Books by Arheološki Institut / Institute of Archaeology
Oil-Lamps from Viminacium (Moesia Superior). Tables, 2018
On the territory of Viminacium, 8,104 oil-lamps have been discovered, dating from the time of Agr... more On the territory of Viminacium, 8,104 oil-lamps have been discovered, dating from the time of Agrippa to Constantius II. Almost all of the types are represented as typical for urban centres of the Roman Empire.
Oil-Lamps from Viminacium (Moesia Superior) Text, 2018
On the territory of Viminacium, 8,104 oil-lamps have been discovered, dating from the time of Agr... more On the territory of Viminacium, 8,104 oil-lamps have been discovered, dating from the time of Agrippa to Constantius II. Almost all of the types are represented as typical for urban centres of the Roman Empire.
Editors: Snežana Golubović, Nemanja Mrđić
Vivere Militare Est. From Populus to Emperors – Living on the Frontier Volume I, 2018
editors: Snežana Golubović, Nemanja Mrđić
MNEMOSYNON FIRMITATIS. Седамдесет година Археолошког института (1947-2017); eds: Vesna Bikić, Josip Šarić, 2017
Full text at this link:
STARINAR by Arheološki Institut / Institute of Archaeology
Starinar, 2023
Buildings destroyed by fire are frequently discovered at sites of the Neolithic Vinča culture of ... more Buildings destroyed by fire are frequently discovered at sites of the Neolithic Vinča culture of southeastern Europe. The social context and practical aspects of prehistoric house burning have long been studied through the analyses of architectural and artefactual remains and through experimental building and firing of wattle-and-daub structures. In contrast, very few studies have used the remains of plant foodstuffs from within and under the house rubble to address the cultural and technical particulars of this widespread tradition. At the Neolithic Vinča tell, several burnt buildings preserved hoards of wild pear and emmer grain, along with minor traces of other plant foods. Three of these burnt buildings date to the final decades of the Neolithic Vinča settlement, whose dissolution and abandonment seem to have been abrupt and continue to puzzle archaeologists. We examine the find-context and morphological characteristics of the wild pears and emmer and use our observations to discuss whether the burning was deliberate or accidental. Based on the archaeological and other available evidence, we suggest that these Vinča houses were set ablaze intentionally. Further, we propose that the prominence of emmer and pear can reflect a possible economic differentiation among the households and perhaps even incipient specialisation in food production. Our assumption is that such tendencies would have, in effect, both increased and decreased the economic independence of individual households. This would have had (negative) implications for social relationships in the time of apparently eroding social cohesion of the Vinča community.
Starinar , 2015
Apstrakt.-Na po~etku rada re~ je o ritualu uop{teno, a zatim o ritualnim jamama i o tome kako se ... more Apstrakt.-Na po~etku rada re~ je o ritualu uop{teno, a zatim o ritualnim jamama i o tome kako se one prepoznaju na terenu. Nakon toga je prezentovano nekoliko jama tog tipa sa centralnog Balkana iz perioda od eneolita do gvozdenog doba. Analizom distribucije, stratigrafije, sadr`aja ispune, kao i drugih elemenata kod ritualnih jama na centralnom Balkanu, ali i u susedstvu, pa i u daqoj okolini, do{lo se do zakqu~ka da jo{ uvek nije mogu}e definisati neki obrazac ili neku pravilnost u bilo kom smislu, te da se one ne mogu povezati ni sa jednim odre|enim regionom, kulturom ili periodom, ve} samo s nivoom stawa duhovne svesti ~oveka, odnosno stepenom wegove religioznosti. Kqu~ne re~i.-ritualne jame, praistorija, centralni Balkan, `rtvovawe, oblik drevne religioznosti. * Tekst predstavqa rezultat rada na projektu Arheologija Srbije: kulturni identitet, integracioni faktori, tehnolo{ki procesi i uloga centralnog Balkana u razvoju evropske praistorije (OI 177020), Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnolo{kog razvoja Republike Srbije. NEKOLIKO PRIMERA RITUALNIH JAMA NA CENTRALNOM BALKANU Ritualne jame svakako nisu prva asocijacija kada je re~ o religiji odnosno duhovnom `ivotu neolitskog ~oveka na Balkanu, naro~ito u vreme kasnog neolita. Iz ovog perioda su otkriveni brojni ostaci duhovnog `ivota tih zajednica koji, uglavnom,
Starinar, 2014
The Vin~a culture sites of Belovode and Plo~nik have been attracting scholarly attention for deca... more The Vin~a culture sites of Belovode and Plo~nik have been attracting scholarly attention for decades now, due to numerous discoveries indicative of copper mineral and metal use in these settlements, which are confirmed as, currently, the earliest worldwide and very likely developed independently in Eurasia. 1 The authors attempt to give an overview of already published data along with new results stemming from the recently completed doctoral research of the primary author. 2 All materials related to copper mineral use and pyrometallurgical activities are presented through the concept of metallurgical chaîne opératoire, following the established sequence of operations, 3 which is adjusted for this specific case study and divided into three categories: copper mineral processing, (s)melting debris, and the making and working of finished metal objects. The qualitative overview of available data is therefore focused mainly around the material side of the studied samples and provides an insight into the technological choices for making copper mineral ornaments and copper metal artefacts in the sites of Belovode and Plo~nik. Accordingly, it provides a model for the understanding of similar material assemblages that occur in other Vin~a culture sites, or beyond.
