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Questions tagged [configure]

Configure is an autoconf script used to configure software source packages for building on Posix-like operating systems.

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Is it possible to modify the colours in windirstat for the file extensions?

While using windirstat, the file types are coloured according to their extension. Is it possible modifying that list? (Add file extensions, add colours, ...)
Dominique's user avatar
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Why Can't configure Find xrandr.pc?

I am compiling fvwm3 from source on Debian 12 bookworm. I "cd" to the source directory and run "./configure --enable-golang" All is well until xrandr cannot be found, even though ...
i_heart_linux's user avatar
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Difficulty setting OpenDKIM SYSCONFDIR at compile time

I am trying to install all files related to opendkim under the directory /my/custom/dir/. To do this, I first tried setting the directory at the configure stage: ./configure --prefix=/my/custom/dir/ ...
BrownianBridge's user avatar
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Why does configure script expect an absolute directory name for --prefix?

I'm trying to use a non-absolute directory name for --prefix: $ ./configure --prefix=xxx configure: error: expected an absolute directory name for --prefix: xxx Why does configure script expect an ...
pmor's user avatar
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openssl version returns " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" after compiling openssl

Here's what I tried: wget tar xvzf openssl-3.3.0.tar.gz cd openssl-3.3.0 ./config make make install When I type in openssl version after that I get ...
neubert's user avatar
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A local host web with localhost on port 443 was not found the site must be created in iss before can run the application

I have a configuration of .NET 2.1 LanuchSetting.json that has 2 commandNames is "IIS" then i got the error as the title above. I had changed one of them from "IIS" To "...
Trí Đỗ Quang's user avatar
-2 votes
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How can you adjust the contrast/gamma of both IPS and non IPS displays in the classic BIOS as well as in the UEFI BIOS?

And no, I'm not asking how to adjust contrast/gamma at the OS level. Because that can only be a bad substitute, since one would have to make a corresponding setting and partly also still needed ...
Alfred.37's user avatar
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Change login screen background dark to transparent

I recently changed from a Windows user to Linux(debian 12) after 10yrs. I'm a beginner user and just saw some tutorials (not so user friendly), but I'm just loving the learning process. These are my ...
yamihero777's user avatar
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How to poweroff safely for HDD? Arch Linux

I use Arch Linux on the external pocket (HDD). When I poweroff my pc, HDD clicks because it stops immediately. How can I configure safely poweroff for my HDD? I tried to configure APM using hdparm, ...
LankryF's user avatar
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3 answers
23k views PermissionError while configuring serial port v3.0 Serial port COM11 A fatal error occurred: Cannot configure port, something went wrong. Original message: PermissionError(13, 'A device attached to the system is not ...
Mukul MBR's user avatar
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Building emacs 29 on openSUSE: `configure` cannot find json library despite it being installed

Im currently trying to build emacs 29.0.90 from source. I've installed every version and permutation of json-devel, json-c, libjsoncpp, etc on the repositories, and even built, tested, and installed ...
Alexis Purslane's user avatar
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A few doubtful nginx directives are confusing me

I was following this DO article: And have these doubts regarding nginx conf files directives: What if there are 2 non-regexp ...
Bathinda Helper's user avatar
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poor performance win10 and howto improve it

I have an HP laptop 4GB with intel core M5Y10c 0.80GHz 1.00GHz and windows 10 x64 The performance is really poor and also the UI is slow and unreliable. I've tried to disable useless characteristics ...
Daniel Perez's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is ffmpeg_g slightly bigger than ffmpeg with --disable-debug?

When I compiled FFmpeg with --disable-debug, ffmpeg_g (22.2 MiB) was slightly bigger than ffmpeg (20.9 MiB), Why?
marbens's user avatar
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Can I use code to control the LEDs in my MacBook keyboard backlight?

