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Is it possible to create an app to read the heart rate sensor of an Apple watch?

How to read heart rate directly from Apple watch sensor use a custom app (not indirect access via HealthKit)? All available documents suggests using HKWorkoutSession, but without any information as ...
codeheadache's user avatar
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How to get the data that you wear the Apple watch on your left-hand or right-hand

I want to get the data that you wear the Apple watch on your left-hand or right-hand. In addition, I hope to know the way to get the data that your Digital Crown is on the right or left of the Apple ...
sakai's user avatar
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Launch a function of an iPhone app from my Apple Watch?

I have an app opened on my iPhone, I would like to know if there is a way to call remotely a function of this app from my apple-watch (watchOS 3) by simply tapping a button? The function concerned ...
Jeff 974's user avatar
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How to run background process in watchOS?

I have made my first app for apple watch and faced with impossible to send data every 10 seconds to my backend . Application is frozen when display turns off and running again from scratch when ...
Ilya Egorov's user avatar
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Launching the parent application from the watch app

How can I launch the parent application in background mode on the iPhone directly from the watch? On Endomondo watch app when you press "start", the parent application will launch itself in the ...
Oskar Gusgård's user avatar
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What causes a complication to go blank in watchOS?

I've been debugging a complication of mine for several weeks now, and I am completely unable to figure out what runtime behavior (crash? hang? out of budget?) causes it to go completely blank. I've ...
RealCasually's user avatar
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3 answers

WatchKit: reloadRootControllers not removing controller (object persists, I want it to get destroyed)

I am trying to implement a login-scheme in WatchKit (whether or not having the user type data into his Watch shouldn't be of concern here) which means that after logging in, the user should see a view ...
user2875404's user avatar
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WKInterfaceLabel goes dark after reaching a certain height

I am trying to display a lot of data in a WKInterfaceLabel. At some point I've realized that the label goes dark entirely at long texts. At first I thought it's to do with the amount of lines but ...
Trangler's user avatar
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Apple Watch app AVSpeechSynthesizer not working in background

In my watchkit extension capability section there is no option to check the checkbox for audio in background mode section. I have also checked apple doc . They are only 3 exception. 1) NSURLSession ...
Aanchal Chaurasia's user avatar
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Touch detection on watchOS

I want to detect the state similar to "touchesBegan" and "touchesEnded" on watchOS by using WKTapGestureRecognizer. But following codes always return state no.3 (touches ended). - (IBAction)...
user18406's user avatar
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Read Heart Rate in Apple Watch Series 3 without creating an app on the Watch

Is it possible to read/sync the Heart Rate data from Apple watch series 3 without creating a watch app? I want my iPhone app to read data directly from the Apple Watch without having to create an app ...
Abdallah Alaraby's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I use App Center to release my Apple Watch app (iOS/watchOS) in Swift for beta testing?

I'm an experienced S/W engineer, but new to Apple and wish to distribute my app for beta testing to remote testers with Windows PCs (no Mac's). I know other beta systems (Crashlytics) don't support ...
alan.raceQs's user avatar
2 votes
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Delivery failure while sending a message from WatchOS app to iOS app

In my InterfaceController I have the following code: @IBAction func buttonClicked() { if (WCSession.default.isReachable) { let message = ["Message": "Hello"] WCSession....
abcom's user avatar
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WatchKit present a SKScene from another unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an optional value

I want to present a SpriteKit scene from another SKScene in my WatchKit app. Here is my code: class GameScene: SKScene, SKPhysicsContactDelegate { var scene2: Scene2! @IBOutlet var skInterface: ...
Swift1's user avatar
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WatchKit Custom Interface for Recording Audio

Is it possible to use our own Interface UI for WatchOS's recording instead of: presentAudioRecorderControllerWithOutputURL
tzuer's user avatar
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swift Timer not responding from method call

Something really odd is happening with my code. I made a rather simple Timer function that is triggered by button. The button calls a first method, then the method use another function to do the ...
Nicolas Kalogeropoulos's user avatar
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Xcode error while archiving: No such file or directory

