Building an institution of
ombudsman for migrant rights
in host country for a secure
and prosperous society
Gaukhar Nurgalieva, Skolkovo Institute for Emerging Markets
Studies (IEMS)
Vladimir Korovkin, Skolkovo Institute for Emerging Markets
Studies (IEMS)
Farrukh Irnazarov, Central Asian Development Institute
Migration is a complex and often disregarded process affecting the fates of people
and states – in both counties of origin and destination countries. Russian society has
been historically forming as a multi- ethnical country with diverse religions, languages
and cultures. Due to various political and socio- economic turbulences, numerous
wars and conflicts of the past, several waves of migration have taken place in the
Eurasian region and shaped the modern Russia’s migration face.
The Russian government recognized the importance of migration and liberalized its
migration legislation towards citizens of the former USSR and to those who belong to
the so-called “Russian world” – speak the Russian language and share Russian values.
This was a prudent step to attract skilled and productive migrants and to improve the
demographic situation in the country. However, uneven spatial development of the
country served as an impediment to attract the best human resources from the CIS
countries, as newcomers had to settle in far from major economic centers, such as
Moscow and Saint-Petersburg. On the other hand, Russia experienced a big influx of
labor migrants from the CIS countries right upon the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
This sporadic and self-organized migration was and has been, conversely, directed
to major economic centers, such as Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Kazan, Kaliningrad,
Yekaterinburg, etc.
Thus, Russia has been facing an interesting situation: it was able to attract more
skilled migrants to remote areas, while self-governed labor migration streams ended
up in major economic centers that created many challenges, such as escalating social
tension, security concerns, economic disparities and political disagreements both
within and outside the country. Therefore, the Russian experience is worth having a
more detailed look and discussing at the global scale.
In the modern political arena international migration turned to a matter of high
concern mostly associated with the uncontrolled flow of refugees from the conflict
areas to affluent states of the West and the tensions which arose in those societies.
Given this experience, the developed world begins to close its boundaries and tighten
up its legislation on immigration to prevent any. The upper-middle income but still
developing countries, such as Russia, have more complex issues on migration policy
as it has to deal not only with immigration and seasonal labor migration, but also with
increasing emigration and domestic migration of population from less developed to
more prominent regions.
The rate of natural population growth will barely be sufficient to provide the Russian
economy with workforce in the upcoming decades and it significantly lags behind the
demand for the future Russian industrialization plans. More attractive conditions in the
high-income economies draw attention of highly skilled and educated Russian citizens
in the search for higher salaries and better living conditions. This leads to a massive
outflow of human capital. On the other hand, Russia is still a net recipient of regional
labor migrants, however their number is slowly but steadily decreasing in the recent
years, as conditions in the countries of origin of labor migrants are improving and
new attractive destinations, such as the UAE, South Korea and Turkey, solidly establish
themselves on labor migrants’ map. Thus, Russia’s experience with migration is rather
sophisticated that requires complex solutions that might be useful for many migrant
destination countries in the world.
1. Holistic approach to international migration
To attract and retain highly skilled labor force, reforms are needed to introduce sound
policies and create functioning institutions to ensure inclusiveness of the immigrants.
Russia abolished the Federal Migration Service in 2016, delegating its functions to the
Ministry of Internal Affairs. This, in turn, has created a more security-based approach
on migration, in which the economic component of migration plays a secondary role.
In this regard, a new comprehensive strategy is necessary to disentangle migration
from the domestic security threat. In addition, the new strategy has to objectively
assess the international migration ecosystem, the available pool of migrants,
competitive advantages and disadvantages of Russia as a migration destination,
potential economic benefits and risks inherent to accepting migrants, and ultimately
to elaborate an informed and focused action plan to manage the entire process.
It is important to note, that the data collection, registration, classification, assessment
and allocation system should not pose any additional burden on migrants. The
regulatory framework must be kept easy to comprehend, accessible, fast to process
the data and take necessary decisions, and it does not have to be costly as the
process of immigration is expensive per se.
