it's us... at last! Well, save the best for last or so they say! And no, we did not start to become megalomaniac in the meantime claiming we are the best, the top of the tops - but hey, prove us wrong but this is for sure the best blog called "BiWBären on the Blog" hosted by the best two BiWuBeary blogbearies you will ever be able to find anywhere. And as we are in fact unique we can honestly say we are the best... even if it's only due to the lack of competition. *LOL* Okay, okay, enough fooling around (because I just heard Birgit cleaning her throat in the background and I don't want her to remind me of my account in the Golden Book of Santa). We're back just in time for Advent 3rd and this special Sunday has it's own title which is "Gaudete!" This is a Latin imperative telling us to rejoice... of course because Christ's birth is coming nearer... but in our modest opinion it also tries to remind us that it's important to enjoy this special Season.

One of the best helpers to enjoy Advent time is for sure an Advent calendar. And next to the usual ones (is it just me or is Birgit's calendar way bigger than Rosey's and mine??? Oh, what do you say... oh... yes, I suppose you're right... must be because Birgit is somehow bigger than us with our only-about-10-proud-beary-centimeters... *sigh*) we've also received a very special one coming along as an early Christmas gift from our dear friend Tinchen at the end of November. Had to be this way because it's a story Advent calendar called (translated by us) "Death comes through the chimney". But no need to worry, it's funny, not bloody and we really enjoy the routine of reading our daily episode during breakfast.
Link to Tinchen's blog: https://tapsis-baerenbande.blogspot.com/
Btw Tinchen being the longtime friend she is also thought of a certain BiWuBeary being in need of every good point in the Golden Book and said she wanted to help me a bit by gaining myself 24 extra good points this month. I LOVE this kind of story Advent calendar... and although Rosey is always helping too and gaining herself her own points I still get my share of 24... *Woohoo! ♫ 'Tis the season to be jolly... 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Fa la la la la, la la la la ♬ And I suppose nobody would ever think Rosey and I failed to gain us point 25 too... *broadgrin*

But next to taking care of our (and most of all my) account in the Golden Book Rosey and I also had some work to do at the end of November enabling us to show you now what was going on. Some of you may remember that one of our most beloved places during Christmas Season starts as a former kitchen table being stored for 11 months. But as soon as it is assembled and covered with a white velvet cloth the magic begins... it's turning into... *drumroll*: The BiWuBeary Christmas Market!
And as service is in our blogbeary DNA we've already placed the entrance gate with its trusted Welcome Committee consisting of Mr. Snowman and Mr. T to make it a bit easier for you to imagine what this is going to become. And to me this entrance gate has its own magic... Christmas magic! Wouldn't it be nice if this was a wishing gate? Hmm... what would I be wishing then?
Rosey (laughing): Perhaps for a huge pile of strawberries?
Flutterby (excited): Yes, this is a great idea. But I think I should better wish myself a really, really incredibly huge pile of strawberries.
Rosey (with a broad grin): I agree, this sounds better. But wait a minute... I have a suggestion: What about a - let's say - strawberry in the lifesize of a beary?
Flutterby (dreamily): Oh my, this would be a dream come true...
Erdbärchen: Hey together... did somebeary just call me???

Okay, we admit it... this was a planned joke. Hey, it's Gaudete and we shall be happy! *grin* And special thanks to our cousin Erdbärchen for helping us with this little visual joke. And perhaps we need to remind some of you that "Erdbärchen" does not only look like a fusion of a miniature bear and a strawberry but it's also in his name. Strawberry in German is "Erdbeere" and bear is "Bär" with the diminutive form being "Bärchen". And btw he's our cousin as he is no original BiWuBeary as he is the last bear Birgit made using a kit and not her own pattern. But enough of that stuff... next it took some work for Birgit which meant we and the gate had to go out of the way. For Birgit it's always the trickiest part... placing the booths, testing the lights and fiddling one single light chain into four booths. But she managed! Hooray! And if you might wonder: Teddy's booth has its own cable and toyland is run by a battery light chain... which lacked the batteries still when this photo was taken. *smile*
And next the salesbears appear to put up their goods... and as they asked last year to be bearsonally introduced we're keeping up with that. First in line when beginning from the right is as always Maggie from the "Glashütte" (= glass booth).
