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Is the bootloader correctly jumping to the application?

I’m using Keil5 and STM32F103ZET6. I’m writing a bootloader that will be placed at the flash base address 0x0800 0000. After some operations, it will jump to the correct application address at 0x0800 ...
ugger B's user avatar
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Prevent build events from running multiple times across referenced projects in Visual Studio 2019

I am using Visual Studio 2019, and I have a solution where a project references other projects. Each project has custom build events defined that run an external .exe file. For example, in the Post-...
IL Bianco's user avatar
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Exit efi shell in startup.nsh

I have a USB that automatically installs a BIOS version in a PC that has USB priority to boot up. This is part of my startup.nsh script in the folder USB:/EFI/BOOT/: if exist fs0:\bios_version then ...
19mikel95's user avatar
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How to disable startup animation before bootup on centos with wayland-weston display?

We bought a Qualcomm HPC QAM8775 with Gunyah as Hypervisor and Android and centos is running in parallel. But there is a startup animation is coming up before centos bootup which is a man coming and ...
Anand K S's user avatar
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Fix for Apache Solr 9.7.0 Windows Start-up Issues

Problem When trying to start Apache Solr 9.7.0 on Windows using either basic start command or cloud example, you might encounter these errors: With basic start (.\solr.cmd start): Failed to parse ...
404rorre's user avatar
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Delay in Initial Launch of Electron Applications

Why do applications created with Electron experience a significant delay in their initial launch, taking between 5 to 10 seconds to start, but launch quickly on subsequent runs? This delay happens ...
Arman Kabir's user avatar
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Powershell to exe Start-up script, loses python's key listener focus

I'm trying to implement a Powershell start-up script, which calls a python file. When the shell calls my python file it never has focus. When I go into the start-up folder and run the script myself, ...
HighlandRocket's user avatar
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Would Linode and AWS S3 be sufficient to launch a mobile application?

I am building a mobile application using React Native and SpringBoot for a client. This application will handle usual content delivery, however will also allow users to watch videos saved on our cloud ...
Daniels Zazerskis's user avatar
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Visual novel Uncaught SyntaxError Unexpected end of JSON input

A while ago I downloaded Café Rouge, but due to time issues I had not played this title, yesterday I unzipped it and ran it without problems, the game started without any problem, the bad thing ...
Ajedrez Hernandez Ayala's user avatar
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Azure Function Host Builder Console Errors & Exceptions

I have an Azure Function app with the following code which is called from the program.cs HostBuilder().ConfigureServices: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config[key])) { var errorMessage = $"...
Myster's user avatar
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NullPointerException when I invoke method from @Schedule of @Startup @Singleton bean

When I try to invoke method of @ViewScoped Bean from @Startup @Singleton bean I always have an error NullPointerException. I use @Schedule annotation method to call @ViewScoped bean method, why it ...
Pegus's user avatar
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ubuntu linux (WSL) alternative starting directory shortcut? [duplicate]

this is a newbie question so feel free to simply point me to resources but: how can I somehow configure an alternative starting directory? I'm using WSL (because why would i want to use windows ...
il velan's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the web app domain in Main() (program.cs)?

When my application starts I want to have it create the sitemap.txt dynamically. Doing so requires I have the domain of the website which differs for the dev and production slots. Is there a way to ...
David Thielen's user avatar
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how to add flutter windows app to start-up on windows 11?

I want my flutter windows app to auto start on system boot. I have used win32 package to achieve this and it's working on windows 10. but on windows 11, no registry entry is created. I have also added ...
Talha Asim's user avatar
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My C#/Winforms app doesn't show up at startup

I developed a start up for my C# app using Visual Studio (means: that if the PC turned on, the app will run). But if I turn on my PC, it will not show. I tried to check the registry keys (for this we ...
the ghost's user avatar
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When I open a Jupyter notebook, is there a way to automatically view the Table of Contents?

When I open a Jupyter notebook, I typically choose View > Table of Contents immediately. Is there a way to set this in a config file so that I do not have to do this manually? I could not find any ...
Fred Hickernell's user avatar
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Is it possible to initiate a method in the App.xml.cs file instead of a content page?

