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The relationship between father and son in the early modern period has been conceptualised exclusively in terms of submission of the latter to the authority of the former and as implying a one-way flow of obligations and resources running... more
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      Early Modern HistoryEarly Modern ItalyFatherhoodEarly Modern Artisans and Trading Communities
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      Archaeology of Personal AdornmentDress and Personal Adornment (Archaeology)Burial Practices (Archaeology)Consumption and Material Culture
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      Habsburg StudiesMaterial CultureEarly modern SpainSpanish Golden Age
Abstract | Presentation made by the editor-director an the guest editors for issue 35. This article deals with the relations between craftwork, material culture and religious devotion in the Nuevo Reino de Granada; explains and defines... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesSpanish History
En svensk verkstad för utländska lyxvaror De kungliga pärlstickarna vid Gustav I:s hov 1523-1560 cecilia candréUs Uppsala universitet En europeisk renässansfurste förväntades kunna mäta sig med sina jämlikar. Genom stora satsningar på... more
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      History of EmbroideryEarly Modern Artisans and Trading Communities
The apothecary occupied a liminal position in early modern society between profit and healing. Finding ways to distance their public image from trade was a common problem for apothecaries across Europe. This article uses the case of a... more
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      History of MedicineSocial History of MedicineCraft GuildsEconomic History Guilds, Trade, Taxes
CRAFTSMEN IN THE TOWN OF PIŃCZÓW IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY The private town of Pińczów, ca. 80 kilometres north of Cracow, was a leading centre of the Reformation in Lesser Poland from 1550 to the late 1580s. The new... more
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      Early Modern HistoryUrban HistoryEarly Modern Artisans and Trading CommunitiesEarly Modern Poland-Lithuania
Martin Altman (also known as Martin Alteman and Martín Alemán) (1530-1600?) was a prominent clockmaker and engineer to the Hapsburgs, including Emperor Ferdinand I and King Philip II of Spain. Despite of his connections with the most... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyEarly Modern HistoryHistory of TechnologyHistory Of Technology (Technology)
"Avec des contributions de N. Schlanger, F. Bon, O. Weller, M. Sternberg, L. Astruc, G. Ledosseur, S. Rostain, O. Langlois, N. Provenzano, Ch. Arnaud, B. Quilliec, C. Breniquet, G. Charloux, C. Michel, H. Procopiou, P. Brun, A. Averbouh,... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArtisanal and Small-scale MiningEarly Modern Artisans and Trading Communities
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      Material CultureGoldsmithsItalian RenaissanceCraft Guilds in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
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      Consumer Behavior18th Century FranceArts and CraftsHouse of Bourbon
A la luz de las primeras páginas del libro El artesano de Richard Sennet (Anagrama, 2013) evoco memorias de la labor de mi hermano Roberto José Muñoz Alvarado (31 de agosto de 1949-26 de agosto de 2015).
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      Mechanical EngineeringLiteratureEarly Modern Artisans and Trading CommunitiesMechanical
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of TextilesFashion HistoryConsumption and Material Culture
Α Διεπιστημονικες προσεγγίσεις των τεχνικών της παραδοσιακής κοινωνίας. Η ιστορικότητα των τεχνικών α) Οι τεχνικές ως εργαλείο προσέγγισης της παραδοσιακής κοινωνίας Η ανάδειξη των τεχνικών ως αντανάκλασης οικονομικών και κοινωνικών δομών... more
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      Economic HistoryAnthropologyEarly Modern Artisans and Trading CommunitiesHistory of Artisans
... Engravers were in fact received into the Academie in their own category in 1655, as long as they did not wander into the domain ... of Intelligence": Leonardo's "Traite" and the Perspective Wars in the Academie... more
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      PrintsBaroque art and architecturePrints (Art History)Academies
Pénétrer dans les règles des métiers entre les XIIIe et XVIIIe siècles, c’est renouveler une historiographie qui les a trop souvent confondues avec le règlement intérieur des corporations. Dans le cadre d’un projet sur « Les formes de... more
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      Craft Guilds in Medieval and Early Modern EuropeCraft GuildsCorporationsTrades
RelacioNes pRotoiNdustRiales eN la pRoduccióN ceRáMica. MaNises y pateRNa eN la seguNda Mitad del siglo xv* aNtoNi llibReR escRig**
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval PotteryProtoindustrializationMedieval Craft Industry
Drawing first on the critical concept of 'influence' employed routinely by cultural historians, I examine the ways in which Beale's early personal and artistic development may have been informed by objects she saw. Second, I discuss the... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistoryCultural Studies
Maare Paloheimo & Merja Uotila JOHDANTO Suomalaisen elinkeinotoiminnan monipuolistumisen ja modernisoitumisen aikana on yleensä pidetty 1800-luvun loppupuolta, mutta toisinaan kehityksen on katsottu alkaneen vasta 1900-luvulla.... more
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      Administrative History19th Century (History)Legislative HistoryIndustrialisation
Libro: Solórzano, J. ; Arízaga, B.; Haemers, J. (eds.), Los grupos populares en la ciudad medieval europea, Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, 2014.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval urban historyMedieval Economic and Social History
Title: Artisans, Objects and Everyday Life in Renaissance Italy: The Material Culture of the Middling Class Author: Paula Hohti Erichsen Series: Visual & Material Culture, 1300-1700 Publisher: Amsterdam University Press Did ordinary... more
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      16th Century (History)Early Modern Material CultureItalian Renaissance ArtHistory of Middle Classes
En europeisk renässansfurste förväntades kunna mäta sig med sina jämlikar. Ge-nom stora satsningar på byggnation, inredning och dräkter som skulle samspela med ett ceremoniellt hovliv skapades bilden av en magnifik regent. Vid sitt... more
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      History of EmbroideryEarly Modern Artisans and Trading Communities
Peace strategies taken by Gandhi -aparigraha, samabhava and    - to provide a change perspective on the meaning of artisanal work: its ethics and complexity. Very quick thought, to develop further.
