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Associada à tentativa de massificação das tecnologias nas escolas, surge uma geração digital com elevados índices de literacia tecnológica, o que nem sempre se traduz em literacia digital, nem em literacia da informação. Pedem-se novos... more
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      ICT in EducationTecnologia, Educacao, Educacao a DistanciaTICs aplicadas a la EducacionTecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TIC) na Educação
A oferta formativa, em regime de e-learning, por parte das instituições ligadas ao ensino e à formação, requer um conjunto de instrumentos que, no mesmo ambiente (online), possibilitem uma avaliação sistémica deste serviço. Neste... more
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      Instructional DesignTIC, Elearning, Web 2.0Avaliação de DesempenhoLearning Technology, Collective Intelligence, Cognitive UI and product development, NLP, Knowledge Management, Learning Intelligence, Instructional Design and Technologies, eLearning and AI
As escolas são inevitavelmente pautadas por lideranças supervisoras e convém que sejam lideranças inteligentes. Urge tomar consciência da essência emocionalmente inteligente que o Supervisor Pedagógico (SP) deve evidenciar e cultivar na... more
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      Supervisão pedagógicaInteligencia EmocionalLiderançaLiderança Educacional
The methodology applied in the classroom and consequently the successful learning is a constant concern and a focus of attention. This concern arises during the exhaustive search for more and better means to strengthen these two... more
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      Elearning and Distance Learning EductaionLearning Technology, Collective Intelligence, Cognitive UI and product development, NLP, Knowledge Management, Learning Intelligence, Instructional Design and Technologies, eLearning and AI
A multimédia tem sido amplamente utilizada em diferentes domínios de aplicação. O sucesso da multimédia deve-se a diferentes razões que vão desde a sua multimodalidade ao seu aspeto lúdico. Diferentes estudos e teorias têm emergido com o... more
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      Realidade VirtualEducaçãoCulturaRealidade Aumentada
The methodology applied in the classroom and consequently the successful learning is a constant concern and a focus of attention. This concern arises during the exhaustive search for more and better means to strengthen these two elements:... more
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      Learning Technology, Collective Intelligence, Cognitive UI and product development, NLP, Knowledge Management, Learning Intelligence, Instructional Design and Technologies, eLearning and AIElearning
O crescimento da oferta formativa em regime de e-learning não tem sido acompanhado pela evolução de instrumentos que possibilitem uma avaliação sistémica deste serviço. O desenvolvimento de um instrumento que auxilie a avaliação desta... more
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      Mobile learning and eLearningElearning and Distance Learning EductaionElearning PracticeTIC, Elearning, Web 2.0
This paper presents a study developed from latent corpus on the Internet regarding a discourse analysis of the Portuguese government leaders between 2007 and 2014, regarding the Portuguese strategic vision with regard to the policies of... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationICT in Education
O conjunto de textos que agora se apresenta ao leitor, sob a forma e e-book, resulta de um colóquio (O Literatic, I Congresso de Literatura Infantojuvenil e Novas Tecnologias, realizado no auditório do Parque de Exposições de Braga nos... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationICT in Education
Contextos de aplicabilidade de conceitos de e-learning ao ensino presencial.
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      EducationICT in EducationEducaçãoTICs aplicadas a la Educacion
As novas tecnologias aplicadas aos contextos de promoção da leitura e das literacias críticas.
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      EducationTeacher EducationICT in EducationGestion del conocimiento / web semantica / Gestion de Informacion hidrica / TIC
Suportes e cenários de leitura - uma perspetiva crítica.
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      EducationEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationICT in Education
The speedy and frantic rhythm linked to a more selfish and demanding society, distant from the humanism of pre-industrial era, which has definitely disappeared, doesn’t allow man to arrange his time in the same manner. The demands of the... more
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This paper is the result of a study which sought to understand the relationship between the participation in the discussion forums of the formative activities of a curricular unit, part of a higher education course taught under elearning,... more
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This article is the outcome of a study conducted with five classes of a curricular unit of an in-service teachers’ training course, which was taught as an e-learning course in a university, with which we intended to understand the levels... more
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Abstract: The information and communication technologies, as the modern alchemy, are present in all human activity, so it would be very strange if they were not also present in education. The Portuguese legislation sets as compulsory some... more
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Abstract: In the eve of the century, no one questions the presence of new information and communication technologies in schools, but rather the way they are used, particularly in the classroom, for teaching-learning purposes. This article... more
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Nowadays, when no longer the entrance of computers in schools is questioned, there are still many doubts about how they’re used in pedagogical context and if they are in fact used. ICTs can play a significant role in changing teachers’... more
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      TICFormação De ProfessoresAvaliaçãoCurrículo
After the long period of abstinence from information and communication technologies by Portuguese teachers, and a multitude of academic debates on the interest of their use at, and for the school, it finally seems possible to target... more
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      TICFormação De ProfessoresAvaliaçãoCurrículo
No final desta segunda década do século XXI, mais do que questionar a entrada das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) na escola, questiona-se como deve a escola fazer a sua apropriação e utilização. E, é neste domínio que as... more
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