University College Dublin
Women's Studies, School of Social Justice
In this article I explore how feminist postcolonial theories can help us to illuminate both the challenges and possibilities of instigating and maintaining a project founded on the notion of international feminist solidarity. Starting... more
Feminist postcolonial authors criticised the tendency of mainstream western feminism to represent 'third world' women as necessarily less emancipated than western women and to describe their cultural practices in an othering... more
Drawing on fieldwork carried out in 2012-2013, this article explores the dynamics of identity and otherness within selected women’s intercultural associations in Italy in the light of the following issue: how to acknowledge differences... more
«La neutralità non esiste», sostiene Laura Corradi, docente in Studi di genere e metodo intersezionale presso l’Università della Calabria: per questo nel lavoro sociale è necessario tenere conto delle differenze fondate sul genere, ma... more
La prof.ssa Marie Rose Moro è considerata l’attuale leader dell’etnopsicanalisi e della psichiatria transculturale in Francia. Il suo lavoro mostra l’importanza di una pratica psicoanalitica che includa diverse rappresentazioni del mondo... more
Drawing from an exploratory study carried out in Italy, this article analyses the phenomenon of Goddess spirituality, based on the re-interpretation or recreation of spiritu-ality centered on the worship of female divinities. The article... more
Migration, Masculinities and Reproductive Labour by Ester Gallo and Francesca Scrinzi sheds light on a phenomenon which is very little investigated in the literature on gender and migration, namely the involvement of migrant men in the... more
This article reflects on the process of the Multi-Country Study on the Drivers of Violence Affecting Children in Italy. We first provide an overview of how we worked with the data sets available and reflect on the gaps in the data... more
Il testo presenta un’analisi dell’esperienza delle associazioni interculturali di donne in Italia alla luce della critica al concetto di “sorellanza globale” operata dal femminismo postcoloniale. Attraverso un’analisi delle dinamiche di... more