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Questions tagged [tikz-uml]

{tikz-uml} is a package for creating UML-diagrams, built on TikZ. See also {pgf-umlcd}, {pgf-umlsd}, {metauml}.

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Parallel calls in a sequence diagram with TikZ-UML

I am currently learning to use TikZ-UML to draw sequence diagrams and I am struggling to handle parallel calls. The situation is: C is supposed to call opa() to both B and D that process it in the ...
Grusat's user avatar
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tikz-uml: "Extra \or. \end{umlcall}" -- Issue returned on new tex versions?

Again a problem with tikz-uml causing the Extra \or. \end{umlcall} error. However, the solutions from before (here and here) didn't help. It seems that this is a recent change, since I had a project a ...
stklik's user avatar
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How to define a method as abstract in umlclass of package TikZ-UML

I read the TikZ-UML documentation thouroughly and googled a lot, but the only similar response I found was set abstract methods in abstract class with metaUML but it uses metaUML and not TikZ-UML. In ...
massi's user avatar
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Function model in LaTeX

I want to make a simple function model like in the picture. How would I do that? The docs of tikz-uml don't really help in this case.
SlothOnCrack's user avatar
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Using tikzuml to create a umlclass with two types

I want to create a uml class in my tex document, where I have two types, so basically two arguments with << >> symbols on each side, but the second one on a different line. I checked the ...
SlothOnCrack's user avatar
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Naming tikz umlpackage with path reference: No shape named X is known

I want to declare a packages name inside the umlpackageenvironment not only as the package's name but the reference path to it. It seems, there might be a problem when using . (full stops). The ...
Jannik Seus's user avatar
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Shrinking UML Components

In order to fit an UML diagram made with TiKZ-UML ( into a beamer slide, I am currently trying to shrink the body part of the components. Unfortunately, ...
David Georg Reichelt's user avatar
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Include Hyperref Text Field in a UML State Diagram

As you can see in my minimal example, I have a state machine diagram where students can write the name of the transition line in a text box. Can you give me some advice on how to place a text field ...
Z.J's user avatar
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Extend a given shape from the UML-TikZ package with the path picture property

I call the style definition mystyle in line 20. As you can see, I pass a \filldraw command as an argument to the style definition mystyle. That way I want to achieve a gray circle to be displayed in ...
Z.J's user avatar
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Modify the style of UML-tikz elements with standard tikZ commands

I use the UML-tikZ package to create UML state machines. From time to time I want to make changes to the appearance of the given elements. For example, I want to enlarge the arrowhead of the element \...
Z.J's user avatar
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TikZ-UML is possible to have association with more than 2 angles? how to have special arrows

i have to insert an UML into my pdf but it's a little bit complicated. I have done every association easily but there is the last one that is impossible to do because needs more than 2 control node (...
Matteo Di Fabio's user avatar
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How can I position a uml class relative to two other classes

How can Ii position a tikz uml class relative to two others classes ? In my example code, i was able to figure out how to position a node this way but failed to do the same for a tikz uml class. Thank ...
discipulus's user avatar
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Drawing straight lines for not aligned classes in tikzuml

I've been playing with all the options of the tikz-uml package to get a straight line for two classes that are not aligned \usepackage{float} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{tikz-uml} \usepackage{...
Antonio Santoro's user avatar
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How to break an association arrow three times

Look at this class diagram \documentclass{article} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{empheq} \usepackage{mdframed} \...
Antonio Santoro's user avatar
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tikz-uml can't handle class names containing underscores

tikz-uml's umlinherit command breaks when passing in names containing underscores, consider: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz-uml} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \umlinterface[x=-2]...
Peter's user avatar
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tikz-uml: How to place a package name inside the package's body?

