Professor Severus Snape's Office - click on the photo to visit it

"Happy is (s)he who, like Ulysses, has travelled far...."

Apr 30, 2012

A bit of Spring. Troszkę wiosny.

A few photos from yesterday's walk.
It always amazes me to see how nature is just waiting for a first warm rain to wake up for Spring.
The trees are waking up slowly. It is the time I call "transparent green". You see it is more and more green but the leaves are so small you still see through them everything. Only this juicy green glow around...

Apr 24, 2012

New stuff for P'Nilli. Nowe rzeczy dla P'Nilli

I don't really know how it is but she makes me sew for her. Me sewing? Right... But at least I try. So here is her very own first bag.

Of two different sides.

Yup, sewn.

And a few more things for her bed that still is not existing just yet. Except for the prettiest pillows from dear Dale I sew a few more and a blanket.

I love beds with as many pillows as it can accommodate.

Hope you will like them! I think she does. Well at least she is not complaining on my sewing skills.LOL!

Because I could still work using old blogger interface I decided to post it a bit earlier than I planned. Before they turn it off that is. And I will have to put dots while changing subject and wanting some space for paragraph again.:(

Nie wiem jak to się dzieje, ale P'Nilli powoduje, że staram się dla niej szyć zamiast kleić.;)Ja i szycie...jasne. Ale próbuję. Stąd nowa, uszyta i całkiem pierwsza P'Nilliowa torebka o dwóch różnych stronach. Tak, uszyta. I koc oraz parę nowych poduszek do wciąż nie istniejącego łóżka. Bardzo lubię łóżka z duuuużą iloscią poduszek. Mam nadzieję, że się Wam spodobają. Jej chyba się podobają, w każdym razie nie narzeka.;)
Ten post został opublikowany nieco wczeniej niż planowałam, bo chciałam skorzystać jeszcze ze starego interface'u bloggera zanim go wyłączą. I znów żeby zrobić akapit będę musiała stawiać masę kropek.:(

Apr 13, 2012

Polish connotations with India. A post for a Friend.:) Polskie konotacje z Indiami, post dla Przyjaciólki.:)

I used to say that we (Poles or Polish people) are everywhere in the world.( Of course deep inside I am convinced you will find a place on Earth that has no idea about Poland quite easily.) ;) Still everywhere I went some Polish names or the name of my country were well known here and there and to meet someone from my country that is living abroad was surprisingly easy even when Poland was not in UE.
The reason why I am writing this post is the talk that we had with Sans! when she was visiting Poland. I don’t suppose anyone of you could think that Poles have any connotations with India? Well, to be honest until last year I was sure(silly me!) no one heard Polish names in this big, well known country. Well, maybe except for Christians and John Paul II.;)
Yet, to my surprise last year one of our TV channels was showing a movie about an Artist named Stefan Norblin, who’s name was till recently completely forgotten in Poland. Because of WWII his life was full of moving from country to country and one of his destinations, quite probably the most important one, was Jodhpur in Rajasthan, India.
Why the most important? Well he got there the most important commission in his life. A commission from Maharaja Umaid Singh to adorn his new palace, Chittar Palace.
Chittar Palace( now known as Umaid Bhawan Palace) was built as a hybrid design of both Eastern and Western architecture of which the British architectural firm Lanchester and Lodge was responsible. The interiors were adorned with Art Deco and Streamline Moderne style. And Stefan Norblin was responsible for murals and paintings .
Quite recently the first Norblin’s exhibition took place in Stalowa Wola in my country….
Some links:................................................................................... The Peak of Chic ............................................................................................ Polish exhibition (in Polish).......................................................................................... Umaid Bhawan Palace ................................................................................... Stefan Norblin (in Polish)......................................................................................... A Pole in palace ......................................................................................... Taj Hotels Resorts & Palaces ......................................................................................
All the photos in this post were found on internet. ................................................................................................................................................................................................. Dzisiejszy post został napisany pod wpływem rozmowy z Sans! o Indiach. Pamiętałam , że oglądałam program w telewizji o polskim malarzu, który ozdobił jeden z indyjskich pałaców, ale za przysłowiowe Chiny nie mogłam sobie przypomnieć ani nazwiska malarza, ani nazwy pałacu.;) Teraz nadrabiam zaległości i zapraszam do poznania twórczości Stefana Norblina, naszego - bardzo mało znanego w kraju - nadwornego malarza maharadży Umaid Singh’a.

