Advances in Mathematical Physics
Volume 2022, Article ID 9290539, 8 pages
Research Article
On ðη, γÞð f ,gÞ-Contractions in Extended b-Metric Spaces
Jayashree Patil ,1 Basel Hardan ,2 Ahmed A. Hamoud ,3 Amol Bachhav,4
Homan Emadifar ,5 Afshin Ghanizadeh ,6 Seyyed Ahmad Edalatpanah ,7
and Hooshmand Azizi 8
Department of Mathematics, Vasantrao Naik Mahavidyalaya, Cidco, Aurangabad, India
Department of Mathematics, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad 431004, India
Department of Mathematics, Taiz University, Taiz380015, Yemen
Naveen Jindal School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas 75080, USA
Department of Mathematics, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran
Department of Statistics, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran
Department of Applied Mathematics, Ayandegan Institute of Higher Education, Tonekabon, Iran
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, No. 1 Faculty of Kermanshah, Technical and Vocational University (TVU),
Kermanshah, Iran
Correspondence should be addressed to Homan Emadifar;
[email protected]
Received 2 June 2022; Revised 17 September 2022; Accepted 19 September 2022; Published 11 October 2022
Academic Editor: Eugen Radu
Copyright © 2022 Jayashree Patil et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In this paper, we give a concept of ðη, γÞð f ,gÞ -contraction in the setting of expanded b–metric spaces and discuss the existence and
uniqueness of a common fixed point. Introduced results generalize well-known fixed point theorems on contraction conditions
and in the given spaces.
1. Introduction and Preliminaries
The tremendous applications of fixed point theory had
always inspired the growth of this domain. In 1922, Banach
formulated his most simple but very natural result which is
now popularly referred to as the Banach contraction principle. In the course of the last several decades, this principle
has been extended and generalized in many directions with
several applications in many branches. Employing simulation functions, Khojasteh et al. [1] initiated the idea of Zcontractions and utilized the same to cover the varied types
of nonlinear contractions in the existing literature. Later,
Argoubi et al. [2] and Roldán-López-de-Hierro et al. [3]
independently sharpened the notion of simulation functions
and also proved some coincidences and common fixed point
results. Very recently, Lopez et al. [4] introduced the notion
of R-contractions in order to extend several nonlinear con-
tractions such as Z-contractions, manageable contractions,
and Meir-Keeler contractions. Indeed, R-contractions are
associated with R-functions that satisfy two independent
conditions involving two sequences of nonnegative real
numbers. Soon, inspired by R-contractions, Shahzad et al.
[5] introduced the notion of ðη, γÞ-contractions which
remains an extension of ðR, γÞ-contractions given in [6]
by Roldán-López-de-Hierro and Shahzad wherein the
authors proved very interesting results.
Czerwik [7] established a successful generalization of the
metric space concept by introducing the notion of b-metric
space. Following this, a number of authors have introduced
respective interesting theorems in b-metric, (see [8–14]).
Newly, Kamran et al. [15] inspired by the concept of bmetric space, they introduced the concept of extended b
space and also developed some fixed point theorems for
Advances in Mathematical Physics
self-mappings defined in such spaces. Their results extend/
generalize many of the results already available in the literature. In this paper, we shall define a general contraction condition with the help of some auxiliary functions and
investigate the existence and uniqueness of a fixed point
for such mappings in the frame of b-metric space.
Definition 1 (see [7]). Let X be a nonempty set and let d :
X × X ⟶ ½0,∞Þ satisfy the following for all u, v, w ∈ X.
(i) dðu, vÞ = 0 ⇔ u = v
(ii) dðu, vÞ = dðv, uÞ
(iii) dðu, wÞ ≤ b½dðu, vÞ + dðv, wÞ, where b ≥ 1
The pair ðX, dÞ is called a b-metric space; when b = 1, the
b-metric space becomes a usual metric space.
