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1 answer

How do I stop 'more' from stopping and displaying "(END)" at the end of files in Debian 12 (bookworm)?

Since upgrading to Debian 12 (bookworm), the more command seems to have been changed and now comes to a stop when you reach the end of the file you are viewing and then displays "(END)", ...
dave559's user avatar
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3 answers

open man (or info) pages from the same position where you left off last time

I treat man pages is the primary source of documentation about installed software. I would like to use them not only as a reference, but actually read them from beginning to end. And here comes the ...
Sergey Guzenkov's user avatar
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1 answer

mkfs.xfs completely ignoring "|more" redirect

trying to install gentoo linux and can't format the drive with xfs because when I run mkfs.xfs /dev/sda3 it throws an error and then displays help, but the help is so big that it takes up the entire ...
Zack's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Issue viewing compressed file with "zless", but not with "zmore" or "gunzip -c"

On my FreeBSD 13.2 system, the zless utility cannot view text files compressed with gzip or compress, warning that they may be binary files and then showing garbage if I say I want to see the contents ...
Kusalananda's user avatar
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1 answer

Auto page down / scrolling after a few seconds using more, less, or something similar

When using more or less, the output is paused at the end of each page. Is there some way to have it pause only for a few seconds (configurable or not), and then continue to the next page? Is there ...
entonio's user avatar
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1 answer

Make `less` exit after last page or `more` interpret colors

In a script, I’m doing a git diff that I want to quickly page through. When I’m finished, the pager will exit and the script will continue. more is great for the task, because I can space through it ...
user137369's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

navigating forward in more pager using f

It is given in the man page of more that f is used to skip forward k screenful of text(default to 1).I saved a very long file using cat and used more to show it on the screen page by page but when i ...
LocalHost's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Unable to search a string using more pager

I opened a file using the more pager,i was trying to find a string in this file using / as shown in the figure below,but it is saying that pattern not found even though the string i have searched is ...
LocalHost's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to change pager key bindings

I'd like to swap RETURN (scroll forward N lines, default one window) and SPACE (scroll forward N lines, default 1) in less to get a for me more natural way to page through man pages. I saw years ...
1.61803's user avatar
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Using more command

Is there any case or reason to use "more" unix command instead of "less". As far as I see "less" is "better" in all senses, so does it mean that "more" is a command which has no reason to be used when ...
Sergey's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Which systems have 'pager' shortcut/alias?

On a Debian system, one can type pager in order to use whatever pager program happens to be default/available. By default, less is used, and if not available, the lesser more gets to do the job. Is ...
tshepang's user avatar
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