bathing
facilities and thermal sources, Kajanto 1988, 573–574; Champeaux
1987, 215, ft. 80, 81.
109 Ammianus Marcellinus, Res Gestae, XXI. 5.3, 13; XXVI.
2.9. In his Panegyric on the Sixth Consulship of the Emperor Honorius (A. D. 404), Claudian implies that the cult and the temple of
Fortuna Redux in Rome were still significant for the population
and the city at the beginning of the 5th century (in 404), Claudian,
Panegyric, XXVIII. 1.
The Cult of Goddess Fortuna in the Roman Central Balkans (163–180)
a very rare epithet Domina from a votive altar found
in Čiflak, near Ulpiana, which is attested only on one
more votive monument, discovered in El Mesaurat in
Egypt. Her dedicants were procurators, decurion, soldiers, but also a woman who was probably a Romanised inhabitant from the vicinity of Skoplje (Scupi).
That the goddess Fortuna was venerated by soldiers
not only in epigraphic, but also archaeological monuments, could be implied by the finds of marble statues
of the deity, found in Roman fortresses in Ravna (Timacum Minus), Kostol (Pontes) and Prahovo (Aquae).
Soldiers (from ordinary soldiers to legati and veterans)
represent the most numerous of the goddess’s devotees in other Roman provinces as well (particularly in
the frontier provinces), like in Germania Superior,
Britannia and Pannonia, which is quite logical since
the goddess symbolised protection and luck.
The official goddess, Fortuna populi Romani, was
protectress of Romans, especially in war,107 therefore
it was quite natural for soldiers to turn to and pray to
Fortuna imperatrix mundi, as the goddess who would
make them safe during their travels and combats and
who would bring them luck and success in their campaigns and wars. The marble statues of the goddess
discovered in Viminacium could present the deity’s
cult statues that were placed in her temple or the temple
of some deity that had similar competences as Fortuna
(the goddess Nemesis, for example). Currently known
bronze statuettes of the goddess present typical provincial works from the 2nd or the 3rd century, with the
exception of the statuette from Guberevac, which is a
unique find of the iconographic type of Isis–Fortuna,
where Fortuna is presented with an Isis headdress on
her head, while holding a cornucopia and a rudder. As
for the gemstones with the image of goddess Fortuna,
besides her usual presentation as a standing mature
woman holding a cornucopia and a rudder in her hands,
two more types of iconographic presentations are
known – of Victoria crowning Fortuna with a wreath
and of Hermes–Thoth crowning Fortuna in the same
way. An exquisite example is presented on a gem of
unknown provenience, where Fortuna is shown placing her hand on a child’s head, thus confirming the dimension of the goddess as the protectress of children
and youth. As for the temples and presumed sanctuaries of Fortuna in the territory of Central Balkan Roman provinces, the inscription on an architrave found
at the entrance of the Gračanica monastery near Ulpiana confirms that there was a temple of the goddess
there. Another sanctuary of Fortuna can be presumed
in Niš (Naissus), based on the presence of her priest
Aurelius Dexter in 221, which could, perhaps, have
been connected with the cult of Fortuna Balnearis,
the protectress of baths and thermal springs.108 A third
temple of the goddess could be assumed in the locality
of Lopate, west of Kumanovo, where, besides a votive
monument dedicated to Fortuna Salutaris, the remains
of some sacred antique objects were also discovered.
Although, to date, the cult of the goddess Fortuna has
not been epigraphically attested in Viminacium, the
finds of two votive reliefs and two marble statues of
the goddess indicate the possibility of the existence of
a sanctuary or a shrine in the capital of Moesia Superior, where Fortuna was venerated.
The latest monuments of the goddess’s cult from
the Roman Central Balkans are dated to the last decades of the 3rd century, when the budding Christianity
was overpowering paganism, not only in this particular
territory, but over the entire Roman Empire. However,
the cult of the goddess who ensured the emperor’s
wellbeing, safety and rule, and who also gave her protection and luck to individuals and families, still influenced the lives of Roman emperors and citizens in the
period of Late Antiquity, as her temples, like the temple of Fortuna Redux in Rome, still existed in the early
5th century.109
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Срејовић, Цермановић-Кузмановић 1987 – Д. Срејовић, А. Цермановић-Кузмановић, Римска скулптура у
Србији, Београд 1987 (D. Srejović, A. Cermanović-Kuzmanović, Rimska skulptura u Srbiji, Beograd 1987).
Tomović 1993 – M. Tomović, Roman Sculpture in Upper
Moesia, Belgrade 1993.
Величковић 1972 – М. Величковић, Римска ситна
бронзана пластика у Народном Музеју, Београд 1972
(M. Veličković, Rimska sitna bronzana plastika u Narodnom Muzeju, Beograd 1972).
Villard 1997 – L. Villard, Tyche, LIMC VIII. 1, 1997,
Вулић 1931 – Н. Вулић, Антички споменици наше земље,
ССКА LXXI, Београд 1931, 4–259 (N. Vulić, Antički spomenici naše zemlje, SSKA LXXI, Beograd 1931, 4–259).
Вулић 1934 – Н. Вулић, Антички споменици наше земље,
ССКА LXVII, Београд 1934, 29–84 (N. Vulić, Antički spomenici naše zemlje, SSKA LXVII, Beograd 1934, 29–84).
Вулић 1941–1948 – Н. Вулић, Антички споменици наше
земље, ССКА XCVIII, Београд 1948. 1–335 (N. Vulić,
Antički spomenici naše zemlje, SSKA XCVIII, Beograd
1948. 1–335).
Walbank 2010 – M. E. Hoskins Walbank, The Coinage of
Roman Corinth, in Corinth in Context: Comparative Studies
on Religion and Society, eds. S. Friesen, D. N. Schowalter,
J. Walters, Leiden 2010, 151–199.
Zotović 1973 – Lj. Zotović, Mitraizam na tlu Jugoslavije,
Beograd 1973.
The Cult of Goddess Fortuna in the Roman Central Balkans (163–180)
Резиме: НАДЕЖДА ГАВРИЛОВИЋ ВИТАС, Археолошки институт, Београд
Кључне речи. – богиња Фортуна, римске провинције централног Балкана, римска војска, светилишта
Култ богиње Фортуне у римским провинцијама централног Балкана потврђен је бројним вотивним споменицима,
вотивним рељефима, скулптурама, бронзаним статуетама
и представама богиње на гемама. На основу убикације локалитета на којима је култ Фортуне потврђен, може се констатовати да највећи број споменика потиче из источних и
јужних делова централног Балкана, за разлику од западног
дела, у коме није констатован ниједан споменик божанства.
На вотивним споменицима, дедикације богињи Фортуни
се чине самостално или са Генијем, са епитетима под којима
је богиња позната и у другим римским провинцијама (Dea,
Salutaris, Sacrum), изузев епитета Domina на вотивном споменику са локалитета Чифлак, близу Улпијане и Aeterna на
вотивном споменику из Грачанице. На једном од два вотивна рељефа из Костолца, посвета је упућена Генију, који је
вероватно био представљен заједно са Фортуном на оштећеном делу рељефа, у функцији заштитника одређене особе,
породице и/или дома особе/особа у питању.
Налази мермерних скулптура и бронзаних статуета богиње Фортуне указују да је божанство представљано по
увреженом иконографском канону – као зрела жена која
стоји, обучена у дуг хитон са химатионом преко левог рамена, некада са калатосом, полосом, дијадемом или велом на
глави, држећи рог изобиља у левој руци и десном руком
ослоњена на кормило. Одређене скулптуре и статуете, као
мермерна скулптура Фортуне из Виминацијума и бронзана
статуета богиње непознате провенијенције, представљају
изузетно вешто и зналачки моделоване примере провинцијске уметности из 3. века н. е. Бронзана статуета богиње
из Губеревца представља синкретистички тип Изиде–Фортуне, препознатљив по карактеристичној Изидиној круни
на глави божанства, који је познат и са две геме непознате
провенијенције, са представом Хермеса–Тота који крунише Изиду–Фортуну венцем. До сада познати налази гема
указују на развијену локалну производњу глиптике, изузев
геме непознате провенијенције на којој је богиња Фортуна
приказана са дететом, што је у вези са димензијом Фортуне
као заштитнице деце и дечје судбине (Fortuna Praenestina), и
која се може сматрати италским импортом услед симболике представе, али и изузетно прецизне и зналачке обраде
саме композиције.
Епиграфски и археолошки налази у вези са култом богиње Фортуне указују на постојање храмова божанства у
или у околини Улпијане, у Нишу, у околини Куманова, вероватно и у Виминацијуму. Храмове богиње Фортуне треба
свакако очекивати и на другим локалитетима централног
Балкана, услед њене улоге заштитнице појединаца, али и
породица и градова, богиње која доноси срећу у ратним,
али и мирнодопским условима, у трговини, на копненим,
речним и морским путовањима, термама и бањама, једном
речју у различитим животним околностима обичног човека, али и императора, његове породице и римске државе.
UDC: 904:631.512"652"(497.11)
Original research article
OLIVERA ILIĆ, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
MLADEN JOVIČIĆ, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
[email protected]
Abstract. – The several decades long rescue excavations of the ancient city of Viminacium have brought to light a large number
of finds with very varied functions. In this paper, we will focus our attention on the remains of agricultural tools. They can be
grouped according to their application: tools for clearing plants and preparing the soil for cultivation, tools used for tillage,
implements for shredding and preparation for planting, as well as those used for mowing, harvesting, soil cleaning, and haymaking.
The finds of agricultural tools that we present in this paper, although small in number, represent the most reliable indicators of
agricultural activities in the period from the 2nd to the beginning of the 4th century, when Viminacium went through its period of
greatest prosperity.
Key words. – Roman agricultural tools, Roman farming, villae rusticae, ager of Viminacium
he northern parts of the Roman province of
Moesia Superior belong to a wider geographical area, the Middle and Lower Danube Valley.
After the conquest of this territory in the process of Roman expansion in the 1st century AD and the establishment of Roman administration in the newly-created
provinces, organised urbanisation emerged, alongside
autochthonous rural settlements, which continued to
exist for some time. The Roman reign brought new organisational methods in economy and, thus, in agricultural production, as one of the most important economic
activities, more or less successfully including the local
population, which depended on the Romanisation level
of the newly established Roman provinces. Due to insufficient historical data, we can only assume the role of
the autochthonous element, not completely define it. The
structure of agricultural properties is also insufficiently
known, since the data provided by previous archaeological excavations refers to other parts of the Empire,
where the agricultural organisation had to differ from
that in the Balkan provinces due to different climatic
and other natural conditions and different levels of economic development.1 Therefore, the reconstruction of
agriculture in all its aspects represents one of the main
factors for understanding the course of Roman influence in the provinces formed in the Balkans areas.
Roman government brought changes in the manner of working the land and cultivating the soil in conquered regions. Technological development and the improvement of tools used in agricultural production
certainly resulted in an increase in yields on those agricultural estates where such innovations had been applied. It is difficult, however, to clarify in what manner
this affected economic relationships between existing
sections of the population. Even though parts of the
public land (ager publicus) could have been given to
members of the autochthonous population as well, this,
however, was probably a rare occurrence, because the
Lewit 2004, 91–166; Busanam, Forin 2020, 17–29; Tortosa
2020, 31–43.
Manuscript received 5th February 2021, accepted 3rd September 2021
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
Map 1. The position of Viminacium on the map of Roman provinces with the area of Stig plain
(modify after: Mirković 2007, 8, Abb. 1)
Карта 1. Положај Виминацијума са издвојеном регијом равнице Стиг
(измењено према: Mirković 2007, 8, Abb. 1)
largest portion of public land was given to landowners
from Italy or earlier Romanised provinces in the west,
or to Roman veterans. Colonists would get land within
the ager of the colonies, and veterans usually received
territories that were within the jurisdiction of legionary
camps (prata legionis),2 and which were located at a
distance from a given camp.3 According to M. Mirković, in the 2nd–3rd century, veterans represented the
middle class of landowners and it was probable that a
considerable part of the territory at the limes belonged
to them, even before the formation of the border militia
– milites limitanei.4 On the basis of data provided by
written sources, epigraphic and archaeological material, it is assumed that imperial domains comprehended
large areas in the wider territory of the Balkans.5 There
are indications that would suggest the existence of imperial properties in the vicinity of Viminacium: an imperial procurer mentioned in an inscription from Vimi-
nacium, dedicated to Septimius Severus, confirms this
The least known factor in the system of Roman agriculture is the immediate workforce, and within it, the
position of the autochthonous population. Tenant farmers were probably cultivating the land of the municipal
aristocracy. Their existence during the period when the
Romans came to these areas, but also later, certainly influenced the changes in the Roman production system,
Mócsy 1972, 133–168; Zaninović 1985, 63–79; Mason 1988,
163–189; Bohec 2000, 219.
3 On the settlement of Roman veterans in the territory of the
province of Moesia Superior cf. Ферјанчић 2002, 154–165.
4 Mirković 1968, 138.
5 Mirković 1996, 58–61.
6 Mirković 1968, 138, note 12.
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
but they also slowed down the spread of slave-ownership. Afterwards, with the progress of Romanisation,
their numbers diminished, first and foremost because
of their ever increasing participation in military service.
It can be assumed that, in time, slave labour began to
be used for agricultural activities. This is supported by
epigraphic data from the 3rd century, where it is stated
that when land was assigned to soldiers, they would
also receive, at the same time, slaves and cattle.7
When the city gained the status of a municipium
(117 AD), its territory covered a larger part of the plain
in the lower course of the Mlava River, on the Stig
plain, while, after acquiring the status of a colony (239
AD), Viminacium expanded to cover the entire Stig
plain and Veliko Gradište (Pincum).8 The Stig plane
was a very important agrarian area in the Antique period, just as it is today. It was the largest plain in the
province of Moesia Superior, with its northern border
along the Danube, to the west the Mlava River, and in
the east and south-east it borders the Homolje ranges
(Map 1). The fertile valley at the confluence of the river Mlava into the Danube provided conditions for intensive settling activity in this area even during prehistory, as well as later, during Antiquity. The valley of the
Danube was often flooded, thus turning the flood plain
into fertile ploughable land.
Archaeological excavations have established the
existence of a communication that led from the northern gate of the legionary camp, along the valley of the
former Klepečka river, to Lederata. In the immediate
vicinity of this communication, five villae rusticae
were explored at the Rit sites and two at the Nad
Klepečkom site.9 Such a large number of villas in the
suburban parts of Viminacium indicates the dense population of this area in the period of Roman administration, which can be brought into connection with the fertile land suitable for farming, especially the cultivation
of cereals. Good communications with other city centres, first and foremost Singidunum on one side and the
Morava river valley on the other, as well as the fortification system along the Danube limes, enabled the continuous transit of merchandise and safe markets.
The several decades long rescue excavations of the
antique city of Viminacium brought to light a large
number of finds of very varied functions. Since archaeological excavations are conditioned by works on the
surface mine “Drmno”, the discoveries of city necropoles and other urban structures have provided the most
visible results so far.10 The formation of agricultural
estates outside the city is linked to economic prosperi-
ty during the 2nd and the first half of the 3rd century,
when most of the inhabitants of the wider city territory lived and worked on them. Relative political security in this period enabled, among other things, the development of farming, which was one of the basic
activities in the area of the fertile plain of Stig in the
province of Moesia Superior. The marginalisation of
topics regarding rural settlements (vici, villae rusticae),
economics of agricultural estates, agricultural production, economic aspects of life etc. has been partially
lessened in the last few years through discoveries of
villas on several sites in the wider area of the city territory of Viminacium (Fig. 1).11 These discoveries in
the immediate urban surroundings are indicative of the
importance that agriculture had for the inhabitants of
Viminacium and its surroundings, but they still do not
provide answers to questions related to the scope and
structure of the ager of the city.
In order to obtain more reliable data on the development of Roman agriculture in the ager of Viminacium, it is necessary to have an insight into a whole series of research, starting with research of the climate,
relief, soil, archaeobotanical and archaeozoological
analyses. However, this time we will focus our attention on the agricultural tools that are a clear indicator
of agricultural activities in the wider urban area of
Viminacium. They were found in various locations, often near buildings within an agricultural estate.
Mirković 1968, 138, note 14.
Popović 1968, 30.
9 Jovičić, Redžić 2014, 54–59; Redžić et al. 2014, 67–69;
Danković, Petaković 2014, 60–63; Redžić et al. 2017a, 77-86; Korać et al. 2018, 62–63; Milovanović et al. 2019, 97–108; Milovanović et al. 2021, 101–114.
10 There are numerous papers dealing with the research activities at Viminacium. On this occasion, we would like to point out only
some of the titles that provided new discoveries on this significant
site: Љ. Зотовић, Јужне некрополе Виминација и погребни
обреди, Viminacivm 1/1986, Пожаревац 1986, 41–60; Љ. Зотовић,
Ч. Јордовић, Viminacium I: некропола Више гробаља, Београд
1991; M. Korać, S. Golubović, Viminacium: Više Grobalja 2, Beograd 2009; M. Korać, Slikarstvo grobnica u Viminacijumu, Požarevac 2000; M. Korać, Oil-lamps from Viminacium (Moesia Superior),
Beograd 2018.
11 Archaeological excavations on the wider territory of the city
brought to life a significant number of agricultural estates, villae
rusticae, which represented both residential, but also economic
buildings that were the centres of agricultural and craft production,
cf. Korać et al., Research of Viminacium and its suburban zones, in:
Vivere Militare Est From Populus to Emperors – Living on the Frontier, S. Golubović, N. Mrđić (eds.), Belgrade 2018, 62–63.
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
Fig. 1. Villae rusticae at Viminacium and its surroundings
(Doc. of the Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade, Project Viminacium)
Сл. 1. Villae rusticae у Виминацијуму и његовој околини
(Док. Археолошког института у Београду, Viminacium пројекат)
Agricultural tools from Viminacium can be grouped
according to their application: tools for clearing plants
and preparing the soil for cultivation (pickaxe, mattock), tools used for tillage, implements for shredding
and preparation for planting (spade, drag hoe), as well
as those used for mowing, harvesting, soil cleaning, and
haymaking (pruning hook, sickle).
One example of tools intended for clearing vegetation and preparing the soil for cultivation has been
identified in the wider territory of Viminacium (No. 1).
Strictly speaking, these tools were not used for tilling
the soil but rather to prepare the terrain for further cultivation, so we can classify them as tools used for farming. According to their type, they are pickaxes, men-
tioned in sources as dolabra.12 They are combined
tools, consisting of an axe on one side and a pick on the
other. As a multi-purpose tool, depending on its shape,
size and weight, it was used in agriculture, silviculture,
mines and quarries, and it was a part of the standard
equipment of a Roman soldier, being used, among other things, for building wooden-earthen fortifications.
As an agricultural tool, the pickaxe was used for clearing and preparing the soil for further cultivation, to remove roots and stumps and cut dry branches, as well
as to hill up vineyards. Depending on their function,
these tools had several shapes. Finds of pickaxes are
numerous along the Iron Gates section of the Roman
limes and deeper in the hinterland. Examples similar to
White 1967, 61–65.
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
finds from Viminacium originate from Boljetin (Smorna), Kraku lu Jordan, Rudna Glava, Grocka, Salakovac
near Požarevac,13 a hoard of tools from Poljane near
Požarevac,14 a hoard of tools from Melnica near Petrovac na Mlavi,15 from Caričin Grad,16 and from Gornji
Streoc in Kosovo.17
Finds similar to our example are numerous in the
neighbouring areas, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the
remains of a Roman villas in Stup near Sarajevo, Mogorjelo near Čapljina,18 in Slovenia,19 in Bulgaria, in a
hoard of tools from the Early Byzantine fortification in
the village of Žeglica,20 and in a hoard of iron items
from Elenovo.21
Two specimens were discovered in the territory of
Viminacium that we can identify as a mattock (No. 2,
3). It was used, in most cases, for removing bushes and
roots in gardens, but also for crushing earth. In mountainous areas, heavy mattocks were used instead of
ploughing utensils. Terminological dilemmas regarding a precise term for this type of tools have not yet
been resolved. The general term used in written sources
for tools belonging to mattocks and hoes is sarculum.22
However, as their functions are partly intertwined, it is
not possible to distinguish exactly the tools sarculum,
ligo and marra on the basis of data from ancient sources. There are numerous variations in terms of the
weight, shape and length of the cutting edge, which are
indicative of the composition of the soil and the need
to adjust the tools and use them in the best manner possible in agricultural activities. In the territory of the
Central Balkans, especially in the section along the
Danube limes, findings of mattocks are common, which
indicates a multi-purpose use of this tool in earthworks.
We found corresponding analogies for these tools from
the site of Ušće near Obrenovac,23 and Gornji Streoc
in Kosovo.24 Similar specimens in Serbia come from:
Sremska Mitrovica, Kostol (Pontes), Karataš (Diana),
Veliki Gradac, Golubac, Dražaj near Grocka, Paraćin,
Caričin Grad,25 and Gradina na Jelici.26
A considerable number of typologically different
examples, conditioned by differences in the quality and
structure of the soil, come from Roman sites in Bosnia
and Herzegovina: a Roman villa in Mogorjelo, in Stup
near Sarajevo, Japra – Majdanište, Krnjeuša, Prisoja,
Stoc, Hrvaćani near Banja Luka, and Dračeva Strana.27
They have also been found on sites in Bulgaria:
Sadovec (Sadovsko Kale), Krivina (Iatrus), Svištov
(Novae), and Razgrad (Abritus).28
Agricultural tools also encompass spades, used for
many purposes. One specimen was discovered in the
territory of Viminacium (No. 4). Several types of this
tool are mentioned in written sources: pala, bipalium,
vanga, fossorium, ferrea, or scudicia.29 They were used
in gardening, for drainage works, for cutting out and
for turning the earth. The quality and composition of
the soil conditioned the shape of the cutting edge, so
the Mediterranean type differed significantly from the
Middle-European ones. The type most commonly
found on our territory was the Middle-European one,
whose cutting edge usually had a rectangular or trapezoidal shape, while the Mediterranean type was lighter, with a triangular cutting edge.
The finds of spades in the territory of today’s Serbia have not been very numerous, which would suggest
that wooden shovels, reinforced by iron, were also in
parallel use in this region. We encountered corresponding analogies for this object from the Brović hoard near
Obrenovac, which are chronologically determined into
the period from the 3rd up to the 4th century.30
A very close analogy to the example from Viminacium comes from Bosnia and Herzegovina, from the
site of Grude near Ljubuški.31 Similar examples have
been found in Hungary,32 Bulgaria: Razgrad (Abritus),33 a hoard in Elenovo, and in Thrace.34
Popović 1988, 59–61.
Шпехар, Јацановић 2015, 293, T. I/2–3.
Живковић, Арсенијевић 2007, 217, кат. 1–2, T. I/1–2.
Stamenković 2013, 84, sl. 71.
Ivanišević, Špehar 2006, 145, fig. 6/4.
Busuladžić 2014, 66, T. 47/ P. 23.
Pflaum 2007, 302, Pl. 3/23.
Λюбенова 1981, 164, обр. 104/2.
Kayumov, Minchev 2013, 331, fig. 5.
White 1967, 36–37.
Popović 1988, 37, T. I/5.
Ivanišević, Špehar 2006, 143, fig. 6/2.
Popović 1988, 36–38.
Milinković 2002, 104, Abb. 28/9, 12.
Busuladžić 2014, 61–63, T. 37–42/ P. 19–20.
Динчев Чолаков 2010, 70, фиг. 77/1, 87/1–2.
White 1967, 17.
Popović 1988, 34. T. I/2.
Busuladžić 2014, 60, T. 35.
Thomas 1964, 151, Abb. 79, 2a, 2b.
Динчев Чолаков 2010, 39, фиг. 27/4.
Kayumov, Minchev 2013, 333, fig. 7.
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
Drag hoe
The term rastrum comprehends tools with several
prongs. Tools with two prongs are known by the term
bidens, while drag hoes belong to tools with four or six
prongs – rastrum.35 Drag hoes were used for clearing
the terrain and gathering hay, and in mountainous, difficult to access terrains they also had the function of a
plough. One example has been found at Viminacium
(No. 5). In the territory of the Central Balkans, the finds
of a metal four-prong drag hoe (quadridens) are very
rare. This justifies the assumption that wooden tools –
pitchforks (rastelli) were used for clearing the terrain
and gathering hay.
Finds of drag hoes from the Roman period have not
been registered on the territory of Moesia Superior, except of this specimen from Viminacium. When it comes
to the wider area of the Balkan Peninsula, in Bosnia
and Herzegovina, finds of Roman drag hoes have been
discovered on the sites in Halapić near Glamoč and on
the site of a Roman villa in Žabljak near Doboj, which
were very broadly dated into the period from the 1st up
to the 6th century.36 A somewhat older find of a fourprong drag hoe (rastrum quadridens) was discovered
at the site of Unec near Rakek in Slovenia, and it was
dated to the end of the La Tène period.37
Pruning hook
Pruning hooks are widely used farming tools and
similar to sickles and scythes. They belong to the group
of tools under the general term of falces. Depending on
their specific purpose, Roman writers distinguished
twelve types.38 Hooks were used for cutting and pruning in general, within different activities: for clearing
out weeds, different vegetation, cutting thorns or pruning grapevines, for picking different types of fruit and
grape clusters.
Examples of pruning hooks from Viminacium (No.
6–12) have a semi-circular bent cutting edge, with a triangular cross-section, bent almost at a right angle in the
upper part. The lower part of the cutting edge turns into
an insertion tang with a rectangular cross-section. In
some examples, the insertion tang has a flat end, and in
others, it is bent in the shape of a loop.
We found corresponding analogies for the pruning
hooks from Viminacium in the territory of Serbia in:
Saldum,39 Poljane near Požarevac (hoard of tools)40 and
the early Byzantine fortification Gradina na Jelici.41
Apart from direct parallels, similar specimens were
discovered on sites along the Iron Gates limes, but also
in the hinterland and deeper in the interior of the Central
Balkans: Singidunum, Čezava – Novae, Boljetin – Smorna, Ravna – Campsa, Karataš – Diana, Kraku lu Jordan,
Hajdučka Vodenica, Gamzigrad – Romuliana, Mediana,42 and Caričin Grad.43
Pruning hooks of various types have been registered
in all parts of the Empire, from Rome, Great Britain in
the west, up to the Near East.44 It was because of the
wide application of this tool in different fieldwork that
it was in mass use. In countries neighbouring ours,
pruning hooks similar to our examples have also been
identified in large numbers in Bosnia and Herzegovina
– in villas in Višići, Dračeva Strana, Proboj, Lisičići,
Stup, Grude, Ljubuški, Krehin Gradac, Tasovčići and
Mogorjelo,45 in Hungary,46 in Romania,47 in Bulgaria,
on numerous sites, from Roman cities of Ratiaria, Augusta, fortification of Castra Martis, Late Antique villa in
Pernik, etc.48
The repertoire of agricultural tools is completed at
Viminacium with sickles (falx messoria) (No. 13–14).
They were widely used in farming for harvesting activities. Sickles have an arched cutting edge, with a short
handle, located along the axis of the cutting edge. The
curve of the cutting edge varies, from a shallow arch to
a semi-ellipse. The sickles originating from Viminacium
indicate that the inhabitants were collecting grain from
the harvest fields in the vicinity of the city.
Two iron sickles with differently shaped blades
were found in the surroundings of Viminacium. This
tool is frequently encountered on archaeological sites
in the territory of the provinces of the Central Balkans
from the entire Roman period. Sickles similar to our
specimens have been found from the building complex
at Ušće near Obrenovac, in the hoard of Brović near
White 1967, 52–53.
Busuladžić 2014, 80, P. 32, sl. 96, 97.
Gabrovec 1955, sl. 4.
White 1967, 73–74.
Jeremić 2009, 168, fig. 81, cat. 500.
Шпехар, Јацановић 2015, 293, T. I/4.
Milinković 2002, 123–124, Abb. 37/1; 38/1.
Popović 1988, 77–78.
Stamenković 2013, 84, sl. 71.
More about pruning hooks cf. Popović 1988, 76–77.
Busuladžić 2014, 78, T. 65–71, P. 30.
Thomas 1964, 70–72.
Protase 1980, 60, fig. 12.
Динчев Чолаков 2010, 41–51, фиг. 46.
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
Fig. 2. Map of the site Nad Klepečkom with the location of excavated villas, rural settlement, and necropolis
(Doc. of the Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade, Project Viminacium)
Сл. 2. Карта локалитета Над Клепечком са локацијама истражених вила, сеоског насеља и некрополе
(Док. Археолошког института у Београду, Viminacium пројекат)
Obrenovac, and at the sites along the Danube limes:
Čezava – Novae, Boljetin – Smorna, Kostol – Pontes,
Caričin Grad,49 and Saldum.50
Analogies for our examples of sickles are numerous in neighbouring regions: in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on Roman agricultural estates, most prominently
villae rusticae in Novi Šeher, Ljusina, Stup, Tutnjevac,
Proboj, Mogorjelo;51 in Hungary,52 on numerous sites
in Bulgaria, of which a certain number originate from
villas, from Razgrad (Abritus), Krivina (Iatrus), etc.53
which is located to the east of the legionary camp and
the city. Even though it had been known from before
in archaeological literature,54 more recent archaeological research of the site, which began in 2004, brought
new discoveries, which indicate the scope and importance of Roman farming in this area.55 Being located
on the route planned for the exploitation of the surface
Popović 1988, 83–84, type A/a.
Jeremić 2009, 168, cat. 498.
51 Busuladžić 2014, 74, T. 57–60, P. 27–28.
52 Thomas 1964, 138, 151.
53 Динчев Чолаков 2010, 52–53, фиг. 58–60.
54 Mirković 1986, 31, note 25.
55 Archaeologists from the Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade, under the leadership of the head of the Viminacium project,
Dr Miomir Korać, participated in these excavations.
The agricultural tools presented in the paper come
from different sites from the ager of Viminacium.
The largest number of finds registered so far comes
from the site of Nad Klepečkom (No. 1–3, 5–7, 13),
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
Fig. 3. Plan of the rural settlement from the site Nad Klepečkom (after: Mrđić, Jovičić 2012, 53, Sl. 2)
Сл. 3. План сеоског насеља на локалитету Над Клепечком (према: Mrđić, Jovičić 2012, 53, Sl. 2)
mine “Drmno”, rescue excavations were performed in
the period from 2008 to 2013.56 On this occasion, remains of two necropoles with cremated and inhumed
deceased individuals were researched, as well as a rural-type settlement and two separate villae rusticae
(Fig. 2, 3). One of the villas, with impressive dimensions, represents the largest complex of this type researched so far at Viminacium (average dimensions of
villas researched so far were ca 500 m², while this complex was over 2,500 m²). It was a villa that was most
probably the centre of a larger agricultural estate. According to the researchers, the rooms to the east and
south of the central courtyard were rooms for the accommodation of the owner of the villa and his family,
while the rooms to the west of the courtyard were intended for economic activities (Fig. 4, 5).57 On the basis of a preliminary analysis of mobile finds, the villa
can be dated to the period of the 2nd century.58 The necropolis and another, smaller villa, discovered somewhat earlier, also belong to this period.59 All the villae
rusticae registered so far at Viminacium were mostly
dated to the period of the 3rd and the 4th century,60 thus,
the villas discovered to the east of the city, at the site
of Nad Klepečkom, represent the oldest buildings of
this type registered in the area of the province of Moesia Superior and provide precious data for the future
research of this topic.
Two finds of agricultural tools came from the site
of Rit (No. 8, 9). The site of Rit is located to the north
and north-east of the urban centre of the city and the legionary camp of Viminacium (Fig. 6). Rescue archaeological excavations at the site of Rit began in 2004,
they were resumed in 2012 and continue today.61 On
the basis of archaeological results obtained so far, the
existence of two Antique roads was established in the
vicinity of buildings with a residential character.
Four villas have been researched so far, of which
three were located along the road from the northern
gate of the legionary camp that, after about 400 m, went
to north, and then turned towards the east, while one
villa was located along the road which lead from the
northern gate of the legionary camp to the east. Along this
second road, a workshop complex with the remains of a
workshop for dyeing and processing fabrics – fullonica
Mrđić, Jovičić 2012, 50–53; Jovičić, Redžić 2014, 54–59;
Redžić et al. 2014, 66–69; Milovanović et al. 2021, 101–114.
57 Jovičić, Redžić 2014, 55.
58 Jovičić, Redžić 2014, 59.
59 Redžić, et al. 2014, 67–69.
60 Jovičić, Redžić 2012.
61 Mikić et al. 2006, 21–26; Redžić et al. 2014, 66–69; Redžić,
et al. 2017a, 77–86; Milovanović et al. 2017, 71–76; Milovanović
et al. 2021, 101–114.
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
Fig. 4. Plan of the villa rustica No. 2 from the site Nad Klepečkom (after: Jovičić, Redžić 2014, 55, Sl. 2)
Fig. 5. Remains of the Roman villa during excavation, site Nad Klepečkom (after: Jovičić, Redžić 2014, 54, Sl. 3).
Сл. 4. План рустичне виле бр. 2, на локалитету Над Клепечком (према: Jovičić, Redžić 2014, 55, Sl. 2)
Сл. 5. Снимак остатака римске виле током ископавања, локалитет Над Клепечком
(према: Jovičić, Redžić 2014, 54, Sl. 3)
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
Fig. 6. Map of the site Rit with the location of excavated villas and necropolis
(Doc. of the Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade, Project Viminacium)
Сл. 6. Карта локалитета Рит са локацијама истражених вила и некрополе
(Док. Археолошког института у Београду, Viminacium пројекат)
was discovered (Fig. 7).62 On the basis of mobile finds
and coins discovered inside the villas, and the dating of
the necropolis that was formed accordingly (coins of
Caracalla, Severus Alexander, Philip the Arab, Saloninus, Gallienus, Claudius Gothicus, Aurelianus and Probus), it was established that the villas at the site of Rit
were inhabited during the 3rd century.63 Archaeological
excavations conducted so far indicate that life at the site
of Rit ended during the last decades of the 3rd century,
which was most probably the consequence of the failure
of the drainage system. This area became very prone to
flooding, turning into wetland filled with marshes, as
confirmed by the modern toponym for this place.64
Several finds of agricultural tools came from the
territory of the southern necropolis (No. 4, 10–12, 14).
