Papers by Monika Šavelová
Itinerari danteschi nelle culture slave, 2022
The aim of the paper is to outline the main developments in research, translation and reception o... more The aim of the paper is to outline the main developments in research, translation and reception of Dante's work in Slovakia after 1989. The period in question is particularly significant for the overall evaluation of the translation and reception of Dante's work from the 19th century and for the basis of the comparative translation and literary research of the last decade, including new translations.
Mladá veda - Young Science, 2022
The aim of this article is to present to a Slovak reader the hitherto unpublished work of the plu... more The aim of this article is to present to a Slovak reader the hitherto unpublished work of the plurilingual author Jhumpa Lahiri, concentrating on her first book written in Italian In altre parole (2015), a work on the border of travel and migrant literature reflecting on values such as language, culture and identity in their mutual comparison. The themes that the author brings are viewed through the prism of personal search for one’s place in the world. Thinking about this dimension of being is increasingly relevant in the modern, multicultural world due to the widespread migratory movement of the population and its possible inclusion.
Cieľom tohto článku je predstaviť slovenskému čitateľovi u nás doposiaľ nepublikovanú tvorbu plurilingválnej autorky Jhumpy Lahiriovej, koncentrujúc sa na jej prvú taliansky napísanú knihu In altre parole (2015), dielo na pomedzí cestopisnej a prisťahovaleckej literatúry reflektujúce hodnoty, ako sú jazyk, kultúra a identita v ich vzájomnom usúvzťažnení. Témy, ktoré autorka prináša, sú nahliadané cez prizmu osobnostného hľadania vlastného miesta vo svete, pričom uvažovanie o tomto rozmere bytia je v modernom, multikultúrnom svete stále aktuálnejšie aj vzhľadom na rozšírený migračný pohyb obyvateľstva a jeho prípadnú následnú inklúziu.
The Figurativeness of the Language of Mystical Experience, 2021
This paper explores the figurativeness of the language of the mystical experiences in the texts o... more This paper explores the figurativeness of the language of the mystical experiences in the texts of Angela of Foligno through the prism of literary interpretation and analysis. The aim of this article is to define the main signs and specificities of Angela's narration. The reflection on this theme also includes the research of possible similarities with other Christian mystical witnesses (Catherine of Siena, Teresa of Ávila, John of the Cross).
Recenzovaný sborník příspěvků mezinárodní vědecké konference MMK (MEZINÁRODNÍ MASARYKOVA KONFERENCE PRO DOKTORANDY A MLADÉ VĚDECKÉ PRACOVNÍKY), 2021
The conference paper focuses on the development of the travel literary genre and its motifs in th... more The conference paper focuses on the development of the travel literary genre and its motifs in the period from the 19 th century to the present, while the interpretation is defined only by the development of prose travelogues. The paper includes the transformation in the poetics of travelogues and their connection with social and technical changes in society as well as with the position and role of travel in a given historical period. In this article, we outline the development of the poetics of texts from the Enlightenment, through picturesque travelogues, pragmatically oriented travel guides, ethnographically tuned scientific texts, to postmodern and contemporary multi-genre works and modern travel blogs.
The paper focuses on the background to the cultural and literary reception in modern European soc... more The paper focuses on the background to the cultural and literary reception in modern European societies which was, because of common aesthetic and ideological roots, formed by idealist thinking, later modified by phenomenological reduction, prepared to receive some of the literary production of Dino Campana. Even if interpreted as a precursor of the Italian literary avant-garde almost immediately, aiming to actualize the national literature and culture within the modernist European frame, Campana's reception was highly ambiguous as regards the critical evaluation of his poetry. The perception of his orphic and impressionist poetic work was conditioned by the lack of critical interpretations even in the Italian ambience, but the legend of the poet's personality gained him a place in every cultural panorama. The article also centres on Campana's journey to Argentina and Uruguay and on the topic of the memory of South American natural and cultural phenomena, which Campana transformed into poetic images in his most discussed texts of Canti Orfici. The legacy of the inner experience of some South American geographical places and cultural contexts is transformed into a poetic image of a mythic illusory South, discussed in terms of its motifs and poetic contents. It is assumed that Campana's poetry, by motifs legated to the South American ambience, is an exquisite example of the transformation of the memory in the mythopoietic process, where both the conscious work on expression and unconscious psychic conditions of the author are reflected in a poetry which is considered unique and inimitable within the early 1910s.
Studia Historica Nitriensia, 2021
Isabella d’Este (May 17, 1474 in Ferrara, Italy – February 13, 1539 in Mantua, Italy) was an impo... more Isabella d’Este (May 17, 1474 in Ferrara, Italy – February 13, 1539 in Mantua, Italy) was an important female protagonist of the Italian Renaissance, often referred as the “Lady of the Renaissance”, “Daughter of Humanism”, “the First World Lady”. This study aims to bring closer the ruler who influenced (especially Italian) history in diplomacy and politics, but was also a major figure in the collection of art and patronage of authors such as Titian, Leonardo da Vinci, Raffaello Sanzio and others. The study reflects the period context and at the same time looks at the importance of the Renaissance female intellectual through the prism of her personal and public correspondence available in the Italian state archives (Mantova, Ferrara, etc.), pointing to the growing importance and interest in digitized authentic materials.
Studi italo - slovacchi 2/2020, 2020
This paper aims to analyse and interpret a letter by Catherine of Siena sent to her confessor Rai... more This paper aims to analyse and interpret a letter by Catherine of Siena sent to her confessor Raimondo of Capua about the last moments of a convict who was beheaded in the context of the literary-semantic characteristics of mystical works, this article is concerned with. The author treats the mystical vision in accordance with the traditional features of mysticism, but she also presents a unique authorial poetics, which is characterized by natural imagery and appellation.