Using the command \umlemptypackage{name}, it's possible to create simple, empty packages with tikz-uml. This leads to a package with its name written in the top left field: Since UML makes it ...
TiMauzi's user avatar
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Relative Positioning with TikZ-UML does not work

To create a TikZ component diagram, I use TikZ-UML ( For relative positioning, I position my umlbasiccomponents with ...
David Georg Reichelt's user avatar
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How to upload tikz-uml package on TeXstudio

I cannot run my code. I keep receiving this message: I have tried to install the latest tikz-uml package but I didn't succeed. \documentclass[12pt,article]{memoir} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \...
Nsegbe Yann Steve's user avatar
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how to use tikz for uml diagrams

I'm new on latex and i need any documentation to guide me and help me know how to draw an uml diagram using tikz just got a book from previous answers but still dont get it i tried an example \...
Nsegbe Yann Steve's user avatar
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sequence diagram problem with text layout/spacing/line-breaks?

I am currently trying to use a tikz-uml sequence diagram for some script and have the following code: \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\textwidth/15.2cm,samples=200] \tikzumlset{fill object = white, ...
Andreas Happe's user avatar
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Hebrew causes tikz-uml to not work

The following code works: \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, oneside]{book} \usepackage{tikz-uml} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage[english]{babel} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{...
Oval's user avatar
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TikZ-UML bounding box too large

I'm facing issues using TikZ-UML, as the bounding box grows unexpectedly large when I have a relation in my diagram. \begin{tikzpicture}[framed] \umlsimpleclass[x=0,y=0]{A} \umlsimpleclass[x=0,y=-...
mulles3008's user avatar
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Package pgf Error: No shape named java is known - problems with points in the name

I try to design a class diagram with tikz-uml: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz-uml} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \umlemptyclass[type=interface ]{java.util.Collection} ...
mrbela's user avatar
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Orientate automatically with tikz-uml

Is there a way to define the position of components in tikz-uml automatically? Normally it is necessary to set the position of an component as this example shows: \begin{tikzpicture} \...
NelDav's user avatar
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UML messy diagram

I have 7 classes and wanted to make a UML-diagram of these in latex. I did manage to code it but take a look at the result (I did even try to rescale and rearrange): You can't even identify all the ...
That Guy's user avatar
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Tikz-UML Sequence diagram: Form

I want to make a sequence diagram, as shown in the picture below. Code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{tikz-uml} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{umlseqdiag} \...
AndiYo's user avatar
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uml condition too wide

Now (means 4 hours ago) I started using tikz-uml, but I got a problem. I was doing the following seguence diagram, Using this code, \documentclass[a4paper,14pt,twoside, openright]{article} \...
Fr3d's user avatar
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How can I achieve this use case diagram using tikzpicture environment

I am using the last example of the Chapter 3 - "Use case diagrams" TikZ-UML manual (pp. 34-35). Please consider this MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[english]{...
manooooh's user avatar
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How to set the width of every umlusecase using tikzpicture environment

I am using TikZ-UML awesome package and I am having trouble with defining a global configuration of a UML diagram. Please consider this MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz-uml} \...
manooooh's user avatar
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tikz-uml delete object in sequence diagram

I hope someone can help me. I created an object with tikz-uml. Jet I want to delete it, but I have no clue how. I want an synchron arrow, like the one on create, and then an "x" on the lifeline of the ...
Martin's user avatar
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crash of tikz-uml and pgf-umlcd new

I get following error message: ! Package pgf Error: Sorry, the requested layer 'connectionlayers' is not part of the layer list. Please verify that you provided \pgfsetlayers and that 'conn ...
nm82's user avatar
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How to create asynchronous calls in sequence diagram?

