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American Standard Code for Information Interchange is a character-encoding scheme based on the ordering of the English alphabet. ASCII codes represent text in computers and devices that use text. It includes definitions for 128 characters - 94 printable and 33 non-printable.

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Ghostscript converting PDF to Text file but output unreadable

I was trying to convert a 7 page pdf document which is in Urdu/Arabic language. Ghostscript succeded in converting the pdf to txt but the resulting text file is unreadable with junk characters. Here ...
Shahid's user avatar
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does batch program support any ascii characters or is there's a way to create encoder and decoder program with another tools?

i wrote batch encoder and decoder from adrianvdh and customize some of the text string input, but the decoder one aren't working, because i put special symbols inside there. here's the string of the ...
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Can't remove hidden characters?

I'm trying to make a simple tool for my job where I can decline job listings for a specific reason simply by checking their boxes and then copying and pasting the final cell where it will compile all ...
Nathan surv genorpg20's user avatar
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Is there an ASCII character that is an underscore and an overscore at the same time?

I am looking for a character that will be the addition of an underscore (_) and an overscore (‾): _+‾ Is there such a character?
Bussiere's user avatar
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Why aren't ASCII characters displayed properly on Windows 11?

For some time now I have the issue that I can only use ASCII characters 32 - 126. Any other character is not displayed as it should be. Instead either nothing happens or the unicode replacement ...
user1737643's user avatar
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How to type in ASCII ESC in vim/Linux using remote terminal tool

ENV = Centos7, bash version 4.2.46 Main Goal - I want ANSI color codes to display colors instead of actual codes when using cat or tail. Current Status - If sample.txt contains codes as below \e[32m ...
Lunartist's user avatar
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How to convert this file into PNG

I have a file with no extension (as far as I can tell) that consists of special symbols. (File: Here're a couple of ...
awayneff's user avatar
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Any way to change the sound generated by BEL (beep) in the Windows console?

When BEL (ASCII 7) is sent to standard output in the Windows console, a beep sound is generated. (BTW, the name was officially switch from BELL to BEL way back in 1965!) Is there any way to change ...
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar
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How can I make a float left and right text in one line using ASCII?

I'm trying to put a text in one line in an aligned left and right on both ends. Please see example image of what I meant: Does anyone know the ascii code to do this? All I know is this is the ascii ...
Jumar Juaton's user avatar
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Why is the 0 key last on the QWERTY keyboard layout and scan codes, but the first in ASCII and EBCDIC?

In ASCII, 0 is first, before 1. In EBCDIC, 0 is still first, before 1. This enables computations and conversions between codes and digits, simply by subtracting "0". Eg: "0" - &...
Prem's user avatar
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X2Go error: home directory path contains non-ASCII characters

The following error has started appearing for myself and all local users of X2Go when attempting to access a remote Ubuntu workstation: Connection failed. Your home directory path contains non-ASCII ...
barnhillec's user avatar
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Is it possible to use the escape codes used in shell prompts elseware, such as with echo?

Example: When I run echo -e "\[\033[;33m\][\t \u (\#th) | \w]$\[\033[0m\]" The printed response is \[\][ \u (\#th) | \w]$\[\] (Where everything after the first \[ and before the last \] ...
Lukas's user avatar
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Convert UTF-8 characters to their extended ASCII code

I have a file with unicode characters and I am trying to convert specific characters such as these black characters in notepad++ to get their ASCII value. For example, in the picture I have the DCS ...
Ilyes 's user avatar
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Does the "face with tears of joy" emoji have an ASCII version or a Windows alt code?

Many emojis started as ASCII emoticons such as :-) :-( :'( :O :P ;-( etc. In 2015, Oxford Dictionaries' "Word of the Year" was the emoji 😂, known as the "face with tears of joy". ...
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Clarification on FTP - ASCII vs. binary transfer mode after having corrupted files

Recently I wasted almost two hours before realizing that the file upload with Filezilla corrupted the files (e.g. adding unwanted spaces or special UTF-8 characters being corrupted) after downloading ...
Blackbam's user avatar
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Hexadecimal in ASCII

am working with a very minimal version of linux borph, I use this OS to interact with a FPGA. I could read some registers inside the FPGA using a process who ask for the data via telnet and gives me ...
jonh_titor's user avatar
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Extended ASCII table issues on a 64-bit OS