Starinar, 2016
Despite the fact that double-looped fibulae with catch-plates in the form of a Boeotian shield ha... more Despite the fact that double-looped fibulae with catch-plates in the form of a Boeotian shield have been frequently discussed, it is worthwhile examining the type again from a supra-regional perspective. The following paper, therefore, has two aims. First, the typo-chronological development of the fibulae with catch-plates in the form of a Boeotian shield within the Central Balkan area is considered. The second part of the paper focuses on the processes of the spread of the fibula type. The question is raised as to what extent local elites-integrated in supra-regional networks-could have functioned as transmitters and agents in the processes of cultural transfer.
Starinar, 2017
Archaeological research at the site of Hisar in Leskovac began more than a decade ago and has ini... more Archaeological research at the site of Hisar in Leskovac began more than a decade ago and has initiated numerous papers on the relationship between the Mediana and Brnjica cultural groups and cultures that marked the transition from the Bronze to the Early Iron Age in the Central Balkans. This paper seeks to highlight and correct some of the key mistakes which have emerged in the stratigraphic interpretation of this multi-horizon site, and in such a way contribute to the better understanding of cultural movements at the transition from the 2 nd to the 1 st millennium BC.
Starinar, 2022
In the wooded landscapes on the last northern slopes of the mountain Cer, a very well-preserved p... more In the wooded landscapes on the last northern slopes of the mountain Cer, a very well-preserved palisade ditch enclosure of small dimensions and a regular circular shape was discovered (site of Šančina, Desić village). Over the last few years, archaeological excavations at this site have focused on the inner space, bordered by a massive ring-shaped earthen rampart. An unusually wide and deep ditch surrounds a high earthen embankment of flattened conical shape, bordered on the inside by a palisade ditch, with traces of densely packed and deeply buried wooden posts. The excavations so far have not revealed any interruption in the circular palisade ditch, which could confirm the existence of an entrance, i.e., a passage, clearly bordered by an earthen rampart. In the central part of the circular fortification a deep shaft/well was discovered, which has been explored to the level of underground water. Apart from traces of smaller hearths on the inside of the palisade ditch and several deeply buried conical pits, with traces of charred, vertically placed posts, there are no other architectural remains inside the circular fortification. Traces of a catastrophic fire have been discovered inside the entire fortification and are especially visible above the palisade ditch. According to numerous sherds of secondarily burned ceramic vessels, the circular enclosure in Desić belongs to the post-Vinča culture of the Early Copper Age. According to the shape and basic elements of architecture, we assume that the earthen fortification in Desić belongs to a special form of smaller prehistoric enclosures, characteristic of circular palisade fortifications in the area of the Upper Tisza region, in the northeastern parts of the Great Hungarian Plain.