Example 2 (see [8, 9]). Let X = ℝ2 . Then, the functional d :
X × X ⟶ ½0,∞Þ defined by
ju − u2 j + jv1 − v2 j,
< 1
dððu1 , v1 Þ, ðu2 , v2 ÞÞ ≔ ju1 − u2 j + jv1 − v2 j,
is a b-metric space on X with b = 2.
Example 3 (see [16]). The space Lp ½0, 1 (where 0 < p < 1) of
all real functions uðtÞ, t ∈ ½0, 1 such that 10 juðtÞjp dt < ∞,
together with the functional
δðu, vÞ =
ð 1
juðt Þ − vðt Þjp dt
,∀u, v ∈ Lp ½0, 1,
is a b-metric space with b = 21/p .
Example 4 (see [17]). Let X = fa, b, cg and d : X × X ⟶ ℝ+
such that
ðu1 , v1 Þ, ðu2 , v2 Þ ∈ ½0, 1Þ × ½0, 1Þ
ðu1 , v1 Þ, ðu2 , v2 Þ ∈ ð1,∞Þ × ð1,∞Þ
The pair ðX, dψ Þ is called an extended b-metric space. If
ψðu, vÞ = b, for b ≥ 1, then we reduce to Definition 1.
Example 6 (see [17]). Let X = fa, b, cg ∪ ℝ+0 and d : X × X
⟶ ½0,∞Þ be defined by
(i) If u, v ∈ ℝ+0 , then dψ ðu, vÞ = ju − vj2 ,
(ii) If u ∈ fa, b, cg and v ∈ ℝ+0 , then dψ ðu, vÞ = dψ ðv, uÞ
= 1 and dψ ðu, uÞ = 0
(iii) If u, v ∈ fa, b, cg, such that
dψ ða, bÞ = 1, dψ ða, cÞ =
dða, bÞ = dðb, aÞ = dða, cÞ = dðc, aÞ = b,
dðb, cÞ = dðc, bÞ = α ≥ c,
dða, aÞ = dðb, bÞ = dðc, cÞ = a:
½dðu, wÞ + dðw, vÞ:
Definition 5 (see [15]). Let X be a nonempty set and ψ :
X × X ⟶ ½1,∞Þ, and let dψ : X × X ⟶ ½0,∞Þ satisfy:
(ii) dψ ðu, vÞ = dψ ðv, uÞ
(iii) dψ ðu, wÞ ≤ ψðu, wÞ½dψ ðu, vÞ + dψ ðv, wÞ
with dψ ðu, vÞ = dψ ðv, uÞ and dψ ðu, uÞ = 0.
Therefore, ðX, dÞ is a b-metric space for all u, v, w ∈ X. If
α > c, then the ordinary triangle inequality does not hold,
and ðX, dÞ is not a metric space.
(i) dψ ðu, vÞ = 0 ⇔ u = v
and dψ ðb, cÞ = 2,
Notice that d is not a metric space since dψ ðb, cÞ > dψ ðb,
aÞ + dψ ða, cÞ. However, it is easy to see that d is an extended
b-metric space for ψ : X × X ⟶ ½1,∞Þ, where
dðu, vÞ ≤
ψðu, vÞ ≔
if u, v ∈ fa, b, cg,
if u, v ∈ ℝ+0 ,
if ðu, vÞ or ðv, uÞ ∈ fa, b, cg × ℝ+0 :
Example 7 (see [15]). Let X = Cð½a, b, ℝÞ be the space of all
continuous real valued functions defined on ½a, b, let ψ : X
× X ⟶ ½1,∞Þ where ψðu, vÞ = juðtÞj + jvðtÞj + 2, and note
that X is a complete extended b-metric space by considering
dψ ðu, vÞ = sup juðt Þ − vðt Þj2 :
Advances in Mathematical Physics
In this context, wonderful theorems established by the
authors in extended b-metric space, for examples, Fahed
et al. and Swapna and Phaneendra [18, 19], got some new
fixed point results in an extended b-metric space. Also, Ullah
et al. [20] proved fixed point theorems in complex-valued
extended b-metric spaces. In this bearing, Mitrović et al.