Apr 10, 2012

April’s Mannequin. Kwietniowy manekin.

I bought this mannequin from DH Emporium some time ago. And because of it’s strange shape, for a long time I had no idea what to do with it. The mannequin is quite short, the back of it is kind of ”leaning” forward (or backward;)) so it looks a bit like the mannequin’s got 2 busts and the “hips” are very wide comparing to the tiny waist.
Finally during Easter I figured out that if I want to have a dress on it, then it must be in Rococo’s style. I could choose between robe a’ la francaise( which has quite complicated back), robe a l’anglaise (which seems to be more simple) and robe – that’s name sounds familiar - a’ la polonaise. Well, it wasn’t a very hard choice.;)
Robe a la’polonaise’s main difference was an overskirt that have been specially cut in order to be able to form the three rounded "petals", worn over a short underskirt or petticoat. The three “petals” were supposed to refer to three invaders that were responsible for the partition of Polish country.
From the late nineteenth century, the term polonaise also described a fitted overdress which extended into long panels over the underskirt, but was not necessarily draped or swagged.
So here it is my vision of robe a’ la polonaise. All glued as usual. Hope you will like it!:)
.................................................................................................................................................................................................... Dosyć dawno temu kupiłam manekin z DH Emporium . W związku z jego dziwnym kształtem przez dłuższy czas nie bardzo wiedziałam co z nim zrobić. Manekin jest dosyć niski, plecy wyglądają tak, jakby z tyłu był drugi biust, a „biodra” są nieproporcjonalnie szerokie w stosunku do wąziutkiej talii. O dziwo w trakcie Świąt mnie olśniło i zaskoczyłam, że jeśli chcę mieć na nim kieckę, to musi ona być w stylu rokoko. Mogłam wybierać pomiędzy suknią francuską( która ma trochę trudne do zrobienia „plecy”), suknią angielską(dużo prostszą do zrobienia) lub poloneską. Wybór nie był trudny i oczywiście padło na poloneskę ze względu na nazwę związaną z naszym krajem.;) Ogon zewnętrznej spódnicy ułożony w 3 fałdy miał ponoć przypominać o 3 zaborcach, którzy napadli na Polskę. Moja wersja poloneski jest jak zwykle klejona w całości. Mam nadzieję, że się Wam spodoba!

Apr 6, 2012

Happy Easter! Radosnych Świąt Wielkiej Nocy!

Just in case you all will be busy for the next few days I want to wish you all Joyfull, Blessed and Full of Love Easter!
Błogosławionych, radosnych i wypełnionych miłością Świąt Wilekiej Nocy życzę Wam wszystkim!

Apr 5, 2012

Spoiled rotten! Rozpuszczona jak dziadowski bicz!

Although the best for me was to meet sweet Sans! face to face, I cannot forget to thank all these wonderful Ladies that spoiled me rotten.:)( I was feeling like a child during Christmas Eve!!)............................................................................................ Your gifts are very special for me because you didn’t need to think of me while Sans! was travelling to your places. I value your Friendship and Generosity very much!.......................................................................................... First of all I was spoiled rotten by Sans! herself. She brought so many things, I couldn’t believe it!
To my surprise not everyone of them were miniatures!
She even bought this wonderful egg cozy from Rosanna, whose work and patience I admire all the time! This is really a marvel to me!
And brought sweets from Spain and from my dear dear Friend, Brigit!!!!
I have to admit I was in shock when Sans! emailed me she was bringing a gift from Cindy for me!!! I was stunt to see it. Even more to have her splendid miniatures in my hands. And gosh!!! I never ever suspected how teeny tiny these cakes and fish are!!! And the tea bags!!!! Thank you, Cindy for thinking of me!!!!
The last but not least was a gift from someone I admire from the first time I joined Blogger: Eva. The books are AMAZING! Don’t know how she made these patterns but my Dad was suspecting some of them are made of sesame seeds. LOL!
Dear Ladies: Sans, Brigit, Cindy, Eva and Rosanna!!!!.............................................................................. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for thinking of me, for your generous hearts and talented hands and most of all for your Friendship! I am so honored to know such wonderful Ladies and own their fantastic miniatures!! Thank you!!! And I do hope one day we will meet face to face!:)........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Choć najważniejszym wydarzeniem był dla mnie przyjazd Sans! do Polski, nie mogę zapomnieć o specjalnych podziękowaniach dla Bloggerek, które były tak miłe i przy okazji jej pobytu u nich postanowiły mi przekazać wspaniałe prezenty! Zupełnie nieoczekiwanie dla mnie samej stałam się posiadaczką wspaniałych miniatur Dziewczyn, które podziwiałam od dawna! Dziękuję więc z całego serca kochanym: Sans, Brigit, Cindy, Evie i Rosannie! Mam nadzieję, że będzie nam dane się kiedyś spotkać.:)

