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How do I stop 'more' from stopping and displaying "(END)" at the end of files in Debian 12 (bookworm)?

Since upgrading to Debian 12 (bookworm), the more command seems to have been changed and now comes to a stop when you reach the end of the file you are viewing and then displays "(END)", ...
dave559's user avatar
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how to alias the `history` function in fish shell

I'm trying to set the fish history pager to be bat -l fish for syntax highlighting. (i.e. set the PAGER environment variable bat -l fish just for the history command). I tried: # 1: alias history &...
matan h's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How do I add line numbers to the man page?

How can I add line numbers to man pages or info pages in Linux? I want to use line numbers to navigate in man pages. I can write the man page in a file and then open it with Vim, but is there a better ...
mohamadi_arch's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I change the PAGER variable for man if it's possible?

I'm not an expert in Linux, but I was reading an introductory book and found that man pages use the PAGER environment variable to show the content of man pages. I checked printenv and didn't find any ...
Yanjan. Kaf.'s user avatar
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open man (or info) pages from the same position where you left off last time

I treat man pages is the primary source of documentation about installed software. I would like to use them not only as a reference, but actually read them from beginning to end. And here comes the ...
Sergey Guzenkov's user avatar
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mkfs.xfs completely ignoring "|more" redirect

trying to install gentoo linux and can't format the drive with xfs because when I run mkfs.xfs /dev/sda3 it throws an error and then displays help, but the help is so big that it takes up the entire ...
Zack's user avatar
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Oh-my-zsh deletes output of successful command with "FAIL: 141"

My Oh-my-zsh does the following: When I run the git log --pretty --oneline command, it shows me a long list of commits, as expected. As soon as I hit q, it suddenly disappears with the below output: ...
ritratt's user avatar
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Issue viewing compressed file with "zless", but not with "zmore" or "gunzip -c"

On my FreeBSD 13.2 system, the zless utility cannot view text files compressed with gzip or compress, warning that they may be binary files and then showing garbage if I say I want to see the contents ...
Kusalananda's user avatar
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Any 'cat' colorized tool? [duplicate]

I sometimes cat a c file or a JSON file, there is no colorful format text. Is there any command line tool that can show colorful format text as it is in ex: gedit?
Mark K's user avatar
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Any CLI pager that display full-screen optionaly (when prompted to)?

I've been using less forever now, and there's one thing I wish it was doing differently. When I do git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit it switches to full-screen immediately (as the output is ...'s user avatar
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2 answers

Systemd `journalctl` - Unable to change default $PAGER

I'm on Arch Linux. I came across some new pager software called OV and installed it. It has more features than less and I like it so I want to set it as my default pager. I added the following to my ....
Casper's user avatar
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Scroll to the end in less without stretching out single-page input

When I pipe something into less --quit-if-one-screen +G (alias -F +G), less opens and scrolls to the end if the output exceeds the terminal size. Unfortunately, it also scrolls to the end before ...
xeruf's user avatar
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less option "--save-marks" does nothing when less is used as a manual pager

I use less version 590 (GNU regular expressions). I use export LESSFILE="/root/.lesshst_for_manpages" export MANPAGER="pager --save-marks -I" man -L en <<somemanpage>> ...
Anton Wessel's user avatar
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simplest possible pager

In mc (midnight commander), I can define custom command for viewing files, ie: shell/i/.jpg Open=gpicview %f View=file %f | less The command file %f has to be piped to a pager. I am using ...
Martin Vegter's user avatar
3 votes
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How to pipe a man page (without pagination) while intentionally preserving formatting?

Minimal example: man git | cat Real example: man git | grep --color=always -C 3 "pathspec" FWIW, I've tried --pager="cat" using various pagers, as well as piping to various ...
Jonathan Wheeler's user avatar
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Auto page down / scrolling after a few seconds using more, less, or something similar

When using more or less, the output is paused at the end of each page. Is there some way to have it pause only for a few seconds (configurable or not), and then continue to the next page? Is there ...
entonio's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to avoid the "pager" in mailx?