Consider: Our old 32-bit program using the US-ASCII extended table (128-256) to create simple borders for its program menus. For example, decimal 193 is an upside down Tee. However, when the ...
Burt Iwata's user avatar
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NetTerm shows characters instead of lines

My issue is almost the same as Why does YaST now show lines as lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq? , but instead of PuTTY and YaST, I'm using NetTerm and MLS (= WMS). My lines are also shown in characters as you can ...
Robin Haes's user avatar
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Issues establishing a stable Minitel to Raspberry Pi serial port connection

I'm working on repurposing old Minitel into a dumb terminal. But I came across a problem with the serial port connection. As I found out, the serial connection from the Minitel to the Raspberry Pi ...
paddy's user avatar
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Ubuntu 16.4 Filename Corruption after Backing up with dd

I have downloaded the boot partition from a server I needed a local copy of using dd and SSH. I can boot up the partition using a virtual machine, however, I have noticed some file names are ...
Utku Tuluk's user avatar
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Can I turn Base85 into a data URL? If so how?

I just recently learned of a much much more efficient version of base, called Ascii85 (or Base85) and as seen, it is much more storage efficient than say, Base64 or Uuencode: This is in Base85: ...
Mister SirCode's user avatar
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Changing ansi and OEM code page in Windows

How to change ansi and OEM code page from 437 to 65001 in control panel? I have literally searched out whole control panel to change the code page but couldn't find it. Can anybody help me?
Nikhil Sharma's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a QR code using text?

QR codes I have seen are mostly image files. But can you create QR codes using plain text? For example ASCII and UTF-8 have black boxes as characters. Can I use those together with spaces to create a ...
MCK's user avatar
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Python program fails only if run (via ssh) from a mac terminal

I am trying to run a python program on a data processing (linux) cluster. The program runs fine if I ssh to the cluster from my linux desktop and start it but fails if I ssh to the cluster from my mac ...
muzzle's user avatar
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How to avoid Sed changing the file format?

I was trying to use a sed file to preprocess a file, but the output from sed seems to change the format. How should I avoid it? file A.txt A.txt UTF-8 Unicode English text, with very long lines sed ...
Luca's user avatar
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Emulating Alt ASCII codes in Linux

I have an Alphasmart Neo, which emulates a keyboard when connected to a computer to send text files. It basically works like a very fast typist. When it hits an accented character it tries to use the ...
fullmontis's user avatar
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Input corrupted on Windows 10 after 1083 update: ASCII chars are replaced with �

Suddenly, likely due an update, input is corrupted for ASCII chars. I am using Windows 10 (Version 1803, Build 17134.112). Usually if I write left Alt + 254 on numeric keyboard I got black square ■ ...
Yarl's user avatar
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Purpose of NUL character in Bitlocker recovery text file

I was setting up BitLocker today and my recovery text file looks like this: However, I tried to copy and paste this file into another document for backup purposes, and it came out looking like this: ...
aaronsnoswell's user avatar
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YouTube url can't be converted to base64 again

When I tried to encode YouTube url again to base64, the value after = didn't changed except first two letters. Is that already in base64? Url Converted: ...
Ben Druno's user avatar
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Why does LibreOffice Calc change CSV file Character Set?

I have a .csv file export (actually printed to csv file) made on a Windows 10 machine. Working in Libreoffice Calc on Archlinux, Why can Calc open a file using settings Character Set: Western Europe (...
xtian's user avatar
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How to replace Hex Characters in Notepad++

var x = { 'leaderboardNick': { 'Player': '\x72\x67\x62\x61\x28\x32\x32\x32\x2c\x20\x32\x33\x2c\x20\x38\x38\x2c\x20\x31\x29', '\u3010\u20B1\u20AC\u3011': #FFF, }, 'emoticons'...
user2976880's user avatar
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A text is converting to ASCII or BINARY first?