We propose that recipient countries establish an institution/government authority
(ombudsman or minister) for migration in their country. The institution would
handle all aspects of migration (economic, security, human capital development,
integration and lawful treatment). Moreover the ombudsman would collaborate
with domestic stakeholders (governments authorities, industry associations, so
forth) as well as establish constructive dialogue with the donor countries. Such
institution in G20 countries would allow for harmonized approach to migration,
enable exchange of data and best practices on the institutional level.
2. Harmonization and unification with international standards,
procedures, data collection on migration
The exchange of experience and capacity building for national institutions is vital
to build an efficient migration management system, which is compatible with and
plugged into the corresponding global system. Competing for international migrants
on the even playing field will substantially simplify and accelerate their stream to the
donor countries. In this regard, it is essential to adopt appropriate migrant targeting
strategies, according to which, interests and needs of the country and potential
migrants will be matched.
Another important issue is that data collection in Russia and other CIS countries is
not synchronized. Therefore, it is rather difficult to juxtapose national statistics of
different countries and to arrive at valid results. For instance, Kazakhstan’s statistics
reflect crossing border facts, not accounting for individuals that may cross the border
a few times in a day. Russia’s statistics does not differentiate between seasonal and
permanent migration. This has to be better reflected and streamlined to develop
efficient migration programs.
Last but not least, all migration related activities have to be transparent. In 2013, Russia
introduced the re-entry ban list for migrants, who committed any violation, even
administrative. Currently, nine different agencies in Russia may place a migrant to the
re-entry ban list. The issue is that this list is not synchronized across the agencies and
often a migrant can be blacklisted on one list and not to be subject to a re-entry ban
on the other ones. Also, the entity that decided to place a migrant on the re-entry
ban list is not accountable and does not explain or issue any paperwork to a migrant
on the reasons and duration of the ban. Any court hearings on the re-entry ban issue
has to be proceeded in Russia, however, migrants cannot attend the hearing, as they
cannot enter the territory of the Russian Federation. In other words, it creates a
vicious circle and the court option remains largely unattainable for most blacklisted
migrants. In this regard, it is essential to create a transparent and efficient mechanism
for informing migrants on re- entry ban reasons, duration and procedures.
We propose to create the office of the ombudsman for migrants rights to ensure
lawful treatment of migrants based on the universally accepted Human Rights. The
office should be run similarly to the office of the ombudsman for children’s rights.
It is known that large number of children of migrants are suffering the migration
process and are often subject to abusive and unlawful treatment in the destination
countries and have problems in integrating into their new societies.
3. Elevating general attractiveness of recipient countries for
The attractiveness of a given migration destination is defined by a number of factors
including the difference in the level of income (defining the material gain for a migrant),
the ease of legal employment, the risks of illegal or semi-legal employment, the level
of satisfaction with the realistically accessible jobs, the degree of cultural, social and
living comfort (defined by the levels of proactive friendliness and as opposed to
xenophobia among the locals and by the living condition standards for migrants), and
the perspective (legal and cultural) of long-term integration – all weighted against
a set of possible alternatives. Overall migrants do make rather conscious choices
of the countries of destination. There is hardly an ideal migration destination in the
world (it would otherwise attract all of the world’s migrants), so each person follows
a complex “customer journey”, starting from the very decision to leave the home
country, which includes a number of trade-offs. To become an attractive migrant
destination, the recipient country must ensure the above-mentioned conditions on a
higher level in respect to its competitors for human capital.
The key advantage of Russia at the moment is its accessibility: the relatively liberal
and transparent procedure of entering (visa free for most of the post-USSR states),
extensive network of transportation links (e. g. the airport of Tashkent, Uzbekistan
offers flights to 17 destinations in the Russian Federation, i.e. it is better connected
to Russian regions than many of the major Russian domestic airports), and the
effective set of financial instruments, including the ones for remittances. However,
the rest of the factors has room for improvement, including the conditions for legal
employment and further liberalization and simplification of immigration requirements
and procedures.
It is also vital to distinguish between illegal and irregular migrants, as many public
officials, law- enforcement representatives and even scholars label any migrants, who
unofficially undertake employment in Russia, as illegal migrants. In fact, most of these
migrants absolutely legally crossed the border (as there is no visa regime) and they
legally reside in the Russian Federation. Once they decide to take up any unofficial
1 There is extensive literature on the issue which includes quantitative modelling, cf. https://www.cesifo- group.
de/portal/pls/portal/!, https://openknowledge.,
employment they become irregular migrants but in no case illegal. Therefore, appropriate
definitions have to be elaborated and circulated via media outlets to distinguish the set
of problems and solutions for these two distinctive groups of migrants.
