And what change!!! I am currently watching some football (let us not speak of Michigan's horrible rebuilding season, ok? I have enough to cry about lately) and listening to the new "It's a New Day" song. And it makes me cry.
Maryse posted a link to these beautiful photos that made me tear up at the coffee shop earlier today. These
photos are so gorgeous, and show so much of President elect (i love saying that) Obama's personality.
I've been knitting... still working on Hanami... and have moments of weakness where I feel like ripping it out b/c I chose to use a variegated yarn instead of a solid. Even if it was a tonal variegated yarn, I think it would have been better. Not that I don't love it, I just think the pattern would pop more if I hadn't chosen a variegated. Oh well.
So, Since early October (October 5th) I have been working to vote in Colorado. I still have my condo there, and plan on moving back, so I consider myself a 'student' and my Denver address my permanent address. I sent in my registration/application for an absentee ballot on Oct 6th, and received both email and mail confirmation that they had received it and my ballot would be sent to me. Come October 24th, no ballot. I call and they say, it will be there tomorrow. Nope. Call again. It'll be there tomorrow. Nope. Now I insist on some action. They say they will overnight the ballot to me, but since it is Thursday at 4pm, it might not get out until Friday's mail, and should def. be here by Saturday. Nope. Monday morning, I spend a few hours on the phone insisting on an emergency faxed ballot and spend the day sitting next to a fax machine in order to get my APPLICATION for an emergency faxed ballot, fill the app out, fax it back, wait for the ballot to be faxed to me, and fax it back. Never you mind that the ballot they faxed me was illegible. I could make out Obama's name, and that's all I really needed. VOTING FOR THE PRESIDENT should NOT be this hard.
And guess what I got in the mail today? TODAY?? My ballot. Is it totally paranoid to feel like someone was holding it somewhere? who the eff wants their mail ballot the Saturday after the election??
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