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Design timeout handling in Spring Integration & MQ

I am working on an application that is being restructured to be consistently async. It was, and still is, based on Spring Integrations. Being a payment gateway, I can refer to the ISO 20022 standard, ...
usr-local-ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ's user avatar
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Deserialization Error in Kafka JMS Consumer: "Unknown magic byte 123"

I'm working on a Java application that consumes messages from a Kafka topic using a JMS listener within a Spring framework. The application is supposed to process user events from the USER_EVENT topic....
Arman's user avatar
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IBM MQ Message stuck in queue

We are facing issue with messages getting stuck in remote queue at random instant. The application uses selectors to consume messages. The messages are consumed again if the client application is ...
farook's user avatar
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Apache camel JMS transacted component performance improvement

I'm working in a project where I'm using Apache camel with Quarkus. There is a route that is consuming messages from IBM MQ. I've initialized a JMS component globally with transacted=true. But ...
Arjun's user avatar
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How to immediately stop execution of Spring JmsListener?

In my Java Spring Boot 3 application I have a simple JmsListener for Oracle AQ: import com.example.webfluxexample.model.MessageInfo; import jakarta.jms.Message; import jakarta.jms.ObjectMessage; ...
Georgii Lvov's user avatar
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JMS issue as Java 8 is migrated to Java 17 with Jakarta 10

I am migrating my java application from Java 8 spring 5.3.x to Java 17, Spring 6.0.0 with JakartaEE 10 feature enabled in open liberty server. I am facing issue with JMS configuration I guess which ...
Soul Stealer's user avatar
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How can I limit the number of created connection when I connect to Solace using qpid JMS library in an Apache Beam application?

My Apache Beam application sends messages to a Solace queue. To send the message, I use the Apache Qpid JMS library and Java Messaging Service (JMS). However, when I launch my application, more than ...
Vincent Doba's user avatar
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In Azure Service Bus how to send a message to dead letter queue with a "DeadLetterReason" with JMS?

I'm building a service around Azure Service Bus with Java Language and Spring framework using JMS listeners. I could figure out a way to send a message directly to the DeadLetterQueue, without waiting ...
Blackarrow's user avatar
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Azure Service Bus and Azure Container Apps - Redeploy fails as there alread is a client using tha sub against that topic

I have a (Java 21/EE10 on WildFly 33) container that connects to Azure Service Bus using JMS 2.0 (Hence ESB Premium Tier). All is well. However when redeploying (or even restarting) the POD the @...
Gerry Askefalk's user avatar
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javax.naming.NamingException: javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: org.apache.qpid.amqp_1_0.jms.jndi.PropertiesFileIniti

We are using jMeter 5.5 & JMS Publisher addon to publish messages to relevant queues via AMPQ. I have installed the following libraries/packages within jMeter config, and installed Java 11 on ...
JDY28's user avatar
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How to resolve IBM MQ call failed with compcode '2' ('MQCC_FAILED') reason '2035' ('MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED')

I have a Spring project where I need to connect to IBM MQ to send and receive messages from but I'm getting the below exception:- IBM MQ call failed with compcode '2' ('MQCC_FAILED') reason '2035' ('...
dope's user avatar
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ActiveMQ subscribe every n messages from a topic?

Assume messages are published very frequently on some topic and cause extreme network load to subscribe to all of the messages. In reality, we may just want a sample of these, say one every 10 ...
rb612's user avatar
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JMSCMQ0001: IBM MQ call failed with compcode '2' ('MQCC_FAILED') reason '2035' ('MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED') with, version

Some legacy code is running on a mainframe that uses JMS classes to connect to MQ. The older version uses Java 8, Java EE with Spring 5 and IBM-provided JARs:,, com....
Barat Sahdzijeu's user avatar
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Can't send a message send a message from DLQ in Payara, I get a javax.jms.IllegalStateException: MQJMSRA_DS4001: commit():Illegal for a non-transacted

I'm using Payara 5.2022.5 public void resubmitMessages(boolean resubmitAll) throws Exception { log.debug("DLQService: resubmitMessages()"); InitialContext ctx = null; ...
JustinKSU's user avatar
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Can't get existing JMS message from DLQ on Payara 5.2022.5

I'm trying to reprocess messages from the dead letter/message queue (DLQ). In the method below I'm getting null when I do dlqConsumer.receive(5000) on Payara 5.2022.5. Where as when I used a ...
JustinKSU's user avatar
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Getting two consumers in a JmsListenerContainerFactory to process messages sequentially

I have a class that implements JmsListenerContainerFactory with the following parameters: factory.setSessionTransacted(true); factory.setConcurrency("1"); factory.setAutoStartup(true); And ...
Effi T's user avatar
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Quarkus Reactive Messaging - Exception Handler