During the several decades long rescue excavations, the
area of the southern necropolis was subdivided into
several sites, which were termed “necropoles” in the
older literature,65 according to local toponyms: Više
Grobalja, Pećine, Kod Grobalja, Burdelj, Velika Kapija, Carine and Kod Bresta (Fig. 8).66
Redžić, et al. 2017a, 80–83.
Redžić, et al. 2017a, 78–84.
64 Danković, Petaković 2013, 63. In Serbian, Rit is one of the
terms for a swamp.
65 On the necropoles of Viminacium, cf. Љ. Зотовић, Ч.
Јордовић, Viminacium I: некропола Више гробаља, Београд 1991;
M. Korać, S. Golubović, Viminacium: Više Grobalja 2, Beograd 2009;
M. Korać, Slikarstvo grobnica u Viminacijumu, Požarevac 2000.
66 Since the previously used term of “necropoles” for each of
the areas of the southern necropolis could cause confusion, it was
decided that all the aforementioned sites belong to the southern necropolis of Viminacium (according to the oral communication of one
of the researchers, Dr Snežana Golubović).
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
Fig. 7. Workshop complex at the site Rit. Orthogonal projection of a 3D model
(after: Redžić et al. 2017a, 80, Sl. 3)
Сл. 7. Радионички комплекс на локалитету Рит. Ортогонална пројекција 3D модела
(према: Redžić et al. 2017a, 80, Sl. 3)
The necropolis at the site of Pećine, which is located to the south-west of the civilian settlement, is relatively well-known in scientific literature, and archaeological research on it has lasted, with some long and
short breaks, for over a century. The first steps in the
research of this necropolis were taken by Mihajlo Valtrović at the end of the 19th century, when he registered
the existence of a necropolis in this area.67 In 1970s,
within the preparations for the building of the thermal
power plant “Kostolac B”, intensive rescue excavations
began on the site, lasting all the way until 1990. During the mentioned period, ca 7,000 graves were researched at the site of Pećine, dated to the period from
the 1st to the 4th century,68 but also one necropolis dated to the second half of the 4th century and the beginning of the 3rd century BC, the La Tène period,69 one
Early Medieval (9th century), and one Late Medieval
(12th to 14th century).70 Aside from the units of a funereal character, workshop activities were also registered
on the site, confirmed by the discovery of eleven brick
and fourteen pottery kilns.71
In the period from 2015 to 2019, new research activities of the necropolis at the site of Pećine were performed and, on this occasion, a part of the necropolis
was discovered that had been unknown until then,
which can be determined, according to the finds, as
Late Antique.72
The favourable geographical micro-region in the
extremely mild and fertile valley of Stig, in which Viminacium was located, represented a suitable location for
agricultural production. Judging by the scope of the city
ager, it is clear that the inhabitants of rural areas beyond
Korać, Mikić 2014, 12.
Golubović 2004, 10–11, 14.
Jovanović 2018, 204.
Спасић 1990, 157–175.
Јордовић 1994, 95–105.
Jovičić et al. 2017, 56–61; Redžić et al. 2018, 79–90.
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
Fig. 8. Plan of Southern Necropolis at Viminacium
(Doc. of the Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade, Project Viminacium)
Сл. 8. План јужне некрополе у Виминацијуму
(Док. Археолошког института у Београду, Viminacium пројекат)
the city borders represented the majority of the population of Viminacium. The city, however, having the
role of the main marketplace, depended on its rural
area. Finds of agricultural tools that we present in this
paper, although small in number, are the most reliable
indicators of agricultural activities in the period from
the 2nd to the 4th century, when Viminacium went
through its period of greatest prosperity.
Even though we are still far from having a complete overview of the actual scope and structure of the
ager of Viminacium, more recent research of the wider
city territory does shed new light on agricultural activities and the importance of the rural economy in supplying provisions for the city population during the
Roman period. Aside from the development and improvement of tools intended for the cultivation of cereals, more information on the development of farming
activities in the wider city territory of Viminacium is
also provided by the results of archaeobotanical anal-
yses performed within archaeological research in the
last few years.73
The first analyses have shown that the area around
Viminacium was very suitable for plant economy. Even
though the main goal of these archaeobotanical analyses was to show which type of timber had been used
for the construction of the amphitheatre, the analysis
provided data on the presence of cereals and weeds as
well. The results showed the presence of five cereals
(loose six-row barley, rye, bread wheat, oats and
broomcorn millet) and one cultivated pulse crop, lentil. Three fruit species were identified: woodland strawberries (Fragaria vesca), hazel (Corylus avellana) and
common fig (Ficus carica). The list of weeds includes
25 plant names.74 All of these plants, with the exception
Medović 2014, 95–99.
Medović 2014, 97, T.1.
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
of millet, can be seen even today in the ploughland of
the valley of Stig. This ancient crop was suppressed,
over just a few centuries, by maize and, thus, virtually
vanished from ploughlands. These types of analyses
have a special importance, for they can show if there
had been any changes in the regional vegetation, which,
in turn, could point to a continuity or discontinuity in
the settling and usage of a given area.
Unfortunately, we cannot provide, for the time being, a precise answer to the question regarding how the
mentioned cereals were cultivated in Viminacium. In the
wider territory of Viminacium, there were no ploughing implements found, ploughs, or any transitional
more complex forms of ploughing devices that have
been found were in the fortifications along the Iron
Gates section of the Roman limes, in Mačva or Srem.75
We can only assume, bearing in mind the similar pedological and climatic conditions in these regions, that
similar forms of ploughing devices and similar methods of their application in agriculture were used in the
territory of Viminacium as well.
As we have mentioned before, the fertile valley of
Stig, where Viminacium is located, represents an ideal
place for farming and creating agricultural estates of
the villae rusticae type. One of the two villas at the site
of Nad Klepečkom, which is located to the east of the
urban core of the city and the castrum, represents the
largest complex of this type discovered so far, not only
in Viminacium, but also in the wider territory of the
Central Balkans. It was built on a slope of the hill of
Nosak and indicates, with its impressive dimensions,
that it was the centre of a larger agricultural estate (the
surface of the complex is over 2500 m²). In addition to
villas, a rural settlement consisting of a large number
of buildings was found at the same site. The character
of the settlement was certainly of a mixed type, but it
could be divided, generally speaking, into at least two
units. The first is the one closer to the city, where buildings of large dimensions dominate. Those were most
probably warehouses, with some of them having been
used perhaps as workshops as well. The other unit in
the east could have had a residential function.
Aside from the villa rustica at the site Nad Klepečkom, agricultural tools registered in the wider territory
of Viminacium come from another villa, from the site
of Rit, which is located to the north-east of the urban
core of the city, which represented not only a residential, but also a production and crafts centre, as was also
witnessed by the discovery of a workshop for dyeing
and processing – fullonica.
Most of the villae rusticae registered so far from the
area of Roman provinces in the territory of the Central
Balkans have been dated into the Late Antique period,76
hence, the villas built at the site of Nad Klepečkom,
which are chronologically determined into the 2nd century on the basis of finds, represent the oldest buildings
of this type. The appearance of such large complexes
of villas at Viminacium indicate that with the establishment of Roman government in conquered areas, especially those in the area of the Roman limes at the Danube,
a rapid Romanisation of those conquered territories
took place. The settling of Roman veterans occurred in
the wider territory of Roman cities and military fortifications, but colonists from Italy and merchants from
the East also came to be settled here. According to epigraphic data, the largest number of veterans from the
Upper Moesian legions IV Flavia and VII Claudia remained in settlements near the encampments of Singidunum and Viminacium.77 The oldest veteran monuments from the territory of Viminacium, which belong
to legion VII Claudia, come from the first half of the 2nd
century.78 Aside from this, in the epigraphic documentation preserved so far we encounter higher ranks of the
urban population which comprehended, in the first period, settled Roman citizens, who were later joined by
Romanised members of the local population as well.79
This oldest category of colonists obtained large properties, where spacious villas dominated, as residentialeconomic complexes. We assume that the owner of the
large villa built on the slope of the hill of Nosak, at the
site of Nad Klepečkom, could have been one such settler from higher social ranks, considering the size of the
object, but also the fact that the walls of the villa were
decorated with fresco paintings, and the rooms heated
with a system of floor and wall heating.80 A similar situation can be seen in the neighbouring territories of the
Balkan Peninsula as well, first and foremost in Bulgaria,
where a considerable number of finds of agricultural
tools (pickaxes, mattocks, spades, pruning hooks, sickles, etc.) was found in villas from the areas of Roman
cities and fortifications on the Lower Danube Limes:
Ratiaria, Abritus, Novae, Iatrus, and Castra Martis.81
Поповић 1986, 73–86.
Васић 1985, 124–141.
Ферјанчић 2002, 154–165.
Ферјанчић 2002, 161, кат. 357–359.
Мирковић 1981, 81–83.
Jovičić, Redžić 2014, 55–59, sl. 4.
Динчев Чолаков 2010.
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
In Romania, in the region of Transylvania, which
was a part of the Roman province of Dacia, agricultural
tools were found in a number of villas explored so far,
including ploughshares, sickles and other specifically
agricultural artefacts such as millstones (Hobiţa-Hobeni
hill, Aiudul de Sus, Deva 1, Hobiţa-Delineşti hill 2, and
Cinciş). Chronologically, the mentioned sites belong to
the 2nd and 3rd century, which covers the range of Roman
rule in that region.82
When it comes to Bosnia and Herzegovina, most
finds also come from agricultural estates – villae rusticae, some of which represented large production-craft
centres. Roman villas on the sites of Višići, Panik, Tutnjevac, Brodac, Proboj, Strupnić, Mogorjelo, Tišina,
Ljusina, and Založje were areas of agricultural activities, the cultivation of cereals, grapevines, olives, etc.83
They were also the areas in which new agro-technical
measures were introduced by the Roman government.
The large number of agricultural tools, shovels, spades,
mattocks, hoes, two-pronged hoes, pickaxes, hatchets,
ploughs, coulters, sickles, scythes, and hooks, show that
agricultural production had a significant role in the period of the Roman domination in the territory of today’s
Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Aside from most of the finds presented in the catalogue, which originate from Roman agricultural estates,
three agricultural tools were also registered at Viminacium (two hooks and a sickle), which come from the area
of the southern necropolis at the site of Pećine. One
hook and the sickle come from a waste pit, while the
other hook was found in the area of the necropolis outside of a grave space. Their find locations provide possibilities of different interpretations. One of the possible assumptions could be their use keep the graves in
order, i.e. to take care of the vegetation there, since Roman cemeteries were well managed and taking care of
the dead was common in the Roman Empire, bearing
in mind the great importance of the cult of the dead that
existed in Rome.84 Rescue excavations at Viminacium
performed in the past few years have contributed in a
significant manner to gaining new knowledge on the
suburban zones of the Antique Viminacium and life in
this area. We believe that veterans, colonists and merchants from the East, whose inflow to Viminacium began from the 2nd century, settled in the periphery of the
city, as shown by numerous villas discovered in the last
few years. Results obtained are certainly not final, but
they do enable a more precise overview of the wider
territory of Viminacium, providing precious information for studying this topic in the future.
1. Viminacium, Nad Klepečkom site
(Pl. I/1)
Roman villa rustica
Documentation Centre Viminacium (C 1667)
object 42, room VII
trench 83, depth 0.70 m
length 15.7 cm
iron, forging
dating 2nd century
The pickaxe was discovered within a large agricultural property at the site of Nad Klepečkom, in room
VII, to the west of the central courtyard.85 (Fig. 4) It is
trapezoidal in shape and arched, while the axe has a
slightly arched cutting edge. The head is composed of
two uneven length spikes, arranged in opposite directions. The insertion hole for the handle is circular. The
example from Viminacium belongs to type A/a, according to the typology by I. Popović.86
A large number of mobile finds was discovered in
the object, on the basis of which the pickaxe was dated: oil-lamps with volutes and an angled nozzle, with
volutes and a rounded nozzle, as well as a certain number of oil-lamps with short, rounded nozzles, dated to
the 1st–2nd century.87 Aside from these, the chronologically sensitive material found also included fibulae
with a button-shaped knob and with a hinge, similar to
the aucissa fibulas, dated to the 2nd century.88 Bronze
coins of Hadrian also date this item into the 2 nd
Oltean, Hanson 2007, 122–123.
Busuladžić 2014, 137–144.
84 On Roman funerary customs and the cult of the dead cf. J.
Bodel, Dealing with the dead in ancient Rome, in: Death and disease in the ancient city, (eds.) V. M. Hope, E. Marshall, London –
New York 2000, 128–151; Idem., The Life and Death of Ancient
Roman Cemeteries: Living with the Dead in Imperial Rome, Reconstruction and the Historic City: Rome and Abroad – an interdisciplinary approach, (eds.) Ch.Häuber, F.X. Schütz, G. M. Winder,
München 2014, 177–195. We would like to take this occasion to
thank Dr Gordana Jeremić, senior research associate at the Institute
of Archaeology, for the useful information regarding the maintenance of necropoles and the cult of the dead in the Roman
85 Jovičić, Redžić 2014, 58, sl. 2.
86 Popović 1988, 59.
87 Korać 2018, 19–85; 121–153; 185–295.
88 Redžić 2007, 13–14.
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
2. Viminacium, Nad Klepečkom site
(Pl. I/2; V/1)
Roman villa rustica
Documentation Centre Viminacium (C 1673)
object 42, room V
trench 84, depth 0.90 m
length 19.7 cm
iron, forging
dating 2nd century
The mattock has a narrow cutting edge, widened at
the end, with an elongated eyelet for inserting the handle.
The mattock was found in room V, to the east of the
central courtyard (Fig. 4).89 This room was connected
to room XIV, in which the previously mentioned hoard
of 44 lamps, dated to the period of the 2nd century, was
3. Viminacium, Nad Klepečkom site
(Pl. I/3; V/2)
Roman rural settlement
Documentation Centre Viminacium (C 1141)
object 30
trench 54, depth 0.80 m
length 23.5 cm
iron, forging
dating 2nd century
The iron mattock has a flared fan-shaped cutting
edge and a circular hole for the handle. The example
from Viminacium belongs to type B/b, according to the
typology by I. Popović.91 It was found in a layer in object
30 (Fig. 3), which was most probably a part of the residential complex at the site of Nad Klepečkom.92 Coins by
Augustus and Antoninus Pius, an oil-lamp with volutes
and a rounded nozzle, and an oil-lamp with a short,
rounded nozzle were also found in the same building,
dating this item to the period of the 1st–2nd century.93
4. Viminacium, Burdelj site (Pl. II/1; V/3)
Objects 1 and 2
Documentation Centre Viminacium (C 27)
trench 5, depth 0.60 m
length 32 cm
iron, forging
dating 4th century
The spade was found in a layer under the roof debris, in the area between the Late Antique buildings,
determined as Objects 1 and 2 in the archaeological
documentation. The spade had a trapezoidal cutting
edge, with an implement, profiled in the shape of the
letter “U”. According to the typology by I. Popović, it
belongs to type A/b.94
Coins of Constantine II Caesar, Constantius Gallus
and Constantius II were found in the same level, which
could chronologically determine this finding to the
middle of the 4th century.95
5. Viminacium, Nad Klepečkom site
(Pl. II/2; V/4)
Roman rural settlement
Documentation Centre Viminacium (C 884)
object 22, room I
control trench 22, trap hole, 2.20 m
length 37 cm
iron, forging
dating 3rd century
An iron drag hoe with four partially preserved
prongs and a circular hole in the middle for inserting
the handle. The drag hoe was found inside object 22
within the settlement at the site of Nad Klepečkom
(Fig. 3), which could have represented a craft building.96 It was in a regularly dug trap hole with sealed
edges, which was dug into the floor of the building. It
was discovered in the same object as a hoard of iron
tools (pickaxe, file, meat chopper, and axe?). According to finds of fibulas from the layer,97 as well as the
coins of Florian, this item was dated to the period from
the middle up to the second half of the 3rd century.
6. Viminacium, Nad Klepečkom site
(Pl. III/2; V/5)
Roman rural settlement
Documentation Centre Viminacium (C 735)
object 18
trench 49, dug-out 2, depth 1.30 m
length 15.6 cm
Jovičić, Redžić 2014, 58, sl. 2.
Korać 2018, 19–85; 121–153; 185–295.
Popović 1988, 37.
Mrđić, Jovičić 2012, 53, sl. 2.
Korać 2018, 121–153; 185–295.
Popović 1988, 34, T. I/2.
Documentation of the Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade.
Mrđić, Jovičić 2012, 51.
Redžić 2007, 29–31.
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
iron, forging
dating 2nd–3rd century
The pruning hook consists of a wide cutting edge,
arched at the end, with a tang for insertion into a wooden handle. The tang is bent into the shape of a loop. The
tool was found in a pit, in front of two bread ovens,
which was filled in with cultural material at a later
point. These ovens with the pit damaged a wall of object
18, possibly a horeum (Fig. 3).98
Fragments of ceramic material registered in object
18 are dated to the period from the middle of the 2nd up
to the middle of the 3rd century.99 The most recent coins
discovered were those of Elagabalus, with Artemis of
Ephesus on the reverse.
7. Viminacium, Nad Klepečkom site
Roman rural settlement
Documentation Centre Viminacium (C 721)
object 18
trench 49, dug-out 2, depth 0.95 m
length 13.5 cm
iron, forging
dating 2nd–3rd century
A fragment of an iron pruning hook. The find was
discovered in the same object as the previous pruning
hook. On the basis of an analysis of ceramic material,
as well as the find of coins discovered within object 18,
it is dated to the period from the middle of the 2nd up
to the middle of the 3rd century.100 As this specimen is
rather damaged, it was impossible to distinguish its type
8. Viminacium, Rit site (Pl. IV/3; V/6)
Roman villa rustica – workshop complex
Documentation Centre Viminacium (C 1273)
ditch in front of object 5
trench 26 m, depth 0.70 m
length 26.7 cm
iron, forging
dating 3rd century
A pruning hook with a semi-circular cutting edge
and a triangular cross-section, bent almost at a right angle in the upper part. The lower part of the cutting edge
turns into an insertion tang. The tip of the cutting edge
is partially damaged. The pruning hook was found in
the debris with which a ditch was filled, located in front
of economic buildings 4 and 5 (Fig. 7). In the cultural
layer of these objects, a large number of fragments of
ceramic vessels and other archaeological material was
discovered.101 Numerous examples of bronze coins
were found in the same level (Gordian III, Gallienus,
Claudius II Gothicus, Aurelian and Probus), which date
the pruning hook to the second half of the 3rd century.
9. Viminacium, Rit site
Roman villa rustica – workshop complex
Documentation Centre Viminacium (C 1314)
object 5
trench 26, depth 0.55 m
length 15.1 cm
iron, forging
dating 3rd century
Fragmented pruning hook discovered in the southern annex of object 5 within the villa complex at the
site of Rit (Fig. 7). Among the numerous pieces of archaeological material found in this layer, there were
also four fragmented querns.102 Bronze coins discovered within object 5 (Gordian III, Gallienus, Claudius II
Gothicus, Aurelian and Probus) chronologically determine this tool to the second half of the 3rd century, the
same as the previous example.
10. Viminacium, Kod Bresta site (Pl. III/1)
area of the necropolis
National Museum, Požarevac (C 90)
depth 1 m
length 16.8 cm
iron, forging
dating 3rd century
A pruning hook with an arched cutting edge and a
tang, ending in the shape of a loop. Partially fragmented. It was found in a layer with a ceramic oil-lamp with
volutes and an angled nozzle, dated to the period from
the 1 st up to the beginning of the 3 rd century at
Mrđić, Jovičić 2012.
Raičković Savić, Mitić 2021, 243.
100 Raičković Savić, Mitić 2021, 243.
101 Redžić et al. 2017a, 82.
102 Jovičić 2019, Br. 26, 27, 61, 178.
103 Korać 2018, 30; For more details about the excavation at
Kod Bresta site see: Redžić et al. 2017b.
104 Jovičić, Redžić 2014, 58, sl. 2.
105 Korać 2018, 19–85; 121–153; 185–295.
106 Redžić 2007, 13, T. I/1.
107 Korać 2018, 439.
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
11. Viminacium, Pećine site (Pl. III/3)
area of the necropolis
National Museum, Požarevac (C 12500)
quadrant XXIV,
surface layer in the area of the necropolis, depth
0.30 m
length 15.3 cm
dating 2nd–4th century
This example of a pruning hook had an arched cutting edge, partially damaged. The tang, used for insertion into a handle, has a rectangular cross-section. In the
wider area of this part of the necropolis, graves were
found of cremated deceased individuals from the 2nd
century, and inhumed deceased individuals buried in
constructions made of bricks from the 3rd–4th century.
It is difficult to provide a more precise dating for the
find; it was discovered at a small depth, and there was
no material registered nearby that would provide a chronological determination for the tool.
12. Viminacium, Pećine site (Pl. IV/2)
area of the necropolis
Documentation Centre Viminacium (C 12782)
quadrant XVIII
waste pit, depth 1.0 m
length 11.5 cm
iron, forging
dating 2nd–4th century (?)
A fragmented pruning hook with a cutting edge in
the shape of a semi-ellipse, and part of the implement
preserved, used for insertion into a wooden handle. It
is hard to provide a more precise dating for the tool.
The field documentation does mention fragments of
amphorae in the dug-out and bowls, without any detailed description. In the wider area, there were graves
discovered of cremated individuals from the 2nd and inhumed deceased individuals buried in constructions
made of bricks from the 3rd–4th century. What is typical for this tool is the fact that it has smaller dimensions
compared to other similar tools, hence, the question remains as to whether was used in agriculture.
13. Viminacium, Nad Klepečkom site (Pl. IV/4)
Roman villa rustica
Documentation Centre Viminacium (C 1768)
object 42, room XX
trench 84, depth 1.40 m
length 28 cm
iron, mintage
dating 2nd century
A sickle with an arched cutting edge, and a rectangular cross-section, for insertion into a wooden handle.
The cutting edge turns into a tang at an obtuse angle.
The sickle was found in room XX of object 42 of
the villa rustica (Fig. 4).104 Alongside this tool, archaeological material was found that enables more precise
dating, such as coins of Hadrian and a large number of
oil-lamps with volutes and an angled nozzle, with volutes and a rounded nozzle, and oil-lamps with a short,
rounded nozzle, which are dated into the 1st–2nd
14. Viminacium, Pećine site (Pl. IV/1)
area of the necropolis
Documentation Centre Viminacium (C 3574)
waste pit
trench 234, depth 1.70 m
length 30 cm
dating 1st–2nd century
A fragmented sickle with a semi-circular cutting
edge, with only a small part of the tool preserved, used
for insertion into a wooden handle. Coins of Vespasian
were found in the pit, as well as an aucissa fibula,106
and a type of oil-lamp with the stamp of Strobili, which
are dated, at Viminacium, to the period from Nero up
to Hadrian.107
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Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
Резиме: ОЛИВЕРА ИЛИЋ, Археолошки институт, Београд
МЛАДЕН ЈОВИЧИЋ, Археолошки институт, Београд
Кључне речи. – римско пољопривредно оруђе, villae rusticae, агер Виминацијума
Северни делови римске провинције Горње Мезије у којој је
био смештен Виминацијум, главни град провинције, припадали су широј географској области средњег и доњег Подунавља. Повољни географски и климатски услови плодне равнице Стиг, која се налази у источној Србији, у доњем току
реке Млаве, представљали су идеално место за пољопривредне активности забележене још од праисторијског периода па
све до средњег века. У периоду римске доминације, овакве
природне погодности утицале су на формирање знатног броја пољопривредних имања типа villae rusticae, о чему сведоче открића у субурбаној зони Виминацијума последњих
година. Једна од две виле на локалитету Над Клепечком, који
лежи источно од урбаног језгра града и легијског логора, представља до сада највећи комплекс овог типа не само у Виминацијуму већ и на широј територији централног Балкана.
Поред ове две виле, регистровано је и рурално насеље са великим бројем објеката. Карактер насеља био је мешовит и
на основу прелиминарних резултата истраживања могао би
се поделити у најмање две целине. У делу ближе градском
језгру доминирају објекти већих димензија, који су највероватније представљали складишта, од којих су поједина могла служити и као радионице. Друга целина источно могла
је имати стамбену функцију. Највећи број пољопривредних
алатки до сада откривених на широј територији Виминацијума потиче управо са овог локалитета.
Поред пољопривредног оруђа које потиче са локалитета Над Клепечком, налази оруђа регистровани су и на локалитету Рит, који се простире североисточно од урбаног дела
града. На овом локалитету до сада су регистроване четири
рустичне виле. Поред стамбеног комплекса, откривени су и
делови занатског центра, о чему сведочи и откриће радионице за бојење и обраду тканина – fullonica.
Пољопривредно оруђе евидентирано на широј територији Виминацијума можемо груписати према њиховој примени у пољопривредним радовима на: алатке за крчење и
припрему земљишта за култивацију (секира-крамп, будак,
мотика), алатке за копање земље и припрему за садњу (ашов,
грабуље), алатке које су коришћене за кошење, жетву, сечење и поткресивање биљака (косир, срп).
Потврду о развијеној пољопривредној активности у агеру Виминацијума пружају и резултати археоботаничких анализа. Различите житарице које су биле узгајане у римском
периоду (јечам, раж, пшеница, зоб, просо) потврђују претпоставку о интензивној пољопривредној активности у периоду од 2. до почетка 4. века, када је забележен период највећег економског просперитета римског града.
Заштитна ископавања на Виминацијуму последњих година умногоме су допринела новим сазнањима о субурбаним зонама града и живота на овом простору. Већина до сада
евидентираних вила са простора римских провинција на територији централног Балкана датована је у касноантички период, тако да виле подигнуте на локалитету Над Клепечком,
које се на основу покретних налаза хронолошки опредељују у 2. век, представљају најстарије објекте овог типа. Резултати до којих су истраживачи дошли свакако нису коначни,
али омогућавају прецизније сагледавање агера Виминацијума, пружајући драгоцене податке за изучавање ове теме у
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
Plate I – Agricultural tools, site: Nad Klepečkom (1–3)
Табла I – Пољопривредно оруђе, локалитет: Над Клепечком (1–3)
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
Plate II – Agricultural tools, sites: Burdelj (1), Nad Klepečkom (2)
Табла II – Пољопривредно оруђе, локалитети: Бурдељ (1), Над Клепечком (2)
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
Plate III – Agricultural tools, sites: Kod Bresta (1), Nad Klepečkom (2), Pećine (3)
Табла III – Пољопривредно оруђе, локалитети: Код Бреста (1), Над Клепечком (2), Пећине (3)
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
Plate IV – Agricultural tools, sites: Pećine (1– 2), Rit (3), Nad Klepečkom (4)
Табла IV – Пољопривредно оруђе, локалитети: Пећине (1–2), Рит (3), Над Клепечком (4)
Olivera ILIĆ, Mladen JOVIČIĆ
Roman Agricultural Tools in the Ager of Viminacium (181–206)
Plate V – Agricultural tools, sites: Nad Klepečkom (1–2), Burdelj (3), Nad Klepečkom (4–5), Rit (6)
Табла V – Пољопривредно оруђе, локалитети: Над Клепечком (1–2), Бурдељ (3), Над Клепечком (4–5), Рит (6)
UDC: 904:666.11/.28"652"(497.11)
Original research article
SONJA JOVANOVIĆ, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
ANASTASIA CHOLAKOVA, National Institute of Archaeology with Museum,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia
STEFAN POP-LAZIĆ, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
IAN C. FREESTONE, UCL Institute of Archaeology, London
MAJA ŽIVKOVIĆ, National Museum, Belgrade
[email protected]
Abstract. – The paper presents a set of glass fragments excavated at several different locations within and outside the late Roman
fortified imperial residence Felix Romuliana (Gamzigrad, Serbia). This small group of eighteen fragments and mosaic glass
tesserae are distinguished by their cobalt blue colour. The majority of the finds are mosaic tesserae (six pcs) and sheets of glass
(five pcs), which could be related to architectural decoration (sectilia panels). Others are pieces left behind from secondary glass
working (four pcs). There are also two fragments tentatively identified as window pane pieces, and only one find is a vessel sherd.
The materials are dated to the 4th century. Significantly, some of the production debris and the two “window pane” fragments
were found inside the destruction of a glass furnace. The analyses of the chemical glass composition of the finds confirmed that
the blue colourant in all samples is cobalt, and antimony is also present at notable levels (except for one sample), likely to produce
opacification of the glass. Regarding the origin of the raw glass, the data on almost all pieces suggests a Syro-Palestinian
provenance, and a single sample could be related to Egyptian primary glass production. Importantly, the concentrations of the
oxides added to the base glasses in order to modify the colour are positively correlated in certain samples, hinting at the makeup
of the cobalt bearing ingredient and at a likely existence of particular production practices of the late Roman period.
Key words. – late Roman period, Central Balkans, cobalt blue glass, secondary glass production, sectilia glass sheets,
glass tesserae, production debris, chemical glass composition, EPMA
he late Roman fortified imperial residence Felix
Romuliana is situated in present-day Eastern
Serbia, near the village of Gamzigrad. Famous
for its monumental architecture, imposing mosaic
floors, marble sculptures, etc.,1 this luxurious complex
was built by Emperor Galerius at the beginning of the
4th century, in the Roman province of Dacia Ripensis
(Fig. 1). It functioned as an imperial domain during the
short reign of Galerius (AD 293–311). After his death,
according to the archaeological evidence, Romuliana
continued its existence as a fortified settlement, from
the end of the 4th to the end of the 6th / beginning of the
7th century.2 The archaeological investigations at Gamzigrad have been carried out both inside the fortified
complex and in the area outside the ramparts. Research
has yielded impressive archaeological findings, singling
out the fragmented archivolt with the inscription FELIX
ROMULIANA and the monumental sculptural head of
Emperor Galerius made of porphyry, which were essential for the identification of the site as Romulianum or
Romuliana in Roman written sources.3
The glass finds excavated at the site have, so far, not
received sufficient research attention. There are few publications within which groups of glass finds or individual
Срејовић 1983, 66–94; Живић 2010, 107–140.
Čanak-Medić, Stojković-Pavelka 56, 64; Petković 2011, 168.
3 Срејовић 1985, 53–61; Srejović, Vasić 1994, 124; Popović
2011, 9; Bergmann 2020, 306–308.
Manuscript received 1st February 2021, accepted 3rd September 2021
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
Fig. 1. Location
of Romuliana
in the province
of Dacia Ripensis
Сл. 1. Положај
Ромулијане у
Приобалној Дакији
Fig. 2. Layout
of Romuliana
with indicated findspots
of the glass finds
(documentation of the
Institute of Аrchaeology,
Сл. 2. План Ромулијане
са назначеним местима
са којих потичу
стаклени налази
института, Београд)
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
Fig. 3. The group of blue glass finds (photo V. Džikić)
Сл. 3. Група налаза од плавог стакла (фото В. Џикић)
fragments were presented in terms of their morphotypology.4 However, this category of archaeological
material from Romuliana remains a subject to be studied
in more detail.
This paper aims to present a small group of eighteen
fragments and mosaic glass tesserae distinguished by
their cobalt blue colour (Fig. 3). Among the selected
items, there are mosaic tesserae, sectilia sheets, secondary glass working waste, “window pane” fragments,5
and a vessel sherd. For the first time, glass sectilia sheets
have been recognised in the archaeological material
from Romuliana. The glass production waste presents
a clear indication that blue glass was locally worked
there. This is confirmed, as well, by the discovery of a
glass furnace, excavated in the area north of the fortified complex, in the “villa” extra muros.6 Eight glass
pieces, out of the total of 18 studied, were found in the
remains of the glass furnace and in its immediate vicinity. The analysed set of blue glass pieces was selected
in order to incorporate a range of categories of glass
finds (i.e., architectural decorative pieces, production
debris, a vessel), enabling in this way juxtapositions of
the chemical make-up of different groups of finds.
The assemblage
The analysed glass fragments and mosaic tesserae
were excavated at four different locations within and
outside the fortified residence (Fig. 2, with locations
numerically indicated): in the “villa” extra muros – a
complex situated north of the fortified palace (1), in the
area of the portico inside the northern rampart wall (2),
in the area of Palace D1 (3), and in Tower 1, i.e. the
southern tower of the eastern gate of the earlier fortification (4).
Among the eighteen pieces, the majority are mosaic tesserae (FR 13–18; Figs 3–5) and sheets of glass
probably related to architectural decoration (sectilia
Јанковић 1983, 102–103, 116, 119; Ružić 1994; Petković
2011, 193, Fig. 165; Antonaras 2013, 14, Fig. 14.
5 The identification of the fragments as pieces of window panes
is tentative since there is no evidence about the use of strongly
coloured window panes in the late Roman period. At the same time,
the fact that these pieces are flat and thin does not allow their recognition with certainty as vessel fragments or sectilia sheets, but such
identifications should not be ruled out.
6 von Bülow 2020, 251–254.
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
Fig. 4. The drawings of the blue glass finds; the undiagnostic sherd FR 10 is not included
(authors A. Cholakova, M. Tomić)
Сл. 4. Цртежи налаза од плавог стакла; неодређени уломак посуде ФР 10 није исцртан
(аутори А. Чолакова, М. Томић)
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
sectilia sheet
Palace D1
sectilia sheet
Palace D1
sectilia sheet
Palace D1
sectilia sheet
Tower 1
window pane
“Villa” extra muros
window pane
“Villa” extra muros
production waste
“Villa” extra muros
production waste
“Villa” extra muros
production waste
“Villa” extra muros
Tower 1
production waste
“Villa” extra muros
sectilia sheet
The area of the portico
of the northern rampart wall
The area of the portico
of the northern rampart wall
The area of the portico
of the northern rampart wall
“Villa” extra muros
“Villa” extra muros
“Villa” extra muros
“Villa” extra muros
SW section;
excavation layer XII
S 10/01, Room 1
(from glass furnace)
S 10/01, Room 1
(from glass furnace)
S 10/01, Room 1
(from glass furnace)
S 10/01, Room 1
(from glass furnace)
S 10/01, Room 1
(from glass furnace)
S 10/6
non-inventoried material –
bag no. 133
non-inventoried material –
bag no. 155
non-inventoried material –
bag no. 155
non-inventoried material –
bag no. 155
S 10/05, Room 1
S 10/05, Room 1
S 10/01, outside the complex,
north of Room 1
Outside the complex,
north of Room 1
non-inventoried material –
bag no. 1
non-inventoried material –
bag no. 1
non-inventoried material –
bag no. 1
Table 1. List of the analysed samples
Табела 1. Списак анализираних узорака
sheets) (FR 1–4 and FR 12; Figs 3, 4, and 6). Some of
the finds are fragments left behind from secondary glass
working (FR 7–9 and FR 11; Figs 3, 4, and 7). There
are also two pieces that could be identified, with caution, as window panes (FR 5 and 6; Figs 3, 4, and 7)
and one is a vessel sherd (FR 10; Figs 3, 4, and 7). Some
fragments are fully transparent, such as the fragments
of “window panes” and the vessel sherd, while others
seem opaque, but a closer look shows that they are rather
translucent. They only differ in their thickness. Round
and oval bubbles are visible in most of the fragments
(FR 2–6 and FR 11; Figs 6 and 7). On some of them, tool
marks are also visible.
Six mosaic tesserae are included in the set. Two of
them were found in the area of the portico inside the
northern rampart wall (FR 13 and FR 14), in the destruction layer dated to the late 4th century and the others were excavated inside and outside Room 1 in the
“villa“ extra muros (FR 15–18, see Table 1). They belong to the 4th century. Coins from this archaeological
context mostly come from the first half of the 4th century. One coin belongs to the time of Diocletian (AD
292) and another to the reign of the emperor Valens
(AD 367–375).7 The glass furnace was situated in the
north-eastern corner of Room 1.8
von Bülow 2020, 278, 281–284.
von Bülow 2020, 277, Abb. 48.
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
Fig. 5. Mosaic tesserae (photo V. Džikić)
Сл. 5. Коцкице мозаика (фото В. Џикић)
Tesserae have visible cuts and tool marks on the surface. Traces of a secondary exposure to heat are evident
on one piece (Fig. 5, FR 17). None of these finds was
found in the context of a (preserved) mosaic floor. Four
pieces were found inside Room 1 and northeast of it,
outside the room. As they were discovered in the immediate proximity of the glass furnace, we may assume,
with caution, their connection to secondary glass production, since tesserae could be used as a glass colouring material (see below).
Felix Romuliana was famous for its imposing mosaic decoration. Surfaces of the floors and walls were
covered with marble cladding and mosaic tesserae. Geometrical, floral and figural mosaic floors are known
from Palace 1, from the cross-shaped building in the
south-western corner of the fortification (the so-called
Romula’s triclinium) and from the thermae in the
south-eastern corner of the fortified complex. The most
famous are the panel with Dionysus in Hall 7 of Palace
1 and the scene with venatores and a lion from Hall 4
in the same palace. Besides floors, walls and vaults of
some buildings were also decorated with mosaics.9
Considering glass tesserae, individual finds with
gold foil are also preserved. To the north of the fortified complex, in the north-eastern corner of “Gamzigrad-Nordfläche”, in the so-called basilica, several
finds of different coloured glass tesserae may indicate
some depot of these finds, their storage, or even some
secondary working glass activity. These pieces were
found with coins issued during the reigns of Aurelian
(AD 270–275), Florian (AD 275/276), Probus (AD
276–280/82) and Carinus (AD 283–285).10
Срејовић 1983, 66–77; Живић 2010, 128–140; Jeremić
2020, 353, 355–358.
10 Jeremić 2020, 353, 355–358; von Bülow 2020, 96–98.
11 Сладић, Живић 2010, 210.
12 Fig. 6, FR 2 (c), FR 3 (c), FR 4 (c) and FR 12 (c) were
taken using ViTiny Pro10-3 Portable UV/IR/White Light Digital
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
There are five sheets of glass (sectilia pieces). They
were found inside the fortified complex – Palace D1
(FR 1–3), Tower 1, (FR 4) and in the area of the portico
inside the northern rampart wall (FR 12). According to
the stratigraphy in Tower 1,11 FR 4 was found in a destruction layer dated to the second half of the 4th century; the other fragments probably belong to the early
4th century. The pieces are irregular in form and have
traces of mortar on one side (Fig. 6). Also, bubbles are
visible in their structure (Fig. 6: FR 1–4 and FR 12).
Four fragments are about 0.4 cm thick, and one is 0.8
to 1 cm (Fig. 6: FR 1). Tool marks are visible on FR 1.
The longer side of this piece is slightly curved. This
fragment is visually slightly different from the other
Fig. 6. Sectilia sheets (Fig. 6, FR 1 (a–b), FR 2 (a-b), FR 3 (a–b), FR 4 (a–b) and FR 12 (a–b): photo V. Džikić;
Fig. 6, FR 2 (c), FR 3 (c), FR 4 (c) and FR 12 (c): photo M. Živković, S. Jovanović)12
Сл. 6. Фрагменти sectilia декорације (Сл. 6, ФР 1 (а–б), ФР 2 (а–б), ФР 3 (а–б), ФР 4 (а–б) и ФР 12 (а–б):
фото В. Џикић; Сл. 6, ФР 2 (ц), ФР 3 (ц), ФР 4 (ц) и ФР 12 (ц): фото М. Живковић, С. Јовановић)
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
Fig. 7. Glass working waste, „window panes” and a vessel sherd (photo V. Džikić)
Сл. 7. Стаклени отпад, „прозорска окнa” и фрагмент посуде (фото В. Џикић)
sectilia pieces but its chemical composition is quite
similar to the composition of the others (see below).
Hypothetically, it may be supposed that this piece is a
reject left behind from the cutting of sectilia sheets.
In general, sectilia panels are ill-suited for floors
and, thus, ideally belong to the wall revetment category.13 They were used to decorate aristocratic or imperial
residences, which were particularly luxurious.14 Some
were made exclusively of stone; others combined stone
and glass, and some sectilia panels were entirely made
of glass.15 Sheets of glass served as a more affordable imitation of stone. Several economic and technical reasons
are mentioned for this, such as the hardness of stone as
a material and, thus, the difficulty of working with it, and
the tendency to imitate rare types of stone. A significant
feature of glass – its variation from opaque to translucent and transparent – makes it very usable for a wide
range of colours and luminosity. Glass could also have
been chosen to provide the colours that are almost totally absent in marble sectilia, such as turquoise and
blue hues.16 “The imitation should be understood as a
visual play in which various materials are exploited to
make unexpected effects and to show off the diligence of
the artists. Their technical proficiency and virtuosity
was a display of luxury and a sign of the commissioner’s
Opus sectile panels, sometimes with figures, are
known from a number of late Roman contexts.18 The
finest wall decorations stand in Junius Bassus’ basilica in
Rome (ca. AD 331), where glass was used extensively.
Pieces of stone and glass there were combined in almost
equal amounts. The figures in the narrative scenes are
presented in light, medium and dark blue, red, orange
and lemon yellow glass and gold foil.19 Other famous
Kiilerich, Torp 2018, 649.
Santagostino Barbone et al. 2008, 452.
15 Kiilerich 2014, 186. There are two ways in which glass sectilia panels were made. The one first implies the surface preparation,
which was with raised edges and of the appropriate panel size. The
earthen ware supports were laid on it and were covered with hot
softened resinous substance. It served as a matrix for the glass. At
the end, the pieces of glass were pressed into the matrix, which through
cooling became a solid adhesive. Oppositely, the second way involved arranging glass first. Then the glass pieces had been covered
with the softened adhesive, into which the artisan pressed the earthenware supports – Brill, Whitehouse 1988, 34.
16 Kiilerich 2014, 180, 185; Kiilerich, Torp 2018, 649.
17 Kiilerich 2014, 181, 183.
18 It should be noted that they are also known from the earlier
Roman period, for example glass sectilia from Gorga collection,
from the imperial villa of Lucius Verus (AD 161–169) in Rome –
Verità et al. 2013, 21–34; Bandiera et al. 2019, 2597–2611.
19 Kiilerich 2014, 169, 179; Kiilerich, Torp 2018, 647, 649.
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
fragmented remains are known from Ostia, from the
edifice outside Porta Marina (ca. AD 390),20 where, in
addition to the pieces of stone, a small amount of glass
sheets was included for some details, such as lions’ eyes,
collars, belts, floral scrolls of friezes and pilasters, and
the abacus of the pilaster capitals. Pieces of glass there
also served for framing.21 Furthermore, an important
4th century decoration is the glass revetment from Kenchreai (ca. AD 370), the eastern port of ancient Corinth,
Greece, where panels consist only of glass.22 Submerged
remains of more than one hundred fragmentary opus
sectile panels in glass were found, still in their shipping
crates. These sectilia had been abandoned before they
were unpacked.23 Noteworthy are also remains from a
late antique villa at Faragola (Ascoli Satriano), Italy.24
The villa has a large dining room with a stibadium. It was
paved with reused breccia slabs, and with three glass
and stone opus sectile panels. It is important to point
out that the sectilia panels were subsequently reused in
a new context, for the floor decoration. This was not
common, as glass sectilia panels are not suitable for
floors.25 Another famous example of late Roman opus
sectile wall decoration made of glass is the Thomas
Panel (second half of the 4th – early 5th century), which
is believed to originate from Faiyum, Egypt.26
Besides tesserae and sectilia glass pieces, four fragments of production waste were also analysed (FR 7–9
and FR 11). All of them were found at the “villa” extra
muros,27 three of them (FR 7–9) in Room 1, within a
glass furnace (trench S10/01).28According to the excavator, inside and around the furnace there were many
fragments of different vessel types, as well as window
pane pieces. The majority of the coin finds excavated
in S10/01 came from the first half of the 4th century,
and were issued from AD 312 to AD 341, during the
reigns of Licinius, Constantine I, Constantius II and
Constans. There is one coin from the time of Diocletian
(AD 292) and another that is dated to the period of
Valens’ reign (AD 367–375).29 The fourth piece of production waste was found in trench 10/06, and is also
probably dated to the first half of 4th century, according to the coin finds from the same context.30 All fragments of production debris are not clear and have numerous bubbles in their structures. Piece FR 7 could be
a misshaped vessel (Figs 3, 4, and 7). Tool marks are
visible on it. FR 8 is a thread from a removal of a solid
impurity from the glass melt. The piece is hollow and
has a drop-like shape (Figs 3, 4, and 7). FR 9 is a small
piece of production waste. Fractures are visible on the
surface of the fragment, as well as a large oval bubble
(Fig. 7). FR 11 is almost entirely covered with an
adhering of fired clay of light-greyish colour. It may
have come from the surface of a furnace wall or, more
likely, from a crucible. This could be a piece of glass
left on the very bottom of a crucible (Figs 3, 4, and 7).
Two “window pane” fragments (FR 5 and FR 6),
as already mentioned, were found in the glass furnace
(trench S 10/01) together with three pieces of production waste, and are dated to the same time, most probably to the first half of the 4 th century.31 They are
small, with visible bubbles and tool mark on the surface (Fig. 7).
The only vessel fragment in the set – a wall sherd
(FR 10) – is not a diagnostic piece, so it is not possible
to identify the vessel shape (Figs 3 and 7). It was found
in Tower 1, in a destruction layer dated to the late 4th
The blue glasses from Romuliana –
chemical data and interpretation
The set of eighteen glass pieces presented above
was selected for chemical analysis primarily because
of the visual characteristics of the finds. The range of
distinct deep blue hues observed in the set suggests that
cobalt is most likely the leading chromophore in all
samples. The main purpose of this analytical work is to
identify the base glass compositions used for the making
of the blue pieces, and accordingly, to hypothesize the
likely origin of the primary raw glass established in the
Romuliana samples, and to characterise the added ingredients that impart the colour. The studied finds vary
in terms of their functional identification (architectural
decoration/fittings and tableware), how they relate to
Kiilerich 2016, 41–58.
Kiilerich 2014, 179.
22 Kiilerich 2014, 185; Kiilerich, Torp 2018, 643–658; Gliozzo
et al. 2010, 409.
23 Kiilerich, Torp 2018, 643.
24 Gliozzo et al. 2010, 389–415, Fig. 1.
25 Gliozzo et al. 2010, 409; Kiilerich 2014, 186; Kiilerich, Torp
2018, 648–649.
26 Brill, Whitehouse 1988, 34–50; Kiilerich, Torp 2018, 650.
27 von Bülow 2020, 281.
28 About glass furnace see von Bülow 2020, 251–254.
29 In the destruction layer of the furnace dome coins of Constantine I (AD 315–316, AD 320, AD 330–335) and Valens (AD 367–375)
were found – von Bülow 2020, 278. The context was already mentioned when it came to mosaic tesserae.
30 von Bülow 2020, 278–279, 283–284.
31 von Bülow 2020, 283–284.
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
the production process (finished objects and production
waste), and they also come from four different findspots
within the site (Fig. 2). Accordingly, the analytical data is
discussed from the perspective of possible links between
compositions and object categories (glass working waste
in particular), distinguishing output from single glass
melting episodes, as well as regarding more general
specifics of production technologies and supply of glass
to the site.
Analytical techniques
The eighteen pieces from Romuliana were analysed
in the Wolfson Archaeological Science Laboratories of
the UCL Institute of Archaeology, London. Small samples were cut, the cross-sections mounted in epoxy resin blocks, polished with abrasive agents, and carbon
coated. The measurements were performed by means
of electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), according to
established laboratory procedures.32 Seven or ten individual measurements were taken on each sample, and
the results averaged in order to obtain representative
mean values (reported in Table 2 without normalisation
to 100%). Twenty-four elements were routinely sought
(calculated as wt% oxide values using stoichiometry to
determine oxygen). Nevertheless, due to the limitations
of the EPMA technique (e.g., its limits of detection),
reliable quantification was not possible for all of the
oxides found in the samples.33 Corning A and B reference glasses were measured along with the archaeological glass samples; the results demonstrate an overall
fair agreement with the published values of the reference
materials,34 and only occasional minimal empirical corrections were applied to bring the data in line with the
As expected, all analysed samples are consistent
with typical Roman soda-lime-silica glass (Table 2).
The levels of potash (ranging from 0.47 to 0.65 wt%)
and magnesia (0.45–0.71 wt%) conform with mineral
soda glass (“natron”) composition. Alumina and lime
values vary within relatively narrow ranges (approx.
2.2–2.6 wt% Al2O3; approx. 7.0–8.0 wt% CaO), except
for sample FR 10, which features a lower CaO concentration (5.8 wt%). Significantly, the same differentiation of sample FR 10 from the rest of the analysed
glasses is also seen in the soda values: for FR 10 the
content of Na2O is 19.3 wt% while for all the other samples it is lower, ranging from 14.3 to 16.7 wt%. An identical trend is observed in the iron oxide and titania
levels, which are approx. 0.55–0.75 wt% Fe2O3 and
0.05–0.07 wt% TiO2 for the majority of the samples but
somewhat higher in sample FR 10. Manganese values
are generally below 0.5 wt%, with the lowest one found
in FR 10 (0.08 wt% MnO) and the highest in FR 15
(0.61 wt%).
The EPMA data confirm the anticipated identification of the blue chromophore as cobalt for the entire set
– CoO is measured at levels of 0.03–0.07 wt%, and
CuO is in comparable or slightly higher concentrations
(0.04–0.14 wt%), typical for Roman cobalt blue glass.
All samples, again with the exception of FR 10, contain antimony mostly within the range of approx. 0.6–
2.0 wt% Sb2O5, with samples FR 14 and FR 15 featuring respectively higher and lower concentrations (2.51
and 0.46 wt%). The EPMA measurements indicated
that tin and zinc are present as trace oxides in all analysed glasses but the quantification, generally around
0.01 wt%, is considered not reliable. Finally, the samples from the studied dataset contain lead at variable
levels (typically within the range of approx. 0.2–0.4
wt% PbO), with FR 14 and FR 10 standing out with the
lowest and the highest values (0.06 wt% and 0.51 wt%,
Base glass compositions
The ingredients deliberately added to the glass in
order to modify its visual appearance – colour and/or
texture – often distort the base chemical composition, i.e.
the original makeup of the glass before the colouring
(on the assumption that the colouring process is not part
of the primary raw glass production). Nevertheless, in
the case of the Romuliana blue glasses, the amount of
added material is estimated at approx. ≤3 wt% of the
For details of the particular EPMA instrumental settings and
the data acquisition parameters of this study see Cholakova, Rehren,
Freestone 2016, 627.
33 Accordingly, certain data is not reported in Table 2; the concentrations of BaO, typically at 0.01–0.03 wt% levels, are included
in the dataset but considered indicative only and not taken into account
in the discussion.
34 Adlington 2017, Tabl. 3; cf. Corning A measurements in
Table 2.
35 The eighteen blue samples from Felix Romuliana were measured in two separate analytical runs, which had a certain impact on
the data (e.g. an inconsistency in the P2O5, Cl, SO2 values observed
across the whole set). Empirical corrections were applied selectively
only (e.g., for the Sb2O5 values), while for some other oxides (e.g.,
P2O5) the data in Table 2 is reported without corrections.
tessera (2)
tessera (1)
tessera (1)
tessera (1)
tessera (2)
sheet (2)
sheet (3)
sheet (3)
sheet (3)
sheet (4)
“window pane” (1)
“window pane” (1)
prod. waste (1)
prod. waste (1)
prod. waste (1)
prod. waste (1)
tessera (1)
vessel (4)
Corning A measured
mean (n=6)
standard deviation
Corning A published
difference absolute
difference relative
14.8% -57.4% -1.2%
Table 2. Average values of the Romuliana glass samples, as determined by EPMA, and measurements of Corning A reference glass compared to the published values;
samples arranged in descending order of their Sb2O5 concentrations; the findspots are indicated as follows: (1) “villa” extra muros; (2) the area of the portico inside
the northern rampart wall; (3) palace D1; (4) tower no. 1; highlighted in grey are the samples identified as belonging to single batches
Табела 2. Просечне вредности за узорке стакла из Ромулијане, одређене EPMA методом и мерењима Corning A референтног стакла у поређењу са
публикованим вредностима; узорци су поређани према вредностима концентрације Sb2O5, од виших ка нижим; места налаза узорака назначена су
на следећи начин: (1) „вила” ван бедема; (2) простор портика са унутрашње стране северног зида бедема; (3) Палата Д1; (4) Кула 1;
сивом бојом су обележени узорци издвојени по смесама стакла којима припадају
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
Fig. 8. Manganese
and lime concentrations
in the analysed samples
Сл. 8. Концентрација
мангана и кречњака
у анализираним узорцима
total amount of the batch,36 and therefore it does not
practically alter the base glass composition.
In terms of base glass composition, the present
assemblage comprises a single, relatively uniform cluster of samples, and only two samples lie outside it (FR
10 and FR 14; Fig. 8). In the overwhelming majority
of the Romuliana samples (17 out of 18), the ratio of
the alumina to silica contents, indicative of the source
of glassmaking sands, along with the relatively low
soda and high lime contents, correspond to the characteristics of the primary production glass groups of
Syro-Palestinian origin.37 Their resemblance to Roman
manganese containing glass, presumably produced in
that region, is also evidenced by the similarities of the
present dataset to the Roman Mn-decolourised glass
found at 2nd–4th c. AD sites in the Northern Adriatic region and Britain.38
At the same time, it has to be noted that these 17
samples feature significantly lower manganese values
than those found in the truly colourless “Mn-decolourised glass”, mentioned above. Only the MnO content of
0.61 wt% in FR 15 (tessera – one of the two samples
lying outside the main cluster, Fig. 8) is high enough
to suggest a tentative identification of the base glass as
being affiliated to Roman Mn-decolourised primary
composition. Nevertheless, nothing could be stated with
certainty about the original tint of the FR 15 glass, prior
to colouring. This sample also features the lowest antimony content in the current dataset, possibly deriving
entirely from the ingredients added to the melt during
the colouring process (see below). The high lime concentration in FR 15, in fact the highest among the studied
samples (Fig. 8), corroborates its association with the
Mn-bearing group. A similar base glass composition is
known in cobalt blue tesserae dated to the 2nd c. AD,
and is interpreted as particularly suitable for the production of antimony-opacified mosaic glass.39
The main cluster (16 out of 17 – tesserae, sectilia
sheets, window panes, production waste) of the samples
assigned above to the Syro-Palestinian primary production region has MnO contents within the range of 0.22–
0.46 wt%. Samples FR 5 and FR 6 (window panes) are
at the higher end of this range and, significantly, they
feature the highest lime values in the cluster (Fig. 8).
These Romuliana glasses can be associated with the
low MnO makeup, denoted also as weakly coloured or
blue-green glass, regarded as a primary glass production
group originating from the Syro-Palestinian region,40
and most likely related in terms of production technology to the already mentioned Mn-decolourised group.
Importantly, the lower manganese concentrations of the
36 This sum includes the values of CoO, CuO, PbO and Sb O
2 5
found in the samples, still admitting that a certain amount of Sb2O5,
at least in theory, could come from the base glass as it was prior to the
colouring, instead of from the modifying ingredients added to it (see
below). On the other hand, the added cobalt-rich material certainly
introduced further quantities of some other oxides, e.g. Fe2O3 (Fig.
10; cf. Cholakova et al. 2017, Fig. 7), but estimating these quantities
is not practicable in the current analytical set.
37 Freestone 2020, Fig. 22.1, Table 22.2; cf. Freestone 2021,
38 Jackson 2005, Group 2b; Silvestri, Molin, Salviulo 2008,
Group CL2; Foster, Jackson 2010, Colourless 2b.
39 Paynter et al. 2015, 74; see below.
40 Jackson, Paynter 2016, 73; Silvestri 2008, Group Ic1a and
Group Ic2a; cf. Freestone et al. 2015; cf. Jackson 2005, Table 2.
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
Fig. 9. Soda and lime concentrations in the analysed samples compared to the glass from Iulia Felix wreck
(data from Silvestri, Molin, Salviulo 2008 and Silvestri 2008)
Сл. 9. Концентрација соде и кречњака у анализираним узорцима у поређењу са стаклом из бродoлома Iulia Felix
(подаци из Silvestri, Molin, Salviulo 2008 и Silvestri 2008)
samples in this main cluster are still above the proposed
background levels of MnO caused by natural mineral
impurities in the glassmaking sands (typically less than
0.05 wt%),41 and therefore should be again regarded as
resulting from addition to the melt.
Admittedly, the weakly coloured or blue-green glass
composition with low MnO content often features a certain level of antimony oxide.42 It is typically found in
small amounts but still cannot be explained by the background Sb concentrations in the glassmaking sands
(estimated at Sb<1.4 ppm).43 Regarding the 16 samples
from Romuliana with low MnO levels, it is not possible to unambiguously state whether they contained
some amounts of antimony oxide in the base glass (i.e.
prior to colouring), since their high Sb2O5 concentrations (>0.6 wt%) are clearly related to an intentional
separate addition to the melt (see below).
The presence of both decolourisers – manganese
and antimony oxides – in Roman glass is seen as an indication of mixed recycling of Mn-decolourised and
Sb-decolourised glasses.44 Analytical findings from
sites in the Central Balkans, dated to the mid-3rd–4th c.
AD and roughly contemporaneous to the Romuliana
assemblage confirm the circulation and local secondary
glassworking of mixed Mn-Sb colourless or weakly
coloured glass.45 Therefore, it could be suggested that a
proportion of the Sb2O5 in the composition of the main
Romuliana cluster comes from such a mixed base composition,46 rather than from the added colouring ingredients. The use of recycled base glass may be seen as
a pragmatic choice for a batch of strongly coloured
glass intended for the production of architectural decoration pieces. Nevertheless, the correlation of CoO
and Sb2O5 responsible for colouring and opacification
of the Romuliana blue glasses implies that the overwhelming amount of antimony oxide comes from the
colourant material added to the base composition (Figs
11 and 12, see below).47 Therefore, it is unlikely that
the original base glass of the samples in the main cluster was of typical mixed Mn-Sb chemical makeup; an
41 Brems, Degryse 2014, 38; Schibille, Sterrett-Krause, Freestone 2017, 1230.
42 Jackson 2005, Table 2.
43 Brems, Degryse 2014, 79.
44 Jackson 2005, 772; cf. Gratuze 2018, Fig. 6.
45 Stamenković, Greiff, Hartmann 2017, Table 1, note the dark
blue sample 16; Ivanov, Cholakova, Gratuze 2021.
46 Cf. Jackson 2005, Group 2a; Silvestri, Molin, Salviulo 2008,
Group CL1/2.
47 In Fig. 12, the origin of the correlation trend of CoO and
Sb2O5 is approximately at the intercept of both axes. This implies
that, according to the EPMA data, the base glass before the addition
of the Co colourant likely contained no substantial quantities of
antimony oxide.
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
Fig. 10. Iron oxide and
cobalt oxide concentrations
in the analysed samples
Сл. 10. Концентрација
оксида гвожђа и кобалта
у анализираним узорцима
overall affiliation to the compositional range of low
MnO weakly coloured group mentioned above seems
more probable.
Nevertheless, the presence in some of the samples
in the main Romuliana cluster of a certain amount of
antimony oxide originating not from the added colouring material but from the base glass, should still not be
definitely ruled out. The production waste pieces (FR
7–9 and FR 11) stand out with their higher soda levels,
especially when compared to the sectilia sheets and the
tesserae (Table 2). A comparison of the soda and lime
contents in the Romuliana dataset to the Roman glass
assemblage from the Iulia Felix wreck48 – an illustrative example of Mn-containing and Sb-containing compositions and their mixing49 – demonstrates that the
production waste and a single sectilia sheet sample lie
closer to the mixing line between the main Mn-containing and Sb-containing glass compositions and clearly
away from the architectural glass samples (Fig. 9). This
pattern most probably reflects the particular technology of blue glass making used by the Romuliana craftsmen, which likely involved a certain degree of mixing
of various glasses (see below).
The remaining sample, FR 10 (the only vessel fragment in the set), was already defined as an outlier in terms
of both base glass composition and added ingredients.
Its low lime level and higher soda (Fig. 9), as well as
elevated iron oxide and titania resemble the characteristics of the primary production groups of Egyptian origin (Fig. 10).50 At the same time, the virtual absence of
any decolourisers (no Sb2O5 is detected in the EPMA
measurements and MnO is found at 0.08 wt% only,
which may also be due to the added colourant) set this
peculiar composition apart from well-known primary
glass groups, such as Sb-decolourised or Mn-decolourised Foy 3.2., regarded as Egyptian production,51 leaving
the question open as to the precise affiliation of the FR 10
base glass.
To sum up, the present data allow the distinguishing of three groups of probable base glass compositions
used for the production of the Romuliana blue glasses:
Roman Mn-bearing/decolourised (FR 15) and low Mn
composition (the main cluster – FR 1–9, FR 11–14, FR
16–18; some of the samples likely adulterated by some
glass mixing), both originating from the Syro-Palestinian
region, and a soda-rich low Ca glass (FR 10), possibly
related to Egyptian primary glass production. Given the
abundance of the second group (16 out of 18 analysed
pieces), samples FR 10 and FR 15 are rather regarded
as outliers.
Added ingredients
As already mentioned, all analysed glasses from
Romuliana are rendered blue by the deliberate addition
of cobalt-containing ingredient(s). It is known that the
ores used as sources of this colourant contained certain
amounts of other elements, which were also introduced
in the glass melt. Gratuze and co-authors have established that during the Roman and late Roman period the
Silvestri, Molin, Salviulo 2008; Silvestri 2008.
Cf. Freestone 2015, Figs 1 and 2.
50 Freestone 2021, 250.
51 Schibille, Sterrett-Krause, Freestone 2017, 1237–1238; Cholakova, Rehren 2018, 57.
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
Fig. 11. Sum of cobalt
and copper oxide values
in the analysed samples compared
to lead oxide concentrations
Сл. 11. Збирне вредности
оксида кобалта и бакра
у анализираним узорцима
у поређењу са концентрацијама
оксида олова
colourant consisted mainly of a mixture of iron, copper
and cobalt oxide, with nickel recognised as a diagnostic
impurity, being found consistently in low concentrations in the finds dated prior to the late 4th c. AD.52 The
present dataset is generally in line with such characteristics of the cobalt-bearing additive.53 A general positive
correlation of cobalt and iron oxide levels is seen (Fig.
10), even though the trend is not clearly pronounced,
possibly because of the different Fe2O3 levels in the base
glass compositions, and/or variable CoO/Fe2O3 ratio in
the added colouring ingredient. An almost identical correlation is observed between CoO and CuO, although
their low concentrations, close to the detection limits of
EPMA, suggest that caution should be exercised.
Antimony and lead oxide are the other two components that stand out with their elevated concentrations
in the analysed set. In such concentrations they can
hardly be related to the natural impurities from the glassmaking sands used for the production of the discussed
base glass compositions, nor to be explained as an unintentional effect of glass recycling (see above). Therefore, they are considered parts of the suite of added colouring ingredients, even though they did not contribute
to the blue colour of the glasses.
Lead oxide in Roman cobalt blue glass is often associated with the CoO-containing geological material,
even though the CoO/PbO ratio of the colourant seems
quite variable.54 A combined scatter graph of cobalt,
copper and lead oxide concentrations in the studied set
shows that their levels are positively correlated in almost
all samples, regardless of the differences in their base
glass compositions (Fig. 11). An exception to this trend
is sample FR 14 (tessera), which features a significantly
lower PbO content. Since the analysed selection of
finds does not represent an entirely consistent technological assemblage from a single context, it is expected for the correlation in Fig. 11 not to be too distinctly
outlined. At the same time, it is clear enough to suggest
that the majority of the analysed glasses are rendered
blue by the addition of Co-containing material of fairly comparable composition, and the main difference
lies in the amount of the admixed colourant, with the
lowest quantities found in the production waste pieces.
As already pointed out, tessera FR 14, with its lower
PbO content, especially relative to its highest CoO level
in the set, is an outlier in terms of ratios of the main colourant components. On the other hand, the vessel fragment FR 10 (an outlier in respect of the base glass
makeup), even if fitting well into the general correlation, is also somewhat atypical for the main group of
samples because of its high CuO and PbO contents,
relative to CoO.
Summarising, it is suggested that, in terms of the
added CoO colourant and the oxides likely related to
its geological source (CuO, PbO), the present dataset
is relatively homogenous (i.e. a more or less uniform
origin of the colouring ingredient could be proposed),
with only sample FR 14 standing out as an exception.
Gratuze, Pactat, Schibille 2018, 18.
NiO was only occasionally detected in some of the EPMA
measurements at levels of around ≤0.01 wt%, indirectly confirming
that the composition of the Co-containing material in the Romuliana
blue glasses is in accordance with the conclusions of Gratuze and
co-authors – Gratuze, Pactat, Schibille 2018, 5.
54 Gratuze, Pactat, Schibille. 2018, Table 3.
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
Fig. 12. Antimony oxide
and cobalt oxide concentrations
in the analysed samples
Сл. 12. Концентрација
оксида антимона и кобалта
у анализираним узорцима
Interestingly, the levels of lead oxide are also positively correlated with the antimony oxide concentrations
in most of the Romuliana blue samples (cf. Figs 12, 13).
The exceptions to this trend are again samples FR 15,
FR 14, and FR 10 – the latter containing virtually no
Sb2O5. The presence of high lead levels in Sb-rich glasses – decolourised and opacified – is a well-known phenomenon, and lead could be explained as an impurity
in the geological Sb source.55 However, recent studies
suggest that lead may well be a deliberate additive to the
Sb-containing glass compositions, which changes the
properties of the glass by lowering the working temperature, improving the formation of opacifying particles,
etc.56 The specifics of the present dataset do not allow an
unambiguous identification of the origin of the elevated
PbO concentrations in the Romuliana blue samples
(i.e., the association of PbO either with cobalt or with
antimony), in particular because of the observed interdependencies in the concentrations of added oxides.
Antimony was used in the Roman glass industry as
a decolouriser,57 as well as for opacification – of strongly coloured glasses and white glass – through the formation of calcium antimonate crystals in the glass – in
essence, minute particles, which do not allow light to
pass through glass, thus preventing its transparency.58
For the majority of the Romuliana blue samples, it
would be reasonable to assume that the elevated Sb2O5
concentrations do not derive from decolourising of the
base glass (see above), but the purpose of this additive
is opacification of the tesserae and sectilia glass, as expected for such kinds of materials. This supposition is
further reinforced by the fact that the only sample without antimony oxide is a fragment of a vessel (FR 10), for
which clear transparent glass was certainly preferred
(Fig. 7: FR 10). Nevertheless, antimony oxide is present
at the levels of approx. 0.5–1.5 wt% also in other categories of finds – window panes and production waste
(Fig. 12) – which, in principle, do not require alteration
of the glass texture. Furthermore, the macroscopic inspection of the studied fragments tesserae, sectilia
sheets, window panes and production waste indicates
that they are quite translucent, and that no proper opacification of any of the pieces has been achieved, despite
the Ca- and Sb-rich composition.59 Indeed, the translucency observed in the majority of them may well result from the gas bubbles present (Figs 5 and 6). In the
absence of microstructural evidence and information
about different phases in the Romuliana samples, it is
not possible to definitely determine the effect of the
antimony in the glass. The successful formation and
preservation of opacifying calcium antimonate crystals
in glass depends on various parameters (e.g., temperature of the melt, levels of saturation of the batch with
Sb, etc.), and some other technological factors, such as
remelting and mixing of opaque blue with transparent
glass, may well have caused these particles to dissolve
during secondary glassworking.
Probably the most pronounced correlation of the
compounds added to the base glass compositions is seen
Freestone, Stapleton 2015, 68.
Paynter, Jackson 2019; Boschetti et al. 2020, 558.
Cf. Paynter, Jackson 2019.
Neri et al. 2016, 18864; Freestone, Stapleton 2015, 67–68
Cf. Paynter et al. 2015.
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
Fig. 13. Antimony oxide
concentrations in the analysed
samples compared to the sum of
cobalt, copper and lead oxide value
Сл. 13. Концентрација
оксида антимона у анализираним
узорцима у поређењу са
збирним вредностима
оксида кобалта, бакра и олова
for antimony and cobalt oxide (Fig. 12). Only two of the
samples – FR 10 with no Sb2O5, and FR 15 with the
lowest Sb2O5 content – plot clearly outside this trend.