Apr 3, 2012

A Tour 'round Poland with a Dear Friend from Far Away.Podróż po Polsce z Przyjaciółką z bardzo Daleka.

Please forgive me this post is Really Really Photos Heavy............................................................................................But I know a few of you must be waiting for this report and I couldn't wait to post about it!:D But I had to wait for a certain "O.K" form A very very V.I.P!!;D......................................................................................... As many of you already know Sans! decided to visit a few blogging Friends in Europe this year. She was struggeling with jet-lags, long flights and trips by trains, different faces, languages, kitchen and weather.;D You could read her posts about this trip and reports from Eva, Rosanna, Sylvia and Brigit.............................................................................................So here is my report about a trip of this Lovely Lady, gifted Woman and great generous and patient Friend around Poland. We started from an evening in Gdynia on Monday and then on Tuesday a short trip to Gdańsk and Sopot.
We literally just dropped in to Sopot and went back to Gdynia, as the same evening we travelled to Kraków (Cracow) - the best known Polish city among foreign tourists. We went there by night train and the trip took us...13 hours! ..........................................................................................First thing that we saw there was Wawel the Royal Castle, as Kraków was a capital city of Poland for many ages in the history........................................................................................................ The Cathedral in Wawel Castle.
Wawel's courtyard.
Inside the Treasury room.
Some adornation.
And older part of Wawel castle.
Then we walked to the main square of Kraków's Old Town. We saw the tower of no longer existing Town Hall with Sukiennice behind it.
Then we stopped to have a meal in Jama Michalika Restaurant. Sans! really liked the soups served in the "vases" made of bread. Mostly she loved the sour soup called Żurek.:)
Then we went to see Kościół Mariacki outside.
And inside.
More wonderful photos of this church you can see on Sans! blog.:) I guess she loved it.:) AND we both were sure that Betsy would love to see this church herself!!:D.....................................................................................Then we visited the district of Kraków called Kazimierz. This district is divided into 2 parts and we visited the Jewish part of it.
In the evening the same day we walked The Royal Route. We saw Barbakan, the arsenal.
And the St Florian's gate.
Kościół Mariacki looked charming in the night.
We ended this day trying Polish dishes.
Guess what Sans! loved most? YUP, the chilli sauce! (Which of course is NOT our national dish. LOL!).............................................................................................. The next day we went by bus to Wieliczka to see the Salt Mine, which is also on UNESCO lists. Everything under ground is made of salt. Including the chandeliers made of salt crystals.
There are quite few scenes showing how people were working there.
We walked on food 140 meters down under the ground.
To see St Kinga.
And her chapel, made by only 3 workers after their working hours!
We met the Salt Mine's Treasurer.
And I couldn't stop admiring these chandeliers...;)
We came back to Gdynia by the night train again and in the morning we went to Kościuszki Square. Although Sans! had to struggle with very strong winds and cold in Poland, Gdynia bided her farewell with the sunny skies.
It was an amazing experience to meet face to face someone I knew for over 2 years only in virtual world. Someone who is a very very special Lady whom it is impossible not to love! :)I do hope we will meet again and some day I will be able to meet more of my Blogging Friends!:) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Relacja z pobytu Sans! w Polsce.Tak na prawdę jest ona pierwszą osobą znaną mi z Bloggera, którą poznałam osobiście.:) Jak widzicie spędziłyśmy czas zwiedzając Trójmiasto, Kraków i Wieliczkę.:) Mam nadzieję, że kiedyś uda mi się spotkać również z Wami.:)