Starinar, 2021
The importance of salt in human and animal diets suggests that the local resources of saline soil... more The importance of salt in human and animal diets suggests that the local resources of saline soils, watercourses, and marshes with saline water had to be well known to past populations. Based on the analysis of the environs of a large number of Late Neolithic and Early Eneolithic sites, this research assumes the great importance of such resources. This paper examines the spatial relationships between settlements and these resources, in the example of five Late Neolithic settlements from the territories of the Pannonian Plain and the Central Balkans. The goals of the research are to provide an initial step in the reconstruction of potential locations for salt exploitation, and provide a better understanding of each settlement and, subsequently, its role and function in the local Neolithic settlement system. The research considers previously published results of the pedological analysis of the settlement environments and archaeological investigations of the settlements. If certain micro-regions and regions did not provide possibilities for the extraction of salt for both animal and human utilisation, salt, and probably cattle, had to be procured through exchange networks. However, if livestock could not be grazed in areas abundant in salt, then salt would have to be added to the animals' diet. We conclude that Late Neolithic settlements should not be observed in isolation, but rather аs parts of wider settlement systems including exchange networks with salt as a major commodity. This represents one of the crucial factors for the understanding of cultural development during the 5 th millennium BC.
Starinar, 2018
Kwiga LXVIII/2018. Na koricama: Posude od purpurnog stakla ukra{ene apliciranim nitima iz sredwov... more Kwiga LXVIII/2018. Na koricama: Posude od purpurnog stakla ukra{ene apliciranim nitima iz sredwovekovnog grada Brani~eva (foto: Narodni muzej Po`arevac) Sur la couverture : Les récipients de verre pourpre à décor marbré de la ville médiévale de Brani~evo (photo: Musée national de Po`arevac) ARHEOLO[KI INSTITUT BEOGRAD INSTITUT ARCHÉOLOGIQUE BELGRADE UDK 902/904 (050)
Arheologija u Srbiji by Arheološki Institut / Institute of Archaeology
Arheologija u Srbiji: projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2020. godini, 2023
Slika 7-Vlasac: Nalaz starčevačke keramike in situ u sloju (338).
Books by Arheološki Institut / Institute of Archaeology
STARINAR by Arheološki Institut / Institute of Archaeology
Arheologija u Srbiji by Arheološki Institut / Institute of Archaeology
Оснивањем Археолошког института у Београду 1947. године, истраживања Ниша и околине су добила и своју научну димензију. Пажња истраживача је била усмерена како на праисторијска, тако и на античка и средњовековнаналазишта, а истовремено се радило и на археолошкој топографији области. У радовима на терену учествовали су сарадници Института, као и музеја у Нишу, а оснивањем Завода за заштиту споменика културе у Нишу 1966. године, створени су услови и за континуирану заштиту откривених споменика културе на подручју Ниша и шире области.У 2017. години, када Археолошки институт у Београду слави седам деценија свог постојања и успешног научно-истраживачког рада, научни пројекат Наисус (Naissus), слави свој јубилеј – 65 година од почетка систематских научних истраживања и проучавања.
Град је настао у областима богатим рудама (metallа Dardanicа), захваљујући чему се развио у значајан трговачки и занатски центар области. Трагови занатских активности су нарочито забележени у најмлађим периодима живота у Улпијани, а међу њима се посебно издвајају налази пећи за производњу стакла. У околини Улпијане су своје поседе имали су чланови познатих сенаторских породица Furii и Pontii, са организованом пољопривредном и занатском производњом. Након процвата током III и у IV веку, град је страдао у готским упадима 471. године. Катастрофални земљотрес 518. године оштетио је бројне зграде и градски бедем, тако да је у непосредној близини старог утврђења подигнут нови каструм у време цара Јустинијана. Град је добио и ново име – Iustiniana Secunda. У време продора Авара и Словена из Подунавља, град је коначно напуштен 618. године.
The Limes regions in Pannonia Inferior and Moesia Superior had an important role in the economic and political life of these provinces, because of the permanent presence of the Roman army and state administration, and also thanks to the convenient geographical position and numerous natural resources. Along with the establishment of the Roman government in the Pannonia Inferior and Moesia Superior, diverse goods from different parts of the Empire began to arrive, and craft production by Roman standards was established in the borderland areas as well. At the same time, autochthonous, traditional techniques of production were not neglected. In this paper, we will offer a brief overview of the archaeological and epigraphic evidence for craft production of objects made from clay, stone and osseous raw materials, related to the Limes on the present-day territory of Serbia.
Keywords: craft production, workshops, craftsperson, ceramic technology, stone objects, osseous technology