Significantly, both samples are also outliers in terms of
their base glass compositions. One of the production
waste pieces – drop FR 8 – has a lower antimony concentration, which sets it slightly away from the correlation
outline but, on the other hand, the samples of production
debris seem to be generally more heterogeneous than
the finished objects (see below; Figs 13 and 14). The
observed link between antimony and cobalt oxide content in the majority of the samples cannot be explained
by the association of the two compounds in some kind
of geological material, since such a natural co-occurrence is unlikely. Nevertheless, the correlation trend
leaves the impression that both components could have
been incorporated into the melt from a single ingredient, similarly to the interpretation suggested for a 2nd
c. AD group of cobalt blue tesserae from Britain.60
In an attempt to further explore this aspect of the
Romuliana blue glass set, the sum of the cobalt, copper
and lead oxide concentrations, presumably linked to the
colouring, is plotted with antimony oxide levels (Fig.
13). As expected, an overall pattern of diversity emerges
in the scatter graph: samples FR 10 and FR 15 with no/
low Sb2O5 content are again identified as outliers, as
well as FR 14, with its much higher Sb2O5 and low PbO
levels, i.e. with a different proportion of the added colouring ingredients. Interestingly, the group of the remaining four tesserae also features higher antimony oxide
concentrations relative to the colour-related compounds.
At the same time, the sectilia sheets, window pane fragments and production waste pieces apparently form a
consistent group of a comparable ratio of Sb2O5 and
colourants, resembling the correlation trend in Fig. 11.
As mentioned above, a similar pattern of correlations is observed in a Roman assemblage of cobalt blue
tesserae from Britain, which feature a strong association
of their lead, copper, cobalt, nickel, arsenic and antimony levels, as well as iron and manganese.61 Such an interdependence is interpreted by Paynter and co-authors
as indicating that these colour and opacity related elements were introduced into the glass melt as a single
ingredient – a concentrated form of mixed colouring
substance prepared in advance.62 The Romuliana samples data could be seen as further evidence for such a
production technology. Nevertheless, our sample set
does not represent an entirely homogeneous archaeological and technological assemblage, and even if being
relatively consistent in terms of chemical glass composition, there is a variability in the detail (i.e., ratios and
extent of correlation of the colour and opacity related
elements). Therefore, a more nuanced interpretation of
the correlation trends is preferred in the case of the
Romuliana blue set, especially regarding the production
waste pieces (see below).
Recapitulating the significance of the elevated lead
and antimony oxide contents of the present samples, it
is not possible to conclusively associate the PbO with
either the Co-colouring ingredient, or with the Sb-opacifying additive, in the settings of this study. The only
Paynter et al. 2015, Fig. 6.
Paynter et al. 2015, 72.
Paynter et al. 2015, 75.
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
Fig. 14. Individual EPMA measurements of antimony oxide and lead oxide contents in samples identified as belonging
to single production batches, and of sample FR 11 – an example of significant heterogeneity of the glass
Сл. 14. Појединачна EPMA мерења садржаја оксида антимона и олова у узорцима који припадају одређеним
стакластим смесама, и за узорак ФР 11 – пример значајне хетерогености стакла
exception is the vessel fragment FR 10 featuring virtually no antimony but high lead oxide content, likely
linked to the Co-containing raw material. The apparent
lack of proper opacification in almost all the Romuliana pieces, despite the high Sb2O5 concentrations, can
be explained by technological specifics and the likely
remelting of the blue glasses (see below).
Production waste
The presence of blue coloured glassworking waste
(FR 7–9 and 11) found in the context of a glass furnace
in the “villa” extra muros area of Romuliana, is clear
evidence that blue glass was not only supplied to the
site as a readymade product but local craftsmen were
also processing this material for the needs of the local
consumption during the period of the active functioning of the luxurious complex. The production waste
samples repeatedly at the lower end of the correlation
trends discussed above (Figs 10–14) indicate that the
locally worked blue glass has the lowest levels of all
oxides responsible for glass colour and texture modification. The likely explanation, as discussed above,
comes from the technology used by the Romuliana
craftsmen – the observed correlation trends indicate
glass mixing (i.e. these are in fact mixing lines). Most
probably the local glassworkers were extending the
amount of available blue glass by remelting and blending/diluting some of the strongly coloured blue pieces
(e.g. tesserae or sectilia sheets) with common glass cullet. In essence, such a technology means using the blue
(architectural) glass as a colouring ingredient in the local workshop, as also practiced elsewhere in late Roman
and post Roman contexts.63 As pointed out above, the
position of the Romuliana production waste pieces in
the soda and lime scatter graph (Fig. 9), away from the
sectilia and tesserae and towards the area of the mixed
Mn and Sb glass, implies that some mixing was involved. However, it is likely to have been a feature of the
colouring process itself rather than a defining characteristic of the base glass. Quite probably, the batch of
blue coloured glass blended by the local glassworkers
contained some amount of Sb-decolourised cullet and/
or any other available pieces intended for recycling,
while the craftsmen had the skill to maintain the required
blue tint of the melt. Accordingly, a remelting of this
kind could have caused some decrease in the calcium
antimonate particles from the blue component of the
batch, and would explain the lack of proper opacification in the studied samples.
Such a reconstruction of the technology of blue
glass making in the Romuliana workshop seems more
probable than a hypothetical addition of some concen-
Cf. Schibille, Freestone 2013; Boschetti, Mantovani, Leonelli 2016; Cholakova et al. 2017.
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
Fig. 15. Coefficient of variation of the individual EPMA measurements of selected five oxides in four
of the Romuliana samples and of the reference glass Corning A.
The comparison is indicative of the degree of glass heterogeneity across different groups of finds
Сл. 15. Коефицијент варијације индивидуалних EPMA мерења пет изабраних оксида у четири узорка
из Ромулијане и референтног стакла Corning A.
Поређење је индикативно за степен хетерогености стакла у различитим групама налаза
trated mixture of raw colouring ingredients,64 which
would mean access to quite different sources of raw
materials and relevant supply chains.
Finally, the heterogeneity of the glassworking waste
samples provides further evidence about the mixed remelting carried out at Romuliana – the different components of the melt were not well homogenized, and
this is the reason for the significant scattering of the individual EPMA measurements of these samples, specifically the calculated higher coefficient of variation
(Figs 14 and 15). The most pronounced heterogeneity,
also evident in the macroscopic appearance, is found
in sample FR 11 – an unworked chunk with adhered fired
clay from the walls of a production installation/crucible
(Fig. 7), i.e. an area at the very edge of the melt where
complete homogenization was not feasible.
Single production episodes
The close compositional similarity between certain
samples allows identifying them as likely output from
single glass melting episodes (Table 2). The recognition of the so-called single batches65 in the Romuliana
blue set is further reinforced by a plot of the individual
EPMA measurements (Fig. 14). An overlap is seen for
four out of six tesserae (FR 13, FR 16–18), four out of
five sectilia sheets (FR 1–3, FR 12), the two window
panes (FR 5, FR 6) and two of the four production debris pieces (FR 7, FR 9). The most tightly clustered
group of the tesserae probably indicates that the four
mosaic cubes were cut from one and the same cake,
and/or that the tessera glass was better homogenised,
compared to the other groups of finds (Fig. 15). The
clusters of the sectilia sheets and the window panes
demonstrate a more dispersed pattern, while the two
glassworking waste pieces seem even more heterogeneous, as discussed above.
The significance of the single batches identified in
the Romuliana blue set has two aspects. Firstly, and not
surprisingly, pieces originating from a single production episode likely formed a single delivery to a particular area of the site and, therefore, they come from one
and the same findspot – the majority of the tesserae were
found at the “villa” extra muros; most of the sectilia
sheets come from palace D1 (Table 2, Fig. 2). Never the
Cf. Paynter et al. 2015, 75.
Freestone, Price, Cartwright 2009.
The Blues of Romuliana (207–230)
less, tessera FR 13 and sectilia piece FR 12 from these
two batches were found at a different findspot (the portico inside the northern rampart wall – Fig. 2). That
would indicate that either these deliveries secured architectural glass for more than just a single building construction in Romuliana, or that the blue pieces were
subject to secondary redistribution within the site, possibly chronologically later than the original delivery.
The second aspect of single batch samples from the
present dataset concerns the production waste pieces.
Two of them (FR 7 and FR 9 – a fragment of a misshaped vessel and a small unworked chunk) most probably come from a single glass melting episode, but the
remaining two pieces are compositionally slightly different, which could tentatively suggest that blue glass
was produced at Romuliana in more than just a single
isolated batch.
The presented data and interpretations of a set of
18 blue glass pieces from the late Roman site of Felix
Romuliana are the first attempts to explore the chemi-
cal composition of glass finds of the first half of the 4th
century from this important imperial residence. The results demonstrate that glasses originating from the
Syro-Palestinian region coloured blue by adding various
amounts of cobalt-bearing colourant, as well as antimony, commonly used as an opacifier, and supplied to
the Central Balkans, mostly for the purposes of luxurious mosaic decorations. The single vessel fragment has
a different base glass origin (Egypt?), as well as a different makeup of its added ingredients. Furthermore, the
analysed glassworking waste indicates that the local
craftsmen were likely using available blue architectural
glass pieces as a colouring material in their workshop.
The support of Kevin Reeves, who conducted the
EPMA measurements, is gratefully acknowledged, as
well as the contribution of Veljko Džikić, who produced
some of the photographs.
The authors are indebted to Gerda von Bülow for
providing materials for this study, and to Maja Živić
for facilitating access to the assemblage.
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Резиме: СОЊА ЈОВАНОВИЋ, Археолошки институт, Београд
АНАСТАСИЈА ЧОЛАКОВА, Национални археолошки институт и музеј Бугарске академије наука, Софија
СТЕФАН ПОП-ЛАЗИЋ, Археолошки институт, Београд
ИАН Ч. ФРИСТОУН, УКЛ Археолошки институт, Лондон
МАЈА ЖИВКОВИЋ, Народни музеј, Београд
Кључне речи. – Касноримски период, централни Балкан, кобалтно плаво стакло, секундарна производња стакла,
плочице sectilia стакла, коцкице мозаика, стаклени отпад, хемијски састав стакла, EPMA
У раду је приказано 18 стаклених фрагмената и коцкица
мозаика са неколико различитих локација унутар и изван
утврђене касноримске царске резиденције Феликс Ромулијане (Гамзиград, Србија). Налази су опредељени у 4. век, са
прецизнијим датовањем за одређене комаде. Већину чине
коцкице мозаика (6 ком.), комади стаклених плочица (sectilia sheets – 5 фрагмената) коришћени у архитектонској декорацији, затим отпаци настали током секундарне стаклене
производње (4 ком.), два фрагмента танког равног стакла,
које је, са резервом, идентификовано као прозорско, и један
уломак стаклене посуде неодређеног типа (Сл. 3 и 4 ). Фрагменти су нађени унутар и изван „виле” extra muros, која се
налази северно од утврђене палате (1), у портику, уз северни бедем царског комплекса (2), у палати Д1 (3), и у кули 1
– јужној кули источне капије старије фортификације (4)
(Сл. 2; Табела 1). Пар примерака стакленог отпада, као и
два фрагмента „прозорског” стакла нађена су у стакларској
пећи у Просторији 1 „виле” extra muros. Критеријуми за издвајање ове групе налаза представљале су њихове визуелне
карактеристике – кобалтноплава боја, пре свега, и њихови
морфолошко-типолошки атрибути. Примерци су хемијски
испитани помоћу микроанализатора електронске сонде
(EPMA) у Волфсоновим археолошким научним лабораторијама Универзитетског колеџа у Лондону.
Као што је очекивано, сви анализирани узорци уклапају
се у оквирне вредности типичног састава римског стакла на
бази соде, кречњака и силицијум-диоксида (Табела 2). Што
се тиче основне композиције стакла, ова група састоји се
од једне релативно уједначене скупине узорака, од које одступају само два налаза – фрагмент стаклене посуде и једна
коцкица мозаика (ФР 10 и ФР 14; Сл. 8). У саставу 17 од 18
узорака, однос садржаја алуминијума и силицијум-диоксида, који је индикативан за утврђивање изворишта песка коришћеног у примарној производњи стакла, заједно са релативно ниским вредностима за соду и високим вредностима
за кречњак, одговара карактеристикама примарних производних група сиријско-палестинског порекла, изузев за
фрагмент стаклене посуде (ФР 10) који би се могао повезати са египатском примарном производњом. Сирово стакло
које потиче из сиријско-палестинске области бојено је плаво
додавањем различитих количина кобалта, који је коришћен
као колорант, и антимона, који је обично служио да стакло
учини непрозирним. Такво стакло је достављано на централни Балкан најчешће за потребе луксузних мозаичких декорација. Присуство плаво обојеног стакленог отпада (ФР 7–9
и ФР 11) у контексту стакларске пећи у „вили” extra muros
представља јасан доказ да плаво стакло није достављано у
Ромулијану само као готов производ, већ су локални мајстори (занатлије) такође обрађивали овај материјал за потребе
локалне потрошње током периода активног функционисања
овог луксузног комплекса. Приликом поређења нивоа садржаја оксида који се односе на боју и непрозирност стакла у
узорцима из Ромулијане, констатују се њихове најниже вредности у саставу стаклених отпадака (Сл. 12 и 13). Паралелно са овим, трендови корелације ових оксида показују да су
локални мајстори вероватно користили спремно и доступно интензивно бојено архитектонско стакло као колорант у
својим плавим смесама, чиме су разблаживали концентрацију кобалта и антимона, а да су и даље могли одржати жељени визуелни изглед своје продукције.
UDC: 904:636.2/.4(439)"13/14"
Original research article
ERIKA GÁL, Institute of Archaeology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest
LÁSZLÓ BARTOSIEWICZ, Osteoarchaeological Research Laboratory, Stockholm University, Stockholm
[email protected]
Abstract. – Medieval animal remains from the Esztergom archbishopric (Hungary) were screened using 5 mm and 2 mm mesh
sizes, aimed at the high-resolution study of fish and bird remains and helping to achieve better comparisons with documentary
sources. This is the first medieval assemblage in Hungary recovered using screening.
A total of 7,294 animal remains are studied here, representing the 14th and 15th century. The screening resulted in quantities
of fish and bird bones. The large find numbers also multiplied the taxonomic diversity. In addition to the remains of new,
small-bodied species, bones of young fish showed a diachronic increase in the contribution of carp and young pike to the diet.
This seems consonant with the expansion of medieval fish farming. Remains of juvenile birds could also be identified.
Some worked bones recovered by screening indicate the manufacturing or reparation of crossbows at the site.
Thanks to these details, our material stands out among other contemporaneous animal bone assemblages from the Carpathian
Basin. Comparisons between sites, however, must be done with caution, as our data are qualitatively different from others. Large
bones of livestock and the near absence of those from large game may be interpreted in the light of other hand-collected samples,
while fish and bird remains and even the abundance of brown hare need to be seen in part as a product of high-resolution recovery.
The newly discovered spectrum of animal remains could be profitably interpreted in the light of late 15th century accounting
books of the archbishop. Although these documentary sources slightly post-date our material, they shed light on the complexities
of meat procurement between possibly local production and trade.
Key words. – Late Middle Ages, meat provisioning, ecclesiastic centres, pond fishing, fowling, documentary sources
ungarian archaeology has developed a strong
specialisation by chronological periods. Among
these, prehistory has been most dependent on
the use of scientific methodology – including the analysis of animal remains – since the mid-19th century.1
Medieval archaeology, on the other hand, rooted in a
strong tradition of art history and architecture, has only
relatively recently discovered the value of animal studies; moreover, screening was practically unknown in
the recovery of medieval finds.
The animal remains under discussion here originate
from a high-status context and represent the first ever
medieval faunal assemblage recovered using systema-
tic screening, which helps re-assess the stereotypical
roles of birds and fish in medieval cuisine.
The aim of this article is to evaluate the importance
of fish and birds, especially domestic hens, pigeons and
thrushes, in addition to that of ordinary livestock, in the
diet. Fine recovery and its beneficial impact on reconstructing late medieval meat consumption could be appraised in the light of the kitchen’s architecture2 as well
Bartosiewicz et al. 2011, 280.
Benkő et al. 2021.
Kuffart 2018.
Manuscript received 16th February 2021, accepted 3rd September 2021
Animal Remains from the Late Medieval Kitchen of the Esztergom Archdiocese, Hungary – The Benefits of Screening (231–251)
Figure 1. The location of Esztergom in present-day Hungary (insert).
Legend: 1) Esztergom; 2) Buda; 3) Visegrád; 4) Vienna
Слика 1. Положај Естергома у данашњој Мађарској (исечак).
Легенда: 1) Естергом; 2) Буда; 3) Вишеград; 4) Беч
as the contemporaneous documentary record on the
purchase of animals for the archbishop’s kitchen.3 The
detailed information obtained through screening also
offered possible evidence of undocumented phenomena such as hawking.4
Geography, chronology, cultural context
The site of Esztergom-Várhegy-Kőbánya (Esztergom- Castle Hill-Stone quarry) was excavated outside
the wall of Esztergom Castle. Esztergom was one of the
most prominent political and cultural centres in medieval Hungary. The town is located on the right bank of
the Danube, upstream from the Danube Bend gorge (Fig.
1). Its castle was built on an elevation of some 50 m
above the floodplain (latitude: 47°47´53.88˝ N; longitude: 18°44´14.28˝ E).
The finds were brought to light in 2014–2016 during excavations by the Department of Archaeology of
the Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Hungary) of a
5 m by 2 m trench opened at the southern tip of the castle, perpendicular to the medieval wall facing south-
west.5 Animal remains were found in the pits of an
abandoned stone quarry in which refuse from the archbishop’s kitchen had accumulated to a thickness of several metres. The animal remains could be divided into
five sets of layers by the vertical stratigraphy in a quasichronological sequence6, of which Sets II and III were
Of the five radiocarbon measurements taken7, two
were singled out to illustrate the most marked chronological difference between the studied undisturbed sets
of strata (Fig. 2). Set II, the uppermost section, represented the smaller portion of the material. A domestic
hen8 tibiotarsus (sample E1) yielded a 1405–1430 cal
Serjeantson 2006.
Benkő et al. 2021, 3, Fig. 1.
6 Re-deposition due to the differential density of layers needs
to be reckoned with even if no disturbance is visible.
7 Benkő et al. 2021, 5.
8 The short lifespan of hens helps narrow the ranges of dating.
Animal Remains from the Late Medieval Kitchen of the Esztergom Archdiocese, Hungary – The Benefits of Screening (231–251)
Figure 2.
Calibrated radiocarbon dates
illustrating the periodisation of the site
Слика 2.
Калибрисани радиокарбонски датуми
који показују датовање локалитета
AD (1σ; 1330–1445 cal AD, 2σ) calibrated date. The
1395–1445 interval was characterised by a 92.3% probability (Fig. 2, D-AMS 020204). It will, thus, be referred to as the 15th century assemblage.
Set III formed the bulk of the deposit in the middle
of the stratigraphy for which another hen tibiotarsus
(sample E3) provided a date of 1295–1395 cal AD (1σ;
1285–1400 cal AD, 2σ), marking the 14th century. This
set contained twice as many remains as Set II in all three
studied vertebrate classes.
In addition to comparing our material to those of
relevant medieval sites, kitchen archives kept among
the 33 accounting books of Ippolito d’Este, archbishop
between 1486–1497, complement our results, even if
these 1489 and 1492–1494 records slightly post-date
the zoological material.9 However, they contain purchases for the kitchen, and rarely refer to upper class gifts
or tithe paid by serfs.10 In addition, these documents
may show social differentiation in food provisioning,
invisible in the mixed archaeological deposit.11
n=12,893).13 Excavations at the Augustine abbey at
Sankt Pölten showed the difference in efficiency between recovering 15th century fish remains by hand and
screening. While 85–90% of small cyprinid fish were
recovered from screened samples, only 35–40% of even
large carp and pike remains appeared in the hand-collected assemblage.14 In a different setting, screening at
3 mm was also instrumental in the recovery of bird
Although screening experiments began at two medieval sites in Hungary during the 1980s,16 the method
has not made it to the mainstream of archaeology. It
was the international excavation of prehistoric sites,
where, fifteen years later, screening was first included
in the protocol.17 Thanks to the archaeologists’ interest
in medieval diets,18 dirt from the Esztergom deposits
was screened using 5 mm and 2 mm mesh sizes.19
Recovery by screening
Methods of fine recovery were pioneered in prehistoric archaeology, first related to the interest in ancient
environments.12 Remains of small vertebrates (poikilotherm animals as well as small birds and mammals)
cannot be reliably retrieved by hand. An experiment on
fish remains showed a 58-fold increase in the number
of fish remains when screening at 1/4″ (6.35 mm,
n=224) was enhanced using a 1/8″ mesh (3.175 mm,
Nyáry 1870; Kuffart 2018.
Kuffart 2018, 54–55.
Benkő et al. 2021, 9.
Barker 1975; Payne 1972; Clason, Prummel 1977.
Peres 2001, Table 4.1.
Galik et al. 2011, 102.
Roberts et al. 2020, 73.
Bartosiewicz 1988; Takács 1988.
Pike-Tay et al. 2004; Kovács et al. 2010; Bartosiewicz 2020.
Benkő et al. 2021.
Eszter L. Kis Szabó and Róbert Lóki, personal communi-
Animal Remains from the Late Medieval Kitchen of the Esztergom Archdiocese, Hungary – The Benefits of Screening (231–251)
Best represented fish taxa
large acipenserids
small cyprinids
14th century
Fish: Chi2=18.568, degrees of freedom=5, P<0.002***
15th century
Best represented bird taxa
domestic hen
goose (wild or domestic)
duck (wild or domestic)
wild birds
Bird: Chi2=1.014, degrees of freedom=3, P<0.791
Best represented mammalian taxa
brown hare
Mammal: Chi2=5.748, degrees of freedom=3, P<0.125
Table 1. The distribution of best represented animals (NISP) by vertebrate classes between
the two main chronological sets
Табела 1. Дистрибуција најзаступљенијих животиња (БОП) по класама кичмењака у оквиру
две хронолошке групе
Screening is significant in appraising diversity in
archaeological samples in general, and of fish and bird
assemblages in particular.20 A previous study of sieved
prehistoric fish remains from the Danube has shown a
close (r=0.792) exponential relationship between the
number of identifiable specimens (NISP henceforth)
and the number of fish taxa represented in the assemblage.21 The 0.302 exponent, indicative of a degressive
trend in the increase of taxa as a function of NISP, seems
comparable with the value obtained for micromammals.22 In comparison with the frequency of small birds
in hand-collected medieval assemblages from Hungary, screening carried out in Esztergom clearly led to an
increase of both NISP and the number of taxa.23
Aside from the positive effect of sieving on appraising taxonomic diversity, the relationship between NISP
and the number of taxa is influenced by the skeletal
morphology and actual body size that vary both between
and within vertebrate classes.24 Moreover, modes of
deposition, as well as a host of taphonomic factors, determine rates of identification.25
Most of the results are presented in terms of NISP,
a primary observational unit. In the case of bird remains,
the minimum number of individuals (MNI henceforth)
was calculated and the age of birds, such as ‘neonate’,
‘juvenile’, ‘subadult’, and ‘adult’26, was identified by
epiphyseal fusion.
A total of 7,294 animal remains (including nonidentifiable specimens) were recovered from the studied
two periods (1,168 fish, 2,600 birds, 3,526 mammals).
First, the differences between the sets of radiocarbon
dated strata (III: 14th century, II: 15th century) were tested. Meat purpose animals represented by over five
identifiable bones could be included in the Chi2 tests to
appraise the chronological heterogeneity of data (Table
1). When pooled fish, avian, and mammalian bones
were compared between sets II and III, the resulting
Serjeantson 2001; Zohar, Belmaker 2005; Baker 2010.
Bartosiewicz 2020a, 100–101.
Bartosiewicz et al. 2013, 857, Table 1.
Gál 2020a.
Bartosiewicz, Gál 2007.
Goffette 2020, 123.
Serjeantson 2009, 46, Table 3.6.
Animal Remains from the Late Medieval Kitchen of the Esztergom Archdiocese, Hungary – The Benefits of Screening (231–251)
Figure 3. The proportion between fish taxa in 23 hand-collected medieval assemblages (left)
and the two sets of strata at Esztergom (right)
Слика 3. Разлике у уделу различитих врста риба између 23 средњовековне фаунистичке збирке које су ручно
сакупљене (лево) и две збирке налаза из Естергома (десно)
Chi2=7.492 value (degrees of freedom=2) was statistically significant at a 5% probability (P=0.024), the taxonomic composition of the 14th and 15th century material was different.
The source of chronological difference was studied
in greater detail. The three vertebrate classes differed
significantly between the two centuries only in the taxonomic composition of fish bones (Table 1). Therefore,
although the chronological sub-division will be retained
in this presentation, the differences will be detailed only
in the case of fish, characteristic of diachronic change.
Fish remains
Figure 3 (left side) shows the aggregated taxonomic composition of 23 hand-collected fish bone assemblages from medieval sites in Hungary. They are dominated by the “usual” sizeable taxa: sturgeon, catfish,
carp and pike, also known in such assemblages elsewhere.27 Bones representing smaller species were relatively rarely found. The single screened sample from
Esztergom contained nearly as many identifiable remains as all medieval sites during previous research28
and showed far greater diversity (Table 2). The percent
of bones from sturgeon and catfish understandably decreased, while the relative frequency of small cyprinids and sterlet (the smallest acipenserid) increased (Fig.
3, right). Thus, comparisons with previously excavated medieval fish bones need to be cautious: the increased taxonomic richness of the Esztergom assemblage in itself is partly a product of precise recovery
rather than a change in fishing strategy.
Despite unequal sample sizes, a statistically significant difference was found between the 14th and 15th
century fish bone assemblages from Esztergom (c.f.
Table 1).29 This deserves particular attention as it is the
only zoological feature in which the two chronological
Živaljević et al. 2019, 187.
Not including remains only denoted as “fish” without further
29 Great sturgeon and catfish were not included in the calculation as they were each represented by fewer than five bones in the
chronological sub-assemblages.
Animal Remains from the Late Medieval Kitchen of the Esztergom Archdiocese, Hungary – The Benefits of Screening (231–251)
Sturgeon (Huso huso)
Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus)
Large acipenserids (Acipenseridae)
Pike (Esox lucius)
Common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Bream (Abramis brama)
Barbel (Barbus barbus)
Crucian carp (Carassius carassius)
Ide (Leuciscus idus)
Common roach (Rutilus rutilus)
Tench (Tinca tinca)
Vimba bream (Vimba vimba)
Small cyprinids (Cyprinidae)
Wels catfish (Silurus glanis)
Perch (Perca fluviatilis)
Pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca)
Non-identifiable (Pisces)
14th century
15th century
Table 2. Fish remains (percentages show a significant chronological difference)
Табела 2. Остаци риба (разлике у процентуалном учешћу између периода су значајне)
sets differ at the site (Table 2 and Fig. 3). Descriptions of
the species are given in a detailed study,30 here only some
special aspects of the material will be summarised as
highlighted by screening. The main difference between
the two chronological samples is that the contribution
of cyprinids (including carp) rose from two-thirds to
three-quarters of all fish remains by the 15th century.
The ratio of securely identifiable carp remains grew
one-and-a-half-fold, which is particularly striking.31
The overwhelming majority of fish species identified at Esztergom are eurytopic: they thrive in a variety
of freshwater environments, including both the Danube
and fish ponds. The taxonomic diversity of the 15th century sample was particularly high: 15 fish taxa could be
identified in one-third of the entire assemblage. Thanks
to the use of screening, the increased number of small
cyprinid bones included those of barbel and vimba bream,
two rheophilic species, which prefer fast flowing waters with high concentrations of dissolved oxygen. They
can be caught in streams of the nearby Visegrád mountains today,32 and represent a potentially diverse source
of fish brought to the archbishop’s kitchen.
In addition to the recovery of small fish illustrating
resource diversity, small individuals of large species
were found in quantities, with some measurable bones
allowing the calculation of total lengths.33 Eight size
estimates for carp yielded a mean value of only 39.8 cm
(median=42.5 cm, standard deviation=8.5 cm). The mean
total length of ten small pike was 26.9 cm (median=
25.6 cm, standard deviation=8.7 cm).34 Catfish, often
dominant in hand-collected assemblages, are also represented by small individuals. The total lengths calculated
from two intact cleithra were 34.1 and 39.9 cm, and some
non-measurable fragments also originate from small
carp. Such small bones are hardly ever seen in nonscreened samples.
Counting skeletal elements by body region (neurocranium, viscerocranium, zonoskeleton, axial skeleton,
lepidotrichia and dermal scutes) showed no significant
chronological differences (Chi2=3.848, degrees of freedom=5, P=0.572): bones of the head region and the trunk
were represented in similar ways through time.
Bartosiewicz 2021.
The minor “increase” in sturgeon is not statistically significant.
32 Weiperth et al. 2015, 52.
33 Cyprinids: Libois, Hallet-Libois 1988; catfish: Takács 1987;
pike: Bartosiewicz 1990.
34 A single outlier, a 83.3 cm long individual, was not included
in this calculation.
Animal Remains from the Late Medieval Kitchen of the Esztergom Archdiocese, Hungary – The Benefits of Screening (231–251)
Figure 4.
Humerus of domestic pigeon (middle);
coracoideum of pheasant (left);
coracoideum of a juvenile partridge (right)
Слика 4.
Хумерус голуба (средина);
коракоид фазана (лево);
коракоид младе јаребице (десно)
Bird remains
Firstly, the outstanding contribution of the domestic
hen must be mentioned. Since some of the long bones
of hens contained medullary bone, it is evident that
breeding females were slaughtered.35 Based on this
osteological evidence one may assume that the kitchen
of the archdiocese, a consumption rather than production unit, also purchased eggs along with poultry.36 In
addition to the domestic hen, the domestic pigeon was
represented by 22 remains. The possibility of keeping
pigeons is supported by the skeletal elements of two
juveniles in addition to the remains of at least three
adult pigeons (Fig. 4, left side).
The bones of geese and ducks that fall within the
size range of the wild greylag goose (Anser anser) and
the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) (NISP=117) pose
problems of interpretation. Morphometric differences,
blurred by sexual dimorphism, are insufficient for distinguishing between the wild and domestic forms of
these birds. Not even aDNA analyses could reliably aid
distinction, given potential interbreeding between the
two forms. A possible indication of their domestic status
is that these bones are more numerous than those of wild
fowl (with the exception of partridge). Moreover, some
remains from juveniles are also more likely to originate
from domestic goslings. However, one cannot rule out
that these remains represent the wild forms: following
thrushes, bones of wild ducks are the most numerous
game birds in the assemblage, originating from four
safely identifiable species (Table 3).
The remains of wild birds come from at least 20 different species, a diversity possibly suggesting a highstatus diet.37 They range from small birds (e.g. quail,
starling and thrushes) to medium-size and large game
birds such as wild ducks, pheasant (Fig. 4, middle), little bustard, and possibly graylag goose. Pheasant, a
game bird whose first osteological evidence in medieval Hungary comes from the 13th century layers of the
Dominican monastery at Buda,38 is represented in this
assemblage only by nine remains.
The variety of thrushes39 in our material included
five species, of which three (blackbird, redwing and
song thrush) have been identified for the first time in
medieval Hungary. The consumption of two large commensal perching birds, jay and rook cannot be ruled
out.40 Nevertheless, the small number of remains from
Gál 2021a, Fig. 7.
The consumption of old hens was also observed in the 14th to
mid-15th century bird material of the Studenica monastery in Serbia:
Marković et al. 2016.
37 Serjeantson 2006.
38 Matolcsi 1981, 241.
39 Jánossy 1983; Wójcik 2002.
40 Bartosiewicz 2004, 38.
Animal Remains from the Late Medieval Kitchen of the Esztergom Archdiocese, Hungary – The Benefits of Screening (231–251)
individual species, except for partridge, point to only
opportunistic fowling.41 In addition to these species
widely considered “edible”, bones of two diurnal raptors, goshawk and sparrow hawk, were also recovered
(Table 3). Both are common in the present-day avifauna
of Hungary42 and can be used in hawking.43
Mammalian remains
Ordinary livestock are well represented in the kitchen refuse from the archdiocese. While cattle remains
were identified most frequently, those of caprines and
pig were found in almost comparable numbers (Table
4). This means that beef (represented by far larger
bones) indubitably played a leading role in meat pro-
Domestic hen (Gallus domesticus)
Domestic pigeon (Columba domestica)
Domestic fowl total
Glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)
Eurasian teal (Anas crecca)
Gadwall (A. strepera)
Garganey (A. querquedula)
Tufted duck (Aythya fuligula)
Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)
Sparrow hawk (A. nisus)
Partridge (Perdix perdix)
Quail (Coturnix coturnix)
Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
Little bustard (Tetrax tetrax)
Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris)
Blackbird (T. merula)
Redwing (T. iliacus)
Song thrush (T. philomelos)
Mistle thrush (T. viscivorus)
Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
Spotted nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes)
Rook (Corvus frugilegus)
Perching bird (Passeriformes sp. indet.)
Wild fowl total
Domestic goose/Greylag goose (Anser sp.)
Domestic duck/Mallard (Anas sp.)
Galliform (Galliformes sp. indet.)
Bird (Aves sp. indet)
Total bird remains
visioning, although mutton and pork were also important. Unsurprisingly, horse bones were missing from
the food refuse. Among meat-purpose domesticates,
ageing was rarely possible due to the high degree of
butchering and fragmentation. Many ageable remains,
however, originated from young individuals.
