The University of Queensland, Australia
School of Political Science and International Studies
This book examines a wide range of dissident practices, from street protests to political poetry, in an attempt to demonstrate that they are becoming an increasingly important aspect of global politics. The author draws on several case... more
This essay explores the nature and political consequences of representing HIV/AIDS in Africa, where the disease has taken its greatest toll. We examine how different methods of photography embody different ideologies through which we give... more
This essay analyses some of the political, economic and social challenges of East Timor's transition to independence. It scrutinizes the ethical dimensions of building peace in a territory devastated by the combined effect of Indonesia's... more
This article examines ways in which art can help broaden understandings of contemporary security challenges, especially in view of the limits of conventional forms of strategic and policy analysis. The article focuses especially on... more
The summit meeting between the two Korean heads of state, which took place in Pyongyang in June 2000, constitutes a major turning point in the peninsula's history. As the effects of the meeting are gradually unfolding, a period of détente... more
This paper highlights the methodological difficulties of ascribing causation to events which are to some extent "irrational" and demanding of different forms of understanding -such as those provided in Romantic literature, or poetry, or... more
Key events in international politics, such as terrorist attacks, can be characterised as sublime: our minds clash with phenomena that supersede our cognitive abilities, triggering a range of powerful emotions, such as pain, fear and awe.... more
Do not think you are the only one in his perspective. His falcon eyes capture many other things and motions, Fluttering wings at the fringes of speech.
This essay explores the nature and significance of aesthetic approaches to the study of word politics. More specifically, it contrasts aesthetic with mimetic forms of representation. The latter, which have dominated international... more