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In this paper, we present an ontology-based system for managing emergency alert notifications. Our purpose is to generate emergency alerts that are accessible to different kinds of people, paying special attention to more vulnerable... more
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ABSTRACT The design of Emergency Management Systems is an activity that requires knowledge from various related domains for providing a more complete and usable solution. In this context, design patterns including knowledge from previous... more
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Se propone una metodología para la representación y generación automática de dominios e identificar de forma automática las estructuras de información . La técnica se centran en la identificación de relaciones de jerarquía principalmente,... more
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      ThesaurusAutomatic Thesaurus Construction
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      Information SystemsKnowledge ManagementSemantic WebDigital Library
This notebook paper describes our participation in both tasks of the TREC 2011 Crowdsourcing Track. For the first one we submitted three runs that used Amazon Mechanical Turk: one where workers made relevance judgments based on a 3-point... more
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We describe a pilot experiment to update the program of an Information Retrieval course for Computer Science undergraduates. We have engaged the students in the development of a search engine from scratch, and they have been involved in... more
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      Information RetrievalComputer Science Education
This short paper describes four submissions to the Symbolic Melodic Similarity task of the MIREX 2010 edition. All four submissions rely on a local-alignment approach between sequences of n-grams, and they differ mainly on the... more
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    • Music Information Retrieval
Music similarity tasks, where musical pieces similar to a query should be retrieved, are quite troublesome to evaluate. Ground truths based on partially ordered lists were developed to cope with problems regarding relevance judgment, but... more
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      CrowdsourcingMusic retrieval
The development of the Semantic Web depends on agreed and unambiguous knowledge representations, on the availability and accessibility of knowledge, as well as on retrieval capabilities. The scarce agreement on knowledge representation... more
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      MetadataConcept MappingSemantic WebInteroperability
La Web, durante muchos años, se ha perfilado como una solución para eliminar fronteras en la brecha digital. Algunas de las propuestas han sido aplicaciones como el acceso a la información por buscadores, traductores automáticos online... more
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      Brecha digitalFactores Políticos
Indexing languages have traditionally been an essential tool for organizing and retrieving documental information. The inclusion of indexing languages into the digital environment leads to new frontiers, but also new opportunities. This... more
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    • Indexing Languages
The suitability of the algorithms for recognition and classification of entities (NERC) is evaluated through competitions such as MUC, CONLL or ACE. In general, these competitions are limited to the recognition of predefined entity types... more
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      Information ExtractionNamed Entity RecognitionNamed Entity Classification
Los artículos sobre ontologías llevan casi veinte años de gran actualidad en la literatura profesional, como se puede comprobar haciendo búsquedas en bases de datos. A pesar de esto, sigue sin haber consenso sobre el significado de este... more
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The semantics of vocabulary elements use to be defined locally with scarce rigorousness and without consideration to shared definitions in other vocabularies, this approach produces a lack in the interoperability between resources. This... more
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      Semantic WebInteroperabilityMetadata Vocabularies
The semantics of vocabulary elements use to be defined locally with scarce rigorousness and without consideration to shared definitions in other vocabularies, this approach produces a lack in the interoperability between resources. This... more
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      InteroperabilitySemantic documentsSemantic Qualification
The importance that DCMI abstract model is acquiring as a metadata model scheme reference has motivated the work of the present analysis. This research has as an objective to make easy its understanding and contribute, from our experience... more
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      FormalizationUMLDublin CoreMetadata vocabulary
En los nuevos entornos de aprendizaje, se pueden identificar cuatro grandes grupos tipos de ontologías: las ontologías dirigidas a la gestión de recursos y actividades educativas desde un punto de vista administrativo, las ontologías... more
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      Bibliotecas DigitalesLOMPerfil De Aplicación
Las ontologías son una pieza clave para el desarrollo de la Web Semántica. La irrupción de las ontologías en Internet es un fenómeno reciente pero de trascendental importancia para la transmisión y almacenamiento de datos en el ámbito... more
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Se presenta una metodología para la creación automática de ontologías de tipo tesauro. La información es extraída mediante procesamiento del lenguaje natural de un corpus documental de un dominio. De este modo, el presente estudio se ha... more
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      Ontology DevelopmentAutomatic Thesaurus ConstructionThesauri
Se presenta una visión integradora de las diferentes herramientas que permiten el estudio de las conexiones entre documentos, las pautas de publicación, la representación del contenido y la optimización de la recuperación. Se entremezclan... more
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      Ontology DevelopmentLinguisticsSemantic Web technology - OntologiesOntology Engineering