In terms of the meat quality categories defined by
Uerpmann44, bones of B (in bovids) and C (in pig)
quality cuts dominated among the remains of livestock.45 In the case of cattle, bones representing high
quality meat (especially vertebrae46), as well as elements of the head and dry limbs seem to be underrepresented. Additionally, ribs associated with medium
quality meat are conspicuously numerous. Even if pot-
Total %
Table 3. Bird remains (NISP, percentages showed no significant chronological difference)
Табела 3. Остаци птица (БОП, разлике у процентуалном учешћу између периода нису значајне)
Animal Remains from the Late Medieval Kitchen of the Esztergom Archdiocese, Hungary – The Benefits of Screening (231–251)
Cattle (Bos taurus)
Sheep (Ovis aries)
14th century
15th century
Total %
Sheep or goat (Caprinae)
Pig (Sus domesticus)
Dog (Canis familiaris)
Cat (Felis catus)
Domestic mammal total
Red deer (Cervus elaphus)
Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)
Brown bear (Ursus arctos)
Hare (Lepus europaeus)
Wild mammal total
Rodent (cf. Muridae)
Red deer antler
Roe deer antler
Large ruminant
Small ruminant
Small mammal
Total mammalian remains
Table 4. Mammalian remains (NISP, percentages showed no significant chronological difference)
Табела 4. Остаци сисара (БОП, разлике у процентуалном учешћу између периода нису значајне)
sizing may have increased the number of rib fragments,
their dominance among cattle remains is unquestionable. The side of the animals represented by ribs was also
frequently consumed among small ungulates. However,
in the case of sheep, goat and pig, the feet of the animals
were also present. Head elements of pig were found in
particularly large numbers, which seems to point beyond the robust structure of these bones (Table 5). The
tender head meat of pig seems to have been a popular
delicacy, among others, at St Albans Abbey in England
during the 11th–12th century.47
Of all game animals, the remains of brown hare
were found most commonly. Fragmented hare bones are
not easily distinguishable from those of rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). However, the latter was not native to
the Carpathian Basin and the earliest osteological evidence of its probable domestic form is available from
the 16th century.48 It seems that hare (similarly to fowl)
were taken to the kitchen complete. Thanks to screening, small bones of their feet, including phalanges, were
found, showing that these non-edible limb segments
had been retained, likely for transport or storage by
hanging (Table 5).
The remains of large game, potential indicators of
a high-status diet, are almost entirely missing. Skeletal
remains of cervids49 occurred only sporadically, and no
wild pig could be identified on the basis of size. Brown
bear, usually found at prehistoric sites in Hungary,50 is
rare in ordinary medieval assemblages. It contributed
a proximal phalanx to the material (Fig. 5).
Gál 2020a.
Hume 2009.
Duhay 2000.
Uerpmann 1973.
Gál 2021a, Table 3.
Uerpmann 1973.
Serjeantson et al. 2018, 129–130, Table 9.
Bökönyi 1974, 429.
Antler fragments need to be counted separately, as unrelated
to diet.
Bárány 2011–2013, 26.
Animal Remains from the Late Medieval Kitchen of the Esztergom Archdiocese, Hungary – The Benefits of Screening (231–251)
Skeletal element
vert. cervicalis
vert. thoracalis
vert. lumbaris
os sacrum
Meaty limb
Dry limb
vert. caudalis
ph. proximalis
ph. media
ph. distalis
Terminal bones
Long bone
Flat bone
Domestic Partridge
Table 5. The anatomical distribution of remains among the best represented mammalian and avian species (NISP)
after Kretzoi (1967). Meat value categories for mammals after Uerpmann (1973)
Табела 5. Анатомска дистрибуција остатака међу најзаступљенијим врстама сисара и птица (БОП)
по Kretzoi (1967). Вредности категорија меса по Uerpmann (1973)
Animal Remains from the Late Medieval Kitchen of the Esztergom Archdiocese, Hungary – The Benefits of Screening (231–251)
Figure 5.
Proximal phalanx of brown bear next
to a modern reference specimen (right)
Слика 5.
Проксимална фаланга мрког медведа поред
референтног савременог примерка (десно)
Aside from the animals of potential culinary importance, screening was instrumental in recovering a few
small bones of dogs and cats and almost a hundred
bones of mice and rats. While these commensal animals
evidently played no role in the medieval diet and, thus,
will not be additionally discussed here, they further illustrate medieval life.
Medieval finds of large sturgeons are known from
ten secular and ecclesiastic centres in Hungary and
were also reported in detail at the Studenica monastery
in Serbia.51 The finds from the archiepiscopal kitchen
of Esztergom fit within this picture. All finds from these
ecclesiastic settlements date from the 14th–15th centuries (rare finds from secular settlements have a broader
temporal distribution).52
In the early 1410s, the archbishop of Esztergom entertained the bishop of Passau visiting a fishing site,
where fishermen landed ten sturgeons within one and
a half hours.53 According to sources discussing the
economy of the Esztergom archdiocese, villages some
60 km to its north, along the River Vah in present-day
Slovakia, were well-known for sturgeon fishing.54 According to the documents of the butchers’ guild of Buda,
their catch was even brought to the capital at the turn
of the 15th–16th century.55 However, the bones of large
acipenserids are rare in the Esztergom assemblage. The
archbishop’s kitchen seldom purchased cuts of these
valuable fish.56
The significance of Danube fishing upstream from
Esztergom is reflected in 1206 in a dispute between settlements along the Vah regarding the sturgeon catch and
the use of fish ponds.57 This latter point in legal sources has directed attention to the possible consumption
of farmed fish at the archdiocese. The most striking
trend in the fish bone material from the archbishop’s
kitchen is the statistically significant increase in cyprinid remains. In the absence of known environmental
changes at the time, the marked shift in fish consumption may be explained by subtle trends in provisioning:
fish ponds were established across Central Europe by
the 13th century58 and in the 13th to 15th century period
all major Orthodox monasteries in Serbia also cultivated
their own fish ponds.59 During the 11th–13th century,
Živaljević et al. 2019, 188.
Bartosiewicz 2018, 122, Fig. 3.
Zolnay 1977, 96–121.
Nyáry 1870, 362.
Kuffart 2018, 366; Kenyeres et al. 2008.
Kuffart 2018, 280–281.
Novák 2005, 48.
Hoffmann 2002.
Živaljević et al. 2019, 182.
Animal Remains from the Late Medieval Kitchen of the Esztergom Archdiocese, Hungary – The Benefits of Screening (231–251)
there may already have been three to four thousand fish
ponds in Hungary,60 thus the trend seen in the Esztergom material may be explained by their steadily increasing impact in fish provisioning.
The best seasons for fishing are spring and summer:
the demand for the forty days of Lent and the June fast
associated with St. Peter and St. Paul could be easily
met. However, catering for the winter fasting days from
natural waters may sometimes have been difficult.61
Although undocumented in Esztergom, in nearby
Bohemia, 87 ponds were registered between 1347 and
1418. By 1450–1550, extensive fish farms transformed
the Czech landscape,62 eventually even supplying the
market in Vienna.63 Archaeological evidence of medieval damming indicates that ponds were established in
the Búbánat Valley near Esztergom after the 13th century.64 Their management can probably be linked to a
medieval residence there (MRT 8, Site 116), a property
of the archdiocese by the late 14th century.65
In addition to carp, ponds were also stocked with
predatory species in order to eliminate less valuable
small fish competing with carp. The high numbers of
fry produced by carp would also have led to overpopulation; they were reduced by stocking young pike (not
threatening full-grown carp), mirroring the fish fauna
in natural waters.66 By the 14th century, pike became an
important by-product in aquafarming. Less commonly,
pikeperch and catfish, whose meat was highly valued,
were likewise kept in ponds. Fully developed voracious
predators, however, would have seriously damaged
carp stocks.
In light of these methods, it is particularly interesting
that the consumption of pond fish in the archbishop’s
court is indirectly suggested by estimated total lengths
of carp around 40 cm, the optimal size at the time of
harvest in aquafarming.67 This observation is supported
by the similarly small size of many pike, whose contribution slightly increased by the 15th century (Chi2=0.020,
degree of freedom=1, P=0.924). Two catfish, barely
longer than 30 cm fall in line with these data. Predatory fish of this size may have been caught along with
carp in the same net. These zoological observations fall
in line with the rare mention of large carp in the kitchen’s accounting book.68 The same source quotes the
presentation of small pike on plates.69
The avian assemblage from Esztergom is also the
most diverse assemblage from a medieval ecclesiastic
centre in the entire Carpathian Basin. The unusually high
number of domestic hen and wild bird bones may be
attributed to screening. Fully grown birds were identified most frequently, although even such bones often
originated from small individuals.70
Among birds, poultry played the most significant
role in meat provisioning: domestic hens were represented by two forms of different sizes in Esztergom.
This species is commonly recorded at medieval settlements of various social statuses.71 Poultry may be regarded as a complementary and/or seasonal item to the
repertoire of light, tender meat. According to the archbishop’s accounting, young chickens, hens and fattened
capons were regularly purchased or collected as tithe in
Among ecclesiastic sites (Fig. 6) the domestic hen
was well represented in the Pauline monastery at Márianosztra (Hungary) and the Franciscan monastery of
Marosvásárhely, in Transylvania (present-day Romania), although it was always outnumbered by the remains of meat purpose livestock. The contribution of
poultry was small at the Dominican monastery in the
medieval capital, Buda, where even wild mammals and
fish yielded more remains than the domestic hen.
Pigeons were also consumed in the archbishop’s
kitchen. They were bought along with chicken and the
spring purchase of juveniles (also identified in the
screened material) may be explained by the keeping of
the domestic form.73 Thanks to the Esztergom finds,
the number of medieval sites yielding the domestic pigeon in Hungary has increased to five.74
The exploitation of domestic geese and ducks (meat,
eggs and down) is likewise suggested by the bones of
60 Pesty 1867, 68. Although this estimate might seem exaggerated, there were 25,000 fish ponds in Bohemia by the late medieval period, in the wake of the upswing in fish farming (Hoffmann
1999, 191).
61 Wyrwa, Makowiecki 2009, 67.
62 Andreska 1984.
63 Wacha 1956.
64 Csilla Zatykó pers. comm.
65 Horváth et al. 1979, 215–219.
66 Bourquelot 1863, 71.
67 Galik et al. 2015, 347.
68 Two out of 41 mentions: Kuffart 2018, 275 and 289.
69 Kuffart 2018, 125.
70 Gál 2021a.
71 Gál 2021b.
72 Kuffart 2018, 110, 143.
73 Kuffart 2018, 276–277.
74 Gál 2021a, Fig. 15.
Animal Remains from the Late Medieval Kitchen of the Esztergom Archdiocese, Hungary – The Benefits of Screening (231–251)
Figure 6. The taxonomic composition of animal bone assemblages from ecclesiastic centres of representative sizes
(NISP≥500). The approximate dating of sites increases from top to bottom
Слика 6. Таксономски састав животињских остатака из црквених центара са репрезентативним узорком
(БОП≥500). Оквирно датовање локалитета расте одозго надоле
young individuals in the screened material. They may
be more related to the documented purchase of geese75
than the hunting of goslings and ducklings. However,
the presence of the wild greylag goose and mallard cannot be excluded. Domestic origins may sometimes be
established using circumstantial evidence: geese identified among kosher food remains from a medieval well at
Teleki Palace in Buda should be considered domestic.76
Wild fowl, including small species characteristic
of high-status medieval settlements,77 are probably indicative of prestigious luxury diets. Summaries of medieval bird remains in Hungary78 show that partridge was
the most frequently identified wild species, found at six
rural, three urban and eight high-status sites.79 The great
number of partridge remains in Esztergom (239 bones
from 20 individuals80) seems to indicate regular hunting. The presence of bones from chicks (Fig. 4, right
side) may even imply partridge keeping alongside poul-
try, as documented in medieval England.81 So far, however, neither medullary bone nor written evidence of
partridge farming have supported this hypothesis in
Hungary. Nevertheless, payment to a partridge hunter
in late October is mentioned in the kitchen’s accounting book.82
Kuffart 2018, 167.
Daróczi-Szabó 2004, 257, Fig. 6.
77 Both in England (Serjeantson 2001; 2006; Albarella, Thomas
2002; Baker 2010; Serjeantson et al. 2018) and the Carpathian Basin
(Gál 2015; Gál 2020b, Appendix 9).
78 Gál 2015; 2021.
79 Gál 2020a, 100–101, Tables 1–3.
80 Gál 2021a.
81 Woolgar 1999, 114.
82 Kuffart 2018, 367, footnote 2434.
Animal Remains from the Late Medieval Kitchen of the Esztergom Archdiocese, Hungary – The Benefits of Screening (231–251)
The few pheasant bones may indicate that this bird
was either purchased or was still rarely kept when the
food remains accumulated. By the end of the 15th century, however, cartloads of pheasants (during the autumn and winter of 1487), were sent to King Mathias
and Queen Beatrix in Vienna.83 Delicacies such as
pheasants and ox tongue, in addition to capons, were
bought for the kitchen when the royal couple visited
the archbishop in 1489.84
The remains of two common raptors may be indicative of the keeping of trained hawks: both goshawk and
sparrow hawk have been frequently used in hawking,
they originate from a high-status settlement, and they
were found in association with bones of a variety of
game birds known to be hunted this way. Most of the
wild birds identified from the abbeys of Eynsham and
St Albans in England, assemblages similar in composition to the Esztergom avian finds, were possibly indicative of hawking.85 Partridge and hare are represented
by young individuals in the Esztergom assemblage.86
Spring hunting may have been an alternative to raising
these animals in captivity. Along with small to medium
size birds, some hare and partridge may have been
caught using trained hawks. Although direct evidence
(complete or partial raptor skeletons or equipment) is
yet to be found in Hungary, bone finds of both hawk
species, their possible prey, and a tiny bronze bell were
found in the 16th century assemblage of the Ottoman
Turkish fort at Bajcsa, in western Hungary.87 The chapter on hawking in The Boke of St Albans, published in
England in 1486, assigns various birds of prey to social
status: yeomen used goshawks, priests had sparrow
hawks. Although medieval English social hierarchy
cannot be projected to Hungary, the Esztergom finds
suggest that if hawking was practiced, easily available
hawks (rather than imported, high-status falcons) may
have been trained for hunting birds and small game.88
The single bear bone (Fig. 5) raises the question as
to whether it originates from a meal,92 as bearskins
were also highly valued as rugs and blankets.93 However, an 11th–12th century settlement in the outskirts of
Esztergom yielded a bear radius fragment, possibly indicating meat consumption.94 Regarding small game,
it is interesting to note that during the 1489 visit of Perotto Vesach from Naples to the archbishop, ‘only’ 15
hens and hares were slaughtered.95 This is not only in
contrast to the lavish feast served to the royals the same
year, but illustrated the role of commonly identified
hare in the diet. Hare was also the best represented species among the few game animals identified in the 14th
to mid-15th century assemblage from Studenica,
Assuming that food refuse of common people was
also mixed in the deposit, the selective procurement,
preparation and consumption of meat may explain the
high variability of meat quality categories in the mammalian material.
It should be mentioned that bone and antler artefacts as well as workshop debitage, mainly red deer
antler, were mixed with the kitchen refuse. The number of finished artefacts is small, 28 objects and a few
dice97, but varied. Aside from mundane household
items (bone and antler handles, pins and belt-stiffeners),
ornaments (e.g. belt mount), musical instruments (a
flute and a buzz bone), arrow base plates for crossbows
were the most frequent type (15 pieces). Despite the religious context of the settlement, while dice were found,
mass-produced rosary beads98 were missing.
Most of the workshop residue seems to have resulted from making or repairing elements of crossbows, it
is possible that such a high-status workshop was located
The representation of identified mammals in the
kitchen accounts shows a similar dynamic as noted in
the case of fish and birds. According to this documentary source, oxen, calves, pigs and sheep were regularly
purchased, while a stag was sent to the king.89 The scarce
evidence of venison in the find material is matched by
the absence of wild pig. Large game was also missing
from the contemporaneous meat diet of the Studenica
monastery in Serbia,90 and while red deer was rare,
wild pig was completely absent from the menu of the
two medieval abbeys studied in England.91
Kuffart 2018, 191.
Kuffart 2018, 78.
Serjeantson et al. 2018, 123, Table 3; 131.
Gál 2021a.
Gál 2012.
Bartosiewicz 2012.
Kuffart 2018, 178.
Marković 2015.
Serjeantson et al. 2018, 128.
Gál 2021a.
Zolnay 1977, 84–88.
Vörös 1989.
Kuffart 2018, 139–140.
Marković 2015.
Benkő et al. 2021, 8.
Bartosiewicz et al. 2018, 145.
Animal Remains from the Late Medieval Kitchen of the Esztergom Archdiocese, Hungary – The Benefits of Screening (231–251)
in the archbishop’s residence, even if it operated only
seasonally.99 This may be an earlier analogue of the
15th – early 16th century crossbow makers’ workshop
found in the archbishop’s palace in Trondheim, Norway, where 19 crossbow nuts and 71 arrow base plates
were found.100
Considered “earthly” pleasures, the tolerance by
the Catholic church for gambling101 and hawking102
varied greatly in space and time, depending on local
political situations. Bones of raptors and dice at a highstatus religious site, therefore, are difficult to interpret
without detailed knowledge of the historical context.
A site nearby
In addition to the aforementioned medieval ecclesiastic sites, the assemblage from Esztergom shows the
greatest similarity to the animal remains brought to
light at the site of Visegrád-Palota,103 the former palace of King Matthias, only 26 km downstream from
Esztergom, toward the east along the Danube. That site
yielded food remains from the 14th to 16th century, directly relevant from both a chronological and social
point of view. The comparison between the bone materials may also shed light on some discrepancies between the Esztergom animal finds and accounting
books, as these records are in part contemporaneous
with Visegrád-Palota.
Unfortunately, as the animal remains were collected
by hand at this latter site, fish bones were only found in
relatively small numbers (NISP=103; 2.7%). As usual
in such assemblages, they represented large pikeperch,
pike, carp and catfish. The absence of sturgeon may be
explained by random bias in the small fish bone material, although the large remains of sturgeon could be
easily noted.
On the other hand, Visegrád-Palota yielded an
abundance of avian material (NISP=1,130; 29.2% of
the total assemblage). It included a variety of domestic
and wild fowl, with an unquestionable dominance of
domestic hen (NISP=1,051; 27.1%; MNI=132). However, individual bones of rare peafowl (Pavo cristatus),
pheasant, and Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) were
also identified. Small birds, including thrushes, were
also well represented, bones of partridge being the
most numerous in the Visegrád assemblage (NISP=33,
0.9%; MNI=13). In addition, although bones of large
game (red deer, wild boar and brown bear) were better
represented in Visegrád than in Esztergom, brown hare
was still the most frequently consumed wild mammal
Screening dramatically increases the number of
animal remains recovered. Although identification rates
are lowered by fine recovery, 105 given the positive correlation between assemblage size (NISP) and taxonomic diversity (the number of species represented),
screening offers a qualitatively different, more refined
picture of animal exploitation. How did this method
benefit the understanding of zoological finds from the
archdiocese’s kitchen in Esztergom?
– Several previously unknown small-bodied fish
and bird species, not mentioned in medieval documentary sources, could be identified.
– Bones of juvenile fowl came to light, making
comparisons with the documentary record more
– An increased size range of cyprinid fish and pike,
i.e. the recovery of bones from small individuals,
helped fine-tuning hypotheses concerning fish
In addition, complexities in the socio-economic interpretation of animal remains also became apparent,
since high-status species such as great sturgeon or large
game were underrepresented in the assemblage. The
scarcity of such large bones cannot be explained by
methodological reasons, they were de facto rarely eaten.
Research of Anglo-Saxon England has revealed that a
certain degree of “background noise” in the interpretation of status (indicated by taxonomic diversity) is created by the fact that low ranking people also formed
part of the communities at ecclesiastic and other highstatus centres.106
The possible mixing between food refuse left behind
by people of different social standings is supported by
comparisons with documentary sources and architectural history suggesting that the archbishop’s kitchen
was located above that of the personnel employed in
the preparation of his meals.107 High-status animals
mentioned in the archbishop’s archives were often
Gál 2020b.
Holst Booth, 1996.
Bartosiewicz et al. 2018, 144.
Bartosiewicz 2012, 181.
Bökönyi 1974, 426.
Bökönyi 1974, 426–427.
Goffette 2020, 122.
Dobney, Jaques 2002, 8.
Benkő et al. 2021, Fig. 1.
Animal Remains from the Late Medieval Kitchen of the Esztergom Archdiocese, Hungary – The Benefits of Screening (231–251)
passed on to urban markets or royal residences (Buda,
Vienna and Visegrád), rather than being regularly consumed at the archbishop’s residence. Only a fraction of
such luxury foods seems to have been retained by the
archdiocese, where meat consumption was characterised
by mass-produced carp and related fish, commonly
available domestic poultry as well as wild birds (partridge, waterfowl and thrushes) and hare, easily caught
in the town’s environment. The use of trained hawks in
this activity may be hypothesised.
It remains open to question whether the reparation
or manufacturing of crossbows (similar to that observed in the archbishopric of Trondheim) was associated
with hunting large game, so poorly represented in the
osteological material.
We are grateful to the archaeologists Balázs Major,
Róbert Lóki, and Eszter L. Kis Szabó for inviting us to
study the zooarchaeological material from EsztergomVárhegy-Kőbánya and providing information on the
context and methods used at the excavation. Mihály
Gasparik, curator of the vertebrate collection in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology of the Hungarian Natural History Museum is thanked for providing
access to the comparative bird bone collection. Tamás
Görföl provided access to the comparative bone material in the Mammal Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Part of this work was supported by
the National Research, Development and Innovation
Office of Hungary (Grant NKFI K-112318).
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Резиме: ЕРИКА ГАЛ, Археолошки институт, Истраживачки центар за хуманистичке науке, Будимпешта
ЛАСЛО БАРТОШИЈЕВИЋ, Остеоархеолошка истраживачка лабораторија, Универзитет у Стокхолму
Кључне речи. – касни средњи век, снабдевање месом, црквени центри, риболов, лов, документарни извори
Животињски остаци из касне средњовековне надбискупије
у Естергому, Мађарска (Сл. 1) сакупљани су методом просејавања, како би се разумео значај ситних животиња (нпр.
шарана, домаће кокошке, голуба, дрозда) у исхрани, а као додатак уобичајеној исхрани заснованој на домаћим сисарима. Просејавање је такође допринело бољем упоређивању са
писаним изворима који говоре о снабдевању надбискупијске
кухиње месом. Ово је прва фаунистичка средњовековна збирка из Мађарске, која је систематски сакупљана просејавањем помоћу сита са промером отвора од 5 и 2 мм.
Укупно је проучено 1168 остатака рибе, 2600 остатака
птица и 3526 остатака сисара, грубо подељених у две хронолошке групе, од којих се једна односи на 14. век, а друга на
15. (Сл. 2). Помоћу ове методе је установљено велико присуство рибљих и птичјих костију, укључујући како живину,
тако и дивље птице. Величина узорка је такође повећала таксономски диверзитет групе. Као додатак новим врстама мале
телесне величине, ситне кости младих риба су указале на
статистички значајно дијахроно повећање удела шарана и
младе штуке у исхрани (Сл. 3). Ова запажања су у складу са
све већим значајем узгајане рибе у исхрани. Такође су могли
бити идентификовани сићушни остаци младих птица (нпр.
голуб, јаребица, Сл. 4). У саставу истраживаног материјала
су се чак појавили остаци јастреба, који би могли да указују
на лов на мање птице и зечеве помоћу тренираних грабљивица. Кости са траговима обраде, откривене просејавањем,
указују на производњу или бар на поправке самострела.
Захваљујући овим значајним подацима, наш материјал
се издваја од осталих фаунистичких збирки сакупљених у
црквеним настамбама Карпатског басена (Сл. 6) из истог периода. Међутим, неопходно је бити веома обазрив приликом
међусобног упоређивања различитих локалитета, с обзиром
на то да се наши подаци квалитативно знатно разликују од
ручно скупљеног материјала. Док се кости домаћих сисара и
мали број остатака крупне дивљачи могу тумачити у складу
са другим средњoвeковним збиркама које су ручно сакупљене, остаци риба и птица, па чак и обиље зечјих костију, морају да се посматрају као резултат прецизног сакупљања.
Новооткривени животињски остаци који су се раније
сврставали међу недовољно заступљене врсте, а које су сада
доступне услед просејавања, могу успешно да се интерпретирају упоређивањем са рачуноводственим књигама Хиполита
д’Eстеа (Ippolito d’Este), надбискупа Естергома између 1486.
и 1497. године. Иако су ова писана сведочанства млађа од наших налаза, она расветљавају сложеност снабдевања надбискупове кухиње месом, за коју је могуће да је укључивала
локалну производњу и трговину. Напред наведени фактори
су могли да утичу на заступљеност животиња у овој археолошкој збирци. Релативно скромна исхрана, на коју указују
наши резултати (мали удео луксузних великих моруна и
крупне дивљачи) може се такође објаснити архитектонским
обликом кухиње откривеним током археолошких ископавања. Могуће је да је особље кухиње отпатке од обраде висококвалитетног меса бацало заједно са осталим остацима.
Наши резултати пре свега указују на значај интензивне
и непосредне сарадње међу дисциплинама и продубљивање
методолошке сарадње међу стручњацима из области друштвених и природних наука.
UDC: 904:739(497.11)"13"
Original research article
DEJAN RADIČEVIĆ, The University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Archaeology
ANA CICOVIĆ, The Museum of Rudnik and Takovo Region, Gornji Milanovac
[email protected]
Abstract. – This paper offers a new interpretation of an object found on the Rudnik mountain in 2015. On its first public
presentation, it was defined as a tipar (seal die) of the Serbian prince Lazar. However, a new reading of its inscription revealed
a detail that demonstrates that it is not a seal die but an object with a different purpose. It is a mould (matrix) which would have
been used for the fabrication of a medallion (plaquette) on the bottom of a goblet destined for the prince. This identification is
also corroborated by examples of similar medallions known in the region of medieval Serbia and its surroundings. This find
from the Rudnik mountain remains unique in our region while the new interpretation raises a series of questions about the
development of artistic crafts and the fabrication of luxurious receptacles in medieval Serbia.
Key words. – Rudnik mountain, prince Lazar, goblet, medallion, plaquette.
he 2016 issue of Starinar presented an object
found in 2015 during archaeological excavations of the remnants of a medieval settlements
on the Rudnik mountain. On the basis of the representation in its central field as well as on the basis of the inscription surrounding it, it was interpreted as a tipar (seal
die) of the Serbian prince Lazar (around 1329–1389).
Its purpose was identified mostly on the basis of the
content of the inscription that was read as + SI
SVE SRÝSKE ZEMLE (+ This is a grace of lord
prince Lazar of all Serbian land). It was ascribed to the
time of Lazar’s reign over the Rudnik mountain between 1373 and 1389 or, more precisely, to the last decade of the prince’s life when he had the rank of an
all-Serbian ruler.1
The find attracted considerable public attention and
found its way into the professional and popular scientific literature,2 as well as being permanently displayed
in the National Museum in Belgrade. It was interpreted
as a seal die although some questions remained open.
The first one related to the fact that the object does not
resemble the usual shapes of seal dies used for the fabrication of seals, while the second one related to the fact
that the expression milost [grace], otherwise known in
Serbian charters as a designation of a particular legal
action of a specific content and meaning, had never before been seen on a seal.3
Our new interpretation starts precisely with the
content of the inscription, which offers the possibility
of a different understanding of the original purpose of
this object. Namely, a new reading revealed a detail that
had hitherto remained unnoticed. It is the ligature in the
inscription’s initial part in which the second and third
letters are connected and which now read as I and P
(Fig. 1).4 Read in this way, the inscription gives: + SI
Радичевић, Цицовић 2016, 161–171.
Радичевић, Јечменица 2016, 9–19; Радичевић 2017, 153;
Цицовић, Марјановић 2018, 159–176.
3 Радичевић, Цицовић 2016, 167.
Manuscript received 10th January 2021, accepted 25th July 2021
A New Interpretation of Prince Lazar’s “Tipar” from the Rudnik Mountain (253–265)
Fig. 1. Find from Rudnik,
Museum of Rudnik–Takovo Region of Gornji Milanova
(photo: Museum of Rudnik–Takovo Region of Gornji Milanovac)
Сл. 1. Налаз са Рудника,
Музеј рудничко-таковског краја Горњи Милановац
(фото: Музеј рудничко-таковског краја Горњи Милановац)
SRÝSKE ZEMLE (+ This is a goblet of lord prince
Lazar of all Serbian land).
The mention of a goblet (PEHARÝ) in the inscription, and not of mercy (HARÝ), indicates that the object
in question is not a prince’s seal die but a different object with a different purpose. Taking into account the
appearance and the mode of fabrication of the object’s
front side, we can conclude that it is a mould (matrix)
that could have been used for the fabrication of a goblet destined for Prince Lazar.
As for goblets as a kind of medieval vessel, they
are usually described as drinking vessels on high stems,
similar to chalices. It is generally held that they used to
be made of gold and silver, decorated with precious
stones and enamel, and that they could also bear heraldic signs. Aside from these goblets, there were also
smaller goblets on low stems that could have two handles on the sides to facilitate drinking.5
Vessels made of silver, gilded silver or gold, decorated with precious and semi-precious stones, mountain crystal, pearl or enamel, embossed, engraved, cast
or produced using some other technique were highly
prized in the Middle Ages. As an indicator of wealth
and social status they presented a representative image
of the owner’s family and home.6 They were usually
obtained on special order and were produced in various
materials and shapes, in accordance with the customer’s
wishes and needs. Their special names reveal that they
were classified according to their appearance and use.7
They were particularly precious because of the materials they were made of, while their stylistic details represented a secondary, although also very important, criterion of their value as well as a proof of the customer’s
sophisticated taste.8
The luxury of the table of Serbian medieval rulers
was also enhanced by the vessels used. Theodore Metochites who, in 1299, led a Byzantine delegation to King
Milutin (1282–1321) noted that he was served every
day many tasty meals and delicacies in gold and silver
dishes and vessels „not only for the need but more as a
sign of honour”.9 As proof of the generosity of Serbian
rulers regarding their endowments, medieval writers
4 Dr. Gordana Tomović drew our attention to this detail and
we feel sincerely indebted to her. We also have to note that it is not
the only ligature in the inscription, since one exists in the word
knez as well, between N and E. As this detail was not noted during
the making of a drawing of the object for the first publication, we
present now a rectified version of the drawing (Fig. 2).
5 Радојковић 1977, 90; Радојковић 1999, 564.
6 Ивановић, Војводић 2016, 163–164; Зечевић, Гајић 2016,
7 Радојковић 1999, 562–564.
8 Бикић 2004, 153–154.
9 Метохит 1986, 113–114.
A New Interpretation of Prince Lazar’s “Tipar” from the Rudnik Mountain (253–265)
Fig. 2. Find from Rudnik (drawing: S. Marković, correction: D. Ćirković)
Сл. 2. Налаз са Рудника (цртеж: С. Марковић, исправка: Д. Ћирковић)
especially mentioned gold and silver vessels decorated
with expensive pearls and precious stones.10
Luxurious vessels were mentioned in other sources as well, including medieval fresco painting, although
they were often presented in a rather stereotypical and
simplified fashion.11 They were most frequently recorded in deposit lists, receipts of the objects deposited in
Dubrovnik. Aside from a mere mention, a list could also
contain a brief description of a vessel with an indication
of the material of construction as well as information
about the quantity of vessels that a ruling or aristocratic
family had. Among other vessels, the lists also mention
goblets. Thus, the list of the objects that Vuk Branković
(around 1345–1397) sent to Dubrovnik from January
1395 to January 1396 also mentions a gold goblet.12 Two
goblets with braids and lids are mentioned in the deposit of the grand duke Sandalj Hranić (1392–1435).13
Some goblets are also mentioned in the testaments of
Jelena Sandaljeva Balšić (1366/1371–1443) and of Stefan Vukčić Kosača (1435–1466), Herzog of Saint Sava.14
Unfortunately, we can only imagine the appearance
of medieval goblets, on the basis of indications in written documents and simplified pictorial representations.
To date, no material proof of their existence in our region has been found. In general, the wealth of data from
the 14th and 15th centuries about the valuables in royal
and aristocratic deposits is contrasted by a rather modest number of vessels that have survived pillage, selling or remelting. Examples of vessels that belonged to
Serbian medieval rulers are extremely rare. Emperor
Dušan’s gilded plate (cup) from the collection of the
National Museum in Belgrade (Fig. 6) is the only preserved example of a vessel belonging to a ruler from
the Nemanjić dynasty.15
Although those objects offer only a vague idea of
the variety of medieval tableware, the preserved examples nevertheless corroborate the written sources. The
most frequently preserved vessel type is what in medieval Serbia was referred to as a „cup”. Created within the
framework of Byzantine goldsmithing and enriched with
elements of Gothic decoration, these vessels were used
in our region in later centuries of the Middle Ages and
even later, on the eve of the Modern Age. The pieces that
Данило Други 1988, 67, 95, 133.
Бикић 2004, 152–153.
Стојановић 1929, 145–146.
Стојановић 1929, 366, 369, 371.
Стојановић 1929, 395; 1934, 88.
Јовановић 1995, 272, Fig. 7; Гајић 2010, 25–26, 80, cat.
No. 1.
A New Interpretation of Prince Lazar’s “Tipar” from the Rudnik Mountain (253–265)
Fig. 3. Chalice of Manuel Kantakouzenos
Palaiologos, the treasury of Vatopedi Monastery
(after: Loverdou-Tsigaridou 1997, no. 9.14)
Сл. 3. Пехар Манојла Кантакузина Палеолога,
ризнице манастира Ватопеда
(према: Loverdou-Tsigaridou 1997, no. 9.14)
have been preserved so far captivate our attention by
their representativeness, beauty and luxury. They came
in various shapes: shallow, round or oblong ones, most
often without stems or on quite low ones and usually
without handles. They were made of gilded silver, perfectly crafted and stylistically contemporary to the ones
used in princely and aristocratic courts of Western and
Central Europe.16
When thinking of a possible appearance of the goblets used by Serbian rulers and aristocracy, B. Radojković pointed out the goblet of „Michael Paleologos kept
in the Athos treasury (Vatoped monastery)”.17 It is not
clear what this remark – stated without a clear source
indication – refers to. We are not familiar with that particular goblet, but we assume that the author refers to
an other object from that Athos monastery, namely a
magnificent goblet/chalice made of a single piece of
jasper (aperture diameter 20.5 cm), set on a high stem
made of gilded silver (height 19.5 cm), and provided
with handles in the form of dragons (Fig. 3). It belonged
to Manuel Kantakouzenos Paleologos (1349–1380),
despot of Mistra and son of Emperor John VI Kantakouzenos (1347–1354). The inscription on the subsequently added layer on the rim demonstrates that it was
secondarily used as a liturgical vessel, but we cannot
exclude the possibility that its original purpose was of
a secular nature. This vessel is often mentioned in the
relevant literature as a masterpiece of late Byzantine
art and one of the most beautiful examples of Gothic
influences in the work of Byzantine masters.18
Our idea of the appearance of medieval goblets
seems quite similar to the vessel accidentally found in
Northern Macedonia, at the site of Krušarski Rid, in the
Радојковић 1966, 28–34; Шакота 1981, 75–76; Гајић 2010,
Радојковић 1977, 90.
