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How to deploy .war in node of own choice in Wildfly cluster?

I have deployed a .war and WF choose itself one of 3 node and deploys in same. (01,02,03) I want to .war to shift from say 03 to 02 manually. (not redeploy again and again and see when it will choose)...
fatherazrael's user avatar
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Wildfly : Singleton Deployment on Cluster | Elects two servers in Server Group

This does not happens all time but many a times. 3 Clusters of Server Group Wildfly 16 Deploy .war from UI. It picks fine on one server:: 2020-02-26 07:21:12,951 INFO [org.wildfly.clustering....
fatherazrael's user avatar
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How can I cluster application-scope state in wildfly?

I would like to cluster a map that is kept on application-level scope. A first thought was to use a @Singleton, @Clustered bean with a field holding my data. This does not seem to work and my guess ...
Marinos An's user avatar
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wildfly cluster login with java ee 8 security-api

we are trying to create a wildfly 16 High Available cluster with JEE8 Security API. Project works as standalone application well but not as cluster! We are getting a infispan NotSerializableException. ...
alechner's user avatar
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Infinispan NotSerializableException when spinning up WAR in Wildfly 16

I am trying to run my application on 2 Wildfly 16 nodes running in Standalone mode using the standalone-full-ha.xml configuration. When the 2nd node starts up, the first attempts to distribute/balance ...
Jonathan Putney's user avatar
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WildFly 11 - JGroups initialization delay

We have a web based application running on WildFly 11 (Migrated from WildFly 9 recently) and we are facing this weird issue when all the nodes in the cluster are started up. Here is how our ...
Balu's user avatar
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How to increase Wildfly timeout on start/stop a group of servers?

I'm using Wildfly in domain mode and our bigger groups of servers (with big EARs deployed) always respond our start/stop with Request timeout after few seconds, even when the command start/stop ...
Dherik's user avatar
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Spring websockets across Wildfly 10.1 cluster

Using Wildfly 10.1 standalone-full-ha.xml with the included ActiveMQ Artemis 1.1.0. Enabled STOMP by adding this to the activemq config: <acceptor name="stomp-acceptor" factory-class="org.apache....
user66332's user avatar
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How to propagate truststore updates in a cluster using Wildfly?

I have an application running on Wildfly 10 in a domain setup with more than 10 machines. Clients consume REST webservices using SSL authentication, in this scenario we will be adding clients on a ...
codenoob's user avatar
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Why does HornetQConnectionFactory client not do automatic failover?

I have clustered two wildfly9 servers, I want to use load-balancing and failover JMS feature in domain mode, config as below: master ip: slave ip: hornetq ver 2.4.7 wildfly 9 ...
Alireza Alallah's user avatar
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Wildfly 9.0.2.Final: "IOP00410216: (COMM_FAILURE) Unable to create listener thread on the specified port: 3529"

I have a Wildfly cluster as described on this blog post. I recently updated the datasource to the new HA MS SQL Server cluster we have and restarted our entire, specific server (using the Linux ...
Buhake Sindi's user avatar
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How to deploy to Wildfly Cluster using Atlassian Bamboo

I am creating CI and CD build process in Bamboo. Our applications are deployed in a Wildfly 9.0.2.Final server (which is clustered). Example, our deployment environment is as follows: DEPLOYMENT (...
Buhake Sindi's user avatar
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How setup WildFly 10 to automatic restart JVM after crash?

Please help, how to setup WildFly 10 for automatic restart after a JVM crash. We use the JNI interface for native applications and we has a periodicly crash JVM. Use full-ha and ha modes does't work. ...
user2380723's user avatar
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Wildfly 10 as load balancer

How can we use wildfly10 as a load balance without mod_proxy, mod_jk, mod_cluster? I have 20 servers which are standalone and our requirement is to balance the load with wildfly 10 only.
Mani PAVAN KUMAR's user avatar
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Is a Batch Processing JSR 352 JobRepository in Wildfly scalable in Domain Mode?

I am about to implement a JSR 352 BatchJob which is supposed to run on Wildfly in Domain Mode with two nodes on separate machines. Will it be safe to use the same Jdbc JobRepository on each node via ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Wildfly domain mode additional validations problems

I am currently working on migrating my company's production environment from JBoss 5 to Wildfly 10 and Java 6 to Java 8, I have heard that the domain operation mode may present some additional ...
Junior Pacheco's user avatar
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How to group different cache in a cluster

Assume there are four instances of WildFly 8 running on two machines within the same network. Let's name them A, B, C and D. A, B runs on machine1 and C, D on machine2. In case of UDP clustering it's ...
johnsi george's user avatar
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Configuring a xa-datasource(Wildfly) in HA mode with a Postgresql JDBC driver

After many attempts, it seems that the combination xa-datasource <-> postgres driver does not support a failover configuration with non default port(5432). I guess, that the driver does not ...
Marc's user avatar
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