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Stosunki miêdzy ludnoci¹ ¿ydowsk¹ a duchowieñstwem katolickim to temat posiadaj¹cy ju¿ rozleg³¹ literaturê. Bogactwo ilociowe nie zawsze idzie jednak w parze z wszechstronnoci¹ ujêcia z³o¿onych prze-cie¿ zagadnieñ. Najbardziej eksponowane... more
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“Funeral Labours” of the Sandomierz Franciscans-the Reformati in Early Modern Times Summary The article presents burials of those who chose their graves at the churchyard or in the vaults of the Sandomierz Franciscans’ church. The... more
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      Early Modern HistoryChurch History
Jan Długosz and the so-called Gentry’s Anticlericalism in Seventeenth-century Poland The paper discusses the role of the Liber beneficiorum ecclesiae Cracoviensis by Jan Długosz (ca. 1470-80) in the seventeenth-century debates over... more
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      Economic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryChurch History
The article discusses how the authors of sixteenth-century Polish Catholic and Evangelical catechisms perceived and analysed the notion of " the Church ". Following the Tridentine programme, the Catholic authors present their Church as... more
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      ReligionEarly Modern HistoryHistory of the Reformation
The article discusses three registers of funeral expenditures that were presented to the urban authorities of Cracow in the 1650s. Unlike last wills and testaments, 16th-17th-century sources documenting the costs of burial and other... more
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      Early Modern HistoryUrban HistoryFuneral RitesLast Wills and Testaments
The paper discusses the documentation left by rev. Albert Chotelski (1556-1616), a canon of Wiślica chapter and rector at the nearby parish of Dobrowoda in the diocese of Cracow). Chotelski was born to a peasant family in the district of... more
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      Early Modern HistoryRenaissanceChurch History
Stanisław Murmelius began his career as a typographer in Cracow in the 1540s. What remains an open question, however, is his putative familial relation to the Dutch scholar and lexicographer Jan from Roermond. In 1558, Mikołaj “The Black”... more
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      Early Modern HistoryBook HistoryRenaissanceReformation Studies
The importance of the Scottish diaspora in Old Polish society The turn of the 1980s can be regarded as an important temporal caesura in investigating the Scottish diaspora in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This is when publications... more
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      Early Modern HistoryScottish HistoryEmigration ResearchHistory of Poland-Lithuania
Marital Problems in the Diocese of Cracow: Three Court Cases from the Mid-seventeenth Century Summary The article discusses three marital cases from the Cracow diocese that were heard by the Ordinary, bishop Piotr Gembicki (1642-1657).... more
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation StudiesReligion and Popular Culture
Artykuł recenzyjny
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      Cultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryChurch HistoryPolish british Relations
The chapter outlines the development of the Reformation in Cracow from its early days through to the beginning of the 17th century.
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation HistoryCracowCounter-Reformation
So, Why Should One Weed? Wacław Potocki about Sermonizing of His Times Wacław Potocki (1621-1696) was the most prolific and outstanding poet of Baroque Poland. Born to a gentry Socinian family, in 1663 he chose conversion to Catholicism... more
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      Early Modern HistoryChurch HistoryCounter-ReformationEarly modern Poland
Baptism as Initiation to the Life in the Church and Parental Responsibility for Religious Education of Children in Light of Polish Catechetical and Liturgical Manuals of the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century The main sources... more
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation HistoryEvangelical Ecclesiologyhistory of Poland
The Soldier’s Wellness and Illness during the Second Northern War as Presented in the Diary of Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries The Scots Patrick Gordon was born in 1635 to an impoverished noble family in Aberdeenshire. In 1651, he... more
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      Scottish DiasporaHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHistory of Medicine in Medieval and Early Modern EuropeEarly Modern Military History
People of the Corpus Christi Parish in Kazimierz, Cracow, According to the Poll-Tax Register of 1662: Family and Homestead The town of Kazimierz, a Cracow municipality, suffered heavy damage during the Second Northern War. The... more
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    • Early Modern Poland-Lithuania
The Cracow Bishop Martin Szyszkowski and Consequences of the 1620s Pestilence The chapter discusses some social and legal consequences the survivors of the 1620s pestilence in Little Poland had to face in the aftermath of that natural... more
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      Canon LawEarly Modern HistoryUrban HistoryHistory of Plague
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      Reformation HistoryEarly Modern Central EuropeEarly modern PolandCounterreformation
A Model of Christian Behaviour in the Light of Two Polemical Pamphlets from the Mid-Sixteenth Century Summary The chapter examines the prints Rozmowa nowa niektorego pielgrzyma z gospodarzem (A New Discourse Betwixt a Pilgrim and the... more
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation StudiesHistory of the ReformationCounter-Reformation
CRAFTSMEN IN THE TOWN OF PIŃCZÓW IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY The private town of Pińczów, ca. 80 kilometres north of Cracow, was a leading centre of the Reformation in Lesser Poland from 1550 to the late 1580s. The new... more
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      Early Modern HistoryUrban HistoryEarly Modern Artisans and Trading CommunitiesEarly Modern Poland-Lithuania
De mortuis nil nisi vere. The Chalmers, Cracow Townspeople and Evangelicals in the Eyes of Rev. Daniel Kałay On 21 October, 1664 Rev. Daniel Kałay, the minister of the Reformed-Evangelical congregation at Wiatowice near Cracow, had a... more
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      Scottish DiasporaEvangelical TheologyEarly Modern Funeral SermonsEarly Modern City