Loverdou-Tsigaridou 1997, 334–335, no. 9.14; Durand
2004, 338–339, Fig. 5; Bosselmann-Ruickbie 2018, 90, Fig. 24. In
the past, this vessel was wrongly ascribed to Emperor Manuel
Paleologos (1391–1452), and we think that the remark made by B.
Radojković might refer to the same thing.
19 Поленаковиќ-Стеиќ 1965, 5–17.
20 Гајић 2010, 24–43.
21 Тошић 2008, 149–151, Fig. 4: Гаврић 2015, 29–32. As
they were produced separately and applied later to already finished
objects, they could come off, which means that preserved cups often do not have medallions. On the other hand, and for the same
reason, they found their way to museum collections as separate objects (Хан 1960–1961, 45–55; Гајић 2010, 82, cat. No. 2), or were
found as such during archaeological excavations. (Миловановић
1981, 27, cat. No. 48; Поповић, Бикић 2017, 396–397, Fig. 5).
A New Interpretation of Prince Lazar’s “Tipar” from the Rudnik Mountain (253–265)
village of Gorno Orizari, near Kočane (Fig. 4). It is
made of gilded silver, shaped as a shallow plate/cup
(aperture diameter 15.5 cm), set on a high stem with a
knot (height 27 cm) and richly decorated both inside
and out. This vessel was a part of a hoard buried in the
14th century in its vicinity was also excavated a ceramic
vessel („grne”) that contained a gilded diptych reliquary
and three pairs of massive gold earrings executed with
supreme craftsmanship. It is a very luxurious find, perhaps the most luxurious one in the entire territory of the
present-day Northern Macedonia and even beyond. The
objects had undoubtedly belonged to someone from the
uppermost social stratum and some scientist even hypothesized that the owner had belonged to the Dejanovićs, the aristocratic family that ruled over those parts
of medieval Serbia.19
Medieval cups were called as such, „cups”, which
is confirmed by the original inscriptions preserved on
some of them. The inscriptions usually began by the
expression „this cup”, followed by the owner’s name
and sometimes accompanied by a formula blessing the
one who drinks from the cup. As for goblets, inscriptions of that type are not formerly known to us, which
means that the Rudnik find represents the first material proof that they existed on that kind of medieval vessel as well. Moreover, the Rudnik find is also precious
because it highlights yet another common element that
binds together cups and goblets. It was intended for the
fabrication of a single but very important part of the
goblet: the central medallion that stood on the vessel’s
bottom. Similar medallions-plaquettes represent one of
the frequent and particular details of cups.20 A medallion of that type, with a representation of a lion, exists on
the aforementioned type of vessel from the vicinity of
Kočani as well (Fig. 4). They are usually engraved and
filled with niello, most often round, although, depending
on the shape of the object for which they are made, they
can also be rectangular with rounded angles or even
rhomboid, like the plaquette found in Manastirak near
Rekovac (dimensions 2.8 x 4.7 cm.). Its inscription reveals that it stood on a cup that once belonged to Chief
Hrebeljan (Fig. 5).21
Fig. 4. Vessel from the village of Gorno Orizari near Kočani, Archaeological Museum of the Republic
of North Macedonia, Skopje (after: Поленаковиќ-Стеиќ 1965, figs. 9 and 10)
Сл. 4. Посуда из села Горно Оризари код Кочана, Археолошки музеј Републике Северне Македоније,
Скопље (према: Поленаковиќ-Стеиќ 1965, сл. 9 и 10)
A New Interpretation of Prince Lazar’s “Tipar” from the Rudnik Mountain (253–265)
Fig. 5. Medallion from Manastirak,
Regional Museum of Jagodina
(photo: Regional Museum of Jagodina)
Сл. 5. Медаљон из Манастирка, Завичајни музеј Јагодина
(фото: Завичајни музеј Јагодина)
As separate elements of vessels, medallions began
to appear in the 14th century and are seen as a borrowed
element from Western, Gothic art.22 They can contain
inscriptions that reveal the owner, but also representations, and even entire compositions, Christian or secular
ones, depending on whether a vessel was destined for
religious or secular use. In the spirit of Western heraldry, they often contained coats of arms, i.e. the owner’s
heraldic symbols. The bottom of the plate/cup of Emperor Dušan (1346–1355) contains a gilded plaquette
with a representation of a two-headed eagle with spread
wings, surrounded by an inscription containing the emperor’s name (Fig. 6).23 The collection of the Museum
of Applied Arts in Belgrade contains a round medallion
(diameter 5 cm) with a complete coat of arms comprising a shield surmounted by a helmet bearing a wolf with
raised paws (Fig. 7). It originates from Kosovo and was
ascribed to the second half of the 14th century on account of its style.24
All those characteristic elements exist on the Rudnik find as well. The circular inscription around the central field contains the prince’s name, while the centre
itself contains a representation of a helmet with horns,
which is considered to be Prince Lazar’s heraldic sign.25
We cannot imagine the appearance of the rest of the
goblet, its shape and decoration, because we have not
even the slightest indication of it. Bearing in mind the
medallion’s shape and size (diameter 7.2 cm), we can
assume that the receptacle was of a circular or oval
shape, broadly open and of considerable dimensions.
For the sake of comparison, the diameter of the medallion on the so-called Dušan’s plate is somewhat larger
(around 8 cm), while the vessel’s aperture diameter is
18.6 cm.
Aside from belonging to the group of extremely
rare objects that bear clear marks or inscriptions that
relate them to some of the Serbian rulers, the Rudnik
find raises some other important questions as well, including the one of the master and the place of fabrication. Namely, it was made for a goblet commissioned
by Prince Lazar or commissioned for him. Rulers and
aristocrats exchanged such objects as gifts. They could
have been offered as a token of gratitude for loyal service, a prize for special favours or a sign of good interstate or personal relationships.
We cannot say who the master of Lazars’s goblet
was, but we can rather confidently state that he had developed his practice in the Rudnik mountain. In general,
the places of fabrication of precious vessels most often
cannot be precisely ascertained. Scientists usually state
that these objects were produced either in domestic
workshops (where masters, mainly from Kotor and
Dubrovnik, worked) or that they were commissions realised in coastal cities.26
The development of goldsmithing is usually seen as
intimately related to the exploitation of precious metals,
which intensified in medieval Serbia from the mid-13th
century on. The opening of new mines and the accelerated development that followed represented a big turning point in the whole economy of the country, while
the rise of mining was of crucial importance for the development of other activities as well, especially trade and
handicrafts. The intense economic development also
enabled a larger mass production and trade of objects
made of precious metals. That was a time characterised
Радојковић 1966, 32–33.
Гајић 2010, 25–26, 80, cat. No. 1, with older literature.
Гајић 2010, 26–27, cat. No. 2.
Иванишевић 2004, 225; Ацовић 2008, 200–202.
Радојковић 1977, 89–90; Гајић 2010, 20–21.
A New Interpretation of Prince Lazar’s “Tipar” from the Rudnik Mountain (253–265)
Fig. 6. Plate/cup of Emperor Dušan, National Museum in Belgrade (after: Gajić 2010, cat. no. 1)
Сл. 6. Тањир/чаша цара Душана, Народни музеј у Београду (према: Гајић 2010, кат. бр. 1)
by the enrichment of rulers and aristocrats, quicker
commodity circulation and an influx of masters into an
economically developed region. Courts became places
of luxurious and comfortable living, which implied jewellery, expensive vessels and other precious objects.
It is very hard to precisely locate the centres of production of luxurious vessels, but, generally speaking,
workshops for metal processing and the production of
metal objects were set up in or around mining centres,
which was also the case with smelting plants, mints and
marketplaces. Some data on goldsmiths’ places of living
and working can be found in the emperor Dušan’s codex, which stipulates that, within the emperor’s country and counties, they must only be in marketplaces,
just like mints (Article 168), or in royal cities, to produce other useful objects as well (Article 170).27 The
development of goldsmithing was followed by professional specialisation and its high degree of development
is proven by data on a wide spectrum of goldsmiths’
activities, from the purification of gold and silver in
smelting plants, through the fabrication of jewellery,
church items and objects of everyday life, to the production of gold threads necessary for decoration (especially of textiles).28
Decorative motifs can reveal the style that was dominant in a particular region and can thus facilitate identi-
fication of the location of a particular workshop. Accordingly, the cups produced in the region of Novo Brdo,
Priština and Janjevo mixed old Byzantine motifs with
Gothic elements. A similarity of decorative motifs, not
only on vessels but on jewellery as well, testifies to a
common style that was dominant in the workshops of
this region. This is further confirmed by a document
from Dubrovnik wherein a master Andrija from Novi,
who had previously had a workshop in Novo Brdo, took
to producing cups in his own fashion. It is assumed that
„his fashion” actually represented the style of the environment in which he lived and which can be defined
as Serbian.29
Individual mentions are mainly to be found in the
archives of coastal cities and specifically in the documents relating to the business dealings of domestic and
foreign goldsmiths working in Serbian or outside of it.
According to those sources, goldsmiths and smiths were
the most common artisans in medieval Serbia. The reputation of some very famous goldsmiths is revealed
by the data on the masters who continued their careers
Законик цара Стефана Душана 1960, 77, 134–135.
Фостиков 2019, 65.
Радојковић 1977, 89–90.
A New Interpretation of Prince Lazar’s “Tipar” from the Rudnik Mountain (253–265)
Fig. 7. Medallion from Kosovo, Museum of Applied Arts, Belgrade
(after: Gajić 2010, cat. no. 2)
Сл. 7. Медаљон са Косова, Музеј примењене уметности, Београд
(према: Гајић 2010, кат. бр. 2)
in the coastal cities, either because of their work or as
a result of fleeing the Turks.30 The most famous goldsmith from Novo Brdo, Jovan Progonović, who moved
to Dubrovnik after the fall of Novo Brdo in 1455, was
obviously very appreciated precisely because of his art
of the production of precious vessels. It was he whom
the archbishop of Dubrovnik commissioned in 1470 to
produce a silver pitcher and a washing basin intended
as gifts to the Hungarian king Matthias Corvinus. Three
years later, the same master was commissioned by another archbishop to fabricate numerous silver vessels,
cups and plates.31
Similarly to other mining centres, the dynamic development of mining in Rudnik, together with the fact
that a mint began working early on,32 implies the development of crafts, especially those related to the processing of precious metals. Unfortunately, we know
very little of those crafts. Among the members of the
Dubrovnik community on Rudnik mountain, the presence of craftsmen was only sporadically recorded,33
which surely does not offer the real picture because
their number must have been much bigger. Pieces of
medieval jewellery, mostly signet rings (that, by their
quality, can be considered luxurious jewellery of their
time),34 were found in several localities on Rudnik
mountain and its immediate vicinity. By their high artistic value, these objects testify to the economic possibilities, prosperity and wealth of a social milieu that
sought refinement and artistic beauty. However, the
present state of research does not allow us to ascertain
whether these were produced by local masters or by
outsiders who came to Rudnik.
The find that this paper deals with comes from the
area of the medieval marketplace which was normally
related to the activities of merchants and craftsmen,
both local and foreign.35 Thus, the object in which it
was found could also have had a special function, which
is indicated by yet another particular item found in it –
a set of weights for precise measurement.36 It is quite
unforgivable that the central part of the object has, thus
far, remained inaccessible for research.
The method of execution of the central representation on the Rudnik mould reveals the hand of a skilful
master possessing an art of representation where no detail was neglected. This precision resembles some similarly cut representations on seals and coins. The presence of skilful mould cutters on Rudnik mountain is
confirmed by Rudnik dinars minted from the time of
King Dragutin until the fall of the Serbian despotate.
They are characterised by various representations –
from the earliest ones (Christ on a throne on one side
and the ruler, with the saint or alone, on the other) until the dinars of despot Đurađ Branković with Rudnik’s
Фостиков 2019, 71–73.
Јовановић 2004, 50.
32 Иванишевић 2001, 63–64.
33 Храбак 1984, 6–15.
34 Гај-Поповић 1967, 309–316; Милошевић 1990, 108–
109, cat. No. 136, 162, cat. No. 262; Мадас 1990–1991, 177–181;
Тешић-Вулећ 2016, 28; Радичевић, Цицовић 2019, 34, Fig. 25.
35 Радичевић 2019, 63–88.
36 Цицовић, Марјановић 2018, 167–168, Fig. 6.
A New Interpretation of Prince Lazar’s “Tipar” from the Rudnik Mountain (253–265)
name on the reverse.37 Among the issues ascribed to
the Rudnik mint in the time of Prince Lazar there is also
one that displays a new heraldic motif: a helmet with a
pair of bovine horns.38
If we bear in mind that Rudnik masters could make
moulds and mint money, then we should not be surprised if they could also produce plaquettes with heraldic signs and place them as decorations onto already
finished objects. Of course, we still do not know if the
same master executed both the medallion and the vessel itself. It is quite possible that the goblet was produced by several masters within the same goldsmith
workshop, where specially commissioned objects were
made along with those intended for everyday use. It is
a known fact that, depending on the need and agreement, the same goldsmiths used to produce various
kinds of objects.39
It is a different situation with the inscription because it does not reflect the same quality of execution
as the representation in the central field. The majority
of the letters are of the same height, regular and legible, but they nevertheless contain several errors. The
letter „H” is half the size of the remaining ones and is
thus „squeezed” into the inscription. Within the abbreviation GŠOSPO¹DŠI¹NA, the letter N’s slanted line is
reversed. The word SRÝSKE lacks a letter, while the
bent line in the letter K is wrongly turned to the left. Finally, the syntax is wrong and it should have been as
follows: „This is a goblet of prince Lazar lord of all
Serbian land” (in accordance with the prince’s title af-
ter 1378/1379, when he had the rank of an all-Serbian
ruler, valid for his office as well as for the Serbian
On the basis of the inscription with „Serbian” letters, one could initially say that it is the work of Serbian masters, but one cannot be absolutely certain. The
lettering errors suggest that the master who engraved
the letters was not overly familiar with them, which implies that he was probably a stranger. The errors could
also have been the reason for which the object was discarded. Namely, it does not bear any trace of use and it
is not clear if it was ever used. Its exact purpose – a
casting mould or a matrix for medallion impression? –
remains a mystery. The lack of the usual casting channels precludes its definition as a mould, although we
cannot completely exclude the possibility that they existed on the object’s second part, which certainly existed. This is corroborated by the small cavities in the lower angles of the front side, which served as a connection
with the second part. The letter „a”, carved in the back,
can be interpreted in a similar fashion. We have already
said that it was the master’s way of marking his product or perhaps a series mark or even a mark of the
mould’s part that would fit in with the other.41 In the
latter case, „a” did not denote a letter but number one,
as the first part of the mould. In any case, it is not the
only mystery of this find, which remains unique in our
region. The mystery is certainly reinforced by a lack of
comparable objects and it is quite understandable that
some questions remain open until further discoveries.
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Иванишевић 2001, 96 (2.5), 102–103 (3.9, 4.1 and 4.2),
192 (45.29).
38 Иванишевић 2001, 163–164 (24.24).
39 Фостиков 2019, 65–67.
40 Мишић 2014, 13–17.
41 Радичевић, Цицовић 2016, 168.
A New Interpretation of Prince Lazar’s “Tipar” from the Rudnik Mountain (253–265)
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A New Interpretation of Prince Lazar’s “Tipar” from the Rudnik Mountain (253–265)
Резиме: ДЕЈАН РАДИЧЕВИЋ, Филозофски факултет Универзитета у Београду,
Одељење за археологију, Београд
АНА ЦИЦОВИЋ, Музеј рудничко-таковског краја, Горњи Милановац
Кључне речи. – Рудник, кнез Лазар, пехар, медаљон, плакета
На страницама Старинара за 2016. годину публикован је
предмет пронађен годину дана раније приликом археолошких истраживања остатака средњовековног насеља на
планини Руднику. На основу представе на централном пољу
и натписа око њега, протумачен је као типар (печатњак) српског кнеза Лазара (око 1329–1389). За одређивање његове
намене пресудан је био садржај натписа који је прочитан
SVE SRÝSKE ZEMLE (+ Ово је милост господина кнеза
Лазара све српске земље).
Нова интерпретација управо полази од садржајa натписа који нуди могућност за другачије одређење првобитне
намене овог предмета. Наиме, поновним читањем уочен је
детаљ који је раније остао непримећен. Ради се о лигатури
у почетном делу натписа у којој је повезано друго и треће
слово, која се сад читају као I и P (сл. 1). Прочитан на овај
начин, натпис гласи: + SI PEHARÝ GŠOSPO¹DŠI¹NA
KNEZA LAZARA SVE SRÝSKE ZEMLE (+ Ово је пехар господина кнеза Лазара све српске земље).
Помен пехара у натпису, а не милости, показује да се не
ради о кнежевом печатњаку, већ да је предмет направљен за
нешто друго. Узимајући у обзир како је обликована и на који
начин обрађена предња страна, може се закључити да се
ради о калупу (матрици) који је требало да буде употребљен
приликом израде посуде – пехара намењеног кнезу Лазару.
Кад је реч о пехарима као врсти средњовековних посуда, обично се описују као посуде за пиће на високој стопи,
сличне путирима. Нажалост, изглед средњовековних пехара
можемо само замишљати на основу назнака у писаним документима и поједностављених ликовних представа. Уопште
узев, насупрот обиљу података из XIV и XV века о драгоценостима владарских и племићких депозита, стоји прилично
скроман број посуда које су, након пљачки, продаја и претапања, до данас преостале. Највише је сачуван тип посуде
који је у средњовековној Србији одређен термином – чаша.
Примерци који су до данас очувани плене својом репрезентативношћу, лепотом и луксузом. Да су чаше у средњем
веку баш тако и називане, потврђују оригинални натписи
сачувани на некима од њих. Обично почињу речима „сиа
чаша“ да би потом уследило име власника, понекад и уз
формулу којом се благослови онај ко из чаше пије. Кад је
реч о пехарима, натписи тог типа раније нам нису били познати, па је налаз са Рудника први материјални доказ да су
постојали и на тој врсти средњовековних посуда. Руднички
налаз је драгоцен и због тога што указује на још један заједнички елемент који повезује чаше и пехаре. Он је био намењен за израду само једног, али веома значајног дела пехара.
Ради се о централном медаљону који се налазио на дну посуде. Такви медаљони се као самостални елемент на посудама јављују од XIV века, а сматрају се позајмицом из западне,
готичке уметности. На њима се могу налазити натписи који
откривају власника, али и представе, па и читаве композиције, хришћанске или лаичке садржине, зависно од тога да
ли је посуда била намењена у профане сврхе или за култне
Осим тога што припада групи изузетно ретких предмета који на себи имају јасне ознаке или натписе који их повезују са неким од српских владара, руднички налаз отвара и
друга важна питања. Међу њима је и питање мајстора и места израде. Наиме, он је направљен за пехар чију је израду
поручио кнез Лазар или који је поручен за кнеза. Посуде тог
типа владари и властела су поклањали једни другима. Могле су бити даване у знак захвалности за верну службу, као
награда за посебне услуге или као знак добрих међудржавних или личних односа. Не можемо рећи ко је био мајстор
Лазаревог пехара, али са великом вероватноћом можемо
констатовати да је своју делатност развио на Руднику. Начин на који је израђена централна представа одаје руку вештог мајстора који располаже вештином минуциозног приказивања. Са натписом је другачија слика и он не одражава
исти квалитет израде. Већина слова је уједначене висине,
правилна и читка, али на њима има више погрешака. На
основу натписа са „српским“ словима, на први поглед би се
могло закључити да је у питању рад српских мајстора, али то
се не може прихватити са сигурношћу. Грешаке са словима
указују да им мајстор није био сасвим близак, што би пре
указивало на странца који их је урезивао. Оне су могле бити
и разлог за одбацивање предмета, будући да се на њему не
уочавају трагови употребе, па је питање да ли је икада и био
Aleksandar Bo{kovi}, William Robertson Smith, Berghahn Books (Anthropology’s Ancestors Series, vol. 2),
New York and Oxford, 2021 (xiv+139 pages, 10 illustrations, bibliography, index)
In many respects, William Robertson Smith (1846–1894) was a
true pioneer in the social sciences and humanities of the late 19th
century. This Scottish anthropologist, biblical scholar and Arabist,
was originally educated for the ministry of the Free Church of
Scotland. From 1870, he was a professor of Oriental languages
and Old Testament exegesis at the Free Church College Aberdeen.
However, some entries from the ninth edition of Encyclopaedia
Britannica (of which he was first Assistant Editor, and later
Editor-in-Chief) caused a stir in his church and in 1881 he was
dismissed from his position. Shortly after, in 1883, he was appointed Professor of Arabic and chief librarian at the University
of Cambridge. His two seminal works, Kinship and Marriage in
Early Arabia and The Religion of the Semites, among other
acclaimed writings, paved the way for various academic disciplines in the following century, including social anthropology.
Aleksandar Bo{kovi}, the author of this well-conceived,
firmly founded, yet intriguing volume about the famous Scottish
scholar, is Senior Researcher at the Institute of Archaeology in
Belgrade and Professor of Anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. Professor Bo{kovi} commenced
his own longue durée study of Smith’s life and work in 1992 at
a Presbyterian institution – Pittsburgh Theological Seminary –
and has developed it considerably over the last quarter of a century. Robertson Smith was the subject of his M.A. thesis at Tulane
University, as well as the topic of his subsequent conference
papers and university courses on religion and ritual. The author
returned to the famous Scott more intensively in 2015 and this
book is a result of that return to his continued academic interest.
This time, Bo{kovi}’s manuscript has been enriched by precious
family photos provided by some of Smith’s descendants and by
excerpts from the valuable copies of Smith’s letters written during his journey to Italy (Sicily) and Egypt.
The author himself explicitly states the main rationale for
writing this monograph on Robertson Smith. It is “the reconsideration and proper evaluation of Smith as one of the most important ancestors of anthropology, placing him firmly within the
history of our discipline. This is not another biography of William
Robertson Smith… This book is more like a journey through
anthropology and related disciplines with Smith as the guide”
(Bo{kovi}, 2021, 4). Again, “the main aim of this book is to demonstrate specific examples of his influence on the development and establishment of some key concepts of social anthropology, such as totemism” (Bo{kovi}, 2021, 4). In this context,
Bo{kovi} pays utmost attention to Smith’s study of myth and his
establishment of a comparative study of religion, an academic
discipline that equally owes its foundation to Smith’s contemporary from Oxford – Friedrich Max Müller. During the 20th
century, the new discipline flourished under the masterful guidance of Joachim Wach, Gerardus van der Leeuw and Mircea
Upon providing, in the first part of his book, a concise, yet
very informative, outline of Smith’s life, Bo{kovi} tackled the
scholar’s much less known field experience in Egypt and in the
Arabian Peninsula (Hijaz). Then follows the exposition of
Smith’s view of myth and ritual and of the sociological dimensions of his oeuvre, including his profound influence on Emile
Durkheim, especially with regard to his insistence on religious
practice (rather than belief) and on the elementary forms of religious phenomena. For example, Smith’s interpretation of the
sacrificial ritual among the Arabs, its purpose for the communal, collective identity, was probably one of the key points that
prompted Durkheim’s own interpretations of the integrative
social function of ritual. Sigmund Freud was yet another scholar
who immensely benefited from Robertson Smith’s interpretations
of totemism and taboo. Finally, a true bonus of this volume is the
chapter on the Scandinavian researchers who developed some
of Smith’s concepts in the 20th century.
I will now highlight some of the lesser known aspects of W.
R. Smith’s ethnographic work in the Middle East and his contribution to Arabic and Oriental studies in the 19th century, as
outlined in Bo{kovi}’s book. Smith’s travels to the Middle East
took place in several periods: 1. A six-month sojourn in Egypt and
Palestine (1879–80); the report from this trip was published in
a series of ten letters to The Scotsman in February–June 1880; 2.
Travel through the Arabian peninsula in 1880–81, when he stayed
two months in Jeddah and visited Palestine, Syria and Tunis; 3.
A private stay in the Middle East in the winter of 1890–91.
During his “field visits”, Smith improved his Arabic, collected
significant ethnographic data, and shed new academic light on
the religion and culture of the Semitic people, especially regarding Islam. It should be noted that, during Smith’s lifetime, Arabic
and Islamic studies in Europe were still in their formative stage,
while only a few scholars (such as Wellhausen, Nöldeke and Hurgronje) were able to competently read and interpret Islamic sacred
texts or engage in any kind of fieldwork in the Arab lands. The
Dutch scholar Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (1857–1936) was,
for example, one of the rare Westerners who were able to visit
Mecca in 1880s (besides Robertson Smith’s fellow traveller
Captain Richard Burton, who was best known for his clandestine participation in the Hajj). Smith, on the other hand, did not
visit Mecca, but his guides nicknamed him Abdullah Efendi,
due to his complexion and proficiency in Arabic language. “The
image today serves as a reminder of a nineteenth-century scholar
‘going native’”, declares Bo{kovi} (2021, 43).
It is interesting that Edward Said mentioned Robertson
Smith more than a dozen times in his Orientalism. Although
Smith perfectly fitted into Said’s typology of Orientalism in
Western scholarship, it would be ‘profoundly misleading’, according to David Livingstone (2004, 653), “to stage Smith as
prosecuting ‘an ontological … distinction’… between Orient and
Occident, or ¡treat him¿ as an advocate of some ‘ineradicable
distinction between Western superiority and Oriental inferiority’”.
Bo{kovi}, of course, aligns himself with Livingstone in terms of
defending Smith from the often superficial accusations for Orientalism. He has argued persuasively that Said was “completely
unaware of the social, historical, and methodological context or
complexity of Smith’s work” (Bo{kovi} 2021, 46). Paradoxically
enough, “Smith was a man who was accused of promoting (and,
in a sense, enabling) Orientalism, but who believed that Arabic
was the closest language to the one that God spoke” (Bo{kovi}
2021, 116).
Ending his book, the author emphasises that the “foundations of social anthropology in the second half of the nineteenth
century, with the initial studies of kinship and attempts to explain
new concepts like totemism, cannot be properly understood without the contributions of William Robertson Smith” (Bo{kovi},
2021, 110). Let me conclude by stating that Aleksandar Bo{kovi}
has written a nuanced, reliable, highly recommendable guide
through the life and opus of Robertson Smith, which, on a more
general level, is also a journey through the beginnings and later
developments of social anthropology. I am, therefore, convinced that this book will greatly benefit a range of audiences in the
field of humanities and social science, including anthropology,
history of religions, sociology, and Arab and Islamic studies.
Bo{kovi} 2021 – A. Bo{kovi}, William Robertson Smith, New
York and Oxford 2021.
Livingstone 2004 – D. Livingstone, Oriental travel, Arabian
kinship, and ritual sacrifice. Environment and Planning D:
Society and Space, 22 (5), 2004, 639–657.
BECAP 2021: Pots in context: Vessels’ use, function, and consumption, research strategies and methodology;
1–2. februar 2021. godine
„Pottery has many joys.”
James Skibo, Pottery function
Iako se ve}ina studenata arheologije ne bi slo`ila sa gorenavedenim citatom, usu|ujem se saglasiti sa profesorom
Skibom – grn~arija nam pru`a mnoge radosti. Jedna od tih
radosti bila je i prva beogradska konferencija o arheolo{koj grn~ariji, odr`ana 1. i 2. februara 2021. godine u onlajn formatu.1 Belgrade Conference on Archaeological Pottery
(BECAP) zami{qena je tako da svake dve godine okupqa
stru~wake za istra`ivawe arheolo{ke grn~arije, koji bi
kroz tematske konferencije prikazivali rezultate aktuelnih istra`ivawa. Organizatori konferencije su Odeqewe
za arheologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, sa prof.
dr Jasnom Vukovi} na ~elu, i Arheolo{ki institut, sa dr
Vesnom Biki} na ~elu.
Prva konferencija bila je posve}ena analizama funkcije, upotrebe i potro{we grn~arije. Okupila je 45 istra`iva~a iz 16 zemaqa, a u diskusijama su u~estvovali i eminentni istra`iva~i iz Evrope koji nisu imali prezentacije,
ali su pratili konferenciju. Konferencija je u`ivo emitovana na Jutjubu i Fejsbuku, i imala je prili~no dobar odziv sa oko 150 gledalaca na najpose}enijim sesijama. Ovo je
prvi poduhvat ovog tipa u regionu i pokazao se kao vrlo koristan format za {iru nau~nu zajednicu, u smislu dostupnosti i vidqivosti rezultata najnovijih istra`ivawa.
Kroz {est sesija razmatrane su slede}e teme: tragovi
upotrebe kao pokazateqi stvarne upotrebe grn~arije, zapremina i kapacitet posuda kao pokazateqi funkcije, integrisane analize upotrebe posuda sa analizama tehnologije
izrade, sekundarna i produ`ena upotreba posuda, kontekstualne i prostorne analize u vezi sa upotrebom grn~arije, upotreba grn~arije i dru{tveni odnosi. Posebno su se
istakla predavawa koja su studije upotrebe grn~arije integrisala sa studijama tehnologije i dru{tvenih odnosa. Me|utim, upadqivo je da su razmatrawa dru{tvenih odnosa na
osnovu upotrebe grn~arije bila ograni~ena na etnoarheolo{ka istra`ivawa i arheologiju istorijskih perioda –
anti~ki period i sredwi vek. To je donekle razumqivo jer su
za ove periode i okolnosti dru{tvene kategorije vidqivije i ~itqivije nego {to je to slu~aj sa praistorijskom arheologijom. Me|utim, prikazani potencijal takvih poduhvata treba da poslu`i kao izazov za nas praistori~are, da
daqe pomeramo granice mogu}nosti na{ih interpretacija
i poku{amo da operacionalizujemo na{e rezultate u razmatrawu {irih dru{tvenih pitawa.
Ova konferencija zna~ajna je iz vi{e razloga, kako na
lokalnom tako i na me|unarodnom nivou. Do wenog osnivawa, u ovom delu sveta nije postojala nijedna ustoli~ena
konferencija posve}ena studijama keramike, na kojoj bi se
stru~waci redovno okupqali kako bi se upoznali i razmewivali iskustva. Prikazani su razli~iti metodolo{ki
pristupi u razmatrawu upotrebe grn~arije, kao i wihovi
potencijali i ograni~ewa: analize same grn~arije, fizi~ko-hemijske analize organskih naslaga sa posuda, analize arheolo{kih konteksta, prostorne analize, eksperimentalna
i etnoarheolo{ka istra`ivawa. Konferencija je obuhvatila {irok hronolo{ki raspon, ne ograni~avaju}i se samo
na jedan period. Pokazalo se da, bez obzira na hronologiju
i geografski polo`aj, problemski orijentisana istra`ivawa mogu pokrenuti zajedni~ka pitawa i diskusije, {to je
i bio jedan od postavqenih ciqeva konferencije. Prikazane studije su ilustrovale da nam analize keramike mogu
dati va`ne informacije o svakodnevnim aktivnostima,
praksama pripreme i konzumacije hrane, rodnim identitetima, dru{tvenim i ekonomskim statusima, razmeni i kontaktima izme|u zajednica. To bi bio i najve}i lokalni zna-
~aj konferencije – ukazivawe na razli~ite interpretativne potencijale grn~arije, koja je u srpskoj arheologiji ~esto i daqe samo u slu`bi relativno-hronolo{kog i kulturnog opredeqewa nalazi{ta. S druge strane, konferencija
je pokazala da u regionu postoji sna`an klaster stru~waka
za studije keramike, koji obe}ava odr`avawe kontinuiteta
BECAP-a. Nadam se da }e se dobro odraziti na studente arheologije, me|u kojima je u posledwe vreme bavqewe grn~arijom nepopularno.
Posebna radost konferencije bilo je gostuju}e predavawe profesora Xejmsa Skiba sa Odeqewa za sociologiju i
antropologiju Dr`avnog univerziteta Ilinois. Kao jedan
od utemeqiva~a metodologije analize tragova upotrebe na
grn~ariji, profesor Skibo nas je i ovom prilikom svojim
entuzijazmom podsetio na dra`i ovih istra`ivawa. Me|utim, svojim ogromnim iskustvom upozorio nas je i na mnoge
metodolo{ke probleme i ograni~ewa, kao {to je fragmentovanost materijala i razlikovawe postdepozicionih tragova od tragova upotrebe posuda. Wegovo u~e{}e u diskusiji
doprinelo je isticawu zna~aja i potrebe za daqim eksperimentalnim istra`ivawima i fizi~ko-hemijskim analizama naslaga na posudama, ali i ukr{tawu razli~itih istra`iva~kih pristupa. U kona~noj diskusiji pokrenuta su
i neka {ira pitawa arheolo{ke prakse, u kojima se mo`da
kriju i teme narednih konferencija, kao {to je pitawe na~ina dokumentovawa nalaza keramike pri arheolo{kim iskopavawima i primarnoj analizi.
Re~ima profesora Skiba, istra`ivawa upotrebe grn~arije su kroz ovu konferenciju pomerena za korak daqe. A
verujem da govorim u ime svih u~esnika kada ka`em da smo
se nakon konferencije sa novom voqom i elanom vratili
svojim istra`iva~kim projektima i videli nove radosti u
svim tim fragmentima.
1 Predavawa su dostupna na zvani~nom Jutjub kanalu konferencije – BECAP Conference
IN MEMORIAM (271–277)
Predrag Medovi}, poznatiji po nadimku Mika, koji je nosio
od ranog detiwstva, ceo `ivot je posvetio arheologiji. Od
leta 1950. godine, kada je na pla`i pored Dunava u Novom
Sadu, zajedno sa svojim dobrim drugom Borislavom Jovanovi}em, odlu~io da upi{e studije arheologije, sve do svoje
smrti, punih 65 godina, arheologijom se bavio celim srcem,
ula`u}i svu svoju snagu, vreme i znawe. Arheologija je, kako
je voleo da ka`e, za wega bila slatka muka.
