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Questions tagged [scaling]

{scaling} is about scaling document elements. Use this tag in addition to other tags specifying what should be scaled.

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transform canvas command stops working when text is too small

This is a follow up from a previous question, where I received a useful answer. The solution worked for me initially, but now it seems to stop working when the text size is too small? \documentclass[...
Clyde Kertzer's user avatar
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Resizebox not scaling text in tikz image

I am trying to scale the tikz image using resizebox, but for some reason the text in the image is not being scaled: Here is my code: \begin{frame}{Circle Packing} \pause \begin{figure}[H] \centering ...
Clyde Kertzer's user avatar
4 votes
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Draw stroke only outside of the path in TikZ

For the following figure, I would like to draw only outside of the path, such that the stroke does not overlap with the fill. \documentclass[tikz,border=10pt]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{calc,...
dd_rookie's user avatar
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Change (horizontal) line length for single legend entry in pgfplots

How do I change the line length of an individual entry in a pgfplots legend? I cannot use the solution provided here, as I also have other custom markers in the legend, and this screws up the vertical ...
Bart Wolleswinkel's user avatar
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How to make 3D points scale properly in appearance?

I have this 3D plot in pgf but I have an issue with scaling. The points s_3 and s_4 should have the same length but they appear not: s_3 appears bigger than s_4 why? \documentclass{standalone} % You ...
zdm's user avatar
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pgfplots different axis scaling in one diagram for I-V-characteristics of a diode

I have a set of measurements for constructing the characteristic curve of a diode, and I would like to format my plot similar to the one shown below. However, I need to have the axes in different ...
antares's user avatar
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Troubles with this plot (tikz, pgfplots)

I wanted to draw a plot for arcsin function, and this is what I managed to compute so far \documentclass[a4paper, 10pt]{scrreport} \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{total={173mm, 257mm}, margin=17mm} \...
Henry's user avatar
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Second Argument of \fontsize{}{}\selectfont Not Working in a Pspicture

Consider the code: \documentclass[12pt]{book} \usepackage[hmargin=0in,vmargin=0in,top=0in,paperwidth=5.0in,paperheight=8in]{geometry} \newcommand{\longemdash}{{\fontfamily{cmss}\selectfont---}} \...
DDS's user avatar
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2 answers

Short left and right arrows

In answers to previous questions [1,2], people have created ways to produce a right-pointing arrow shorter than the default \rightarrow. However, I'd really like matching left and right ones, and it's ...
N. Virgo's user avatar
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Scale from A4 to A5 for documentclass book

Original question: I found the answer from Simon Dispa with the following proposal: % !TeX TS-program = pdflatex \mag=1414 % added <<<<< \PassOptionsToPackage{usegeometry, paper=a5, ...
Thomas J's user avatar
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Creating a Multi-page, Auto-scaling Table with Repeating Headers in LaTeX for Multilingual Data

I need assistance in creating a LaTeX table in overleaf that can span multiple pages, automatically scale its columns to fit content when additional columns are added, and include repeating headers on ...
heavendew's user avatar
4 votes
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How to Transform a PSBall into Other Shapes

Consider the code which compiles with XeLaTeX: \documentclass[12pt]{book} %\usepackage{scalefnt,scalerel} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{pst-slpe} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{tikz} \...
DDS's user avatar
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Increasing default font size?

I've been working on a book recently and I had to increase the paper size to fit the pdf cover page but now all of the text is super tiny. So sorry if this is a dumb question, but how can I scale up ...
Timotheum's user avatar
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Rescaling Kp-fonts in plain tex

I am using Kp-fonts in a plain tex (not LaTeX) document. I invoke them with the line: \input kp-fonts They work fine at the default size. But in some cases I would like to rescale these. So I type, ...
WillO's user avatar
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How do I scale nodes in TikZ without scaling the text inside?

I want a node that is shaped like a hexagon, but slightly stretched on the x-axis. Currently, I achieve this, but it stretches the text inside as well. How do I do this without stretching the text? ...
OldTanoa's user avatar
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How to increase accuracy when scaling data from table in pgfplots

I try to plot data with a small range but a large offset (my x data is a time in seconds, ranging from 26400 to 264480) and seem to reach accuracy limits of pgfplots when scaling this data after ...
Inor's user avatar
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How to scale log with zero and node to mark?