We use Quarkus Messaging (with the "smallrye-jms" extension in order to connect to IBM MQ) with a converter to transform the messages received in strings, into a Java object. When receiving ...
JYC's user avatar
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Trigger TestNG test failure from JMS message

Under TestNG I'm trying to make a test fail when a message is received via jakarta.jms-api-3.1.0 The connection is set up & the MessageConsumer is started. During a test method, the main app sends ...
timmacp's user avatar
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Failed to remote connect via JMX to embedded ActiveMQ Artemis

I am using embedded ActiveMQ Artemis 2.38.0 for testing. I created embedded ActiveMQ Artemis as follows: Configuration mqConfig = new ConfigurationImpl(); server = new EmbeddedActiveMQ(); mqConfig....
user28089685's user avatar
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JMSCC0111: IBM MQ classes for JMS attempted to set a pre-existing client ID on a Connection or JMSContext

I am seeing the below error even after I specify the subscriber client id in the the properties file. I am using Spring Boot 3.3.4 2024-10-28T15:47:30.173-04:00 WARN 14156 --- [(2)-] o.s....
user3919727's user avatar
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Set MQ Channel attributes and MQ client TCP initialization attributes programmatically in Java for IBM MQ client

I have a mqclient.ini file which contains TCP level settings such as ClntRcvBuffSize, ClntSndBuffSize, Connect_Timeout, KeepAlive and SSL settings such as OutboundSNI, AllowTLSV13, etc. Also I have a ...
Girish Bhole's user avatar
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How to configure JMS for RabbitMQ on Mac

I am using the RMQClient as a Cocoapod. RabbitMQ is running in a Docker instance. I have successfully managed to get the RabbitMQ running and I can now pass messages from one process to another. ...
Wouter's user avatar
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JmsTemplate with CachingConnectionFactory & Load balancer

I am using Spring's JmsTemplate, CachingConnectionFactory, and JmsTransactionManager to commit or rollback sending messages to IBM MQ. I have multiple MQ hosts, and on top of it have a load balancer ...
VKR's user avatar
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Trying to delete messages from a JMS topic without consuming

I have been working on some code to delete messages from a JMS topic without having them be consumed from our DB (due to some issues with our DB). I figured out that there is no dedicated method for ...
john williams's user avatar
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Sonic MQ 12.0 not able to connect with Spring Boot 3.3.1 version

While creating ConnectionFactory by using TopicConnectionFactory with the latest version of spring boot 3.3.1, facing issue like jakarta package is expected by progress.message.jclient....
Nageshwar's user avatar
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Is creating a JMSContext from ConnectionFactory for each HTTP request good for a high load environment?

New to JMS implementation. Doing this in Quarkus When getting a http request from user, then to place that request inside the requestQueue , creating an instance of JMSContext from connectionFactory ...
agarwal_achhnera's user avatar
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How to configure Quarkus for JMS with RabbitMQ

I want to implement JMS request-reply model so that user synchronous request can be served in a non-blocking fashion to serve a large number of request. Want to go with RabbitMQ. Quarkus documentation ...
agarwal_achhnera's user avatar
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JBoss 7.4.12 JMS connectivity with Spring JMS 6.1.5

When I create a producer using Java Spring in my logs I am getting: Failed to Convert property value of type org.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.client.ActiveMQJMSConnectionFactory to required type ...
Thiru ranjith's user avatar
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Azure Service Bus | AMQPS | Unstable Every month | Unknown error from remote peer

It happens yesterday too and message starts from following: 2024-09-19 23:36:18.880 INFO 1776090 --- [569306cb73d7:39] org.apache.qpid.jms.JmsSession : A JMS MessageConsumer has been closed:...
fatherazrael's user avatar
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Error when login into publisher, admin or devportal

IM getting this error when i try to access publisher, admin portal o devportal login `TID: [] [] [2024-09-18 12:18:31,806] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.common.jms.JMSListener} - JMS Provider is not ...
Javier's user avatar
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Spring-Jms DefaultMessageListenerContainer ADT payloads Issue

I am working on a Springboot (1.5.14.RELEASE) and I upgraded that to Springboot 3.3.2. I have an oracleAQ queue and I was using XmlMessageListenerContainer (Because my payloadtype is "SYS".&...
raVen's user avatar
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Getting SSLHandshakeException With Apache Nifi ConsumeJMS using JNDI Configurations

Hi We are configuring ConsumeJMS Processor using JNDI Controller service and ConsumeJMS Properties. as Shown here. and the controller service configurations are as follow. This works perfectly in ...
Akash Rai's user avatar
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JMS(AMQP) to PubSub