[21] established new results in extended b-metric space, in
follows that we recollect some fundamental notions, for
example, convergence, the notion of the Cauchy sequence,
and completeness in an extended b- metric space.
Definition 8 (see [22]). Let ðX, dψ Þ be an extended b-metric
space, and then
ηðu, vÞ ≥ 1 ⇒ ηðTu, TvÞ ≥ 1:
Definition 15 (see [17]). Let Φ be the family of functions ϕ :
½0,∞Þ ⟶ ½0,∞Þ satisfying the following conditions
(i) ϑ is nondecreasing
(ii) ϑðχÞ < χ, χ > 0
2. Main results
Definition 16. Let ðX, dÞ be an extended b-metric space and
let η : X × X ⟶ ½0,∞Þ and ψ : X × X ⟶ ½1,∞Þ such that
(i) A sequence un ∈ X is said to converge to u0 ∈ X if,
∀ε > 0, there exists N = NðεÞ ∈ ℕ such that dψ ðun ,
u0 Þ < ε, ∀n ≥ N. We write lim un = u0
ηðu, vÞdψ ðTu, TvÞ ≤ ψð f ðu, vÞÞ,
(ii) A sequence un in X is said to be Cauchy if, ∀ε > 0,
there exists N = NðεÞ ∈ ℕ such that dψ ðun , um Þ < ε,
∀n, m ≥ N
Definition 9 (see [15]). An extended b -metric space ðX, dψ Þ
is complete if every Cauchy sequence in X is convergent.
Lemma 10 (see [22]). Let ðX, dψ Þ be a complete extended bmetric space. If dψ is continuous map, then every convergent
sequence in X has a unique limit.
Theorem 11 (see [15]). Suppose ðX, dψ Þ is an extended bmetric space such that dψ is a continuous mapping. Suppose
T : X ⟶ X, it fulfills
dψ ðTu, TvÞ ≤ ηdψ ðu, vÞ,∀u, v ∈ X,
where η ∈ ½0, 1Þ is such that, for each u0 ∈ X, we have
lim ψðun , um Þ < 1/η. Here, T n u0 = un , n = 1, 2, ⋯Then, T
has exactly one fixed point u0 , moreover ∀v ∈ X, T n v ⟶ u0 .
For our objectives, we recall the definition of orbital
admissible maps introduced by Popescu [23].
ψ ðSu, SvÞ, ψ ðTu, SuÞ, ψ ðSv, TvÞ,
f ðu, vÞ = sup ψ ðSu, TuÞψ ðSv, TvÞ
ψ ðSu, TvÞ + ψ ðSv, TuÞ
ψ ðSu, SvÞ
2 sup ½ψðSv, TuÞ, ψðSu, TvÞ
Then, S and T are ðη, γÞ f -contraction for all u, v ∈ X, where
ψ ∈ Ψ.
The headmost principal result of this paper is as follows:
Theorem 17. Let ðX, dÞ be a complete extended b - metric
space, and let S, T : X ⟶ X be an ðη, γÞ f -contraction mappings. Let
ϑn+1 ðrÞ
ψðun , um Þ < 1,
ϑn ðrÞ
for all u0 ∈ X, r > 0 where T n un−n = Sun = un , n ∈ ℕ. Assume
also that
(i) S and T are η-orbital admissible
Definition 12. Let S be a self-map on X and η : X × X ⟶
½0,∞Þ. We say that S is an η-orbital admissible if for all u,
v ∈ X, we have
ηðu, SuÞ ≥ 1 ⇒ η Su, S2 u ≥ 1:
Remark 13 (see [23]). Every η-admissible mapping is an α
-orbital admissible mapping.
Definition 14 (see [24]). For a nonempty set X, suppose T :
X ⟶ X and η : X × X ⟶ ½0,∞Þ are mappings. One says
that self-mapping T on X is η -admissible if for u, v ∈ X,
one has
(ii) There exists w ∈ X such that ηðSw, TwÞ ≥ 1
(iii) S and T are continuous
Then, S and T possess a unique coincidence fixed point u0 ;
that is, Su = Tu = u0 .