I am using tikz-uml to create a UML sequence diagram. The sequence involves the object's life to die after an asynchronous call is made, and then it gets alive again after the response is got. ...
garyF's user avatar
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How to call a function within \umlcreatecall of tikz-uml

I am using the tikz-uml package to make a uml sequence diagram and want to show what happens inside a constructor. Basically, I try to make a diagramm like this (source): But instead, the ...
Michael's user avatar
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tikz-uml node position not as expected

See below example, I expect: The distance between nodes is measured by border but not center. A,B,C is overlapped now. node E should be below D, now it's overlapped on D. The middle point of D and A ...
lucky1928's user avatar
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sequencediagram pushes text out of page

I am using LLNCS2E format.In my paper, I am using a sequencediagram something like below. The text around it include itemized text. itemized-text \begin{figure} \centering \resizebox{0.5\...
pba's user avatar
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Is the asynchron type for umlcallself enviroment broken in the tikz-uml package?

I do not want to return anything in the umlcallself environment . So I select asynchron as the type. However, when it compiles the return arrow is absent, but it adds the padding as if the return ...
Shook's user avatar
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Can I use the plantUML language in LaTeX?

I want to create diagrams. Preferable in LaTeX. Normally, I use the PlantUML language.
Columnist's user avatar
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tikz-uml component box not include shift element

I try to connect two class with a help point (M) but the component do not cover that point, so my connection line is outside of the component box. \documentclass[tikz,border=2pt]{standalone} \...
lucky1928's user avatar
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How to center TikZ-UML?

I'm using the TikZ-UML package for creating an UML class. When i create a single class how can I center this class? My current code is: \tikzumlset{fill class=white!20} \begin{tikzpicture} \...
Erik's user avatar
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How to position a node with respect to another node?

[taken from ] I want to use something like \node[basic,anchor=north.west, xshift=5cm] {instructor.south.east}(department) {department, instead of \...
alhelal's user avatar
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Tikz UML relative positioning problems

I try to use tikz-uml package to draw state diagrams. I am in big trouble with positioning of the states. If there is text inside the states (eg. in state0), it seems that the anchors of this state ...
wosa's user avatar
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How to use beamer environment overlay with tikz-uml?

Suppose I have the following presentation and want to show umlcall on the next slide. I try to use the onlyenv environment overlay but it does not work with pdfLaTeX: \documentclass{beamer} \...
AnatolyS's user avatar
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Change style of basic states in tikz-uml package

I'm currently trying to create a uml activity diagram using the tikz-uml package. However, I would like my uml activities to have a simple body instead of the "rectangle split"-like body they have now....
Amelen's user avatar
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TikZ-UML: How to shrink lost space within classes?

I am using TikZ-UML to illustrate some concepts in a scientific paper. It does the job pretty well, but I have some space problems (as in all scientific papers, there is page limit). I already ...
Renaud De Landtsheer's user avatar
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Tikz UML State Text not working

I wanted to use the umlstatetext macro in my uml state diagram. I use the version 1.0 of tikz-uml though the macro just does nothing, as in there is no text added in the body of the state or any where ...
Justus Wolf's user avatar
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How can I do if I want to put the diagram in the center of the document?

Here's my LaTeX document. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz-uml} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \title{Diagrama ...
Esteban Vera's user avatar
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UTF-8 in Tikz-UML class names

I have a problem using UTF-8 characters in the names of classes in TikZ-UML. This code works: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{tikz} \...
simwir's user avatar
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Arrows layout to go around classes, tikz uml

I've this code in tikz uml. \documentclass[tikz,14pt,border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{verbatim} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{tikz-uml} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{pgf-umlsd} \usetikzlibrary{...
user8469759's user avatar
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tikz uml, classes with only methods or data members

From the tikz uml documentation I have this example. If I used the umlsimpleclass the two rectangles below the class name wouldn't have be drawn. My question is... is there a way to have only the ...
user8469759's user avatar
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\umlassoc{Ticket}{passenger} package pgf error : no shape named ticket is known [closed]

\documentclass[12pt,article]{article} \usepackage{tikzscale} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{mathpazo} \linespread{1.05} \usepackage{tikz} \pgfdeclarelayer{background,...
vinod saini's user avatar