Ro|en je 13. avgusta 1930. godine u Rogatici, od oca
Alekse iz [trbaca i majke Milene iz Podromanije, povrh
arheolo{ki ~uvenog Glasina~kog poqa, usred preseqewa
porodice iz tako|e arheolo{ki poznatog Butmira, pa je u
nekom momentu sam Medovi}, u {ali, prokomentarisao da je
to „arheolo{ko poreklo” uticalo na wegov daqi `ivotni
put. Detiwstvo je proveo u selu Borika kod Rogatice i tu
zavr{io ~etvorogodi{wu osnovnu {kolu. Sredwo{kolsko
obrazovawe zapo~eo je u Rogatici 1940. godine. Prekinuo
ga je zbog Drugog svetskog rata, koji je porodici Medovi}
doneo dosta patwe, primorao je na be`awe od usta{kog pogroma, preseqewe u [trpce i veliku nema{tinu i glad. No
tu nije bio kraj patwama porodice jer su je nove vlasti
progonile i po okon~awu rata. Obrazovawe nastavqa 1945.
godine u gimnaziji u Sarajevu, zatim prelazi u Zrewanin i
na kraju u Novi Sad. Tu zavr{ava gimnaziju 1950. godine,
uporedo rade}i u Povereni{tvu za poqoprivredu Izvr{nog
ve}a Vojvodine kako bi zaradio za `ivot. Iste godine upisuje studije arheologije na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Treba pomenuti da je te 1950. godine arheologiju upisalo ~ak 120 studenata, i to je bila najbrojnija generacija
sve do one iz 1968. Generacija se tokom studija osipala, ali
ju je zavr{io veliki broj studenata koji su kasnije doprineli razvoju arheologije kod nas (Dragoslav Srejovi}, Borislav Jovanovi}, Nikola Tasi}, Bogdan Brukner, Qubica
Zotovi}, Milica Kosori}, Mihailo Zotovi}, Milena
\ukni}, Emilija Tomi}, Olga Milutinovi} Brukner, Milorad Giri}, Mila Priki}, Petar Milo{evi} i drugi).
Tokom studija u~estvovao je na brojnim arheolo{kim terenima pokazuju}i sposobnost i spremnost da se tim poslom
bavi do kraja `ivota. Diplomirao je u roku, u junu 1955, i nakon odslu`ewa vojnog roka ve} 1956. dobio prvo zaposlewe
u Titovom U`icu. Novembra 1958. prelazi u novoosnovani
Muzej grada Novog Sada, aprila 1965. u Pokrajinski zavod
za za{titu spomenika kulture u Novom Sadu i radni vek zavr{ava 1994. godine u Muzeju Vojvodine (do 1992. Vojvo|anski muzej), u kome je zaposlen od septembra 1980. godine. Penzionisao se na li~ni zahtev 1994. godine, u znak
protesta zbog sve ve}ih politi~kih pritisaka na arheolo{ka istra`ivawa.
Tokom karijere, u svakoj od institucija u kojoj je radio,
bez obzira na du`inu boravka, ulagao je maksimalan trud i
doprinosio razvoju arheologije u woj. U Muzeju Ustanka
1941, kako se u po~etku zvao Narodni muzej u U`icu, inventari{e arheolo{ke predmete koje je zatekao u muzeju, organizuje rekognoscirawe oko Kosjeri}a i teritoriju od Po`ege
do Bajine Ba{te, iskopava sredwovekovne i praistorijske
lokalitete oko Radoiwe, kao i gradinu u Staparima. U po~etku je jedini arheolog, a zatim mu se pridru`uje Mihailo
IN MEMORIAM (271–277)
U Muzeju grada Novog Sada nastavqa istim tempom kao
i u Titovom U`icu te odmah kre}e na za{titno iskopavawe
u tvr|avi na Petrovaradinu, kod zgrade Topovwa~a. Tu }e
se prvi put susresti s nalazima iz sredweg paleolita koje
tada nije prepoznao, ali }e, kako je sam tvrdio, gre{ku ispraviti tek 2002. godine prilikom za{titnih istra`ivawa
na Petrovaradinu, gde je otkriven sredwopaleolitski sloj
upravo zahvaquju}i wegovom upozorewu da se takav sloj mo`e o~ekivati u lesu. Neumorno radi na inventarisawu materijala, rekognoscirawu okoline Novog Sada i otkrivawu
novih lokaliteta. Istra`ivawe naseqa i nekropole iz perioda bronzanog i gvozdenog doba na lokalitetu Popov Sala{ smatra se jednim od wegovih zna~ajnijih radova tokom
rane karijere.
Nakon nepune dve godine u muzeju, 1960. godine, postaje
v. d. upravnika {to }e uticati na wega, zbog obaveza i neprijatnosti koje nosi to mesto, da pre|e u Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture u Novom Sadu. U to vreme
direktor zavoda je bio arhitekta Miloje Milo{evi}, koji
je od ove ustanove napravio modernu i funkcionalnu slu`bu za{tite. P. Medovi} se ukqu~uje u rad s puno radnog
elana, koji ga ne}e napustiti naredne dve decenije provedene u toj ku}i. Odmah po dolasku u zavod po~eo je da sakupqa
dokumentaciju sa posleratnih arheolo{kih istra`ivawa
u Vojvodini, koja je bila rasuta po institucijama {irom
Pokrajine. Nakon uspeha u tom poslu pokrenuo je ujedna~avawe kriterijuma za izradu terenske dokumentacije i izradu
formulara za dnevnik, terenski inventar, nivelman itd.
Predlog takve dokumentacije je na kraju u Vojvodini usvojen kao podzakonski akt i va`io je godinama, sve do osavremewivawa na~ina vo|ewa dokumentacije. Sa Olgom Brukner
je izradio predlog Zakona o obavezi investitora, po uzoru
na isti koji je ve} postojao u Sloveniji, da pre po~etka investicionih radova obezbedi saglasnost Pokrajinskog zavoda za svoje radove. Zakon je bio usvojen, {to je otvorilo
put obimnim istra`ivawima na velikim dr`avnim projektima izgradwe auto-puta, gasovoda itd. koji su se tih godina sprovodili po celoj zemqi. Dolaskom u Zavod prikqu~io se velikom timu koji je radio na projektu „Topografija
spomenika kulture Vojvodine”, pokrenutom nekoliko godina
ranije. Ovaj ambiciozni projekat podrazumevao je rekognoscirawe kompletne teritorije Vojvodine, tako da su arheolozi svake godine obilazili atare 24 sela da bi se nakon
deset godina taj broj smawio na 12 sela godi{we. Do 1980.
godine rekognoscirano je 85% teritorije Vojvodine.
Najve}i broj istra`ivawa obavio je dok je radio u Pokrajinskom zavodu. Re~ je o rekognoscirawima, sonda`nim
istra`ivawima i vi{egodi{wim sistematskim istra`ivawima nekoliko lokaliteta: desna obala Tami{a (Boto{,
Orlovat, Farkaxin, ^enta), leva obala Begeja od Staji}eva
do Perleza, leva obala Dunava od Bogojeva do Bo|ana, humke
u Vojlovici kod Pan~eva, Batki i na Vuni kod Perleza, za{tita leve obale Dunava od Pan~eva do Banatske Palanke u
vreme izgradwe HE \erdap I, praistorijsko naseqe u Brzoj
Vrbi (1969–1971) itd. Paralelno sa svojim istra`ivawima gostuje i na drugim arheolo{kim radovima kod kolega u
Vojvodini (Sirmijum, Belegi{, Mokrin, I|o{, Sajan).
Kada je pre{ao u Vojvo|anski muzej 1980. godine na mesto rukovodioca svih stru~nih slu`bi i zamenika direktora, po~iwe da se bavi pripremawem velikih izlo`bi. Iste
godine je organizovao izlo`bu „Kulturno blago Vojvodine”,
koja je odr`ana u Qubqani, Be~u, Klagenfurtu, Zagrebu,
Skopqu, Beogradu i na kraju u Novom Sadu. Bio je jedan od
kreatora stalne postavke Muzeja, otvorene 1990. godine.
U arheologiji je ostao zapam}en po velikim istra`ivawima Gradine na Bosutu, Kalaka~e i Feudvara. Velika
iskopavawa Gradine na Bosutu zapo~eta su 1974. i trajala
su 13 godina. Na`alost, kompletni rezultati nisu publikovani zbog ekonomske krize koja je usledila vrlo brzo po
okon~awu istra`ivawa i smrti nekih od wegovih rukovodilaca, ali je Predrag Medovi}, u saradwi s Ildiko Medovi}, objavio kwigu o horizontu gvozdenog doba (P. Medovi}.
I. Medovi}, Gradina na Bosutu: naselje starijeg gvozdenog doba, Novi Sad, Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture,
Platoneum, 2011).
Lokalitet Kalaka~a je otkriven 1971. prilikom rekognoscirawa trase auto-puta Beograd – Novi Sad. Naredne
tri godine usledila su velika istra`ivawa i to je do tada
bila najve}a akcija za{tite arheolo{kih nalazi{ta u Vojvodini, u kojoj je u~estvovalo vi{e pokrajinskih institucija. Kwiga o tim istra`ivawima objavqena je 1988. godine
(P. Medovi}, Kalaka~a: naselje ranog gvozdenog doba, Novi
Sad, Vojvo|anski muzej). Kalaka~a je bila odlu~uju}a u uspostavqawu realne stratigrafije gvozdenog doba, Medovi}ev
li~ni napredak i afirmacija. Nakon tih istra`ivawa po~etak ranog gvozdenog doba u na{em Podunavqu pomeren je
od sredine 8. veka na sredinu 10. veka pre nove ere. Upravo je
tu na Kalaka~i Medovi} konstatovao da se u sredwem Podunavqu izdvaja poseban horizont koji hronolo{ki i teritorijalno jasno odvaja period ranog gvozdenog doba od starije
kulture poqa s urnama (Urnenfelderkultur). Nazivi „Kalaka~a horizont” i „naseqa tipa Kalaka~a” danas su potpuno
usvojeni u evropskoj arheologiji, a izdvajawe tog perioda
Medovi}a je vinulo u vrh jugoslovenske arheologije. Osim
Kalaka~e, na trasi auto-puta u to vreme je istra`ivao jo{
{est lokaliteta: Mardik, Sremski Karlovci – Fru{ka gora,
Klisa u Novom Sadu, Ba~ko Dobro Poqe, Vrbas i Feketi}.
Karijeru su mu krunisala velika istra`ivawa na lokalitetu Feudvar, na obodu Titelskog brega kod Mo{orina.
Istra`ivawa su po~ela 1986. godine u saradwi sa Bernardom Henzelom, profesorom na Slobodnom univerzitetu u
Berlinu (Freie Universität Berlin). Prekinuta su nakon 1991.
godine zbog politi~kih prilika, ratova i sankcija u na{oj
zemqi. Posle toga je nastavqena samo obrada materijala i
dokumentacije, kao i publikovawe rezultata istra`ivawa.
U vode}im me|unarodnim ~asopisima objavqeno je vi{e
nau~nih radova, rezultati su prezentovani na nekoliko nau~nih skupova, uvek u koautorstvu s Bernardom Henzelom
(da pomenem samo neke: C-Datierungen aus den früe- und mittelbronzezeitlichen Schichten der Siedlung von Feudvar bei Mo{orin in der Vojvodina, Germania 70 / 1992, 251–291; Bronzezeitlichen Inkrustationskeramik aus Feudvar bei Mo{orin an der
Theissmündung, Archäologische Konferenc des Komitätes Zala
und Niderösterreiches III, Keszthely 1992, 252–291; Eine Bronzegiesserwerkstatt der frühen Bronzezeit in Feudvar bei Mo{orin
in der Vojvodina, Universitätforschungen zur Prähistorischen
Archäologie Bd. 10, Bon 2004, 83–111; Feudvar kod Mo{orina – naseqe gvozdenog i bronzanog doba, Rad vojvo|anskih
muzeja 31 / 1988–1989, 21–36). Tako|e, iza{ao je i op{iran
izve{taj o istra`ivawima svih nau~nih disciplina (B.
IN MEMORIAM (271–277)
Hänsel, P. Medovi}, Vorbericht über die jugoslawisch-deutschen
Ausgrabungen in der Sidlung von Feudvar bei Mo{orin von
1986–1990, Bericht der Römisch-germanischen Kommission 72
/ 1991, 45–204), nastala je jedna doktorska disertacija o
Titelskom platou, objavqena kao monografija (Frank Falkenstein, Feudvar II: Die siedlungsgeschichte des Titeler Plateaus,
Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa Bd. 14, Kiel 1998)
i jedna monografija o [ajka{koj u pro{losti (Feudvar I.
Das Plateau von Titel und die [ajka{ka: Archäologische und
naturwissenschaftliche Beiträge zu einer Kulturlandschaft = Titelski plato i [ajka{ka: Arheolo{ki i prirodnja~ki prilozi o kulturnoj slici podru~ja, Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa
Bd. 13, Kiel 1998). Na osnovu istra`ivawa na Feudvaru otklowene su nedoumice oko razvoja vatinske kulture. Na
osnovu jasne stratigrafske slike naseobinskih slojeva otkrivenih na lokalitetu ustanovqene su samo dve razvojne
faze te veoma rasprostrawene kulture – starija vr{a~kovatinska i mla|a pan~eva~ko-omoqi~ka faza.
Nakon prestanka rada na Feudvaru nastavqa istra`ivawe okoline ovog va`nog lokaliteta i zapo~iwe rad na velikoj nekropoli iz bronzanog doba i sredweg veka na lokalitetu Stubarlija. Istra`ivawa su ra|ena u najte`im godinama
inflacije i besparice i radovi su jednim delom li~no finansirani. Rezultat je bio monografija objavqena 2007.
godine (P. Medovi}, Stubarlija: nekropola naselja Feudvar kod
Mo{orina (Ba~ka), Novi Sad, Muzej Vojvodine, Posebna izdanja
20, 2007). Kwiga je bila povod za nagradu op{tine Titel za
doprinose na istra`ivawu Titelskog brega i ovo je jedina
nagrada koju je dobio za svoj vi{edecenijski rad u za{titi
i o~uvawu kulturne ba{tine Vojvodine.
Pored veoma aktivnog stru~nog anga`ovawa u za{titi
arheolo{ke ba{tine i unapre|ewu struke, Predrag Medovi} je bio i uspe{an nau~nik. Doktorsku tezu pod naslovom
„Relativna hronologija naseqa starijeg gvozdenog doba u
jugoslovenskom Podunavqu” odbranio je novembra 1977. godine na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Naredne godine teza je objavqena u ediciji Dissertations et Monographiae
Saveza arheolo{kih dru{tava Jugoslavije (Naselja starijeg
gvozdenog doba u jugoslovenskom Podunavlju, Novi Sad, Beograd 1978). Disertacija se dobrim delom zasnivala na rezultatima wegovih istra`ivawa Gradine na Bosutu i Kalaka~e, gde je na osnovu otkrivenog materijala mogao jasno
da defini{e razvoj ranog gvozdenog doba i posebno izdvoji
Kalaka~a horizont u okviru bosutske kulture kao najranije
faze razvoja gvozdenog doba. Na osnovu sopstvenih istra`ivawa ranog gvozdenog doba u Vojvodini, rasvetlio je nejasnu sliku tog doba koju je zatekao kada je po~eo da se wime
bavi, {to se smatra wegovim najve}im nau~nim doprinosom u na{oj arheologiji. Na istom fakultetu dobio je i sva
nau~na zvawa do onog najvi{eg – zvawa nau~ni savetnik,
koje je stekao 1991. godine. Odmah po dolasku u Vojvo|anski
muzej, pokrenuo je osnivawe Nau~ne jedinice u Muzeju, koja je po~ela s radom 1981. godine, i bio wen rukovodilac narednih deset godina. Preko Nau~ne jedinice Muzej je za svoja istra`ivawa mogao da koristi sredstva iz pokrajinskih
fondova za nau~na istra`ivawa, {to je bio odli~an potez.
Nau~na jedinica je uga{ena 1991. zbog politi~kih promena, nakon kojih su neka ovla{}ewa sa pokrajinskih pre{la
na republi~ke organe vlasti. Od 1971. godine bio je na vi{e studijskih boravaka u Nema~koj, Bugarskoj, Rumuniji,
Ma|arskoj, ^ehoslova~koj, Ukrajini, Engleskoj, Italiji i
Austriji. Zbog plodne saradwe s nema~kim arheolozima
postao je po~asni ~lan Nema~kog arheolo{kog instituta
(Deutsches Archäologisches Institut).
Predrag Medovi} je bio i dru{tveno anga`ovan u arheologiji. Bio je jedan od inicijatora osnivawa Arheolo{ke
sekcije Muzejskog dru{tva Vojvodine. Iz we }e kasnije izrasti Arheolo{ko dru{tvo Vojvodine, kojim }e jedno vreme i predsedavati. U periodu 1980–1984. bio je predsednik
Saveza arheolo{kih dru{tava Jugoslavije i u tom svojstvu
je organizovao XII kongres arheologa Jugoslavije, pod nazivom „Odbrambeni sistemi u praistoriji i antici na tlu
Jugoslavije” (Odbrambeni sistemi u praistoriji i antici na tlu
Jugoslavije, Materijali XXII, Novi Sad 1984).
Odlazak u penziju nije ga prekinuo u radu u arheologiji. Prve godine nakon penzionisawa posvetio je zavr{etku
publikacija sa svojih velikih istra`ivawa na Feudvaru i
Stubarliji. U periodu 2002–2004. u~estvovao je na velikim za{titnim istra`ivawima na Petrovaradinskoj tvr|avi, gde je vodio inventarisawe materijala i bio stru~ni
konsultant. Godine 2008. kao jedan od autora, pored Na|e
Foli} Kurtovi}, Branke Kuli} i Mirjane \eki}, potpisuje monografiju „Kulturno nasle|e Vojvodine”, koju je izdao
Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture.
Najve}i deo vremena u penziji posvetio je popularizaciji arheolo{kog nasle|a u Vojvodini. Objavio je nekoliko kwiga: Praistorija na tlu Vojvodine: od Panonskog mora do
dolaska Rimljana (Novi Sad 2001), Od pe}ine do palate: praistorija Evrope (Novi Sad 2003), Vojvodina u praistoriji: od neandertalaca do Kelta (Novi Sad 2006), Novi Sad od neandertalaca do Turaka (Novi Sad 2014). Kwiga 100 najlep{ih
umetni~kih dela praistorije Evrope (Novi Sad 2020) iza{la je
iz {tamparije tek nakon wegove smrti, a ~eka se i wena engleska verzija.
Predrag Medovi} je bio jedan od retkih arheologa kod
nas koji je bio veliki stru~wak u prakti~nim arheolo{kim
poslovima (terensko istra`ivawe, za{tita i prezentacija
kulturnog nasle|a) i u isto vreme uspe{an nau~nik. Zbog
toga je bio cewen kako u svojoj zemqi tako i u inostranstvu.
Velika qubav i energija koje je ulagao na poslu vide se u
svemu {to je uradio u svom dugom veku, svakoj kwizi i ~lanku koji je napisao. Tako vredan i energi~an isto je zahtevao i od svojih saradnika, od kojih su neki mogli da ga prate, ali bilo je i suprotnih slu~ajeva. Ponekad je ta wegova
energija nailazila i na otpor, naro~ito u kriznim vremenima kada je do{lo do devalvacije svake vrste u zemqi koja
se raspadala. Medovi}a, me|utim, nikada ni{ta nije moglo
da poremeti u velikom `aru koji je ose}ao prema arheologiji, kod wega nije bilo poslovnih padova niti povla~ewa
pred preprekama koje su mu stajale na putu ka stru~noj
afirmaciji. Uvek je bio principijelan, spreman da istera
pravdu po svaku cenu, da odbrani svoje stavove, zbog ~ega je
na kraju pre vremena penzionisan. Te nestabilne godine
krajem dvadesetog veka, kada je oti{ao u penziju, daleko su
iza nas, mnogi ih se ~ak i ne se}aju, ali ime Predraga Medovi}a osta}e upisano velikim slovima u istoriji discipline koju je voleo do posledweg daha i koja je obele`ila
wegov `ivot.
IN MEMORIAM (271–277)
Posledweg dana pro{le godine napustila nas je dr Du{ica Mini}, nau~ni savetnik Arheolo{kog instituta u penziji. Diskretan odlazak, daleko od o~iju stru~ne javnosti,
bio je u skladu s wenom tihom, stalo`enom prirodom, zbog
koje je savesnim radom ispuwena karijera protekla u harmoni~nim odnosima sa kolegama u razli~itim istra`iva~kim timovima. Ime Du{ice Mini} vezuje se, pre svega,
za prou~avawe naseqa i manastirskih kompleksa srpske
sredwovekovne dr`ave, a uz to i za niz tema i pojava iz
sredwovekovne pro{losti centralnog Balkana.
Du{ica Mini} ro|ena je 18. januara 1933. godine u
Kragujevcu, a {kolovala se u Beogradu. Na Odeqewu za arheologiju Filozofskog fakulteta diplomirala je 1955. godine, zatim je na istom fakultetu zavr{ila tre}i stepen
studija 1965. godine, odbraniv{i magistarski rad Najnoviji rezultati istra`ivawa etni~ke pripadnosti nosilaca belobrdske kulture, i doktorirala 1975. godine sa temom Sredwovekovna seoska naseqa u Srbiji od X do XIV veka.
Temom doktorske disertacije jasno su iskazana interesovawa i ucrtan put docnijih Du{i~inih istra`ivawa.
Neposredno nakon sticawa diplome arheologa, zaposlila se kao kustos u Narodnom muzeju u Kragujevcu, gde je radila do 1961. godine. Nakon petogodi{we pauze, 1966. godine
dolazi u Arheolo{ki institut, na mesto asistenta za sredwovekovnu arheologiju. U zvawe nau~ni saradnik izabrana je
1975, vi{i nau~ni saradnik 1979. i nau~ni savetnik 1990.
godine. Nakon odlaska u penziju 1997. godine nastavqa da
radi na publikovawu rezultata svojih istra`ivawa.
Du{ica Mini} je stekla veliko iskustvo na brojnim
terenima u~estvuju}i u nizu istra`iva~kih projekata. Rukovodila je istra`ivawima u Ma~vanskoj Mitrovici i u
\erdapu u obe faze projekta – u okviru prve faze (\erdap I)
na nalazi{tima Ribnica, Manastir, Pesa~a, Pore~ka reka, Pecka, a u drugoj fazi (\erdapa II) u Velesnici, Biqevini, Grabovici i Brzoj Palanci. Potom je bila na ~elu
istra`ivawa na Trgovi{tu kod Novog Pazara, u Kru{evcu
i Stala}u. Istovremeno je radila na arheolo{kom rekognoscirawu Pe{teri, isto~nih delova Kosova, kao i na prikupqawu gra|e o sredwovekovnim nadgrobnim spomenicima
– ste}cima u zapadnoj Srbiji. Obavila je opse`na istra`ivawa u sredwem Polimqu, gde je uz ubicirawe i tehni~ko
snimawe niza sredwovekovnih utvr|ewa utvrdila severoisto~nu granicu poseda vlasteoske porodice Kosa~a.
Vi{egodi{wu uspe{nu istra`iva~ku aktivnost Du{ica Mini} usmerila je na svestrano prou~avawe materijalne i duhovne kulture stanovni{tva na podru~ju dana{we
Srbije kako u ranom tako i kasnom sredwem veku. Wena
primarna i konstantna nau~na interesovawa ticala su se
problema naseqavawa, formirawa seoskih i gradskih naseqa te razvojnih oblika naseobinskih objekata u razli~itim prirodnim, politi~kim i privrednim uslovima.
Istovremeno, arheolo{ki materijal sakupqen prilikom
iskopavawa uspe{no je obra|ivala, uz pra}ewe razvoja doma}e zanatske delatnosti. S naro~itom pa`wom radila je
na tipolo{ko-hronolo{koj obradi kerami~kog materijala
iz zatvorenih arheolo{kih celina, me|u kojima se izdva-
IN MEMORIAM (271–277)
jaju asembla`i iz Ma~vanske Mitrovice, Ribnice, Stala}a i Kru{evca.
U bogatoj i raznovrsnoj karijeri Du{ice Mini} svakako se isti~u rezultati sistematskih istra`ivawa sredwovekovnog naseqa na lokalitetu Zidine ([aringrad) u Ma~vanskoj Mitrovici, koja su obavqena u okviru projekta
istra`ivawa Sirmijuma izme|u 1966. i 1970. godine, a rezultati objavqeni na francuskom jeziku u uglednoj ediciji
Sirmium (D. Mini}, Le site d’habitation médiéval de Ma~vanska
Mitrovica, Sirmium XI, éd. V. Popovi}, Beograd 1980). Do danas ovo je jedno od najboqe istra`enih naseqa sa crkvama i
nekropolama iz razdobqa od 10. do 15. veka na teritoriji
Srbije, koje je omogu}ilo razumevawe niza razli~itih pojava u vezi sa stanovawem i sahrawivawem u sredwem veku.
Niz novih podataka o sredwovekovnim naseqima dobijen je prilikom arheolo{kih iskopavawa u Boqetinu, Hajdu~koj Vodenici, Ribnici, U{}u Pore~ke reke, Velesnice,
Grabovice i Brze Palanke, koje je Du{ica Mini} objavila
u plodotvornoj saradwi sa koleginicom Slavenkom Ercegovi}-Pavlovi}. Pored tema iz domena naseobinske arheologije u Podunavqu, obradila je i objavila nakit iz najvrednijih ostava iz sredweg veka na podru~ju Srbije, iz Narodnog
muzeja u Po`arevcu (Starinar XXI/1970 i iz Velikog Gradi{ta (Starinar XXIII/1972, 163–168), oba u koautorstvu
sa Mirjanom Tomi}.
Nakon zavr{etka rada u \erdapu, Du{ica Mini} se
ukqu~ila u obimna arheolo{kih istra`ivawa Arheolo{kog instituta u centralnoj i jugozapadnoj Srbiji, u izuzetno va`nom segmentu prou~avawa naseqa i manastirskih
kompleksa srpske sredwovekovne dr`ave. Veoma slo`eni
programi odvijali su se gotovo istovremeno na oba podru~ja.
Vi{egodi{wa sistematska istra`ivawa kasnosredwovekovnog naseqa na lokalitetu Pazari{te kod Novog Pazara,
kojima je Du{ica Mini} rukovodila, bila su sastavni deo
{ireg istra`iva~kog zahvata koji je obuhvatao istra`ivawa
tvr|ave Ras, pod rukovodstvom Marka Popovi}a (Arheolo{ki institut) i kasnosredwovekovnih nekropola na lokalitetu Taba~ina, kojima je rukovodio prof. dr Vojislav Jovanovi} (Odeqewe za arheologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u
Beogradu), uz podr{ku Muzeja Ras u Novom Pazaru i saradwu tada{weg kustosa Dragice Premovi}, kao i arhitekte
Gordane Milo{evi} Jevti} (Arheolo{ki institut). Istra`ivawa na Trgovi{tu su izuzetno zna~ajna za izu~avawe
izgleda ku}a, kako brvnara u starijoj fazi, tako i kamenih
spratnih ku}a u mla|oj fazi, tako|e i za wihovu prostornu
organizaciju i ukupnu strukturu tih naseqa. Na`alost, izuzev preliminarnih izve{taja (npr. D. Mini}, Neka zapa`awa o gradwi ku}a u sredwovekovnom Trgovi{tu, Glasnik
Srpskog arheolo{kog dru{tva 5 (1989), 94–99; V. Jovanovi},
D. Mini}, S. Ercegovi}-Pavlovi}, Nekropole sredwovekovnog Trgovi{ta, Novopazarski zbornik 14 (1990), 19–44),
kompletna objava rezultata istra`ivawa Trgovi{ta je izostala sticajem razli~itih nepredvi|enih okolnosti.
S druge strane, projekti istra`ivawa tvr|ava Stala}
i Brvenik, manastira @i~e i Mile{eve, Crkve Sv. Niko-
le u Kon~uli}u kod Ra{ke, razli~iti u pogledu organizacije terenskog rada koji je ukqu~ivao i blagovremeno izvedene konzervatorsko-restauratorske zahvate, iziskivao je
dugoro~no partnerstvo sa slu`bom za{tite. Uspe{na poslovna saradwa koja je nadgra|ena prijateqstvom izme|u
Du{ice Mini} i Obrenije Vukadin, koleginica sli~nih,
dobrih radnih navika i temperamenta, i uz wih arhitekte
Slobodana \or|evi}a, svakako je doprineo ~vrstoj dugoro~noj povezanosti izme|u Arheolo{kog instituta i institucija u Kraqevu, pre svega Zavoda za za{titu spomenika, ali i Narodnog muzeja. Najboqu ilustraciju te saradwe
vidimo u ~lancima objavqenim u zborniku radova Ra{ka
ba{tina i, naro~ito, monografiji Du{ice Mini} i Obrenije Vukadin Sredwovekovni Stala}, objavqene 2009. godine u suizdava{tvu Instituta i Zavoda. Na ovom mestu podseti}emo i na zna~ajne rezultate koje je Du{ica Mini}
postigla prilikom arheolo{kih istra`ivawa u manastirima @i~a i Mile{eva (Arheolo{ki podaci o manastiru
@i~i, u: Manastir @i~a. Zbornik radova, ur. G. Suboti},
Kraqevo 2000, 223–246; O. Kandi}, D. Mini}, E. Pejovi},
Manastir Mile{eva: istra`ivawa i obnova, Katalog izlo`be, Beograd–Prijepoqe 1995).
Preuzev{i osamdesetih godina pro{log veka istra`ivawa starog Kru{evca, Du{ica Mini} se poduhvatila
zahtevnog zadatka da uz definisawe dva glavna kulturna
horizonta: stariji, iz vremena od osnivawa grada do sredine 15. veka, i mla|i, iz vremena turske prevlasti, sistematizuje celokupan, vrlo raznorodan arheolo{ki materijal.
Rezultati wenog predanog rada objavqeni su Starinaru
XXX (1980), u ~lanku Prilog prou~avawu sredwovekovne keramike iz Kru{evca, i u zborniku radova pod uredni{tvom
Pavla Vasi}a Umetni~ka topografija Kru{evca (Matica
srpska Novi Sad 1990), gde je Du{ica Mini} dala prilog o
primewenoj umetnosti sredwovekovnog Kru{evca.
Osim u publikacijama, rezultate svojih istra`ivawa
Du{ica Mini} je saop{tavala na stru~nim i nau~nim skupovima, me|u kojima su simpozijumi Saveza arheolo{kih
dru{tava Jugoslavije i godi{wi skupovi Srpskog arheolo{kog dru{tva i Dru{tva konzervatora Srbije. Kao ugledni
istra`iva~ srpskog sredweg veka bila je ukqu~ena u rad
niza stru~nih komisija, kao i Komisije za sredwovekovno
spomeni~ko nasle|e.
Du{ica Mini} je ostavila veliki trag u jugoslovenskoj i, naro~ito, srpskoj arheologiji sredweg veka. Nalazi{ta koja je savesno istra`ivala i dokumentovala i daqe
predstavqaju referentne primere naseobinskih konteksta
na {irem balkanskom prostoru, kako po sa~uvanim strukturama tako i u pogledu pokretnog arheolo{kog materijala. Svojom posve}eno{}u radu, velikim stru~nim znawem i
iskustvom, nenametqivim pona{awem i gospodstvenim dr`awem predstavqala je arheologiju na visokom profesionalnom nivou, daju}i u to vreme (jo{ uvek) dosta surovim
terenskim uslovima da{ak elegancije i prefiwenosti.
Vesna BIKI]
IN MEMORIAM (271–277)
Dr Qubica Zotovi}, nau~ni savetnik Arheolo{kog instituta u penziji, preminula je leta 2021. godine, ostavqaju}i za sobom neizbrisiv trag u arheolo{koj struci i nauci.
Svoja istra`ivawa posvetila je anti~kim kultovima, a najzna~ajnije rezultate postigla je izu~avaju}i kult Mitre i
isto~wa~ke religije. Spada me|u najve}e poznavaoce rimskog kulta i religije na prostoru nekada{we Jugoslavije.
Rezultati wenog dugogodi{weg rukovo|ewa iskopavawima
arheolo{kih lokaliteta Medijana i Viminacijum nesumwivo su bili i ostali osnova za sva slede}a istra`ivawa, a
u amanet budu}im istra`iva~ima ostavila je i dokumentacioni centar formiran kako za arheolo{ki tako i za antropolo{ki materijal.
Qubica Zotovi} ro|ena je 5. juna 1931. godine u Qubqani. Vreme rata provela je u [apcu, gde je zavr{ila osnovnu
{kolu, i tu ostala do oslobo|ewa. Po oslobo|ewu, kada se
wen otac vratio iz zarobqeni{tva, preselili su se u Beograd, gde je zavr{ila gimnaziju i maturirala 1950. godine.
Iste godine je upisala arheologiju na Filozofskom fakultetu, gde je i diplomirala 1954. godine. Za vreme studija
bila je ~lan Saveza studenata i u~estvovala u radu stru~nih
kru`oka koje je studentska organizacija osnovala kao pomo} mla|im kolegama.
Po zavr{enim studijama 1954. godine, kratko vreme
radila je kao volonter u Saveznom institutu za za{titu
spomenika kulture, a 1955. godine izabrana je za asistenta
Arheolo{kog instituta, gde je najpre radila na dokumentaciji, a potom kao asistent za klasi~nu arheologiju.
Doktorsku disertaciju Likovne predstave orijentalnih bo`anstava sa teritorije Jugoslavije odbranila je
1964. godine na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Godinu dana kasnije izabrana je za nau~nog saradnika za klasi~nu arheologiju u Arheolo{kom institutu. Wena doktorska
teza i danas predstavqa va`no nau~no upori{te za prou~avawe anti~kih, isto~wa~kih kultova, jer je po prvi put na
jednom mestu sakupqen celokupan do tada raspolo`iv materijal, koji zajedno sa analogijama prevazilazi geografske
okvire nekada{we Jugoslavije.