Proof. By a supposition, for some u0 ∈ X, we have un = Sun
= T n u0 , ∀n ∈ ℕ. Suppose that un0 = Tun0 −1 = Sun0 . Let that
un ≠ un+1 , ∀n ∈ ℕ. Since T and S are η-admissible, we get
ηðu0 , u1 Þ = ηðSu0 , Tu0 Þ ≥ 1 ⇒ ηðSu1 , Tu1 Þ = ηðu1 , u2 Þ ≥ 1:
Advances in Mathematical Physics
On regard of (15) and (11), we get
Repeatedly, we obtain for all n ∈ ℕ
ηðun , un+1 Þ ≥ 1:
dψ ðun , un+1 Þ = dψ ðSun , Sun+1 Þ = dψ ðTun−1 , Tun Þ ≤ ϑð f ðun−1 , un ÞÞ,
f ðun−1 , un Þ = sup
dψ ðSun−1 , Sun Þ, dψ ðTun−1 , Sun−1 Þ, dψ ðSun , Tun Þ,
dψ ðSun−1 , Tun−1 Þdψ ðSun , Tun Þ
dψ ðSun−1 , Tun Þ + dψ ðSun , Tun−1 Þ >
dψ ðSun−1 , Sun Þ
2 sup ½ψðSun , Tun−1 Þ, ψðSun−1 , Tun Þ ;
dψ ðun−1 , un Þ, dψ ðun , un−1 Þ, dψ ðun , un+1 Þ,
= sup d ðu , u Þd ðu , u Þ
dψ ðun−1 , un+1 Þ + dψ ðun , un Þ >
ψ n−1 n ψ n n+1
dψ ðun−1 , un Þ
2 sup ½ψðun , un Þ, ψðun−1 , un+1 Þ ;
dψ ðun−1 , un+1 Þ
= sup dψ ðun , un−1 Þ, dψ ðun , un+1 Þ,
2 sup ½ψðun , un Þ, ψðun−1 , un+1 Þ
dψ ðun−1 , un Þ + dψ ðun , un+1 Þ
≤ sup dψ ðun , un−1 Þ, dψ ðun , un+1 Þ,
= sup dψ ðun , un−1 Þ, dψ ðun , un+1 Þ :
Now, if f ðun−1 , un Þ = dψ ðun , un+1 Þ for some n ∈ ℕ, thus
dψ ðun , un+1 Þ ≤ ϑ dψ ðun , un+1 Þ < dψ ðun , un+1 Þ,
We will show that fun g is a Cauchy sequence, as follows:
dψ ðun , un+m Þ ≤ ψðun , un+m Þ dψ ðun , un+1 Þ + dψ ðun+1 , un+m Þ
≤ ψðun , un+m Þdψ ðun , un+1 Þ
+ ψðun , un+m Þdψ ðun+1 , un+m Þ:
which is a contradiction. On the other hand, if f ðun−1 , un Þ =
dψ ðun , un−1 Þ, then for all n ≥ 1, we have
dψ ðun , un+1 Þ ≤ ϑ dψ ðun , un−1 Þ < dψ ðun , un−1 Þ:
dψ ðun+1 , un+m Þ ≤ ψðun+1 , un+m Þ dψ ðun+1 , un+2 Þ + dψ ðun+2 , un+m Þ
Sequentially for all n ∈ ℕ, we get
≤ ψðun+1 , un+m Þdψ ðun+1 , un+2 Þ
dψ ðun , un+1 Þ ≤ ϑn dψ ðu0 , u1 Þ :
Thus, there exists k ≥ 0 such that
dψ ðun , un+1 Þ = k, when n ⟶ ∞:
And so, until the inequality (24) reaches to
Taking n ⟶ ∞ to inequality (19), we obtain
k ≤ ϑðkÞ ⇒ k = 0:
+ ψðun+1 , un+m Þdψ ðun+2 , un+m Þ:
Therefore, when n ⟶ ∞, we get