Next to her is Richard with his "Weihnachtsbäckerei" (= Christmas Bakery). Pssst... Richard... I hope you made an extra supply of Strawberry cakes for You-know-who??? *grin*
However, I could never decide if Richard's cakes are my favourites or after all the yummy candies and sweets Margret is offering at the "Zuckerbäcker" (let's just translate it with Candy Shop).
Next in line is Richy from the "Erzgebirgische Holzkunst" (= Wood art from the Ore Mountains) selling stunning traditional wooden pieces...
... next to the Toyshop which is run by all salesbearies and... eh...
Wait a minute...!!! Did you just see what I saw??? Rosey is nodding... okay, this needs some intervention right now!
Flutterby: Okay, Sabienchen! I can speak for Rosey and all followers of our blog too - tell us right away: What are YOU doing on this side of Richy's booth???Sabienchen (with a bit of blush): Eh... well...
Richy (coming to aid as Fluby is not the only gentlebeary around): My, Fluby! She's so kind to help me place my goods. I mean... after all these years Sabienchen knows as good as I where everything needs to stand. (And with a broad grin) And sometimes even better than me, right?
Rosey (with a bright smile): And that's all?
Sabienchen (looking at Richy who sends her an encouraging smile): My... and it could be... after all these years being his admiring never-being-able-to-decide-what-to-buy-almost-customer that we came a little closer to each other year by year.
Rosey (cheerfully): Yessssssss... I always knew this needed to happen!!! This is so great... I'm really happy for you.
Flutterby: Me too... (continues with a broad grin) But I'm afraid I might be in need of getting myself a tuxedo soon for your wedding and I hate wearing clothes (sighs theatrically).
Richy (laughing): Calm down... we're not that far yet... but who knows what is still to come. But if this should ever happen... be sure there will be strawberry cake waiting for our wedding guests, Fluby. Promised!
Flutterby (with pretend-relief): I take your word for granted, Richy. Okay, we need to go further to Teddy's booth now. Mind your manners, you two! Not that we need to put some parental advisory on this blog...
After sharing a good and loud laughter Rosey and I reached Teddy's booth... Here he is - Teddy, the bear, the legend! Everybody knows... Teddy's Glühwein is the best. Must be because he's using a recipe from his Mother-in-law. *grin*
And although they haven't arrived yet they already sent their carts... it's so convenient if one is able to use magic. Here is the cart of the Witch Tower Crew with its two sides...
... and the yummy cart of our friend Einar, the official North Pole baker.
And that was the introduction tour of our BiWuBeary Christmas Market... at least that's what I was thinking being happy that our job was done. But suddenly a voice called our names and this voice belonged to Jolly who is the Chief decorater of our Christmas Market.
Jolly: Ah, good to see you... two blogbearies being finished with their work duty having free time, just what I'm needing now. Come over here, I declare you to be volunteers.
Flutterby: Eh... what...
Jolly: Come over and join us, we need every paw.
Rosey: Hi, Mon Chéri... are you a... ehem... volunteer too?
Mon Chéri (with a broad grin): Yep, it's my turn this year. Us Angel bearies always send one victim... eh... volunteer to help Jolly.
Jolly: Could we please stop private chatting and start work??? Could we??? Fluby, take care of the new train... and Rosey, you can help us with the nativity. Go, go, go!!!
You may know by now the North Pole rule "Nobody ever messes with Ylvi" - but here at the BiWuBeary Christmas Market we have our own rule which is "Don't mess with Jolly when he's in his decorative mode". So we had no other choice than to help... and of course it's totally okay to help because if we want to have fun at our Christmas Market somebeary needs to put some work into that first. However, the other three were having fun together round the nativity and I was alone with the model train parts... *sigh*... which made my mind wander. What do you think: How many strawberries would go into such a train carriage in 1:1? What if I could find that out and write the amount on my wishing list for Santa and...
Jolly: Huhuuu, Fluby!!! Anybody home???Mon Chéri: Is it just me or does he have this strawberry face again?
