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Questions tagged [ffmpeg]

`ffmpeg` is a free software project aimed at producing tools (libraries and programs) for handling multimedia data.

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Hit noise when playing part of wave file with ALSA PCM interface

I am working a WAVE file playing with ALSA PCM interface in Linux, and I heard noise when I played the file quickly and partially. Here is my playing function. static int playback_function(uint8_t *...
wangt13's user avatar
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Failed to get PTS from live audio stream with ffmpeg in Linux

I am working on audio playing in Linux with ffmpeg-4.4.4. Now I found sometimes the PTS in the live audio stream is 0, which caused failure of calculating current position when playing the stream (....
wangt13's user avatar
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audio to video with ffmpeg

I would like to know if it is possible to combine video with audio using ffmpeg batch converter but the video should end when the audio sound ends. Does anyone know how to do this?
Autocrescimento's user avatar
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ffmpeg with NVenc does not seem to utilize my GPU

I tried to convert a high-resolution video to 2k. I used this command: ffmpeg -i input_video.mp4 -vf scale=1920:1080 -c:v h264_nvenc -preset slow -b:v 8M output_video.mp4 Based on the top and nvidia-...
David S.'s user avatar
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yt-dlp -- how to add ffmpeg conversion after download

I'm using a rather long yt-dlp command to download and convert the downloaded files into mp4 format. However, the resulting mp4 files sometimes cause problems. That's why I would like to add a ffmpeg ...
Gary U.U. Unixuser's user avatar
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How to trim beginning AND fade in at the same time with ffmpeg

Using ffmpeg, there are suggestions on how to trim or how to fade in, but how can you do both in one command? The video should start black at 00:10:07 with a fade in for 1 second, so at 00:10:08 it ...
Gary U.U. Unixuser's user avatar
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How to stream a local video to virtual webcam using ffmpeg?

I created the virtual camera "abdullah". How to use ffmpeg to steam that local video trial_video.mp4 to the virtual camera? I am using windows 11.
Abdullah Qasim's user avatar
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Map streams in ffmpeg based on title (to remove language variant)

I have a few video files with English audio track and French audio track, because the family wants French and I prefer VO. With ffmpeg I can easily filter all tracks to keep eng and fre, the problem ...
MappaM's user avatar
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Cannot compile ffmpeg with nvdec on Jetson Orin NX

I struggle with compiling ffmpeg for Jetson Orin NX with hardware acceleration enabled I checked the default package using this command ffmpeg -hwaccels and I saw that only cuda and drm are enabled. I ...
Anton Shumanski's user avatar
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How to convert Opus audio file to mp3 with maximum quality use FFmpeg?

How to convert Opus audio file to mp3 with maximum quality use FFmpeg? Linux. Source audio file is Opus, stereo 48 kHz, 138 kbps, Bits per sample:32 I used ffmpeg -i audio.opus -c:a libmp3lame -q:a 0 ...
minto's user avatar
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I want to write a script that simultaneously renders what's on my webcam to a window on my screen and records a video

I have tried a combination of: v4l2loopback ffmpeg mpv But either the web-cam view, or the web-cam record works, but never both together. Can anyone provide a script that achieves this? This is what ...
Brad's user avatar
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inotifywait to convert (ffmpeg) multiple files

I want to automatize a job, i.e. the conversion of videos (taken by mobile phones) with ffmpeg on my nextcloud server. The bashscript I run manually runs fine: #!/bin/bash for i in *.3gp *.avi *.m4v *...
Beres's user avatar
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FFmpeg: To trim a video using 'trim' and specify time using HH:MM:SS format [closed]

FFmpeg 7.0.1. I want to understand whether it is possible to trim a video using trim and to specify start and end time using the HH:MM:SS format instead of just seconds. That is, the following command ...
jsx97's user avatar
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FFmpeg: The option 'to' works differently depending on where we put it. Why is it so?

Could anybody explain, why ffmpeg -i -ss 00:00:10 -to 00:00:15 produces a 5-second video, from second 10 to second 15, whereas ffmpeg -ss 00:00:10 -i -to 00:00:15 ...
jsx97's user avatar
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Trimming a video using FFmpeg leads to black screen [closed]

I try to figure out how to use FFmpeg to trim videos. I have created a 30 second .mov screen capture using Apple's QuickTime player, and then tried to trim it using three different ways: Using -...
jsx97's user avatar
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ffmpeg causes do loop to exit after first iteration [duplicate]

I have this loop to find mp4 files that I want to convert to webm. find "./$1" -type f -iname "*.mp4" | while IFS== read -r f; do echo "found: $f" fn=$( ...
Richard Barraclough's user avatar
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Behavior of ffmpeg when recording a stream and then network does not work for a while

I think it would be good, if ffmpeg would exit with error, if it finds out that network is not working and it thus can not record the given URL. But in my experience it just leaves there and can not ...
jarno's user avatar
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How to extract song lyrics from an m4a subtitle stream?

