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The article focuses on the pronunciation of English place names that appear in Slovenian in a (semi-)citation form. By using reference manuals (Slovenski pravopis and Govorni pomočnik) and analysing language use (audio/video recordings of... more
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      OrthographyPronunciationToponymsPlace Names
The paper presents an experimental study on the perception of the General British monophthongs that was conducted in three stages in 2014–2018. The vowels observed are studied by (i) comparing the vowel systems of General British and... more
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      EnglishTeaching English As A Foreign LanguagePhonetics and PhonologySlovenian
V članku poskušava izpostaviti nekatera vprašanja, ki se odpirajo pri pravopisnem pravilu o pisnem krajšanju angleških lastnih imen z nemim -e na koncu osnove (Slovenski pravopis 2001, § 772). Prispevek pokaže, da obravnavano pravopisno... more
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      EnglishOrthographyCorpus AnalysisSlovenian
The idea for the present volume grew out of a very successful series of summer schools bringing together students and staff from five different countries under the auspices of the Erasmus Intensive Programme “Cultural Landscapes:... more
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      GeographyIntercultural CommunicationErasmusNegotiation
Adopting Weir’s (2005) socio-cognitive validation framework, the present paper focuses on the syntactic and lexical complexity of listening comprehension subtests in three B2-level examinations: The City Guilds international examination... more
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      PsychologyLinguisticsTest ValiditySyntactic Complexity
Introduction to the special issue of ELOPE (Vol. 16, No. 1): The Sounds of English (eds. Ivo Fabijanić and Andrej Stopar).
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      English languageEnglish Phonetics and PhonologyEnglish language and linguistics
Prispevek je osredinjen na izražanje izvzemalnosti v podredno zloženih povedih s po-udarkom na odvisnikih, ki jih uvaja razen v kombinaciji z vezniki, tj. razen če, razen ko, razen kadar, razen kjer, razen kamor... more
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      SyntaxCross Linguistic StudiesNegationExceptive constructions
Foreword to Linguistica Vol. 57 (2017), a special issue of the journal dedicated to Rastislav Šuštaršič.
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      Phonetics and PhonologyLinguisticaForeword
An introduction to the monograph Exploring English by Means of Contrast.
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      EnglishContrastive AnalysisEnglish language and linguisticsSouth Slavic Languages
The present monograph contains a collection of contrastive, cross-linguistic studies of South Slavic languages and English. The contributions reflect many developments in linguistic research. One of the aims of the volume is to continue... more
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      English languageContrastive AnalysisEnglish language and linguisticsSouth Slavic Languages
The paper presents a study on the perception of four General British (GB) vowels – the DRESS-vowel /e/, the TRAP-vowel /ae/, the STRUT-vowel /ʌ/ and the NURSE-vowel /ɜ:/ – by 101 Slovenian university students of English as a Foreign... more
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      Phonetics and PhonologyVowelsVowel PerceptionEnglish vowels
Languages: An Introduction of the similarly titled workshop at the 9 th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English that took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 2022. The papers presented at the conference... more
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      ArtPaintingVisual ArtsState Russian Museum
The novels The Wood Beyond the World (1894) and The Well at the World's End (1896) by William Morris are considered the formative works of the type of literature which has been labelled high fantasy. The latter is one of the commercially... more
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The article examines the process of teaching English for specific purposes at the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Maribor, Slovenia using coursebooks and authentic supplementary materials. The survey has shown that the students of... more
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This article examines the phenomenon of the latest niche trend that has emerged in the Tourism industry and represents a great part of one destination's economy. It runs under several names, such as Film-induced Tourism, Screen Tourism,... more
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This article is focused on the language of tourism as a means of economic potential. Language in tourism, especially language of promotional texts, motivates and attracts tourists to visit a certain destination, and, consequently, makes... more
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