\pdfoutput=1 \documentclass[11pt]{standalone} % \usepackage[review]{EMNLP2023} \usepackage{times} \usepackage{latexsym} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{microtype} \...
O Y Jo's user avatar
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How to make x and y, which stand after the vertical line, have the same size as the small \psi and x, which stand in \partial

\begin{equation*} \psi(\omega) = \left.{\psi}\right|_{\omega=0} + \omega \cdot \underbrace {\left.\dfrac{d\psi}{d\omega}\right|_{\omega=0} }_{\left.\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial x}\right|_{\...
Шевченко Алексей's user avatar
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Controlling the scaling of predefined x-ray of a head-top drawings using \def

This MWE is just a part of a document, containing many other drawings and text, added to this frame and other frames. I would like to control the scaling of the defined drawings (xraytube and headtop) ...
Hany's user avatar
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When using scalebox to fit my algorithm in one page a random number appears

Here's the code: \begin{algorithm}[h!] \scalebox{0.85}{ \begin{minipage}{1.1\linewidth} \caption{Inferir relação} \SetAlgoLined \DontPrintSemicolon \begin{algorithmic}[1] \Objetivo \Desc{Procura o ...
Scipio's user avatar
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Ellipse not properly scaling and rotating in pgfplot axis environment

I'm having trouble drawing an ellipse in a pgfplots axis environment based on the major axes, minor axes, and angle w.r.t. the x-axis. I've managed to draw such an ellipse using Tikz, however, the ...
Bart Wolleswinkel's user avatar
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How to reduce the height of the capitals in the sans math font in newtx version ≥ 1.724?

Running pdflatex on \documentclass[ngerman]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \usepackage[T2A,T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage[slantedGreek,subscriptcorrection,helvratio=.9]{newtx}% I ...
AlMa1r's user avatar
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How to automatically scale and align /tikzpicture with font size

I've created some symbols with TikZ (and for some of them used shapes.geometric) to use within text, e. g. this one: \newcommand{\kttriangle}{\tikz{\node[regular polygon, regular polygon sides=3, draw,...
seeplusn00b's user avatar
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Scaling dsfont without scalerel (any alternatives?)

My problem is as follows: I would like to use the upright fourier package symbols together with dsfont. This produces: I therefore want to scale the dsfont symbols down to the same size as the ...
studying mathematics 's user avatar
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DeclareMathOperator with auto scaling parentheses

Using the "physics" package, there's a nice behavior where if you write \usepackage{physics} \begin{document} \[ \arctan(\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}) \] \end{document} The parentheses will ...
Justin Murante's user avatar
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Fontspec: separately scale uppercase and lowercase so `tt` has same cap-to-x-height ratio as main font

TL/DR I understand this is a perverse question, but—is it possible, in fontspec/XeLaTeX|LuaLaTeX, to separately scale uppercase and lowercase letters of a monospace typewriter font to achieve the ...
Timtro's user avatar
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How to reduce size of my equation to fit properly in my beamer presentation slide?

I am preparing slides using beamer. However, my equation has exceeded the page margin. I have tried several solutions given on this website, but with those solutions, my .tex file is not compiling. ...
Drimitive Watson's user avatar
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Scaling up a math symbol messes up toc

I am trying to scale up a greek letter inside a math formula. To do this, i follow this answer and use \scaleobj from the package scalerel However, when I try to use an expression that includes my ...
pusteblume's user avatar
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Automatically resizes text to fit perfectly within its bounds

I am looking for the same functionality as simc/auto_size_text, a flutter widget that automatically resizes text to fit perfectly within its bounds. However, I want to achieve this for physically ...
user95184's user avatar
2 votes
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Ticks scaling - How to change the common factor multiplier to an offset value?

I am plotting the following figure using Python and I obtain this render: Here, Python is automatically adding an constant value offset (+9.192682e9) on the y axis to read more easily the data. Now, ...
Clement's user avatar
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Table with tabular goes outside of page and is not centered when minipage is added to adjustbox

I am trying to have my table fit the text width and be centered in the middle. Without minipage it works as intended but when I add a minipage to the adjustbox (since I need the caption and potential ...
jk5b's user avatar
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On Scaling Horizontal Spacing Commands

Many horizontal spacing commands are of course, found in What commands are there for horizontal spacing?. I would like to inquire if, say, invoking the \enspace command, which produces a space of .5em,...
DDS's user avatar
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Adjusting the Vertical Spacing Between Consecutive Lines with a Scaled Typewriter Font [duplicate]

Consider the code \documentclass[12pt]{book} \usepackage{scalefnt} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{description} \item {\fontfamily{lmvtt}\selectfont{No one should be ashamed to admit ...
DDS's user avatar
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Why Does Latex Consider My Overlaid Accented Title to be in Math Mode?

