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Впервые издано Oxford University Press, Pakistan на английском языке под названием Just Like the Other Kids в 2006 году. Перевод на русский язык осуществлен Министерством образования Ставропольского края. Министерство образования Ставропольского края несет ответственность за качество перевода. В случае расхождений следует руководствоваться изданием на оригинальном языке. Результаты, интерпретации и выводы, содержащиеся в данной работе, не обязательно отражают мнение Всемирного банка, членов Совета Директоров Всемирного банка или представляемых ими правительств. Всемирный банк не гарантирует точности данных, содержащихся в данной работе. Границы, цвета, названия и другая информация, содержащаяся в картах данной работы, не является официальным мнением Всемирного банка относительно юридического статуса какой-либо территории, одобрением или принятием таких границ.
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2013
According to UNICEF, street child is any child under the age of 18 for whom the street has become home and/or source of income and which is not adequately protected or supervised by adult, responsible person. It has been estimated that there are between 100 and 150 million street children worldwide. Life and work on the street have long term and far-reaching consequences for development and health of these children. By living and working in the street, these children face the highest level of risk. Street children more often suffer from the acute illness, injuries, infection, especially gastrointestinal, acute respiratory infections and sexually transmitted diseases, inadequate nutrition, mental disorders, and drug abuse. They are more often victims of abuse, sexual exploitation, trafficking; they have higher rate of adolescent pregnancy than their peers from poor families. Street children and youth have higher rates of hospitalization and longer hospital stay due to seriousness of ...
What the kids were looking forward to Festivities Celebrations and festivals took a significant place in the history, traditional, culture and spiritual life of a nation. It was also celebrated in ancient times, so the festivals have become a recognizable part of the identity of a nation over time. Initially, in Serbia, only religious holidays were celebrated, and later, from the development of society and the state, the anniversaries of historical events, important victories, the birth of famous figures and the like were celebrated. Certainly, the long tradition in Serbia has religious holidays that are deeply engrained and form part of the national identity. But, under the influence of historical circumstances and political movements, they were suppressed. Their place was occupied by state holidays with their features - a flag, suitable program, cosmography and scenography. In Socialist Yugoslavia, when the church was separated from the state, religious holidays were considered a private decision, but at some time those who celebrated them were called to friendly talks. The disintegration of Yugoslavia in 1990 and the change in the social system public holidays slowly fell into oblivion. Every holiday is related to the feeling of being comfortable, joyful, unusual. They disrupt the ordinary course of life, the everyday rhythm, give emotional elan and rest after work. In family life, and especially in the patriarchal society, it was nursed the traditions of the holiday. The elderly preserve memories of childhood when the mother was preparing the house and the children toys. For this occasion, especially for Vrbica, new clothes were sown or washed, ironed and repaired the old one. On the very day, from early morning, a holiday atmosphere was in the house. The children in the new department felt quite blocked but unusual and tidy, and, in order not to spoil the festive mood, they easily mimicked a new role. With school ceremonies in Serbia began quite early, already for the forties of the 19th century; their content and shape changed over time, but children always approached their realization with the same glee and seriousness. These were extra-curricular activities that were organized at school, and they were related to marking certain dates. During the interwar period, as well as the previous decades, the St. Sava celebration was dominant, but also occasional events were held at Vidovdan - the final school ceremony, within the Children's Week, the birthday of the royal birth, Ball under the three, and so on. After the Second World War, the dates changed - that was the Day of the Pioneer or November 29, New Year and School Day. In elementary and secondary schools, students accepted the general mood with joy to prepare for the holidays - they took part in the preparation of the event, costumography, set design, selection of gifts for the poorest. Because entertainment was a necessary part of growing up, and a form of entertainment was also school events designed to shape a personality and to give children the opportunity to express their abilities and affection. The preparation of the festivities for the event itself had pedagogical or educational value. On that occasion, the students were introduced to the essence of the holidays, exchanging experience, receiving new impressions, identifying with adults, and through the fun of expressing joy and their natural affections. All children, regardless of success or gender, participated in the preparation of the school event. School events were one way for direct formation of moral character and cultivate national consciousness. It was an ideal opportunity for students to meet the life of the Serbian greats, with significant people from the past. Bearing in mind that the example is the best teaching tool, teachers used characters and texts from Serbian history, decorating classrooms, preparing plays that fostered feelings of gratitude, nobility, love, and patriotism. In all of this had a significant role has been teaching singing, which nurtured feelings, and that affected the formation of the soul, esthetics, and taste. School events and puppet exhibitions, which often accompanied them, made these educational institutions a prominent feature of their work. In view of the long process of growing up, the fruits of all teachers' work had a spiritual character and were related to the near or far future. As an expression of the need to make this spiritual work visible, concrete and obvious, school events were organized that represented a series of teaching work and success. For the successful realization of this task, close cooperation between school and parents was necessary, that is, between pupils as actors and their audience. And regardless of time and political circumstances, teachers and school teachers, church priests and parents in the home, have wanted, over the decades, to teach children through celebration, through some kind of fun, and with the development of feelings of affection to what they will later transmit to your offspring. Thus, local and school celebrations became part of the educational system and part of the collective memory.
