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Questions tagged [pgf-umlsd]

A package for drawing UML Sequence Diagrams (based on graphic package PGF/TikZ)

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How to add vertical space between sequence diagram calls?

I am using the package pgf-umlsd to draw a sequence diagram. I have two subsequent calls nested inside a parent call. When I use \shortstack to write the label of the second call, there is an ...
davnig's user avatar
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How can I easily annotate callself with pgf-umlsd?

I want to draw a sequence diagram with pgf-umlsd package. I would like to make some annotations regarding the points in time and durations of certain calls and messages. This works well for calls and ...
olpohl's user avatar
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Is it possible to add a curly brace in equation in sequence diagram?

The following code doesn't compile correctly because of the \{ \}. When I remove them, it looks normal. Is is possible to have an equation that contains curly braces in a sequencediagram block? \...
Amine's user avatar
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pgf-umlsd increase space between entities based on label width

How do you explicitly widen a sequence diagram created with pgf-umlsd, or, ideally, direct it to be as wide as required to show its labels without overlap? Here is a very simple standalone document ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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How to align text in sequencediagram calls?

1. How can the text in sequencediagram calls be aligned or moved left and right? For example, in following example, how can the 1st message be moved somewhat right and message 5 and 6 be moved left to ...
pba's user avatar
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pgf-umlsd rectangles and text

I have several issues with this package to draw my sequence diagram: How can it is possible position correctly the rectangle according to the position of the other elements? For example I defined the ...
CipherX's user avatar
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pgf-umlsd: sdblock around right aligned call (multi-thread)

I have this snippet of tex... \documentclass{article} \usepackage{pgf-umlsd} \usepackage[a1paper,portrait]{geometry} \usepackage{float} \begin{document} \section{Use Case 1: Imbalance Settlement and ...
user100924's user avatar
4 votes
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Tweak UML sequence diagram

I want to add some UML sequence diagrams in my document. This sequence contains many calls. That's why I want to tweak the diagram. The following complete, but I hope minimal example shows only 5 (...
harper's user avatar
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Self calls and object in the middle of lifeline

I am drawing an attached sequence diagram but some of the components couldn't figure out (highlighted in red boxes(red boxes are not required)). Please advice \documentclass{article} \usepackage{pgf-...
Yogesh Sharma's user avatar
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sequencediagram pushes text out of page

I am using LLNCS2E format.In my paper, I am using a sequencediagram something like below. The text around it include itemized text. itemized-text \begin{figure} \centering \resizebox{0.5\...
pba's user avatar
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customize messcall sequence diagram position

In a sequence diagram, I need to move the messcall arrow a little down, is that possible ? \usepackage{pgf-umlsd} . . . \begin{figure*}[h] \centering \begin{sequencediagram} \newthread{S}{Dealer}...
Hind Dev's user avatar
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How to adjust positioning of text on top of arrows in sequencediagram

How to adjust positioning of text on top of arrows in sequencediagram. For example, the following code produces output in which "Text1 Text1" and "Text2 Text2 Text2" are positioned at top of center of ...
pba's user avatar
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float text beside uml graph in beamer

I am using uml sequence graph in a beamer presentation, I need to write some equations in a floating box beside the uml graph in a way that I could precise the positioning. Here is my uml code: \...
Hind Dev's user avatar
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How to cover all columns in sdblock used in UML diagram

In following code, the sdblock block covers only two columns (b and m). How to let the block cover all columns i.e., columns s, b, m and a. \begin{sequencediagram} \newinst {s} {S} ...
pba's user avatar
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{pgf-umlsd} size and width

I'm doing a good progress learning latex. However, I'm stuck with a problem. I'm unable to change the dimensions of the sequence diagram with code below: I have used \usepackage{pgf-umlsd} package. ...
Md Aamir Ali's user avatar
3 votes
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Rotate and align the thread name in sequence diagram

I am new to Latex and still trying to find my way around things. I am using the pgf-umlsd package to create a sequence diagram which traces out exchange of messages between functions. Due to space ...
Achala Rao's user avatar
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Align label parallel to arrow in pgf-umlsd

This is a MWE for a sequence diagram using pgf-umlsd: (taken from here) \documentclass{article} \usepackage{float} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning, fit, calc, shapes, arrows} \...
efie's user avatar
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alt in sequence diagram with pgf-umlsd

I am doing a sequence diagram but the sdblock enviroment doesn't allow me to do an alt block with two alternatives, I have this: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{pgf-umlsd} \begin{document} \...
Sergio Izquierdo's user avatar
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sequence diagram using latex [closed]

I want to draw sequence diagram like below: This is my code: % arara: pdflatex % arara: clean1 % arara: clean: { files: [ Commands.aux , .main.ptd , TP.aux] } \documentclass{article} \usepackage[...
hossein behboodi's user avatar
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Customize pgf-umlsd call bar background color

I'm trying to recreate the following sequence diagram with pgf-umlsd: I'm interested how can I change the background color of call bars. Here's what I got so far: \documentclass{article} \...
Petr Razumov's user avatar
5 votes
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Pull down a message thread in a pgf sequence diagram

Is it possible to somehow hack the sequence diagram to extend the thread of the received message on Some Server, that it will reach down to the next message notify? The code it the following one: \...
white_gecko's user avatar
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tikz pgf-umlsd margin in the diagram

Is there any way to control the margin within a tikz pgf-umlsd diagram? I'm using the following code and could already remove the indent by using \noindent. But still there is some unused space to ...
white_gecko's user avatar
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How to add a linebreak in a pgf-umlsd UML Sequence Diagram instance/thread

I'm writing a UML sequence diagram with tikz package pgf-umlsd. Currently the code looks as follows: \begin{sequencediagram} \newthread{controller}{Special Task Controller} \newinst{servicea}{...
white_gecko's user avatar
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How to draw dashed horizontal line in sequence diagram using pgf-umlsd?

I am drawing a sequence diagram using Tikz. I first tried tikz-uml, but it has some issues which I asked about in another question. I am now trying out pgf-umlsd, but it lacks the support for the ...
m.s.'s user avatar
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Text overlapping in a Sequence Diagram

Is it possible to prevent text overlapping in this MWE? \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,shadows} \usepackage{pgf-umlsd} \begin{document} \begin{sequencediagram} \...
Arianna Angeletti's user avatar