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Excepto dos de ellos que han sido publicados y que han circulados antes de afincarse en las páginas virtuales, los demás han ido naciendo al calor de escrituras, cursos, cátedras, conferencias, congresos y tantas cosas. Están disponibles para quienes quieran hacer uso de ello y hagan volar las ideas originales, multiplicando sus propias ideas
Parece que los desarrollos que inciden en el periodismo digital se están acelerando al comienzo del siglo XXI. Las redes sociales permiten nuevos modos radicales de captar y verificar fuentes e información. El hardware y el software permiten formatos narrativos innovadores, que combinan plataformas y canales, añadiendo interactividad a la experiencia informativa. Y la industria global de la información se está rápidamente convirtiendo en una industria en red, con el surgimiento de starups y otras formas de periodismo emprendedor en todo el mundo. En este ensayo, exploro un futuro posible para el periodismo digital examinando brevemente los primeros resultados de un trabajo que analiza los casos de estudio de 21 nuevas empresas periodísticas de tamaño reducido que operan en 11 países, en los cinco continentes. La pregunta de investigación que se plantea es: visto a través de sus ojos, ¿cuál es el aspecto del futuro del periodismo (digital)? Las respuestas son esperanzadoras.
Revista Mexicana de Bachillerato a Distancia, 2016
Este artículo se enfoca en una revisión de la literatura del concepto de “nativos digitales” y otros términos relacionados. Más específicamente, versa sobre la idea de una generación homogénea de usuarios prolíficos y hábiles de la tecnología digital nacidos entre 1980 y 1994. En total se revisaron 127 artículos publicados entre 1991 y 2014. Según los hallazgos, no parece existir ninguna definición comúnmente aceptada de un “nativo digital”. El concepto varía entre individuos, sociedades, regiones y naciones, y también con el paso del tiempo. Además, hay una serie de variables además de la edad que pueden ayudarnos a comprender la naturaleza del uso de las tecnologías digitales de los estudiantes. La llamada literatura “digital nativa” demuestra que a pesar de la elevada confianza digital y las habilidades digitales de los estudiantes, su competencia digital puede ser mucho más baja que la de sus “maestros digitales”. Dada la confusión alrededor del “nativo digital” y términos simil...
EGA. Revista de expresión gráfica arquitectónica, 2016
El presente artículo pretende defender la hipótesis de que los distintos medios de representación en arquitectura y urbanismo no solamente contienen dimensiones técnicas específicas y propias de cada medio, sea manual, video o render, sino que, en cada caso la redescripción de la realidad representada es distinta, de acuerdo con las teorías dialógicas de Mijail Bajtín y, más recientemente de Alva Nöe. Tras una breve exposición de las teorías subyacentes, el artículo analizará diversos medios de representación, indicando su importancia en el paso de la representación al proyecto arquitectónico urbanístico.
Ichan Tecolotl, 2023
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Virtualis, 2018
This introduction is dedicated to some of the fundamental inquiries for the production of the present volume of Virtualis : Questions for literature in the digital age . In the present time, sometimes marked by the reduction of literature to a brand of the culture, our starting point is the discussion about the meaning and the literariness of the literary. From this, new topics of discussion arise, such as the emergence of new objects of study and new theoretical-critical frameworks for literary studies, among others. Both of them are part of the new ways of reading in the digital age.
Digital, 2024
Abstract: The media has become a central aspect of everyday life, providing information and entertainment, and serving as a basis for citizen consumption. The content that appears on the internet today is the result of numerous experiences accumulated throughout the history of media, particularly in the last four decades of technological and social development. The following text analyses how the hybridisation of analogue and digital technologies affects audience consumption patterns and expectations, leading to a more flexible relationship with the media. This study employed a theoretical examination of documentary sources, including texts, articles, and digital materials. The findings indicate a shift from simple, vertical, and linear communication systems to networks that enable horizontal and personalised consumption. The conclusion drawn is that technology has redefined structures and concepts, with the smartphone serving as the focal point of media consumption. Living culture is shaped by technology, because the message, more than the specific content, is the meaning, recognition, and exchange of a world that needs to be re-thought. Keywords: communication; media ecology; media; evolution; transformation
This paper attempts to propose a general theory of mediated communication. The perspective presented is called electronic propinquity-given the increasing role of electronic mechanisms in organizational life in interposing human contact. The principles of the theory proposed here should apply not only to electronically mediated communication, but to all symbolic human interaction conducted over a wide range of channels. Specifically in organizational life, face-to-face contacts are increasingly being replaced by devices which radically change the patterns of human interaction that were well established in the past. As Miller points out, "There is bound to be a decline in the satisfaction of certain individual needs, for much of our humanity is acquired by direct experiences with other persons and with our environments as a whole" (1976: 5, 6). Teleconferencing, or mediated two-way conferences in or among organizations, makes us particularly aware of the changes that are going to take place in organizational communication. Teleconferencing, as a form of mediated communication, can be understood as "all electronic means that permit two or more groups of physically separated users to communicate with one another" (Gartrell and Mendenhall, 1975: 2). In several countries, numerous efforts are being conducted in order to evaluate the impact of this form of communication. "In Canada, various decentralized federal government departments and others in the process of decentralization have used or are planning teleconferencing systems. .. other organizations within and outside government are studying its potential as a service to meet their needs" (Jull et al., 1976: 2). Thayer, taking into consideration the possibility of modifying traditional organizational procedures, says that "the media of communication-the intersection of materials and devices, the 'hardware' of communication technology-have therefore amplified and extended the reaches of man's own equipment. .. it has been the combined impact of materials and devices which has altered our communicative existences, problems, and possibilities most strikingly" (1968: 258).
Bienal de Arte Digital, 2018
A bienal de arte digital foi idealizada em 2015 com o objetivo de celebrar no ano de 2018 os 10 anos de atuação do fad – festival de arte digital, um dos pioneiros festivais sobre arte e tecnologia do brasil. Além da celebração, a bienal de arte digital surge como um projeto de agenda internacional no brasil, buscando verticalizar as reflexões para arte em meios tecnológicos e suas derivações. A bienal que incluiu exposições de arte digital, apresentações artísticas em performances audiovisuais, oficinas e simpósios internacionais ocorreu durante os meses de fevereiro à abril de 2018 nas cidades do rio de Janeiro e Belo Horizonte. ISBN 978-85-63921-02-4 Português & English 131 Páginas / 131 Pages The digital art biennial was conceived in 2015 with the objective of celebrating in the year 2018 the 10 years of activity of the fad – digital art festival, one of the pioneering festivals about art and technology in brazil. in addition to the celebration, the digital art biennial emerges as an international programming project in brazil, seeking to verticalize the reflections for art in technological means and its derivations. The biennial, which included exhibitions of dig- ital art, artistic presentations in audiovisual performances, workshops and international symposiums, took place from february to april 2018
Gerión, 22, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, pp. 31-60., 2004
STAIN Tulungagung Press, 2012
African Health Sciences, 2014
Anthropos, 2023
Plant Archives, 2021
Sugar Tech, 2011
Proceedings of the …, 2007
Nau Literária, 2006
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2013
Seminário Integrador de Extensão, 2019
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2014