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3 answers

open man (or info) pages from the same position where you left off last time

I treat man pages is the primary source of documentation about installed software. I would like to use them not only as a reference, but actually read them from beginning to end. And here comes the ...
Sergey Guzenkov's user avatar
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Bashrc not loading when running manpager

I have found issues with using the MANPAGER variable in bash in order to set vim to be my manpager. Initially I set my manpager using the method shown in :help manpager by doing: export MANPAGER="...
kabeersvohra's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

man pages no longer rendering - lots of "permission denied" errors related to pager / vimpager

For reasons I can't determine, within the last two days the "man" command stopped working on my linux server (Ubuntu 18.04). When attempting to run man <anything> I end up at a blank instance ...
ljwobker's user avatar
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23 votes
7 answers

How to scroll large datafile while keeping header

Suppose I have some large datafile, which overflow the screen in both vertical and horizontal direction. How can I browse this file, while the header-lines stay on the screen? For the moment, I am ...
Bernhard's user avatar
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92 votes
5 answers

How to make Vim display colors as indicated by color codes?

In short, I'm in an effort to replace less with vim (vimpager). I have settings for scripts to spit out colors (and bold and everything nice) whenever they can. less understands the color codes and ...
phunehehe's user avatar
  • 20.4k
3 votes
1 answer

`man ascii` is misaligned when using vim as a pager

To use Vim as a pager for man I have export MANPAGER="/usr/share/vim/vim73/macros/" in my profile. Now man pages look very good with colors and stuff. However, when trying man ascii as a ...
phunehehe's user avatar
  • 20.4k