Having many short mail messages in my inbox, it's quite annoying that even short messages are sent though a pager (less), requiring to press 'q' before I can view the next message (for example). I ...
U. Windl's user avatar
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Make `less` exit after last page or `more` interpret colors

In a script, I’m doing a git diff that I want to quickly page through. When I’m finished, the pager will exit and the script will continue. more is great for the task, because I can space through it ...
user137369's user avatar
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lesskey: add alt+right keybinding to less

I used cat -vte to see what escape codes my terminal emulator sends when I press alt+right: ❯ cat -vte ^[[1;3C Then I added this escape code to my lesskey file ~/.less: \e[1;3C forw-scroll Finally ...
HappyFace's user avatar
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How does a command decide when to invoke a pager?

Some shell commands that produce large outputs, such as git diff, seem to cleverly throw up a pager when the output is too long, but not do so if it happens to be small. How does this work? Does each ...
Haterind's user avatar
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In Less, how to jump horizontally between search matches on the same line?

On pressing n, Less skips all the search matches in the current line and moves to the next line with a match (even if the lines are wrapped). How can I make it move the cursor to all the matches in ...
Arch Stanton's user avatar
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Is there a more interactive man and info pages viewer?

If I use man to view man pages, they are not interactive at all, I can merely change the visuals through a pager. With info I can view man and info pages with interactive links, including the links in ...
xeruf's user avatar
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less doesn't page the output when called inside env

After an update I noticed that my bash profile for man colorization breaks paging. I don't know what changed but I narrowed it down to the fact that calling env less hello.txt results in contents of ...
Lev Levitsky's user avatar
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Bash: how do I pipe the output of every command through "less --quit-if-one-screen"?

When I run some commands in Bash, I have no idea how many number of lines the output will be. If the number of lines in the output exceeds the height of my terminal, I will not be able to see the ...
Flux's user avatar
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Horizontal scrolling pager with vi keys

less and most use j and k, but they don't use h and l for horizontal scrolling. Is there a way I can fix either of these to do that? or maybe an alternative tool that I could use as a pager that does ...
xenoterracide's user avatar
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Why are PAGER, EDITOR, VISUAL empty?

When I try to use those environment variables, I get an empty string: $ $PAGER some_file; bash: some_file: command not found $ I tested a few things: $ echo $PAGER; $ man man; ## Here it's using ...
alx - recommends codidact's user avatar
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How to set background color of $PAGER?

I usually set my terminal with transparent background. But, when I need to read a lot of text such as man, less, cat, etc., I want my background color to be solid black. I can change the backgrounds ...
Nick's user avatar
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prevent less linewrapp from breaking words -- split on white space only

I want less's linewrapping to be smarter... when lessing through text it's wrapping lines in such a way that words get broken up which makes reading difficult. The smart way would mean only breaking ...
alec's user avatar
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How to use normal output with systemctl instead of less/more? [duplicate]

For example: systemctl list-units --type service by default uses redirection to less/more, how to disable it?
Dmitry's user avatar
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9 votes
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less - How to get matching line not be the top line on screen?

Very often happens that I do $ man someprogram to inspect the manual for some program. Often I also want to search for something in there, and I simply hit / and write whatever I want to search for. ...
Enlico's user avatar
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How can I display only the first screenfull of output, including all terminal colours, and lines that will be wrapped? [duplicate]

I have a command (a compiler) that can output lots to the terminal when there's a compilation problem. Some of the lines are longer than my terminal is wide, and it also uses terminal colours (red ...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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How do I get source highlighting via source-highlight for most?

I can get source highlighting to work with lesspipe or GNU source-highlight, but both depend on environment variables that are specific to less. How would I get syntax highlighting in most?
xuq01's user avatar
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Obtaining starting adress of a page

I want to obtain the beginning of a memory page, a page that contains a function. In my case I try to achieve the page beginning of main function. Which lies in 0x400a80, I think it is in code ...
Utku's user avatar
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How to prevent less --quit-if-one-screen --no-init +G from filling the screen with empty lines when the file is shorter than the screen?