Literatura y conflicto, 2017
Lo studio della letteratura italiana delle origini, che si sviluppò sul sostrato della cultura e ... more Lo studio della letteratura italiana delle origini, che si sviluppò sul sostrato della cultura e filosofia araba e altresì di quella europea occidentale, richiede un'indagine parallela dal punto di vista filosofico e letterario, come richiesto dal reciproco intrecciarsi (o sovrapporsi) di due culture fino alla loro amalgamazione. Tale unirsi o mescolarsi di culture e delle loro rilevanti biblioteche (o enciclopedie) implica la necessità di una ricerca, analisi e interpretazione della corrispondenza delle espressioni, delle nozioni e dei termini presenti nelle diverse opere letterarie e filosofiche. In realtà, la rappresentazione della dottrina aristotelica e averroistica nelle opere letterarie viene differentemente celata (da allegorie, figure, simboli o dissimulazioni) affinché non provochi un conflitto ancora più grave tra la filosofia e la chiesa (la fede romano-cristiana) che, come sappiamo dalla storia, spesso dall'ambito puramente intellettuale passava ad investire direttamente le storie personali, le esistenze che potevano finire, in casi 38 estremi, sul rogo (basta pensare a Giordano Bruno).
Las fronteras de la traducción, 2019
Duchovná cesta a jej podoby v literatúre, 2015
The aim of this paper is to highlight the perception of the category of joy in Laudes Creaturarum... more The aim of this paper is to highlight the perception of the category of joy in Laudes Creaturarum, Dante’s work, especially in the fifth canto of Inferno, the story of sad sinners suffering in the river of Styx, and other Italian medieval monastic literature well known by Italian author, as he used almost the same classification in various parts of the Divine Comedy. The paper will compare the artistic representation of joy in these works with the perception of the category of joy in the non-artistic systematic works by his contemporaries Domenico Cavalca and Guillaume Peyraut to demonstrate the changes in the perception of Christianity in the Middle Ages.
The aim of this article is to highlight the category of joy in the faith, which has changed over ... more The aim of this article is to highlight the category of joy in the faith, which has changed over the centuries from the initial spontaneous, unprompted joy of the availability of souls’ salvation to joy as an evidence of repentance, what we can see in particular Dante’s sad sinners in the fifth circle. Dante does not believe that people could feel the joy spontaneously and therefore establishes the need to rejoice as a command, which defaulting he punishes by putting them to hell: it is a punishment of lack of joy and therefore sorrow, and acedia. Dante’s sad sinners are considered mentally ill, who are unable to rejoice and that is why they are more reprehensible. He places them in the mud of Styx to analogously punish their memory. As they were sad in a pleasant atmosphere during their lives, now they are sad in the black mud. Concept of acedia is found in several works of contemporary authors of religious literature, but its translation has multiple meanings. It may be a reluctance but also somber, oppressive sadness, a particular kind of melancholy and bitterness, in which a human becomes not only a passive and careless about any spiritual value but he also feels a repulsion to these values, his inside is full of anger and this could finally ends up in complete stupor.
Book Reviews by Monika Šavelová
Recensione: Incroci – semestrale di letteratura e altre scritture, anno XVI, numero 32, luglio ‑d... more Recensione: Incroci – semestrale di letteratura e altre scritture, anno XVI, numero 32, luglio ‑dicembre duemilaquindici
Books by Monika Šavelová
Dalle origini a Petrarca: commento e traduzione dei testi scelti, 2021
estratto della pubblicazione dedicato alla traduzione letteraria e alle traduzioni slovacche dell... more estratto della pubblicazione dedicato alla traduzione letteraria e alle traduzioni slovacche della letteratura italiana delle origini
Revealing Dante´s secret intellectual biography
Conference Presentations by Monika Šavelová
Papers by Monika Šavelová
Cieľom tohto článku je predstaviť slovenskému čitateľovi u nás doposiaľ nepublikovanú tvorbu plurilingválnej autorky Jhumpy Lahiriovej, koncentrujúc sa na jej prvú taliansky napísanú knihu In altre parole (2015), dielo na pomedzí cestopisnej a prisťahovaleckej literatúry reflektujúce hodnoty, ako sú jazyk, kultúra a identita v ich vzájomnom usúvzťažnení. Témy, ktoré autorka prináša, sú nahliadané cez prizmu osobnostného hľadania vlastného miesta vo svete, pričom uvažovanie o tomto rozmere bytia je v modernom, multikultúrnom svete stále aktuálnejšie aj vzhľadom na rozšírený migračný pohyb obyvateľstva a jeho prípadnú následnú inklúziu.
Book Reviews by Monika Šavelová
Books by Monika Šavelová
Conference Presentations by Monika Šavelová
Cieľom tohto článku je predstaviť slovenskému čitateľovi u nás doposiaľ nepublikovanú tvorbu plurilingválnej autorky Jhumpy Lahiriovej, koncentrujúc sa na jej prvú taliansky napísanú knihu In altre parole (2015), dielo na pomedzí cestopisnej a prisťahovaleckej literatúry reflektujúce hodnoty, ako sú jazyk, kultúra a identita v ich vzájomnom usúvzťažnení. Témy, ktoré autorka prináša, sú nahliadané cez prizmu osobnostného hľadania vlastného miesta vo svete, pričom uvažovanie o tomto rozmere bytia je v modernom, multikultúrnom svete stále aktuálnejšie aj vzhľadom na rozšírený migračný pohyb obyvateľstva a jeho prípadnú následnú inklúziu.