Rosey (laughing): You're right, he certainly does. (And towards Flutterby): We're already done with the whole nativity and you're still not finished with putting up these few pieces. (grins) Let me guess... thinking about changes on your wishing letter to Santa? Now asking for many trains filled with strawberries?
Flutterby (very happily): Sis', you're the best. A whole train filled with strawberries... that's it. So far I was only thinking in the range of one single carriage full of strawberries but you're right... one should ever wish big.
Mon Chéri: I'm not so sure about it... if you're thinking big in that way then that's what is called greed.
Jolly: Whatever strawberries may be involved in Fluby's dreams or wishes, he shall go on with that. Meanwhile you are invited for coffee and cake being the traditional thanks from the sales bearies. Fluby, you can join us when you're finished... both with the train and your strawberry calculations.
Flutterby: Ha, only in your dreams, Jolly! See, I'm done. Oh, and I'm taking a piece of strawberry cake, please! And if I were you I would start to worry about the Golden Book as it's in fact very naughty to tease somebeary just because he has a teenytiny weakness for those sweet, red, juicy, aromatic fruits...
We then enjoyed a lovely cozy Kaffeeklatsch together with the salesbearies and yes, earned cake tastes even better than usual cake. *smile* And we hope you did this too today - enjoying a lovely cozy Adventsunday-"Kaffeeklatsch" with one, two cups of tasty coffee and one, two, three, four pieces of yummy cake. And with this we leave for today - and we're telling you no secret by saying that we're going to drop by soon again. Until then we're wishing you a wonderful rest of Advent time, no stress, much Christmas anticipation and leave you with letting you know that although the BiWuBeary Christmas Market wasn't officially open when we took these photos HE was already there doing what he shouldn't do but still does... *sigh*
And we really can't leave without pointing out that Naughty Boy is NO BiWuBeary! ;O)
Flutterby & Rosey
7 Kommentare:
:-)Con una sonrisa nada más comenzar la lectura de tu entrada, opino lo mismo que es el mejor blog de osos y organizado por los mejores, Rosey y Fluby. Disfrutar en estas fechas tan especiales con tu relato navideño, comenzando con los calendarios de adviento, el tuyo será más grande pero el de Fluvy :-) es el más bonito. He disfrutado de nuevo un año más con tu mercado Navideño BiWuBeary , la puerta de entrada me ha parecido preciosa, yo me quedo con la puerta de los deseos. Me resulta difícil decir cual es la cabaña que más me ha gustado, pues cada una de ellas está plagada de pequeños tesoros, me pasaré un rato más mirando cada uno de ellos
Esperando con un delicioso café de los vendedores y un trozo de tarta esperando tu nueva entrada con el mercado Navideño terminado. Feliz semana creativo, besos
Gaudete!!! Dear Fluby and Rosey and All the BiWuBaren and All the "Cousins" and Angels too...., Oh, and Birgit , of course (!!!) it is Such a Pleasure to see the beginning of the opening of The BEST Christmas Market in all of blogland!!! :):) Yes, Guudete!!! I especially love to hear that it sits on the humble beginnings of a spare kitchen table which gets stored the rest of the year! :) And I Love to see Mr. Snowman and Mr. T beginning to practice up their entrance position! And to know the struggle of lighting the booths.... whew! I am glad it is going well! And then to see Fluby "enjoying" a special new "attraction" which looks so familiar over here... (your box arrived last week and I didn't let you know right away.... my lapse...!... and I LOVE the little gifts you sent!) (As I write my son is "working on" his mini train layout which you often see in the Christmas cards.... :):)...) As for the "developments" between Richie and Sabienchen.... who could predict this???... :):) well, Rosie is using her imagination right! And I can certainly understand Fluby wondering about how many little red fruits could be requested.... at this time of year our Dreams can certainly get "out of hand"! And sometimes the next thing we know there are boxes arriving on the porch full of treasures...! LOL! Well, suffice it to say, I have been looking forward to see this Market wake up for this year....! Yay!!! Gaudete!!!! Thank you all for the part you play... and I can't wait for the next installment!!! :):):)
Es muy agradable ver con que mimo preparas cada uno de los stand de tu mercado navideño, es evidente que lo disfrutas mucho y eso me alegra, sigue con ello !! y pasad todos unos felices días ...!