I have these .m4a files for which ffprobe (on Debian 12.1) reports: Stream #0:1[0x2](eng): Data: bin_data (text / 0x74786574), 0 kb/s Metadata: handler_name : SubtitleHandler ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
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Fast test for audio file bitrate

I'm trying to identify files with high/low bitrate in my audio collection using a shell script. Doing file test.mp3 is very fast: $time file test.mp3 test.mp3: Audio file with ID3 version 2.3.0, ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
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FFPLAY - loop sound until signal received

I have a bash script which starts ffplay in background, looping a short sound sample indefinitely. Then it does some other work, and finally it kills ffplay. foo() { ffplay -loop 0 sound.wav &&...
Борат Сагдиев's user avatar
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Can I Store the Output of FFmpeg to a Different PC?

I have a question about storing the output of a screen recording using FFmpeg. Currently, I want to use the: ffmpeg -video_size 1024x768 -framerate 25 -f x11grab -i :0.0 output.mp4 command to grab a ...
Justin's user avatar
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Convert swf files to mp4

I came accross this nice web. There are swf and mp3 files. I'd like to convert them to mp4 or something, so it is viewable. I tried gnash and ffmpeg without success. I'm on Lubuntu 22.04
xralf's user avatar
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Passing video from v4l2loopback to v4l2src (edgetpuvision) using netcat

I am trying to use webcam from a tablet as stream source for TensorFlow Model on Coral Dev Board. My idea is to pass the stream from the tablet using netcat: ffmpeg -i /dev/video0 -filter:v fps=30 -f ...
Radek Suski's user avatar
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How to limit FFmpeg bitrate while recording an RTSP stream with codec copy?

I am trying to record a short video from an RTSP stream using FFmpeg.  And I am facing the following problem: the video size is too large.  Using the command ffmpeg -i file.mp4, I've come to the ...
bram's user avatar
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How to get proper ffplay output with UVC camera?

My end goal is to use a UVC webcam with esp32 or Raspberry PI. I was hoping to learn while doing some fun projects. I have an old UVC webcam (Creative model ct6840) but I can't seem to get it to work ...
Abdulla Masud's user avatar
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ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: Error 74

Since today when I run ffmpeg I have the error in the title of this question. I tried this, but can't apply the solution because I have a directory /etc/ and in that directory there are ...
xralf's user avatar
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FFMPEG: Impossible to convert between the formats supported by the filter 'graph 0 input from stream 1:0' and the filter 'auto_scale_0'

this my ffmpeg call in script: ffmpeg -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -vaapi_device /dev/dri/renderD128 \ -i "_$v" -i /home/john/Web/blackblog/_meta/graphics/watermark.png \ ...
Jan Černý's user avatar
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Flag parameter in bash script misunderstood as file , “no such file or directory"

I’m writing a simple bash script named video2png, using the ffmpeg to turn certain frame of a video into png: #!/bin/bash ffmpeg -ss 30:00 -i "$1" -frames 1 -s 1280x880 -f image2 "$2&...
Wu Eureka's user avatar
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How to detect if a process runs longer than X seconds, then do something with it?

I’m on debian. I am calling a ffmpeg process to generate a mp3. this gets called from a php script using shell_exec. This works fine 99% of the time. Sometimes, the ffmpeg process doesn’t exit and I’m ...
frumbert's user avatar
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Use `xautolock` to run script which captures image with `ffmpeg` after unlocking

I'm using i3wm and I want a script to run after I've unlocked my screen. I can get this to work when I manually lock my screen, e.g. using the steps outlined in this post. But I can't get this to work ...
nonreligious's user avatar
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Linux I/O issue? Multiple FFMPEG saving streams as HLS, lose segments despite low CPU and Memory consumption

I'm capturing an RTMP stream as HLS (saving playlist files) using FFMPEG wihout any stream processing, merely copying it. Thanks to such setup I'm able to run tens of processes (I've tried 80 at most),...
Yyyeey's user avatar
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grep the output of FFmpeg

I can use grep to manipulate the output of all applications i use (or do something with sed or other tools). This doesn't work with FFmpeg. This is the output when i convert an audio file: ffmpeg ...
fmeier's user avatar
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ffmpeg inside while loop with find unintentionally alters iteration variable

