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Facing java.lang.IllegalStateException while rendering JSF Enterprise application in jboss 7.3 which uses jsf 2.3

Facing java.lang.IllegalStateException while rendering JSF Enterprise application in jboss 7.3 which uses jsf 2.3. Application was working fine with Jboss EAP 6.4 and after migration to Jboss EAP 7.3 ...
Manu Abraham's user avatar
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Migrating LDAP to local authentication elytron system in Wildfly 20.0.1 Final for JavaEE8 WebApp

Help me with the error in server.log when login in JavaEE Web App with Java 8. Technologies Used Netbeans IDE 12.6 and Serenity template Java EE 8 Layered design pattern using Mobility Framework ...
carlodelviento's user avatar
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Primefaces <p:fileUpload/> bean setter not invoked when using a confirmation <p:dialog/> dialog

I'm using Primefaces 8 and I could not seem to find solutions for my fileUpload setter not invoked when it includes a confirmation dialog. The structure of my xhtml files is this main.xhtml <ui:...
Zerosero's user avatar
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Pretty faces redirect to root

I'm using pretty faces 3.4.4. I want to redirect pages with following url: to To achieve this I use this setting: <...
codyLine's user avatar
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OWB 2.0.27, TomEE 8.0.14, JSF (myfaces) 2.3.10 startup errors

We are upgrading our webapp to JSF 2.3.10, OWB 2.0.22, and TomEE 8.0.14. I realize we should move to Jakarta EE, but, for now, this is our tech stack. I'm seeing stacktraces in the catalina logs ...
RandyB's user avatar
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Get JSF managed bean by name in a Servlet [duplicate]

Some months ago I posted my question Accessing @SessionCoped @Named beans from a HttpSession which was marked as a duplicate because of the already answered quesiton Get JSF managed bean by name in ...
Alex Mi's user avatar
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Unexpected FacesException thrown during launch of JSF webapp on the browser

I'm new to JSF and was asked to migrate an old MyFaces 2.0 webapp (app1) from WebLogic Server 12.1.3 to Tomcat (I chose Tomcat 9 and OpenWebBeans 2.0.27). This was achieved only after being directed ...
UserB's user avatar
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NullPointerException during initFaces of a MyFaces 2.0 application while migrating from WLS to Tomcat

I'm new to JSF and have been entrusted with the task of migrating what appears to me as an old MyFaces 2.0 webapp from WebLogic Server 12.1.3 to Tomcat (I chose Tomcat 9 and OpenWebBeans 2.0.20). I ...
UserB's user avatar
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JSF 2.3.14: Syntax error after (re-) rendering a JavaScript code block with constants

The following code fragment generates a javascript syntax error when I push the h:commandButton: <h:outputScript> 'use strict'; const label = '*'; </h:outputScript> <h:form> &...
Toru's user avatar
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Add request param to primefaces advanced fileupload

I am trying to add a request parameter to an advanced primefaces p:fileUpload. I try to do this in order to check for this parameter in a Servlet.Filter. Using f:param with a simple p:fileUpload mode=&...
F. Zi's user avatar
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3 votes
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ClassCastException for <h:selectManyCheckbox> with validation on ajax update when INTERPRET_EMPTY_STRING_SUBMITTED_VALUES_AS_NULL is active

I have a <h:selectManyCheckbox> that has a required-validation on. If I submit the form, I get a validation error when nothing is selected. So far, this ist expected. However, if I do an ajax ...
Björn Landmesser's user avatar
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Springboot with JSF and SOAP interceptors not working properly

I am currently migrating lot of old code to springboot applications. We have JSF and SOAP web service which migrated successfully. I am facing issue related to WsConfigurerAdapter. If we enable ...
Gaurang Parmar's user avatar
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WebSocket <o:socket> NoSuchBeanDefinitionException in Tomcat

I try recreating the demo example in omnifaces Tomcat throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException with the following stacktrace 28-Dec-2021 17:29:41.969 SEVERE [...
stavromachinima's user avatar
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JSF: How to throw an exception from within a facelet

Is there a way to throw an exception from within a facelet? Background: I've a component using a customised converter as parameter. So I call the component as @Named @RequestScoped public class ...
Toru's user avatar
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JSF memory issues

We are having a high memory consumption on our app, we took a heap dump and mat analyzer is pointing two leak suspects. The first one is "org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager", so if ...
dssof's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is HTTPServletRequest injectable via CDI but HTTPServletResponse isn't?