I would like to have my MacBook keyboard backlight LEDs light up responding to the keys I press. For example, if I press a key, it should have something like a ripple effect around it with backlights. ...
Monke Man's user avatar
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ssh agent forwarding not working on Windows

Same ask as ssh agent forwarding on Windows 10, but on Windows 11. When I ssh from my Linux client with AgentForwarding enabled into a Windows 11 host, I cannot access the client keys on the host: C:\...
xpt's user avatar
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Cisco Router - not saving nat routing information in startup script

I have a client with an old Cisco Router (Cisco 2851 (revision 53.51)), using Cisco IOS Software, 2800 Software (C2800NM-IPBASE-M), Version 12.4(3i). I needed to open a new routing port to a computer ...
Joao de Oliveira's user avatar
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UEFI Variable Storage (removing /sys/firmware/efi dump files) when Kernel Variables CONFIG_EFIVAR_FS & CONFIG_EFI_VARS both =y as in Ubuntu 20.04

In the Arch Wiki I see that the two kernel variables CONFIG_EFIVAR_FS & CONFIG_EFI_VARS should be set =y and =n respectively. Arch says, "This option should be disabled to prevent any ...
Diagon's user avatar
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i3wm: Duplicate workspace to new monitor

I'm looking for a way to duplicate a workspace to another monitor (i3wm). I'm using arandr (screen layout manager), but workspaces are always split between screens. Let's say I'm making a presentation ...
luku's user avatar
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How to un-mark a SATA HDD “as spare” in Windows 10

I have a desktop computer with an extra HDD connected to it via SATA port, and I have done "mark as spare" to the drive, but I don't remember where I got to that setting, and I want to undo ...
TheLabCat's user avatar
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Where should I place all the configurations for my web site on Apache?

I have a web site on the Apache HTTP Server that's installed on the Ubuntu Server. I create my own config file in the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mywiki.conf where I added the <VirtualHost>...<...
JConstantine's user avatar
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Conventient way to store configuration and setup files for after reinstalling Windows

So, my Windows 10 has been running slow and things that have been working previously is suddenly not working anymore. I'm planning to do a full reinstall (wipe my entire disk), but I'm not looking ...
Andreas Bradahl's user avatar
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Can not find kubeconfig file

I am trying to access a remote kubernetes cluster with kubectl. In order to copy/paste cluster credentials in the kubeconfig file I executed "~/.kube/config" command but there is an error ...
coco's user avatar
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Establishing Connection to Ethernet Switch

I am trying to configure a basic network for a LAN. The LAN consist of only devices and an Ethernet switch. The devices are using Ubuntu. To configure a basic network, the computers must be on the ...
logic_bomb_walter's user avatar
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How to prevent programs from creating firewall rules

I configured firewall for blocking all non-vpn traffic (VPN client only allowed), but some programs automatically create rules to allow all their connections. Can I configure group policy or something ...
digigo32's user avatar
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Strange error when trying to configure Snort

I've been following this guide: teaching how to install snort, as using the apt-get install snort command ...
Gabriel Ketzer's user avatar
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top: how to fix the "window entry #1 corrupt" error

I have a ~/.toprc exactly like the one here, and it has always been fine. However, since I update my Ubuntu to 20.04 LTS from 18.04, I no longer able to run top with it any more. This is what I'm ...
xpt's user avatar
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Where is the config file that allows you to edit the text for invoking root via terminal?

The current text is "[sudo] password for $username:". Where is the config file that allows you to modify this?
CSD's user avatar
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What is the meaning of a word or words surrounded by square brackets at the top of various file types?

I see various file types with the following structure at the top of the file: [xxx] I work with AWS a lot and I see it often in their config files. For example regarding CFN-init, the config files ...
dillon.harless's user avatar
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How to pass configure arguments as a parameter to a function in bash?

I was working on a bash function to help me to compile packages: make_package() { local PACKAGE_NAME=$1 local PACKAGE_VERSION=$2 local PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR=$3 local ...
kostr22's user avatar
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RPC header not found despite being installed

I'm trying to install MB-system on my Arch Linux machine. I installed all necessary dependencies and have the package libtirpc installed. When running the configure script, it ends with: checking rpc/...
Turtle10000's user avatar
10 votes
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How to solve Receive error: 10053 connection was aborted by the software in your host machine for folding@home?