I'm working on setting up a GCP dataflow job that pushes JMS messages to PubSub. I set up the job using the "JMS to PubSub" flex template using my queue (amqp). Apparently the job doesn't ...
redhim's user avatar
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Encountered wire format negotiation timeout: peer did not send his wire format

Getting following exception when running component test. Environment setup: JDK 17 jakarta.jms:jakarta.jms-api:3.1.0 OS: Windows WSL Docker: activemq:latest running on Rancher Desktop build.gradle ...
ERK's user avatar
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How do we run ConsumeJMS Processor with custom keystore / truststore

I have ConsumeJMS Processor in Nifi, which i have setup using JndiJmsConnectionFactoryHandler. I want to execute this nifi processor with a custom keystore. like how we do when we run java class as ...
Akash Rai's user avatar
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Handling client failover for independent servers without built-in `failover` protocol from ActiveMQ Classic

TL;DR: I'm migrating from ActiveMQ Classic to ActiveMQ Artemis and need to manually handle client failover between two independent servers. The failover: protocol from ActiveMQ Classic is not ...
LenC's user avatar
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Consumer not able to consume messages from queue - ActiveMQ Artemis

I would like to consume messages using the JMS Listener, However the listener is not able to consume the messages. This is my configuration for Artemis embedded broker. @Component @EnableJms public ...
John kid's user avatar
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OSB JMS proxy calling REST service: no redelivery on http errors

I have a JMS topic with Redelivery parameters set and a proxy service for it that routs a message to some REST business service. In case of transport (network) errors everything works as expected: the ...
Dmytro's user avatar
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BackOff and transactional not working for message handling only for listener setup

I have a IbmMqEndpoint that receives messages. What I want is the message to remain on the original queue, if an error occurs during message processing. The following implementation works flawlessly ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Is it possible to remove messages from an ActiveMQ Artemis queue that don't have an attribute?

I'd need to remove messages from a DLQ in ActiveMQ Artemis that don't have an attribute set. As I understand, the JMX operation removeMessages(string) supports a filter expression, but I'm not sure if ...
Carla's user avatar
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Parallelize one topic messages over multiple JMS connections?

Say I have JMS topic A and a single JMS connection to the broker C. A has many messages that are extremely large and so when they are sent over a single connection, C, it frequently backs up and the ...
rb612's user avatar
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How do we integrate Nifi ConsumeJMS with ActiveMQ Artemis

I have been trying to make changes in existing NiFi code and include certificate and few details from local, which is working and we are able to connect to ActiveMQ Artemis 2.33.0. The issue is that ...
Akash Rai's user avatar
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How to make an ActiveMQ Artemis consumer terminal client stay active without counting messages?

I need an ActiveMQ Artemis consumer instance running on my terminal, but there's a counter of messages that closes the broker's connection when a certain amount of messages is reached, e.g.: Consumer ...
Paulo's user avatar
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How to setup SSL for Weblogic java client without env variables

I'm using WebLogic Server 14.1.1 Thin T3 Jakarta client from Oracle's official website to consume messages from a WebLogic JMS queue. My problem is that the WebLogic server I need to consume from has ...
Niko Arts's user avatar
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JWSMWQ0018: Failed to connect to queue manager remotely fails but local works fine

As stated in my title. I am trying to connect to my IBM queue and locally this works all fine. The moment I try to do it remotely with all the same settings etc it fails given the known error ...
Thomarkey's user avatar
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NamingException when attempting to add JMS Resource

I'm trying to carve out a legacy feature to put it in a standalone Spring Boot Application. I had better success adding a DataSource Resource programmatically, but currently trying to add a JMS ...
onogram's user avatar
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How to set acknowledgement mode UNORDERED_ASKNOWLEDGEMENT for concurrent SQS listeners using JMS

We are using JMS library for consuming SQS messages. UNORDERED_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT was working fine till concurrency was not into picture. However for concurrency when I injected following bean, all my ...
SWA PSTG's user avatar
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How can I achieve UNORDER_ACKNOWLEDGMENT using Spring JMS

In my spring application, there are a few listeners. I've noticed that when deploying the application, I see the following message pretty rarely: Rejecting received message because of the listener ...
Bob213's user avatar
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Restrict number of concurrent consumers on shared JMS queue

I have multiple CXF web services consuming messages from the same JMS queue based on message selectors. It is not ideal but it works and I am not going to challenge that. For performance reasons, I'd ...
Stov's user avatar
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Limit the number of active consumed messages [closed]

Our flow today is; multiple servers send messages to an ActiveMQ Queue and a MDB (consumer) with maxSession=100 polls this Queue. The MDB reads the message and delivers the message to other third ...
canEE's user avatar
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