When we type something in a text file or suppose that I'm sending an email to my friend with an attachment inside the email. In both cases of text file and email. What is happening first? Is that text/...
Ben Druno's user avatar
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Convert tab separated values to ASCII table

What is the most efficient way to convert tab separated data such as this: a b c d cat NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL d d NULL NULL c NULL c NULL ...
Salman Arshad's user avatar
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Cannot write ă symbol in name during Windows 10 setup

I am starting a brand new PC with Windows 10 pre-installed for the very first time. Now I am stuck because I cannot write the user name with this special character ă. I try to use the Alt + ASCII code ...
Stefan Manuel Weissen's user avatar
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Why are extended ASCII values on my computer accurate until 188?

I want to be able to type special characters, and judging from this list, only from 0 to 188 (inclusive) do the characters I get out match whats on that site.
Derry's user avatar
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notepad++ regex length in bytes

I am struggling with coming up with a regexp in notepad++ that finds and replaces x number of bytes with nothing. Carriage return (0D) counts, line feed counts (0A). This is the regex I am trying: (...
UpTide's user avatar
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Is it possible to send NUL across a serial line?

The ascii character "NUL"'s value is 0. Is it possible to send this character over a serial line without getting it interpreted as no data being sent?
user233009's user avatar
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Pipe non ASCII characters to file

So, this is a bit of a dumb question... Just for fun I was trying to pipe the doge command into a file by using doge > doge.txt, but when I opened it some parts were not showing (probably because ...
Corrado Canepari's user avatar
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How do you write (garbled) sentences like this in Unicode?

I recently ran across a post on the Welcome to Night Vale Facebook page that looked like this. I’ve seen ASCII and NFO art before, but how the heck do you write like this? Is this done via LaTeX? ...
user690074's user avatar
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Toggle Chrome showing end-of-text (and other ascii) character

I've seen some posts about general "weird" characters, but those don't exactly answer my question. In particular, I'm seeing the end-of-text character. In chrome it's rendering as: while in firefox ...
brazilianldsjaguar's user avatar
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ascii in powershell (

I'm creating a script that create shortcuts to our archiving drive. I would like the filename to start with an Omega-sign; so windows always sorts it at the bottom. The output of my script shows the ...
Brtrnd's user avatar
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Can the UTF-8 code page identifier (65001) be different on other computers?

I recently tried to explain to a friend how to create a simple one-line batch file: subst t: "X:\Example" On my machine that has been working fine for years, but on theirs I ran into an issue: their ...
Annonymus's user avatar
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Batch cmd closes with ascii art?

I'm trying to make a ascii skull in batch, yet the cmd doesn't show my art OR text when opened start cmd.exe @echo off color a cls echo ^_________-----_____^ echo ^____------ ...
Xaxis's user avatar
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What's up with different hexadecimal encoding schemes?

So I've been working with cryptography for about a year now, learning as much as I can about all I can. A lot of things that I've come across (like the hexadecimally [not a word, but shh] encoded ...
user13129's user avatar
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In Notepad++ the encoding of a file is set to UTF-8 but the encoding is actually ASCII

I need some text files to be encoded as UTF-8 text files when I use them with Notepad++. However, sometimes I have UTF-8 selected as the encoding in Notepad++, but the file is actually in ASCII. I ...
azim58's user avatar
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Can we convert non unicode fonts to unicode?

I have few non unicode(8 bit) hindi fonts, can be move these characters to Unicode space so that they work for Unicode text.
Amit's user avatar
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Convert/open an ASCII file

I am trying to open an ASCII file. The provider of the file says it's my responsibility to figure it out. The first 10 lines of the file (using linux command "head -10 file.txt") are included below. I ...
Caleb Pitman's user avatar
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Using Notepad++ to view text files that also contain lower ASCII control characters

When using Notepad++ to view text files that also contain some lower ASCII control characters (such as NUL, BEL, and ACK), it shows every lower ASCII character in brackets like this: [NUL][BEL][ACK] ...
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar
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Why does CTL-3/CTL-# equal CTL-[? (and others) in the case of ASCII control characters

I've been rediscovering ASCII control characters as I fiddled with some terminal emulation code, and wrote a small program that outputs the hex value of each key I press (tcsetattr() with ~ICANON). ...
John de Largentaye's user avatar
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ASCII code for Win+R

Is it possible to "emulate" the keystroke Win+R (or more generally speaking: any combination with Win key) with an ASCII code? It is possible to send Ctrl+Something as an ASCII code, so I wonder ...
boleslaw.smialy's user avatar