I'm building a .NET Maui app where the user has to initially select a database. So instead of a content page appearing with no data because a database has not been selected, I'm looking to initially ...
BobG's user avatar
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Fix for java.lang.SecurityException: One of RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED should be specified when a receiver... in Flutter (Android)

Problem I got the following error when trying to start a flutter sample app, in my case the flutter gallery, on an Android device: E/AndroidRuntime(20352): FATAL EXCEPTION: SplitCompatBackgroundThread ...
Squiddy's user avatar
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App not getting removed from start up items after uninstallation

App not getting removed from start up items after uninstallation const key = new WinReg({ hive: WinReg.HKCU, key: '\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' }); const appName = 'airtel_reflect'...
Jitendra Singh's user avatar
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How can I set custom StartupPreferences for a particular Pharo image?

I want a particular image to be run with specific settings at start tiime as noted here StartupPreferencesLoader default executeAtomicItems: { (StartupAction name: 'Start Literate Server' ...
vfclists's user avatar
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How to resolve unkown session "startup" after Vacuum full

Last night we did a vacuum full operation on partitioned tables. A few hours after the vacuum full, I found cpu rising with an unknown session called “startup” when queried by top command. We cannot ...
Gin's user avatar
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Visual Studio Startup error: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID failed with The specified module could not be found Error

I have installed Visual studio 2019 Enterprise Edition on my machine. I have started experiencing an issue of VS getting restarting periodically.(like in every 5 mins) Then I followed the solution ...
WFDEV's user avatar
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Script to open chromium in kiosk mode and inject JWT in localstorage

I’m making a web application for one of my university projects and I need that web app to run on Raspberry Pi. To be more exact, I need that web app to run on startup in Kiosk mode and I found ...
Benjamin Peljto's user avatar
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VBA script in Outlook that runs when an email is sent

I've got someone that needs a dialog box to popup whenever they hit "Send" in Outlook. I found the below VBA code that does something similar by asking the user if they BCC'd someone: Option ...
ArxAngel's user avatar
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Script works well when directly ran but not as startup app

I've made a script for helping me to automatically open some softwares I use for defined kinds of work, which name is Profile Chooser. For example, I have a profile on Firefox and one in Brave for ...
jhiuzak's user avatar
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Python based app has file loading problem when window start up

I built a program that needs to be started at window startup and it has problem when loading a file. for example, let's say that the path of my app is : c:\dir1\dir2\app.exe This app.exe is built by ...
MooNChilD Song's user avatar
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FastAPI - switching out OpenAPI.json after it has been generated - where to put code?

FastAPI generates the "openapi.json" file and provides an interface to it. For an experiment I need to replace this with a third party file. from pathlib import Path import json app....
576i's user avatar
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Flink standalone mode takes too long to start

I'm using Flink 1.18.1 with Flink operator 1.7. The startup time (from pod creation to RUNNING state) is around 3 minutes. And if I have 2 JM and the leader is killed/restarts, the job take around 1:...
Pedro Mázala's user avatar
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always import numpy at idlex startup in windows

I'm running idlex,1.2.2 on windows 10 using I would like to import numpy and others every time it starts. Is there a way to do this? I tried adding import numpy in and it had on ...
Iram Weinstein's user avatar
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Synapse started fail with Postgres error in configuration: No database config provided

I am trying to setup synapse in my vps Ubuntu 20.04, synapse start ok with default sqlite3. But when I switch to postgres, it started fail with log, could you please help why I missing database config?...
luo jacky's user avatar
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STM32 not starting when input voltage not dropping to zero

I am facing start-up issues during power on for the STM32L433. When voltage comes from zero everything works fine. But, if I disconnect the power supply from the wall socket and its internal ...
IGtti's user avatar
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how to open a web url in a selected display. ie. Firefox on Display 0 and 2nd firefox on display 1 at startup?

Can someone direct me to learn how to open a web url in a selected display. ie. Firefox on Display 0 and 2nd Firefox on display 1? needs to run at startup on a thin Client. Thanks. current process is ...
1gr8Pony's user avatar
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Starting the desktop app again results in not being able to use port 7200

I was running graphdb desktop successfully, but when I went back to try to run it again it failed because it said port 7200 was in use. But opening http:localhost:7200 shows nothing is running I don'...
David Forslund's user avatar
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How to disable/enable startup programs through Registry Editor

Hey im working on a windows tweaker program. As we all know, startup programs can commonly be found in the task manager where we can either enable or disable them. The location of those programs are ...
Martin Larra's user avatar
-2 votes
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Launching Visual Studio 2022 Community edition... how?