Can someone please explain to me what is happening here? This is what I have reduced my situation down to: # make 20 test gifs out of the same source file. for i in {1..20}; do cp -p ../some-random-...
WoodrowShigeru's user avatar
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ffmpeg fails to read m2ts files from libaacs

I have a bluray disc that I am attempting to convert on Manjaro Linux using libbluray and libaacs. AACS handled shows "yes". Additionally, VLC plays the bluray with no problem. but when I ...
Steve's user avatar
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mpv fails to play youtube videos

I've been using mpv for a while, but now whenever I try to play a youtube video the following output shows up: [ffmpeg] https: HTTP error 403 Forbidden Failed to open https://rr5. . . EDL: Could not ...
Ash's user avatar
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ffmpeg redirect stdout and stderr to each file and both to another in correct order

Running a simple ffmpeg command: ffmpeg -i in.avi out.mp4 -loglevel info I want the following result: stdout to both stdout.log and both.log stderr to both stderr.log and both.log The important thing ...
Smeterlink's user avatar
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ISO Media Videos thumbnails not showing in pop_os 22.04 LTS

all videos that are ISO media doesn't have thumbnails. I have tried the solutions here, but it didn't work (EDIT: im a noob, so its possibly those didnt work because im using pop_os distro, and those ...
S SS's user avatar
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Batch convert flac to ogg with ffmpeg

I'm trying to turn this command into one that will convert a whole directory from flac to ogg: ffmpeg -i musicfile.flac musicfile.ogg I've read through the man page. But honestly it's a bit over my ...
h8uthemost's user avatar
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Referencing ffmpeg dependencies for PyAV installation

I need to install PyAV for loading and using videos as input (as a Tensor) to a pytorch model. When I try to install the package in my virtual environment I get the following build error: Collecting ...
ptushev's user avatar
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Capture screen using FFMPEG on a headless VPS

I need a solution to run a graphical application on a Ubuntu VPS and capture the screen using FFMPEG software. the steps I tried already: ###Create a virtual desktop Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1920x1080x24 ## ...
Audrius's user avatar
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How to have the subtitles occupy full screen for an ogg audio file with an srt subtitles files converted into an mp4 video file?

I can embed an mp4 file from an ogg file with embedded subtitles from an srt file alright, thanks to stack*** forums and other internet resources, in two steps: First create a black png file for ...
Rajibando's user avatar
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Stacking two videos with a precise time offset

I'm trying to use FFmpeg to produce a stereoscopic side-by-side video (Full 3D SBS) from a left-right pair of videos. If the two source videos were perfectly in sync, I could use: ffmpeg -i left.mp4 -...
rgov's user avatar
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How to prevent messages from clogging terminal?

Recently, I have been programming a small game to run in the Linux Terminal. The game involves running an MP3 file from the terminal. However, when this runs using FFMPEG, it sends messages into the ...
CookedTurtle's user avatar
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How to remove unneeded languages from video files using ffmpeg?

I have a number of video files (500+) with lots of audio and subtitle streams for languages that I don't need and would thus like to remove to conserve storage space. I tinkered around with ffmpeg, ...
KTorrentNG's user avatar
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How to copy all FLAC tags using ffmpeg?

I'm using ffmpeg to perform audio filtering on my music library. However, it is not copying all FLAC tags (in particular, it's dropping chapter information). Copy all tags from one FLAC file to ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Chromium cannot read camera: Dequeued v4l2 buffer contains invalid length #561

I installed the v4l2loopback kernel module on my machine and enabled it with sudo modprobe v4l2loopback exclusive_caps=1. I created a camera on /dev/video0 with the rust bindings and started piping a ...
Hackermon's user avatar
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FFMPEG converting FLAC to OPUS with cover image

I got a gigantonormic script to convert my FLACs to OPUS files but I'm struggling with one specific issue. When converting and trying to copy the cover image, it throws an error. Preamble, this is the ...
LukeChriswalker's user avatar
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How to extend sustain in batch wav files?

I have a batch of sound samples which are too short (2.15 sec), and I want to extend the sustain to a total of about 10 seconds, meaning stretch the last 0.50 second of the file to 10 seconds. I can ...
black-clover's user avatar
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Internal Data Stream Error Reading v4l2 Virtual Cameras with Gstreamer Pipeline

I'm using v4l2loopback to create 2 virtual cameras that I can then stream an mp4 into and simultaneously read from those cameras with a gstreamer pipeline as if the mp4 was the video being recorded by ...
dan178's user avatar
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ffmpeg doesn't record RTSP stream

I'm trying to record RTSP stream from Dahua IP camera which is located on (for example purpose), on Windows it works well and on previous ubuntu version I had (18) it was also working well....
zcoderx's user avatar
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