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      Visual CultureConstructivismModernismWindow Displays
in Fashion and Museums. Theory and Practice, ed. Marie Riegels Melchior and Birgitta Svensson (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014)
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      Fashion PhotographyMuseums and Exhibition Design
in The Photograph and the Album, ed. Jonathan
Carson, Rosie Miller and Theresa Wilkie (Edinburgh: MuseumsEtc, 2013)
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      PhotographyPhotographic Albums
eds. Aesa Sigurjonsdottir and Michael A. Langekjær
(Bath: Wunderkammer)
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      Gender StudiesPhotography
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In this paper I have chosen to analyse mediation in an exhibition context; how to bridge gaps in the communication between the agents involved – the objects on display, the artist, curator, visitor etc. I take the exhibition Taswir as an... more
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Key words: gallery education, visual communication, exhibition context, role of the curator, curatorial strategies, visitor information The main part of the paper deals with questions regarding the efficiency of using printed text in... more
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      South Asian StudiesSouth Asia
The effects of intonation on the recall of sentences were examined. One major hypothesis was made: intonation affects the recall of sentences. A 4 x 2 (four types of intonations x speaker's gender) experiment was used. Recordings of male... more
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"The first Swedish commercial nuclear power plant was ordered in 1965. By 1973 it had been inaugurated, and building work had begun on the remaining three facilities that became the locations of Swedish large-scale nuclear power... more
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doktorand vid Konstvetenskapliga institutionen, Stockhohns universitet. Hans avhandlingsprojekt kretsar kring föreställningar om kärnkraftverk, arkitektur och landskap i Sverige under 1960-och 70-talet. Vyn ut genom flygplanets sidorutor... more
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Drömmen om livet på landsbygden i ett idag avlägset bondesamhälle återkommer ideligen i sammanhang där dagens bostad omskrivs och uppmärksammas. Men vad är det som är så spännande med livet på landet och det gamla bondesamhällets sätt att... more
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To (re)create authenticity During the last decades the popularity of the domestic architecture from the late 19th and early 20th centuries has increased in Sweden. The once so colourful and diversified domestic areas have today been... more
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      Art HistoryDomesticityHistory of ArcitectureArchitectural Theory and Design
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      Kritisk diskursanalysArkitekturBostadKonstvetenskap
Syftet med denna text är att analysera hur det förra sekelskiftets ornament används och definieras i vår samtid och hur de idag kan förstås som värdeskapande estetiska och historiska men också samtida uttryck. Detta har åstadkommits genom... more
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      Architectural HistoryHistory of OrnamentFin de SiècleDomestic Architecture
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      HumanitiesHistory of Art