This question took off because I read Arjan Tijms blogpost about JSF 2.3. There, he list all JSF artifacts which can be injected via CDI. Although HttpServletRequest is mentioned, HttpServletResponse ...
Diggi55's user avatar
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@Inject not working in @FacesConverter after upgrade to JSF 2.3

I migrated a Primefaces 6 application to JBoss EAP 7.4 and upgraded to Primefaces 10 and JSF2.2 to JSF2.3. After this migration, the @Inject we had in the FacesConverter is not being initialized and ...
Stephan's user avatar
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Omnifaces ViewScoped with PWAResourceHandler

I have a web application currently deployed on Wildfly 23.0.2, using JSF 2.3 and OpenJDK 11. I'm also using the latest version of OmniFaces (3.11). One of the application requirements is PWA support. ...
areal's user avatar
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JSF2.3 FacesConverter managed can not inject a stateless service

Environment: Wildfly 22 Java 11 JSF 2.3 I have created a @FacesConverter managed=true but when I try to @Inject a @Stateless class I get null. face.xhtml ... <h:outputText value="#{...
Joe's user avatar
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WELD-001456: Argument bean must not be null

I have an EAR File that contains two WARs. In WAR1 there is a JSF application (everything worked fine with JSF2.2 and ManagedBeans). After migrating to JSF2.3 with CDI beans I'm getting the following ...
Neo's user avatar
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Widlfy 22 WELD Warnings with Form Based Programmatically Login

I have a web application currently deployed on Wildfly 22, using JSF 2.3 and OpenJDK 11. I'm currently migrating the login page from j_security_check to a programmatically login, following BalusC ...
areal's user avatar
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2 answers

JSF 2.3: "Array index out of range" when rendering a form with Url containing ''&&"

Given a url with params such that: page.xhtml?param1=value&&param2=value It appears that after submitting a form on that page, the following exception and stack trace occurs: java.lang....
T. Hu's user avatar
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Migrate JSF RichFaces project from JSF 2.0 to 2.3 [closed]

How to Migrate from JSF 2.0 to JSF 2.3 in existing EJB with RichFaces Project. Please suggest the steps to be followed.
Sanju Dahiya's user avatar
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JSF 2.3 Unhandled by MetaTagHandler for type com.sun.faces.cdi.CdiValidator error

I've just converted from JSF2.2 to JSF2.3 using WIldfly18/Mojarra 2.3.9.SP04, and I'm getting the following error when invoking a JSF page using the custom validator with custom attrributes: SEVERE [...
Brooksie's user avatar
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JSF 2.3 not compatible with certain HTML5 elements without closing tag like link

I have this use case where an index.xhtml page is created by a JavaScript framework. This page contains following element: <link rel="stylesheet" href="/design/style/sheet/css-...
onderbewustzijn's user avatar
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How to port DeltaSpike @WindowScoped beans to JSF 2.2+?

I am porting some applications from DeltaSpike to JEE 8. I am using Apache MyFaces as JSF 2.3 implementation, and Primefaces 8.0 on top of it. There are some beans annotated with ´@WindowScoped´ in ...
Nicole Naumann's user avatar
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IBM Liberty with Mojarra JSF 2.3 Response already committed

I'm doing an upgrade of my IBM Liberty server to the latest version. In this process I'm upgrading our Mojarra JSF implementation from 2.2 to 2.3. There's nothing in the code that seems to be adding ...
fergp25's user avatar
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Conditional Order of JSF Elements

I have two JSF elements (e.g., an input text, and an image). For some condition (e.g., if a user is logged in), I want the input text to be rendered first. For the opposite condition (e.g., the user ...
mossaab's user avatar
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Cannot inject in basic JEE8 login application

I'be been struggling for about 20 hours and also working in the weekend as you can see and I can't make this work. I think I have exhausted all the online options I have copied the example here https:/...
Radu Cristian Neagoe's user avatar
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ui:repeat: Regardless of validation error inner component keeps in state "valid"

I would like to mark a single component within ui:repeat as not valid. My attempt: Bean: @Named @RequestScoped public class TestBean { private List<String> strLst; @PostConstruct ...
Toru's user avatar
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How to render only an embedded table after removing a row - search expression problem

I've one table embedded into another table. My problem: How to render only the inner table when a row was removed? Bean: @Named @ViewScoped public class TestBean implements Serializable { private ...
Toru's user avatar
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org.omnifaces.cdi.push.SocketChannelManager$ViewScope cannot be cast to com.sun.faces.push.WebsocketChannelManager$ViewScope

It's a follow-up to my previous question, where I couldn't make f:websocket work possibly due to a bug in Mojarra 2.3.9. I wanted to give it another try with o:socket. My dependencies include: ...
Andrew's user avatar
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A reconnecting websocket can't connect to the server with FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() being resolved to null

