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Questions tagged [shortstack]

The {shortstack} tag is used for questions about the \shortstack command which produces a stack of objects.

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How to add vertical space between sequence diagram calls?

I am using the package pgf-umlsd to draw a sequence diagram. I have two subsequent calls nested inside a parent call. When I use \shortstack to write the label of the second call, there is an ...
davnig's user avatar
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Vertical alignment of colored multirow

I want to center the multirow cells vertically, but because I need to color them aswell, I can't use \multirowcell from the makecell package as it is not compatible. Therefore, I used the shortstack ...
fuj36840's user avatar
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How do I adjust vertical spacing above \rule line to match that below the line?

I want to know how to adjust vertical spacing above \rule line to match that below the line. I have attempted to solve this problem using the solutions presented for similar questions hrulefill ...
OliverFishCode's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

\shortstack in table throwing Compile Error

I am trying to put some cell text such as "Measurement type" and "Event labels" into multirow cells of two lines, where the aforementioned names would be split into two lines. \...
Aymane Ahajjam's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Align the baselines of two nodes placed side by side

I have the following code with two nodes: \documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone} \begin{document} \usetikzlibrary{positioning,calc} \tikzstyle{block} = [draw, rectangle, minimum height=1cm, minimum ...
SampleTime's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

cell boundary line issue when using multirow + shortstack

I am attempting to create a table that makes use of four consecutive multi-rows (if the reason for why this format has been chosen is important I can add it). I am using the multirow package as well ...
justathought's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Vertical alignment in multirow environment

I'm using a multirow environment to span text over two rows. As it does not support \\ for inserting a line break, I'm nesting it into a shortstack (see MWE below). However, the text is in neither of ...
Patrick's user avatar
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3 answers

Box equivalent to shortstack but allowing to change line spacing

I need a text box that works absolutely equivalent to \shortstack, notably multiline has horizontal alignment option vertically aligned to top does not need me to specify height/width but adjusts ...
Patrick Storz's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Vertical alignment of a row after use \shortstack

I have a tabularx table with a heading in 2 lines. How can I align vertically to the middle the remaining single line headings? \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{blindtext} \...
Daniel Valencia C.'s user avatar