I use less -XFR +G to page some variations of git log, and all four options are important. The thing I don't like is that it fills the screen with empty lines (marked with ~) when the log/file is ...
Enlico's user avatar
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Getting error when searching within an info page

I'm using the Fish shell on openSUSE Tumbleweed (20200414). I am able to initially search for a string within an info page by typing '/string'. However, when I try to search for the next occurrence ...
Alex Krycek's user avatar
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How to search for end-of-line hyphenated words in less(1)

Does less (or any other lightweight pager I could use as $PAGER) has such a feature? For example, if I type man bash and then enter /incorporates it doesn't find the word, despite it being right ...
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Why is `man` outputing to stdout instead of $PAGER (less)?

When I run man [program], the man page text is output on the terminal (a la cat, without a pager that provides interactivity) instead of opening the man page file in less (so you can scroll, search, ...
James Wright's user avatar
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Why doesn't Esc-[ scroll left in `less`?

According to the manpage for lesskey, the following keys are bound to left-scroll and right-scroll: \e[ left-scroll \e] right-scroll \e( left-scroll \e) right-scroll \kl ...
Nathaniel M. Beaver's user avatar
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Bashrc not loading when running manpager

I have found issues with using the MANPAGER variable in bash in order to set vim to be my manpager. Initially I set my manpager using the method shown in :help manpager by doing: export MANPAGER="...
kabeersvohra's user avatar
5 votes
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Restore interactive commands after accidentally overpaging pipe input to less?

Consider a script like this: $ cat #! /usr/bin/env bash for i in {1..90} do printf '%s\n' "$i" done sleep 10 printf '91\n' sleep 10 printf 'done\n' and suppose the output is piped to ...
Nathaniel M. Beaver's user avatar
1 vote
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less: advertise terminfo through pipe

If I do ls | less, ls detects that it isn't connected to a terminal, which is fair enough. Except that less is connected to a terminal. In this setup, ls could produce the coloured and columnised ...
Eric Toombs's user avatar
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navigating forward in more pager using f

It is given in the man page of more that f is used to skip forward k screenful of text(default to 1).I saved a very long file using cat and used more to show it on the screen page by page but when i ...
LocalHost's user avatar
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Unable to search a string using more pager

I opened a file using the more pager,i was trying to find a string in this file using / as shown in the figure below,but it is saying that pattern not found even though the string i have searched is ...
LocalHost's user avatar
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man pages no longer rendering - lots of "permission denied" errors related to pager / vimpager

For reasons I can't determine, within the last two days the "man" command stopped working on my linux server (Ubuntu 18.04). When attempting to run man <anything> I end up at a blank instance ...
ljwobker's user avatar
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changing default (man) pager

I'm working on Solaris 10, using bash. Want to change default pager from "more" to "less" (because "less is more" :). Tried to do the following: PAGER=less PS. When I do it in csh via setenv PAGER ...
stevica's user avatar
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How can I keep colorful terminal output, but disable pagers

On macOS man uses the pager "/usr/bin/less -is" (see man's man page). When I type man , I see colorized output, and I like this. But, I prefer to use the terminal's find commands when using man, and ...
Jon Hess's user avatar
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Using 'less' to leave text on screen for small files

I'm pretty sure seeing this customization of the less command on some colleague system long ago, in order to imitate 'more'. What I want: If the file is short (less that one screen long), it should ...
dargaud's user avatar
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Lightweigtht pager with links?

Are there any pagers/readers/viewers for the use inside the Linux terminal that can follow links to the same page and different files (not necessarily on the net) which have an simpler markup language ...
Kyuvi's user avatar
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Jumping to end/beginning of line in "less -S"

The commonly used pager less can be started with the option -S, prevents it from breaking lines. One can then press the right and left arrow keys to scroll horizontally. Since the lines can be quite ...
NicolasBourbaki's user avatar
10 votes
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Is it possible to scroll beyond the end of a file in the less pager?

Is it possible to scroll past the bottom in less? Ideally, I'd like to be able to see the last line of the file I am viewing at the top of my terminal window (the rest of the screen may be filled ...
Mateusz Piotrowski's user avatar