The proposed office of the ombudsman for migrant rights would allow for centralized
communication with the donor countries’ government authorities for collaboration
on migration information centers and services, language and legal training skills.
4. Inclusiveness and adaptation of arrived migrants
Integration of migrants in Russia, like elsewhere, is the issue which is hotly debated
in society and media. On the one hand, Russia has the tradition of managing high
degree of diversity within the society and providing opportunities for minorities,
including certain experience with affirmative action in the Soviet period. On the other
hand, the dissolution of the USSR, domestic conflicts (including the two Chechen
conflicts), religious extremism and terrorism, etc. make prominent the anti-migration,
anti-integration discourse. The recent European migration crisis sparked the wave in
the Russian media of vocal criticism and safety, security concerns.
The discussions that focus on the immediate challenges of integration miss the
strategic perspective of the integration process. The success of the process and the
speed of gaining the possible social and economic benefits of immigration depend
on three key factors:
- The readiness of migrants to integrate and their proactive efforts towards
- The readiness of the host society to accommodate migrants;
- The existence and effectiveness of institutions of integration, both formal
(e. g. special schools/language courses) and informal institutions (the ability
of migrants and local to interact in everyday settings, learning to mutually
understand and respect each other).
The first factor is rather difficult to achieve, as an adult migrant has already his set of
beliefs and convictions that is hard to compromise with or adjust to the new setting.
Therefore, the most efficient mechanism is to integrate children to the society and
through them integrate their parents. In any case, these three factors has to be in a
dynamic balance, constantly supporting each other, i.e. the readiness and the desire
to integrate on the part of migrants depends on the personal assessment of the
strategic feasibility of such integration, its costs and benefits, and the effectiveness of
the institutions that facilitate it. In its turn, the host society holds a set of assumptions
regarding the desirability and feasibility of integration based on the current behavior
of migrants it observes. It creates, promotes, develops or prohibits and dismantles
the relevant institutes of integration.
In other words, the Russian example of migrant integration is similar to other countries
- while the host society expects extra efforts from migrants to assimilate, migrants
anticipate some benevolence from the host society and a number of integration
Therefore, a functional platform has to be created where local communities will be
able to communicate with migrant communities to learn more about their reasons
for migration, expectations from their new country of domicile and potential
common denominators that may serve as an impetus for successful integration.
Local diaspora can become an asset for this dialogue.
5. Growing awareness to prevent and mitigate the resistance of
locals to admit the migrants
The soft policy and awareness must be given a proper attention in the countries of
migrant destinations to reduce resistance to diversity and create more welcoming
mood of its population. This goal can be reached only through demonstration of the
benefits for the country’s long-term development and contribution of migrants to
the prosperity of the nation.
Currently, the media portrayal of migrants is far from positive. Even if the culprit has
a Russian citizenship, the media focuses on his previous citizenship and, by doing
that, they demonize intentionally or unintentionally all migrants coming from that
particular country. The media rarely portrays positive deeds of migrants, shaping the
public opinion that migrants are aliens and a source of criminal activities. This, in turn,
creates a negative image of migrants and does not contribute to various integration
initiatives. In this regard, media outlets have to employ a more balanced approach to
reconcile opposing camps and to facilitate integration activities across the country.
Also, the information on the opportunities in the recipient countries must be widely
disseminated in the donor countries. In this regard, it is expedient to collaborate with
foreign governments, conduct promotion arrangements and increase the access to
necessary information through various channels to attract target migrant groups.
The proposed ombudsman or ministerial office for migrants would have the capacity
for media strategy that would translate accurate, balanced and consistent message
of the migration role in the host country.
G20 should promote the similar institution/government authority (ombudsman
or minister) for migration in their countries. A unified approach would facilitate
dialogue between countries, enable exchange of data, best practices as well as
development of solutions to common problems. Migration ministerial meetings
could further enhance the work of the United Nations in addressing the security,
social and economic aspects of global migration.