Za vi{eg nau~nog saradnika Arheolo{kog instituta
izabrana je 1968, a za nau~nog savetnika 1979. godine.
Od 1958. do 1960. godine bila je zadu`ena za arheolo{ku
kontrolu radova na anti~kim lokalitetima ugro`enim izgradwom auto-puta „Bratstvo-jedinstvo” na sektorima od
Ni{a do Skopqa, zajedno sa M. Gara{aninom, koji je kontrolisao rad na praistorijskim lokalitetima. U okviru
tog posla sprovela je za{titna iskopavawa u Velikoj Grabovnici i Maloj Kopa{nici kod Leskovca. Istra`ivawa
na rimskoj nekropoli spaqenih pokojnika u Maloj Kopa{nici vr{ena su od 1960. do 1962. godine i tokom 1964. godine. Ta istra`ivawa za arheolo{ku nauku imaju nemerqiv zna~aj jer se do{lo do saznawa o novim tipovima
sahrawivawa, veoma specifi~nim za Gorwu Meziju, a ona
su do dan danas poznata kao grobovi tipa „Mala Kopa{nica
– Sase”. Tokom 1958. godine u~estvovala je na rekognoscirawima ugro`enog podru~ja na \erdapu, a 1965. godine sa
N. Petrovi} radila je na sistematskom iskopavawu rimskog
IN MEMORIAM (271–277)
vojnog logora u Boqetinu. Na iskopavawu kasnoanti~ke nekropole u Ni{u radila je od 1956. do 1962. godine i 1967.
godine, zajedno sa kolegama M. Grbi}em i N. Petrovi}. Ista
arheolo{ka ekipa, zajedno sa P. Petrovi}em radila je na
istra`ivawu kasnoanti~kog naseqa na Medijani u periodu 1959–1962. i 1967. godine.
Qubica Zotovi} je bila rukovodilac dva najva`nija
istra`iva~ka projekta iz arheologije rimskog doba na teritoriji Srbije.
Od 1972. godine rukovodila je projektom „Medijana –
kasnoanti~ko naseqe u Ni{u”, tokom kojeg je izvr{eno i
sistematsko istra`ivawe rimske vile. Od 1973. godine rukovodila je projektom Viminacijum, a 1976. godine Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture imenovao je dr
Qubicu Zotovi} za potpredsednika Republi~ke komisije
za Viminacijum. To su bila prva sistematska iskopavawa
nakon onih sprovedenih pre Prvog svetskog rata koja su zapo~eli Valtrovi} i Vasi}. Ta istra`ivawa pru`ila su
zna~ajne podatke za topografiju Viminacijuma i hronologiju tog anti~kog grada i vojnog logora. Tada je otkrivena i
nekropola iz doba Seobe naroda. Od 1977. godine na Viminacijumu rukovodila je sistematskim, za{titnim iskopavawima terena ugro`enog izgradwom termoelektrane „Drmno”.
Tokom rukovo|ewa iskopavawima na Viminacijumu oformila je dokumentacioni centar za arheolo{ki i antropolo{ki materijal.
Qubica Zotovi} je bila ~lan redakcije i saradnik vi{e istaknutih nau~nih ~asopisa i serija u inostranstvu:
– Stalni dopisni ~lan Journal of Mithraic Studies (University of East England)
– Povremeni saradnik serije Aufstieg und Niedergang
der römischen Welt (University of Tübingen)
– Saradnik serije Études préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l’Empire romain (Brill)
– Pridru`eni ~lan Society for Mithraic Studies (University of Manchester)
U svojim nau~nim radovima najvi{e se bavila problemima anti~ke umetnosti, istorije religije i kulta, kao i
pogrebnim praksama i ritualima.
Kruna wenog istra`iva~kog rada je monografija Mitraizam na tlu Jugoslavije iz 1974. godine, u kojoj je dat
potpun katalog Mitrinih spomenika sa svestranom ikonografskom analizom i u kojoj su posebno obra|ena Mitrina
kultna mesta. Nezaobilazna literatura za izu~avawe anti~kog kulta i religije na prostoru Gorwe Mezije svakako je
monografija Les cultes orientaux sur le territoire de la Mésie
supérieure iz 1966. godine, koju je izdao ugledni Brill. Monografije o Viminacijumu su polazna osnova svakom istra`iva~u ovog anti~kog grada, vojnog logora i naro~ito wegovih
nekropola: Nekropola iz vremena seobe naroda sa u`e gradske teritorije Viminacija (1981) i Viminacivm: nekropola
„Vi{e grobaqa” (sa ^. Jordovi}em 1990). Rezultati istra`ivawa ni{ke nekropole objavqeni su u kwizi Kasnoanti~ka nekropola u Jagodin mali u Ni{u (1968).
Treba pomenuti zna~ajne enciklopedijske odrednice:
– Princeton Dictionary of Classical Archaeology, New Jersey
1976. – enciklopedijski prilog Limes of \erdap
– Enciklopedija Jugoslavije 1982. – odrednice Viminacijum, Ore{ac, Talijata
– Likovna enciklopedija Jugoslavije 1980. – odrednica
Medijana kasnoanti~ko nalazi{te
Dr Qubica Zotovi} je nosilac Oktobarske nagrade za
1974. godinu za koautorski rad na publikaciji Religiozni
spomenici sa teritorije Singidunuma.
Formalni odlazak u penziju 1995. godine nije zna~io
weno povla~ewe iz nauke jer je iste godine nastavila rad
na nau~nom projektu Arheologija Srbije, na kojem je bila
zadu`ena za obavqawe nau~no istra`iva~kog rada na temi
– Anti~ki gradovi: Viminacijum, Medijana i istorija religije rimskog doba.
Na vest o smrti meni drage i izuzetno po{tovane koleginice Qubice Zotovi}, prva misao, prvo ose}awe, bila je
zahvalnost na svemu onom ~emu nas je nau~ila. I primarno
zate~en mi{qu o gubitku, polako sam dobijao sliku ne o gubitku ve} o tome ~ime nas je ona sve obogatila. A obogatila nas je nesebi~nim darivawem znawa u predivnom zanatu
koji se zove arheologija i zauvek nam utkala qubav prema
woj. Ali osetio sam i ono drugo, mo`da i va`nije: prenela
nam je svoju otmenost i dostojanstvenost. Viminacijumski
tim i ja smo joj duboko zahvalni na tome.
Miomir KORA]
The journal Starinar is dedicated to topics in the areas of archaeology, history, history of arts, architecture and similar
scholarly disciplines.
The journal Starinar started to be published in 1884 as a periodical publication issued by the Serbian Archaeological
Society, and in 1950 it became the periodical of the Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade.
The journal Starinar publishes original papers that have not been published previously: original scientific articles,
excavation reports, scientific reviews, book reviews, critiqical reviews, bibliographies, necrologies. Some issues of
Starinar can be dedicated to emeritus researchers in the field of archaeology.
Starinar is an Open Access journal.
Articles can be submitted in English, German or French. If the paper is written in English, summary can be in Serbian
(for authors from Serbia) or English (for international authors), while articles submitted in German or French need to have
a summary in English.
Papers for Starinar have to be submitted to the editorial secretary and must be formatted in accordance with the
Guidelines/ Submission instructions for authors.
The Journal is issued once a year.
Online First option is applied in Starinar: an electronic version of an accepted manuscript is made available online
after the Editorial Board accepts the manuscript for publishing and after the editing and proofreading procedure.
Journal Starinar publishes articles from the fields of archaeology, history, architecture, history of arts, classical philology, physical anthropology, etc.
The Editorial Board is responsible for deciding which articles submitted to Starinar will be published. The Editorial Board
is guided by the Editorial Policy and constrained by legal requirements in force regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to decide not to publish
submitted manuscripts in case it is found that they do not meet
relevant standards concerning the content and formal aspects.
The Editorial Staff will inform the authors whether the manuscript
is accepted for publication within 120 days from the date of the
manuscript submission.
Editorial Board must hold no conflict of interest with regard
to the articles they consider for publication. If an Editor feels
that there is likely to be a perception of a conflict of interest in
relation to their handling of a submission, the selection of revie-
wers and all decisions on the paper shall be made by the editor
and editorial board.
Editorial Board shall evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content free from any racial, gender, sexual, religious,
ethnic, or political bias.
The Editor and the Editorial Staff must not use unpublished
materials disclosed in submitted manuscripts without the express written consent of the authors. The information and ideas
presented in submitted manuscripts shall be kept confidential
and must not be used for personal gain.
The journal Starinar applies the system of double-blind
peer review. Editors and the Editorial Staff shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that the reviewers remain anonymous
to the authors before, during and after the evaluation process
and the authors remain anonymous to reviewers until the end of
the review procedure.
Papers prepared for publishing should be submitted to the
editorial secretary between 20 November to 20 December of the
current year for the volume that will be published the following
year. The Editorial board meets after the submission of all papers.
At the first meeting, reviewers are selected and assigned manuscripts for review.
Authors warrant that their manuscript is their original work,
that it has not been published before and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Parallel submission of the same
paper to another journal constitutes a misconduct and eliminates
the manuscript from consideration by Starinar.
The Authors also warrant that the manuscript is not and will
not be published elsewhere (after the publication in Starinar) in
any other language without the consent of the Publisher.
In case a submitted manuscript is a result of a research project, or its previous version has been presented at a conference
in the form of an oral presentation (under the same or similar
title), detailed information about the project, the conference,
etc. shall be provided in front of the first footnote and it should
be marked with a star. A paper that has already been published
in another journal cannot be reprinted in Starinar.
It is the responsibility of each author to ensure that papers
submitted to Starinar are written with ethical standards in mind.
Authors affirm that the article contains no unfounded or unlawful statements and does not violate the rights of third parties.
The Publisher will not be held legally responsible should there
be any claims for compensation.
Reporting standards
A submitted manuscript should contain sufficient detail
and references to permit reviewers and, subsequently, readers to
verify the claims presented in it. The deliberate presentation of
false claims is a violation of ethical standards. Book reviews,
critical reviews, necrologies and other professional articles are
reviewed as well and the decision on their acceptance or rejection is made by the Editorial Board based on reviews.
Authors are exclusively responsible for the contents of
their submissions and must make sure that they have permission
from all involved parties to make the data public.
Authors wishing to include figures, tables or other materials that have already been published elsewhere are required to
obtain permission from the copyright holder(s). Any material
received without such evidence will be assumed to originate
from the authors.
Authors must make sure that all only contributors who have
significantly contributed to the submission are listed as authors
and, conversely, that all contributors who have significantly contributed to the submission are listed as authors. If persons other
than authors were involved in important aspects of the research
project and the preparation of the manuscript, their contribution
should be acknowledged in a footnote or the Acknowledgments
Acknowledgment of Sources
Authors are required to properly cite sources that have significantly influenced their research and their manuscript. Infor-
mation received in a private conversation or correspondence with
third parties, in reviewing project applications, manuscripts and
similar materials, must not be used without the express written
consent of the information source.
Plagiarism, where someone assumes another’s ideas, words,
or other creative expression as one’s own, is a clear violation of
scientific ethics. Plagiarism may also involve a violation of copyright law, punishable by legal action.
Plagiarism includes the following:
– Word for word, or almost word for word copying, or purposely paraphrasing portions of another author’s work
without clearly indicating the source or marking the copied
fragment (for example, using quotation marks);
– Copying equations, figures or tables from someone else’s
paper without properly citing the source and/or without permission from the original author or the copyright holder.
Please note that all submissions are thoroughly checked for
plagiarism. Any paper which shows obvious signs of plagiarism
will be automatically rejected and authors will be temporary
permitted to publish in Starinar.
In case plagiarism is discovered in a paper that has already
been published by the journal, it will be retracted in accordance
with the procedure described below under Retraction policy,
and authors will be temporary permitted to publish in Starinar.
Conflict of interest
Authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial
or other substantive conflict of interest that might have influenced the presented results or their interpretation.
Fundamental errors in published works
When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy
in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to
promptly notify the journal Editor or publisher and cooperate
with the Editor to retract or correct the paper.
By submitting a manuscript the authors agree to abide by
the Starinar’s Editorial Policies.
Reviewers are required to provide written, competent and
unbiased feedback in a timely manner on the scholarly merits
and the scientific value of the manuscript.
The reviewers assess manuscript for the compliance with the
profile of the journal, the relevance of the investigated topic and
applied methods, the originality and scientific relevance of information presented in the manuscript, the presentation style
and scholarly apparatus.
Reviewers should alert the Editor to any well-founded suspicions or the knowledge of possible violations of ethical standards by the authors. Reviewers should recognize relevant published works that have not been cited by the authors and alert the
Editor to substantial similarities between a reviewed manuscript
and any manuscript published or under consideration for publication elsewhere, in the event they are aware of such. Reviewers
should also alert the Editor to a parallel submission of the same
paper to another journal, in the event they are aware of such.
Reviewers must not have conflict of interest with respect to
the research, the authors and/or the funding sources for the
research. If such conflicts exist, the reviewers must report them
to the Editor without delay.
Any selected referee who feels unqualified to review the
research reported in a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the Editor without delay.
Reviews must be conducted objectively. Personal criticism
of the author is inappropriate. Reviewers should express their
views clearly with supporting arguments.
Any manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. Reviewers must not use unpublished materials disclosed in submitted manuscripts without the express
written consent of the authors. The information and ideas presented in submitted manuscripts shall be kept confidential and
must not be used for personal gain.
The submitted manuscripts are subject to a peer review
process. The purpose of peer review is to assists the Editorial
Board in making editorial decisions and through the editorial
communications with the author it may also assist the author in
improving the paper.
To every paper submitted to editorial board of Starinar two
reviewers are assigned. Reviewers could be members of the
Editorial Board, associates of the Institute of Archaeology or
eternal associates, with the same or higher scientific degree as the
author(s), competent in the field of the manuscript’s topic. The
suggestions on who the reviewers should be are made by the
Editorial Board, and adopted by the Editor-in-Chief.
All papers are reviewed by using the double-blind peer review system: the identity of the author is not known to the reviewers and vice versa. Reviewers shall send their reviews within
the period of 30 days after the receipt of the manuscript. Reviewers are not paid for this work.
If a reviewer requires a revision of a manuscript, authors
shall send a revised version with changes made in accordance
with the reviewer’s suggestions within the period of 30 days. In
case they consider the revision request unfounded, the authors
should send their arguments explaining why they did not make
the required revision. The same timeframe applies to revisions
of manuscripts that are not written in accordance with the author
The decision of acceptance of the paper is made by the Editorial Board of Starinar by majority vote based on the peer
reviews and the evaluation of the authors’ revision or their arguments, if they did not make changes to the manuscript.
After the final decision on the content of a volume is made,
manuscripts are sent for editing and proofreading, and then to a
graphic designer, who is responsible for computer layout, design
and prepress. Before printing, the authors will have the opportunity to proofread their paper twice in the PDF format. The final
approval for printing is given by the Editor-in-Chief. The whole
volume should be send to the printing press by 1 October.
The reviewers selected by the Editorial Board, receive a
peer review form with questions that they should answer. The purpose of the questions is to indicate all aspects that they should
consider in order to make a decision on the destiny of a paper.
In the final part of the form, reviewers are supposed to write
their opinion and suggestions how to improve the paper. The
identity of reviewers is unknown to authors, before, during and
after the review procedure. The identity of authors is unknown
to reviewers before, during and after the review procedure (until
the paper is published). It is suggested to authors to avoid formulations that could reveal their identity. The Editorial Board shall
ensure that before sending a paper to a reviewer, all personal
details of the author (name, affiliation, etc.) will be deleted and
that all measures will be undertaken in order to keep the author’s
identity unknown to the reviewer during the review procedure.
The choice of reviewers is at the Editorial Board’s discretion. The reviewers must be knowledgeable about the subject
area of the manuscript; and they should not have recent joint
publications with any of the authors.
All of the reviewers of a paper act independently and they
are not aware of each other’s identities. If the decisions of the
two reviewers are not the same (accept/reject), the Editor may
assign additional reviewers.
During the review process Editor may require authors to
provide additional information (including raw data) if they are
necessary for the evaluation of the scholarly merit of the manuscript. These materials shall be kept confidential and must not
be used for personal gain.
The Editorial team shall ensure reasonable quality control
for the reviews. With respect to reviewers whose reviews are
convincingly questioned by authors, special attention will be paid
to ensure that the reviews are objective and high in academic
standard. When there is any doubt with regard to the objectivity
of the reviews or quality of the review, additional reviewers will
be assigned.
Anyone may inform the editors and/or Editorial Staff at
any time of suspected unethical behaviour or any type of misconduct by giving the necessary information/evidence to start
an investigation.
– Editor-in-Chief will consult with the Editorial Board on
decisions regarding the initiation of an investigation.
– During an investigation, any evidence should be treated
as strictly confidential and only made available to those
strictly involved in investigating.
– The accused will always be given the chance to respond
to any charges made against them.
– If it is judged at the end of the investigation that misconduct has occurred, then it will be classified as either
minor or serious.
Minor misconduct
Minor misconduct will be dealt directly with those
involved without involving any other parties, e.g.:
– Communicating to authors/reviewers whenever a minor
issue involving misunderstanding or misapplication of
academic standards has occurred.
– A warning letter to an author or reviewer regarding fairly minor misconduct.
Major misconduct
The Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the Editorial Board,
and, when appropriate, further consultation with a small group
of experts should make any decision regarding the course of
action to be taken using the evidence available. The possible outcomes are as follows (these can be used separately or jointly):
– Publication of a formal announcement or editorial describing the misconduct.
– Informing the author’s (or reviewer’s) head of department
or employer of any misconduct by means of a formal letter.
– The formal, announced retraction of publications from
the journal in accordance with the Retraction Policy (see
– A ban on submissions from an individual for a defined
– Referring a case to a professional organization or legal
authority for further investigation and action.
When dealing with unethical behaviour, the Editorial Staff
will rely on the guidelines and recommendations provided by
the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): http://publication
Legal limitations of the publisher, copyright holder or
author(s), infringements of professional ethical codes, such as
multiple submissions, bogus claims of authorship, plagiarism,
fraudulent use of data or any major misconduct require retraction of an article. Occasionally a retraction can be used to correct
errors in submission or publication. The main reason for withdrawal or retraction is to correct the mistake while preserving
the integrity of science; it is not to punish the author.
Standards for dealing with retractions have been developed
by a number of library and scholarly bodies, and this practice has
been adopted for article retraction by Starinar: in the electronic
version of the retraction note, a link is made to the original article.
In the electronic version of the original article, a link is made to
the retraction note where it is clearly stated that the article has
been retracted. The original article is retained unchanged, save
for a watermark on the PDF indicating on each page that it is
Starinar is an Open Access Journal. All articles can be
downloaded free of charge and used in accordance with the
licence Creative Commons – Attribution-NonCommercial-No
Derivs 3.0 Serbia ( The submission, review and publishing procedures
are free of charge.
Self-archiving Policy
The journal Starinar allows authors to deposit the accepted,
reviewed version of the manuscript, as well as final, published
PDF version of the paper in an institutional repository and noncommercial subject-based repositories, or to publish it on Author’s
personal website (including social networking sites, such as
ResearchGate,, etc.) and/or departmental website,
and in accordance with the licence Attribution-NonCommercialNoDerivs 3.0 Serbia (, at any time after publication. Full bibliographic
information (authors, article title, journal title, volume, issue,
pages) about the original publication must be provided and a
link must be made to the article’s DOI.
Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, authors
shall transfer the copyright to the Publisher.
Authors grant to the Publisher the following rights to the
manuscript, including any supplemental material, and any parts,
extracts or elements thereof:
– the right to reproduce and distribute the Manuscript in
printed form, including print-on-demand;
– the right to produce prepublications, reprints, and special
editions of the Manuscript;
– the right to translate the Manuscript into other languages;
– the right to reproduce the Manuscript using photomechanical or similar means including, but not limited to photocopy, and the right to distribute these reproductions;
– the right to reproduce and distribute the Manuscript electronically or optically on any and all data carriers or storage media – especially in machine readable/digitalized
form on data carriers such as hard drive, CD-Rom, DVD,
Blu-ray Disc (BD), Mini-Disk, data tape – and the right
to reproduce and distribute the Article via these data carriers;
– the right to store the Manuscript in databases, including
online databases, and the right of transmission of the
Manuscript in all technical systems and modes;
– the right to make the Manuscript available to the public
or to closed user groups on individual demand, for use on
monitors or other readers (including e-books), and in
printable form for the user, either via the internet, other
online services, or via internal or external networks.
The views expressed in the published works do not express
the views of the Editors and Editorial Staff. The authors take legal
and moral responsibility for the ideas expressed in the articles.
Publisher shall have no liability in the event of issuance of any
claims for damages. The Publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.
By applying the new rules (Acta) for publishing activities issued by the Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade and in accordance with the editorial policy of the Starinar journal, the editorial board of the Starinar journal have decided to improve
its quality and, thus, contribute to its full integration into the international system of exchanging scientific information.
The Starinar journal is dedicated to topics from the scientific areas of archaeology, history, history of arts, architecture and similar scientific disciplines.
The Starinar journal publishes original papers that have not been previously published: original scientific articles,
excavation reports, scientific reviews, book reviews, critiques, bibliographies and necrologies.
Articles can be submitted in English, German or French. If the paper is written in English, the summary can be written
in Serbian (for authors from Serbia) or English (for foreign authors), while articles submitted in German or French need
to have the summary in English.
Articles submitted to the Starinar editorial board must contain customary data. Each article should therefore include:
title; author’s forename and surname; affiliation; abstract; key words; main text; summary; graphic images with list of
captions; bibliography; contact details.
1. The title should be short and clear, reflecting as much as
possible the content of the article. The title should include words
which are easy to index and search for. If there are no such
words integrated into the title, it is preferable to have an added
subtitle. The title should appear in either the fifth or sixth row
under the upper margin, in bold, with a font size of 14 pts.
2. The author or authors should include their full names.
3. The author or authors should write the official name and
address of the institution they represent, together with, where
applicable, the official name and address of the location where
they performed their research. With complex institutions, all
names should be included (e.g. University of Belgrade, Philosophical Faculty, Department of Archaeology, Belgrade).
4. The abstract represents a short overview of the article
(100–250 words). It is advisable for this to contain words which
are easy to index or search for. The abstract should offer data
about the research goal, method, results and conclusion.
Abstracts should be written in the same language as the article
(English, German or French). It is necessary to use correct
grammar and spelling and to have the document reviewed by a
qualified native proof-reader.
5. The key words should include words or phrases that
effectively describe the content of the article, and which are
easy to index and search for. They should be selected according
to an internationally recognised source (index, vocabulary, and
thesaurus), such as the list of key words Web of Science. The
number of key words should not exceed ten.
6. Articles should be no longer than 32 DIN A4 pages,
including footnotes and illustrations. The body text should be
written digitally, using Times New Roman or Arial font (font
size 12 pts), MS Office Word 97 or later, with a line spacing of
1.5 and margins set to 2.54 cm. The body text must not contain
illustrations. Illustrations must be submitted as separate files.
7. Manuscripts must be submitted in English, German or
French, with the author obliged to state the name of the translator
and the proof-reader who checked the paper. Words, statements
and titles written in a foreign language should be written using
their original spelling and, in accordance with the editor’s or
reviewer’s suggestions, transliterated (translated) into the submission language of the manuscript.
Footnotes can be included in the main paper. They should
contain less important data, required explanations and cited literature. (A separate chapter of the Submission Instructions
details the required method for quoting that is to be applied
when writing a paper).
8. The summary must have the same content as the
abstract, only expanded, but not longer than 1/10 of the paper’s
overall size. It is strongly advised to write the summary in a
structural form. Papers submitted in English must have the summary in Serbian (for Serbian authors) or English (for foreign
authors). Papers in German or French must have the summary
in English. As well as the summary text, the title of the paper,
the key words and the author’s affiliation should be written in
the appropriate language.
9. Illustrations (photographs, tables, drawings, graphs etc.)
should all be in the same format. Scanned illustrations should be
in a resolution of 600 dpi, while photographs should be in a resolution of at least 300 dpi, and of a TIFF, PSD or JPG format.
Illustrations are to be submitted as a separate part of the paper
and should not be integrated into the basic text. Titles and captions should be submitted bilingually, where applicable, (the
languages in which the paper and summary are written), and as
a Word document.
10. The bibliography should include bibliographic sources
(articles, monographs etc.). Within the paper it should be quoted with references in the footnotes and as a list of literature/bibliography at the end of the manuscript. The bibliography represents a part of every scientific paper, with precisely quoted
bibliographical references. The list of used sources should follow a unique pattern, in a sequence based on the quoting standards determined by these instructions. The bibliography must
be presented in the language and alphabet in which each source
has been published. In cases when the publication is published
bilingually, all data should also be written bilingually. In cases
where the summary is written in another language, then the title
of the summary should be written in the same language.
In the list of references: Popovi} 2009 – I. Popovi}, Gilt
Fibula with Christogram from the Imperial Palace in Sirmium
(Rezime: Pozla}ena fibula sa hristogramom iz carske
palate u Sirmijumu) Starinar LVII (2007), 2009, 101–112.
Publications published in Cyrillic, Greek or any other non
Latin alphabet should be transliterated into the Latin alphabet in
accordance with the standards of The American Library
Association and The Library of Congress of the United States
(, for example:
Quotation within a footnote: (Popovi} 1994, 65)
In the list of references: Popovi} 1994 – I. Popovi},
(prir.), Anti~ko srebro u Srbiji, Beograd 1994. (I. Popovi},
(prir.), Anti~ko srebro u Srbiji, Beograd, 1994.)
11. Parts of references (authors’ names, title, source etc.)
are to be quoted in accordance with the accepted quoting form.
The most commonly quoted references are listed below:
1. How to quote an author’s books:
a. A single author
In a footnote: (Popovi} 2006, 21)
In the list of references: Popovi} 2006 – I. Popovi}, Roma
aeterna inter Savum et Danubium, Belgrade 2006.
b. Two authors
In a footnote: (Vasi}, Milo{evi} 2000, 125)
In the list of references: Vasi}, Milo{evi} 2000 – M. Vasi},
G. Milo{evi}. 2000. Mansio Idimvm rimska po{tanska i putna
stanica kod Medve|e, Beograd, 2000.
c. Three or more authors
In a footnote: (Petkovi} et al. 2005, 129–131)
In the list of references: Petkovi} et al. 2005 – S. Petkovi},
M. Ru`i}, S. Jovanovi}, M. Vuksan, & Z. K. Zoffmann. 2005.
Roman and Medieval Necropolis in Ravna near Knja`evac.
Belgrade, 2005.
2. Quotation of papers in serial publication,
collection of papers:
In a footnote: (Popovi} 2014, 261)
In the list of references: Popovi} 2014 – I. Popovi}, The
Motif of Christogram on the Architectural Elements of the
Imperial Palace in Sirmium, in: The Edict of Serdica (AD 311).
Concepts and Realizations of the Idea of Religious Toleration,
(ed.) V. Vachkova, D. Dimitrov, Sofia 2014, 261–276.
3. How to quote prepared editions
(editor, translator or preparator instead of author):
In a footnote: (Popovi} 1994, 65)
In the list of references: Popovi} 1994 – I. Popovi},
(prir.), Anti~ko srebro u Srbiji, Beograd 1994. (I. Popovi},
(prir.), Anti~ko srebro u Srbiji, Beograd, 1994.)
4. How to quote books without indicated author:
In a footnote: (Gamzigrad. Kasnoanti~ki carski dvorac
1983, 43)
In the list of references: Gamzigrad. Kasnoanti~ki carski dvorac 1983 – Gamzigrad. Kasnoanti~ki carski dvorac,
Beograd 1983. (Gamzigrad. Kasnoanti~ki dvorac, Beograd, 1983.)
5. Quoting several books of the same author:
a. written in different alphabets
In a footnote: (Popovi} 2002, 23–26; Popovi} 2006, 33)
In the list of references:
Popovi} 2002 – I. Popovi}, Nakit sa Juhora, ostava
ili sakralni tezaurus, Beograd 2002. (I. Popovi}, Nakit sa
Juhora, ostava ili sakralni tezaurus, Beograd, 2002.)
Popovi} 2006 – I. Popovi}, Roma Aeterna inter Savum et
Danubium. Belgrade, 2006.
b. written in the same year
In a footnote: (Dawkins 1996a; 1996b)
In the list of references:
Dawkins 1996a – R. Dawkins, Climbing Mount Improbable,
London, 1996.
Dawkins 1996b – R. Dawkins, River out of Eden, London,
6. Quoting chapters or parts of books:
In a footnote: (Kondi} 1994, 66 )
In the list of references: Kondi} 1994 – J. Kondi}, Ranovizantijsko srebro, u: Anti~ko srebro u Srbiji, I. Popovi},
(ur.), Beograd 1994, 65–67. (J. Kondi}, Ranovizantijsko srebro,
u: Anti~ko srebro u Srbiji, I. Popovi}, (ur.), Beograd 1994, 65–67.)
7. Quoting chapters or parts of previously
published books (as an original source):
In a footnote: (Cicero 1986, 35)
In the list of references: Cicero 1986 – Cicero Quintus
Tullius, Handbook on canvassing for the consulship, in: Rome:
Late republic and principate, W. E. Kaegi, P. White (eds.), vol. 2,
Chicago, 1986, 33–46. Originally published in: E. Shuckburgh
(trans.) The letters of Cicero, vol. 1, London, 1908.
8. Quoting books which have been published on-line:
In a footnote: (Kurland, Lerner 1987)
In the list of references: Kurland, Lerner 1987 – Ph. B.
Kurland, R. Lerner, (eds.) The founders’ Constitution. Chicago
1987. //, accessed (date of
visit to the page)
9. Quoting an article from a printed periodical:
In a footnote: (Vasi} 2004, 91, fig. 17)
In the list of references: Vasi} 2004 – M. Vasi}, Bronze
railing from Mediana. Starinar LIII–LIV 2004, 79–109.
to IV century A.D. Paper presented at the 10th Annual meeting
of the European Association of Archaeologists, September
7–12, 2004 in Lyon, France.
14. Quoting an article from a popular magazine:
In a footnote: (Jawi} 2007, 32–33)
In the list of references: Jawi} 2000 – J. Jawi}, Prvo
hri{}ansko znamewe, NIN, jul 2007. (J. Janji}, Prvo hri{~ansko znamenje, NIN, jul 2007.)
15. Quoting an article from a newspaper:
In a footnote: (Markovi}-[trbac 1999)
In the list of references: Markovi}-[trbac 1999 – S.
Markovi}-[trbac, Pustahije sa Juhora, Politika, 18.
septembar 1999, Odeqak Kultura, umetnost, nauka. (S. Markovi}-[trbac, Pustahije sa Juhora, Politika, 18. septembar 1999,
Odeljak Kultura, umetnost, nauka.)
16. Quoting an electronic database (Name of the database. Address):
In a footnote: (Pliny the Elder, Perseus Digital Library)
In the list of references: Pliny the Elder, Perseus Digital
Library – Perseus Digital Library.,
accessed (date of access)
10. Quoting an article from
a periodical published on-line:
In a footnote: (Van Eijck 2009, 41)
In the list of references: Van Eijck 2009 – D. Van Eijck,
Learning from simpler times, Risk Management, vol. 56, no 1,
2009, 40–44., accessed (date of visit
to the page)
17. Quoting documents and data taken from institutional web pages (Name of institution. Name of document.
Editor. Web site. (Date of access)):
In a footnote: (Evanston Public Library Board of Trustees)
In the list of references: Evanston Public Library Board
of Trustees – Evanston Public Library Board of Trustees,
Evanston Public Library strategic plan, 2000–2010, A decade of
outreach, Evanston Public Library,
strategic-plan-00.html, accessed (example: June 1, 2005).
11. Quoting doctoral or master theses:
In a footnote: (Ili} 2005, 25–32)
In the list of references: Ili} 2005 – O. Ili}, Ranohri{}anski
pokretni nalazi na podru~ju dijeceze Dakije od IV do po~etka VII
veka. Unpublished MA thesis, University of Belgrade, 2005.
12. All of the quoted bibliography/literature is to be listed
in Latin alphabetic order, by the author’s surname initial or the
first letter of the publication’s title (in cases where the author or
editor is not listed).
12. Quoting a published lecture or communication
presented at a scientific gathering:
In a footnote: (Vasi} 2008, 69, fig. 3)
In the list of references: Vasi} 2008 – M. Vasi}, Stibadium
in Romuliana and Mediana. Felix Romvliana 50 years of archaeological excavations, M. Vasi} (ed.), (Papers from the International Conference, October, 27–29 2003, Zaje~ar, Serbia), Belgrade–Zaje~ar 2006, 69–75.
13. Quoting an unpublished lecture or communication
presented at a scientific gathering:
In a footnote: (Gavrilovi} 2004)
In the list of references: Gavrilovi} 2004 – N. Gavrilovi},
Interpretatio Romana of Oriental Cults in Upper Moesia from I
13. When submitting a manuscript, the author should supply his/her contact details in a separate file: the address of
his/her affiliation and his/her e-mail address and telephone
number. In cases where there are several authors, the contact
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by e-mail:
[email protected].
Starinar Editorial Board
CIP – Katalogizacija u publikaciji
Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd
STARINAR Srpskog arheolo{kog dru{tva /
urednik Miomir Kora}. – God. 1, br. 1 (1884) – god. 12, kw. 1/4
(1895) ; novi red, god. 1, br. 1 (1906) – god. 4, br. 2 (1909) ;
novi red, god. 5, br. 1/2 (1910) – god. 6, br. 1/2 (1911) ;
tre}a serija, kw. 1 (1922) – kw. 15 (1940) ; n.s., kw. 1,
god. 1 (1950) –
. – Beograd : Srpsko arheolo{ko dru{tvo,
1884–1895; 1906–1909; 1910–1911; 1922–1940; 1950–
(Beograd : Birograf). – 30 cm
Godi{we. – Naslov: od br. 1 (1906) Starinar; od 1923. na srp.
(}ir. i lat.) Starinar = Starinar. – Drugo izdawe na drugom
medijumu: Starinar (Online) = ISSN 2406-0739
ISSN 0350-0241 = Starinar
COBISS.SR-ID 8111874