"I hate waiting."

As you might guess, I'm a bit impatient. I had hoped that picking up a pair of knitting needles would help me learn about the virtue of patience... but it seems I just want my projects to go along as quickly as possible.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


I know most pet people think that their lives revolve around their pets. Feeding them, getting them to potty, petting... catering to their every whim. Now, BEFORE the last couple of weeks, I would have said I was a good, but sort of negligent owner. I was happy to leave out the never ending buffet of kibble, scoop their litter box every day, and feed them stinky goodness at night. Being a grad student, our 'quality time' together consisted of me on the sofa with my laptop where a cat should be, and one cat sprawled out next to me (usually... it was Cosmo. He's perfectly happy to lay against my leg... you know... so long as he's touching the mommy. Of course, sometimes, the cat is better than the laptop.

Obviously, this pic was taken a few weeks ago.

He still is happy to let me use most of my lap.

For the next few weeks, my life is going to revolved around him. He's got an esophogeal tube (e-tube) in his neck, b/c he won't eat. See?

I have to feed him (using a syringe) 4 times per day. Between the feedings and the 8 medications he's on (most of which are administered through the e-tube). This procedure (of warming and mixing his food, preparing his medications, and then giving them to him) takes me about 5 hours per day. For breakfast and dinner, it takes me longer b/c of the meds. At lunch and late night snack, it takes less time b/c all I have to do is the food. But that's ok. I'm so happy to have him home and doing better, that I'm thinking of all this time as our 'quality time.'

We went back to the vet on Friday for a check up. They drew blood, and his blood sugar is still high, but his bilirubin levels have come down considerably. When he was admitted on Monday,3/10, his bilirubin level was 4.0 (it should be around 0.1-0.3 or something). On that following Saturday (3/15), it had skyrocketed up to 16!! On Tuesday of coming home (3/18), it had dropped to 10. On Friday, it was 2.8. All signs point to his liver still actually functioning... What I need him to do now is to show that he can eat on his own. And for his toileting to improve (he gets in, but doesn't turn around. This positioning results in his pee going OUTSIDE of the box. Very unfortunate. Luckily, I went and purchased a bag of wee-wee pads. Invaluable.

Here are some pics of print o the wave. There are kitty action shots (Danger... 'helping')

Here's a pic of a bigger section, where the stole is actually the focus of the picture.

And my sock in progress.

Pattern: Jaywalker by Grumperina, converted to toe up.
Yarn: Socks That Rock: Rare Gems
Needles: 2.5mm Addi Turbos, 100cm (magic loop)

I also have neglected to show off some Stash Acquisitions... from The Woolen Rabbit. I made the Print O The Wave from her laceweight, and about midway through, I was mourning the loss of this yarn in the stash. So... I bought more!

I bought 2 skeins of laceweight (in Raspberry and Thyme, and Blue Lagoon) and 2 skeins of superwash sock (in blue lagoon and some other purty color I can't remember right now).

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thankfully, close only counts with hand grenades and horseshoes...

First of all, thanks to all of you for the support, positive vibes, thoughts, prayers, etc etc. for my Cosmo. I was in tears just thinking of all the people pulling for my Cosmo. I tried to reply to everyone, but some of you well-wishers were either lurkers, or sent over by Chris and I didn't have your email addresses stored in my gmail account... so let me publicly thank all of you.

Since I posted Wednesday night, lots has happened...
News update: He did not have the procedure done. His enzyme levels spiked, indicating that something was wrong. They thought he might have an obstructed gall bladder, but the ultrasound showed that his gall bladder has decided NOT to play follow the leader, and is perfectly fine. I'm not sure I could've kept going if his gall bladder was also having problems (um, I'm not sure it would have been up to me, b/c the vet said that the only treatment for obstructed gall bladder is surgery, and he would not have survived). SO. Good news. No obstructed gall bladder. We only have to worry about the liver and the ketones, mostly. (supposedly the pancreatitis will resolve itself as the diabetes and liver are brought under control).

They inserted a feeding tube through his nose instead. They'll see if things improve and he gets strong enough for the other kind of feeding tube on Saturday. His ketone levels have improved considerably (the range is from 0-4. Should be at 0. he was at 4 when admitted. Currently is at 1). Additionally, he purred for me today!! I took a felted woolen mousie and his brush. He purred while I brushed him and gave him scritches, so I am heartily encouraged.

That was all yesterday... Today, his ketones level dropped down to zero, which is the normal, healthy level. YAY! The bad news was that his blood pressure has dropped. However, every visit, he's more alert. Every day, he's moving a bit more. A bit stronger. So the plan is to put the e-tube in tomorrow morning. He'll be able to get more nutrients into his body, which should speed up his rate of recovery.