Комунальний заклад вищої освіти «Дніпровська академія неперервної освіти» Дніпропетровської обласної ради, Україна вул. Володимира Антоновича, 70, 49006 Communal Institution of higher education "Dnipro Academy of continuing education" of Dnipropetrovsk regional council, Ukraine 70 Volodymyr Antonovych St, 49006
Komunikacije, mediji, kultura
УДК 316.774/.776-051.2 1Др Слободан Вулетић*1 Савез учитеља Републике Србије Београд Проф. др Милица Андевски Филозофски факултет Универзитет у Новом Саду ДЕТЕ У МЕДИЈСКОМ ОКРУЖЕЊУ Сажетак: Захваљујући информатичкој револуцији, сплет фактора који утичу на дечију социјализацију обогаћен је компонентом електронских медија. образовне, васпитне и социо-културне потребе деца данас задовољавају на специфичан начин који укључује медије и нове информационе технологије. ове потребе налазе се у троуглу у којем породица, медији, школа или вртић, из позиције непосредних чиниоца остварују аутентичне утицаје на децу и осликавају њихово детињство. У овом раду, фoкусирали смо се на истраживање и анализу одрастања и бивствовања деце у медијском простору, кога и аналитичари и практичари, још увек истражују, а који се рефлектује кроз деловање различитих медија: књига, сликовница, бојанки, енциклопедија, радио, музички апарати, телевизија, мобилни телефон, компјутер, интернет... У емпиријском делу рада представили смо резултате истраживања насталих на основу анкетирања родитеља деце до 8 година старости путем упитника који је пратио њихово слагања са понуђеним тврдњама (Ликертовог типа) које се односе на мишљење родитеља о генералној улози коју медији, стари и нови, имају у свакодневном животу њихове деце. На узорку од 75 испитаника из градске средине, извршена је самопроцена информационих и медијских компетенција родитеља и истражено је мишљење родитеља о употреби медија. Истраживањем су добијени значајни резултати који показују очекивања родитеља од предшколске установе и школе, као и потребе, да се кроз васпитно-образовни процес, на свим институционалним нивоима, афирмише адекватан медијски образац који одређује место и улогу медија у образовању и васпитању деце.
Stanovnitvo, 2009
barem 18 zemalja istopolnim zajednicama nudi neki oblik zakonitog priznanja. * Fakultet za evropske pravne i politikološke studije, Sremska Kamenica. 1 Nekanadski državljani mogu da sklope istopolni brak u 12 od 13 kanadskih provincija i teritorija u toku samo jednog dana, dok je u trinaestoj državi Kvebeku to isto moguće, jedino je procedura nešto duža. 2 Predsednički izbori u Americi su iskorišćeni kao momenat kada nacija glasa da se sprovedu i referendumi o pitanju istopolnog braka. Negativni većinski stavovi su izraženi u Kaliforniji, Floridi i Arizoni. 3 Zakoni o istopolnim brakovima će početi da važe od jeseni 2009. u Mejnu i Nju Hempširu. 4
El presente trabajo tiene por objeto desarrollar en forma teórica y practica las 52 funciones financieras que Excel posee, transcriptas en la primer hoja, en forma directa de Microsoft Excel. Para los fines expuestos se a dividido en tareas que permite identificar la aplicación de las mismas, como también desarrollo de ejercicios con empleo total o parcial de su extensión, logrado esto mediante la combinación de las funciones financieras con funciones complementarias. Las tareas en que se dividió el trabajo se identifican en:
¿Cómo habitar un planeta en tiempos de incertidumbre, extinción y ruina? ¿De qué forma nuestra racionalidad puede habilitar circuitos afectivos y formas de colaborar entre especies en la Tierra? ¿Cómo sentimos, pensamos y vivimos más allá de las fronteras entre naturaleza y cultura, para asombrarnos y cultivar el cuidado entre quienes habitamos este momento de agitación? Para esta nueva edición, reconocemos la pluralidad de universos y mundos humanos y más que humanos, que, habitando el planeta, han entretejido diversas formas de especular sobre el futuro, a la vez que han cultivado racionalidades, sentidos y modos de sentipensar. Los movimientos telúricos, las fuertes mareas y corrientes de los cuerpos de agua, las plantas que rompen el concreto, los insectos que se adaptan a las toxicidades de los agroquímicos, el cielo, los microorganismos y demás especies y seres, son algunos de los protagonistas de este número, que nos enseñan que lo ‘otro’ también es nosotros; que la extinción, la ruina, la agitación y la muerte devienen agencias creadoras de mundos que florecen colaborando para el buen vivir, urdiendo posibilidades de sembrar universos plurales. Pluriversos. Este número especial honra la memoria y el legado académico y poético de la maestra María Isabel Galindo Orrego, cuyas ideas sobre la vida orillera en momentos de agitación, ruinas, e incertidumbre, crean nuevos universos que se solapan con otros y cincelan nuevos paisajes poéticos, críticos y afectivos. Sus palabras y formas de sentipensar el mundo desde su trabajo etnográfico con la comunidad de La Barra y los cuerpos de agua, son inspiración para la creación de este número. En este sentido, convocamos artículos, columnas de opinión y ensayos que cultiven la atención y el asombro a las colaboraciones de las vidas humanas con las vidas de otras especies, cuerpos y seres que configuran el paisaje. Esperamos contribuciones que exploren metodologías y diálogos teóricos desde diversas aproximaciones, tales como: Humanidades ambientales. Ecología política. Tecnociencias. Arte y estética. Trabajo de campo y etnografía. Estudios multiespecies. Ciencias naturales. Para esta edición especial de la revista, tendremos, además, un nuevo apartado dedicado a honrar la memoria y el legado vivo de la maestra María Isabel. En él, esperamos contribuciones que honren su pensamiento y su vida desde los diversos intereses temáticos y senderos que trabajó por una Antropología y unas Ciencias Sociales más comprometidas con la vida. Los detalles se encuentran en el subtítulo “Normas editoriales”.
Canadian Woman Studies, 2010
Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2006
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Physical Treatments: Specific Physical Therapy Journal (PTJ), 2024
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Effects of HR Management Practices on Yemeni University Academic Staff’s Brain Drain Intentions, with the Role of Job Satisfaction as a Mediating Factor, 2024