I have a plain Tomcat 8.5.47 having the following dependencies installed. <dependency> <groupId>org.glassfish</groupId> <artifactId>javax.faces</artifactId> &...
Andrew's user avatar
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Multiple asynchronous ajax inside expanded row of Primefaces dataTable

The code below simulates the bad use of LazyDataModel during the traversing component tree across threads. // public class Car implements Serializable { private Integer id; private ...
vonnai's user avatar
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How can i solve Firefox refresh problem in JSF [duplicate]

I'm using primefaces 7.0. I have following control <p:inputText value="#{}"> When I change the content without submit and press F5 it should be filled again with the initial ...
schwoazfoara's user avatar
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Session is never expired in JSF Websocket

I'm using Omnifaces websocket. Session is never timeout. I tried with jsf websocket. There's the same result. When I go to another page that doesn't use websocket and stays at that page, session will ...
PeterL355's user avatar
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JSF 2.3 Websockets throw a NullPointerException when using PrimeFaces MenuItem with ajax=true

I get a NullPointerException when navigating on a PrimeFaces menu item with ajax = true when JSF 2.3 websockets are present in the pages. Below is the exception: java.lang.NullPointerException at com....
zobbo's user avatar
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Some values are reset only after first ajax update of the form (but others are just fine)

Hi I've a really strange situation that I can't get rid of. On the first ajax update of the entire form some values are just fine (they have the expected values) but some others just lose their values ...
fatBatman's user avatar
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How to use jsf in "namespaced mode"

In a website we want to integrate some snippets provided by jsf-applications, think of a dashboard-app or a "portal-light". While analyzing the requirements we came across a blog-post by Arjan Tjims ...
frifle's user avatar
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NullPointerException using JSF 2.3 websocket using JSF navigation

I have some simple navigation using primefaces menu. However I have jsf websockets on both pages. This causes a NullPointerException when navigating between pages. When navigating to Portfolio if ...
zobbo's user avatar
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Why does the first AJAX call reset my view parameter?

I cannot find out why the first ajax call causes the setter of my view parameter to be called again while every subsequent call does not call the setter again. I have the following simple view bean: ...
Björn Zurmaar's user avatar
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Failed to link org/primefaces/application/resource/DynamicResourcesPhaseListener : javax/faces/event/PhaseListener

I recently upgraded from JSF 2.2 to JSF 2.3.6 for JBoss EAP 7.2. After making all the changes including pom.xml changes and annotation changes, when I deploy the WAR file into the server, my WAR ...
user1734698's user avatar
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PrimeFaces Paginator JumpToPageDropdown Bug

I am migrating from PrimeFaces 6.2 to 8.0. In my project I am using multiple Primeface DataTables with a Paginator. MCVE: Create a data list with more than 10 elements. Then click through the ...
Hendrik's user avatar
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selectEvent is null

Previously, I used java ee 7 and glassfish 4 and my code was working correctly. After switching to Jakarta ee 8 and payara the selectEvent used is returning null. Follow the code below. html <sys:...
Matheus Radeski's user avatar
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How to implement JSF 2.3 on Google App Engine Project

I'm trying to create a Web Application on Google App Engine (GAE). I want to use Primefaces 7.0 and, obviously, JSF 2.3, but I can't understand which dependencies need to add to pom.xml (yes, is a ...
Giampaolo's user avatar
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Wildfly 18 missing content-length in header Fields

I'm using wildfly 18 with java 11. undertow is configured to serve http/2. push is disabled and i'm also using gzipFilter. Response sent to the client does not content the content-length header field....
Yan'son's user avatar
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Session Fixation and Session Scoped Beans in JSF 2.3 with CDI

It's a common best practice to renew the HTTP session when logging in a user. This will force a new session ID, avoiding session fixation vulnerabilities. Is there a preferred pattern for ...
Didjit's user avatar
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Undefined component type javax.faces.ViewRoot in JSF 2.3 startup

This is a new twist from my earlier issues found here. I'm upgrading from MyFaces 2.1 to 2.3.5, and from PrimeFaces 6.1 to 7. This has also included migrating from managed beans to CDI. At this ...
Didjit's user avatar
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Migrating to JSF 2.3, Problems with MyFaces Initialization

I'm upgrading an application comprised of two projects, "common" and "myapp". I'm now upgrading it to JSF 2.3 (MyFaces) and Primefaces 7, and I can't figure out how to get past a failure in ...
Didjit's user avatar
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View parameter and @ViewScoped bean: recover after server restart

Supposing following scenario: In a web application I have a simple form on a page where the user can update a value in a database; the backing bean Controller is @ViewScoped. The object which holds ...
MichaelRS's user avatar