dψ ðun , un+m Þ ≤ ψðun , un+m Þ dψ ðun , un+1 Þ + dψ ðun+1 , un+m Þ
≤ ψðu1 , un+m Þψðu2 , un+m Þ ⋯ ψðun , un+m Þϑn dψ ðu0 , u1 Þ
+ ψðu1 , un+m Þψðu2 , un+m Þ ⋯ ψðun , un+m Þψ
Á ðun+1 , un+m Þϑn+1 dψ ðu0 , u1 Þ
+⋯+⋯+ψðu1 , un+m Þψðu2 , un+m Þ ⋯ ψ
Á ðun+m−1 , un+m Þϑn+m−1 dψ ðu0 , u1 Þ
= 〠 ϑi dψ ðu0 , u1 Þ
ψ u j , un+m = bn+m−1 ,
dψ ðun , un+1 Þ = 0:
Advances in Mathematical Physics
we conclude that
dψ ðun , un+m Þ < bn+m−1 − bn :
dψ ðSω, Sω∗ Þ = dψ ðTω, Tω∗ Þ = dψ ðω, ω∗ Þ ≤ ϑ dψ ðω, ω∗ Þ :
The series
Therefore, dψ ðω, ω∗ Þ = 0; thus, ω = ω∗ . Hence, T and S
possess a unique coincidence fixed point in X.
ψ u j , un+m :
〠 ϑi dψ ðu0 , u1 Þ
Suppose ϑ ðdψ ðu0 , u1 ÞÞ
j=1 ψðu j , un+m Þ = Bn ,
Definition 18. Let ðX, dÞ be an extended quasimetric space,
and we say that S and T are ðη, γÞg -contraction such that
η : X × X ⟶ ½0,∞Þ and ψ : X × X ⟶ ½1,∞Þ if for all u,
v ∈ X fulfilled
ϑn+1 dψ ðu0 , u1 Þ n+1
j=1 ψ u j , un+m
ÁQ n À
Á = n+1 ,
ϑ dψ ðu0 , u1 Þ j=1 ψ u j , un+m
ϑn+1 dψ ðu0 , u1 Þ
Á ψðun+1 , un+m Þ = n+1 < 1,
ϑ dψ ðu0 , u1 Þ
To mitigation the continuity case on the given self-mappings, we will modify Definition 16 as follows:
by (13) where n, m ⟶ ∞. Then, (28) converges by [25]. As
result, in perspective of (27), we have
ηðu, vÞdψ ðTu, TvÞ ≤ ϑðgðu, vÞÞ, ψ ∈ Ψ,
gðu, vÞ = sup
dψ ðun , un+m Þ = 0, asn, m ⟶ ∞:
Then, fun g is a Cauchy sequence, and since ðX, dÞ is a
complete extended quasimetric space, there exists ω ∈ X
such that
dψ ðun , ωÞ = 0, as n ⟶ ∞:
By condition (ii), we obtain
lim dψ ðTun , TωÞ = lim dψ ðun+1 , TωÞ = dψ ðω, TωÞ = 0,
lim dψ ðSun , SωÞ = lim dψ ðun , TωÞ = dψ ðω, SωÞ = 0:
Hence, we deduce that Tω = Sω = ω. Furthermore, let
ω∗ ∈ X such that Tω∗ = Sω∗ = ω∗ where ω ≠ ω∗ . So, by
(12), we obtain
dψ ðSω, Sω∗ Þ = dψ ðTω, Tω∗ Þ ≤ ϑð f ðω, ω∗ ÞÞ,
dψ ðSu, SvÞ dψ ðSu, TuÞ + dψ ðSu, TvÞ dψ ðSu, TvÞ + dψ ðSu, TuÞ
2 sup ½ψðu, TuÞ, ψðu, SuÞ
By remove continuity of the given mappings, we get
the following major result.