Consider the code: \documentclass[a5paper,12pt,onecolumn,openany,final]{book} \usepackage[hmargin=0.7in,vmargin=0.75in]{geometry} \usepackage{pstricks,psvectorian} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{...
DDS's user avatar
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Automatically scaling pseudocodeblock to fit in the page

I have an environment (pseudocodeblock from the cryptocode package) that goes into the margin if the content is too large: For now, I can manually resize it using \scalebox and minipage, but I need ...
tobiasBora's user avatar
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How to fit references number into a single table

I am working on overleaf and preparing a report. I am working on a review paper in which I surveyed over a hundred papers. Thus, I need to put them as references. However, I am unable to fit the ...
As if's user avatar
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Scaling an \includepdf onto a Page with a Different Geometry

UPDATED Consider the code (which I compile with xelatex) \documentclass[12pt,onecolumn,openany,final]{book} \usepackage[hmargin=0in,vmargin=0in,paperwidth=5.625in,paperheight=8.5in]{geometry} \...
DDS's user avatar
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On Scaling the Contents of a Minipage

Consider the code \documentclass[12pt]{book} \usepackage{scalerel,scalefnt} \usepackage[showframe,paperwidth=5.5in,paperheight=8.25in]{geometry} \textwidth=4in \textheight=6.40in \voffset -7pt \...
DDS's user avatar
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How to have corectly scaled intervals on the same line with some text? [closed]

I want the (-infty, -b/2a] interval to be scaled as the big one, but, at the same time, to came in line after the text. The one that's with the text is smaller. How can I remediate this?
Emilian Popa's user avatar
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On a Comment of Percusse: "Shrink Paper Size, Print Big!"

In the post Should I use \documentclass[12pt]{article} with \Large or \documentclass{article} with \LARGE?, Percusse made the following comment: PDF is vector. Shrink paper size, print big! QUESTION: ...
DDS's user avatar
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arrow with triangle tail

I'd like to have an arrow shape with a triangle tail, which goes along well with\rightarrowtriangle from the stmaryrd package. Using \smalltriangleright\!\!\!\to with \smalltriangleright from MnSymbol ...
user313032's user avatar
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Tikz Question: Scaling text inside nodes

I'm still new to Latex and I am especially new to drawing/coding logic gates in Latex. I am having a problem scaling the text inside a logic gate and none of the solutions I've found online so far ...
VinStr's user avatar
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scale & view at 3d plot

I want to have the graph of this function: Here how it looks like from geogebra: I wanted to draw it with tikz, so I wrote this code: \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article} \usepackage{pgfplots} \...
Kώστας Κούδας's user avatar
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How to create a custom font size like \tiny that horizontally squishes font?

The appearance of double sub/superscripts is extremely horizontally squished. For example, x^{2^{k^\alpha+1}} yields I would like to create a custom font that "squishes" the k^\alpha+1 ...
btshepard's user avatar
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Minimizing table, insert and fit within a single page [duplicate]

\documentclass[12pt]{elsarticle} %% for removing the footer \makeatletter \def\ps@pprintTitle{% \let\@oddhead\@empty \let\@evenhead\@empty %\let\@oddfoot\@empty \let\@evenfoot\@oddfoot } \...
As if's user avatar
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3 votes
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Can I scale text horizontally with TikZ?

I'm trying to draw circles in TikZ with 1-3 digit numbers inscribed into them. The numbers should all have the same height and should be squashed horizontally to fit into the circle. The height should ...
mdm's user avatar
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Right aligned text in the same line

\documentclass[12pt] {article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{enumerate} \begin{document} \begin{enumerate}[1.] \item Qustion no 1. \begin{flushright} [Ans:\;...
Manjoy Das's user avatar
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Update "How to scale a tikzpicture to \textwidth" for expl3/xparse

I am probably the thousandth person who wants to scale a tikzpicture to the size of \textwidth. There is a solution for this problem given in however it ...
Franz's user avatar
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tikzpicture cannot be centered after scaling axis

Using This MWE I get the plot I want, however it is not correctly centered above the caption. I think the problem is the scaling, but this is necessary since without it the figure would be too small. ...
lorenzo's user avatar
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How to fit a table with a very long column into a 2 column format?

New to latex so apologies if this has been asked, I haven't found this specific question on SO. I have a table that I'm trying to fit into a 2 column page format. The actual link for the full packages ...
Penguin's user avatar
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