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The Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights, which regulates issues related to the protection of copyrights, belongs to the private law system (its provi- sions protect the private interest). However, the Act includes both... more
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Contents Preface / vii I. Tradition Stanisław Czepita Czesław Znamierowski’s Conception of the Norm and the Problem of Truth / 3 Jakub Martewicz Truth of Legal Norms in Czes³aw Znamierowski’s Philosophy / 8 Giuseppe Lorini The Threefold... more
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      SemioticsHuman RightsPhilosophy Of LawTruth
To prepare law students to be efficient lawyers, European law schools need to reinvent themselves. This article presents the reform proposal we created for our university in 2016-2017. It is based on our experience as students, academics... more
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Narrowcasting" w miejscach u¿ytecznooeci publicznej D zisiejsze formy przekazu czy to obrazu, czy fonii przybieraj¹ ró¿ne formy. Ka¿da nowa forma takiego przekazu jest nowym wyzwaniem nie tylko dla techników, informatyków analizuj¹cych na... more
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    • Physics
Przedstawiciele doktryny, w poglądach wyrażanych na gruncie art. 18 pr. aut., nie poświęcili większej uwagi temu, iż przedmiotem regulacji we wspomnianym przepisie jest nie tylko egzekucja z autorskich praw majątkowych, lecz także... more
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Przedmiotem rozważań podjętych przez Autorów w niniejszym artykule jest problematyka prawna związana z możliwością dochodzenia roszczenia z tytułu naruszenia dóbr osobistych w Internecie od bezpośredniego sprawcy naruszenia przez pryzmat... more
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In recent years, “nudging” has become a standard behavioral intervention at the individual level and for the design of social policies. Although nudges are effective, such interventions seem to be limited to a given space and time, and... more
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      Political ScienceGlobalization And HealthMedicinePublic health systems and services research
The aim of the analysis carried out in this article was to indicate the scope of liability for violation of personal interests of a human being by a person who places a hyperlink on the Internet which include a material violating personal... more
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      PhysicsLawIntellectual PropertyCopyright Law
Users of social networking sites post more and more materials that may be subject to copyright and related rights. As a result, these activities quite often constitute a breach of law. The article describes what activities-carried out as... more
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      HyperlinkLiabilityInternet privacy
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      ArtMass mediaDoctrinePhenomenon
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    • Theology