Meanwhile, I feel like right now, all I ever talk about is my cats. And my cats' toilet habits. I was, of course, mostly worried to death about Cosmo, but began worrying about Danger too, since he decided to stop pooping. My babies are boys, and they usually don't let me forget it. They're regular. Like clockwork. Every day. They produce. Before I left for Chicago, Cosmo was the one who became a bit irregular (they have their own preferred deposit location for their goods. Upper left of the box is Cosmo's spot... right smack dab in the middle of the box is Danger's spot. Wow, that's SO TMI). Since Tuesday, I have not had to scoop. Every morning, I look hopefully for a deposit... as if it was a golden goose egg instead of a stinky stinky. I called the vet this morning, and he recommended some hairball remedy (since it's mostly mineral oil... gets the insides all lubed up) or some bran or metamucil to help with fiber content. I gave him a bit of the hairball remedy this morning, and he's finally left a little pile of love for me. Never thought I'd be so happy to see some poop. Aren't you glad you tuned into the Cosmo and Danger channel of geriatric cathood?

Seriously folks, thanks so much for all the good thoughts for my furbaby Cosmo. He's getting better!

ps. I finished and blocked Print O The Wave. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Will find some sunlight and take pics. I SWEAR.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Houston, we have lift off!!

I've got a laptop again! And my brother bought me (for my b-day/Xmas gift) a new iPod, so I'm all recovered from my break in (for the most part). I can't wait to get the computer all configured so I can show you all some pictures (I don't even remember what I owe you in pictures).

I'm most excited to show you my newest project ... Starsky using my malabrigo in Azul Profundo. You know how Linus (from Peanuts) is so attached to his blue blankie? That'd be me with the malabrigo. This yarn has the. most. incredible. feel. In a convo with Celia, she told me that she thought the malabrigo was kind of... scratchy. She must've gotten a bad bad skein. Maybe a skein of Rio de la Plata masquerading as Malabrigo.

I know. I wasn't supposed to cast on for Starsky or Noro Kolsva until I had finished up

1) Robin Hood (need to finish seaming and weaving in ends. maybe make a tassel/pom pom)
2) clapotis for the shop. I had a small tragedy. I ran out of yarn. So, I can either rip back a bit and make the clap a bit shorter, or rip WAY back and make it narrower (which... if it were for me, I would want).
3) clapotis for me (almost there!... almost)
4 and 5) baby gift knits. (both are 90% done).

Maybe I dedicate this weekend to finishing. Maybe.

I've moved to the 'new' blogger, and I like it! I love labelling, though I think I might be getting to specific with my labels. We shall see.

It's chilly chilly brr brr here. School has started back up, so I'm training myself for living off very little amts of sleep.

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

The opposite of knitting

It has been a busy few days, and I didn't even notice that I didn't do my weekly post about not knitting. :) But I have been doing some knitting. I finally finished up the Matthew Shepard Seaman Scarf that I knit for the International Scarf Exchange 3. I went and got a few extra goodies to pack into the box that should be able to ship off tomorrow.

I got a rush from finishing the scarf, so I moved on... and in all good conscious, I could NOT start another project... not when I've got

1) Irish Hiking Scarf (using the Berroco Ultra Alpaca that Stacey sent me)

2) This pattern from Garnstudio, with some of my Brooks Farm Yarn stash.

3) Spork. Which is a thorn in my side.

4) Madli
5) Mystery Lace Stole
6) Reid, from Knitty
7 & 8) 2 pairs of socks (one in Opal, one in Hill Country Yarns)
9) Clapotis, redux
10) hooded cardi (from Big Girl knits... with the 2 colors? whazzit called?) using Rowan Calmer

I know i have more projects going, but i've already started to develop a rash by listing them all...

11) Robin Hood Jacket from Adorable Knits for Tots by Zoe Mellor... is what I picked up.

I'm using the DB merino chunky that I had bought waaaaay back in the day. It's a great olive-y green color, which will look smashing on Preggo's oldest son (the red headed monster that's been featured here a few times). I feel guilty that I've knit his baby brother quite a few items, but that he doesn't have any hand knit love from his CynCyn.

Here's where I explain how I've done the opposite of knitting. I finished the back section, cast on for left front, finished, and the right front. I want to get the hood done too, and was dreaming that I could get this thing done by Thanksgiving. Since you are supposed to block BEFORE you seam, I decided to block last night... and the thing is gigantic! what's supposed to be 15 inches long, is 20. What's supposed to be 14 inches across, is 15. I guess I could've kept going and just given it to Michelle, but dang.
Fortunately, I can pull it longer, which makes it narrower... So, tonight?

RIPPIT. Just far enough back to get the right length. I'd have a lot more FOs if I could get stuff done the first time around. The other thought (from Celia) is that I used too big a needle... hence the huge blooming. Maybe the whole thing gets ripped (which makes me SO sad, b/c I already wove in ends, dammit!)

I'll post pics of everything once they've dried. Have a great week everyone!