Halloo Flutterby und Rosey! I definately love the super gift from Tinchen, her story Advent calendar named "Death comes through the chimney" (does it wear by chance a black belt and a red suit??). I bet this gift was a true gem for your Birgit! Why can't I find such nice/funny gift for X-mas for your Birgit in The Netherlands?
It's good to learn you and Rosey are still gaining the good points for in the Golden Book, carry on you two ;)
Menawhile I can tell you I was awaiting for this post since some time, because in the blogworld there's no Advent time, or Christmas time, without a digital visit to your magical BuWiBeary Christmas Market :)!
Opening with a so called wishing gate...? That's looking for trouble of some bearies named Fluby and Rosey HAHAHA ;)
I can imagine why Birgit has to focus on this yearly job for setting up this market with all of the lovely booths, each one with thier lighting on and so on. BUT it's soooo nice to see and recognise again the heading rolls of bears as they are true movie stars (no Fluby, you shouldn't feel conceited now) it shouldn't be missed in our blog world.
I loved seeing how this famous Christmas mini market is build up right from the start and it’s so nice to see all of the bearies pop in the story during the re-inplacement of their booths, they are truly famous blog stars by now.
Love the joke Birgit made by placing Sabienchen at the other side of the booth *grin* and there’s possibly even a wedding on the way between two of the market stars..woooow!!??
Good of Jolly, in his role of director, during the Christmas Market, to lead each one of the wandering persons into a job to be done, besides that: and good cooperation always pays off in order to gain some points.... ;O)
BUT, Fluby, are you now asking for a wagon load full with strawberries……..is that not asking for troubles…???
Poor Naughty Boy, how will his story end…? I can’t wait for your next blogpost, but I am pretty sure we don’t have to wait for long :O), good to see you’re blogging again, dearest Birgit, so Fluby and Rosey help Birgit out so she can blog again as we are used to see from her, we miss her…. Byt he way: thank you, dearest Birgit, for helping me out regarding to the Blogger issues, which is right now teasing alot of us bloggers.
Liebe Grüsse/Warm hugs, Schepje (who envies you two, because he want to play HIS role back in the blog world, I'll think about it ;)) ) und Ilona
Ya echaba de menos tu mercado navideño.
Cada año me alegras la vista y la imaginación con él.
Me encanta !!!!!!
Tus blogueros son los mejores.
Te deseo muy felices fiestas.
Desde luego que es el mejor mercado navideño con los mejores organizadores!!! Estaba esperando con ansia volver a disfrutarlo!.
Que bueno poder disfrutar de un nuevo calendario de adviento y ya veo que es muy original y exclusivo! Yo también soy amante de ellos y además del que yo hice en su día, todos los años me regalan uno con el que disfruto leyendo día a día.
Cada año me gusta más disfrutar de vuestro mercado, siempre ocurre algo, como ese comienzo de..diríamos romance??? Sabienchen se pone muy colorado y sofocado ante vuestras preguntas.
La puerta y la gran apertura con los mejores BuWiBeary, mejor que la alfombre roja de los premios Oscar! Y saber el trabajo que tiene Birgit con el montaje y las luces, definitivamente la hace encabezar la lista de puntos en el libro de Santa!
Pronto llega la gran noche y seguro que aún conseguiréis más puntos y quizás lleguen vagones de trenes llenos de fresas, la navidad es magia y todo puede suceder!
Hasta muy pronto amigos!
Hi dear friends, you certanly have made us happy and rejoice with this fun presentation of the most wonderful and expected Christmas market. It has been a pleasure to know all the sales bearys and even better to have some humour and romance too, lol. When you think you have seen everything and then you get a good surprise ;).
I am also very happy for Rosey and Flubby as I am sure they earned many good points helping Jolly with the decoration. I look forward to seing the opening of the market soon. I am sure we all will have lots of fun. And I also hope that Fluby get his juicy dreams come true!
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