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      Fashion TheoryIndian studiesArtisan ProductionPeace Studies
Мирон Капраль. Люди корпорації: Львівський шев­ ський цех у XVII—XVIII ст. / Львівське відділення ІУАД ім. М. С. Грушевського НАН України.— Львів, 2012.— 552 с. + 16 іл.— (Львівські історичні праці. Дослідження. Вип. 5) В історії ремесел... more
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      History of LvivEarly Modern Artisans and Trading Communities
A write-up on the 23 May 2015 workshop History of Occupations and Occupations in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, convened at Istanbul Bilgi University.
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      Economic HistoryHistory of SlaveryTurkeyOttoman Empire
Fashion is the definitive guide to the evolution of costume and style. Tracing 3,000 years from the early draped fabrics of ancient times to today's catwalk sensations, this is your own personal fashion show through history.... more
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      HistoryPortraitsArt HistoryFashion design
Trust and credibility are key factors in any form of transaction, yet their influence on the Tibetan economy has rarely been acknowledged. Even less consideration has been given to the role played by Tibetan Buddhism and its institutions... more
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      Tibetan StudiesTibetTibetan BuddhismTibetan History
Libro: Solórzano, J. ; Arízaga, B.; Haemers, J. (eds.), Los grupos populares en la ciudad medieval europea, Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, 2014.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval urban historyMedieval Economic and Social History
El Centro de Historia Argentina y Americana (CHAyA) de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, invita a toda la comunidad académica al Ciclo de Lecturas en Diálogo, un espacio de discusión y debate, para socializar la producción... more
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      La construcción de la subjetividad: Identidad y CulturaLimpieza De Sangre"Conversos" in Medieval Iberia and Early Modern SpainIdentidades
Sébastien Le Clerc (1637–1714) was the most renowned engraver of Louis XIV's France. For the history of scientific publishing, however, Le Clerc represents a telling paradox. Even though he followed a traditional route based on classic... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern HistoryEarly Modern EuropeEarly Modern Literature
Esta comunicación pretende plantear un acercamiento historiográfico a un fenómeno social y antropológico que definió la Península Ibérica durante la Edad Moderna: el grupo de los judeoconversos y criptojudíos desempeñó un papel muy... more
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      Early Modern Portuguese HistoryHistory Portuguese and SpanishSocial HistoryEarly modern Spain
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    • Early Modern Artisans and Trading Communities
In 1688, the Bernese merchant Jean Felice filed for bankruptcy. Amongst his possessions, he listed an indienne night shirt with a brown flower print (valued at three talers) and several cotton handkerchiefs. Jean Felice was not unique.... more
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      Economic HistoryHistory of TextilesFashion HistoryConsumer Behavior
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      Economic HistoryOttoman-Habsburg relationsOttoman BalkansHabsburg History
Este trabajo analiza distintos episodios de protesta popular en Bogotá en la antesala de la Guerra civil de 1854. Además, explora múltiples indicios sobre la vida social bogotana a mediados de siglo, con énfasis en los artesanos.
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      ColombiaSocial HistorySiglo XIXHistoria De Colombia
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      Prints17th-Century StudiesBaroque art and architecturePrints (Art History)
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      Kinship and Family StudiesEarly Modern Artisans and Trading CommunitiesBarbers and SurgeonsHistory of Artisans
Call for Papers for an upcoming conference on the history of textiles in the early modern German-speaking world.  Deadline to apply is 30 June 2015. 

The attachment has the full summary (in German and English)
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      Economic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of Textiles
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      Consumers & ConsumptionHistory of TextilesFashion HistoryConsumer Behavior
This chapter provides two answers to the question: "What do households do?" First, their members participate in craft activities and second, the social composition of these craft households evolves and changes through time. One type of... more
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