Theorem 19. Let ðX, dÞ be a complete extended quasimetric
space, and let S, T : X ⟶ X be ðη, γÞg -contraction mappings. Let (13) and conditions (i) and (ii) of Theorem 17 be
satisfied. Assume also that
(iii) If fun g is a sequence in X such that ηðun , un+1 Þ ≥
1, ∀n and un ⟶ u ∈ X as n ⟶ ∞, then there
exists a subsequence funk g ⊂ fun g such that ηðun ,
unk Þ ≥ 1, ∀k
Then, S and T possess a coincidence fixed point u0 , that is,
Su = Tu = u0:
Proof. By inequality (11) and condition (iii) in Theorem 19,
there exists funk g ⊂ fun g such that ηðunk , uÞ ≥ 1, ∀k. Applying inequality (11), we obtain that
dψ ðunk+1 , TuÞ = dψ ðTunk , TuÞ ≤ ηðunk , uÞdψ ðTunk , TuÞ ≤ ϑðgðunk , uÞÞ:
f ðω, ω∗ Þ
= sup
dψ ðSω, Sω∗ Þ, dψ ðTω, SωÞ, dψ ðSω∗ , Tω∗ Þ,
dψ ðSω, TωÞdψ ðSω∗ , Tω∗ Þ
dψ ðSω, Tω∗ Þ + dψ ðSω∗ , TωÞ >
2 sup ½ψðSω∗ , TωÞ, ψðSω, Tω∗ Þ ;
dψ ðSω, Sω∗ Þ
dψ ðω, ω∗ Þ
= dψ ðω, ω∗ Þ:
= sup dψ ðω, ω∗ Þ,
sup ½ψðω∗ , ωÞ, ψðω, ω∗ Þ
dψ ðunk , SuÞ = dψ ðSunk , SuÞ ≤ ηðunk , uÞdψ ðSunk , SuÞ ≤ ϑðgðunk , uÞÞ:
Advances in Mathematical Physics
Also, we have
dψ ðSunk , SuÞ dψ ðSunk , Tunk Þ + dψ ðSunk , TuÞ dψ ðSunk , Tunk Þ + dψ ðSunk , TuÞ
gðunk , uÞ = sup
sup ½ψðunk , Tunk Þ, ψðunk , Sunk Þ
dψ ðu, SuÞ dψ ðu, TuÞ
dψ ðu, TuÞ
= sup
sup ½ψðSu, uÞ, ψðu, TuÞ
gðunk , uÞ = sup
dψ ðu, SuÞ dψ ðu, TuÞ
dψ ðu, SuÞ
2dψ ðu, SuÞ ≤ dψ ðu, SuÞ, ask ⟶ ∞,
gðunk , uÞ =
then neither dψ ðu, SuÞ > 0 nor dψ ðu, SuÞ = 0 for some u ∈ X
when k ⟶ ∞. If dψ ðu, TuÞ > 0, then by inequality (39),
we obtain gðunk , uÞ > 0. Thus, from Definition 18, we get
ψðgðunk , uÞÞ < gðunk , uÞ:
Which is an ambivalence. Therefore, dψ ðu, SuÞ = 0 and
u = Su. Likewise, we can get that u = Tu. Hence, u is a common fixed point for S and T in X, that is, u = Su = Tu.
Let u1 , u2 ∈ X be two common fixed points of S and T
such that u1 ≠ u2 then by (38) and (39), we get
dψ ðu1 , u2 Þ = dψ ðTu1 , Tu2 Þ
≤ ηðu1 , u2 Þdψ ðTu1 , Tu2 Þ
Also, by inequalities (38) and (42), we have
dψ ðSunk , SuÞ ≤ ηðunk , uÞdψ ðSunk , SuÞ ≤ ϑðgðunk , uÞÞ < gðunk , uÞ =
≤ ϑðgðu1 , u2 ÞÞ,
dψ ðu, SuÞ
dψ ðSu1 , Su2 Þ dψ ðSu1 , Tu1 Þ + dψ ðSu1 , Tu2 Þ dψ ðSu1 , Tu1 Þ + dψ ðSu1 , Tu2 Þ
sup ½ψðu1 , Tu1 Þ, ψðu1 , Su1 Þ
dψ ðu1 , u2 Þ
dψ ðu1 , u2 Þ
dψ ðu1 , u2 Þ
= sup
sup ½ψðu1 , u1 Þ
gðu1 , u2 Þ = sup
Now, if dψ ðu1 , u2 Þ > 0, then ϑðgðu1 , u2 ÞÞ < ðgðu1 , u2 ÞÞ,
which implies by (46) that
2dψ ðu1 , u2 Þ < dψ ðu1 , u2 Þ,
but this is a contradiction. Hence, dψ ðu1 , u2 Þ = 0, i.e., u1 = u2 .
This proves the uniqueness of the common fixed point of
given mappings.
1 1
1 1
= dψ ,
= ,
2 3
4 5
1 1
1 1
= dψ ,
= ,
dψ ,
2 5
3 4
1 1
1 1
dψ ,
= dψ ,
= ,
2 4
5 3
1 1
1 1
= dψ ,
= ⋯ = 0,
dψ ,
2 2
3 3
dψ ðu, vÞ = ju − vj ∈ G 3 , else:
Example 20. Suppose that G 1 ∪ G 2 ∪ G 3 = X, where G 1 =
ð−∞,0, G 2 = ð1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5Þ and G 3 = ½1, 2. Consider
the extended b-metric space on X as follows:
It is apparent that the triangle inequality on G 1 is not
fulfilled. Actually,
Advances in Mathematical Physics
1 1
1 1
1 1
= dψ ,
≥ dψ ,
+ dψ ,
= :
2 4
2 3
3 4
No data was used in this study.
Observes that the condition (iii) in Definition 5 is satisfied. Suppose that f , g : X ⟶ X are defined as
0, if u ∈ G 1 ,
Tu = 4 , if u ∈ G 2 ,
: , if u ∈ G 3 ,
ηðu, vÞ =
1, if u, v ∈ G 2 ∪ G 3
0, if else,
T and S are an ðη, γÞ-contractive mappings with γðtÞ
= t/2, t ∈ ½0,∞Þ. Furthermore, there exists u0 ∈ X such that
ηðTu0 , Su0 Þ ≥ 1.
Actually, we have for u = 1/2 ∈ X.
1 1
=η ,
= 1:
η T
4 2
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
Su = u,∀u ∈ X:
Data Availability
Now, suppose that u, v ∈ X with ηðu, vÞ ≥ 1. It implies
that u, v ∈ G 2 ∪ G 3 .
By Definition 1, we have ηðTu, SvÞ ≥ 1, and then T and S
are η-admissible mappings. Also, T and S are clearly not
continuous mappings.
Otherwise, if un ⊂ X such that, ηðun , un+1 Þ ≥ 1, then
un ∈ G 2 ∪ G 3 for all n. Assume the sequence fun g is considered iteratively as f un−1 = un for all n. Considering the
arbitrary point u0 ∈ X, it is located in either G 2 or G 3 ;
so, we have two cases:
In case u0 ∈ G 2 , thus fun g is constant sequence and
un ⟶ 1/4 ∈ G 2 . Then, for all n, we have ηðun , un+1 Þ ≥ 1,
which implies that ηðun , 1/4Þ = ηðun+1 , 1/4Þ ≥ 1.
In case u0 ∈ G 3 , thus fun g is constant sequence and
un ⟶ 1/2 ∈ G 2 . Then, for all n, we have ηðun , un+1 Þ ≥ 1,
which implies that ηðun , 1/2Þ = ηðun+1 , 1/2Þ ≥ 1.
Consequently, T and S fulfill the conditions of Theorem
19; hence, T and S have a unique common fixed point on X,
which is u = 1/4.
3. Conclusion
By replacing f ðu, vÞ or gðu, vÞ with a proper one, we can
conclude several results from the showed prime result in
this paper on different sides. For example, we can obtain
results in this frame of periodic contractions and partially
ordered spaces.
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