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Questions tagged [tiff]

The TIFF (acronym for Tagged Image File Format) is a raster file format (also called bitmap) to digital images created by Aldus for use with PostScript printing process.

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Why are GeoTIFF files all white in image viewers?

In any image editor (GIMP and tried) or viewer in Windows, including using the .net framework, when opening a GeoTIFF formatted file the image width and height are correct, but there is no ...
J Collins's user avatar
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2 answers

USB flash drive sporadically corrupting TIFF and BMP files

I have a USB flash drive I am using to transfer photos from one Windows 10 machine to another. It can move Excel files and text files fine. But, occasionally I try to move a .TIFF or .BMP file and it ...
MatthewK's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to set up lossless settings for convert from Imagemagick ran on colored images with -compress JPEG2000/WebP for PDF/TIFF output?

Continuing Lossless or near lossless compression options for PDFs containing grayscale with JPEG2000? and Which compression modes of convert of imagemagick are lossless (with -quality 100)?, which ...
AlMa1r's user avatar
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"Creating TIFF with legacy Deflate codec identifier" warning when converting from DjVu to PDF

When converting to PDF with ddjvu: ddjvu -format=pdf input.djvu output.pdf there is a warning: TIFFWriteDirectorySec: Warning, Creating TIFF with legacy Deflate codec identifier, ...
jsx97's user avatar
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How to Reduce PDF File Size While Maintaining Image Quality in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC

I'm creating a PDF book from scanned documents and need help optimizing the file size while preserving image quality. Here’s what I’ve tried and the issues I’m encountering: Current Workflow: ...
Livre's user avatar
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How to compare TIFF files with fields tagged 37680 (0x9330)?

Let's assume two TIFF files which are probably the same except their tags (according to a Web search) “MSPropertySetStorage” / “OLE Property Set Storage”: $ ls -l f1.tif f2.tif | cut -d ' ' -f 5,11 ...
AlMa1r's user avatar
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2 answers

Way to improve MS PowerPoint Export image quality without editing registry?

I need to export high-quality (dpi = 300+) .tiff images from PowerPoint. Microsoft tells me I can do so by editing the registry. I do not have admin rights on my computer and so cannot edit the ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
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Does anyone know how to lighten a drawing from .tiff file?

I have a photocopy of an old machine drawing from 1982. It looks like it has been taped and I have been tasked with trying to edit the drawing so that it is eligible. Other from lightening the ...
leneamarie 's user avatar
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Assign linear colorspace to tiff image

I have a tiff image which I suspect should have a linear colorspace exiftool alps.tif ExifTool Version Number : 11.88 File Name : alps.tif Directory ...
user877329's user avatar
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Split folder of multipage TIFFs into frames and join into movie on MacOS command line

I'm using a FLIR Boson thermal imaging camera, whose 'video' output consists of sequences of 'one-second long' multipage TIFF files. The frame rate is variable, but averages 8.6 fps. So, each TIFF can ...
pajul's user avatar
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Merge the multipage tiff in subfolder to another output folder as single image

Iam trying to merge the multipage tiff in subfolder to another output folder as single image. the base command is convert f:\input*.tif f:\output\image1.tif My question : Iam getting no output. What ...
Travelz Online's user avatar
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How to slim the thick fonts in Imagemagik

I was trying to slim down the thick fontsthick image to "3033 Elgin Avenue" something as keyed here. Any suggestion.
Travelz Online's user avatar
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Converting JPEG/PNG to TIFF with Imagemagick format results in a file size about 6.5 times bigger

I am told to use TIFF format for my raster images (originally I have both JPEG and PNG images) according to the editorial office of the journal I am submitting a research paper to. I tried ImageMagick ...
Amazigh_05's user avatar
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Stitching TIF tiles into large image

I have a list of 25 TIF images (map tiles), each around 400 MiB in size (each small rectangle here): I need to stitch them into one single huge TIF. Is there a command under Linux that can do this? I ...
Danilo Bargen's user avatar
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Outlook mis-declaringn TIFFs as PNGs

I often receive emails with screenshots as inline images sent from Outlook/Office365 where the image is sent like this: Content-Type: image/png; name="image001.png" Content-Description: ...
Thomas W.'s user avatar
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how splitt a multipage bmp file

I have scanned multi-pages into one bmp file. I can see the pages inside the bmp file only using the windows photo viewer. When I try to print each picture which is inside the bmp file, it only ...
rir rirs's user avatar
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How to extract each TIFF layer to a separate file (png/jpg)?