I am trying to archive an App to generate an Adhoc version and I'm getting this error: /Users/XX/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/XX-agdiwzkbuiqgyudhcwqimxlyeiqc/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/...
Letaief Achraf's user avatar
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Access to Watchkit Core Data

I'm trying to save data into Watchkit Extension CoreData, but I don't get the way to do this. In iOs case, you do this: let context = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate!)....
ainovela's user avatar
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Cannot build watchOS extension

I am adding WatchOS version to an already existing iOS App. I'm developing using Swift and using iCarousel, an Objective-C library, I added that manually by copying the .h and .m files in my project. ...
Ashik's user avatar
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WatchOS 3 - How does one tell if the parent app is in the foreground?

I want to make a remote control type of watchkit app where I can trigger certain things on screen in my parent app via the watch. When the watch app starts, I display a label stating that it is ...
SolidSnake4444's user avatar
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Using images in the main Xcode project for Watch app

I have a watch application and I will display images in it. Those images are already included in IOS application so I don't want to copy them into watch app as well. How to use images in IOS side (not ...
birdcage's user avatar
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Sharing the data model between watchapp and its complication

I am trying to learn how to develop watchapps for the Apple Watch, and one thing seems a bit difficult to me: how's data supposed to be shared between the watchapp and the complication controller? ...
francisaugusto's user avatar
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Interpreting crash at nopl

Using swift I have a reproducible crash that occurs when I try to run a function a second time on my watch app. Whenever the crash happens, Xcode gives me the EXC_BREAKPOINT as a nopl command in the ...
sn8wman's user avatar
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2 answers

WKCrownSequencer not working after going back to main interface controller

I have a WKCrownSequencer that triggers an action in my pushed interface controller and the first time through everything works fine. When I go back to root interface controller regardless of the ...
Kodie Artner's user avatar
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Check if watch app is in frontmost state

Is there any way to find if watch app is in frontmost (from iPhone or not)? The problem is that when the watch app is in frontmost state, it accesses both the applicationWillResignActive() and ...
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Any can not be used with dictionary literal

I was trying to use segue with context on WatchKit, and i ran into this issue: Contextual type '[Any]' cannot be used with dictionary literal Here is the code i was using: override func ...
carl127773's user avatar
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How to open App Store from a watchOS app?

Suppose I have a Pro version of the watchOS app, and I want to redirect user to the App Store on the iPhone. How to achieve this? I tried to use WatchConnectivity. In the iOS app I have the following ...
kelin's user avatar
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Function when WatchKit timer ends

I have a watchkit timer, However, I have no idea how to perform an action like a notification or segue when the timer ends. Any ideas? @IBOutlet var sceneTimer: WKInterfaceTimer! override func ...
whatamidoinggg's user avatar
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swift WatchConnectivity running in background - ApplicationContext is not running all the time

I want to know a better way to send (with iPhone) message to Watch (in background). Currently i use: session.update(applicationContext: package, completion: nil) for sending messages to Watch and ...
user avatar
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CLKComplicationServer initializes an already initialized singleton class CLKComplicationDataSource, although init() is private

To update complications on the watch, I use a singleton class ComplicationController (irrelevant code has been omitted below): final class ComplicationController: NSObject, ...
Reinhard Männer's user avatar
3 votes
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swift how to share data between Watch and iPhone on background

I have a functional application for sharing the data between iPhone and Watch (share text) and I want to make it work even when the watch is set on background (send data from iPhone to Watch when ...
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swift watch connectivity quits unexpectedly

I made a watchOS connectivity application and it works. Now I'm trying to make a dedicated classes for Connection at iPhone and Watch. For the iPhone connectivity class I have this (I also have other ...
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Programmatically notification on apple watch. (WatchOS 3)

How I can programmatically make the notification appear only on the apple watch and only when the event occurs. I searched for a long time on the Internet and in the documentation but did not find the ...
farabiDev's user avatar
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Watch Connectivity - sendMesssage called when viewDidLoad or app is launched

I try to send the identifier vendor from IOS app to WatchKit extension when the App is Launched or the view has been loaded using watch connectivity and sendMessage method. It works perfectly when I ...
Van's user avatar
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Can Apple Watch workout metadata use JSON strings?

I've got a working Apple Watch workout app. My metadata saves and all workout data flows to iPhone. I'm also able retrieve and display the data. But when i try to add arrays converted to ... json ...
Sean Rice's user avatar
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Unable to get INSendPaymentIntent work with SiriKit on watchOS (3.2 and 4)

I need to finish watchOS sirikit payment app (as a companion app for the iPhone app obviously). The same framework, logic for intent and handler are working on iOS. I developed the intent and ...
Kevv Keka's user avatar
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My app will run on watchOS 3.2 but it loads indefinitely on watchOS 3.1

So I created a simple app that shows one's ether balance on the watch. The problem is while it runs as it is supposed to on watchOS 3.2 it just won't load on watchOS 3.1 (both an actual watch and the ...
Alina Rosa's user avatar
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WatchKit Moving SpriteNode with WKCrownDelegate

I am using the WatchKit framework, and using the class WKCrownDelegate. I am trying to move my spriteNode Named "PLAYER" in x direction using the Digital Crown of the Apple Watch. in the console I see ...
Edmond Taroian's user avatar
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WKRefreshBackgroundTask doesn't working

I'm trying to do my watch app running in the background mode. For starting doing this, I copied the example from this apple guide:
ainovela's user avatar
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Where Can I Intercept NSXPCConnectionInterrupted?

OK. I have an app that is in regular communication with a Watch. They are running apps that can do iOS 10.0 or greater, and WatchOS 3.0 or greater. I don't care about less. When the iOS app gets ...
Chris Marshall's user avatar
6 votes
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In apple iWatch background task is not getting called or triggering with schedule time

Update location when a task is triggered when the app in background. But unable to execute a task with background mode. My sample code with scheduleBackgroundRefreshWithPreferredDate is as below [...
Ashish's user avatar
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4 votes
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Can't get Apple Watch complication to update in WatchOS 3

I can't get the Apple Watch Complication to update/refresh in WatchOS 3. I I'm using the following code in my ComplicationController.swift file. func getSupportedTimeTravelDirections(for ...
user8175227's user avatar
3 votes
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watchOS: Can I start a system workout?

I'd like to have watchOS or iOS start a particular HKWorkoutConfiguration when I press a button in my app. However, I'd prefer to launch the watchOS' Workout app, rather than my own watchOS app. (The ...
bryanjclark's user avatar
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Is alternative icon available for watchOS?

Since iOS 10.3, developers can set alternative icons which is very nice. Is it supported in the companion watchOS app? My app was recently rejected due to this. Specifically, we noticed that for ...
Harry Ng's user avatar
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How can I use relative dates like "Today" or "Tomorrow" in a watchOS complication?

I have a watchOS complication that shows information about what's happening either on the current day or on some future day. As with any complication, I have a CLKComplicationDataSource set up with ...
robotspacer's user avatar
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Third party apps in Apple Watch without internet

I'm trying to compare the possibilities of use beetween Apple WatchOS and Android Wear when it comes to using them without the phone nearby. And without conection to internet (Wi-Fi). I own a Android ...
Manuel Serrano's user avatar
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WatchOS 3 : Why does WCSession never activate on iPhone?

I am creating a simple app that involves communication between an Apple Watch and an iPhone. Currently using an iPhone 6s (10.3.2) with WatchOS 3.2.2 I cannot get the two to communicate, and I ...
JimmyTube's user avatar
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Can I sync a SQLite.swift database to WatchOS?

I have an application that uses SQLite.swift to save a list of shopping items. It works quite well, and is deeply rooted in the app. But I've been getting asked to make a WatchOS app that has the same ...
odonckers's user avatar
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How to implement WatchKit sliding button?

Is there a way to implement a sliding button on the watch, similar to the power button linked below? power off screen from watch
Nick M's user avatar
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Accessing Documents Folder on Apple watch through GUI

According to the App Programming Guide for watchOS it is possible to store data in a Documents folder in the watch app. My code also seems to be doing this sucessfull, as there are no errors. ...
Mirko Fetter's user avatar

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