I've just installed VS-CE under Windows, after the install it started up, I even managed to build and run a simple GUI project. I shut the IDE down, but when I tried to start it up later there was no ...
BruceV's user avatar
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Why does this Vim command not execute properly?

I am trying to write a simple dashboard for vim. When I try and centre the text, it does not work. If I type each command in manually it works. But when I use it in a command it doesn't work. Here is ...
Liam Bunyan's user avatar
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How can I run a piece of code only once at the first start of the application in jetpack compose kotlin?

My question is about how can I run a piece of code only once at the first launch of the app in kotlin, jetpack-compose? I have, for instance, some list initializations which I want to perform only ...
jakeprog123's user avatar
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Powershell open 2 specific urls on different monitors

I have a surface laptop 5 that I use with a dock to connect it to 3 monitors. I have a main widescreen and then 2 27" monitors on top. I want to open a specific url on the top left monitor and ...
z jonny's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why did the log record is normal, but Apache IoTDB is still unable to connect in host mode of docker network?

I use the host mode in docker network to build 1 ConfigNode and 1 DataNode system of Apache IoTDB. The log record is in in normal startup status (mentioned that the DataNodes are all set up), but the ...
shuww's user avatar
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How to ask Firefox to open two or more windows (with specific URLs) on startup?

I have a use case say I am using one window as a window to browse the internet, another one having a web application open. How can I make Firefox open two windows with specific URLs on startup? I know ...
user220551's user avatar
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How do I restore access for the Powershell to the C:\Windows\system32\powershell.exe path?

a while ago my antivirus (360 total security free version) for some reason flagged the powershell as a virus or something and modified its settings. If I remember correctly it quarantined some file ...
Tornike Dokhnadze's user avatar
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How to add a middleware before the application starts up in FastAPI?

Using Lifespan Events and Middleware, I would like to add a middleware inside an asynccontextmanager (at application startup). It should look something like this: @asynccontextmanager async def ...
Dante's user avatar
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Express + Typescript how to improve server startup time?

All the time measurements I'm talking here are about the dev server started with nodemon app.ts First of all, here is my compiler config (tsconfig.json): { "compilerOptions": { &...
Harkan's user avatar
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In C# Windows Service, how do I run an app before LogonUI?

I would like to achieve a similar result to BitDefender's Rescue Environment — running an interactive GUI before the login screen appears. The console app is also okay, but if Winforms (or something ...
ymqn's user avatar
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How to open all folders in CWD as tmux windows

I would like to find out how to open all folders in CWD as tmux windows. Imagine you are in the terminal and you have folders ls -al folder1 folder2 folder3 ... I would like to achieve that ech ...
user2156115's user avatar
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Anaconda navigator does not start every time my laptop is turned off

The anaconda navigator does not start every time is laptop is turned off. I tried to open Spyder via the anaconda prompt, but then a message occurs see the image. ( ...
Tessa's user avatar
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setting guifont in .vimrc does not work Windows 11

Using GVIM version 9 on Windows 11 23H2, I use Edit > Select Font to choose Lucida Console size 12 and it works as expected. When I type :set guifont? I see set guifont=Lucida_Console:h12:cANSI:...
Mark Colan's user avatar
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For a two-stage cluster deployed in Apache IoTDB, why the confignode of the second server cannot be started and added to the seed confignode?

I have a two-stage cluster deployed using Apache IoTDB. The first server has been started successfully, but the second server cannot be started successfully. The confignode of the first server has ...
leonbear's user avatar
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Fresh MongoDB Community Edition install will not start (Installed through a fresh Homebrew install)

I had Homebrew install for many years. A few weeks ago, I installed MongoDB Community through Homebrew. I was able to start MongoDB and connect to it by mongosh. I restarted my computer and MongoDB ...
user2517182's user avatar
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How to deal with the status of the third confignode in Apache IoTDB cluster to running?

I am now using version 1.3.0 of Apache IoTDB and already build up cluster using IoTDB. Why does the third ConfigNode in my cluster need a while of time to change from unknown status to running status? ...
Monster Zhang's user avatar

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