I wanted to follow Nvidia's call to action to donate unused GPU computing power to fight against COVID-19 and installed the Folding@home Client at Version 7.5.1 on a Windows 10 x64 machine. My logs ...
k0pernikus's user avatar
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Integrate Apache Drill with Apache Superset

I installed Apache Drill through the link in the Drill Documentation. Apache Drill works fine. I also installed and got Apache Superset running using docker. Superset also works totally fine. But my ...
Himsara Gallege's user avatar
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PHP 7.3.8. ZIP extension on MacOS Catalina 10.15

I’m trying to use the builtin PHP in MacOS Catalina 10.15 by compiling the ZIP extension by myself. In the new MacOS Catalina, the phpize tool is no longer usable since inside it contains an invalid ...
Viames Marino's user avatar
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bin file unavailable in Apache Drill

I installed Drill according to Drill Documentation. I have java installed. These are the steps I followed wget Then ...
Himsara Gallege's user avatar
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weblogic server config.cmd did not work on windows 10

I am trying to setup weblogic server on windows 10. I run fmw_12. successfully. But when I try to create domain using config.cmd file, configuration wizard wasn't opened. I ...
Mete's user avatar
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The extra "2 q" in mysql.cnf

Show content in mysql.cnf file. cat /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf [mysql] Show it with binary format. xxd /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf 00000000: 5b6d 7973 716c 5d0a [mysql]. ...
showkey's user avatar
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Why is the libvo-aacenc / libvo_aacenc not found?

When using this library and running in the folder: "./configure --enable-static --enable-version3 --enable-libvo-aacenc" the error "ERROR libvo_aacenc not ...
a a's user avatar
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Midnight Commander: configure error: S-Lang library version 2.0 or newer not found

Trying to update Midnight Commander to the latest version (4.8.23), I downloaded the corresponding tar.xz file from their website (;O=D), extracted the files and ...
user avatar
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Avoid recompiling with make after running configure

I have a program (ffmpeg) that I am trying to install. This is what I'm currently doing: Run ./configure with the desired options. Wait a minute or so. Run make. Wait 20-25 minutes. Get an error ...
Solomon Ucko's user avatar
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How to use Cunit with Mingw64 on Windows?

I'm trying to run some test on Windows, using Mingw64. I got Mingw64 with gcc 4.7 from rubenvb builds on sourceforge, and I additionally downloaded some Unix utilities from here: https://sourceforge....
Ablia's user avatar
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What are ignored packages for?

I don't have any packages installed on my Sublime Text 3, yet I have this strange property in my configuration file. "ignored_packages": [ "ActionScript", "Vintage" ], Why is it there and ...
Sun - FE's user avatar
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Trying to run another website on my Ubuntu 18 server

Currently, I'm running a website on my server called but I want to create a separate website on the server to take you to a page that says "Hello World" the way you'd get there is www....
icedmoca's user avatar
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Building OpenFOAM-v1812 - configure error for ParaView

Can anyone help with an error on building OpenFOAM, a computational fluid dynamics package? This was on configuring the dependency ParaView with: ./makeParaView ~/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-v1812$ ./...
Brendan Darrer's user avatar
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wrong dependency_libs in .la file after make install with DESTDIR flag

I am maintaining a locally-compiled version of gpg. The end result is supposed to be a standalone suite of packages living in /opt/local (with the standard tree under that base directory: usr/bin for ...
grobber's user avatar
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clang: error: no such file or directory: '_REENTRANT'

I am trying to install UDUNITS-2 package for the graphical visual browser: ncview. Can anyone help me understand the following error message: clang: error: no such file or directory: '_REENTRANT' A ...
Brendan Darrer's user avatar
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An issue with ncview (netCDF visual browser) on cygwin - windows 10

I have an issue with ncview on cygwin. Can anyone help? I have installed cygwin on windows 10 and followed the instructions on Ncview under Windows. my output from ./configure and make install are ...
Brendan Darrer's user avatar
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WINDOWS 7 | Backup & Restore | limit number of backups (quantity)

win7_6.1.7601.sp1 Control Panel\System and Security\Backup and Restore I ended up finding out the hard way that Windows 7's Backup and Restore is an essential function. Where a user can define ...
fohrums's user avatar
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What is the default value for Options in Apache 2.4?

I wonder if the Indexes option is enabled or not. For my website, it seems the directory index is disabled because visiting returns 403 forbidden. But I do not remember I added ...
peter's user avatar
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how to set environment variables CAIROMM_CFLAGS and CAIROMM_LIBS

While I remain ignorant how precisely Mac OS suddenly figured to find the dependencies (that was brew-installed) required to install graph-tool using conda install command... I further remain ...
dia's user avatar
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