Fabiano Gritti
I’m currently Associated Professor at the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, where in the 2014 I earned the habilitation in italian literature.
My research interests actually are mainly on the literary avantgarde of the twentieth century, the relationship between literature and society, and the problem of the meaning and role of literature in the contemporary age. The latter was the main theme of my dissertation work, which considered the period between the end of the forties and the late sixties, times of radical changes in Italian society and consequently also in the culture and literature, when some important proposals for the renewal of literature and the redefinition of its autonomy were highlighted. My habilitation work compares the different reactions of the Pasolini’s sperimentalism and the Spatola’s para-surrealism to that part of the neo-avantgarde, exemplified by the Sanguineti’s poem Laborintus, characterized by an extreme iconoclasm and the identification of ideology and literature, which was viewed as a threat that would lead to the loss of autonomy of literature, making it insignificant.
I am profoundly convinced that the study of literature in the field of Italian studies can have huge importance and effectiveness, if approached in an interdisciplinary way and proposed to the students as a privileged instrument to achieve a deep understanding of Italian culture in different periods. My teaching philosophy is to find a compromise between lecture-style instruction and a more open learning approach, depending on the difficulty level of the course and the preparation level of the students.
My research interests actually are mainly on the literary avantgarde of the twentieth century, the relationship between literature and society, and the problem of the meaning and role of literature in the contemporary age. The latter was the main theme of my dissertation work, which considered the period between the end of the forties and the late sixties, times of radical changes in Italian society and consequently also in the culture and literature, when some important proposals for the renewal of literature and the redefinition of its autonomy were highlighted. My habilitation work compares the different reactions of the Pasolini’s sperimentalism and the Spatola’s para-surrealism to that part of the neo-avantgarde, exemplified by the Sanguineti’s poem Laborintus, characterized by an extreme iconoclasm and the identification of ideology and literature, which was viewed as a threat that would lead to the loss of autonomy of literature, making it insignificant.
I am profoundly convinced that the study of literature in the field of Italian studies can have huge importance and effectiveness, if approached in an interdisciplinary way and proposed to the students as a privileged instrument to achieve a deep understanding of Italian culture in different periods. My teaching philosophy is to find a compromise between lecture-style instruction and a more open learning approach, depending on the difficulty level of the course and the preparation level of the students.
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Papers by Fabiano Gritti
notably the last collection published when he was still alive – the Final Chants. In
his very long work or religious poet, liturgist, and essayist, he treated a number of
topics, incl. social themes and current aQairs. In his last phase of his poetic, he doesn’t
speak to the society, to the poor, and to marginalised people like in the past, but he
addresses God directly – by forming an intense dialogue with the Absolute. In this
poetical and mystical dialogue, he interrogates God about the most impenetrable
mysteries for human understanding. ese mysteries overwhelmed theologians and
mystics of all times. Here, we shall focus notably on the topic of God being far from
His creation – which is manifested through the divine silence. God seems not to hear
the invocations of the faithful; it looks as though He doesn’t care about the problem
of suQering (especially of the weakest persons) that remains apparently unrelieved by
divine intervention. We shall present some meaningful short examples of such deep
and complex issues, in order to introduce the reader to the knowledge of the peculiar
Turoldian approach, by providing a possible interpretative key.
of the Cartesian anthropocentrism, through the Western Christian mysticism, to which these thinkers refer constantly, beginning with St. Catherine of Siena and St. Teresa of Avila.
Zmysel ľudského utrpenia v poézii Maria Luziho in: Magda Kučerková (ed.): Duchovná cesta a jej podoby v literatúre. Univerzita Konštantína filozofa, Nitra: 2015. s. 208-214
essence of the universe knowable by intuition. The paper shows how at this stage of his poetic and spiritual search he was inspired by French symbolism, especially by the works of Mallarmé and Rimbaud. Luzi did not simply imitate the symbolist parterns. He reinterpreted them in terms of his faith. The article also offers a brief preview of the later stages of Luzi's poetic thinking which becomes more restless, less intellectual, looking for a link between being and becoming, time and eternity, in order to alleviate the apparently absurd human condition.
The change in the hierarchy of values in the rapidly growing Italian society during the post-war industrialization, in the thought of Pier Paolo Pasolini
The purpose of this article is to help to overcome the simplified and often misleading conception of Pier Paolo Pasolini, known in Slovakia as his director, whose cinema and personal life were often accompanied by scandals. Therefore, at least in part, the attention is focused on Pasolini’s literary work and presents some important concepts of his poetry and his theoretical thinking, for the full understanding of his artistic work. The article shows the author’s reaction to the perceived disintegration of the moral values in the post-war Italian society and its leveling towards a new materialist and consumerist middle class, and sees the hope of a revival of the society through the archetypes of the proletarian community and the his primary language.
Conference Presentations by Fabiano Gritti
Faculty of Arts of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Books by Fabiano Gritti
notably the last collection published when he was still alive – the Final Chants. In
his very long work or religious poet, liturgist, and essayist, he treated a number of
topics, incl. social themes and current aQairs. In his last phase of his poetic, he doesn’t
speak to the society, to the poor, and to marginalised people like in the past, but he
addresses God directly – by forming an intense dialogue with the Absolute. In this
poetical and mystical dialogue, he interrogates God about the most impenetrable
mysteries for human understanding. ese mysteries overwhelmed theologians and
mystics of all times. Here, we shall focus notably on the topic of God being far from
His creation – which is manifested through the divine silence. God seems not to hear
the invocations of the faithful; it looks as though He doesn’t care about the problem
of suQering (especially of the weakest persons) that remains apparently unrelieved by
divine intervention. We shall present some meaningful short examples of such deep
and complex issues, in order to introduce the reader to the knowledge of the peculiar
Turoldian approach, by providing a possible interpretative key.
of the Cartesian anthropocentrism, through the Western Christian mysticism, to which these thinkers refer constantly, beginning with St. Catherine of Siena and St. Teresa of Avila.
Zmysel ľudského utrpenia v poézii Maria Luziho in: Magda Kučerková (ed.): Duchovná cesta a jej podoby v literatúre. Univerzita Konštantína filozofa, Nitra: 2015. s. 208-214
essence of the universe knowable by intuition. The paper shows how at this stage of his poetic and spiritual search he was inspired by French symbolism, especially by the works of Mallarmé and Rimbaud. Luzi did not simply imitate the symbolist parterns. He reinterpreted them in terms of his faith. The article also offers a brief preview of the later stages of Luzi's poetic thinking which becomes more restless, less intellectual, looking for a link between being and becoming, time and eternity, in order to alleviate the apparently absurd human condition.
The change in the hierarchy of values in the rapidly growing Italian society during the post-war industrialization, in the thought of Pier Paolo Pasolini
The purpose of this article is to help to overcome the simplified and often misleading conception of Pier Paolo Pasolini, known in Slovakia as his director, whose cinema and personal life were often accompanied by scandals. Therefore, at least in part, the attention is focused on Pasolini’s literary work and presents some important concepts of his poetry and his theoretical thinking, for the full understanding of his artistic work. The article shows the author’s reaction to the perceived disintegration of the moral values in the post-war Italian society and its leveling towards a new materialist and consumerist middle class, and sees the hope of a revival of the society through the archetypes of the proletarian community and the his primary language.
Faculty of Arts of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra