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Questions tagged [gis]

A geographic information system (GIS) integrates hardware, software, data, and people for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information. GIS allows us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports, and charts.

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Why are GeoTIFF files all white in image viewers?

In any image editor (GIMP and tried) or viewer in Windows, including using the .net framework, when opening a GeoTIFF formatted file the image width and height are correct, but there is no ...
J Collins's user avatar
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How do I set up Geoserver on Debian 12 with Tomcat9?

My Nginx after running certbot (in sites-available/domain): server { listen 80; server_name; # Redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS return 301 https://$host$request_uri;...
Michael Williams's user avatar
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Why Is the Display of a Raster in ARCGIS so Slow?

I would like to improve the time it takes to display raster data to the screen in ArcGIS. I work with a lot of DEM's and Lidar data and sometimes I will wait for 3 to 5 minutes just to display this ...
Hydrad's user avatar
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How do I generate a heatmap of the world with by-state data?

I have some dataset with pairs of the name of a state (not US state!) and a value (either categorical or on a scale). I would like to create a heatmap of the world, with the states marked on it, ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Open another .exe version, if current version isnt available - QGIS

Im using the Shortcut Target function to open a stripped down version of QGIS, and for those who know QGIS, there's multiple versions being used by multiple users at any given time. Im looking to have ...
Anthony's user avatar
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WebGL unsupported when running locally but works when remote?

Two Debian/testing machines with same version of Firefox but different GPU and X drivers. On my father's machine, accessing this website gives the following error message in the Firefox console: "...
Andrea Borgia's user avatar
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2 answers

RPC header not found despite being installed

I'm trying to install MB-system on my Arch Linux machine. I installed all necessary dependencies and have the package libtirpc installed. When running the configure script, it ends with: checking rpc/...
Turtle10000's user avatar
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1 answer

Geopandas import error in RHEL

I have installed the Geopandas in RHEL server also its dependency Rtree. When i try to import the geopandas it throws the below error File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/root/...
saurabh srivastava's user avatar
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Can you use your own GIS shapefiles in Google Data Studio?

I am considering using Google Data Studio as part of an online dashboard, but I need the dashboard to show geographic data against my own customized regional areas. Can I pull in a GIS file such as a ...
Question_Mark's user avatar
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Why Arc GIS Raster calculator is not working?

i want to do satellite image base calculations by using Arc GIS Raster calculator. But when i run some calculations, it gives above error which i attached as a image. Always this is happening when i ...
Samith's user avatar
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Syntax error when installing MapScript through pip

I am trying to install mapscript using pip and I get this error. $ python --version Python 3.5.2 $ pip --version pip 19.0.1 from /home/vguide/.virtualenvs/floodsam/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip (...
xpanta's user avatar
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1 answer

How are statistical maps made? [closed]

I see maps with all kind of statistics (gdp, population density, rain, exports, happiness) on the internet all the time. Usually they're only outlines (so they have no roads or buildings or whatever) ...
entonio's user avatar
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2 answers

IF, LEFT, INDIRECT Excel function for PLSS section-township-range

I am a GIS specialist for a cadastral mapping company. I'm running Office 2010 and I'm trying to build a function in Excel that derives the section, township and range from the 16 digit parcel ...
Chris Swanson's user avatar
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How can I use Bing or Google Maps to show the traveled path?

I wonder if there's a functionality in Bing Maps or Google Maps that can present information of how I traveled on my bike. The input can be simply made by clicking on checkpoints and building the way ...
Konrad Viltersten's user avatar
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How to convert .shp to ASCII in QGIS or R?

Actually I want to convert the shp file to .grd file. But before I convert the .shp to .grd, on my thinking, first I must convert the .shp into ascii. Is it possible to convert directly from .shp to ....
Din's user avatar
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How do I make this add-in toolbar button work in ArcMap 10.2 using the ESRI provided Python Add-In Wizard (i'm following a tutorial)

I'm following a tutorial here: I have added the code to the .py file and installed the add-in using the makeaddin....
user393041's user avatar
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How can I align two images one of which has been warped?

Is there any software that can be used to warp two images so they can be aligned? I'm not sure, but I think is this is known as image registration or image rectification. Background I'm using Adobe ...
DaveAlden's user avatar
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SQL 2012 in Hyper-V. Why are my queries slow until I drop and create any spatial index?

I have a spatial application that queries several tables (layers) each time the user pans/zooms the map. When I moved the SQL server into Hyper-V, I noticed that there was a several second delay when ...
Damien's user avatar
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Problems using a batch file For loop to feed .tifs into a GIS process (gdal_polygonize)

Thanks in advance for your help with this. I've been reading, experimenting, and banging my head against the wall for a couple days on this, and could really use some assistance. This is my first ...
Vergentorix's user avatar
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Antivirus deleting files?

I am working with QGIS and noticed recently that some files (.shx) disappeared... I read somewhere on StackExchange that an antivirus may "clean" some folders (I have Avira and CCleaner). Is it ...
Lily's user avatar
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Amazon Cloud as a Server with alot of RAM [closed]

I need a server with very big size of RAM, so around a ~1TB, for a GIS DB, that would be not written to hard disk, because the data is irrelevant after a seconds. So i do not need a lot of disk space, ...
BASILIO's user avatar
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6 votes
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mysqldump alternatives --hex-blob doesn't convert geometry binary columns to hex

I'm trying to create a mysqldump in utf8 encoding. The table I'm trying to dump contains geometry columns. Now, when I use the --hex-blob option, the geometry columns don't get converted to hex. Are ...
WindsurferOak's user avatar
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Sort by selection..spreadsheet software

I am so frustrated... I use ArcMap a lot and therefore I use the 'show selected features' a lot when I am in the attribute table. Now I need to manipulate a csv file in excel with 150,000+ records ...
user83404's user avatar
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Windows 8 RT Internet Explorer- SVG plugin?

My current company is using a GIS firm that requires us to web-interface with it specifically with 'Internet Explorer' and with the 'current' 6/7 year old Adobe SVG Plugin. I've thrown every user-...
Solemnity's user avatar
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3 answers

alternatives to google maps for large-scale GIS viewers?

I would like to view a map of Indonesia / Australia / New Zealand like Google Maps, except that I'd like to customize the layers viewed: I'd like to use a topographic/bathymetric basemap, and show lat/...
Jason S's user avatar
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Import 71 and file permission in ArcGIS

I am making a map for my thesis. While using ArcGIS, I must use Import71 to convert some .e00 files (In this particular case, political boundaries and Hydrography networks). When I select my output ...
ben's user avatar
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Building new GIS Workstation - is it worth upgrading to a workstation GPU?

We are currently building a machine from scratch to act as a GIS workstation. The primary software used is ESRI's ArcGIS and we are mainly working with vector data using raster data only for ...
bsigrist's user avatar
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