I have TIFF files with tens of layers - is there a quick way to extract each layer to a separate png or jpg (so one 100 layer TIFF turns into 100 separate jpg's)? TIFF created in AutoDesk Sketchbook ...
Flamd453's user avatar
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Adding Tags to TIF Files Reduces File Size

I've recently begun scanning all of the pictures in my family's archive. I'm using a Canon LiDE 400 to scan the pictures at 600 dpi directly into a TIF file, and I'm using Windows 8.1. The issue I'm ...
remy's user avatar
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What is the sturcture of RW2 file?

Can any one tell me that the Panasonic's RW2(RAW Format) is based on TIFF or not ? The header is same as of old format (RAW).
Diwaker chauhan's user avatar
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Examine tif file contents Windows vs Linux

I am using Graphicsmagick with tif files, to create many that are then turned into a .avi by MakeAVI.exe in Windows 7 success: In Linux generate a base image > 1920x1080 with solid black background ...
ron's user avatar
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FFmpeg RAW .tif to jpeg too dark

I know this problem is known, but I cannot actually find a solution for this. I am using Topaz JPEG to RAW. The output, I selected, is .tif. So a 4:3 4k image is 80MB large. Now I need to convert it ...
HeartOfGermany's user avatar
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What is discard layers in Photoshop saving TIFF?

When I am saving TIFF in Photoshop, I can "Discard Layers": In this case, image becomes several times smaller, for example 25M image can become 12M image and even smaller. What is it and what I am ...
Dims's user avatar
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Is there a quicker way to open a single file in different programs?

This question is asked because I use .Tif files, and need to alternately open them in a photo viewer to quickly see files and an image editor to work on them. It's not an urgent problem, but I notice ...
Lincoln77's user avatar
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Different size when scanning depending on the method (USB, WiFi direct to Mac and PC)

I scanned a paper today using three different methods: USB inserted into the scanner (an HP Color LaserJet MFP M477fdw) WiFi direct to Image Capture on a Mac WiFi direct to Scan on Windows 10 The ...
d-b's user avatar
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Tiff or JPG in PDF?

I have a bunch of scanned PDF (e.g. picturebased pdfs). When I run them through "pdf optimizers" online they frequently are reduced 70-80 % in size with hardly any noticeable difference in quality. I ...
d-b's user avatar
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How to batch combine single tif files to multipage tifs

I have folders with photos in each in tiff format. What I am looking to do is merge the images in each folder and name the output with the folder name it resides in. I have folders with images loaded ...
Jamjam's user avatar
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Opening a TIFF file on a specific page from the command line

I'm trying to open a TIFF file which directs toward a certain page upon opening instead of page 1. Running this command opens the TIFF file on page 1: cmd /c D:\mytiff.tiff Meanwhile, I can open a ...
Karen's user avatar
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Convert TIFF to JPG using FFMPEG keeping same DPI

We are using FFMPEG in our java application and I am trying to convert a tiff file to jpg but the requirement is to keep the SAME DPI as it has in original tiff file. I am new to FFMPEG and tried ...
Anuj's user avatar
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SAFE PDF merge and TIF conversion [closed]

I need to merge somewhere between 10-20 PDF files into 1 and then convert them to a TIF file. I've done similar quite a few times before, but for personal use with non-confidential documents. Now, ...
Cebbe's user avatar
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How to Split a Multipage Tiff File on Macintosh?

I see a similar question here, but it in for Windows. How can I break out a page of a multipage tiff file on Mac OS X Sierra? I've got Photoshop CS6 and Illustrator CS6 and Acrobat Pro DC, but none ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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Batch convert multi page TIFFs to multi page or individual page PDFs on MAC

I have hundreds of Multi page TIFFs that I need to turn into individual image JPG files (file names not important). Some had already been converted into multi page PDFs and I found a solution using ...
Megabite's user avatar
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Is TIFF with JPEG compression lossy?

Preview on the Mac can save a file to TIFF, but with JPEG compression: Is this lossy? I'm confused because TIFF is usually lossless, but JPEG is lossy. Maybe it is lossy, since the file size is 4MB ...
Kartick Vaddadi's user avatar
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How can I convert a multipage tiff to a lossless movie on the command line?

ffmpeg can convert sequences of images to movies and is capable of producing lossless output. Is it possible to directly produce a movie from a multi-page tiff file? If I try one of my multipage tiffs ...
Marius's user avatar
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How to convert "SWOP (Coated), 20%)" CMYK TIFF to sRGB PNG and ditto CMYK JPG to sRGB JPG?

I have a TIFF image and a JPG image. says that they both use a CMYK color space labelled as "SWOP (Coated), 20%". How do I accurately and losslessly convert the TIFF image ...
Hiccup's user avatar
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Joining two tiff images into one single page

I would like to join two tif images into 1 image, 1 page. As far as I search online so far, there is only answers to how to join two tiff images into 1 file, containing 2 images, 2 pages.
user40780's user avatar
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Windows 7 replaced my image with its cached thumbnail of that image... can I recover it?

So frustrating. I have a huge 700MB tiff file. I edited it for an hour. I saved my edits and closed it. Windows showed the older version of the image in its thumbnail. I googled for a fix. Someone ...
CreeDorofl's user avatar
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TIFF to TEXT, or index TIFF files based on text content

I have a couple thousand Tiff files, each one is a multi-page text document. I would like to be able to search the content of these files and organize/index them based on certain information, such as ...
callasabra's user avatar
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Batch convert TIFF to PDF and add text

I have a bunch of TIFF files that I am interested to convert to a single multipage PDF file, which should be easily achieved using ImageMagick. However, I'm also interested in adding text to each ...
Gimelist's user avatar
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How do I convert a JPEG file into a black and white (1-bit) monochrome TIFF in Ubuntu?

JPEG is a scan of a text document so not much to loose in terms of colour/tones. convert foo.jpg -flatten -monochrome bar.tif gives convert: BitsPerSample 1 not allowed for JPEG. 'JPEGSetupEncode' ...
G33K's user avatar
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Convert and compress multiple tif (image) files into one PDF with OCR

I have found one old project that does exactly what I want! But it's broken somehow. Some crucial parts seems to be missing. It's a nightmare to configure. You can look at it here: http://...
Algific's user avatar
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How to clean cut a region from Tiff image?

I have a big Tiff image where I would like to cut a region. I can use Debian Linux 8.1 and OSX 10.8.5 at the moment. How can you clean cut a small region of the full Tiff image?
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
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How can I stitch two 1920x2160 TIFF files, side by side

Right now I have two sets of 1920 x 2160 sequential TIFF files about 20,000 files each. And I want to stitch these sequential files to make a 3840 x 2160 TIFF file from these. Is there any way using ...
icebacon's user avatar
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How to find (or sort into sub-folder) multiple TIFF images with layers and/or transparency?

I have a folder with many TIFF files which I need to convert to JPEG. However some of the files have layers and/or transparency and these I don't want to convert. So how can I move these TIFF files ...
foler's user avatar
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How to convert TIFF to PDF using Ghostscript

How can I convert TIFF to PDF using Ghostscript? I tried to use the code below but it not working: Snippet $input_file_tif='test.pdf'; $input_file_orig_name='1234.tiff'; $gs_command = "gs -q -...
user avatar
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Export MS-Word drawings to TIFF and EPS

I have some drawings in my docx file. These drawing were accomplished by use of MS Word 2010 win and 2011 mac drawing features. I am now required to export them separately in TIFF and EPS format. I ...
SAH's user avatar
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Scanning old papers in TIFF format. Is scanning at 48-bit color worth it?

I am currently scanning old papers with some notes on them using an Epson V370 scanner. I want the output files to be TIFFs, however I am not sure which bit depth to choose. One of the papers has ...
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Is TIFF a good file format to scan my old photos in? [closed]

I'm scanning in my old paper photos from the 80s and 90s. From this answer I know I should use 600dpi. But the scanning office is also asking me if I want JPEG of TIFF. I know JPEG is lossy, so I ...
Chris's user avatar
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Convert from avi to uncompressed tiff using ffmpeg [duplicate]

In Use ffmpeg for JPEG to TIFF conversion there is an answer how to convert to TIFF. So, I followed that process written on that answer: ffmpeg -i input.avi -pix_fmt rgb24 output.tiff ...
icebacon's user avatar
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Multipage TIFF -- How do I remove "Subfiletype" exif tag?

I'm having some trouble with the "Subfiletype" tag in a multipage PDF. I'd like to remove the "Subfiletype" tag entirely, and make the PageNumber tag count like so: 0,1 . . 1,2 . . 2,3 instead of 0,...
David Wilson's user avatar
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Can TIFF images store embedded thumbnails in them like JPEG (JPG) files can?

Can TIFF images store embedded thumbnails in them like JPEG (JPG) files can? I noticed that in XNview, when you save a TIFF image there is an option to set the JPEG quality (of the TIFF image). ...
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar